IR 05000277/2011403

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March 18,2011Mr. Michael J. PacilioSenior Vice President, Exelon Generation Company, LLCPresident and Chief Nuclear Officer, Exelon Nuclear4300 Winfield Rd.Warrenville, lL 60555SUBJECTPEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION - NRC SECURITY INSPECTIONRE PORT 0500027 7 l 20 1 1 403 AN D 05000 27 I l 20 I 1 403

Dear Mr. Pacilio:

On February 23,2011, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed a securitybaseline inspection at your Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station. The inspection covered one ormore of the key attributes of the security cornerstone of the NRC's Reactor Oversight Process.The enclosed inspection report documents the inspection results, which were discussed onFebruary 23,2011, with Mr. Garey L. Stathes, Plant Manager, and other members of your staff.The inspection examined activities conducted under your licenses as they relate to security andcompliance with the Commission's rules and regulations and with the conditions of yourlicenses. The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records, observed activities, andinterviewed personnel.This report documents one NRC-identified finding of very low security significance (i.e., Greenas determined by the Baseline Security Significance Determination Process). The deficiencywas promptly corrected or compensated for, and the plant was in compliance with applicablephysical protection and security requirements within the scope of this inspection before theinspectors left the site.The finding had a cross-cutting aspect in the area of Human Performance (Work Practicescomponent) because Exelon did not effectively communicate expectations regardingcompliance with regulatory requirements and personnel following procedures H.4(b). lf youdisagree with the cross-cutting aspect assigned to the finding in this report, you should providea response within 30 days of the date of this inspection report, with the basis for yourdisagreement, to the RegionalAdministrator, Region l; and the NRC Resident Inspector at thePeach Bottom Atomic Power Station.Enclosure contains Sensitive UnclassifiedNon-Safeguards Information. When separatedfrom enclosure, this transmittal document isdecontrolled-OFFIEIAT USE ONIY SEGURITY RETATED INFORMATION OFtrICIAt USE ONIY - SECURIW_REIATED INFORMATION However, because of the very low security significance and because it is entered into yourcorrective action program, the NRC is treating this violation as a non-cited violation (NCV),consistent with Section 2.3.2 of the NRC's Enforcement Policy. lf you contest this NCV, youshould provide a response within 30 days of the date of this inspection report, with the basis foryour denial, to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN.: Document Control Desk,Washington DC 20555-0001; with copies to the Regional Administrator, Region l; the Director,Office of Enforcement, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 20555-0001; and the NRC Resident lnspector at the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station.A licensee-identified violation which was determined to be of very low security significance isalso listed in this report. However, because of the very low security significance and because itis entered into your corrective action program, the NRC is treating this violation as a NCVconsistent with Section 2.3.2 of the NRC Enforcement Policy. lf you contest this NCV, youshould provide a response within 30 days of the date of this inspection report, with the basis foryour denial, to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN.: Document Control Desk,Washington DC 20555-001; with copies to the Regional Administrator Region l; the Director,Office of Enforcement, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 20555-001; and the NRC Resident Inspector at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station.ln accordance with 10 CFR Part 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter willbe available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from thePublicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system, ADAMS. ADAMSis accessible from the NRC Website at http://www.nrc.qov/readinq-rmiadams.html (the PublicElectronic Reading Room). However, because of the security-related concerns contained in theenclosure, and in accordance with 10 CFR Part 2.390, a copy of this letter's enclosure will notbe available for public inspection.In accordance with 10 CFR Part 2.390(bxl Xii), the NRC is waiving the affidavit requirements foryour response, if any. This practice will ensure that your response will not be made availableelectronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the NRC'sdocument system, ADAMS. lf Safeguards Information is necessary to provide an acceptableresponse, please provide the levelof protection described in 10 CFR Par173.22. Otheruvise,mark your entire response "security-Related Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR Part 2.390"and follow the instructions for withholding in 10 CFR Part 2.390(b)(1).

Sincerely,/RNSilas R. Kennedy, Acting ChiefPlant Support Branch 1Division of Reactor SafetyDocket Nos. 50-277, 50-278License Nos. DPR-44. DPR-56OFFIGIAT USE ONtY SEEURIry_REtATEB INFERMAflEN M. PacilioOFFIClAT USE ONtY SECURITY_REIATEB INFORMATION2However, because of the very low security significance and because it is entered into yourcorrective action program, the NRC is treating this violation as a non-cited violation (NCV),consistent with Section 2.3.2 of the NRC's Enforcement Policy. lf you contest this NCV, youshould provide a response within 30 days of the date of this inspection report, with the basis foryour denial, to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN.: Document Control Desk,Washington DC 20555-0001; with copies to the Regional Administrator, Region l; the Director,Office of Enforcement, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 20555-0001; and the NRC Resident Inspector at the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station.A licensee-identified violation which was determined to be of very low security significance isalso listed in this report. However, because of the very low security significance and because itis entered into your corrective action program, the NRC is treating this violation as a NCVconsistent with Section 2.3.2 of the NRC Enforcement Policy. lf you contest this NCV, youshould provide a response within 30 days of the date of this inspection report, with the basis foryour denial, to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN.: Document Control Desk,Washington DC 20555-001; with copies to the Regional Administrator Region l; the Director,Office of Enforcement, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 20555-001; and the NRC Resident Inspector at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station.In accordance with 10 CFR Part 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter willbe available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from thePublicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system, ADAMS. ADAMSis accessible from the NRC Website at http://www.nrc.qov/readinq-rm/adams.html (the PublicElectronic Reading Room). However, because of the security-related concerns contained in theenclosure, and in accordance with 10 CFR Part 2.390, a copy of this letter's enclosure will notbe available for public inspection.In accordance with 10 CFR Part 2.390(bxl Xii), the NRC is waiving the affidavit requirements foryour response, if any. This practice will ensure that your response will not be made availableelectronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the NRC'sdocument system, ADAMS. lf Safeguards lnformation is necessary to provide an acceptableresponse, please provide the level of protection described in 10 CFR Part73.22. Othenrvise,mark your entire response "security-Related lnformation - Withhold Under 10 CFR Part2.390"and follow the instructions for withholding in 10 CFR Part 2'390(b)(1).SincerelY,/RNSilas R. Kennedy, Acting ChiefPlant Support Branch 1Division of Reactor SafetyDocket Nos. 50-277, 50-278License Nos. DPR-44, DPR-56SUNSI Review Complete: DBE (Reviewer's lnitials)Non-Public Designaiion Category: MD 3'4 Non-Public A.3 ADAMS ACC #ML110800124DOCUMENT ruRMe: GtOns\ptanf Srpport Branch 1\Security\2O11 Draft OUO Reports\Peach Bottom 2011\PB 201 1 Bl Jan 28,2011. Rev 5 wo OUO-SRl.docxAfter declaring this document'An Official Agency Record' it will be released to the Public.To receive aiopy of this document, indiiate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachmenUenclosure "E" = Copy with attachmenVenclosure "N" = No OFFIENT USE ONI Y - SEEURITY_REtATED INFORMATION


lnspection Report 0500027712011403 and 0500027812011403


Supplemental Information (OUO-SRl)cc w/encl: w/OUO-SRl:J. Kovalchick, Manager, Site SecurityD. Allard, Director, PA DEPT. Levering, MD Emergency Response DirectorA. Lauland, Director, MD Office of Homeland Securitycc w/o enclMo OUO-SRI: Distribution via ListServOFFIClAT USE gNtY SECURry_REIATED INFORMATION OFFIElAT USE ONtY SEEURITY_REIATED INFORMATION Distribution w/encl:W. Dean, RA (RIORAMAIL Resource)D. Lew, DRA (RIORAMAIL Resource)D. Roberts, DRP (RIDRPMAlL Resource)J. Clifford, DRP (RIDRPMAIL Resource)P. Wilson, DRS (RlORSMail Resource)P. Krohn, DRPA. Rosebrook, DRPE. Torres, DRPS. lbarrola, DRPF. Bower, DRP, SRIA. Ziedonis, DRP, RlS. Schmitt, DRP, OAJ. Trapp, Rl OEDOD. Bearde, DRSRidsN rrPM Peach Bottom Resou rceRidsN rrDorl Lpl 1 -2ResourceRO Pre ports Reso u rce@n rc. q ovDistribution w/encl w/OUO:G. Smith, DRSS. Kennedy, DRSF. Bower, DRP, SRIR. Albert, NSIRS. Coker, NSIRR. Johnson, NSIRM. Ernstes, DRS, RllR. Skokowski, DRS, RlllM. Shannon, DRS, RIVOFFIElAT USE ONIY SECURITY-REIATED INFERMATION