LR-N17-0034, Salem Generating Station, Units 1 & 2, Revision 29 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Section 14.5, Test Program Organization, Unit 1

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Salem Generating Station, Units 1 & 2, Revision 29 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Section 14.5, Test Program Organization, Unit 1
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/2017
Public Service Enterprise Group
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17046A230 List: ... further results
Download: ML17046A558 (10)


14.5 TEST PROGRAM ORGANIZATION -UNIT 1 14.5.1 Organization and Responsibility The Electric Production Department had responsibility for the Startup and Test Program through the Station Manager who, in turn, was directed by the Project Manager for startup-related activities. This responsibility was discharged through the Salem Startup Group (SSG) who established the detail, specific requirements for schedule and testing in support of project schedule requirements; and coordinated and directed, through established organizational structures, all contributing parties responsible for specific activities within the Startup and Test Program. The SSG was assisted, as required, through liaison with other Company departments, such as Engineering & Construction, Quality Assurance and Energy Laboratory, as shown on Figure 14.5-1. United Engineers & Constructors (UE&C), under the direction of Public Service Electric & Gas (PSE&G), coordinated construction schedules with testing requirements, provided manpower support as required, corrected deficiencies or made repairs, and wrote and performed certain Phase I test procedures as directed by the SSG Test Engineers. Westinghouse provided onsite technical consultation to assure that the safety and reliability of Westinghouse supplied systems was not compromised and ensured that equipment was adequately tested. Westinghouse had neither the responsibility for supervision of PSE&G or UE&C personnel nor direct responsibility for planning, scheduling, or management of testing activities. All testing activities on safety-related equipment was independently audited by QA/QC groups to ensure that any deviations from Final Safety Analysis Report commitments, design requirements or established operating and administrative procedures were identified, evaluated, and documented. Due to the nature of Phase III testing, 14.5-1 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 the station operating staff directed Phase III tests. Test procedure preparation, coordination, and scheduling of Phase III activities remained under the control of the SSG. The SSG coordinated and directed, through established organizational structures, all contributing parties responsible for specific activities within the Preoperational and Startup Testing Program. The SSG was comprised of test execution, test administration, and construction turnover support groups. The Startup Group Head directed the SSG. Reporting to the Startup Group Head were two Lead Startup Engineers (one for Phase !/II test execution and one for test administration) and the Construction Turnover Superintendent. The Construction Turnover Group was comprised of supervisors and coordinators assigned to coordinating crafts in supporting certain construction-related tests and accomplishing cleanup construction activities. The test execution and administration groups are headed by Startup Engineers responsible for the supervision, coordination, detailed guidance, and direction for assigned Test Engineers. The SSG Test Engineers were charged with the following general responsibilities as appropriate: 1. Follow and expedite construction progress to support startup requirements 2. expedite testing progress regarding the requirements of Project Planning and Scheduling documents 3. Define testing boundaries and requirements 14.5-2 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987

4. Write and/or ensure that detailed preoperational and startup test procedures are available to all contributing parties 5. Schedule daily testing activities and technically direct their execution 6. Ensure proper documentation of test results To accomplish these tasks, Test Engineers were onsite full time and had no other duties outside the testing program. For testing activities commencing with core load, the Station Chief Engineer managed and directed all activities. Members of the SSG and Test Engineer groups participated in Phase III operations, assisting the Electric Production Department as required. Typical organization chart for the SSG is presented in Figure 14.5-2. The following specific responsibilities apply to the Startup Engineers and Test Engineers: Startup Engineers 1. Review and provide startup input to the Master Project CPM and coordinate the development of weekly/daily testing schedules by the Test Engineers. 2. Primary responsibility for establishing test activity target dates and priorities. Assist in identifying required construction progress necessary to support these dates. 14.5-3 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987
3. Analyze, in detail, and develop specific administrative/ procedural methods and manpower recommendations to satisfactorily accomplish the startup program. 4. Control and periodically revise the Salem Startup Manual thereby keeping overall startup policies, practices, procedures, and scope of testing up-to-date. 5. Coordinate and direct assigned personnel and all contributing testing parties in the performance of their assigned responsibilities. 6. Conduct test planning meetings to inform all contributing parties of long-term requirements, identify startup activities requiring schedule or quality improvement, and resolve, or develop a course of resolution for major startup-related problems.* 7. Onsite authority regarding resolution of detailed testing prerequisites, schedule, scope, methods, or technical conflicts rests with the SSG. 8. Establish by complete, and means of document efficient flow control, a smooth, of startup-related information, procedures, test results, turnover and acceptance reports. 9. Review startup-related directives, instructions, and general or detailed procedures written by all contributing parties to assure compatibility and consistency with Salem Startup Manual. Periodically audit practices required by these documents for conformance. 10. Release all Phase II Startup Procedures for test. Certify completion of same. 14.5-4 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987
11. Schedule and coordinate the site activities of Westinghouse representatives. specialists and other vendor 12. Review and approve detailed Phase I test procedures generated by Test Engineers. 13. Maintain close coordination with management representatives of all contributing parties. Test Engineers 1. Through early advanced planning, develop detailed test activity schedules, test manpower requirements, and prerequisites. Coordinate adherence to same. 2. Determine the nature and degree of testing required in accordance with Engineering specifications and standard procedures. 3. Develop, assemble, initiate Test Requirement Outlines, Testing Boundary Diagrams, Preoperational Testing Notifications, Operational Testing Turnovers, and other project control documents, for testing activities on assigned systems. 4. Schedule and expedite procedure/documentation generated by others and construction completion dates for startup activities. 5. Identify and specify special (temporary) equipment necessary to support testing. 6. Administer testing identification tagging and temporary equipment usage on assigned systems. 14.5-5 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987
7. Write cleaning procedures and other preoperational test procedures in accordance with Engineering and Construction Department (E&CD) technical requirements. Review and accept/or approve Phase I detail procedures written by others. 8. Formally notify all contributing parties of required test, turnover, and acceptance dates in a timely manner. 9. Schedule vendor service representatives in support of test activities, as required. 10. Direct all contributing parties through existing organizational structures during the preparation for and execution of testing activities on assigned systems. 11. Maintain marked "Information Only" diagrams showing test activity completion status. 12. Review test results for assigned systems. 13. Write assigned Phase II and III Startup Procedures. Review other procedures which interface with assigned system. 14. Maintain the official Master Startup Procedure during the execution of Phase II testing. 15. Prepare test reports, review and coordinate evaluation of test results. 16. Maintain the official documentation files. 14.5.2 Test Procedure Preparation and Review All tests were performed in strict accordance with approved written test procedures. These test procedures included 14.5-6 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 provisions to ensure that prerequisites were met, adequate protective instrumentation was used, and required test monitoring and documentation were performed. Phase I test procedures were written under the direction of the SSG by various contributing groups within PSE&G and UE&C. Procedures were reviewed by the originator, SSG, representatives of the E&CD, and the Quality Assurance Department, as appropriate. Phase II and III startup procedures were written by individuals designated by the SSG. Final specific approval of the test procedures were given by the Station Manager. Approval of the procedure was given after formal review by the following personnel: 1. Author 2. Westinghouse Representative (for NSSS tests) 3. Engineering Department Representatives (for Phase II tests) 4. Quality Assurance Representative (for safety-related tests) 5. Station Operations Review Committee (SORC) The approved startup procedure was retained by the SSG until the scheduled test date. At this time the prerequisites were verified and the procedure, or sections of it, were released for test by the Lead Startup Engineer. Phase III startup procedures were released by the Reactor Engineer. The SORC completed its review of all scheduled safety-related system and core loading tests prior to loading fuel and of all post-core loading tests prior to initial criticality. Furthermore, the SORC advised the station Superintendent in 14.5-7 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 writing when required changes and additions to the Plant Manual resulting from these tests had been properly entered. All completed test procedures and accompanying data were made a part of the station's historical record and, therefore, are retained in the form of Test Reports. A specific format was prescribed for the preparation of written startup test procedures. The procedures included a statement of test objectives, a list of references used in preparation, and a list of prerequisites and initial conditions to be established for each test. Required test or special equipment was specified, and unusual environmental conditions required or generated by the test were described. The specific acceptance criteria for determining the success or failure of the test was clearly identified (where appropriate) and was a part of the test procedure. Any general precautions or limitations imposed by operational or safety requirements were also specified. A detailed step-by-step procedure was provided for each Phase II and III test. Test Engineer's initials were used to document completion of each step. Where special conditions such as abnormal valving or use of jumpers or bypasses are necessary, control measures are specified to insure that the abnormal configuration is returned to normal upon completion of the test. The procedures included a section for recommended changes to plant operating procedures and the Plant Manual that were generated as a result of the tests. The procedures also contained a section for remarks related to the test. A standard cover sheet was developed to facilitate formal test procedure review and approval. 14.5-8 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 14.5.3 Startup Procedure Changes Changes to approved startup test procedures were reviewed and approved by the same functional groups involved in the original document. A change notice was issued which included the change(s) and reason(s) for the change(s). On-the-spot changes to startup procedures were authorized by the Station Manager, or his designated representative, only if the change did not modify the original intent of the procedure. However, a post-change review was subsequently required to be conducted by the same functional groups involved in the original document. 14.5.4 Startup Test Results Test results were reviewed by the same functional groups who reviewed and approved the original test procedure. The Lead Startup Engineer initiated the review process by ensuring that the procedure had been completed and that any exceptions or comments listed by the Test Engineer who conducted the test were clearly explained. He then forwarded the results to the following personnel (in the order listed): 1. Reactor Engineer (for physics and fuel handling tests) 2. Westinghouse Representative (for NSSS tests) 3. Engineering Department Representatives (for Phase II tests) 4. Quality Assurance Representative (for safety-related tests) 5. SORC Chairman 6. Station Manager (for final approval) 14.5-9 . SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 Copies of the final approved test procedure and results were forwarded to the appropriate Quality organization for record retention. SGS-UFSAR 14.5-10 Revision 6 February 15, 1987