U-603647, Issuance of the Core Operating Limits Report for Reload 8, Cycle 9, Revision 1

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Issuance of the Core Operating Limits Report for Reload 8, Cycle 9, Revision 1
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/16/2004
From: Bement R
AmerGen Energy Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML040280404 (22)



AmerGe An Exelon/British Energy Company Clinton Power Station R.R. 3 Box 228 Clinton, IL 61727-9351 10CFR50.36 v U-603647 January 16, 2004 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Clinton Power Station, Unit 1 Facility Operating License No. NPF-62 NRC Docket No. 50-461


Issuance of the Core Operating Limits Report for Reload 8, Cycle 9, Revision 1 In accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.5, "Core Operating Limits Report (COLR),N Item d., AmerGen Energy Company (AmerGen), LLC is submitting the COLR for Clinton Power Station, Unit 1, Reload 8, Cycle 9, Revision 1. Revision 1 is being issued to provide the maximum average planar linear heat generation rate values associated with GE10 fuel having exposures up to 54.78 gigawatt-days per standard ton.

Should you have any questions concerning this report, please contact Mr. Bill Iliff, Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (217) 937-2800.

Res ectfully, Robert S. ent Site Vice resident Clinton Power Station


Core Operating Limits Report for Clinton Power Station, Unit 1, Cycle 9, Revision 1 JLP/blf cc: Regional Administrator- NRC Region IlIl NRC Senior Resident Inspector- Clinton Power Station

ATTACHMENT i Core Operating Limits Report for Clinton Power Station, Unit 1 Reload 8 Cycle 9 I Revision 1 K

- I}





-7 ez-- , z ,I/,-X 10.3 Prepared by: Frank Trikur (Nuclear Fuels) DatFe Reviewed by: Robbie Heugel (Re or Engineer) Date Approved by: PORC aAl Date

/-3 -0e Approved by: Plant Ma4r - Clinton Power Station Date S. _J. / J2/1/03 Approved by: Managid- Regulatory Assurance Date '

I1 I

Core Operating Limits Report for Clinton Power Station Unit 1 Cycle 9 *. .

3473MWth Rated Power Revision 1

Issuance of Changes Summary Affected Affected Summary of Changes Section Pages All All Original Issue for Cycle 9 1 ..

.Refere 1-. Addition of GE10 MAPLHGR value corresponding to lReferences.1 Il. i, 1-3 exposure of 54.78 GWdIST r

Clinton Unit 1 Cycle 9 ii Revision 1

.3473MWlh Rated Power

Table of Contents References ........................................... iv

1. Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate .......................................... 1-1 1.1 Technical Specification Reference ......................................... 1-1 1.2 Description........................................................................................................................k...1-1
2. Minimum Critical Power Ratio ......................................... 2-1 2.1 Technical Specification Reference ......................................... 2-1 2.2 Description ......................................... 2-1
3. Linear Heat Generation Rate ......................................... 3-1 3.1 Technical Specification Reference ......................................... 3-1 3.2 Description .......................................... 3-1
4. Reactor Protection System (RPS) Instrumentation ......................................... 4-i 4.1 Technical Specification Reference ......................................... 4-1 4.2 Description ......................................... 4-1
5. Allowed Modes of Operation ......................................... 5-1
6. Methodology ......... 6-1 Clinton Unit I Cycle 9 iii Revision 1 3473MWh Rated Power


1. Clinton Power Station Technical Specification 5.6.5, Core Operating Limits Report (COLR).
2. NEDE-24011-P-A, 'General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel," GESTAR II. as supplemented and amended (latest approved version).
3. NEDC-31546P, -Maximum Extended Operating Domain and Feedwater Heater Out-of-Service Analysis for Clinton Power Station,' August 1988.
4. JI1-03977MAPL-3473, Revision 0, 'Lattice Dependent MAPLHGR Report for Clinton Power Station Unit 1 Reload 8 Cycle 9.' February 2002. transmitted as TODI NFM0200053, Revision 0.
5. JI1-03977SRLR-3473, Revision 0, 'Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Clinton Power Station Unit I Reload 8 Cycle 9 Power Uprate to 3473 MWth,* February 2002. transmitted as TODI NFM0200052, Revision 0.
6. CPC:01-C-038, 'Clinton Cycle 8 Off-Rated LHGR Curves," letter from Cheryl Collins (GNF) to Edward',

McVey (Exelon), May 4, 2001.

7. DB-0012.03, Revision 0. GE Nuclear Energy Design Basis Document, 'Fuel-Rod Thermal-Mechanical Performance Limits for GE14C." May 2000.
8. JEF-02-003, "Clinton Cycle 9 Fresh Fuel LHGR Exposure Dependent Data and CMIT Rev. 01," letter from Jim Fawks (GNF) to Cheryl Collins (GNF), March 25, 2002.
9. Letter to Nuclear Regulatory Commission from J. S. Perry (IP). "Clinton Power Station Proposed Amendment of Facility Operating License No. NFP-62." U-602085 [LS-92-004], February 11, 1993.
10. Letter to F. A. Spangenberg (IP) from D. V. Pickett (NRC). 'Issuance of Amendment [No. 75] (TAC No.

M85816), May 25, 1993.

11. RDW:95-160, 'Simulated Thermal Power Monitor," letter from R. D. Williams (GE) to J. A. Miller (Clinton).

November 16.1995.

12. NEDC-32694P-A, "Power Distribution Uncertainties for Safety Limit MCPR Evaluations," August 1999.
13. Letter from D. M. Crutchfield to All Power Reactor Licensees arid Applicants. Generic Letter 88-16; Concerning the Removal of Cycle-Specific Parameter Limits from Tech Specs, October 3, 1988.
14. TODI NF0300103, Revision 0, 'Altemate Source Term Compliance for GE10 Fuel in Clinton Cycle 9",

October 31, 2003.

Clinton Unit I Cycle9 iv Revision 1 3473MWu, Rated Power

1. Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate 1.1 Technical Specification


Sections 3.2.1 and 3.4.1.

1.2 DescriDtion

Reference 4 is used to determine the maximum average planar linear heat-generationr rate (MAPLHGR) limit for each fuel lattice in the core (GNF proprietary data). Limits listed In Reference 4 are for dual reactor recirculation loop operation (DLO). Tables 1-1 and 2 show the associated MAPLHGR multipliers (flow dependent - MAPFACF and. power dependent - MAPFACp) to be applied to the limit which are consistent with References 3 and 5.

For single reactor recirculation loop operation (SLO), the MAPLHGR limits from Reference 4 must be multiplied by the minimum of the MAPFACp, the MAPFACF, or the SLO MAPLHGR multiplier. The SLO MAPLHGR multiplier for GE10 fuel is 0.75 (Reference 5 Section 16).

The SLO MAPLHGR multiplier for GE14 fuel is 0.76 (Reference 5 Section 16).

When manual calculations are required, all MAPLHGR values for each fuel bundle type as a' _

function of the average planar exposure shall not exceed the limits as determined below:

1.2.1 During dual reactor recirculation loop operation The limits shown in Tables 1-3 through 1-7 (Reference 5) multiplied by the smaller. of either the core flow dependent MAPLHGR factor (MAPFACF) of Table 1-1, or the core'thermal power dependent MAPLHGR factor (MAPFACp) In Table 1-2.

1.2.2 During single reactor recirculation loop operation The limits shown in Tables 1-3 through 1-7 (Reference 5) multiplied by the smaller of MAPFACF. MAPFACp, or a factor of 0.75 for GE10 fuel or 0.76 for GE14 fuel (Reference 5 Section 16).

Clinton Unit I Cycle 9 1-1 Revision I 3473MWh Rated Power

Table 1-1' MAPFACF Flow Dependent MAPLHGR Multipliers for All Fuel Types For Maximum Runout For Maximum Runout Flow of 105% Flow of 109%

Core Flow .MPAF Core Flow MAFC

(% of Rated). MAPFACF (% of Rated) MAPFACF 0.00 0.4694 0.00 0.4430 78.23 1.0000 . 82.18 1.0000 105.00 1.0000 109.00 1.0000 Table 1-22 MAPFACp Power Dependent MAPLHGR Multipliers for All Fuel Types EOOS Core Flow Core Thermal Power (% of Rated)

Combination (% of Rated) 0.0 21.6

  • 33.3 > 33.3 60 100 Base Case & <50 0.634 0.634 0.689 0.6891.000 Base Case SLO > 50 0.572 0.572 0.600 0.689 1.000 PROOS &
  • 50 0.570 0.570 0.585 0.585 0.785 1.000 PROOS SLO > 50 0.570 0.570 0.585 0.585 0.785 1.000

' Linear interpolation should be used for points not listed in Table 1-1.

2 Linear interpolation should be used for points not listed in Table 1-2.

Clinton Unit 1 Cycle 9 1-2 Revision 1 3473MWt, Rated Power

r-Table 1-33 MAPLHGR Limits for Bundle Type GE1 0-P8SXB353-1 2GZ-1 20T-1 50-T Average Planar MAPLHGR Exposure kWf (GWD/ST) (lf 0.00 11.61 0.20 11.68 1.00 11.83 2.00 12.04 3.00 12.28 4.00 12.53 5.00 12.68 6.00 12.78 7.00 12.88 8.00 13.01 9.00 13.17 10.00 13.33 12.50 13.46 13.24 13.36 15.00 13.10 20.00 12.27 25.00 11.46 27.22 11.28 35.00 10.64 45.00 9.89 48.08 8.59 50A5 7.58 54.78 5.77 I

3 Linear interpolation should be used for points not listed in Table 1-3.

1-3 Revision 1 Clinton Unit 1 Cycle 9 3473MW6, Rated Power

Table 1-4 4 MAPLHGR Limits for Bundle Type GE1 4-P1 OSNAB353-1 3GZ-1 20T-1 50-T-24 12 Average Planar MAPLHGR Exposure (GWD/ST) (kW/ft) 0.00 9.48 0.20 9.54 1.00 9.67 2.00 9.83 3.00 10.00 4.00 10.17 5.00 10.35 6.00 10.52 7.00 10.64 8.00 10.77 9.00 10.89 10.00 11.03 11.00 11.17 12.00 11.22 13.00 11.14 14.00 11.05 15.00 10.97 17.00 10.81 20.00 10.56 25.00 10.15 30.00 9.73 35.00 9.22 40.00 8.63 45.00 8.05 50.00 7A8 55.00 5.30 56.30 4.65 4 Linear interpolation should be used for points not listed in Table 1-4.

Clinton Unit 1 Cycle 9 1-4 Revision 1 3473MWO Rated Power

t I.

Table 1-55 MAPLHGR Limits for Bundle Type I GE1 4-Pl OSNAB354-1 5GZ-120T-1 50-T-2413 Average Planar MAPLHGR Exposure (GWDIST) (kW/ft) 0.00 9.48 0.20 9.49

.i 1.00 9.55 2.00 9.67 3.00 9.82 4.00 10.00 5.00 10.18 6.00 10.33 7.00 10.48 8.00 10.64 9.00 10.80 10.00 10.96 11.00 11.09 12.00 11.08 13.00 11.03 14.00 10.97 15.00 10.91 17.00 10.76 20.00 10.52 25.00 10.12 30.00 9.70 35.00 9.22 40.00 8.63 45.00 8.05 50.00 7A8 55.00 5.34 56.09 4.79 5 Linear interpolation should be used for points not listed in Table 1-5.

1-5 Revision I Clinton Unit I Cycle 9 3473MWt, Rated Power

Table 1-66 MAPLHGR Limits for Bundle Type GE14-P1 OSNAB395-1 6GZ-1 20T-150-T-2519 Average Planar MAPLHGR Exposure(kW/ft)

(GWDIST)(klt 0.00 9.59 0.20 9.70 1.00 9.83 2.00 10.00 3.00 10.17 4.00 10.35 5.00 10.54 6.00 10.74 7.00 10.94 8.00 11.16 9.00 11.38 10.00 11.51 11.00 11.63 12.00 11.75 13.00 11.75 14.00 11.75 15.00 11.74 17.00 11.66 20.QO 11.41 25.00 10.92 30.00 10.42 35.00 9.81 40.00 9.17 45.00 8.55 50.00 7.97 55.00 7.05 59.28 4.90 6 Linear interpolation should be used for points not listed in Table 1-6.

Clinton Unit 1 Cycle 9 1-6 Revision 1 3473MWth Rated Power

I Table 1-77 MAPLHGR Limits for Bundle Type GE1 4-P1 OSNAB385-1 6GZ-1 20T-150-T-2520 Average Planar MAPLHGR Exposure (kW/ft)

(GWDIST)(klt 0.00 9.94 0.20 10.06 1.00 10.21 2.00 10.40 3.00 10.53 4.00 10.64-5.00 10.76 6.00 10.87 7.00 10.99 8.00 11.11 9.00 11.23 10.00 11.35 11.00 11.48 12.00 11.57 13.00 11.57 14.00 11.58 15.00 11.57 17.00 11.48 20.00 11.22 25.00 10.74 30.00 10.26 35.00 9.77 40.00 9.16 45.00 8.53 50.00 7.92 55.00 6.70 58.65 4.87 7 Linear interpolation should be used for points not listed in Table 1-7.

Clinton Unit 1 Cycle 9 1-7 Revision I 3473MWth Rated Power





~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2. Minimum Critical Power Ratio 2.1 - Technical Specification


Sections 3.2.2 and 3.4.1.



The Operating Limit MCPR (OLMCPR) is determined from either section 2.2.1 or 2.2.2, whichever is greater at any given power and flow condition. The rated qQnditions OLMCPR values are shown in Table 2-1 for reference.

2.2.1 Power-Dependent MCPR The MCPR limit as a function of core thermal power is shown in Table 2-2. The maximum value of the MCPR limit shown on the table, for the relevant core flow, is the power dependent MCPR limit.

2.2.2 Flow-Dependent MCPR Tables 2-3 and 2-4 give the MCPRF limit as a function of flow. The maximum limit as determined from Table 2-1 and the value determined from Tables 2-3 or 2-4 Is the flow dependent MCPR limit. I-Clinton Unit 1 Cycle 9 2-1 Revision 1 3473MWv, Rated Power

. I Table 2-1 Rated Conditions Operating Limit MCPR for All Fuel Types, Option A Scram Times EOOS Combination OLMCPR Base Case . 1.31 Base Case SLO 1.34 PROOS 1.31 PROOS SLO . 1.34 Table 2-28 MCPRp - Power Dependent MCPR Limit for All Fuel Types, Option A Scram Times

  • EOOS Core Core Thermal Power (% of Rated)

Combiation Flow ____

Combination (%Rated) 0 21.6

  • 33.3 > 33.3
  • 70 > 70 100 B50 2.20 2.20 1.97 1.77 1.59 1.51 1.31

> 50 2.46 2.46 2.17 1.77 1.59 1.51 1.31 Base Case *50 2.23 2.23 2.00 1.80 1.62 1.54 1.34 SLO > 50 2.49 2.49 2.20 1.80 1.62 1.54 . 1.34

  • O50 2.20 .2.20 1.97 2.17 1.673 1.51 1.31 PROOS

> 50 2.46 2.46 2.17 2.17 1.673 1.51 1.31 PROOS *50 2.23 2.23 2.00 2.20 1.703 1.54 1.34 SLO > 50 2.49 2.49 2.20 2.20 1.703 1.54 1.34 8 Linear interpolation should be used for points not listed in Table 2-2.

Clinton Unit 1 Cycle 9 2-2 Revision 1.

3473MWth.Rated Power

i i Table 2-39 MCPRF Flow Dependent MCPR Limit  :

for GE10 Fuel For Maximum Runout For Maximum Runout Flow of 105% Flow of 109%

Core Flow Core Flow

(% of Rated) MCPRF (% of Rated) MCPRF 0.00 2.0483 0.00 2.1155 25.00 1.7222 25.00 1.7767 40.00 1.5398 40.00 1.5873 II 89.24 1.2000 93.78 1.2000 105.00 1.2000 109.00 1.2000 Table 2-4'1 MCPRF Flow Dependent MCPR Limit for GE14 Fuel For Maximum Runout For Maximum Runout Flow of 105% Flow of 109%

Core Flow MCPRF Core Flow

(% of Rated) (% of Rated) MCPRF 0.00 1.8159 0.00 1.8754 25.00 1.6433 25.00 1.6954 40.00 1.5398 40.00 1.5873 89.24 1.2000 93.78 1.2000 105.00 1.2000 109.00 1.2000 9 Linear interpolation should be used for points not listed in Table 2-3.

'0 Linear interpolation should be used for points not listed in Table 2-4.

Clinton Unit 1 Cycle 9 2-3 Revision 1 3473MWt, Rated Power


3. Linear Heat Generation Rate 3.1 Technical Specification


Section 3.2.3. I 3.2


The linear heat generation rate (LHGR) limit is an exposure dependent value. The maximum LHGR shall not exceed the zero exposure limit of 14A kW/ft for the following fuel bundle types (Reference 6):

GE10-P8SXB353-12GZ-120T-150-T The maximum LHGR shall not exceed the zero exposure limit of 13.4 kW/ft for the following fuel bundle types (Reference 7):

GE14-Pl OSNAB353-13GZ-120T-150-T-2412 GE14-PIOSNAB354-15GZ-120T-150-T-2413 GE14-Pl OSNAB395-16GZ-120T-150-T-2519 GE14-Pl OSNAB385-16GZ-120T-150-T-2520 i_*

Due to the proprietary nature of the LHGR values, only the maximum LHGR for each fuel bundle type is shown above. The exposure dependent LHGR limit data is listed in References 6 and 8 (GNF Proprietary); the associated LHGR multipliers (LHGRFACp and LHGRFACF) can be found in Tables 3-1 and 3-2 (References 3 and 5). The LHGRFAC multipliers are the same as the MAPFAC multipliers due to the dual' protection nature (ECCS/LOCA and thermal mechanical bases) of the LHGR and MAPLHGR limits.

When manual calculations are required, all LHGR's for each fuel bundle type as a function of nodal exposure shall not exceed the limits shown In References 6 and 8 multiplied by the smaller of either the core flow dependent LHGR factor (LHGRFACF) of Table 3-1, or the core thermal power dependent LHGR factor (LHGRFACp) of Table 3-2.

II Clinton Unit 1 Cycle 9 3-1 Revision 1 3473MWth Rated Power

Table 3-111" LHGRFACF Flow Dependent LHGR Multipliers for All Fuel Types t For Maximum Runout For Maximum Runout Flow of 105% Flow of 109%


(%of Rated) __ _ _ _ _ (% of Rated) _ _ _ _ _

0.00 0.4694 0.00 0.4430 78.23 1.0000 82.18 1.0000 105.00 1.0000 109.00 1.0000 I

Table 3-212 LHGRFACp Power Dependent LHGR Multipliers for All Fuel Types EOOS Core Flow Core Thermal Power (% of Rated)

Combination ofRated) 0.0 21.6

  • 33.3 > 33.3 60 100 Base Case & 5 50 0.634 0.634 0.689 0.689 . 1.000 Base Case SLO > 50 0.572 0.572 0.600 0.689 1.000 PROOS & 5 50 0.570 0.570 0.585 0.585 0.785 1.000 PROOS SLO '>50 0.570 0.570 0.585 0.585 0.785 1.000 A Linear interpolation should be used for points not listed in Table 3-1.

12 Linear interpolation should be used for points not listed in Table 3-2.

Clinton Unit 1 Cycle 9 3-2 Revision 1 3473MWth Rated Power

II i

4. Reactor Protection System (RPS) Instrumentation ,

4.1 Technical Specification

Reference: (SR (,



The Average Power Range Monitor (APRM) simulated thermal power .time constant, References 9 and 10, shall be between 5.4 seconds and 6.6 seconds (6.0+/-0.6 seconds) as described in Reference 11.


Clinton Unit I Cycle 9 4-1 Revision 1 3473MWth Rated Power

I 5:' Allowed Modes of Operation I The Allowed Modes of Operation with combinations of Equipment Out-of-Service are as described below:

Equipment Out of Service Standard MELLLA ICF3 Coasthown Options' _ _ _ _ _ _

Base Case Option

. A Yes o Yes Yes 2

Base Case SLO2. Option A Yes No No -Yes PROOS2 . Option A Yes Yes Yes Yes PROOS SLO2. Option A Yes No No Yes Only option A scram time (Technical Specification scram times) based limits are available at this time. After additional surveillance requirements are added to the Technical Specifications and accepted by the NRC, option B scram time based limits will be added to the COLR. See References 2 and 12 for restrictions related to TIP and LPRM system operability.

2 The base case and PROOS options support operation in Dual Loop mode with up to 500 F feedwater,-

temperature reduction (feedwater heater OOS or final feedwater temperature reduction) at any point in the cycle. Concurrent operation with SLO and feedwater temperature reduction has not been evaluated and is C-thus not a valid operating mode. All cases were analyzed with two (2) Safety-Relief Valves Out-of-Service (OOS) and one (1) ADS valve OOS (Reference 5) 3 The maximum ICF flow utilized in licensing analyses is 107.0%.

Clinton Unit 1 Cycle 9 5-1 Revision 1 3473MWh Rated Power


Il I {~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

6. Methodology I The analytical methods used to determine the core operating limits shall be those previously reviewed and approved by the NRC, specifically those described in the following document(s)*
1. NEDE-24011-P-A, latest approved version, 'General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel,"

GESTAR II, as supplemented.




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. Clinton Unit 1 Cycle 9 6-1 Revision I 3473MWth Rated Power