ENS 42936
ENS Event | |
17:50 Oct 23, 2006 | |
Title | Workers Exposed to Hydrogen Floride Release |
Event Description | On 10/23/06 at approximately 1050 hours0.0122 days <br />0.292 hours <br />0.00174 weeks <br />3.99525e-4 months <br />, during a routine area walk-down of Dry Conversion Facility (DCF) 4th level an operator noticed the pungent/repulsive smell of hydrogen fluoride (HF) vapor near the L-3 UF6 to UO2 conversion vessel and back-up filter vessels. [Note: The odor threshold for HF is approximately 0.042 ppm.] He immediately exited the area, placed it on respiratory protection required status and then notified a Health and Safety Technician (HST).
The operator donned respiratory protection equipment and 'Dragered' the suspect area for HF vapor and the results were positive. The HST also pulled samples for airborne radioactivity and none were observed. The operator notified the DCF control room and shutdown of the affected was initiated. This report is being made because it has the potential for meeting the following two 10 CFR 70 Appendix A, 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> reporting Criteria. 1. Any event or condition that results in the facility being in a state that was not analyzed, was improperly analyzed, or is different from that analyzed in the ISA and which results in an accident sequence with high consequence that is not at least highly unlikely, or an accident sequence with intermediate consequence that is not at least unlikely. The location of the HF leak was in a Dry Conversion UF6 to UO2 conversion vessel. This major component is in the powder production process system. However, the boundary of UF6 Vaporization process system ends at the conversion vessel inlet. Accident sequence 810-5 for UF6 Vaporization process system, as reported in the ISA Summary, clearly bounds the conditions associated with this event. The protections listed in this accident sequence are also applicable to this event. However, this condition is not specifically covered in the accident evaluation of the powder production process system. Because this condition was not specifically evaluated in the powder production process system accident evaluation, it is not clear that this reportability criterion does not apply. 3. An acute chemical exposure to an individual from licensed material or hazardous chemicals produced from licensed material that could: a. Lead to irreversible or other serious, long lasting health effects to a worker b. Cause mild transient health effects to any Individual located outside of the controlled area. Based on the low odor detection threshold for HF and the operator's response to immediately leave the area until protective equipment had been donned, the subsequent measured HF concentrations, estimated exposure time and the physical evidence of the individual exposed to HF, long lasting serious health effects are not expected. All other conversion units were shut down at approximately 1300 on 10/26/2006 to further evaluate the other unit's conditions although no leakage of HF or radioactivity has occurred. |
Where | |
Areva Np Inc Richland Richland, Washington (NRC Region 2) | |
License number: | SNM-1227 |
Reporting | |
Part 70 App A (B)(1) Part 70 App A (B)(3) | |
Time - Person (Reporting Time:+75.32 h3.138 days <br />0.448 weeks <br />0.103 months <br />) | |
Opened: | Robert Link 21:09 Oct 26, 2006 |
NRC Officer: | Bill Gott |
Last Updated: | Oct 26, 2006 |
42936 - NRC Website | |
Areva Np Inc Richland with Part 70 App A (B)(1), Part 70 App A (B)(3) | |
WEEKMONTHYEARENS 517572016-02-25T19:45:00025 February 2016 19:45:00
[Table view]Part 70 App A (B)(1) Potential Common Mode Failure of Item Relied on for Safety ENS 483662012-10-02T14:30:0002 October 2012 14:30:00 Part 70 App A (B)(1) Unanalyzed Conditions May Lead to Intermediate Consequence Events ENS 479082012-05-08T14:30:0008 May 2012 14:30:00 Part 70 App A (B)(1) Improperly Analyzed Condition ENS 449972009-04-16T23:00:00016 April 2009 23:00:00 Part 70 App A (B)(1) Unanalyzed Condition Due to Possible Unfavorable Geometry ENS 432342007-03-13T21:30:00013 March 2007 21:30:00 Part 70 App A (B)(1) Potential Hazard Affecting Criticality Controls Discovered ENS 429812006-11-09T23:30:0009 November 2006 23:30:00 Part 70 App A (B)(1) Hydrogen Accumulation Due to Loss of Water Seal ENS 429362006-10-23T17:50:00023 October 2006 17:50:00 Part 70 App A (B)(1), Part 70 App A (B)(3) Workers Exposed to Hydrogen Floride Release 2016-02-25T19:45:00 | |