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Ert Issues List for April 17, 2005 Rx, Trip and Safety Injection
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/18/2005
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML051460161 (4)




~J ~ Millstone 3 I3RT Issues List for April 17, 2005 Rx, Trip and Safety Injection I,


-_ I . I Issue ^d.r b Equipment or Start CR Number Response

_ _/k O Administrative up BiligIssue

_ fux Building Filter hi temp - decision to Administrative Y Interview SM determine thought process he went thru.

not declare inoperable or determine problem l Should he lhave considered the Aux building filter inop FUnable to sample A/D SIG for activity, Administrative Y Existing CRs Review and prioritize items on hot and cold shutdown long-term equipment problem. Other long- (multiple) list.

term equipment problems? .

Terry Turbine tripped - vibs or overspeed? Equipment Y CR-05-03734 Engineering/Maintenance has the lead.

3CHS*V661 packing leak Equipment Y CR-05-03735 Significant packing leaks need SE help to understand 3CSMV5 lBpcigla qimn R0-33 why. SE will assist. I-3CHS*W851 IB packing Iak Equipment YCR-05-03735 Significant packing leaks need SE help to understand 0 why. SE will assist. ii CCP (hernal barrier valve fail closed Equipment Y CR Valve does have lockup solenoid to isolate valve to

. v 3748/3749 maintain open on loss of air. Did not work.

SIG safety lifting Equipment Y CR-05-03733 Engincering working out what to do with SG safeties

__ (22B, 22C and 24C)

Pzr safety light indications Equipment Y Need to definitively determine if PZR safeties lifted, and if not, why there was indication on the MCB they did.

Aux Building Filter hi temperature Equipment Y __ Which filter was running?

Leaking Pressurizer Porv pment Y Engineering has the lead.

D MSIV bottom closed light not work Equipment Y MOM behind control boards needs calibration.

Maintenance has the lead.

CS02/04 exceeded EEQ temperature limits Equipment Y Engineering to evaluate.

CS 03 exceeded tech spec limit________________________________________

Unable to sample A/D S/G for activity. Equipment Y Existing CRs Inoperable equipment complicates trip and recovery

_ multiple) actions. Lead is Engineering, MSIV Bypass Valves Equipment Y Existing CR Inoperable equipment complicates trip and recovery (x

_ (CR-04-044S2?) actions. Believe item is on the cold shutdown list.

SSPS A Universal card failure Equipment Y CR-05-03723 AWO M3-05-06296 Troubleshoot and/or replace Steam Generator Transient Evaluations Y CR-05-03725 Engineering Evaluation of Steam Generator Transient,

_ required by O'3263 step 1.16.1 w I' r Evaluation of Snubbers Evaluations Y CR-05-03728 Engincering Evaluation per step 1.1 6.2 of OP3263

'D L L1-I-

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Millstone 3 ERT Issucs List for April 17, 2005 Rx Trip and Safety Injection

I Dccision point for E-0 to ES-I.1 Administrative N Valid decision oint Decision point for transition to 3208 from Administrative N Valid decision.

ES-l. II VI Decision to go to E-0 RNO for MS[. Administrative N Need to interview STA, US and RO to determine who knew that MSJ bad occur. Howv they stayed in left hand w column Decision not to go to E-2 with Administrative N Correct decision, no SG depressurizing uncontrollably.

safety Condensate high temperature, no procedure Administrativc N Is this a problem with ES-L. or all EOP's? Is there to get to long recycle something in 3550 that would have helped?

Decision to not put CTMT vac pump in Administrative N Good decision; Would other SMIUS made that choice service with potential RCS leak. Possible rupture of PRT and CMS22 alarms. Traincd to put vacuum pump in service, it is even OK m

._ _ .with a known RCS leak.

Used FR-I. I to draw bubble Administrative N Good decision Letdown temperature hi, VCT at 130, RCP Administrative N Need to interview US and RO. When did this occur?

trip at 135 Was it a problem with procedure or operator action?

Decision to use 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> vs 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> for Administrative N Need to review with licensing wvas this correct decision safety inop No tools to close manual operated valves. Administrative N Old tool unsafe, new tool untested CBI-Could not get into control building Administrative N PEO's arc sent to control room after a SI. No training occurs as to correct path to enter control room. IE, thru the HVK chiller room.

Operations personnel are trained that Administrative N Review of the ESK indicates that the thermal overloads MSS*MOV74's can only be stroked 7 times are bypassed whcn the valve pushbutton is held. The 7 an hour, Valve was stroked many more strokes is a common engineering calc. But is not a times than that* physical limit. Need lo compare this to training on the 6

._ _simulator.

Uncertain about correct time to take Iodine Administrative N One part of the crew felt a change had recently occurred a sample moving the requirement to I hour. Need to talk with Chriss Miller and see if any read and signs went out on this.

0 C.

04/18/2005 12:56 PM 2 7!A;¢iB.- ....^.t:e>j tt} t

Millstone 3 ERT Issues List for April 17, 2005 Rx Trip and Safety Injection

,;U 3350 man ower limited Administrative N at Multiple seal injection filter plugged Administrafive N VI Multipic procedure steps in ES-1.1 needed Administrative N to be skipped lo get to 3208. Validate why this occurred. W No clean way to get into 3208 from ESIl , Administrative N Make similar changes to ES-I.I that exist in ES-0.1 a) compare it to ES-0. 1 Chemistry priorities for LiOHl and SIG Administrative N Distraction to operations.

chemicals, conflicted with priorities to move plant. 3 Aux boiler procedure has problems. Administrative N Consider a GA from EOPS _

Speakers hard to hear Administrative N Is there any PM to check the sound on all speakers- An I actual DB check?

EOF concerned about no sample on D S/G Administrative N Why did the BOP use'the SIG with no sample capability.

but that was SIG that was steamed the most Arc the operators aware of the concern of dumping steam with a small steam generator tube leak.

Decision to skip end of ES-1.1 to get to Administrative N Review skipped steps. Are they appropriately located.

3208 Should they have been done.

Decision to not classify at A lert for Administrative N This is an issue at U2. Need to check with EP to validate charging leak SM correct decision OP 3330C has good guidance for reducing Administrative. N Review EOP/AOP's determine if procedure links need to pressure in ctmt, but nothing sends us there be created PORV light not cycling Equipment N Review of real time indicates that the PORV's did cycle.

Discussion with the RO and the US indicates that the PORV light and alarm did come in. Many times the green light did not go off because of the speed of the

____cycle. ____

RCS Safety light alarm in Equipment N Initial indications are that the safety and PORV share a conmmon tail piece and the alarm might come in after a ML

._ _ _ _ eriod of tine. ERT engineer can review this.

32-3T Alternate Source light out Equipment N Bulb replaced. Closed out Manual engage turbine turning geam Equipment N Maintenance issue need CR 04/1/8/2005 12:56 PM 3

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Millstone 3 ERT Issues List for April 17, 2005 Rx Trip and Safety Injection -

-l B CDS chiller did not restart had to Equipment N Engincenng lo review CCP and CDS flow to the chiller. I condenscrpressure Is it low in band and would that explain this?

ERDS did not work Eauipment N IT found and eliminated a virus installed on the system. en Air Ejector, pencil size, leak noticed. Equipment N This problem appears on startup and shutdown.

Determine if this is normal. If not, submit CR to repair @

next outage.

Datafogger not work Equipnnent N Investigation required. What does this mean? What problem did they have. Need to generate CRrTR to maintenance once we know particulars. Dntalogger program reset and. _ function resumed. r Aux boiler trip on strainer hi dip Equipment N  ;;


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04/18/2005 12:56 PM 4

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