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Comment (1) of Alfred A. Bourdelais, Expressing Support for Renewal of Dresden Power Plant Nuclear License
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/16/2004
From: Bourdelais A
Grundy County, IL
68FR68955 00001
Download: ML040330851 (1)


GRUNDY COUNTY BOARD 1320 UNION STR5T 20311 1ANi 30 Ii 10 53 Rules ad Direcfrves BrFanch PHONE: 815-941-3420 January 16, 2004 Chief, Rules and Directives Branch Division of Administrative Services 6o I~ 0 gj

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Office of Administration Mailstop T-6D 59 (

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Vashington, D.C. 20555-0001 Re: License Renewal Dresden

Dear Chief,

Rules and Directives Branch:

I would like to express support for renewal of the Dresden Power Plant Nuclear License. We were especially pleased to note that your staff had assessed the SocioEconomic impact that failing to renew the license would have on the County.

The Health Issue, while adequately addressed by your staff, is probably a result in part of the fact that Morris Community Health is contracted to provide health care to the Dwight Correctional Facility.

This facility is located in an adjacent county and provides incarceration to female inmates from several surrounding counties, including Cook County and the City of Chicago. While these inmates do not reside in Grundy County, nor are they incarcerated in the County, the statistics associated with their health care are attributed to Grundy County.

I believe your staff did an excellent job in the environmental review, and responded wcll to the questions that were raised. I believe they wcrc quite fair in giving proper credence to those members of the audience who disagree with the renewal of the license.

I w as deeply disappointed that several dissenters were not residents of Grundy County, and are therefore not impacted by the facility, nor still they be adversely impacted by the closing of the facility.

Finally, I have chosen to live within a ten mile radius of both Dresden and Braidwood. I do not personally believe that either of these plants produce a harmful effect on the environmenL

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