IA-98-213, Requests Proposal for Performance of Attached Umbrella Project & Task Order 2 Under Job Code J5170,for Nmss. Forwards Sow Detail Required Work & Should Be Used as Basic for Proposal Preparation

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Requests Proposal for Performance of Attached Umbrella Project & Task Order 2 Under Job Code J5170,for Nmss. Forwards Sow Detail Required Work & Should Be Used as Basic for Proposal Preparation
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/02/1998
From: Linehan J
To: Pugh C
Shared Package
ML20236X484 List:
CON-FIN-J-5170, FOIA-98-213 NUDOCS 9808100086
Download: ML20236X554 (40)


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WASHINGTON. D.C. 20565-0001

\ . . . . 8. ,o ! January _2, 1998 Mr. Claud E. Pugh. Director NRC Programs Oak Ridge National L:boratory P.O. Box 2009. MS-8063 Dak Ridge. Tennessee 37831-8063




Dear Mr..Pugh:

This letter is to recuest a Proposal for performance of the attached umbrella project and Task Order 2 under Job Code J5170. for tne Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Off1Ce of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. The enclosed Statements of Work (S0W's) detail the recu1 red work and should be used as the basis for proposal preparation. NOTE: Task Order 1 was cancelled by NRC due to a confl1ct of interest determination.

Cost Proposal The proposals should contain the cost information as is required on the NRC Form 189. " DOE Laboratory Project and Cost Proposal for NRC Work." A revised NRC Fcrm 189 1s being reauested reflecting the level of effort 1dentified in the umbrella 50W. In additic,. you are requested to submit a separate technical and cost proposal for Task Order 2.

I A spending plan should also be submitted as part of your cost proposal. Gu1 dance i for completion of the plan is contained in the instructions portion of the NRC Form l 189. ]

l Technical Proposal Content As a minimum the' technical proposal must contain the following: 1 e A discussion to substantiate the laboratory's understanding of the scope of j work.

  • A discussion of the laboratory's technical approach to meet,the project's objective.

e A discussion of the experience and capabilities of key personnel and the laboratory in performing sin 11ar work. j I

9808100086 980803 I, PDR FOIA CHANCEL 98-213 PDR l.

N_NLMYRE_ __ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ __.


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h C. Pugh 2

-e Identification of key personnel and the number of staff hours that will be committed to completion of work. Resumes for key personnel must be included.

e Identification of administrative support personnel and/or facilities needed to assist professional personnel in completing work, e A discussion of any potential organizational conflict of interest issues.

  • A discussion of anticipated problem areas or deviations from the NRC's 50W.

Work under this project is anticipated to be unclassified.

This request is not an authorization to begin work. Authorization to begin work'will be provided via a NRC Form 173 (Standard Order for DOE work).

The proposals should be sent in an original and 1 copy to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. ATTN: Ms. Penny Kinney. Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. Mail Stop T8A23. Washington. DC 20555 within 14 days.

Questions concerning this request should be addressed to Penny Kinney via email to PMKl@NRC. GOV. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Original signed by:

John J. Linehan. Director Program Management. Policy Development and Analys1 Staff Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


As stated cc: J. Simpson. ORNL (fax)

L. McCold. ORNL (fax)


NMSS RMB J5170 i l NMSS r/f ,


1 RMB'tTJA E RMB:PMDA E P(M:))t$5 NAME DDeMarcMAk EShu Eleeds MJNtMa KMcdk/ J N kan DATE 12/ J /97 12/.D /97 12/ ./97 12//# /97 12/ /c /97 If/N/97 C = COVER E = COVER & ENCLOSURE N = NO COPY 'WI 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY G:\J5170.T02

0 UMBRELLA CONTRACT TITLE: Environmental Assistance for Spent Fuel Reviews l'

TYPE OF CONTRACT: DOE / Full Cost Fee Recoverable. Full Scope Tasks JOB CODE: J5170 B&R #: 85015122005 NRC ISSUING OFFICE: NMSS NRC PROJECT MANAGER: Penny M. Kinney (301-415-7805)



The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has under consideration and is anticipating applications for Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations and Dry Cask Storage. Applications which are expected include license renewals, license amendments to modify existing facilities, and licenses for new facilities.

Environmental reviews of the applications must be performed to determine whether or not to issue licenses or amendments to the applicants. The complexity of the reviews is such that a broad range of technical expertise is required to conduct these reviews to provide reasonable assurance that the public health and safety and environmental values are protected.

2.0 OBJECTIVE The objective of this project is to conduct environmental reviews related to the subject facilities. The exact number and scheduling of reviews have not yet been determined.

- 3.0 DISCIPLINES REOUIRED Expertise will be required in many areas, e.g., ecological and interrelated l earth sciences, hydrogeology. radiological assessments, socioeconomic, and disciplines related to cost-benefit analyses. The reviewers may be required to prepare and present testimony as expert witnesses for hearings in support of their reviews.

j 4.0 LEVEL OF EFFORT The estimated total level of effort required to perform this is estimated to be 2.5 staff years for 1998. 4.0 staff years for 1999, and 4.0 staff years for 2000.


5. 0 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance for the work specified in this Statement of Work (50W) will commence on the effective date of the agreement and will continue through 12/31/2000.


.. 2 6.0 SCOPE OF WORK

-The performing organization will provide the following types of assistance:

Environmental Reviews. Analysis. and Other Technical Assistance I

The performing organization will perform reviews'of environmental reports,


other applicant documents, facilities, and sites: evaluate the impacts of the proposed actions; and prepare environmental assessments or draft and final environmental impact statements as directed by the NRC and in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51.

The scope of the reviews will include, but may not be limited to, those topics described in guidance such as may be found in the Council on Environmental Quality Guidelines and in NUREG-0555. " Environmental Standard Review Plans."

For final environmental impact statements, the performing organization will consider and provide appropriate discussion of agency and public comment on the draft environmental impact statements.

As a result of proposed license modifications or amendments, the performing organization will be required to perform short term. limited scope, technical studies related to environmental impacts of the construction. operation. and decommissioning of spent fuel storage facilities. This work may include compilation and assessment of available environmental data, measurement or estimation of the environments in which proposed or actual facilities exist, and quantifying the effects of facility / environment interaction.

7.0 NRC FURNISHED MATERIAL To facilitate the work required in Section 6. the NMSS TM will provide the-

. performing organization with pertinent documents as necessary within 10 days from the effective date of each task order.

8.0 WORKING PROCEDURES As the exact number and scheduling of specific tasks cannot be determined, the detailed scope of work for each required task will be defined and funding L -provided via an NRC Form 173. The NRC will designate a Project Manager who will be responsible for the overall technical direction of the task ordering project. A Task Order Technical Monitor will, in turn, be assigned to each specific task and will be responsible for monitoring the technical work for that task.

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When specific work requirements are identified. the NRC will issue Task Orders in the form of Standard Orders for DOE Work (NRC Form 173).

The task order procedure as shown in MD 11.7. Part II. " Placement of Work With DOE' will be followed.

Each Task Order S0W will specify all pertinent information regarding the work to be performed as shown in Exhibit B. of MD 11.7 " Statement of Work Format and Instructions."

The task order proposal will include all of the information as shown in MD 11.7. Part III. " Proposal Preparation and Submittal." Note that in NRC Form 189 is not required for each task order but a written task proposal containing all of the applicable information must be included.

9.0 MONTHLY LETTER STATUS REPORT The performing organization will submit a Monthly Letter Status Report (MLSR) submitted by the 20th day of each month with distribution as shown below. The MLSR should contain. at a minimum all of the required information as shown in MD 11.7. Exhibit 12. " Monthly Letter Status Report Requirements."

10.0 TECHNICAL REPORTS Unless specified otherwise in individual Task Orders. the performing organization will prepare draft and final formal technical reports for each task described above. These reports will be prepared in accordance with l

MD 11.7. Part 1. they will be edited and reviewed by the performing organization and checked in accordance with the quality assurance requirements addressed below.

Within 30 days of receipt of each draft task report. the NMSS PM will provide comments to the performing organization to be considered in the preparation of the final task report. These comments will identify potential problem areas.

l discrepancies, and technical insights on the draft report. The comments will l be for the purpose of clarification only and will not be construed as to prejudge the performing organization's work or technical findings. Within 30 more days. the performing organization will revise the draft task report, j i incorporating resolution of comments. and submit a camera-ready copy and an l NRC-compatible, electronic media copy of the final task report.


' A 11.0 DELIVERABLE PRODUCTS / SCHEDULE The following summarizes the required report distribution under this 50W. the NMSS PM will provide the performing organization with current NRC mailing addresses for this distribution.

Monthly Meeting. Draft Final Letter Workshops. Formal Formal Status & Trip Tech. Tech.

Reports Reports Reports Reports NMSS PM 1 1 1 1 NMSS TM 1 1 5 1*

Office of NMSS. Attn:

Director. PMDA 1 1 1*** 1***

Div. of Freedom of Info. and Pub.

Services (FIPS) 0 0 0 1***

  • Camera-ready and electronic media
      • Cover letter only The schedule of deliverables for this project will be included in individual task orders.

12.0 MEETINGS AND TRAVEL The number, purpose. and location of meetings and travel will be described in '

individual Task Orders. All travel associated with this 50W will be approved in writing by the NMSS PM in advance. All such travel will result in trip reports, which may be issued separately or as part of the next monthly letter status report. Copies of separately issued trip reports will be submitted with 15 days of the completion of the travel.

Ar.f foreign travel, if authorized by the NMSS PM. must be approved by the NRC 1 Executive Director for Operations. The performing organization will submit its request to NRC at least 45 days in advance of the travel to allow for processing of the request. NRC form 445 must be completed for approval of foreign travel.

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1 : S 13.0 TECHNICAL / PROJECT DIRECTION Project Manager -

Penny Kinney Technical Monitor - Various The NMSS PM is the focal point for all contracts related activities. All work assignments and program funding actions are initiated by the NMSS PM. All proposed work scope or schedule changes must be processed through the NMSS PM.

The NMSS TM is responsible for providing technical guidance to the performing organization regarding staff interpretations of the technical aspects of regulatory requirements, along with ccoies of relevant documents (e.g.,

Regulatory Guides) when requested by the performing organization. All work products must be reviewed and approved by the NMSS TM before they are sutinitted as final documents. All technical directions given to the performing-organization must be consistent with the work scope and schedule.

-The NMSS TM is not authorized to unilaterally make changes to the approved work scope or schedule or give the performing organization any direction that would increase costs over approved levels.

Directions for changes in cost or period of performance will be provided by the DOE Operations Office after receipt of an appropriate Standard Order for DOE Work (50EW) (NRC form 173) from the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. If the performing organization receives guidance which is believed to be invalid under the criteria cited above, the performing organization will immediately notify the NMSS PM. If the NMSS PM and the performing organization are unable to resolve the question within five days, the performing organization will notify the DOE Operations Office.

14.0 OUALITY ASSURANCE 14.1 For all draft and final reports delivered under this agreement, the performing organization will assure that an independent review and l l verification of all numerical computations and mathematical equation and

! derivations are performed by qualified personnel other than the original author (s) of the reports. If the performing organization proposes to verify / check less than 100 percent of all computations and mathematical equations and derivations in the report (s). (such as might be the case when there are a large number of rc,utine, repetitive calculations). the performing organization ~must first obtain written approval from the NMSS PM. Computer-generated calculations.will not require verification where the computer program has already been verified. The NMSS PM has the option of auditing all


.' 6 documentation including project correspondence. drafts. calculations and unrefined data.

14.2 In addition, all reports, including tnose which do not contain numerical analyses must be reviewed by the performing organization's management and approved with two signatures, one of which is for the performing organization's management at a level above the program manager.

14.3 When revisions for the reports are issued a section must be included in the revised report to document dates of, reasons for, and scope of all changes made since the issuance of the first performing organization's approved report.

14.4 NRC has the option of appointing a Peer Group to review the draft report and make changes to the final report. The performing organization may recommend candidates for the Peer Group for approval by the NMSS PM. In the occasion of dissent in the content of the final report. the dissenting party will have the option of stating its viewpoints and findings in a section of the report.

15.0 DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY Management of property purchased under this Interagency Agreement will follow the procedures as stated in Part VIII of MD 11.7.

16.0 DOE ACOUIRED MATERIAL The performing organization must notify the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (Attn: Director. PMDA) and the NMSS PM prior to acquisition of any capital. FIP, or word processing equipment.

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JOB CODE: J5170 l

B&R NUMBER: 85015122005 DOCKET NUMBER: 72-22 i TAC NUMBERS: L22462 I NRC OFFICE: NMSS l NRC PROJ. MANAGER: Penny Kinney (301) 415-7805 l NRC TECH. MONITOR: Ed Shum (301) 415-8545 1.0 Backaround The Private Fuel Storage Facility (PFSF) submitted an application for a license to operate an ISFSI at the Utah site for temporary storage of the commercial spent fuel i generated by several utilities. An Environmental Report (ER) has been submitted for ,

the proposed licensing action. j i

This action is considered to be a major federal action and in accordance with )

10 CFR 51, an Environmental Impact Statement must to be prepared prior to approval of a license to operate the ISFSI facility. j 2.0. Objective The objective of this project is to assist NRC in the development of an EIS for the  !

Application for a License to Operate an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (IbFI) to Store Commercial Spent Fuel Located on the Skull Valley indian Reservation Utah." The EIS will be developed to support NRC's licensing decision to construct and operate an ISFSt.

3.0 Technical and Other Special Qualifications Reauired ORNL shall commit the appropriate number of qualified staff to the project encompassing all reqdred disciplines to develop an EIS and review associated public comments. NRC reserves the right to approve the Project Manager and the individual personnel assigned to Task Order 2 in the necessary technical disciplines, including health physics, hydrology, geology, mechanical / structural engineering, ecology and socio-economics. The ORNL Project Manager shall be experienced in managing l preparation of the EIS's and may not be changed during the Task Order 2 period of performance without prior written approval by the NRC.

I jI l=

i 4.0 Level of Effort The staff estimates the level of effort to be approximately 24 months with the following breakdown:

l l Gubtask A: 0.50 staff years Subtask B: 0.6 staff years

, Subtask C: 0.50 staff years Subtask D: 0.50 staff years Subtask E: 0.6 staff years Subtask F: 0.50 staff years Subtask G: 0.40 staff years Subtask H: 0.40 staff years Subtask I: Support for Licensing Proceeding and Litigation for Task Order 2.

Assume: .50 staff years 5.0 Completion Date The completion date for Task Order 2 is January 31,2000 and the completion date for the optional subtask I is contingent on events and may not be required.

6.0 Scope of Work Required Task Order 2 - ORNL shall provide technical assistance to the NRC in the environmental 4 review of the submitted ER and to prepare an EIS for the proposed action. f I

The environmental review is a multi-disciplinary activity culminating in a written record (i.e., the EIS) that will clearly demonstrate the applicant's compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR Parts 72 and 51.

l 1

The major scope of the review of the ER includes: ]

Subtask A: EIS Scoping:

Review and become familiar with the proposed project and supporting data. Visit the site in coordination with NRC staff for site familiarization purposes and to participate in public reoping meeting. Compile, categorize, and summarize all comments received in scoping process.

Identify significant issues and alternatives that NRC could consider in the scope of this EIS in 1 l the scope of this EIS in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51. Submit a draft scoping report for l NRC review by May 31,1998. Revise the draft scoping report to reflect NRC comments and  !

submit the final scoping report for NRC approval by June 30,1998.

Subtask B: Request for AdditionalInformation Based on the results of the final scoping report and NRC's independent review thereaf, ORNL L

I .'


!' shall submit to NRC a draft letter which identifies additional inforrnation which must be requested from the licensee in order to complete the draft EIS, Complete the draft Request for Additional information Letter (RAl) and submit to NRC for review by October 31,1998.

l l Subtask C: Applicant Response and Review / Draft EIS ORNL shall review the applicant's response end initiate the preparation of the draft EIS.

Upon direction from NRC, ORNL shall develop the draft EIS in accordance with 10 CFR l Part 51 and the description in NRC's notice of intent to prepare an EIS, Complete draft EIS by December 31,1998 and submit to NRC for review.

NRC shall provide comments to ORNL by January 30,1998.

Subtask D: Resolve NRC Comments and Submit Final Draft EIS ORNL shall review the NRC comments received on the draft EIS.

Complete draft EIS and submit to NRC by February 28,1999.

Subtask E: NRC shall publish the Draft EIS. Complete March 31,1999.

Subtask F: Resolve Public Comments / Request Additional Questions ORNL shall review the public comments received on the draft EIS. ORNL shall compile, organize, and categorize comments and draft recommended responses to all comments in coordination with NRC. Complete and submit to NRC by August 31,1999.

NRC shall provide comments to ORNL by September 30,1999.

Subtask G: Prepare draft final EIS After NRC review, ORNL shall review, revise the draft final EIS to reflect NRC comments and submit a revised draft EIS to NRC for final review and approval. Complete and submit to NRC l by October 31,1999.

Subtask H: Camera- Ready FEIS l

l ORNL shall revise the FEIS to reflect any final NRC comments and prepare a camera-ready l FEIS for printing in the same format as the draft EIS. ORNL shall prepare the FEIS in l accordance with 10 CFR Part 51. Complete and submit to NRC the camera-ready FEIS by December 31,1999.

OPTIONAL SUBTASK ORNL is requested to price this subtack separately as an option. Assume .50 staff years of i effort.

Subtask I: Support for Licensing Proceeding and Litigation for Task Order 2 l I

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In the event of legal challenge to the evaluations made under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the contractor shall provide information on the FEIS and its supporting material as requested. ORNL could be requested to provide information for answers to interrogatories and to provide experts to prepare written testimony and present oral testimony as needed or deemed sdvisable and as requested by NRC.

7.0 Task Reports l Two types of reports are required; reports on the review and monthly reports identifying l the overall progress of the task. For the review the Contractor shall provide details of l the review method, requests for information in a form suitable to transmit to the l applicant, and documentation summarizing the evaluation and findings suitable to l

include in NRC reports. The last of these shall be submitted in draft and final form (i.e.,

the draft EIS and final EIS, and the scoping meeting summary report).

Monthly reports shall be submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the basic contract.

8.0 Travel it is expected that there will be several coordination meetings between the Contractor and NRC staff throughout the duration of the task. Meetings will be held either at the contractor location or at NRC headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, at the NRC's discretion. Assume one trip to NRC headquarters, per quarter, for 2 persons for 3 days.

At least one travel for several key contractor reviewers to the proposed site is expected.

Another travel will be to conduct the scoping meeting which is normally held at the local ,

area near the site. Assume one trip for a site visit for up to six persons for 3 days. i Assume one trip to attend the scoping meeting for 2 persons for 2 days, if during the review process an area of review requires technical discussions between j the Contractor and the applicant, the Contractor may be requested to attend meetings with the applicant. It is anticipated this could involve two meetings, one at the applicant's site, and one at NRC's offices in Rockville, Maryland. Assume one trip to NRC headquarters for 2 persons for 2 days. Assume one trip to the applicant's site for l 2 persons for 2 days.

9.0 NRC Furnished Materials The NRC will furnish the Contractor documents under the appropriate docket and the format for requesting additional questions. Guidance in handling environmental justice from NMSS will also be furnished, l

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lI 10.0 Comotetion Date The completion date for this technical assistance Task Order 2 will be 24 months from receipt of license application.

i 11.0 Technical Direction l

Edward Y. Shum is designated the NMSS Project Manager. Technical Instructions may be issued from time to time during the duration of this task. Ms. Penny Kinney is designated the NRC Project Manager . Technicalinstructions shall not constitute new

assignments of work or changes of such nature as to justify an adjustment in cost or period of performance. Directions for changes in t, cope of work, cost or period of performance will be coordinated through the NMSS Project Manager.

12.0 Lovel of Effort The level of effort estimated for this task is 2.5 staff years (first year) and 1.5 staff years (second year). This does not include the potential for a hearing, which is to be priced as an optional subtask 1.

13.0 Classification Requirements in the performance of work under this work order, DOE will ensure that:

A DOE a :?horized classifier shall assign classification levels to all documents, material, and equipnient originated or generated by the performing organization in accordance with classification guidance furnished by the Commission. Each subcontract and purchase order issued hereunder involving the generation of classified documents, material, or equipment must include a provision to the effect that in the performance of such subcontract or purchase order, a DOE authorized classifier shall assign classification levels to all such documents, material, and equipment in accordance with classification guidance furnished.

14.0 Security Requirements DOE and the DOE contractor (perfemiing organization) shall be responsible for safegt'arding Restricted, Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and other National Security Information and for protecting it against sabotage, espionage, loss, and theft in accordance with DOE security regulations and requirements.

Except as otherwise expressly provided, DOE or the DOE contractor must, upon completion or termination of the work order, transmit to the NRC all classified matter in its possession or in the possession of any person under its controlin l connection with performance of this work order. If retention of any classified matter is l required by DOE or the DOE contractor, it must obtain the approval of the NRC and complete a certificate of possession specifying the classified matter to be retained.

Regulations. The DOE contracting officer shall ascertain that the DOE contracts conform to all DOE security regulations and requirements.


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l 15.0 Security - Unclassified Work Efforts '

l To the extent that performance of work under this order does not involve classified hformation or sensitive unclassified information, the following clauses are applicable:  !

' It is mutually expected that the activities under this work order must not involve classified or sensitive unclassified information or material. If, in the opinion of either party, this expectation changes, the party shall immediately notify the other party in writing. In any event, DOE will handle and otherwise safeguard classified and sensitive ,

unclassified or sensitive unclassified information or material becomes involved. l The DOE laboratory shall not permit any individual to have access to Restricted Data or other classified or sensitive unclassified information and material except in accordance l with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and DOE and NRC regulations or )

requirements, i Except as specifically authorized by this work order or as otherwise approved by the issuing authority, records or other information, documents, and materials furnished.

16.0 DOE Acquired Material No materials are expected to be acquired under this task order.

17.0 - Schedule of Milestones / Deliverables:

DUE DATE Subtask A - Draft Scoping Report to NRC May 31,1998 Final Scoping Report to NRC June 30,1998 Subtask B - Draft RAI Letter to NRC October 31,1998 Subtask C - Draft EIS to NRC December 31,1998  !

I Subtask D - Draft EIS (NRC Comments incorporated) February 28,1999 Subtask E - N'RC to Publish Draft EIS March 31,1999 Subtask F - Draft RAI Letter to NRC August 31,1999 Subtask G - Prepare / Submit Draft Final EIS October 31,1999 1

l Subtask H - Camera Ready Final EIS to NRC December 31,1999 NRC issues Final EIS January 30,2000 1


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15.0 Security Unclassified Work Efforts


To the extent that performance of work under this oroer does not involve classified I information or sensitive unclassified information. thi 'ollowing clauses are applicable:

l It is mutually expected that the activities under this work order must not involve l

l classified or sensitive unclassified information or material. If, in the opinion of either party, this expectation changes, the party shall immediately notify the other party in I wc

  • ng. In any event, DOE will handle and otherwise safeguard classifieo and sensitive I

unclassified or sensitive unclassified information or material becomes involved.

The DOE laboratory shall not permit any individual to have access to Restricted Data or ,

other classified or sensitive unclassified information and material except in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and DOE and NRC regulations or requirements.

Except as specifically authorized by this work order or as otherwise approved by the issuing authority, records or other information, documents, and materials furnished.

16.0 DOE Acquired Material No materials are expected to be acquired under this task order.

17.0 Schedule of Milestones / Deliverables:

DUE DATE Subtask A Draft Scoping Report to NRC June 30, 1998 Final Scoping Report to NRC July 31, 1998 Subtask B - Draft RAI Letter to NRC November 30, 1998 January 30, 1999 Subtask C - Draft EIS to NRC Subtask D - Draft EIS (NRC Comments incorporated) March 31, 1999 Subtask E - NRC to Publish Draft EIS April 30, 1999 September 30, 1999 Subtask F - Draft RAI Letter to NRC nm er 0, N Subtask G - Prepare / Submit Draft Final EIS Subtask H - Camera Ready Final EIS to NRC January 31, 2000 rebruary 28, 2000 NRC issues Final EIS 1 .

r Attachment

.; MONTHLY LETTER STATUS REPORT REQUIREMENTS A monthly letter status report (MLSR) must be submitted to NRC by the 20th of each month, using the distribution list established in the work order. The MLSR must, as a minimum, contain the information required Delow.

This project may be omitted from the perfcrming organization's monthly activities report, following NRC's determination that all work is completed and that the final cost information is acceptable. However, the final MLSR for the project must be included in performing organization's monthly activities report covering the last month of NRC's fiscal year.

It is acceptable to indicate in the MLSR that the project was inactive during the reporting period if a previous monthly activities report that contained the latest financial and progress status information is referenced.

The MLSR must include the following: the full name and address of the performing organization; the job code number and the title of the project; the principal investigator's (PI's) name and full telephone number; and the l project period of performance, the task assignment periods of performance, and the reporting period. Financial information must be provided on each individual task and by task under each individual task assignment.

l l As a minimum, the MLSR must include the following sections:

Objective Provide a brief statement of the performing organization's understanding of the objective (s) of the program / project.

Progress During Reporting Period for each task and/or task assignment, provide a clear, concise discussion of the work performed during the reporting period. As a minimum, these discussions must include sufficient detail to supoort the costs reported for the period. Progress reported as " worked on all tasks" is not acceptable.

Names and dates of meetings aad conference calls must be included. in addition, the current status of each task should be identified.

Travel Travel taken during the reporting period must be fully described and must include, as a minimum, the purpose of the travel, whether prior NRC authorization was required and obtained, the identity of all traveller (s),

beginning and ending dates of the travel, and the origin and destination points. If portions of the travel costs are split between projects, the appropriate corresponding job code number (s) must be identified.

l Anticipated and Encountered Problem Areas Problems both encountered during the reporting period and anticipated for the j next period (s) must be identified.

Discussion of problems encountered during the reporting period must include the actual solution or, if action is not implemented by the time of report l issuance, the proposed solution. The status of the problem should be updated i in subsequent MLSRs until problem resolution is achieved and reported. NOTE: '


The person (s) and/or organization (s) with responsibility for action to addrets

. the problem must be clearly identified. In the event that NRC is required to take action, a separate letter to the appropriate NRC individual (s) must be transmitted.

Problems or circumstances that require a change in the level of effort or estimated cost (s), scope of work, or travel requirements should be discussed.

NOTE: A separate letter identifying the need for a modification must be sent to the project manager as soon as the problem is identified. Such notification must not be delayed until issuance of the MLSR.

REMINDER: Changes to the statement of work that constitute new assignments of work of such a nature as to juttify an adjustment in overall cost or period of performance may only be authorized by the appropriate official. Section 13.0, the " Technical / Project Direction", of the Statement of Work.

Plans for the Next Reporting Period A discussion of the work to be performed and a description of anticipated travel must be provided. Milestones that will be completed during the period must be de- ibed. NOTE: Where prior NRC travel authorizations are required, a separate written notification to the NRC project manager is required.

Variance ~

Any variance in either schedule or spending rate must be identified and discussed in detail. Discussion must include the cause(s) for the variance (s), together with the proposed solution to bring the dates and cost within planned dates and amounts.

Financial Status In addition to the financial status information reported in the format entitled " Sample Financial Status Report Format", a narrative description of the financial status of the project must be provided. Statements such as "See attached financial status" are not acceptable. A discussion of the status of the projected cost and schedule of the project must be included. If the projected actual cost is expected to be greater than or less than the planned cost and/or if the schedule is projected to be longer than or less than the planned schedule, a discussion of the reasons for the differences must be provided. Actions to mitigate any delays in schedule and/or increases in cost should be thoroughly described.

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,- 1 Sanp1e


. MLSR Financial Status Report Format l

I MONTH, YEAR Job Code #.*


Task Assignment #.**

Task Assignment


Basic Order / Agreement Period of Performance: From To Task Assignment Period of Performance from To Total Project Authorized Amount: $

Total Funds Obligated to Date: $

Total Current Fiscal Year Authorized Amount $

Total Funds Obligated Current Fiscal Year: $

Currant Cost Incurred Status Fiscal Cumulative Current Year Project Month To Date To Date Direct Staff Effort (Hours)

Direct Labcr Overhead Materials and Services ADP Support Travel Expenses Sub:ontracts***

Capital Equipment Other General and Administrative Subtotal DOE Adder Total Costs 5 5  !

Total U4. costed Amount 5 5 $

Percentage of available cumulative funds costed  %

Percentage of available current fiscal year funds costed  %

  • Specialized account internal account numbers may be added.
    • Separate financial status report is required for each individual task assignm.ent.

I *** Incluh contract and purchase order dollar amounts.

Overall Funding Status Provide the prior fiscal year carryover, the current fiscal year funding level required as reflected in the current NRC Form 189 for the project, the funds received to date for the current fiscal year, and the balance of funding needed for the current fiscal year, in thousands of dollars, as follows:



l l } FY Funding Prior FY FY Project FY Funds Balance

[_arrvover Fundina Level Received to Date Needed 5 5 5 5 Balance of Funds Required by Fiscal Year FY-XX FY-XX FY-XX FY-XX Task Assignment Funding Status For task assignment job code provide the following information:

Task Number and Title Task 1 Task n (Task assignment data may be included with the fee recovery table.)


Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR Parts 170 and 171 on fees, provide the )

total amount of funds costed during the period and fiscal year to date for each task or task assignment by facility or topical report. The Certificate ]

Fee Recovery Status Report must be on a separate page as part of the MLSR for the job code, and must be in the format provided on the following page. Cost must be properly apportioned by docket numbe- H TAC number to the appropriate site. j There should be only one Certificate Fee R2covery Cost Status table per job code. The facilities should be identified by docket number and TAC number, and costs should be reported as whole numbers rounded to the nearest dollar.

For work that involves more than one site, each site should be listed separately and the costs should be split appropriately between the sites.

Common costs as defined below, must be identified separately in the Certificate Fee Recovery Cost Status table each month and must be divided among all plants worked on under the program during the month. The total of the period costs reported in the Certificate Fee Recovery Cost Status table should equal the total of the period costs reported in the Financial Status section. In the event the totals of the costs reports in these two tables are  !

not equal, an explanation for the variance should be given as a footnote to the Certificate Fee Recovery Cost Status table.

Common costs are those costs associated with the performance of an overall program that benefit both sites covered under that program or that are I required to satisfactorily chrry out the program. Common costs include costs j associated with the following: preparatory or startup efforts to interpret  ;

and reach agreement on methodology, approach, acceptance criteria, regulatory position, or technical reporting requirements; efforts associated with the  :

" lead site" concept that might be involved during the first one or two plant i

reviews; meetings and discussior,s involving the above efforts to provide i

and costs should be reported as whole numbers rounded to the nurest dollar.

For work that involves more than one site, each site should be i Sted separately and the costs should be split appropriately between the sites.

Common co:ts as defined below, must be identified separately in the i

Certificate fee Recovery Cost Status table each month and must be divided l among all plants worked on under the program during the month. The total of the period costs reported in the Certificate Fee Recovery Cost Status table j should equsi the total of the period costs reported in the Financial Status section. In the event the totals of the costs reports in these two tables are not equal, an explanation for the variance should be given as a footnote to the Certificate fee Recovery Cost Status table.

Common costs are those costs associated with the performance of an overall program that benefit both sites covered under that program or that are

! required to satisfactorily carry out the pregram. Common costs include costs associated with the following: preparatory or startup efforts to interpret and reach agreement on methodology, approach, acceptance criteria, regulatory position, or technical reporting requirements; efforts associated with the

" lead site" concept that might be involved during the first one or two plant reviews; meetings and discussions involving the above efforts to provide orientation, background knowledge, or guidance during the course of a program; any technical effort applied to a category of plants; and. project management.

On a monthly basis, the common costs for the month must be apportioned to the costs incurred during the month for each of the sites for which work was performed.

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orientation, background knowledge, or guidance during the course of a program; I .any technical effort applied to a category of plants; and project management.

On a monthly basis, the common costs for the month must be apportioned to the l costs incurred during the month for each of the sites for which work was performed.




Cumulative l Inspection Costs Report- This or Report Facility Docket Ide'.'ti fi cati on Period Fiscal Title Name Number Number Costs Year Common Costs Task 1 Task n i





DUTRIBUnON OFINCOhNNQ (DOE SIGNED) BEGIN END same as above 03/09/98 12/31/98 THIS FY FUNDING PERIOD FROM TO 03/09/98 12/31/98






'"" " NO THIS DER IS UNCLASSIFIED AND NOT SENS 10 CFR x YES x RK This order is issued to accept ORNL's Proposal dated January 14 and 21,1998, and the revisions dated February 20,1998, for the umbrella contract and Task 2 entitled " Technical Assistance in the Preparation of an F. environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Application for a License to Operate an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) to Store Commercial Spent Fuel Located on the Skull Valley Indirn Reservation in Utah." The ceiling for Task 2, which will start the project entitled

' Environmental Assistance for Spent Fuel Review " is 5817,346.00. FY99 to FYOO funds will be provided subject to the availability of funds.

The NRC TAPM for this project is. Penny Kinne, 7)1-415-7805)

The NRC TM for this project is: Dr. Edward She .(301-415-8545)



gz, f / M/pg Donna M. Umbel ,


/ GN URE /




f a J/6 ff) /'#



UMBRELLA CONTRACT TITLE: Environmental Assistance for Spent Fuel Reviews iYPE OF CONTRACT: DOE / Full Cost Fee Recoverable. Full Scope Tasks JOB CODE: J5170 B&R #: 85015122005 NRC ISSUING OFFICE: NMSS NRC PROJECT MANAGER: Penny M. Kinney (301-415-7805)



The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has under consideration and is anticipating l applications for Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations and Dry Cask Storage. Applications which are expected include license renewals. license amendments to modify existing facilities, and licenses for new facilities.

Environmental reviews of the applications must be performed to determine whether or not to issue licenses or amendments to the applicants. The {

complexity of the revis:s la such that a broad range of technical expertise is required to conduct these reviews to provide reasonable assurance that the public health and safety and environmental values are protected. ,

l 2.0 OBJECTIVE j The objective of this project is to conduct environmental reviews related to '

l the subject facilities. The exact number and scheduling of reviews have not yet been determined.

! 3.0 DISCIPLINES REOUIRED Expertise will be required in many areas. e.g.. ecological and interrelated earth sciences, hydrogeology, radiological assessments, socioeconomic, and i disciplines related to cost-benefit analyses. The reviewers may be required to prepare and present testimony as expert witnesses for hearings in support of their reviews. l I

4.0 tEVEL OF EFFORT The estimated total level of effort required to perform this is estimated to ,

be. 2.5 staff years for 1998. 4.0 staff years for 1999, and 4.0 staff years for 1 2000.

5.0 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance for the work specified in this Statement of Work (50W) will commence on the effective date of the agreement and will continue through 12/31/2000.

2 6.0 SCOPE OF WORK The performing organization will provide the following types of assistance:

Environmental Reviews. Analysis. and Other Technical Assistance The performing organization will perform reviews of environmental reports.

other applicant documents facilities, and sites: evaluate the impacts of the proposed actions; and prepare environmental assessments or draft and final environmental impact statements as directed by the NRC and in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51.

The scope of the reviews will include, but may not be limited to, those topics described in guidance such as may be found in the Council on Environmental Quality Guidelines and in NUREG-0555 " Environmental Standard Review Plans "

For final environmental impact statements, the performing organization will consider and provide appropriate discussion of agency and public comment on the draft environmental impact statements.

As a result of proposed license modifications or amendments. the performing organization will be required to perform short term. limited scope, technical studies related to environmental impacts of the construction, operation and decommissioning of spent fuel storage facilities. This work may include compilation and assessment of available environmental data, measurement or estimation of the environments in which proposed or actual facilities exist, and quantifying the effects of facility / environment interaction.

7.0 NRC FURNISHED MATERIAL To facilitate the work required in Section 6. the NMSS TM will provide the performing organization with pertinent documents as necessary within 10 days from the effective date of each task order.

8.0 WORKING PROCEDURES As the exact number and sched'uling of specific tLsks cannot be determined, the detailed scope of work for each required task will be defined and funding provided via an NRC Form 173. The NRC will designate a Project Manager who will be responsible for the overall technical direction of the task ordering project. A Task Order Technical Monitor will, in turn, be assigned to each specific task and will be responsible for monitoring the technical work for t that task.

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When specific work requirements are identi'fied, the NRC will issue Task Orders in the form of Standard Orders for DOE Work (NRC Form 173).

The task order procedure as shown in MD 11.7. Part II " Placement of Work With DOE" will be followed.

Each Task Order 50W will specify all pertinent information regarding the work to be performed as shown in Exhibit B. of MD 11.7 " Statement of Work Format and Instructions."

The task order proposal will include all of the information as shown in l MD 11.7. Part III. " Proposal Preparation and Submittal." Note that an NRC Form 1891s not required for each task order but a written task proposal containing all of the applicable information must be included.

9.0 MONTHLY LETTER STATUS REPORT The performing organization will submit a Monthly Letter Status Report (MLSR) submitted by the 20th day of each month with distribution as shown below. The MLSR should contain, at a minimum all of the required information as shown in MD 11.7. Exhibit 12. " Monthly Letter Status Report Requirements."

l l 10.0 TECHNICAL REEDEIS Unless specified otherwise in individual Task Orders, the performing organization will prepare draft and final formal technical reports for each task described above. These reports will be prepared in accordance r th l MD 11.7. Part I. they will be edited and reviewed by the performing l

organization and checked in accordance with the quality assurance requirements addressed below.

Within 30 days of receipt of each draft task report. the NMSS PM will provide comments to the performing organization to be considered in the preparation of the final task report. These comments will identify potential problem areas.

l ' discrepancies, and technical insights on the draft report. The comments will l be for tne purpose of clarification only and will not be conste ad as to L prejudge the performing organization's work or technical findiags. Within 30 l more days, the performing organization will revise the draft task report.

incorporating resolution of comments, and submit a camera-ready copy and an NRC compatible, electronic media copy of the final task report.

7 4


11.0 DELIVERABLE PRODUCTS / SCHEDULE The following summarizes the required report distribution under this 50W. the I NMS$ PM will provide the performing organization with current NRC mailing addresses for this distribution.

Monthly Meeting, Draft Final i Letter Workshops. Formal Formal Status & Trip Tech. Tech.

Reports Reports Reports Reports  ;

i NMSS PM 1 1 1 1 NHSS TM 1 1 5 1*

Office of NMSS. Attn: l Director, PMDA 1 1 1*** 1*** I Div. of Freedom of l Info, and Pub. l Services (FIPS) 0 0 0 1***

Camera-ready and electronic media

      • Cover letter only The schedule of deliverables for this project will be included in individual i task orders. I 12,0 MEETINGS AND TRAVEL The number, purpose, and location of meetings and travel will be described in individual Task Orders. All travel associated with this S0W will be approved l in writing by the NMSS PM in advance. All such travel will result in trip reports, which may be issued separately or as part of the next monthly letter

-status report. Copies of separately issued trip reports will be submitted I with 15 days of the completion of the travel.

Any foreign travel. if authorized by the NMSS PM, must be approved by the NRC Executive Director for Operations The performing organization will submit its request to NRC at least 45 days in advance of the travel to allow for j l processing of the request. NRC form 445 must be completed for approval of j i- foreign travel.  :

1 I

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Penny Kinney Technical Monitor - Various The NMSS PM 1s the focal point for all contracts related activities. All work assignments' and program funding actions are initiated by the NHSS PM. All proposed work scope or schedule changes must be processed through the NMSS PM.

The NMSS TM is responsible for providing technical guidance to the performing organization regarding staff interpretations of the technical aspects of regulatory requirements along with copies of relevant documents (e.g.. l Regulatory Guides) when requested by the performing organization. All work '

products must'be reviewed and approved by the NMSS IM before they are submitted as final documents. All technical directions given to the performing organization must be consistent with the work scope and schedule.

The NMSS Tri is not authorized to unilaterally make changes to the approved work sccpe or schedule or give the performing organization any direction that would increase costs over approved levels.

Directions for changes in cost or period of performance will te provided by the DOE Operations Office after receipt of an appropriate Standard Order for 00E Work (SOEW) (NRC form 173) from the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. If the performing organization receives guidance which is believed to be invalid under the criteria cited above. the performing organization will immediately notify the NMSS PM. If the NHSS PM and the performing organization are unable to resolve the question within five days, the performing organization will notify the DOE Operations Office.

14.0 00ALITY ASSURANCE 14.1 For all draft and final reports delivered under this agreement, the performing organization will assure that an independent review and verification of all numerical computations and mathematical equation and  ;

derivations are performed by qualified personnel other than the original -l author (s) of the reports. If the performing organization proposes to '

verify / check ]Lu than 100 percent of'all computations and mathematical equations and derivations in the report (s). (such as might be the case when there are a large number of routine, repetitive calculations), the performing organization must first obtain written approval from the NMSS PM. Computer-generated calculations will not require verification where the computer l program has already been verified. The NMSS PM has the option of auditing all j i

I 6

documentation including project correspondence, drafts. calculations and unrefined data.

14.2 In addition, all reports, including those which ou not contain numerical dnalyses must be reviewed by the performing organization's management and approved with two signatures, one of which is for the performing organization's management at a level above the program manager.

14.3 When. revisions for the reports are issued, a section must be included in the revised report to document dates of, reasons for, and scope of all changes made since the.1ssuance of the first performing organization's approved report.,

14.4 NRC has the option of appointing a Peer Group to review the draft report and make changes to the final report. The performing organization may recommend candidates for the Peer Group for approval by the NMSS PM. In the occasion of dissent in the content of the final report, the dissenting party will have the option of stating its viewpoints and findings in a section of the report, 15.0 DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY Management of property purchased under this Interagency Agreement will follow the procedures as stated in Part VIII of MD 11.7.

16.0 DOE ACOUIRED MATERIAL The performing organization must notify the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (Attn: Director. PMDA) and the NMSS PM prior to acquisition of any capital. FIP. or word processing equipment.

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JOB CODE: J5170 B&R NUMBER: 85015122005 l DOCKET NUMBER: 72 22 l TAC NUMBERS: L22462  !

NRC OFFICE: NMSS i NRC PROJ. MANAGER: Penny Kinney (301) 415-7805  !

NRC TECH. MONITOR: Ed Shum (301) 415-8545 1.0 Backaround  !

I The Private Fuel Storage Facility (PFSF) submitted an application for a license to j operate an ISFSI at the Utah site for temporary storage of the commercial spent fuel generated by several utilities. An Environmental Report (ER) has been submitted for the proposed licensing action. j This action is considered to be a major federal action and in accordance with 10 CFR .51, an Environmental Impact Statement must to be prepared prior to approval l of a license to operate the ISFSI facility.

2.0. Objective j The objective of this project is to assist NRC in the development of an EIS for the Application for a License to Operate an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation  !

(ISFI) to Store Commercial Spent Fuel Located on the Skull Valley Indian Reservation j Utah." The EIS will be developed to support NRC's licensing decision to construct and j operate an ISFSI.  ;

i 3.0 Technical and Other Special Qualifications Reauired ORNL shall commit the appropriate number of qualified staff to the project encompassing all required disciplines to develop an EIS and review associated public comments. NRC reserves the right to approve the Project Manager and the individual .

I personnel assigned to Task Order 2 in the necessary technical disciplines, including health physics, hydrology, geology, mechanical / structural engineering, ecology and i socio-economics. The ORNL Project Manager shall be experienced in managing l preparation of the EIS's and may not be changed during the Task Order 2 period of

! performance without prior written approval by the NRC.  !

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I 4.0 Level of Effort The staff estimates the level of effort to be approximately 24 months with the following breakdown: '

Subtask A: 0.50 staff years Subtask B: 0.6 staff years Subtask C: 0.50 staff years Subtask D: 0.50 staff years Subtask E: 0.6 staff years l Subtask F: 0.50 staff years Subtask G: 0.40 staff years Subtask H: 0.40 staff years Subtask 1: Support for Licensing Proceeding and Litigation for Task Order 2.

Assume: .50 staff years 5.0 Completion Date The completion date for Task Order 2 is January 31, 2000 and the completion date for the optional subtask I is contingent on events and may not be required.

6.0 Scope of Work Required Task Order 2 - ORNL shall provide technical assistance to the NRC in the environmental review of the submitted ER and to prepare an EIS for the proposed action.

The environmental review is a multi-disciplinary activity culminating in a written record

(i.e., the EIS) that will clearly demonstrate the applicant's compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR Parts 72 and 51.

The major scope of the review of the ER includes:

Subtask A: EIS Scoping:

Review and become familiar with the proposed project and supporting data. Visit the site in coordination with NRC staff for site farr.iliarization purposes and to participate in public scoping meeting. Compile, categorize, and summarize all comments received in scoping process.

Identify significant issues and attematives that NRC could consider in the scope of this EIS in the scope of this EIS in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51. Submit a draft scoping report for NRC review by May 31,1998. Revise the draft scoping report to reflect NRC comments and submit the final scoping report for NRC approval by June 30,1998. j Subtask B: Request for Additionalinformation Based on the results of the final. scoping report and NRC's independent review thereof, ORNL i

t l shall submit to NRC a draft letter which identifies additional information which must be requested from the licensee in order to complete the dr^ft EIS. Complete the draft Request for Additional Information Letter (RAl) and submit to NRC for review by October 31,1998.

Subtask C: Applicant Response and Review / Draft EIS ORNL shall review the applicant's response and initiate the preparation of the draft EIS.

Upon direction from NRC, ORNL shall develop the draft EIS in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 and the description in NRC's notice of intent to prepare an EIS. Compleie draft EIS by December 31,1998 and submit to NRC for review.

l NRC shall provide comments to ORNL by January 30,1998.

Subtask D: Resolve NRC Comments and Submit Final Draft EIS ORNL shall review the NRC comrnents received on the draft EIS.

Complete draft EIS and submit to NRC by February 28,1999.

Subtask E: NRC shall publish the Draft EIS. Complete March 31,1999.

Subtask F: Resolve Public Comments / Request Additional Questions ORNL shall review the public comments received on the draft EIS. ORNL shall compile, organize, and categorize comments and draft recommended responses to all comments in coordination with NRC. Complete and submit to NRC by August 31,1999.

NRC shall provide comments to ORNL by September 30,1999.

Subtask G: Prepare draft final EIS After NRC review, ORNL shall review, revise the draft final EIS to reflect NRC comments and submit a revised draft EIS to NRC for final review ano approval. Complete and submit to NRC by October 31,1999.

Subtask H: Camera- Ready FEIS ORNL shall revise the FEIS to reflect any final NRC comments and prepare a camera-ready FEIS for printing in the same format as the draft EIS. ORNL sha!! prepare the FEIS in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51. Complete and submit to NRC the camera-ready FEIS by December 31,1999.

OPTIONAL SUBTASK ORNL is requested to price this subtask separately as an option. Assume .50 staff years of effort.

Subtask 1: Support for Licensing Proceeding and Litigation for Task Order 2

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' in the event of legal challenge to the evaluations made under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the contractor shall provide information on the FEIS and its supporting material as requested. ORNL could be requested to provide information for answers to interrogatories and to provide experts to prepare written testimony and present oral testimony as needed or l deemed advisable and as requested by NRC.

7.0 Task Reporta l Two types of reports are required; reports on the review and monthly reports identifying l the overall progress of the task. For the review the Contractor shall provide details of

the review method, requests for information in a form suitable to transmit to the applicant, and documentation summarizing the evaluation and findings suitable to include in NRC reports. The last of these shall be submitted in draft and final form (i.e.,

the draft EIS and final EIS, and the scoping meeting summary report).

Monthly reports shall be submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the basic contract.

8.0 Travel it is expected that there will be several coordination meetings between the Contractor and NRC staff throughout the duration of the task. Meetings will be held either at the

' l contractor location or at NRC headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, at the NRC's {

discretion. Assume one trip to NRC headquarters, per quarter, for 2 persons for 3 days. j t

At least one travel for several key contractor reviewers to the proposed site is expected.

Another travel will be to conduct the scoping meeting which is normally held at the local area near the site. Assume one trip for a site visit for up to six persons for 3 days.

Assume one trip to attend the scoping meeting for 2 perscr.s for 2 days.

If during the review process an area of review requires technical discussions between the Contractor and the applicant. the Contractor may be requested to attend meetings with the applicant. It is anticipated this could involve two meetings, one at the applicant's site, and one at NRC's offices in Rockville, Maryland. Assume one trip to NRC headquarters for 2 persons for 2 days. Assume one trip to the applicant's site for 2 persons for 2 days.

l 9.0 NRC Furnished Materials 1

The NRC will furnish the Contractor documents under the appropriate docket and the '

format for requesting additional questions. Guidance in handling environmental justice from NMSS will also be fumished.

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I 10.0 Comoletion Date The completion date for this technical assistance Task Order 2 will be 24 months from receipt of license application.

11.0 Technical Direction Edward Y. Shum is designated the NMSS Project Manager. Technical Instructions may be issued from time to time during the duration of this task. Ms. Penny Kinney is designated the NRC Project Manager . Technical instructions shall not constitute new assignments of work or changes of such nature as to justify an adjustment in cost or period of performance. Directions for changes in scope of work, cost or period of performance will be coordinated through the NMSS Project Manager.

12.0 Level of Enort The level of effort estimated for this task is 2.5 staff years (first year) and 1.5 staff years (second year). This does not include the potential for a hearing, which is to be priced as an optional subtask 1.

13.0 Classification Requirements in the performance of work under this work order, DOE will ensure that:

A DOE authorized classifier shall assign classification levels to all documents, material, and equipment originated or generated by the performing organization in accordance with classification guidance furnished by the Commission. Each subcontract and purchase order issued hereunder involving the generation of classified documents, material, or equipment must include a provision to the effect that in the performance of such subcontract or purchase order, a DOE authorized classifier shall assign classification levels to all such documents, material, and equipment in accordance with classification guidance fumished.

14.0 Security Requirements DOE and the DOE contractor (performing organization) shall be responsible for safeguarding Restricted, Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and other National Security information and for protecting it against sabotage, espionage, loss, and theft in accordance with DOE security regulations and requirements.

Except as otherwise expressly provided, DOE or the DOE contractor must, upon completion or termination of the work order, transmit to the NRC all classified matter in its possession or in the possession of any person under its controlin connection with performance of this work order. If retention of any classified matter is required by DOE or the DOE contractor, rt must obtain the approval of the NRC and complete a certificate of possession specifying the classified matter to be retained. ]

Regulations. The DOE contracting officer shall ascertain that the DOE contracts l conform to all DOE security regulations and requirements. l l

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15.0 Sscurity Unclessifisd Work Efforts t

To the extent that performance of work under this order does not involve classified l information or sensitive unclassified information, the following clauses are applicable; it is mutually expected that the activities under this work order must not involve classified or sensitive unclassified information or material. If, in the opinion of either party, this expectation changes, the party shallimmediately notify the other party in writing. In any event, DOE will handle ano otherwise safeguard classified and sensitive unclassified or sensitive unclassified information or material becomes involved.

The DOE laboratory shall not permit any individual to have access to Restricted Data or other classified or sensitive unclassified information and material except in accordance

l. with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and DOE and NRC regulations or requirements.

I Except as specifically authorized by this work order or as otherwise approved by the issuing authority, records or other information, documents, and materials furnished.

18.0 DOE Acquired Material No materials are expected to be acquired under this task order.

17.0 Schedule of Milestones / Deliverables:

DUE DATE Subtask A - Draft Scoping Report to NRC June 30, 1998 Final Scoping Report to NRC July 31, 1998 Subtask B - Draft RAI Letter to NRC November 30, 1998 January 30, 1999 Subtask C - Draft EIS to NRC Subtask D - Draft EIS (NRC Comments incorporated) March 31, 1999 Subtask E - NRC to Publish Draft EIS April 30, 1999 September 30, 1999 Subtask F - Draft RAI Letter to NRC vem er 0, M Subtask G - Prepare / Submit Draft Final EIS Subtask H - Camera Ready Final EIS to NRC January 31, 2000 February 28, 2000 NRC issues Final EIS L

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L___--_________-____--_______________ _ _ _ _ _

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l Attachment MONTHLY LETTER STATUS REPORT REQUIREMENTS A monthly letter status report (MLSR) must be submitted to NRC by the 20th of each month, using the distribution list established in the work order. The MLSR must, as a minimum, contain the information required below.

This project may be omitted from the performing organization's monthly activities report, following NRC's determination that all work is completed and that the final cost information is acceptable. However, the final MLSR for the project must be included in performing organization's monthly activities report covering the last month of NRC's fiscal year.

It is acceptable to indicate in the MLSR that the project was inactive during the reporting period if a previous monthly activities report that cuntained the latest financial and progress status information is referenced.

The MLSR must include the following: the full name and addrass of the performing organization; the job code number and the title of the project; the i principal investigator's (PI's) name and full telephone number; and the project pertoa of performance, the task assignment periods of performance, and the reporting period. Financial information must be provided on each individual task and by task under each individual task assignment.

As a minimum, the MLSR must include the following sections:

Objective Provide a brief statement of the performing organization's understanding of the objective (s) of the program / project.

Progress During Reporting Period for each task and/or task assignment, provide a clear, concise discussion of the work performed during the reporting period. As a minimum, these discussions must include sufficient detail to support the costs reported for the period. Progress reported as " worked on all tasks" is not acceptable.

Names and dates of meetings and conference calls must be included. In addition, the current status of each task should be identified.

Travel Travel taken during the reporting period must be fully described and must include, as a minimum, the purpose of the travel, whether prior NRC authorization was required and obtained, the identity of all traveller (s),

beginning and ending dates of the travel, and the origin and destination points. If portions of the travel costs are split between projects, the appropriate corresponding job code number (s) must be identified.

Anticipated and Encountered Problem Areas Problems both encountered during the reporting period and anticipated for the next period (s) must be identified.

Uiscussion of problems encountered during the reporting period must include the actual solution or, if action is not implemented by the time of report issuance, the proposed solution. The status of the problem should be updated in subsequent MLSRs until problem resolution is achieved and reported. NOTE:

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The person (s) and/or organization (s) with responsibility for action to address the problem must be clearly identified. In the event that NRC is required to take action, a separate letter to the appropriate NRC individual (s) must be transmitted.

Problems or circumstances that require a change in the level of effort or estimated cost (s), scope of work, or travel requirements should be discussed.

NOTE: A separate letter identifying the need for a mot'fication must be sent to the project manager as soon as the problem is identified. Such notification must not be delayed until issuance of the MLSR.

REMINDER: Changes to the statement of work that constitute new assignments of work of such a nature as to justify an adjustment in overall cost or period of performance may only be authorized by the appropriate official. Section 13.0, the " Technical / Project Direction", of the Statement of Work.

Plans for the Next Reporting Period A discussion of the work to be performed and a description of anticipated travel must be provided. Milestones that will be completed during the period must be described. NOTE: Where prior NRC travel authorizations are required, a separate written notification to the NRC project manager is required.

Variance Any variance in either schedule or spending rate must be identified and discussed in detail. Discussion must include the cause(s) for the variance (s), together with the proposed solution to bring the dates and cost within planned dates and amounts.

Financial Status In addition to the financial status information reported in the format entitled " Sample Financial Status Report Format", a narrative description of the financial status of the project must be provided. Statements such as "See attached financial status" are not acceptable. A discussion of the status of the projected cost and schedule of the project must be included. If the projected actual cost is expected to be greater than or less than the planned cost and/or if the schedule is projected to be longer than or less than the

planned schedule, a discussion of the reasons for the differences must be provided. Actions to mitigate any delays in schedule and/or increases in cost should be thoroughly described.

l L -. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _

Sample MLSR Financial Status Report Format MONTH, YEAR Job Coda #.*


Task Assignment f.**

Task Assignment


Basic Order / Agreement Period of Performance: From To ___

Task Assignment Period of Performance From . To Total Project Authorized Amount: $

Total Funds Obligated to Date: $

Total Current Fiscal Year Authorized Amount $

Total Funds Obligated Current Fiscal Year: $

Current Cost Incurred Status Fiscal Cumulative Current Year Project Month To Date To Date Direct Staff Effort (Hours)

Direct Labor Overhead Materials and Services ADP Support Travel Expenses Subcontracts ***

Capital Equipment Other General and Administrative Subtotal 00E Adder Total Costs S $

Total Uncosted Amount $ $ $

Percentage of available cumulative funds costed  %

Percentage of available current fiscal year funds costed  %

  • Specialized account internal account numbers may be added.
    • Separate financial status report is required for each individual task assignment.
      • Include contract and purchase order dollar amounts.

Overall Funding Status l Provide the prior fiscal year carryover, the current fiscal year funding level l required as reflected in the current NRC Form 189 for the project, the funds received to date for the current fiscal year, and the balance of funding needed for the current fiscal year, in thousands of dollars, as follows:

FY Funding Prior FY FY Project FY Funds Balance j Carr_vover Fundino Level Received to Date Needed  !

1 Balance of Funds Required by Fiscal Year I FY-XX FY-XX FY-XX FY-XX Task Assignment Funding Status For task assignment job code provide the following information:

Task Number and Title Task 1 Task n (Task assignment data may be included with the fee recovery table.)


Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR Parts 170 and 171 on fees, provide the total amount of funds costed during the period and fiscal year to date for each task or task assignment by facility or topical report. The Certificate Fee Recovery Status Report must be on a separate page as part of the MLSR for the job code, and must be in the format provided on the following page. Cost must be properly apportioned by docket number ar.d TAC number to the appropriate site.

There should be only one Certificate Fee Recovery Cost Status table per job code. The facilities should be identified by docket number and TAC number, and costs should be reported as whole numbers rounded to the nearest dollar.

For work that involves more than one site, each site should be listed separately and the costs should be split appropriately between the sites.

Common costs as defined below, must be identified separately in the Certificate Fee Recovery Cost Status table each month and must be divided among all plants worked on under the program during the month. The total of the period costs reported in the Certificate fee Recovery Cost Status table should equal the total of the period costs reported in the Financial Status section. In the event the totals of the cc.sts reports in these two tables are not equal, an explanation for the variance should be given as a footnote to the Certificate Fee Recovery Cost Status table.

l Common costs are those costs associated with the performance of an overall

! program that benefit both sites covered under that program or that are required to satisfactorily carry out the program. Common costs include costs associated with the following: preparatory or startup efforts to interpret and reach agreement on methodology, approach, acceptance crite-ia, regulatory position, or technical reporting requirements; efforts associated with the

" lead site" concept that might be involved during the first one or two plant

! reviews; meetings and discussions involving the above efforts to provide l

k and costs should be reported as whole numbers rounded to the nearest dollar.

For work that involves more than one site, each site should be listed separately and the costs should be split appropriately between the sites.

Common costs as defined below, must be identified separately in the Certificate Fee Recovery Cost Status table each month and must be divided among all plants worked on under the program during the month. The total of the period costs reported in the Certificate Fee Recovery Cost Status table should equal the total of the period costs reported in the Financial Status section. In the event the totals of the costs reports in these two tables are not equal, an explanation for the variance should be given as a footnote to the Certificate fee Recovery Cost Status table.

Common costs are those costs associated'with the performance of an overall program that benefit both sites covered under that program or that are required to satisfactorily carry out the program. Common costs include costs associated with the following: preparatory or startup , fforts to interpret and reach agreement on methodology, approach, acceptance criteria, regulatory position, or technical reporting requirements; efforts associated with the

" lead site" concept that might be involved during the first one or two plant reviews; meetings and discussions involving the above efforts to provide orientation, background knowledge, or guidance during the course of a program; any technical effort applied to a category of plants; and project management.

On a monthly basis, the common costs for the month must be apportioned to the costs incurred during the month for each of the sites for which work was performed.

p l

e orientation, background knowledge, or guidance during the course of a program; any technical effort applied to a category of p1 ants: and project management.

On a monthly basis, the common costs for the month must be apportioned to the costs incurred during the month for each of the sites for which work was performed.




l Cumulative Inspection Costs Report This 1

or Report Facility Docket Identification Period Fiscal Title Name Number Number Costs Year Common Costs Task 1 i

Task n l


