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Status Summary Sheet (Allegation Number NMSS-2002-A-0002)
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/27/2003
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
FOIA/PA-2003-0395, NMSS-02-A-0002, RIII-02-A-0005
Download: ML033100152 (1)




SHEET Page 1 ALLEGATION NUMBER: NMSS-2002-A-0002 FACILITY: U. S. Tool & Die Holtec Commonwealth Edison/Dresden



The Concerned Individual (Cl) stated that a Location:

1/2.stsy-- vendor [U.S. Tool & Die] modified spent fuel storage casks Algr docs -

during the fabrication process by making repairs and/or RiII-2002-A-0005 accepted discrepancies "as Is"without obtaining the required review and approval of the cask designer [Holtec]. Cl is concerned that this was contrary to Excelon's (ComEd) procedures.

ACTION: SFPO review/inspect.

CLOSURE: Closed. Substantiated, but there is not a resulting safety or regulatory concern requiring further NRC action.

See also: 06/13/02 -Letter (email) from alleger after closure, disagreeing with previous response.

07/10/02 -OAC letter to alleger. Conclusions unchanged. File remains closed.

08/19/02 -Letter (email) from alleger after closure, disagreeing with previous response.

09/23/02 -OAC letter to alleger. Conclusions unchanged. File remains closed.

Concern No


Cl Is concerned about the inadequate QA/QC Location:

S .212 E oversight by the spent fuel storage cask design organization Algr docs -

[Holtec] over the spent fuel storage cask fabricator [U.S. Tool & R1I-2002-A-0005 Die] and that this nadequate.oversight has resulted in indeterminate quality and the structural integrity of the casks is suspect. Cl stated that the fabricator's disposition of nonconformance condition as "use-as-is," "rework," and "repair" was a violation of the QA program for design. control as specified in 10 CFR 71 and 10 CFR 72. Cl stated that "use-as-is" and "repair" dispositions are design changes and should be evaluated and documented by engineering analysis.

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conditions under its QA program without the design organization's consent.

ACTION: SFPO review/inspect.

CLOSURE: Closed. Substantiated, but there is not a resulting safety or regulatory concern requiring further NRC action.

See also: 06/13/02 -Letter (email) from alleger after closure, disagreeing with previous response.

07/10/02 -OAC letter to alleger. Conclusions unchanged. File remains closed:

08/19/02 -Letter (email) from alleger after closure, disagreeing with previous response.

09/23/02 -OAC letter to alleger. Conclusions unchanged. File remains closed.

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