RIS 2002-09, Withdrawn NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-009: Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations

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Withdrawn NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-009: Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/06/2002
From: Beckner W
Trimble D C, DIPM/IEHB/IOHS, 415-2942
OMB 3150-0131, TAC M5118 RIS-02-009
Download: ML021570110 (8)

Withdrawn NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-09, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations, dated June 6, 2002, has been withdrawn.

ADAMS Accession Number: ML021570110

See Federal Register notice 81 FR 31969, dated May 20, 2016

OMB Clearance No.: 3150-0131 UNITED STATES






All holders of operating licenses for nuclear power reactors, except those who have permanently ceased operations and have certified that fuel has been permanently removed from the reactor vessel.


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this regulatory issue summary (RIS)

to inform addressees of the NRC staffs need for updated information on projected site-specific operator licensing examination schedules and estimated numbers of applicants planning to take operator licensing examinations and the NRCs generic fundamentals examinations (GFEs).

This information will help the NRC to more effectively plan the use of its resources. This RIS

requires no specific action or written response on the part of addressees. Any action on the part of addressees to collect and transmit the information noted herein is strictly voluntary.


On April 23, 1999, the NRC published a notice in the Federal Register (64 FR 19868) amending

10 CFR Part 55, Operators Licenses, to allow nuclear power facility licensees to prepare, proctor, and grade their own, NRC-approved written examinations and prepare the NRC-administered operating tests. However, facility licensees that elect not to prepare their own examinations and operating tests must request in writing, pursuant to 10 CFR 55.40(c),

that the examination and operating tests be prepared by the NRC.

Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) 2001-17, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations, issued August 22, 2001, requested that facility licensees submit proposed schedules of examinations that they intended to prepare and to estimate the number of applicants to be tested in both site examinations and GFEs in calendar years (CYs) 2002 through 2005. This RIS supercedes RIS 2001-17; the objective is to update examination schedules and applicant estimates for CYs 2003 through 2006.


Facility-developed and NRC-developed examinations require significantly different resource commitments on the part of the NRC. Experience has shown that the NRC can review, approve, administer, and document a facility-prepared examination utilizing approximately half the resources it takes for an NRC-prepared examination. This fact, coupled with year-to-year fluctuations in the total number of examinations, complicates the NRCs budgeting and scheduling activities. Consequently, the NRC has found it necessary to obtain updated data on power reactor facility licensees initial operator licensing examination needs, including estimates of the number of applicants to be examined and the facility licensees intentions regarding preparation of the examinations.

The NRC expects to solicit annually the voluntary reporting of updated information concerning operator licensing examinations through its generic communications program. This information will help the NRC budget and schedule its resources. The NRC regional offices will continue to coordinate specific examination dates with the training managers of affected facility licensees.


The plant-specific information that is needed by the NRC for resource planning purposes is identified in Attachment 1:

A. Proposed Examination Preparation Schedule:

Estimate the number of examinations you intend to prepare and estimate the number of examinations you will request the NRC to prepare during CYs 2003 through 2006. For examinations that are prepared by facility licensees, the NRC will assume that each examination includes the required outline, written examination(s), and operating test(s),

unless otherwise specified (shared examination development is permitted and should be coordinated with the appropriate NRC regional office).

B. Initial Operator License Examinations:

For each desired examination, estimate the number of applicants to be tested and enter the proposed primary and alternate dates of examination. If you are requesting more than one examination per calendar year, split the applicable column or use additional forms, as necessary, to cover all the examinations through CY 2006.

C. Proposed Generic Fundamentals Examination Schedule:

Estimate the number of applicants who plan to take the GFE in CYs 2003 and 2004.



that choose to submit the information identified in NRC Form 536 are asked to do so within 30 days after receipt of this RIS. Your response should be directed to the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Document Control Desk, Washington, D.C.

20555-0001, and a copy of the response should be sent to the applicable regional office.


This RIS requires no action or written response. Any action on the part of addressees to collect and transmit operator licensing examination data in accordance with the guidance contained in this RIS is strictly voluntary. Therefore, this is not a backfit under 10 CFR 50.109, and the staff did not perform a backfit analysis.


A notice of opportunity for public comment on this RIS was not published in the Federal Register because it pertains to an administrative aspect of the regulatory process that involves the voluntary submission of information on the part of addressees.


This RIS contains a voluntary information collection that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). This voluntary information collection is covered by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) clearance number 3150-0131, which expires on July 31, 2002 (new clearance in process). The public reporting burden for this voluntary information collection (NRC Form 536) is estimated to average 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the information collection. Send comments regarding this burden estimate to the Records Management Branch (T-6 E6), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555-0001, or by Internet electronic mail to

<bjs1@nrc.gov> and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-10202 (3150-0131), Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503.


If a means used to impose an information collection does not display a currently valid OMB

clearance number, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the information collection. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Project Manager.


William D. Beckner, Program Director Operating Reactor Improvements Program Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Technical Contacts: David C. Trimble, NRR Richard J. Conte, RI

301-415-2942 610-337-5183 E-mail: <dct@nrc.gov> E-mail: <rjc@nrc.gov>

Michael E. Ernstes, RII David E. Hills, RIII

404-562-4530 630-829-9733 E-mail: <mee@nrc.gov> E-mail: <deh@nrc.gov>

Anthony T. Gody, RIV

817-860-8159 E-mail: <atg@nrc.gov>


1. NRC Form 536, Operator Licensing Examination Data

2. List of Recently Issued NRC Regulatory Issue Summaries


NAME EEBarnhill DCTrimble TRQuay BABoger DATE 05/23/2002 05/24/2002 05/28/2002 05/30/2002 OFFICE IMA:RORP:DRIP SC:OES:RORP:DRIP PD:RORP:DRIP

NAME KAGray TReis WDBeckner DATE 06/04/2002 06/05/2002 06/06/2002

Attachment 1 Attachment 2 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED



Regulatory Issue Date of Summary No. Subject Issuance Issued to


2002-08 Availability of the Topical Report 05/22/2002 All holders of construction permits Program Description and Status of or operating licenses for nuclear Staff Reviews on the NRC Web power reactors (including those Site that have permanently ceased operations and have certified that fuel has been permanently removed from the reactor vessel),

formal nuclear industry groups, and nuclear steam supply system vendors.

2002-07 Clarification of NRC Requirements 05/10/2002 All licensees authorized to operate Applicable to Worker Fatigue and a nuclear power reactor, to Self-Declarations of Fitness-For- possess or use formula quantities Duty of strategic special nuclear materials (SSNM) or to transport formula quantities of SSNM.

2002-06 Evaluating Occupational Dose for 04/16/2002 All medical licensees.

Individuals Exposed to NRC-

Licensed Material and Medical X-ray

2002-05 NRC Approval of Boiling Water 04/08/2002 All holders of operating licenses Reactor Pressure Vessel for boiling-water-reactors (BWRs),

Integrated Surveillance Program except those who have permanently ceased operations and have certified that fuel has been permanently removed from the reactor vessel.

Note: NRC generic communications may be received in electronic format shortly after they are issued by subscribing to the NRC listserver as follows:

To subscribe send an e-mail to <listproc@nrc.gov >, no subject, and the following command in the message portion:

subscribe gc-nrr firstname lastname


OL = Operating License CP = Construction Permit