IA-87-418, Statement of Work for Plant Independent Design Verification Program

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Statement of Work for Plant Independent Design Verification Program
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 10/06/1987
Shared Package
ML20235R953 List:
FOIA-87-418 NUDOCS 8710080245
Download: ML20235R954 (12)


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Diablo Canyon Verification P.3 )


a. Background )

On September 28, 1981 PG&E reported that a diagram error had been found in a portion of the seismic qualification of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 (DCNPP-1). . This error resulted in an incorrect application of ~ the seismic floor response spectra for sections of the annulus of the Unit 'l containment building. The error originated when PG&E transmitted a sketch of Unit 2 to a consultant. This sketch contained Unit 2 opposite hand geometry incorrectly identified as Unit 1 geometry.

As a result of, this error, a seismic reveri,fication program was established to determine if the seismic qualification of the plant was adequate for the pos tulated Hosgri 7.5M earthquake. The Commission issued an order suspending license CLI-81-30 for fuel load and low power tests up to 15% of rated power at DCNPP-1. This suspending order also specified that an Independent Design Verification Progran (IDVP) be conducted to assure that the plant met the licensing criteria. The IDVP program is currently underway and producing Interim Technical Reports (ITR) on the work as it progresses.

b. Objective The objective of this work is for BNL to independently analyze for NRC/SQbB l Diablo Canyon Power Plant annulus steel structure and the buried diesel oil tanks for the seismic loads imposed by the Hosgri event. Furthermore, BNL will also provide the NRC/SGEB staff with expertise in the field of seismic analyses

'to carry out reviews and audits of the work currently underway at the IDVP and P G&E. BNL will also attend technical interchange meetings for the Diablo Canyon license restoration work. Finally, BNL will assist the staff in evaluating the stnictural integrity of Unit 2 structures and Unit 2 specific allegations.-



OF PRIOR EFFORTS Under Fin No. A-3377, BNL carried out similar work for NRC with respect to independent derivations for the Diablo Canyon Annulus Structure Vertical Floor /

Spectra. The BNL staff, especially, the senior members are highly familiar with all aspects of structural dynamic response analysis, having derived some of the analysis methods currently employed by engineers in the civil / structural area.

3. WORK TO BE PERFORMED AND EXPECTED RESULTS L a. Work Requirements With respect to the Diablo Canyon evaluation and verification work to be carried out under this program, thirteen specific tasks will be performed. These are:

(See Continuation Sheet) 8710000245 871006 PDR FOIA WILLAMB7-418 PDR


4 Project


Diablo Canyon Verification P.4

3. WORK TO BE PERFORMED AND EXPECTED RESULTS (Cont'd) tatimated Completion Estimated Level Date of Effort
1. Carry out horizontal seismic March 31, 1983 15 man-weeks analysis for Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant contain-ment annulus structure. Gen-erate independent horizontal floor spectra based on de-talled 3-D mo dels.
2. Perform seismic and stress July 6, 1983 10 man-weeks analysis for a buried diesel oil storage tank to be chosen for analysis by mutual agree-ment between NRC/SGEB and Structural Analysis Division of BNL.

Verify the results of the PG&E Sept. 30, 1983 9 man-weeks analysis of record. Provide timely briefings to the staff and IDVP.

3. Provide assistance to NRC staff Nov. 30, 1983 31 man-weeks in the review and audit of ap-proximately 45 Independent Design Verification Programs (IDVP)

Interim Technical Reports (ITR) and Final Design Reports.

4. Assist NRC staff in the review Sept. 30, 1983 6 man-weeks and audit of the final IDVP J repo rt s.
5. Assist NRC staff in the review Nov. 30, 1983 6 man-weeks and audit of the PG&E Phase I Final Report.


6. Attend technical interchange Sept. 30, 1983 12 man-weeks '

meetings as requested by staf f, and assist in preparing trip re po rt s .

7. Carry out all necessary work March 1, 1983 6 man-weeks required to respond to Teledyne's reques t for informa-tion, RFI 5511-0151 and RFI 5511-0152 (Do cke t No. 50-275) .
8. Prepare testimony and appear as Nov. 30, 1983 6 man-we ek s expert witness at licensing hea ri ng.

(See Continuation Sheet) f L _ _ _- __-__ __ __ _

. O G Project


Diablo Canyon tierification P.5 l l

3. WORK TO BE PERFORMED AND EXPECTED RESULTS (Cont'd) l Estimated Completion Estimated Level Date of Effort
9. Assist NRC s taf f in evaluating Feb. 28, 1984 26 man-weeks j the 8 allegations (13 discrete  !

items) received from anonymous I persons on October 9,1983. j Evaluation of these allegations I will require review of PG&E l documentation and calculation be- )

yond the scope of previous staf f '

reviews at an estimated cos t of l 2 man-weeks for each of the 13 items. ]

In carrying out the above work, BNL will perform the following l subtaeks: i

a. Review each discrete item j and make an initial assessment of significance and make a ver-bal report to NRC staf f.  ;
b. Review previous BNL in-vestigations to determine applicability and compare re-sults with the substance of each of the allegations as appropriate.
c. Provide recommendations to NRC staff on the necessity of further evaluation of each item.
d. Develop a specific of list ma-terial to be reviewed in an audit at the offices of PG&E/Bechtel in San Francisco, CA, for each item as ap propriate.
e. Participate in the above audit with NRC staf f providing both civil / structural and anchan-ical engineering es:pertise.


f. Prepare a written report to the NRC staf f on the results of the audit.  ;

1 (See Continuation Sheet) l l 1

'. , Cl Project


Diablo Canyon Verification P.6


Estimated Completion Estimated Level Date of Effort  !

g. Assist the staff in preparing for the October 28, 1983 and two subsequent Commission briefings.  !
h. Prepare and present testimony on these and related matters at the forthcoming public hearing. l
1. Review any required' corrective cetion as requested by the NRC staf f.
10. Assist the NRC staf f in evaluation of May 31,1984 12 man-weeks the following listed allegations related to the design of small bore piping at Diablo Canyon
  • 1 No. 55 received in October,1983 Nos. 78, 79, 81, 82, 87, 88, 89, 95, I and 97 received in November,1983 Evaluation of these allegations will require review of PCE documentation and calculations beyond the scope of previous reviews.

In carrying out the above work, BNL will perform the following subtasks:

a. Review each discrete item and make an initial assessment of significance and make a verbal report to NRC. j l
b. Provide recommendations to the NRC staf f on the necessity of f urther eval-uation of each item.
c. Participate, with one person with mechanical engineering expertise as a member of the NRR Diablo Canyon Small Bore Piping Review Team in an audit at the Diablo Canyon site, PGE/Bechtel offices in San Francisco, and 1DVP of fice in Berkeley, CA, for each allegation as appropriate.

(See Continuation Sheet) l l


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m n Pro' ject


Diablo Canyon Verification P.7


Estimated Completion Estimated Level Date of Effort


d. Assist the NRC staff in

- preparation of a written report describing the results of the audit noted in c above.

e. Assist' the staff in preparing for two Commission meetings, if

- requested by the staf f.

f. Prepare and present testi- '

mony on these and related mat-ters for a public hearing, if requested by the staf f.

g. Review any required correc-i tive action and' participate in a corrective action audit at the Diablo Canyon site, PGE/Bechtel

' offices in San Francisco, and IDVP of fice in Berkeley, .CA, as requested by: the NRC staf f.  !

. . i

h. Assist the NRC staf f in j preparation of a written. report i describing the results of the review. and audit noted in g above.


11. Assis t the NRC staf f in evaluating S ep t . 3, 1984 2.5 man-months )

allegations related to installation I of' (drilled in) anchor bolts secur-ing piping supports and restraints to concrete supports. The allega-tions imply that these bolts are not s structurally adequate to safely anchor the piping supports under ,

expected loads for the plant.

In carrying out this work, BNL j will perfonn the following:


a. Review all allegations on )

the subject received to 'chte. 1 1

1 (See Continuation Sheet)

h Project


Diablo Canyon Verification P.8


Es timated Completion Estimated Level Date of Effort

b. Attend meetings and audits with the NRC staff at the Diablo Canyon site, to inspect the bolts in question, and visit the applicants design office in San Francisco to review lthe analytical proce-dures relevant to the partic-  !

ular bolt designs and place-ments. ,

c.. Review all relevant docu-mentation concerning field modifications to bolt loca-tions and repairs to concrete s uppo rt s .

d. Independently evaluate criteria used for bolt size j selection and embedment pro-  !


e. Independently assess ,

effects of identified field '

modifications to bolt hole '  !

locations on the anchor bolt load carrying capability.


f. Provide a draf t report by July 9,1984 to the NRC staff summarizing findings and  ;

recommenda tions ,

g. Provide a final report by July 20,1984 inco rpo rating comments from NRC staff,
h. If required, provide input to NRC testimony and attend hearings to provide expert testimony on the above allegation resolution.

(See Continuation Sheet)

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Diablo Canyon Verification P.9 3 .. WORK TO BE PERFORMED AND EXPECTED RESULTS (Cont'd)

Es timated Completion Estimated Level Date of Effort 4

12. Assis t th NRC s taf f in March 29,1985 15 man-months evaluating the s tructural integrity of the Unit 2 s t ructures. Evaluate the Unit 2 specific allegations.

In carrying out this work, BNL will perf orm the follow-ing:

a. Review the structural cal-  ;

culations of the annulus steel in the Unit 2 s tructures as directed and perform any nec-essary independent analyses.

5 Review the structural cal-culations for other Unit 2 structures as directed and per-form any necessary independent analyses.

c. Attend meetings and audits with the NRC staf f and provide consulting services.
d. Prepare draf t and final re-ports to NRC on the results of reviews and independent calcula-t io ns .
e. Hearing Assistance. If re-quired, provide input to NRC testimony and attend public hearings, ACRS, and Commission meetings.
13. Assis t the NRC staf f in evaluating October 15, 1986 1 man-month the structural integrity of the pipeway structure for the design earthquake (DE) and the double design earthquake (DDE).

In carrying out this work BNL will pe rform the following:

(See Continuation Sheet) l

Jp Q,

( , Project


Diablo Canyon Verification ~P.10


Es tima ted . Comple tion Estimated Level Date of Effort

a. Review the structural calculations for the DE as directed and perform any necessary independent' cal-culations .
b. Review the structural cal-culations for the DDE as di-rected and perform any necessary independent analyses,
c. Attend meetings and audits with the NRC staf f 'and provide consulting services.
d. Prepare draf t and final re-ports to NRC on the results. of reviews and independent calcula-tions.
e. Hearing Assistance. If re-quired, provide input to NRC testimony and attend public hearings, ACRS, and Commission meetings.
b. ' Meetings and Travel It is anticipated that 5 meetings with the NRC staff will be necessary regarding Tasks 1 and 2. It is anticipated that 5 or 6 meetings with the IDVP and PG&E will be necessary for Tasks 3 through 6. It is envisioned that several meetings in Bethesda, MD and San Francisco, CA with the NRC staff and the applicant will be necessary in order to accomplish the work in Taak 9. For Task 10, it is anticipated that approximately 8 meetings involving i staff member will be held in Bethesda, MD, the plant site, and San Francisco, CA wit,h the NRC staff and the applicant. Task 11 travel is expected to require two ' staff members who will visit the site for about 2 days, the applicant's design of fice in San Francisco (about 2 days) and Bethesda, MD (2 days). For Task 12, it is anticipated that trips will be required to the following locations:
1. San Francisco offices of PG&E (3 people, 5 days) 3 trips.
2. Diablo Canyon site (3 people, 4 days) 2 trips.
3. Bethesda, MD (3 people,1 day) 4 trips.

Finally, for Task 13, it is anticipated that trips will be required to the following locations:

1 (See Continuation Sheet)


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' Project


Diablo Canyon Verification P.ll

b. Meetings and Travel (Cont'd)
1. San Francisco of fices of PG&E; (2 people, 4 days) I trip.
2. Bethesda, MD (2 people,1 day each) 2 trips.


c. NRC Furnished Materials NRC will furnish BNL copies of necessary drawings and calculations needed in support of Tasks 1 and 2. These drawings and calculations will be requested f rom. the appropriate parties. NRC will furnish BNL with copies el the selected ITR's and meeting agenda's (when available) for Tasks 3 through 6. For Task 11, NRC will provide all allegations received, as well as the applicant submissions related to the subject matter. For Task 12, NRC will provide under separate cover or at the audit site necessary calculations and drawings for evaluating the Unit 2 structures and copies of allegations received to date as well as applicant submissions related to ' the subject matter. Similarly, for Task 13, NRC will help BNL obtain all pertinent inforintion required for the task. BNL staff will participate in meetings at other locations to obtain source material for this program. These may include attendance at hearings, visits to other laboratories or institutions, and participation at prof essional meetings.
5. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROJECTS This effort is related to other work carried out by BNL in the areas of seismic i

res ponse, and soil structure interaction evaluations. It utilizes the l s tructural analysis methods developed under' previous NRC programs.


6. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS j Technical Reports At the completion of Tasks 1 and 2, BNL will provide the Project Manager with the followings
a. Briefing on the progress of the work.
b. A written report describing the methodology used and the results of the work will be provided at the request of the Project Manage r.
c. If desired by the Project Manager, item (b) above could be exchanged by a BNL staff '

presentation at a public meeting to be scheduled by NRC.

(See Continuation Sheet) l t .

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6. REPORTING RE'N1REMC14TS (Cont'd) . d


!.A e ./,,

For Tasks 3- through 6, BNL vill provide the P/oject Manager S/ith the fo11rving:


_'g ; .* ?  : n'

'd . A letter report .oA 'the 'results o'f 'che review P t 4

,and audit of the selected ITR's. '

4 4

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e. A letter, report on, the redow antiid'd.i': of the ,[.' j fins'<TDiP report. , / l," O

' f(

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f. A letter ruport on the review"aod audit at PG&E i  ;

Phase I . final' report,,f y y\

', l y a  :


g. - A letter' report containing, as a minhum, the ,

techni:a1 content of thtjeeting, items dis- ,


cussed and any resolution cC'dif ferences in -

3 i ,

opinion of meeting participants.

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$- aa h'. <For Taskh, BNL will prpyi.de to the Project / !'  ;< 1~ ~_;

.3 ~ Hn ag:r answe rs ' pertairidg to,RF4 5511-0151,


, f f t f RFI . 351L-0*,52. and -IDVP RitM.!,1-01. 8,9. ,

, - . e. g

.h 2-I. .i ,

For Task 9[ytovide written report on,7 'D;etober 9,1982l?s11egations *! f and l inves tigatians . ) f 1 )

.t h V- '


1. Provide f 4nal design reports (see Task 3, work.h rec,biremerrts. ) ,


g 1y $


j. ' Provide writtenfor needed basis" trippreparation repo rt to NRC of trip stafreports f ot/ % 1

,( '

t For Task 10: ' '


k. . Prepare a written report on tht. ' evaluation and invca-tigation of allegatJonti to the desic ? ' *:,o re -

piping (Nos. 55, 7L,/19,(81, 82, 86,'87 h, t 9, and 97).

.- ,t For Task 11, BNL will provf[de a draf t add a fina'. report 'as described in lif and .t lig. For Task 12, BNL will proiuce a final report as described in 12d.

Finally, for Task 13, BNL will preptre a draf t and final reperr as described in 13d. 'i'-

., 3  !

Monthly Business Letter Report <

' A monthly business -letter report will be submitted by .the 20th of the month to the NRR Project Manager with copies provided to the Director, Division of  ;

Engineering, ATTN: Program Assictant, Branch Chief, SGEB and M. Kaltman, NR'?. ,

These reports will identify the title of the project, the! FIN, the Principali i Investigator, the period of performance, and the reposing period and vfil contain three sections as follows: , (l

  • i i;

\ ..

i1 / i i

, 3 I f

(See Co'ntitution Sheet) i i t ,

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Pro,1,ect TitMg'Diablo Canyon Verification P.13

.jp s3 , ci j 6.h REPORTIhri.gQUIREMENTS (Cont'd) s O I


  • Q .a. G?roject St atus Section ,

y* x [ .a s [.1)' A listing of ' ef forts completed during the period, milestones .

,Y ~~1- reached,' or if missed, an explanation provided.  !

( s

,s 2) Any problems or delays encountered or anticipated and recom -

mendations for resolution. (NOTE: If the recommended resolution involves a contract modification, i.e. , change in work require-ments, level .of effort (cos ts), or period of performance, a separate letter will be prepared and submitted to H.E. Polk.)

s- . (.

'g 3) ~A summary of progress to date. (This may be expressed in terms of percentage completion for each task.)

4). A brief summary of plans for the next reporting period.

b. Financial Status Section

- BNL will provide the personnel time expenditures and the amount of funds expended (costed) by category during the period and total cumulative year-to-date as follows:


. Current Month Year-to-Date f

3 ix I. Direct Staff Effort

"[ 1 s (S&P Staff Months)


] II. Direct Salaries Material and Services a - ' ' 1,

AOP Support h bcentracts p -4 Travel Expenses v' -

g Indirect Expenses Aneral and Administrative Total Cos ts Percentage of available funds spent

' JIII . Funding Status o

4 Prior FY Current FY Current FY Funds Current FY Funds Carryover Funding Level Received to Date Balance Needed y c. Fee Recovery Cost Status Section Pursuant to the provisions of NRC Regulation 10 CFR 170, BNL will

/ provide the total amount of funds expended (costed) during the period and cumulative to date for each task, e.g., by facility or report, and report them on a separate page as part of this report in the following format:  ;

i (See Continuation Sheet) d' ' }t A!


' ~

. O Project


Diablo Canyon Verification P.14


4 FIN: A3720 TITLE: Diablo Canyon Verification f.


S S Facility / Report Docket # ID# Period Year-to-Date Diablo Canyon 50-275


BNL does not intend to subcontract any portion of this work. In the event a i subcontract is anticipated, BNL will notify NRC before it is initiated.

10. CONFLICT OF INTEREST INFORMATION There are neither significant contractual nor organizational relatlanships of the Department of Energy, BNL and employees, or expected subconti . ; tors or consultants on this proposal, with industries regulated by the NRC and suppliers j thereof that give rise to an apparent or actual conflict of interest.
11. EXPECTED CLASSIFICATION OR SENSITIVITY l This is an unclassified program. Safeguards, proprietary, or other sensitive information is not involved.