IR 05000233/1963002
ML20058C210 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 05000233, 03020421 |
Issue date: | 09/25/1990 |
To: | |
References | |
NUDOCS 9011010054 | |
Download: ML20058C210 (1) | |
NAC PersA 991 (18 8tl u.g. NUCLE AR AttuLATORY ^^^ ^^- 3 to ce a s m SAFETY INSPECTION
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2. M6 060N AL OF F ICE ULTRA TECHNOLOGYe INCe UeSe hWCLEAR ktGULATORY COMMSSS10k Pcuch f340122 REGION y Prudhoe Days AK 99734 1450 Maria Lane Ste'210 e
Walakt Creeke CA 94596
3 OOCKE1 NUMBL Mist 4. LICE N6L NUM9t M(86 6. D AT E Of INSPL CitON 030-20421 50-23363-02 e,"t
,t T t t,*)
Licensee The inspection was ar. esemination of the activities conducted under your license es they eeiste to red tion sefety and to compliance with the Nuclear Reguistory Commissioni (NHC) rules and regulations and the condit60ns of your 16cenee. The inspection cons 6sted of selective eneminations of procedures and espersentattve records. interviews, with personnel, and observations by the inspector. The findings es a result of this enspection are as Iollows!
1. Within the stolee of this inspection, no violetions were observed.
arnna 2. The inspector also verified the steps you have taken to correct the violations identified during the test ins.section. We have no further quest 60r's on those actions et this teme.
3 Durmg this 6nspection certain of your activities, es checked below, were in violation of NRC requirements.
THIS 15 A NOTitt OF VIOLAtl0N which is required to be posted in occordance with 10 CF R 10.11.
was not properly posted to indicate the presence of e
.10 CF R 20.203(b), fc),(dl,(el or 34 42.
]D.Conteirbre located in -
were not properly labeled to indicate the presence of radioactive meterial.10 CF R 20.203(fl(1), or (fil?).
of sealed sources were not performed at the proper f requencies 10 CF R License Condition Number
[0 Records of were not properly meintained.
t0 CF R or License Condition Number L. Documents were not property posted or otherwise enede eveilab6e.10 CF R 19.11.
]. fleports or not:8 cations of i
were not made in accordance with 10 CF R or L6 cense Condition Numter
I h$r$tiv state inet withifi 30 cars the ectione described by rne to the inspector will be taken to correct the violations identHied 6n the Iter's checked above.
This st6tement of corrective ettlons is made in Octordance with the requirements of 10 CF R 2 20t, No further response will be submitteet utiless require POQlQb5h Oh 2N REGi L 1C30 50- r: M 3-02 FDC I_ 7 aq,., ,j.g g m, , sioN ATUMr - Licr Nstr oaTr sic,N AT uns - Nec iNsrF cTon caTt " f.. }}