DT-23-03, Management Directive 10.12, Use of Advisory Committee Members

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Management Directive 10.12, Use of Advisory Committee Members
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/20/2023
Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer
DT-23-03 MD 10.12
Download: ML23052A003 (1)



MD 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE DT-23-03 MEMBERS Volume 10, Personnel Management Part 1: Employment and Staffing Approved By: Mary A. Lamary, Chief Human Capital Officer Date Approved: March 20, 2023 Cert. Date: N/A, for the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

Issuing Office: Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer Contact Name: Roxsand Devese EXECUTIVE


Management Directive (MD) 10.12, Use of Advisory Committee Members, is revised to update the Organizational Responsibilities and Delegations of Authority section to correct and/or clarify organizational responsibilities for the Executive Director for Operations, Office of the Secretary, and the Chief Administrative Judge for the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel; and to add information on the NRC Licensing Support Network Advisory Review Panel.

In addition, the NRC has made revisions to this MD as part of its efforts to use more inclusive language in its publications. These changes, which include changing Chairman to Chair in some instances, are purely editorial and do not affect the meaning of the guidance in this document.

TABLE OF CONTENTS I. POLICY..............................................................................................................................2 II. OBJECTIVE .......................................................................................................................2 III. ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND DELEGATIONS OF AUTHORITY........... 2 A. Chair.............................................................................................................................2 B. Commission..................................................................................................................3 C. Secretary of the Commission (SECY) ...........................................................................3 D. Executive Director for Operations (EDO) ......................................................................3 For updates or revisions to policies contained in this MD that were issued after the MD was signed, please see the Yellow Announcement to Management Directive index (YA-to-MD index).

MD 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Date Approved: 03/20/2023 E. Executive Director for Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) .........................................................................................................................3 F. Office of the General Counsel (OGC) ...........................................................................4 G. Advisory Committee Management Officer (ACMO), SECY ...........................................4 H. Chief Administrative Judge, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel (ASLBP) .......................................................................................................................4 I. Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS).............................4 J. Chief Information Officer (CIO) .....................................................................................5 K. Director, Office of Administration (ADM) .......................................................................5 L. Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO) ...........................................................................5 M. Office Directors and Regional Administrators ...............................................................5 N. Director, Division of Facilities and Security (DFS), ADM ...............................................6 O. Director, Division of Materials Safety, Security, State, and Tribal Programs (MSST), NMSS ............................................................................................6 P. Advisory Committee Members ......................................................................................6 IV. APPLICABILITY ................................................................................................................7 V. DIRECTIVE HANDBOOK ..................................................................................................7 VI. REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................7 I. POLICY It is the policy of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to establish and use advisory committees, both statutory as well as discretionary, to assist in the accomplishment of the NRC's mission and to appoint individuals as members of these committees in accordance with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 10, Part 7, Advisory Committees. Whenever possible, the NRC uses the services of advisory committee members through personnel appointments.

II. OBJECTIVE To establish policies and procedures for obtaining and using advisory committee members in an effective and efficient manner.


1. Conducts an annual comprehensive review of the activities and responsibilities of each NRC advisory committee.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 2

MD 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Date Approved: 03/20/2023

2. Except as delegated to the Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO), determines the rate of pay for advisory committee members paid at a rate at or below the level of GG15, step 10.
3. Determines whether rates above GG15 are necessary and justified for an advisory committee member and approves rates of pay above GG15, step 10.
4. Reviews annually the rate of pay for advisory committee members who are compensated above the GG15, step 10, level.
5. Appoints the NRC Advisory Committee Management Officer (ACMO).

B. Commission

1. Approves the appointment, renewal, or termination of appointment of advisory committee members, unless otherwise delegated.
2. Determines the duration of the member appointment for each advisory committee other than the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) and determines the number of consecutive reappointments that members of advisory committees may serve.

C. Secretary of the Commission (SECY)

1. Approves administrative policies and procedures associated with the use of advisory committee members for the NRC and consults with the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) regarding applicable laws and regulations.
2. Appoints the members of the Licensing Support Network Advisory Review Panel (LSNARP), who report to the Chief Judge, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel (ASLBP) in accordance with 10 CFR Part 2, Agency Rules of Practices and Procedures.

D. Executive Director for Operations (EDO)

Recommends to the Chair the rate of pay above GG15, step 10, for members of advisory committees other than the ACRS and the LSNARP and Advisory Committee for Medical Use of Isotopes (ACMUI).

E. Executive Director for Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)

1. Recommends to the Chair the rate of pay above GG15, step 10, for members of the ACRS.
2. Establishes a screening panel to recommend new ACRS members.
3. Provides a recommendation to the Commission on ACRS member reappointments.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 3

MD 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Date Approved: 03/20/2023

4. Approves travel authorization requests for official travel, and vouchers for compensation and reimbursement for official travel expenses, by ACRS members.
5. Approves all information technology acquisitions for ACRS members.
6. Approves other acquisition requests above $200 for ACRS members.
7. Implements administrative and management controls applicable to ACRS members.
8. Carries out responsibilities delegated by statute or regulation.
9. Develops an assessment tool to evaluate the accomplishments of the committee.

F. Office of the General Counsel (OGC)

Provides advice and makes determinations with regard to legal requirements applicable to advisory committees and their members, including requirements relating to political activity and conflict of interest, the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

G. Advisory Committee Management Officer (ACMO), SECY

1. Functions as the NRC ACMO.
2. Carries out responsibilities delegated by statute or regulation to the ACMO.
3. Ensures that administrative guidelines and management controls are issued that apply to NRC advisory committees and cover the establishment, procedures, and accomplishments of NRC advisory committees.
4. Ensures that the reports, records, and papers of any such committee are assembled and maintained during its existence as required by 10 CFR 7.17.
5. Carries out other responsibilities as described in 10 CFR 7.10.
6. Conducts an annual comprehensive review of the activities and responsibilities of each NRC advisory committee.

H. Chief Administrative Judge, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel (ASLBP)

Provides overall direction and supervision to the LSNARP advisory committee members.

I. Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS)

1. Appoints members of the ACMUI based on recommendations of the screening panel, and after consultation with the Commission, consistent with Appendix A of the Internal Commission Procedures.
2. Recommends to the Chair the rate of pay above GG15, step 10, for members of the ACMUI.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 4

MD 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Date Approved: 03/20/2023

3. Appoints the ACMUI Chair and Vice Chair.

J. Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Issues guidelines to advisory committee members regarding the appropriate computer hardware and software necessary for the performance of committee business.

K. Director, Office of Administration (ADM)

1. Oversees purchase card purchases and for other procurement-related expenditures and reimbursements for committee members, including office space and clerical assistance for their work outside NRC facilities, when necessary.
2. Leases office space, e.g., for committee members' work outside NRC facilities.
3. Approval for the above activities may be delegated, as appropriate.

L. Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO)

1. Processes personnel appointments and renewals, amendments, and termination of employment for members after ensuring that all requisite clearances and approvals have been received.
2. Upon delegation by the Chair, determines rates of pay for all advisory committee members, up to the GG15, step 10, level.
3. Provides written information to new or reappointed advisory committee members about pay, pay deductions, travel, leave eligibility, security requirements, conduct, and other policy aspects of employment.
4. Notifies the Division of Facilities and Security (DFS), ADM, when an individual member's appointment has been renewed or is terminated.
5. Informs advisory committee members before they are appointed, through personal contact or correspondence, about NRC security requirements applicable to their duties.
6. Approves or disapproves requests for advisory committee members to work more than 130 days in a service year.

M. Office Directors and Regional Administrators

1. Recommend to the EDO the rate of pay and the initial appointment or renewal of appointment of each advisory committee member under their purview. This authority may only be delegated to the deputy office director or the deputy regional administrator.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 5

MD 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Date Approved: 03/20/2023

2. Establish screening panels to recommend new members to serve on advisory committees for which an office director or a regional administrator has responsibility.
3. Approve requests for official travel by advisory committee members under their purview.
4. Approve vouchers for compensation and for reimbursement of official travel expenses.
5. In conjunction with the CIO, or their designee, approve or disapprove requests by advisory committee members for the acquisition of personal computers.
6. Consult with OGC and obtain prior approval in writing from the CHCO before permitting any advisory committee member to work in excess of 130 days in a service year.

N. Director, Division of Facilities and Security (DFS), ADM

1. Maintains contact with advisory committee members to ensure compliance with NRC security requirements throughout their assignments.
2. Oversees the disposition of property and equipment for advisory committee members purchased with NRC funds.

O. Director, Division of Materials Safety, Security, State, and Tribal Programs (MSST),


1. Approves the Federal Register announcements of vacancies on the ACMUI.
2. Establishes a screening panel to recommend new ACMUI members.
3. Implements administrative and management controls, approved by the ACMO that are applicable to ACMUI members, including those for requests for travel, information technology acquisitions, and reimbursement of official travel expenses.

P. Advisory Committee Members

1. Fulfill their obligation to carry out advisory services in an effective and efficient manner to assist the NRC in the accomplishment of its mission.
2. Follow the guidance in Management Directive 13.1, "Property Management."
3. Inform DFS, ADM, of their plans to terminate their employment with the NRC so that the disposition of all property and equipment purchased with NRC funds or supplied by NRC can be determined.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 6

MD 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Date Approved: 03/20/2023 IV. APPLICABILITY The policy and guidance in this MD apply to all NRC advisory committee members who receive member appointments through the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO). Provisions of this MD also may be applicable to NRC advisory committee members who do not receive member appointments. Members who are regular, full-time, Government employees should consult with OCHCO and OGC regarding the applicability of this MD to them.

V. DIRECTIVE HANDBOOK Handbook 10.12 contains guidance on obtaining and using advisory committee members.

VI. REFERENCES Code of Federal Regulations 5 CFR Part 734, Political Activities of Federal Employees.

5 CFR Part 2634, "Executive Branch Financial Disclosure, Qualified Trusts, and Certificates of Divestiture."

5 CFR Part 2635, "Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch."

5 CFR Part 2640, "Interpretation, Exemptions, and Waiver Guidance Concerning 18 USC 208 (Acts Affecting a Personal Financial Interest)."

10 CFR Part 2, Agency Rules of Practices and Procedures.

10 CFR Part 7, "Advisory Committees."

41 CFR Chapters 300304, The Federal Travel Regulation (FTR).

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Documents Appendix A, NRC Internal Commission Procedures.

Bylaws, Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, July 2001 (ML21217A060).

NRC Forms Library: https://usnrc.sharepoint.com/teams/NRC-Forms-Library/SitePages/Home.aspx.

NRC Management Directives 2.6, Information Technology Infrastructure and End User Services.

3.4, "Release of Information to the Public."

7.5, "Ethics Counseling and Training."

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 7

MD 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Date Approved: 03/20/2023 7.6, "Public and Confidential Financial Disclosure Reports."

7.7, "Prohibited Securities."

7.10, Political Activity.

9.3, Organization and Functions, Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards.

9.10, Organization and Functions, Office of the Secretary.

10.6, "Use of Consultants and Experts."

10.41, "Pay Administration."

11.1, "NRC Acquisition of Supplies and Services."

12.2, "NRC Classified Information Security Program."

12.3, "NRC Personnel Security Program."

12.6, "NRC Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Program."

13.1, "Property Management."

14.1, "Official Temporary Duty Travel."

NMSS Policy and Procedure 615, Administration of the Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes, February 25, 2016.

NUREG/BR0309, Serving on the Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI): A Members Guide (March 2004).

SRM-COMSECY170028, Internal Commission Procedures-Appendix 1-Procedures for Obtaining Nominations for NRCs Advisory Committees. October 13, 2017 (ML17289A051).

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Charter for the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, December 2, 2022 (ML22357A049).

United States Code Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 USC 2011 et seq.), Sections 29, 161 a, and 161 d.

Bribery, Graft, and Conflicts of Interest (18 USC Chapter 11, Sections 202209).

Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended (42 USC 5801 et seq.).

Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 USC App. 2).

Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552).

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 8

MD 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Date Approved: 03/20/2023 Hatch Act (5 USC 7321 et seq.).

Receipt and Disposition of Foreign Gifts and Decorations (5 USC 7342).

STOCK Act (5 USC App. 105 note).

U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE)

OGE Form 278e, "Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report,"

(See OGE Forms Library under Resources for Ethics Officials https://oge.gov/).

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 9


DH 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE DT-23-03 MEMBERS Volume 10, Personnel Management Part 1: Employment and Staffing Approved By: Mary A. Lamary, Chief Human Capital Officer Date Approved: March 20, 2023 Cert. Date: N/A, for the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog.

Issuing Office: Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer Contact Name: Roxsand Devese EXECUTIVE


Management Directive 10.12, Use of Advisory Committee Members, is revised to update the Organizational Responsibilities and Delegations of Authority section to correct and/or clarify organizational responsibilities for the Executive Director for Operations, Office of the Secretary, and the Chief Administrative Judge for the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel; and to add information on the NRC Licensing Support Network Advisory Review Panel.

In addition, the NRC has made revisions to this MD as part of its efforts to use more inclusive language in its publications. These changes, which include changing Chairman to Chair in some instances, are purely editorial and do not affect the meaning of the guidance in this document.

TABLE OF CONTENTS I. USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS .................................................................2 A. Introduction...................................................................................................................2 B. Release of NRC Information .........................................................................................3 C. Ethics and Financial Disclosure Rules ..........................................................................3 D. Political Activity .............................................................................................................4 E. Security Clearance .......................................................................................................4 F. Advance Planning.........................................................................................................4 G. Appointments and Tours of Duty ..................................................................................4 For updates or revisions to policies contained in this MD that were issued after the MD was signed, please see the Yellow Announcement to Management Directive index (YA-to-MD index).

DH 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Date Approved: 03/20/2023 H. Termination of Appointments of Advisory Committee Members Appointed Through the Personnel Process...................................................................5 I. Termination of Advisory Committee Members Not Appointed Through the Personnel Process..................................................................................................5 J. Pay ...............................................................................................................................5 K. Miscellaneous Expenses ..............................................................................................6 L. Travel Expenses ...........................................................................................................7 I. USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS A. Introduction

1. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff members who wish to establish an advisory committee should contact the NRC Advisory Committee Management Officer (ACMO). The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safety (ACRS) is the NRCs only statutory advisory committee, while the Advisory Committee on Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI) and the Licensing Support Network Advisory Review Panel (LSNARP) are currently the only active discretionary advisory committees.
2. As a matter of agency policy, the services of advisory committee members should be obtained through a personnel appointment (member appointment) whenever possible. Membership in ACRS and ACMUI is gained through a formal nomination and selection process after issuance of a Federal Register notice to solicit nominations from interested individuals. After receipt of nominations, NRC staff convenes a screening/selection panel to evaluate nominees and provide recommendations for appointment by the appropriate appointing authority.
3. The Secretary of the Commission (SECY) determines membership of the LSNARP, which is a representational committee with membership drawn from parties or governmental entities with an interest in the NRCs high-level waste repository licensing proceeding (see 10 CFR 2.1011(d)). Members of the LSNARP represent the interests of the members organization.
4. When it is contemplated that an advisory committee member may be obtained by means other than a personnel appointment, the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) should be contacted to determine the legality or propriety of that action.
5. When it is contemplated that advisory committee members may be used as consultants elsewhere in the agency in addition to their role as advisory committee members, OGC should be contacted to determine the legality or propriety of such action.
6. Even when they are paid above the GG15 level, advisory committee members are not members of the Senior Executive Service, nor are they senior level employees.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 2

DH 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Date Approved: 03/20/2023 B. Release of NRC Information Advisory committee members should treat any non-public information obtained through their advisory committee membership as privileged. Members may not divulge this information to anyone outside the NRC, including to their private employers or clients.

Members should not make use of this information for other than NRC purposes unless they receive prior authorization. Information that is not public includes, but is not limited to, proprietary or source selection information, pre-decisional documents, private personal records, and draft SECY papers (see Management Directive (MD) 3.4, "Release of Information to the Public"). Release of this information could result in disciplinary or other adverse action.

C. Ethics and Financial Disclosure Rules

1. Regulations issued by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics on Governmentwide standards of conduct, ethics training, and financial disclosure apply to all NRC employees, including advisory committee members appointed through the personnel process. These rules do not apply to those members of the LSNARP who are not Federal employees. An advisory committee member who is an NRC employee will generally be considered a special Government employee for purposes of the application of Federal ethics requirements. This is a special status reserved for Federal employees who, at the time of appointment, are not expected to perform work in excess of 130 days during the ensuing 365-day period. NRC employees who do not qualify as special Government employees are subject to the same ethics rules and restrictions as full-time NRC employees.
2. In addition, advisory committee members who are Federal employees are subject to the criminal conflict-ofinterest laws and Receipt and Disposition of the Foreign Gifts and Decorations statute. The NRCs supplemental ethics regulation prohibiting ownership of securities issued by certain nuclear entities applies to members of the ACRS (see MD 7.7, Prohibited Securities).
3. Advisory committee members who are appointed as Special Government Employees are required to file a financial disclosure report upon appointment and annually thereafter. Advisory committee members who file public financial disclosure reports (OGE Form 278e) are additionally required to file a financial disclosure report upon termination of their appointment, and are subject to the periodic transaction reporting requirements of the STOCK Act (see MD 7.6, Public and Confidential Financial Disclosure Reports). All NRC employees who file financial disclosure reports, including advisory committee members, are also required to receive ethics training on an annual basis (see MD 7.5, Ethics Counseling and Training).
4. Advisory committee members appointed through the personnel process who have questions regarding the ethics laws and regulations should seek advice from an OGC deputy ethics official.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 3

DH 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Date Approved: 03/20/2023 D. Political Activity All NRC employees, including advisory committee members appointed through the personnel process, are subject to the Hatch Act, which is a Federal law that prohibits employees from engaging in certain types of political activity. However, advisory committee members who qualify as special Government employees are only subject to these restrictions while in an active duty status (see MD 7.10, Political Activity).

E. Security Clearance Advisory committee members appointed through the personnel process are subject to the security clearance requirements applicable to all employees (see MD 12.3, "NRC Personnel Security Program).

F. Advance Planning Advance planning and adequate lead time before assuming advisory committee membership are highly important as appointees may not report for duty or receive pay or reimbursements until the security clearance, the conflict-ofinterest determination, and other appointment processes are completed.

G. Appointments and Tours of Duty

1. Advisory committee members appointed through the personnel process are generally appointed under member appointments with an intermittent tour of duty for such time as the Commission determines, except that each member of the ACRS is appointed for a 4-year term. Each member of the ACMUI also is appointed to a 4-year term and, with the Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) approval, may serve up to a maximum of two consecutive terms. ACMUI members may serve additional consecutive terms with Commission approval.
2. Advisory committee members appointed through the personnel process may generally work no more than 130 calendar days in a service year, in the same manner as consultants and experts as described in MD 10.6, Use of Experts and Consultants.
3. If an authorizing official anticipates that a consultant or an expert appointed through the personnel process will need to work more than 130 days in a service year, they should submit a memorandum to the Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO) requesting approval to allow the employee to work more than 130 days in that service year. The memorandum should describe the services being performed by the employee and the anticipated number of days needed to complete the services.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 4

DH 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Date Approved: 03/20/2023 H. Termination of Appointments of Advisory Committee Members Appointed Through the Personnel Process

1. When an advisory committee member resigns, or when the Commission decides to terminate, or not renew, the member's appointment, the cognizant office should submit a Standard Form (SF) 52, Request for Personnel Action, to the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO) to initiate the action. (See NRC Forms Library: https://usnrc.sharepoint.com/teams/NRC-Forms-Library/SitePages/Home.aspx.)
2. Advisory committee members who must file an OGE Form 278e, "Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report," must file that report within 30 days of the date of termination.
3. OCHCO will notify the Division of Facilities and Security (DFS), Office of Administration (ADM), and OGC when the member's appointment terminates so that DFS can terminate the individual's security clearance and OGC can determine whether a termination financial disclosure report is required and provide any necessary ethics advice.

I. Termination of Advisory Committee Members Not Appointed Through the Personnel Process When an advisory committee member who is not appointed through the personnel process leaves their position on the advisory committee, the ACMO will update the General Services Administrations Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) database with the applicable changes.

J. Pay

1. Rates of pay will be set to correspond to the level of duties to be performed as determined by agency benchmarks, the individual's qualifications, and the rates paid for similar services from other sources. Direct compensation will not exceed Level IV of the Executive Schedule. The NRC may accept the gratuitous service of an advisory committee member when the agreement to serve without compensation is made before the appointment.
2. Most advisory committee members appointed under member appointments are paid in the same manner as consultants and experts as described in MD 10.6, Therefore, MD 10.6 should be consulted for guidance regarding payment for the services of advisory committee members. For those rare instances in which advisory committee members are not paid in the same manner as consultants, MD 10.41, "Pay Administration," should be consulted for guidance regarding pay.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 5

DH 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Date Approved: 03/20/2023 K. Miscellaneous Expenses

1. Entitlement to miscellaneous expenses is limited to advisory members appointed under the authority of Section 29, Atomic Energy Act, as amended. While engaged in advisory committee work, ACRS members are entitled to receive, in addition to their compensation for time worked, their necessary travel and certain other work-related expenses (see Section I.K of this handbook).
2. When it becomes necessary for advisory committee members to obtain goods and services in support of committee business, the primary source for obtaining such goods and services, particularly computer services and equipment, should be the NRC. When it is not feasible or cost-effective to obtain goods and services through NRC sources, advisory committee members will ensure that all expenditures for goods and services necessary for performing committee duties are reasonable and customary. Reimbursement for use of the personal residence of advisory committee members as office space for committee business will not be approved, nor will the hiring of, or contracting with, family members to furnish goods or services for committee-related work.
3. Justification for requests to incur any real or property expense must be submitted in writing to the Director, DFS, ADM, who will approve requests on a case-bycase basis.
4. Prior written approval of the Director, Acquisition Management Division (AMD), ADM, is required for the following expenditures:

(a) Lease or rental of commercial office space for committee business use.

Requests should include the proposed lease or rental rate and the member's assessment of the reasonableness of the proposed costs, along with the basis for that assessment.

(b) Clerical and other administrative assistance.

(c) Purchase of any one item of equipment in excess of $500. The approval will be based on the need for the equipment and whether it would be more cost-effective to transfer property from NRC stock or for the NRC to procure it directly. All equipment will be appropriately tagged and entered into the NRC property inventory system.

(d) Acquisition of personal computers. This approval requires the concurrence of the Chief Information Officer (CIO), Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO), or their designee, and the office director (including the Executive Director of the ACRS) or the regional administrator under whose authority the advisory committee is organizationally located. OCIO will issue guidelines to advisory committee members regarding the appropriate computer hardware and software necessary for the performance of committee business.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 6

DH 10.12 USE OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Date Approved: 03/20/2023 (e) As Special Government Employees, ACRS and ACMUI members are informed of the proper use of the internet when using Government-furnished equipment upon initial hire. Members are cautioned against using any Government-furnished office equipment or services (including internet and email) for activities that are inappropriate. (Regarding inappropriate personal uses, see, for example, MD 2.6, Information Technology Infrastructure and End User Services.)

(f) In addition, DFS will arrange for the leasing of office space when necessary for work by committee members outside NRC facilities.

5. On or before September 30 of each year, the cognizant property custodian will forward to each advisory committee member a list describing all NRC equipment in the member's custody. The member will be asked to update and annotate the list for accuracy and return the revised list to the property custodian.
6. At a member's request, the NRC may establish direct contractual arrangements between the NRC and the ACRS or ACMUI member's non-Government employers to cover the expenses related to a member's use of the non-Government employer's office space or services for advisory committee work.
7. ACRS and ACMUI members should obtain information regarding the procedures associated with these requirements from the Chief, Program Management, Policy Development, and Analysis Branch, ACRS.

L. Travel Expenses Travel expenses are paid in accordance with MD 14.1, "Official Temporary Duty Travel,"

and The Federal Travel Regulation.

For the latest version of any NRC directive or handbook, see the online MD Catalog. 7