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E-Mailed NRC Information Request for Braidwood Station - IP71152 Documents and Support Requested for Onsite Review Sent 10/17/18 (DRS-M.Holmberg)
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Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/17/2018
Download: ML18291B316 (1)


NRC Information Request (10-17-2018) - IP 71152 - Braidwood Station -

Documents and Support Requested for Onsite Review.

On November 19, 2018, the NRC will conduct an inspection sample (Annual Follow-Up of Selected Issues) in accordance with IP 71152 Problem Identification and Resolution (1 Sample). The sample selected is associated with a 10CFR Part 21 notification Westinghouse made to the NRC (Westinghouse LTR-NRC-18-34, dated May 23, 2018). The specific issue is associated with wear of thermal sleeves in the control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) penetration tubes which could have a safety consequence that was not previously considered.

In order to minimize the impact to your onsite resources, and to ensure a productive inspection, please provide copy of the documents below to the NRC Resident Office on or before the entrance meeting scheduled for November 19, 2018. Please direct questions on this request to the lead inspector Mel Holmberg at or 630 829-9748.

Documents/records that demonstrate completion of, or implementation of, actions identified in letter MRP-2018-027 NEI 03-08 Needed Inspection Guidance for PWR CRDM Thermal Sleeve Wear dated August 31, 2018. The documents requested apply to each Unit and should include applicable:

a. Corrective action records with completed and planned actions to resolve the issue (e.g. AR 04140602 Westinghouse Part 21 For Control Rod Drive Mechanism Thermal Sleeves and AR 04141002 Followup Westinghouse Part 21 For Control Rod Drive Mechanism Thermal Sleeves).
b. Thermal sleeve examination and measurement records (e.g. examination results for each CRDM thermal sleeve including a copy of the examination and/or measuring procedures applied to obtain these results).


History of thermal sleeve or guide funnel repairs and impact on thermal sleeve wear measurements.

d. Drawings of thermal sleeve and reactor head configurations that support examinations completed on the thermal sleeves.
e. Analysis/evaluations completed on thermal sleeve wear to include wear rates measured or calculated for each thermal sleeve location in both Units.


Acceptance criteria applied for thermal sleeve wear and the basis for this criteria (e.g. PWROG-16003-P or plant specific criteria).

g. Thermal sleeve inspection schedule, reinspection schedule and the basis for these schedules.
h. Thermal sleeve mitigation or repair plans.


Evaluations of the potential impact of this issue on existing NRC commitments to aging management programs that support your license renewal application.


Estimate of the Effective Full Power Years (EFPY) of operation for each Braidwood Unit as of August 2018.

ADAMS Accession Number: ML18291B316