IR 05000243/1985001

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Insp Rept 50-243/85-01 on 850325-26.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiation Protection Program,Environ Monitoring Program,Emergency Preparedness Program & Transportation Activities
Person / Time
Site: Oregon State University
Issue date: 05/03/1985
From: Cillis M, Yuhas G
Shared Package
ML20128H012 List:
50-243-85-01, 50-243-85-1, NUDOCS 8505300389
Download: ML20128H026 (10)








Report N /85-01 Docket N Licensa N R-106 Licensee: Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Facility Name: TRIGA Mark II


Inspection at: Corvallis, Oregon Inspection conducted: March 25-26, 1985


Inspectors: .

M. Cillis, Radiation Specialist-5 z f[

Date Signed Approved By: N G. , g/ 3/96*


Date Signed Facili(Y@as, Chief nbs Radiological Protection Section Summary:

Inspection on March 25-26, 1985 (Report No. 50-243/85-01)

Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection by a regionally based

? inspector of the reactor operations program, radiation protection program, environmental monitoring program,' emergency preparedness program,-

transportation activities; including personnel monitoring, surveys, instrument calibrations, ' reactor operator requalification program, standard operating procedures, surveillances, ALARA, reactor maintenance activities, experiments, organization, licensee evaluations of Information Notices, and a tour of the-facility. The inspection involved 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br /> of onsite time by one inspecto Results: Of the seventeen areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie !

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8505300389 850 6 PDR ADOCK 050 243 G +PDR



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. - 1 ~. Persons Contacted


. * G.' --

Johnson, Assistant Director, Radiation Protection and Regulatory

~ Affairs

'*DrE B.zDodds, Assistant Reactor Administrator

  • T..V.-Anderson,-Reactor Supervisor Dr. ;S. E. Binney, Chairman, Reactor Operations Committee H. Busby,. Electronics Technician f* Denotes those individuals attending the exit interview on March 26, 198 V

- ! Reactor Operations General

The inspection disclosed that the facility continues to-provide support for reactor related research"and teaching program ~


A review of' reactor. operating records disclosed that a total of

198.7 kilowatt hours werecgenerated-from January 1 through March 26,~

1985. The inspector- witnessed one . reactor operation involving -

reactor'startup. . The startup was performed-consistent with the

, licensee's standard operating procedures and the. Technical Specification ~

No violations or deviat'ioris were identifie Organization, Logs, Records t

The organizational structure for the operation and administration of ,

'the TRIGA reactor facility remains unchanged from that previously


' reporte Through' discussions.with licensee. representatives and an examination 1 of selected facility records, ~ the inspector found the staffing and qualification of personnel, including =c=bers'of the Rcactor-


Operations Committee, to be consistent with the Technical;

. Specification,'Section 6.i " Organization." s Representative samples of facility records and maintenance logs for



the period of June 1983 through January 1985 were examined to verify the performance of reactor operation activities.


' Specific records examined were as follows:


[. , Control Room Log Sheets Startup-and Shutdown Checklists


L Maintenance Log

. Rod Calibration p" , Instrument Calibration Records p ,

. Power Calibration I , ,



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' Operational Procedures

Console Logs


' Daily Power Logs -


Reactor Supervisors Log '.

- -

Scram Log

Survey (radiation,'. contamination, and. air) record *

Emergency Procedures-

~ -

Training: Records-Environmental Monitoring Records '

, ,, 10.CFR 50'.59 Evaluations

- No violations or deviations were identifie .

, Review and Audit L

. The licerisee'sf review and audit program prescribed in Technical

- Specification; Section;6.2,'" Review and Audit" was examined. The


c > ~ examination-included a review of the? Reactor Operation Committee

, (ROC) written charter;' ROC committee meeting minutes, ROCL surveillance and audit' reports for the period of 1983 through March 1985,,and a discussion with-the ROC Chairman,

' The inspector concluded th t~the Review and Audit program implemented b'y the ROC met'or exceeded the' requirements specified in


the Technical Specification,.Section I'

- ' No violations or, deviations were identifie , Reactor Operational Procedures Thh inspection included an examination of the licensee's operating

procedures prescribed in Technical Specification, Section 6.5,


,, " Operating Procedures." = Procedures. examined were those associated; ,

with reactor startup, shutdown, steady state operations, and conduct


of experiment The inspector noted that the procedures are periodically reviewed


for technical adequacy by the licensee's staf A walk through of a selected procedure checklist (e.g., OST Rep 2.0,


' f


" Reactor Startup Checklist Procedure") was made for. the purpose of =

. verifying the procedure was technically adequate for accomplishing its intended purpos No violations or deviations were identifie ' . Chan'Res to the Facility, to Facility Procedures and Reactor i

- Experiments D Changes'made to the facility, facility procedures, and experiments-since the previous inspection were examined for compliance with 10 CFR Part 50.59, " Changes, Tests'and Experiments."



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~The examination disclosed that there were five changes-which were

. . reviewed pursuant'to 10 CFR 50.59. A summary of each change is as follows:

Addition of a " Ventilation Dampers Closed" annunciator to the

. reactor console day / night switc '* Installation.of new flow rate regul'ating valves in three argon vent lines entering the' argon ventilation system manifol *

Installation of a reactor control room smoke detecto *


Installation of amphenol plugs into the control rod electrical cable *

Minor changes to the Oregon State Triga Reactor and Radiation Center emergency response pla The licensee's evaluation of the above items is described in the licensee's annual report dated September 15, 1984. The inspector verified, through the review of reactor operation maintenance records and discussions, that no recent changes were made which may be considered as an unreviewed safety question pursuant to 10 CFR 50.5 No violations or deviations were identifie Experiments A review of the experiments that were accomplished since the last inspection was conducted. The review disclosed that no new experiments have been conducted. Those performed were consistent with the Technical Specificatica, Sections 6.2.d, " Review and Audit," and 6.5, " Operating Procedures."

No violations or deviations were identifie Surveillances Records of surveillance checks conducted daily, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and annually were selectively examined and found to be consistent with the appropriate requirements prescribed in the Technical Specifications, standard operating procedures, and licensee's commitment No violations'or deviations were identifie L'.




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. , '

& Training

'The licensee's general employee training (GET), emergency preparedness .

~~ training, reactor operator, and senior reactor operators training and


' '

requalification programs were examine ~

Training'less'on plans, study guides, attendance records, and examinations -

were reviewe ,


iTheLinspector concluded all.of that the licensee's training programs met or exceeded their commitments described in their emergency plan, in

~ ~

10 CFR Part 19.12, " Instructions to Workers," and in their NRC approved'

reactor and senior-. reactor. operators requalification progra No . violations or deviations were identifie . Emergency Preparedness The licensee's capabilities for responding to emergencies as described in their Emergency Plan of July 24, 1984, and for demonstrating compliance with 10 CFR Part 50.54(q)1and 10 CFR 50, Appendix E'were' examine The inspector verified through discussions, review of emergency-procedures, training records, memorandums.of understanding with offsite


-organizations, and an inspection of emergency equipment,.that the licensee has fully implemento. their-commitments described in their-emergency pla The' examination revealed that a. full scale drill involving offsite agencies was-conducted.on July 20, 1984. Additionally, the examination disclosed that an evacuation drill, involving the reactor staff, was held

.on November 6, 198 The inspector also verified that emergency equipment located at various locations on campus, were routinely inventoried. The inspector noted that radiation detection instruments and pocket ionization chambers-


stored in emergency cabinets were routinely calibrated.'

-The inspector _ concluded that the licensee's emergency response capabilities had been maintained at a level that met or exceeded 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E requirement .

'No violations ~or deviations were identifie .. IE Information Notices (ins)

'The inspector verified that the licensee was receiving and evaluating ins for applicability to the Oregon State Triga Reactor facilit Discussions with the Assistant Director of Radiation Protection and


Regulatory Affairs revealed that records of the receipt and review are j, . maintaine The inspector confirmed that licensee evaluations of all applicable ins

' issued since 1982 were accomplished.


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No violations or deviations were identifie *x *

6.- Environmental-' Monitoring Program-


Records associated with the-licensee's environmental monitoring program which'is' described in Part 5, Section F of<the licensee's annual report'

sof September 15,.1984'were examine The environmental program: consist of.the following:



.Onsite! environmental samplin *

Offsite environmental sampling

, The?onsite environmental monitoring program includes:


  • Direct area monitorirg with thermoluminescent dosimeters-(TLDs).

. Routine (daily, weekly, and monthly)' radiation and contamination

- -

survey _



  • '

Monitoring of airborne.particulates and gaseous activity being



l discharged from the stack.




  • _ Routine sampling.of the. liquid' effluent release pathway ,


The offsite environmental monitoring program includes:

'* -Routine sampling of soil, water,' vegetation and for airborne activit *

Direct area monitoring with TLDs.-

Environmental sample analytical results for 1983 and 1984 were reviewed-

'and were found to be-consistent with the-valuesJreported'in the licensee's annual-report of September 15, 198 , ,

'The radioactivity" levels observed from the offsite environmental monitoring program gave no evidence of change-in the environs due to

_ reactor _ operation ~

)The' inspector noted that the licensee's environmental monitoring program-exceeded the program specified in the Technical. Specification , No violations or deviations were identifie L Radiation Protection Program

' ' Surveys and Effluent Releases

- The inspector verified that. direct radiation surveys, contamination



, surveys, and surveys-of airborne particulates, liquids and gaseous L effluents are performed _on'a routine schedule by the licensee's

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- radiation protection staff.


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The monitoring' program. appears to be consistent with110 CFR


-%' 'Part 20.201, " Surveys". The examination also' revealed thatirecords




, of surveys are' recorded and maintained:in accordance with 10 CFR Part< 20.401, " Records _ of'~ surveys, radiation monitoring, iand


. disposal." 'The reactor pool water is routinely. checked-for

conductivity, pH,.and radioactive levels as prescribed in.the


JTechnical Specification ' Survey records for-the period of July.1983 through March:1985 were

reviewed during the inspectio .' ' Argon-41 ' releases for 1983 and 1984 ranged ' from :12.66 to 14.65


curie The diluted concentrationg of Argon-41Lat the pgint o ,. ' release' averaged between 7.6 x 10 uCi/cc to 9.5 x 10 :uCi/c These values are less than three percent of the Maximum Permissible Concentrations ~(MPC);provided in Section 3.6.2'of the Technical

. Specification 'Theannualaverageconcentrationfor. liquids,excludingtrgtium, associated.with' reactor' operations for 1984 was 1.96 x 10 uCi/c This value is(much less than one percent of the NPC allowed by

10 CFR:20,' Appendix The licensee's survey program includes daily (work days) radiation and contamination surveys, and special_ surveys;for non-routine wor . .The inspector noted that survey results _are. reviewed by the reactor staff for abnormal trends and for ALARA consideration No violations or deviations were identified.'

' Personnel Radiation Dosimetry-o




~The licensee utilizes a film badge /TLD program that is contracted !

from Radiation' Detection Company _for assuring' compliance with 10 CFR n' ,

-Parts 20.101,'"RadiationLDose Standards for Individuals'in Restricted Areas, 20.102, " Determination of Prior Dose," 20.104,


" Exposure of; Minors," and 20.202, " Personnel Monitoring." -.The licensee's personnel monitoring program has not' changed from what is described in Region V Inspection Reports 50-243/82-02'and 50-243/83-0 The inspector reviewed personnel dosimetry records for the period of January 1983 through March _1985. The exposures' recorded'for the whole body, extremities, and skin of'the whole body were well below the. regulatory limits as specified in 10 CFR 20.101(a). The exposure records for visitors were also' examined and found to be r consistent with'the values reported in the licensee's annual report f _(Table 5-4) of September 15, 198 No violations'or-deviations were identified.- Posting and Labeling



The inspector verified that the licensee's posting and labeling

[ , Lpractices were consistent with 10 CFR Part 19.11, " Posting of





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. Notices to Workers" and 10'CFR.Part 20.203, " Caution ~ signs,~1abels,

, signals,:and control ' ~

, ~ No violations or deviations were identified.

' Instrument Calibration



EThe. licensee's program related to the calibration- of portable ;

radiation-detection monitoring equipment was examine "

~A review of calibration records confirmed that the' licensee's calibration program is consistent with ANSI N-323-1978, " Radiation


Protection Instrumentation Test and' Calibration".

.; ,

Technical Specification', Section 4.3.3 requires that area,

' continuous' air, exhaust gas, and exhaust particulate monitors be-calibrated at-intervals not to exceed 14 months, a review of records disclosed that the calibrations'were performed at the required interval LNo violations or deviations were identifie :As Low As Is Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)

.The inspector noted from direct observations that the ALARA principals prescribed in 10 CFR 20.1 were constantly practiced by

~t he -staff during the inspection. The Oregon State Test Reactor-staff continuously evaluate methods'for maintaining personnel exposures and reactor operations consistent'with the ALARA concep No violations or deviations were identifie . . Radioactive Waste The inspector examined the-licensee's records and procedures associated with the handling and disposal of solid radioactive wastes that are generated-from reactor operation ~The examination. disclosed._that the. licensee has established procedures for the handling and shipment of radioactive waste that appear to be consistent with the appropriate' regulatory requirements prescribed in:

. 10 CFR Part 20.311,_" Transfer for Disposal and Manifests."

10 CFR Part.61, " Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste".


10 CFR Part 71, " Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material."


. Department of Transportation 49 CFR Parts 0-19 b l u- . a

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The waste generated by the reactor is routinely shipped to an approved'

. burial (e.g., U. S. Ecology) site.under the University's State'of Oregon radioactive materials. licens The inspector noted that reactor operations normally generates approximately 7 to 9 cubic feet of waste on an ancual base No ~ violations or deviations were identifie . . Facility Tour-i

'The inspector toured the licensee's facility to check the general state of housekeeping and to verify that radiation monitoring instrumentation


were in current calibration and operating properl Independent surveys were performed using an Eberline Model R0-2 ion-chamber radiation detection instrument, NRC No. 008985, S/N 837, calibrated on February 25, 198 The inspector noted the facility cleanliness was excellent. No fluid

' leaks or piping vibrations were observed. All fixed and portable instrumentation' observed were in current calibratio The independent radiation measurements confirmed that the licensee's posting and labeling practices were consistent with 10 CFR 20.203 requirement No violations or deviations were identifie . Special Licensee Report

'A licensee notification made on January 23, 1985, informed the Region V staff that low level air concentrations of radioactive noble gas above

- background was detected at the TRIGA facility. The licensee suspected a leaking fuel element. A special report, pursuant to Technical Specification, Section 6.7.b.2, was submitted to Region V on February 5, 198 ,

The report explained that gamma spectroscopy analysis of the Constant Air I"

Monitor (CAM)particulatechannelfiltergaveanindfgatiRb,00Rb,k$gwas


suspgggedtobeshort-livedfissionproducts(e;g., Cs, and Ba).

The report further explains the corrective actions that were taken to ascertain the cause for the airborne concentrations that were observe The tests fai!ed to provide any positive' indication of a fuel cladding defect and therefore the licensee concluded they could return to normal reactor operations. The licensee implemented the following surveillance program prior to resuming normal reactor operations:


  • Increased surveillance of the CAM during and after operations.

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  • - _ For a period of one month after returning the ' reactor to normal


operation, the~ reactor top CAM's particulate filter paper will be


analyzed by gamma spectroscopy.

? *

At-the. conclusion of the one month period,-the licensee's routine

air'. surveillance program will be changsd to include a weekly gamma spectroscopy analysis of a daily CAM filter pape ~

Through discussions held with licensee representatives and a review of

the analysis records between the period of: February 5,'1985, and

--March 25, 1985, the inspector concluded that the additional corrective actions have, failed to provide a positive indication of a possible fuel'

' defec The licensee informed'the-inspector that they plan to continue with the

- corrective actions described in their February 5,1985 lette No. violations or deviations were identifie .

Ell. Exit Interview ,

The inspector met with the individuals (denoted in paragraph 1) at the-conclusion of.the inspection on March 26,' 1985. The scope and findings of the inspection were summarized. The. inspector commented that'the licensee's performance in the areas inspected were exemplary. .The licensee was informed that no _ violations or deviations were. identifie l r




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