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Final - Section B Operating (Folder 3)
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 01/15/2005
From: Hynes C
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
To: Conte R
Conte R
Download: ML051240141 (99)


Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: BVPS Unit 1 Task No.: 0011-014-01-013 0535-006-04-013 Task


Raise Reactor Power To 1 6 AmDs JPM No.: 2005 NRC JPM S1 WA


001 A2.11 (4.414.7) 001 AA1.05 (4.314.2)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testina:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom Simulator X Plant READTO THE EXAMINEE Iwill explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: A reactor startup is in progress in accordance with 1OM-50.4.D, Reactor Startup From Mode 3 To Mode 2. The following conditions exist:

All shutdown bank rods are fully withdrawn.

Control Bank D is at 90 steps.

9 The estimated critical position is 120 steps on Control Bank D.

Task Standard: The reactor is tripped in response to inappropriate continuous control rod motion.

Required Materials: Estimated Critical Position & 1/M Plot General


1OM-50.4.D, Reactor Startup From Mode 3 To Mode 2, Rev. 43 1OM-53C., RCCA Control Bank Inappropriate Continuous Movement, Rev. 9 Handouts: 1OM-50.4.D, Reactor Startup From Mode 3 To Mode 2, Rev. 43 Estimated Critical Position & 1/M Plot Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you to withdraw control rods to criticality in accordance with 1OM-50.4.D, Reactor Startup From Mode 3 To Mode 2, beginning at Step IV.D.15.f.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 16 minutes BVPS-1 NRC JPM S1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Simulator Setup: Initialize IC-151 PW = NJPM Select FAST speed on NR-45.

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark) rNOTE: Provide Candidate with CODV of 1 N Plot and ECP. I START TIME:

Performance Step: 1 WHEN the Inverse Count Rate Ratio is less than 0.25, Reduce rod withdrawal intervals to 25 step increments.

(Step IV.D.15.f)

Standard: Candidate initiates rod withdrawal at less than 25 step increments.

CUE: As the Unit Supervisor, inform the Candidate the ICRR is less than 0.25 and to withdraw control rods at 5 step increments to take the reactor critical.


Performance Step: 2 Verify both source ranges HV Manual ON/OFF switches are in (Step IV.D.16.a) the NORMAL position.

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies both source range HV MANUAL CONTROL switches in NORMAL.

NOTE: This step occurs due to P-6 actuation and prior to reaching criticality.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 3 Record Source Range Neutron Level indications:

(Step IV.D.16.b) [NI-NI-31A] CPS

[NI-NI-32A] CPS Standard: Candidate locates and records SR counts for N31 and N32.


Performance Step: 4 Verify annunciators A4-85 and A4-87 N E SOURCE RANGE CH l(2) DETECTOR VOLTAGE TROUBLE, are ON.

(Step IV.D.16.c)

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies A4-85 and A4-87 in alarm.


Performance Step: 5 Select both IR channels to indicate on recorder NR-45.

(Step IV.D.16.d)

Standard: Candidate locates and places NI SYS RECORDER SEL SW 1 N45 and 2N45 to record IR channels N35 and N36.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM SI NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 4 Performance Step: 6 BLOCK the source range hi flux trip by placing the Block Source (Step IV.D.16.e) Range Trip Train A and Train B control switches to BLOCK.

Standard: Candidate locates and places BLOCK SOURCE RANGE TRIP TRAIN AlTRAIN 8 control switches in Block.


Performance Step: 7 Verify the Source Range High Voltage is de-energized.

(Step IV.D.16.f)

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies Source Range DETECTOR VOLTS indicate zero.


Performance Step: 8 Verify annunciators A4-85 AND A4-87, NIS SOURCE RANGE (Step IV.D.16.g) CHl(2) DETECTOR VOLTAGE TROUBLE, are OFF.

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies A4-85 AND A4-87 not in alarm.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 9 If the Source Range High Flux Trip signal is blocked prior to criticality, perform the following: (Otherwise N/A)

(Step IV.D.17)

Standard: Candidate determines step is N/A based on reactor criticality and source range high flux trips blocked.

NOTE: If the Candidate blocks the SR High Flux Trip before criticality, then Performance Steps 10 & 11 are to be performed.

If the SR High Flux Trip is NOT blocked prior to criticality, then continue with Performance Step 12.


Performance Step: 10 Suspend performance of the l / m plot.

(Step IV.D.17.a)

Standard: Candidate informs Unit Supervisor to suspend l / m plot CUE: Inform the Candidate as the Unit Supervisor, that the l / m plot has been suspended.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S i NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION J Performance Step: 11 Continue incremental rod withdrawal (at a rate determined by the SM, but not to exceed 25 step increments) until the reactor is (Step IV.D.17.b) critical as indicated by a stable positive startup rate, with no rod motion, on the intermediate range instrumentation once the prompt jump has receded.

Standard: Candidate continues withdrawing control rods to take the reactor critical.

CUE: Inform the Candidate as the Shift Manager to withdraw rods at no more than 5 step increments.

NOTE: The performance of Step 11 or Step 12 satisfies the Critical Task requirement for the JPM.


4 Performance Step: 12 Continue incremental rod withdrawal until the reactor is critical as indicated by a stable positive startup rate, with no rod motion, on (Step IV.D.18) the intermediate range instrumentation once the prompt jump has receded.

Standard: Candidate continues withdrawing control rods to take the reactor critical.

CUE: Inform the Candidate as the Shift Manager to withdraw rods at no more than 5 step increments.

NOTE: The performance of Step 11 or Step 12 satisfies the Critical Task requirement for the JPM.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION I NOTE: The following step begins the alternate path portion of the JPM.

Performance Step: 13 Determine that rods are withdrawing with NO demand signal.

Standard: Candidate determines from ROD STEP COUNTER CONTROL BK D GROUP 1 and GROUP 2 ROD POSITION indication that rods are withdrawing with NO demand signal.


4 Performance Step: 14 Trip the reactor in response to inappropriate continuous rod outward motion.

(AOP-1.1.3, Step 1 RNO)

Standard: Candidate trips the reactor in response to inappropriate continuous rod motion.

NOTE: Candidate may refer to AOP-1.1.3 and determine that a reactor trip is required based on Step 1 RNO.


Terminating Cue: When the Candidate trips the reactor, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 9 of 1 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JPM No.: 2005 NRC S1 Examinees Name:

Examiners Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Examiners Signature: Date:

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9


Appendix C Page 10 of 1 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INIT1AL CONDlTlONS: A reactor startup is in progress in accordance with 1OM-50.4.D, Reactor Startup From Mode 3 To Mode 2. The following conditions exist:

All shutdown bank rods are fully withdrawn.

Control Bank D is at 90 steps.

The estimated critical position is 120 steps on Control Bank D .

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you to withdraw control rods to criticality in accordance with 1OM-50.4.D, Reactor Startup From Mode 3 To Mode 2, beginning at Step IV.D.15.f.

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: BVPS Unit 1 Task No.: 0531-005-05-013 Task


Perform SI Termination IAW ES-1.l JPM No.: 2005 NRC JPM S2 WA


E02 EA1.3 (3.W4.0)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testina:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: rn The reactor was tripped and safety injection was actuated due to low RCS pressure.

rn The crew has entered ES-1.1 SI Termination.

I Task Standard: High head safety injection is aligned to provide flow to the RCS.

Required Materials: None General


1OM-53A. 1.ES-1.1 SI Termination, Issue 1C, Rev. 4 Handouts: 1OM-53A.1 .ES-1.l, SI Termination, Issue 1C, Rev. 4 Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you to perform the steps to terminate safety injection in accordance with ES-1.1, SI Termination.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 20 minutes BVPS-1 NRC JPM S2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Simulator Setup: Initialize IC-192 PW = NJPM BVPS-1 NRC JPM S2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


.( Performance Step: 1 Reset SI (Step 1)

Standard: Candidate locates and depresses SI Resetloverride Train A/Train B pushbuttons.

Standard: Candidate verifies Status Light Panel 62-4C is off and 62-4D is on.


.( Performance Step: 2 Reset CIA and CIB (Step 2)

Standard: Candidate locates and depresses CIA ReseVOverride Train A/

Train B and CIB Reset Override Train U r a i n B switches.

Standard: Candidate verifies A1-72, Containment Isolation Phase B clears.


Performance Step: 3 Stop All But One Charging Pump (Step 3)

Standard: Candidate locates and places 1CH-P-1A or 1B control switch in stop.

Standard: Candidate verifies white trip light on and red running light off.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 4 Check RCS Pressure - STABLE OR RISING (Step 4)

Standard: Candidate locates RCS pressure indication and verifies stable or rising.


Performance Step: 5 Isolate The BIT (Step 5.a) Close [MOV-1SI-867A, B]

Standard: Candidate locates MOV-1SI-867A, B control switches and places in Close.

Standard: Candidate verifies green close light on and red open light off for each valve.


Performance Step: 6 Isolate the BIT (Step 5.b) Close [MOV-1SI-867C, D]

Standard: Candidate locates MOV-1SI-867C, D control switches and places in Close.

Standard: Candidate verifies green close light on and red open light off for each valve.



BVPS-1 NRC JPM S2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 7 Establish Normal Charging Flow (Step 6.a) Close [FCV-1CH-1221 Standard: Candidate locates FCV-1CH-122 controller and places in Manual and closes valve.

Standard: Candidate verifies valve controller indicates 100% (Shut).


Performance Step: 8 Establish Normal Charging Flow (Step 6.b) Open [MOV-1CH-3101 Standard: Candidate locates MOV-1CH-310 control switch and places in open.

Standard: Candidate verifies red open light on and green close light off.


Performance Step: 9 Establish Normal Charging Flow (Step 6.c) Open [MOV-1CH-2891 Standard: Candidate locates MOV-1CH-289 control switch and places in open.

Standard: Candidate verifies red open light on and green close light off.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 10 Establish Normal Charging Flow (Step 6.d) Adjust [FCV-1CH-1221 to maintain required PRZR level Standard: Candidate locates FCV-1CH-122 controller and opens valve to re-establish charging flow.


Performance Step: 11 Control Charging Flow to Maintain PRZR Level (Step 7)

Standard: Candidate observes PRZR level indication and adjusts charging flow, as necessary to maintain PRZR level greater than 18%.


Performance Step: 12 Energize Stub Busses (Step 8.a) Check 41 60V stub busses - ENERGIZED Standard: Candidate locates and verifies ACB-1 E5, 1AE stub bus red closed light on and white trip light off.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 13 Energize Stub Busses (Step 8.a) Check 4160V stub busses - ENERGIZED Standard: Candidate locates and verifies ACB-1 F5, 1DF stub bus red closed light on and white trip light off.


Performance Step: 14 Energize Stub Busses (Step 8.b) Check 480V stub busses - ENERGIZED Standard: Candidate locates and verifies either boric acid transfer pumps or containment vacuum pumps indicating lights are lit.


Performance Step: 15 Verify CNMT Instrument Air - AVAILABLE (Step 9.a) Check Station Instrument Air Header Pressure - GREATER THAN 100 PSlG Standard: Candidate locates and verifies PI-1IA-106 pressure indicates greater than 100 psig.


BVPS-I NRC JPM S2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 16 Verify CNMT Instrument Air - AVAILABLE (Step 9.b) Verify [TV-1IA-4001- OPEN Standard: Candidate locates TV-1IA-400 and verifies red open light on and green closed light off.


Performance Step: 17 Verify CNMT Instrument Air - AVAILABLE (Step 9.c) Check CNMT instrument air header pressure - GREATER THAN 85 PSlG Standard: Candidate locates and verifies PI-1IA-lO6A indicates greater than 85 psig.


Performance Step: 18 Check If LHSl Pumps Should Be Stopped:

(Step 10.a) LHSl pumps - ANY RUNNING WITH SUCTION ALIGNED TO RWST Standard: Candidate locates and verifies 1SI-P-1A and 1B running.

Standard: Candidate verifies red running light on for each pump.

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies MOV-1SI-862NB open.

Standard: Candidate verifies red open light on and green closed light off for each valve.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 9 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 19 Check If LHSl Pumps Should Be Stopped:

(Step 10.b) Stop LHSl pumps and place in AUTO Standard: Candidate locates and places 1SI-P-1A and 1B control switches in Stop.

Standard: Candidate verifies white trip light on and red running light off for each pump.


Performance Step: 20 Reset SI Auto Recirc Changeover (Step 11)

Standard: Candidate locates and depresses SIS Auto Recirc Reset Train W r a i n B pushbuttons.


Performance Step: 21 Verify SI Flow Not Required (Step 12.a) RCS subcooling based on core exit TCs - GREATER THAN 46°F


Standard: Candidate locates ICCM display and verifies subcooling greater than 46°F.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 1Oof 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 22 Verify SI Flow Not Required (Step 12.b) PRZR level - GREATER THAN 18% [37% ADVERSE CNMT]

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies PRZR level indicates less than 18%.

Standard: Candidate determines that PRZR level is dropping and refers to RNO column step 12.b.


I NOTE: The following step begins the alternate path portion of the JPM. I 4 Performance Step: 23 Adjust charging flow to restore PRZR level.

(Step 12.b RNO)

Standard: Candidate locates and adjusts FCV-1CH-122 to restore PRZR level.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 11 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 4 Performance Step: 24 IF PRZR level can NOT be restored, THEN manually start SI pumps and align valves as necessary. GO TO E-1 , Loss Of (Step 12.b RNO)

Reactor Or Secondary Coolant, Step 1.

Standard: Candidate recognizes PRZR level cannot be maintained.

Standard: Candidate locates and manually operates the following equipment:

Standard: CH-P-1A or 1B, HHSVCharging Pump (non-running pump)


Standard: . SI-P-1A and 1B, LHSI Pumps MOV-1SI-867AI B, BIT Inlet lsol Valves Standard: MOV-1SI-867CI D, BIT Outlet lsol Valves NOTE: Candidate may choose to manually re-initiate SI as a direct means of starting SI pumps and realigning valves.


Terminating Cue: When the Candidate realigns SI pumps and valves, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 12 of 1 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JPM No.: 2005 NRC S2 Examinees Name:

Examiners Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SatisfactoryAJnsatisfactory Examiners Signature: Date:

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S2 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

~ ~~~ __

Appendix C Page 13 of 1 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDIT10NS: . The reactor was tripped and safety injection was actuated due

. to low RCS pressure.

The crew has entered ES-1.1, SI Termination.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you to perform the steps to terminate safety injection in accordance with ES-1. l , SI Termination.

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: BVPS Unit 1 Task No.: 01 11-011-01-013 Task


Isolate SI Accumulators Durina a LOCA JPM No.: 2005 NRC JPM 53 WA


009 EA1.13 (4.4/4.4)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testina:

Simulated Performance: Actual performance: X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: A LOCA has occurred. The crew is performing ES-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization.

Task Standard: SI Accumulators A and B are isolated. SI Accumulator C is vented.

Required Materials: Shorting Bars (3)



1OM-53.A. 1.ES-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization, Issue l C , Rev. 5 1OM-ll.4.H, Venting Safety Injection Accumulator [lSI-TK-1A (1B) (1C)]

Handouts: 1OM-53A.1 .ES-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization, Issue l C , Rev. 5 1OM-l1.4.H, Venting Safety Injection Accumulator [lSI-TK-1A (1B) (1C)]

1OM-53A.1.6-A, 0 F Plus Subcooling Based on Core Exit TCs, Issue 1C, Rev. 0 Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you to isolate the SI accumulators in accordance with ES-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization, Step 25.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 12 minutes BVPS-1 NRC JPM S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Simulator Setup: Initialize IC-196 PW = NJPM BVPS-1 NRC JPM S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 RCS subcooling based on core exit TCs - GREATER THAN SUBCOOLING LISTED ON ATTACHMENT 6-A (Step 25.a)

Standard: Candidate locates ICCM display and verifies RCS subcooling based on core exit TCs is greater than subcooling listed on Attachment 6-A.

CUE: Provide Candidate with a copy of Attachment &A.


Performance Step: 2 PRZR level - GREATER THAN 18% [37% ADVERSE CNMT].

(Step 25.b)

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies PRZR level indication is greater than 18%.


Performance Step: 3 Power to [MOV-1SI-865A, B, C] - AVAILABLE.

(Step 25.c)

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies power available to MOV-1SI-865A, B and C.

Standard: Candidate verifies red open light on for each valve.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 4 Performance Step: 4 Insert shorting bars into jacks for [MOV-1SI-865A, B, and C]

(Step 25.d)

Standard: Candidate locates and inserts shorting bars into jacks for MOV-1SI-865A, B, and C.

CUE: Provide Candidate with shorting bars as needed.


4 Performance Step: 5 Close [MOV-1SI-865A, B, C].

(Step 25.e)

Standard: Candidate locates MOV-1SI-865A and B control switches and places in Close.

Standard: Candidate verifies green close light on and red open light off for each valve.


4 Performance Step: 6 Close [MOV-1SI-865A, B, C].

(Step 25.e)

Standard: Candidate locates MOV-1SI-865C control switch and places in Close.

Standard: Candidate verifies red open light remains on indicating valve NOT closed.

NOTE: Valve is overridden in the Open position.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION I NOTE: The following step begins the alternate path portion of the JPM. I Performance Step: 7 Verify at least one station air compressor or the diesel air compressor is RUNNING.

(Step 25.e.l RNO)

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies 1SA-C-1A or 1B running.

Standard: Candidate verifies red running light on for at least one station air compressor.


Performance Step: 8 Verify [n/-1 IA-4001 OPEN.

(Step 25.e.2 RNO)

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies TV-1IA-400 is open.

Standard: Candidate verifies red open light on and green closed light off.


Performance Step: 9 Check CNMT instrument air header pressure - GREATER THAN 85 PSIG.

(Step 25.e.3 RNO)

Standard: Candidate locates PI-1IA-l06A and verifies containment instrument air header pressure indicates greater than 85 psig.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Stem 10 Vent anv unisolated accumulators to atmospheric pressure.

Refer t o 1OM-11.4.H, Venting Safety Injection Accumulators (Step 25.e.4 RNO)

[lSI-TK-lA(B) (C)r.

Standard: Candidate refers to 1OM-11.4.H to vent 1SI-TK-1C.

CUE: Provide Candidate with a copy of 1OM-l1.4.H.


Performance Step: 11 Check [HIC-1Sl-9361 SI ACC NSVent to Atm control, output is adjusted to Zero percent. (BB-A)

(Step IV.l)

Standard: Candidate checks HIC-1Sl-936output is adjusted to zero percent.

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies HIC-151-936 indicates zero percent.

CUE: If asked, inform Candidate that Radiation Protection does not require a nitrogen gas sample.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 12 Close [lSI-69], Nitrogen Supply to S.I. Accumulators (Aux Bldg, 7 6 8 near B.A Batch Tank).

(Step IV.2.a)

Standard: Candidate dispatches local operator to direct closing 1SI-69.

CUE: Local operator reports that 1SI-69is closed.


Performance Step: 13 If desired by the SWUS, Close 113-4371, Nitrogen Supply to Overpressure Protection System, (CNMT, At 1C SI ACC-692').

(Step lV.2.b)

Standard: No action required.

CUE: As Unit Supervisor, inform Candidate it is NOT desired to close 1Sl-437.


4 Performance Step: 14 Open [MOV-lSI-853C], (1C) SI Acc N2Sup lsol Vlv. (BB-A)

(Step IV.3)

Standard: Candidate locates and opens MOV-1SI-853C.

Standard: Candidate verifies red open light on and green closed light off.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

.I Performance Step: 15 Open [TV-1SI-101-11, SI Acc N2Sup lsol Vlv. (BB-A)

(Step IV.4)

Standard: Candidate locates and opens TV-1SI-101-1.

Standard: Candidate verifies red open light on and green closed light off.


.I Performance Step: 16 Open ~V-lSI-101-2],SI Acc N2Sup lsol Vlv. (BB-A)

(Step IV.5)

Standard: Candidate locates and opens TV-1SI-101-2.

Standard: Candidate verifies red open light on and green closed light off.


\I Performance Step: 17 Operate [HIC-1Sl-9361 (BB-A) to lower accumulator to the desired pressure as indicated on [PI-1SI-921 & 923 (925 & 927) (929 &

(Step IV.6) 931)]. (VB-A)

Standard: Candidate locates and operates HIC-1Sl-936to lower accumulator pressure.

Standard: Candidate verifies PI-19-929 & 931 indicate accumulator pressure is lowering.


Terminating Cue: When the Candidate verifies that accumulator pressure is lowering, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 9 of 10 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JPM No.: 2005 JPM S3 Examinees Name:

Examiners Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:


Result: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Examiners Signature: Date:

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 10 of 10 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: A LOCA has occurred. The crew is performing ES-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you to isolate the SI accumulators in accordance with ES-1.2, Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization, Step 25.

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9


Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: BVPS Unit 1 Task No.: 0211-012-01-013 0531-009-05-011 Task


Initiate Natural Circulation Cooldown JPM No.: 2005 NRC JPM S4 WA


002 A4.02 (4.3/4.5)

EO9 E A l . l (3.5/3.5)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testinq:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

.. A reactor trip has occurred and all RCPs were tripped.

The crew has transitioned to ES-0.2, Natural Circulation Cooldown.

The plant is stable with condenser steam dumps in automatic in the steam pressure mode.

Task Standard: RCS cooldown in progress using residual heat release valve.

Required Materials: None General


1OM-53A.1.ES-0.2, Natural Circulation Cooldown, Issue 1.C, Rev 4 1OM-53A.1.5-C, CRDM Fans Running - Natural Circulation Cooldown Subcooling Requirements Handouts: 1OM-53A.1.ES-0.2, Natural Circulation Cooldown, Issue 1.C, Rev 4 1OM-53A.1.5-C, CRDM Fans Running - Natural Circulation Cooldown Subcooling Requirements Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you to initiate an RCS cooldown in accordance with ES-0.2, Natural Circulation Cooldown, beginning at Step 5.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 15 minutes BVPS-1 NRC JPM S4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Simulator Setup: Initialize IC-194 PW = NJPM Setup IPC RCS cold leg temperature trend BVPS-1 NRC JPM 54 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 Maintain cooldown rate in RCS cold legs - LESS THAN 25"F/HR (Step 5.a)

Standard: No action required.


Performance Step: 2 Initiate a trend of RCS cold leg temperature and pressure (Step 5.a.l)

Standard: Candidate initiates a trend of RCS cold leg temperature and pressure.

CUE: Inform Candidate that an IPC trend has been setup to trend RCS temperature and pressure.


Performance Step: 3 Initial every half hour (Step 5.a.2)

Standard: Candidate notes trending frequency requirement.

NOTE: Inform Candidate that another operator will be responsible for trending and initialing.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 4 Maintain RCS temperature and pressure - WITHIN LIMITS OF ATTACHMENT 5-C IFANY CRDM FAN RUNNING -OR- WITHIN (Step 5.a.3)

LIMITS OF ATTACHMENT 5-6IF NO CRDM FAN RUNNING Standard: Candidate locates and verifies at least 1 CRDM fan running.

Standard: Candidate verifies red running light on and white trip light off.

Standard: Candidate refers to Attachment 5-C for temperature/pressure limits.

CUE: Provide Candidate with a copy of Attachment 5-C.


Performance Step: 5 Maintain SG narrow range level - BETWEEN 30% - 50%

(Step 5.b)

Standard: No action required.

CUE: Inform Candidate that another operator will be responsible for controlling SG levels.


Performance Step: 6 Check MSlVs - AT LEAST ONE OPEN (Step 5.c.l)

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies at least one MSlV open.

Standard: Candidate verifies red open light on and green closed light off.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 7 Check condenser available (Step 5.c.2)

Standard: Candidate locates and checks status light C-12, "COND AVAIL" (Panel 622) is on.


4 Performance Step: 8 Place condenser steam dump controller in MANUAL.

(Step 5.c.3)

Standard: Candidate locates and places AM-1 MS-464B, COOLDOWN VLVS CONTROL in Manual.

Standard: Candidate verifies red light on.


Performance Step: 9 Verify demand - ZERO (Step 5.c.4)

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies AM-1MS-464B demand indicates zero.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 10 Place steam dumps in STM PRESS Mode.

(Step 5.c.5)

Standard: No action required per JPM Initial Conditions.


Performance Step: 11 Check Tavg - GREATER THAN 541QF (Step 5.c.6)

Standard: Candidate locates and checks status light D-11 , "2/3Lo-Lo Tavg" (Panel 622) is NOT on.


4 Performance Step: 12 Gradually raise steam dump rate.

(Step 5.c.7)

Standard: Candidate locates AM-1MS-464B controller and depresses raise pushbutton to open steam dump valves.

Standard: Candidate determines that steam dump valves do NOT open.

NOTE: Candidate may attempt to open steam dump valves in AUTO. If so, valves will NOT open.

NOTE: Steam dump controller is overridden to prevent dump valves from opening.

CUE: As the Unit Supervisor, acknowledge steam dump failure and direct Candidate to comply with the procedure.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION NOTE: The following step begins the alternate path portion of the JPM.

4 Performance Step: 13 Manually or locally dump steam using:

(Step 5.c RNO) SG Atm Dump Vlvs -0R-Residual Heat Release Control Valve Standard: Candidate locates HCV-1MS-104, Residual Heat Release Valve and opens to manually dump steam.

Standard: Candidate verifies valve open indication.

CUE: As the Unit Supervisor, direct the Candidate to use the RHR valve to continue the cooldown.


Terminating Cue: When the Candidate initiates a cooldown using the RHR valve, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

~ ~~~

Appendix C Page 8 of 9 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JPM No.: 2005 JPM S4 Examinees Name:

Examiners Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SatisfactoryAJnsatisfactory Examiners Signature: Date:

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S4. NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 9 of 9 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: A reactor trip has occurred.

All RCPs are tripped.

The crew has transitioned to ES-0.2, Natural Circulation Cooldown.

The plant is stable with condenser steam dumps in automatic in the steam pressure mode.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you to initiate an RCS cooldown in accordance with ES-0.2, Natural Circulation Cooldown, beginning at Step 5.

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: BVPS Unit 1 Task No.: 001 1-006-01-013 Task


Manuallv Actuate CIB JPM No.: 2005 NRC JPM S5 WA


026 A3.01 (4.3/4.5) 026 A4.01 (4.g4.3)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testinq:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: A reactor trip and safety injection have occurred due to a large break LOCA.

. 4KV Bus 1DF is de-energized.

The actions of E-0 are being performed.

Task Standard: Manually initiate CIB, start 1QS-P-1A and stop the RCPs.

Required Materials: None General


1OM-53A.1.1 -K, Verification Of Automatic Actions, Issue 1C, Rev. 2 1OM-53A. 1.1-E, containment Isolation Phase B Checklist, Issue 1C, Rev. 2 Handouts: 1OM-53A.1.l -K, Verification Of Automatic Actions, Issue 1C, Revision 2 1OM-53A.1.1 -E, Containment Isolation Phase B Checklist, Issue 1C, Rev. 2 Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you to perform Attachment 1-K, Verification Of Automatic Actions, Step 8 to check CIB and Containment Spray status.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 10 minutes BVPS-1 NRC JPM S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet PW = NJPM I I BVPS-1 NRC JPM S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 Check CIB and CorAnmen Spray Status (Step 8) Containment pressure - HAS REMAINED LESS THAN 8 PSlG Standard: Candidate locates PI-1LM-1OOA and 1OOB, Containment Pressure Indicators, or PR-1LM-1OOA, Containment Pressure Recorder.

Standard: Candidate determines that containment pressure has NOT remained less than 8 psig.

NOTE: Containment pressure is > 8 psig.


NOTE: The following step begins the alternate path portion of the JPM.

Performance Step: 2 Verify CIB initiated:

(Step 8.a RNO) Check BLUE CIB marks - LIT Standard: Candidate checks components properly aligned and determines CIB components not positioned as required and CIB has NOT actuated.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 4 Performance Step: 3 Verify CIB initiated:

(Step 8.a RNO) IF NOT, THEN manually initiate CIB (both pushbuttons for both trains). Check BLUE CIB marks - LIT Standard: Candidate locates and depresses both pushbuttons for Train A CIB.

Standard: Candidate locates and depresses both pushbuttons for Train B CIB.

NOTE: Candidate may actuate either train first followed by the opposite train.


NOTE: If asked about the loss of power to Train B components, confirm that the DF bus is de-energized.

4 Performance Step: 4 Verify CIB initiated:

(Step 8.a RNO) -IF CIB NOT actuated, THEN manually align equipment. If necessary, refer to Attachment 1-E, Containment Isolation Phase B Checklist.

NOTE: If requested, provide Candidate with a copy of Attachment l-E, Containment Isolation Phase B Checklist.

Standard: Candidate checks all indicating lights with BLUE CIB marks LIT.

NOTE: Candidate should recognize time delays for 1-RS-P1A and 1-RS-PPA, Recirc Spray Pumps following CIB actuation.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 4 Performance Step: 5 Candidate determines 1QS-P-1A, Quench Spray 1A Pump did NOT automatically start.

(Step 8.a RNO)

Standard: Candidate locates and places pump control switch in Start.

Standard: Candidate verifies red running light on and white trip light off.

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies discharge pressure and motor amps pump.


4 Performance Step: 6 Candidate determines MOV-1QS-101A, 1A Quench Spray Pump Disch Vlv did NOT automatically open.

(Step 8.b RNO)

Standard: Candidate locates and opens MOV-1QS-101A.

Standard: Candidate verifies red open light on and green closed light off.


4 Performance Step: 7 Verify CIB initiated:

(Step 8.b RNO) Stop all RCPs.

Standard: Candidate determines that all RCPs are running.

Standard: Candidate locates and places control switches for 1RC-P-1A, 1B and 1C in Stop.

Standard: Candidate verifies white trip light on and red running light off for each pump.

NOTE: Candidate may choose to place control switches in Pull-To-Lock after stopping pumps.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 8 Request BV-2 operator verify CREVS equipment actuation.

(Step 8.c RNO)

Standard: Candidate contacts Unit 2 to verify proper CREVS equipment operation.

CUE: Inform Candidate as Unit 2 Operator that all CREVS equipment is functioning properly.


Terminating Cue: When the Candidate stops the RCPs, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 8 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JPM No.: 2005 JPM S5 Examinees Name:

Examiners Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Examiners Signature: Date:

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 8 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: A reactor trip and safety injection have occurred due to a large break LOCA.

4KV Bus 1DF is de-energized.

The actions of E-0 are being performed.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you to perform Attachment 1-K, Verification Of Automatic Actions, Step 8 to check CIB and Containment Spray status.

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S5 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: BVPS Unit 1 Task No.: 0362-005-06-013 Task


Svnchronize and Load EDG No. 2 JPM No.: 2005 NRC JPM S6 WA


064 A4.06 (3.9/3.9)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at power. 1OST-36.2, Diesel Generator No. 2 Monthly Test is in progress.

Task Standard: No. 2 diesel generator synchronized and running at minimum load.

Required Materials: None General


1OST-36.2, Diesel Generator No. 2 Monthly Test, Rev. 43 Handouts: 1OST-36.2, Diesel Generator No. 2 Monthly Test, Rev. 43 initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you to synchronize and load Diesel Generator No. 2 in accordance with 1OST-36.2, Diesel Generator No. 2 Monthly Test, Steps 27 - 31. All of the preceding procedure steps have been completed.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 12 minutes BVPS-1 NRC JPM S6 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Simulator Setup: Initialize IC-152 PW = NJPM BVPS-1 NRC JPM S6 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


4 Performance Step: 1 Position the No. 2 Diesel Generator Synchroscope Selector Switch to the 1F9 position to compare the diesel generator (Step V.27) frequency to the frequency on bus 1DF. (Generator Section of the Benchboard)

Standard: Candidate locates and places EMERG GEN 2 SYNCHRONIZING SELECTOR SW in the 1F9 position.

Standard: Candidate locates and compares diesel generator frequency to bus 1DF frequency.


Performance Step: 2 Verify A9-16, ACB 1F7 OR 1F9 IN SYNCHRONIZING MODE alarms when the Synchroscope Selector Switch is moved from (Step V.27.a) the OFF position.

Standard: Candidate verifies A9-16 in alarm.


4 Performance Step: 3 Using the No. 2 diesel Generator Governor Control Switch, (Step V.28) adjust generator speed until the synchroscope needle is rotating very slowly in the FAST direction. (Generator Section of the Benchboard)

Standard: Candidate locates and adjusts EMERG GEN 2 GOVERNOR control switch.

Standard: Candidate verifies synchroscope needle is rotating slowly in the fast direction.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S6 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

.I Performance Step: 4 Using the No. 2 Diesel Generator Voltage control Switch, match generator voltage (Incoming) with the voltage on bus 1DF (Step V.29)


Standard: Candidate locates and adjusts EMERG GEN 2 VOLT ADJUST control switch to match voltages.

Standard: Candidate verifies incoming and running voltages indicate approximately 120 - 122 volts.


.I Performance Step: 5 Close the Motor Operated Ground Switch by positioning the No.

(Step V.30) 2 Diesel Generator Motor Operated Ground Switch control to CLOSE. (Generator Section of the Benchboard).

Standard: Candidate locates and closes EMERG GEN 2 MOTOR OPERATED GND SW DS2.

Standard: Candidate verifies red close light on and green open light off.


Performance Step: 6 Verify that ANN. A9-10, DIESEL GENERATOR NO. 2 M.O.


Standard: Candidate verifies A9-10 in alarm.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S6 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

.I Performance Step: 7 When both synchronizing lights are completely dark AND the synchroscope needle is at the 12 oclock position, place the No.

(Step V.31) 2 Diesel Generator Breaker control to CLOSE. (Red light)

(Generator Section of the Benchboard)

Standard: Candidate locates and places EMERG GEN 2 CIRCUIT BREAKER ACB 1F9 in Close at 12 oclock position.

Standard: Candidate verifies red close light on and green open light off.


4 Performance Step: 8 Pick up a small amount of load by moving the No. 2 Diesel Generator Governor Control Switch, intermittently to the RAISE (Step V.31 .a) position.

Standard: Candidate locates EMERG GEN 2 GOVERNOR control switch and places in the Raise position.

Standard: Candidate verifies EMERG GEN 2 WATTS indicates increasing load.


Performance Step: 9 Turn synchroscope selector switch to OFF.

(Step V.31 .b)

Standard: Candidate locates and places EMERG GEN 2 SYNCHRONIZING SELECTOR SW in Off.


Terminating Cue: When the Candidate turns the synchroscope selector switch off, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S6 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 7 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JPM No.: 2005 JPM S6 Examinees Name:

Examiners Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SatisfactoryAJnsatisfactory Examiners Signature: Date:

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S6 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 7 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: The plant is operating at power. 1OST-36.2, Diesel Generator No. 2 Monthly Test is in progress.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you to synchronize and load Diesel Generator No. 2 in accordance with 1OST-36.2, Diesel Generator No. 2 Monthly Test, Steps 27 - 31. All of the preceding procedure steps have been completed.

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S6 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: BVPS Unit 1 Task No.: 0021-004-01-013 Task


Remove Power Ranae Instrument From JPM No.: 2005 NRC JPM S7 Service WA


015 A3.03 (3.913.9) 015 A4.03 (3.W3.9)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: 4 The plant is operating at power.

4 All systems are normal with the exception of one Power Range Nuclear Instrument which has failed.

4 The required actions to stabilize the plant have been taken. Reactor, turbine power and TAVGare stable. TAVGis within one degree of TREF.

Control Rods are in Manual.

Task Standard: The failed nuclear channel is bypassed in accordance with AOP-1.2.1C.

Required Materials: None General


1OM-53C. C, Power Range Channel Malfunction, Issue 3A, Rev. 7 Handouts: 1OM-53C. C, Power Range Channel Malfunction, Issue 3A, Rev. 7 Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you to bypass the failed power range channel using AOP-1.2.1 C.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 10 Minutes BVPS-1 NRC JPM S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet i

Simulator Setup: Initialize IC-197 PW = NJPM BVPS-1 NRC JPM S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 Check If Malfunction Of One Power Range Channel (N-41, N-42, N-43, N-44) And Power Range Rate Sensor Assembly (NC-41, (Step 1) NC-42, NC-43, NC-44) Has Occurred.

Standard: Candidate locates and determines that NI-N141B and/or NIS Rack N41, drawer A indicates channel has failed low.

Standard: Candidate verifies that no other power range channel has failed.

NOTE: Power Range channels read as follows:

N-41: 0%; N-42: - 48%; N-43: - 48%; N-44: - 48%


.\I Performance Step: 2 Within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, trip nuclear bistables by removing control power supply fuses from drawer A of failed channel.

(Step 1.a)

Standard: Candidate locates and removes control power fuses from NIS Rack 41, drawer A.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 3 Power Range Channel 4 (N-44) fails, THEN place Control Rod Bank Selector in MANUAL.

(Step 1.b)

Standard: No action required.

NOTE: Candidate may choose to verify that Control Rod Bank Selector Switch (BB-B) is in Manual.


4 Performance Step: 4 Turn Rod Stop Bypass switch to BYPASS on the failed channel (Step 1.c) (NIS Rack).

Standard: Candidate locates and places rod stop bypass switch in Bypass PR N-41 position.


Performance Step: 5 Check reactor power - GREATER THAN 50%.

(Step 1 .d)

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies reactor power indicates less than 50%.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 4 Performance Step: 6 Turn Comparator Channel Defeat switch to failed channel (NIS Rack).

(Step 14 )

Standard: Candidate locates and places comparator channel defeat switch in N-41 position.


Performance Step: 7 Ensure vertical board recorders are selected to monitor only operable detectors.

(Step 14)

Standard: Candidate locates and places NI SYS RECORDER SEL SW 1N45 or 2N45 in N42, N43, or N44 position.

NOTE: Normally, only 1 recorder is set to monitor power range indication.


Terminating Cue: When the Candidate selects an operable detector to the recorder, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 7 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JPM No.: 2005 JPM S7 Examinees Name:

Examiners Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Examiners Signature: Date:

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9


. The plant is operating at power.

All systems are normal with the exception of one Power Range Nuclear Instrument which has failed.

. The required actions to stabilize the plant have been taken.

Reactor, turbine power and TAVG are stable. T A V G is within one

. degree of TAEF.

Control Rods are in Manual.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you to bypass the failed power range channel using AOP-1.2.1 C.

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S7 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: BVPS Unit 1 Task No.: 0071-025-01-013 Task


Perform Manual Makeup to the VCT JPM No.: 2005 NRC JPM S8 WA


004A4.01 (3.W3.9) 004A4.07 (3.9/3.7) 004A4.04 (3.U3.6)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testina:

Simulated Performance: X Actual Performance:

Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

.. The plant is at 100% power.

Core burnup is 500 MWD/MTU.

RCS boron concentration is 1205 ppm.

The inservice Boric Acid Tank concentration is 7380 ppm.

VCT level is 24%.

Task Standard: Makeup flow initiated at 100 gpm through the blender.

Required Materials: CB-29 General


1OM-7.4.P, Blender Manual Makeup Operation, Rev. 5 Handouts: 1OM-7.4.P, Blender Manual Makeup Operation, Rev. 5 Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you to raise VCT level to 409, at 100 gpm by performing a manual makeup in accordance with 1OM-7.4.P, Blender Manual Makeup Operation. All Initial Conditions are met.

Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 13 minutes BVPS-1 NRC JPM S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 2 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 2005 NRC S8 Simulator Setup: Initialize IC-153; PW = NJPM Ramp ACVCVCTW, 7000,20,0 to set VCT level to 24%.

Update blender setpoint to 1205 ppm.

Update inservice BAT placard to 7380 ppm.

Do not enter setpoint data.

Reset Boric Acid and Total Flow Totalizers to ZERO.

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 2005 NRC S8 (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 Obtain the existing RCS boron concentration obtained from (Step IV.A.l) Chemists sample.

Standard: No action required per JPM Initial Conditions.

CUE: If asked, inform Candidate that current RCS boron is 1205 ppm.


Performance Step: 2 If the plant is operating at power, Obtain the 9-10 Correction (Step IV.A.2) Factor from Curve Book 29, Otherwise Contact Reactor Engineering to obtain a 9-10 Correction Factor.

Standard: Candidate locates and determines a correction factor from CB-29 of 0.977.

CUE: Provide Candidate with a copy of CB-29 (attached).

Comment :

Performance Step: 3 Calculate Corrected Boron Concentration AND record in the (Step IV.A.3) Daily Journal.

Standard: Candidate calculates a corrected boron concentration of 1177 ppm. 1205 x 0.977 = 1177 CUE: If asked, inform the Candidate that another operator will make the Daily Journal log entry.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 2005 NRC S8 Performance Step: 4 Obtain the inservice Boric Acid Tank boron concentration (Step IV.A.4) obtained from Chemists sample.

Standard: No action required per JPM Initial Conditions.

CUE: If asked, inform Candidate that current BAT boron is 7380 ppm.


Performance Step: 5 Determine the desired boric acid flow controller setpoint as (Step IV.A.5) follows AND record in the Daily Journal.

Standard: Candidate calculates the required boric acid flow as:

1177ppm X lOOgpm

= 15.9gprn 7380 CUE: If asked, inform the Candidate that another operator will make the Daily Journal log entry.


4 Performance Step: 6 Place 1MU to STOP for greater than 1 second to allow the (Step IV.A.6) blender to unarm.

Standard: Candidate locates and places 1MU switch in Stop for greater than 1 second.

Standard: Candidate verifies makeup control green light is on.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 2005 NRC S8 4 Performance Step: 7 Adjust Boric Acid to Blender FCV [FCV-1CH-113AI controller (Step IV.A.7) (BB-A) to the calculated desired boric acid flow setpoint.

Standard: Candidate locates and sets FCV-1CH-113 for the desired flow:

15.9 gpm x 25 unitdgpm = 398 units k 2 units Comment:

4 Performance Step: 8 Set [YIC-1CH-1131, Boric Acid Integrator, for desire quantity (Step IV.A.8.a) (BB-A).

Reset [YIC-1CH-1131, Boric Acid Integrator Standard: Candidate locates and sets YIC-1CH-113 to the desired value.

NOTE: Total volume change is approximately 225 gallons of which approximately 46 gallons is boric acid.

Thumb rule for VCT level is 15 gallons per percent.


4 Performance Step: 9 Adjust Primary Water to Blender FCV [FCV-1CH-114AI controller (Step IV.A.9) (BB-A) to the desired blender total flow.

Standard: Candidate locates and sets FCV-1CH-114A for the desired total flow setpoint: 100 gpm = 625 units.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 2005 NRC S8 4 Performance Step: 10 Set [YIC-1CH-168A1, Blender Output Integrator, for desired (Step IV.A.lO.a) quantity (BB-A).

Reset [YIC-1CH-168A1, Blender Output Integrator Standard: Candidate locates and sets YIC-1CH-168A to the desired value.


Performance Step: 11 Log the flow totalizer indication and add to it the number of (Step IV.A.11) gallons set into the batch integrator for [YIC-1CH-1131, Boric Acid Integrator AND [YIC-1CH-168A1, Blender Output Integrator.

Standard: Candidate sums the totalizer and integrator values, then records the summed values.


Performance Step: 12 Prior to the start of AND at least once every hour during a (Step IV.A.12) reduction in the RCS boron concentration: (Tech. Spec., .b) (N/A if raising or maintaining RCS boron concentration)

Standard: No action required. Step is N/A.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 2005 NRC S8 Performance Step: 13 If in Mode 4, 5 or 6, align PG water to the blender by unlocking (Step IV.A.13) and opening either of the following valves: (Blender Room)

Standard: No action required. Plant is in Mode 1.


4 Performance Step: 14 Place 43/MU to MAN. (BB-A)

(Step 1V.A. 14)

Standard: Candidate locates and places 43/MU switch in Manual.


.( Performance Step: 15 Place 1MU to START. (BB-A)

(Step IV.A.15)

Standard: Candidate locates and places 1MU switch in Start.

Standard: Candidate verifies makeup control red light is on and inservice boric acid pump Fast light is on.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 2005 NRC S8 4 Performance Step: 16 Place Blender Outlet to Chg Pumps FCV [FCV-lCH-1138]

(Step IV.A.16) control switch to OPEN. (BB-A)

Standard: Candidate locates and places FCV-1CH-1138 switch in open.

Standard: Candidate verifies red open light is on and green closed light is Off.


Performance Step: 17 Verify boric acid to Blender flow on [FR-1CH-1131, Boric Acid (Step IV.A.16.a) Flow. (VB-A)

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies FR-1CH-113 indicates boric acid flow.


Performance Step: 18 Verify PG Water to Blender flow on [FR-1CH-1131, Boric Acid (Step IV.A.16.b) Flow. (VB-A)

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies FR-1CH-113 indicates PG water flow.


Terminating Cue: When the Candidate completes the batch addition, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 9 of 10 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 2005 NRC S8 JPM No.: 2005 NRC S8 Examinees Name:

Examiners Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:


Result: SatisfactoryAJnsatisfactory Examiners Signature: Date:

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 10 of 10 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET 2005 NRC S8 INITIAL CONDITIONS: .. The plant is at 100% power.

.. Core burnup is 500 MWD/MTU.

RCS boron concentration is 1205 ppm.

The inservice Boric Acid Tank concentration is 7380 ppm.

VCT level is 24%.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you to raise VCT level to 40% at l o 0 gpm by performing a manual makeup in accordance with 1OM-7.4.P, Blender Manual Makeup Operation. All Initial Conditions are met.

BVPS-1 NRC JPM S8 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: BVPS Unit 1 Task No.: 0461-012-01-012 Task


Locally Startup a Containment Hvdroaen JPM No.: 2005 NRC JPM P1 Analyzer WA


028 Al.01 (3.4/3.8) 028 A4.01 (4.0/4.0)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testina:

Simulated Performance: X Actual Performance:

Classroom Simulator Plant X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: A reactor trip and safety injection occurred 10 minutes ago due to a LOCA. A wide range hydrogen analyzer is to be placed in service. The 120VAC and 125VDC electrical distribution systems are operable.

Task Standard: The containment hydrogen analyzer is in service and a containment hydrogen concentration is calculated.

Required Materials: Fluke Thermometer (Simulated)



1OM-46.4.G, Placing Wide Range Containment Hydrogen Monitoring System in Operation, Rev. 3 Handouts: 1OM-46.4.G, Placing Wide Range Containment Hydrogen Monitoring System in Operation, Rev. 3 Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you to place the Train A(Train 9) wide range hydrogen analyzer in service and obtain a containment hydrogen sample using 1OM-46.4.G. Steps 1 - 3 of the procedure are complete.

Report your results when completed.

Time Critical Task: -

Yes 30 minutes Validation Time: 15 minutes BVPS-1 NRC JPM P1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 2 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


NOTE: This JPM is designed to use either hydrogen analyzer. During Protected Train A weeks, use PNL-H2-101B. During Protected Train B weeks, use PNL-H2-101A.

Performance Step: 1 Open [PNL-H2-101A, 101B], (Wide Range Hydrogen Analyzer (Step IV.A.4.a) cabinet.

Standard: Candidate locates [PNL-H2-101A, 101B] and opens the cabinet door. (Service Building West Wall 713)


Performance Step: 2 Verify the STANDBY/OFF switch in the STANDBY position.

(Step IV.A.4.b)

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies or places the STANDBY/OFF switch is in STANDBY.

CUE: The STANDBY/OFF switch is in STANDBY.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM P1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 4 Performance Step: 3 Place the ON/OFF switch in the ON position.

(Step IV.A.4.c)

Standard: Candidate locates and places the ON/OFF switch in ON.

CUE: The OWOFF switch is in ON.

NOTE: If the OWOFF Switch is not placed to ON within 30 minutes, then the UFSAR assumption has not been met and the JPM is UNSAT.


Performance Step: 4 Verify the amber STANDBY indicator is On.

(Step IV.A.4.d)

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies the STANDBY indicator is ON.

CUE: STANDBY indicator is On.


Performance Step: 5 Verify the following:

(Step IV.A.4.e.l) Blue READY indicator is On.

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies the Blue READY indicator is On.

CUE: Blue READY indicator is On.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM P1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 6 Verify the following:

(Step IV.A.4.e.2) Green ON indicator is On.

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies Green indicator is On.

CUE: Green ON indicator is On.

Comment :

Performance Step: 7 Within four minutes after the green ON indicator comes On, (Step IV.A.4.f. 1 - 9) Verify the following:

Standard: 0 Red H2 indicator is OFF.

CUE: H2 indicator is OFF.

Standard: 0 Yellow CAUTION indicator is OFF.

CUE: CAUTION indicator is OFF.

Standard: 0 Red HI indicator is OFF.

CUE: HI indicator is OFF.

Standard: Green SAFE indicator is ON.

CUE: SAFE indicator is ON.

Standard: 0 Percent hydrogen meter is c1YO(dependent on plant conditions).

CUE: Meter reading is 1.6%.

Standard: PRESS ALARM indicator is OFF.

CUE: PRESS ALARM indicator is OFF.

Standard: 0 FLOW ALARM indicator is OFF.

CUE: FLOW ALARM indicator is OFF.

Standard: TEMP ALARM indicator is OFF.

CUE: TEMP ALARM indicator is OFF.




BVPS-1 NRC JPM P1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 8 Obtain local temperature of the applicable Cable Vault (735)

(Step IV.B.1 .a) using a calibrated Fluke Thermometer (or equivalent).

Standard: Candidate obtains local temperature of the Cable Vault (735).

CUE: 4 minutes have elapsed. (Refer to Note prior to step IV.B.l)

CUE: The Cable Vault temperature is 87°F (simulated reading from Fluke Thermometer).


Performance Step: 9 Observe the indicated hydrogen concentration.

(Step IV.B.l .b)

Standard: Candidate observes hydrogen concentration.

CUE: Hydrogen concentration is 1.6%.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM P i NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 4 Performance Step: 10 Subtract the appropriate correction factor as determined from (Step IV.B.l .c) Figure 1.

Standard: Candidate calculates actual hydrogen concentration by subtracting the correction factor found on Figure 1 from the indicated hydrogen concentration.

CUE: Containment pressure is 10 psia.

Standard: Candidate reports hydrogen concentration is 1% (+/- 0.2%)

NOTE: 1.6% - 0.6% = 1.O%

(Indicated - Correction = Actual)


Terminating Cue: When the Candidate reports the hydrogen concentration, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM P1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 8 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION JPM No.: 2005 NRC P1 Examinees Name:

Examiners Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Examiners Signature: Date:

BVPS-1 NRC JPM P1 NUREG 1021 Revision 9 I

Appendix C Page 8 of 8 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: A reactor trip and safety injection occurred 10 minutes ago due to a LOCA. A wide range hydrogen analyzer is to be placed in service. The 120VAC and 125VDC electrical distribution systems are operable.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you to place the Train A (Train B) wide range hydrogen analyzer in service and obtain a containment hydrogen sample using 1OM-46.4.G. Steps 1 - 3 of the procedure are complete. Report your results when completed.

BVPS-1 NRC JPM P1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Form ES-C-1 Facility: BVPS UNIT 1 Task No: 0241-024-01-043 Task


Reset TDAFW Pump Trip Throttle Valve JPM No: 2005 NRC JPM P2 WA


061 A2.04 (3.4/3.8) 2.1.30 (3.9/3.4)

Examinee: NRC Examiner: N/A Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of Testinq:

Simulated Performance: X Actual Performance Classroom: Simulator: Plant: X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: The Unit is at 50% power.

1FW-P-2, Steam Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump has tripped on overspeed. The Turbine Bldg. Operator has verified that the trip throttle valve is closed and no start signals exist for the pump.

N - 1MS-105A and TV-1MS-105B are closed. MOV-1MS-105 is open.

Task Standard: TDAFW pump trip throttle valve is reset IAW 1OM-24.4.V.

Required Materials: None General


1OM-24.4.V, [l FW-P-21Trip Throttle Valve Resetting, Rev. 4 Handouts: 1OM-24.4.V, [ l FW-P-21Trip Throttle Valve Resetting, Rev. 4 Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you to reset the Turbine Driven AFW Pump trip throttle valve in accordance with 10M-24.4.V.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 15 minutes BVPS-1 NRC JPM P2 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 2 of 7 Form ES-C-1 JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 Close or Verify Closed [n/-1 MS-l05A], Turb Steam Sup A Trn (Step IV.A.l .a) Trip Vlv.

Standard: No action required. (Valve is closed per the Initial Conditions.)


Performance Step: 2 Close or Verify Closed [n/-1 MS-10581, Turb Steam Sup B Trn Trip (Step IV.A.1 .b) Vlv.

Standard: No action required per the JPM Initial Conditions.


Performance Step: 3 Open or Verify Open [MOV-1MS-1051, AFW Turb Steam lsol Vlv.

(Step IV.A.l .c)

Standard: No action required per the JPM Initial Conditions.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM P2 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 4 Performance Step: 4 Press the Manual Emergency Trip Lever to verify that the Overspeed (Step 1V.A. 2 ) Trip Mechanism is tripped.

Standard: Candidate locates the trip mechanism and indicates it is in the tripped position.

CUE: The overspeed trip mechanism is tripped.


Evaluator Note: Figure 1 depicts the overspeed trip device mechanism and may be referred to by the Candidate to assist in explaining the actions in the following steps.

Performance Step: 5 Verify that [ l MS-4651, 1FW-T-2 Inlet Stm Isol, is unlatched.

(Step IV.A.3)

Standard: Candidate indicates that the valve is unlatched.

CUE: 1MS-465 is unlatched.


4 Performance Step: 6 Turn [ l MS-4651, 1FW-T-2 Inlet Stm Isol, handwheel in the clockwise (Step IV.A.4) direction until the sliding nut and trip lever rise to the upper limit of travel.

Standard: Candidate simulates turning 1MS-465 in the clockwise direction until the sliding nut and trip lever reach the upper limit.

CUE: The sliding nut and trip lever are at the upper limit.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM P2 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION d Performance Step: 7 Reset the Overspeed Trip Mechanism by performing the following:

(Step IV.A.5)

Standard: Candidate simulates the following steps to reset the trip mechanism:

Hold the overspeed trip connecting rod to the left.

Verify the overspeed tappet washer flat side directly faces the overspeed trip lever.

Release the connecting rod and allow the spring tension to maintain the reset condition.

Verify the flat side of the washer is flush against the vertical side of the overspeed trip lever.

Verify the trip lever is engaged with the trip hook.

CUE: The trip lever is engaged with the trip hook.


4 Performance Step: 8 Slowly Open [l MS-4651, 1FW-T-2 Inlet Stm Isol, by turning the (Step IV.A.6) handwheel counterclockwise.

Standard: Candidate simulates turning the handwheel counterclockwise.

CUE: 1MS-465 is open.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM P2 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 9 Verify that the pump does NOT accelerate in an uncontrolled manner.

(Step IV.A.6)

Standard: Candidate indicates that the pump is not accelerating uncontrollably.

NOTE: The pump is not accelerating uncontrollably.


Performance Step: 10 WHEN Open, THEN adjust [l MS-4651, 1RN-T-2 Inlet Stm Isol, (Step IV.A.7) 1/4 turn off of the backseat.

Standard: Candidate simulates turning 1MS-465 until 1/4 of a turn off the backseat.

CUE: 1MS-465 is 1/4 of a turn off its backseat.

NOTE: If requested, inform the Candidate that another Operator will perform a concurrent verification of the valve position.


Performance Step: 11 Notify the Unit 1 Control Room Operator that [ l Fw-P-21, Steam (Step IV.A.8) Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump, is available.

Standard: Candidate informs the Control Room of the pump status.

CUE: As Control Room Operator, acknowledge report that the TD AFW pump is available.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM P2 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Terminating Cue: When the Candidate notifies the Control Room that 1 MI-P-2 is available, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM P2 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 7 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION 8

JPM No.: 2005 NRC P2 Examinee's Name:

Examiner's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



~~ ~ ~

Result: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Examiner's signature: Date:

BVPS-1 NRC JPM P2 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 7 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INIT1AL CONDIT10 NS: The Unit is at 50% power.

1Nv-P-2, Steam Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump has tripped on overspeed. The Turbine Bldg. Operator has verified that the trip throttle valve is closed and no start signals exist for the pump.

TV-1MS-105A and TV-1MS-1058 are closed. MOV-1MS-105 is open.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you to reset the Turbine Driven AFW Pump trip throttle valve in accordance with 1OM-24.4.V, [ l Nv-P-21 Trip Throttle Valve Resetting.

BVPS-1 NRC JPM P2 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Appendix C JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Form ES-C-1 Facility: BVPS Unit 1 Task No: 0361-019-01-013 Task


BV-1 Actions To Establish Station JPM No: 2005 NRC JPM P3 Blackout Cross-tie to Unit 2 WA


055 EA1.06 (4.1/4.5) 055 EA2.03 (3.9/4.7) 062 A2.05 (2.9/3.3) 062 A4.02 (2.92.8)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: N/A Date:

Method of Testinn:

Simulated Performance: X Actual Performance:

Classroom: Simulator: Plant: X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues.

When vou comdete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satkfied. '

Initial Conditions: A tornado strike has caused a partial loss of the switchyard. Unit 2 is without normal and emergency AC power. The Unit 2 Control Room has requested Unit 1 to establish a station blackout cross-tie from 4KV Bus 1DF.

Task Standard: Station cross-tie has been established in accordance with EOP Attachment A-1.14.

Required Materials: Cubicle Pictures General


1OM-53A.1.A-l.14, BV-1 Actions To Establish Station Blackout Cross-tie To BV-2, Issue l C , Rev. 2 Handouts: 1OM-53A.1.A-l.14, BV-1 Actions To Establish Station Blackout Cross-tie To BV-2, Issue l C , Rev. 2 Tools: Racking Tool and Gear (Simulated)

Key No. 30 (Simulated)

Initiating Cue: The Unit Supervisor directs you to perform EOP Attachment A-1.14, Steps 11 and 12 to establish a station blackout cross-tie to Unit 2.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 20 minutes BVPS-1 NRC JPM P3 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 2 of 9 Form ES-C-1 JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


NOTE: Remind Candidate to simulate all actions and NOT to reach inside any switchgear or relav Dane1 cabinets.

I NOTE: Provide Candidates with a picture of cabinet internals, as appropriate. 1 d Performance Step: 1 To Defeat Diesel Generator Trips, perform the following:

(Step 11.a) Open Knife Switch 3-771 (Loss of Field) on left inside [PNL-REL-211, (Relay Room)

Standard: Candidate locates Relay Room Panel 21 [PNL-REL-211.

Standard: Candidate locates and opens Knife Switch 3-771 (Loss of Field).

CUE: Knife Switch 3-771 is open.

NOTE: Refer to attached picture.


d Performance Step: 2 To Defeat Diesel Generator Trips, perform the following:

(Step 1l.a) , Open Knife Switch 2-688 (Rev Pwr) on left inside [PNL-REL-221, (Relay Room)

Standard: Candidate locates Relay Room Panel 22 [PNL-REL-221.

Standard: Candidate locates and opens Knife Switch 2-688 (Reverse Power).

CUE: Knife Switch 2-688 is open.

NOTE: Refer to attached picture.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM P3 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 4 Performance Step: 3 To defeat 4KV emergency bus undervoltage trip, open 125 VDC (Step 11.b) control breaker in Cubicle F8A (1DF bus).

Standard: Candidate locates 4KV Bus 1DF, Cubicle F8A.

Standard: Candidate locates and opens 125VDC control power breaker.

CUE: 125VDC control power breaker is open.


4 Performance Step: 4 To defeat 480V emergency bus undervoltage trip, open 125 VDC (Step 11.c) circuit breaker Bus U N D C (1P bus)

Standard: Candidate locates 480V Bus 1P.

Standard: Candidate locates and opens 125 VDC circuit breaker Bus U N D C .

CUE: 125VDC circuit breaker is open.


4 Performance Step 5: Open [ACB-1D3] 480V Substation 1-2 Bus 1D And 480V Substation (Step 12.a) 1-4 Bus 1H Breaker.

Standard: Candidate locates and opens ACB-1D3 using the control switch.

CUE: ACB-1 D3 is open.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM P3 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 6 Open [ACB-1D131, Air Conditioning Chilled Water Unit [lVS-E-3C].

(Step 12.b)

Standard: Candidate locates and opens ACB-1 D13 using the local pushbutton.

CUE: ACB-1013 is open.


NOTE: Prior to racking in breaker, Candidate may verbalize donning flash suit and 4KV switching gloves. Notify Shift Manager than ACB-1 D5 cubicle door will be opened (if not previously done.) A 4KV breaker diagram is attached for information I DurDoses.

4 Performance Step: 7 With Key 30, [ l D5] SBO Bkr, remove padlock from [ACB-1D5], Unit 1 (Step 12.c.l) To Bus 1D Cross-tie.

Standard: Candidate obtains Key No. 30.

CUE: Use of the key is simulated.

Standard: Candidate locates ACB-105 and removes padlock using Key 30.

CUE: Padlock is removed.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM P3 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 4 Performance Step: 8 Verify DC Control Power - OFF (Step 12.c.2)

Standard: Candidate locates and opens DC control power breaker.

CUE: Control power breaker is off.


4 Performance Step: 9 Verify charging springs are discharged by pulling the manual close (Step 12.c.3,4 & 5 ) lever.

Standard: Candidate locates and then holds down the manual trip button.

Standard: Candidate locates and pulls the manual close lever.

Standard: Candidate releases the manual trip button.

CUE: Charging springs are discharged.


Performance Step: 10 Verify that the breaker mechanical indicator is in the OPEN position.

(Step 12.c.6)

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies the mechanical flag indicates open.

CUE: Mechanical flag is in the open position.


~ ~~~

BVPS-1 NRC JPM P3 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 4 Performance Step: 11 Rack the breaker to the CONNECT position.

(Step 12.c.7)

Standard: Candidate turns the lock release lever to the left, inserts racking tool and turns clockwise until reaching the connect position.

CUE: Breaker is in the connect position.


Performance Step: 12 Verify charging spring motor disconnect toggle switch - ON.

(Step 12.c.8)

Standard: Candidate locates and verifies the charging spring motor disconnect switch is on.

CUE: Charging spring motor disconnect switch is on.


4 Performance Step: 13 Close DC control power breaker.

(Step 12.c.9)

Standard: Candidate locates and closes the DC control power breaker.

CUE: DC control power breaker is closed and the closing springs are charged.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM P3 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 4 Performance Step: 14 Manually close [ACB-1D5], Unit 2 To Bus 1D Cross-tie using (Step 12.c.10) breaker control switch.

Standard: Candidate locates and closes ACB-1D5 using the control switch.

Standard: Candidate verifies red light is on.

CUE: Breaker is closed.

NOTE: Ensure the breaker door is shut and fastened.


Terminating Cue: When the Candidate manually closes breaker ACB-1D5, the evaluation for this JPM is complete.


BVPS-1 NRC JPM P3 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION JPM No.: 2005 NRC P3 Examinee's Name:

Examiner's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:


Result: SatisfactoryAJnsatisfactory Examiner's signature: Date:

BVPS-1 NRC JPM P3 NUREG-1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 9 of 9 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: A tornado strike has caused a partial loss of the switchyard.

Unit 2 is without normal and emergency AC power. The Unit 2 Control Room has requested Unit 1 to establish a station blackout cross-tie from 4KV Bus 1DF.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor directs you to perform EOP Attachment A-1.14, Steps 11 and 12 to establish a station blackout cross-tie to Unit 2.

BVPS-1 NRC JPM P3 NUREG-1021, Revision 9