BVY 12-080, Engineering Report VY-RPT-12-00019, Vermont Yankee Seismic Walkdown Submitted Report for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, Page 205 of 505 Through Page 464 of 505

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Engineering Report VY-RPT-12-00019, Vermont Yankee Seismic Walkdown Submitted Report for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, Page 205 of 505 Through Page 464 of 505
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 11/20/2012
Enercon Services
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Entergy Nuclear Operations
BVY 12-080 VY-RPT-12-00019
Download: ML12362A047 (260)


Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 205 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YZ NE- UI-'Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 044 Equipment ID No. LT-2-3-58A Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description RV LEVEL SCRAM AND PCIS Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 280' Room, Area Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraoe 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YZ NEI 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than milld surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Attached to rack.YZ NEI U0 N/ACI Y0K NO UiC N/AF-YEI NM u-IZ N/AZ' Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 p01 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 206 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y0 NEI U'I Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 044 Equipment ID No. LT-2-3-58A Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description RV LEVEL SCRAM AND PCIS 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y0 NO UI' N/AE (Note: This question only applies if the Item Is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification Is required.)

See SQUG, November 9-13, 1992, Section VB7, Equipment Category 7 Instruments on Racks 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, Is the anchorage free of YZ NO UE"I potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YZ NE UEJ N/A-Y0 NEI U' N/A-Y] NO UE N/A[-]YZ Nn Ul--EN-DC-168 REV 0 a.-Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 207 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ NEI UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 044 Equipment ID No. LT-2-3.58A Equip. Class 1 18, Equipment Description RV LEVEL SCRAM AND PC/S Other Adverse Conditlons
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YZ N[] UM adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


5920-3016, 5920-3017, 5920-3018, and sketch no. SK-VY-94411-1 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000209 SQUG, November 9-13, 1992, Section VB7,, Equipment Category 7 Instruments on Racks Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen 4 Date: 10-09-2012 Raymond Tworek '~t rz-AtL, (o/,V(P-10-09-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 208 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YED NnJ UI-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 044 Equipment ID No. LT-2-3-58A Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV LEVEL SCRAM AND PCIS Photographs Note: LT EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0.... .9n. of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Y0 N"- U'-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 044 Equipment ID No. LT-2-3-58A Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV.LEVEL SCRAM AND PCIS NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 210 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YN NEI Ur-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 045 Equipment ID No, LT-2-3-588 Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV LEVEL SCRAM AND PCIS Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 280' Room, Area Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SW EL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (iLe., is the item one YE NO of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks In the concrete near the anchors?Attached to rack.Y0 ND UD N/AD YZ NrD U[E] N/AD YE] N[-] UD- NIA0]' Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 211 of 505 ATTACHiMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YZ NEIr UI-I Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 045 Equipment ID No. LT-2-3-58B Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description RV LEVEL SCRAM AND PCIS 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y] NEI UOi- N/A-](Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See SQUG, November 9-13, 1992, Section VB7, Equipment Category 7 Instruments on Racks 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YE] N[i UL]potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from Impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YJZ ND U[LI N/AL3 YZ NDI Ur N/AL YO ND'] U[L] N/AFL Y] NEI UL-I EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0... , 12 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y;< NEI U7 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 045 Equipment ID No. LT-2-3-58B Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description RV LEVEL SCRAM AND PCIS Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YZ NEI UM adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


5920-3016, 5920-3017,5920-3018, and sketch no. SK- VY-944 11-1 A46IiPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000210 SQUG, November 9-13, 1992, Section VB7, Equipment Category 7 Instruments on Racks Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen Raymond Tworek oPsvL.A LeOJ Ir (I-'-Date: 10-09-2012 10-09-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0... ... ...pnr1, D, 4 -f 1,, ;05 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKIIST FoRM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y0 NI] U'-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL1- 045 Equipment ID No. LT-2-3-58B Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV LEVEL SCRAM AND PCIS Photographs Note: L T-2-3-58B Note: LT-2-3-58B EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0*ig3 _ 4 ,1 zf N05 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECkLIST FoFM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Y;R N(- U-]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 045 Equipment ID No. LT-2-3-58B Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV LEVEL SCRAM AND PCIS NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 215 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FoRM Sheet I of 5 Status: YZ NEI UE-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 046 Equipment ID No, PT-2-3-56A Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE ECCS Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 280' Room, Area Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an Item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraae 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (ie., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Attached to rack.YZ NCi UE- N/AC-YZ NCI UC- N/AC1 YE- NEI UC- N/AZ Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 216 of 505 AT-'ACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y0 NEI U-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 046 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-56A Equip. Class' 18, Equipment Description RV PRESSURE ECCS 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YZ N[E U[I N/AE-(Note: This question only applies if the item Is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See SQUG, November 9-13, 1992, Section VB7, Equipment Category 7 Instruments on Racks 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YE] NM U[-potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?YZ NE U[:] N/A['YZ NEI U[3 N/A[-]YZ NEI ur] N/A[--10. Based on the above seismic Interaction evaluations, Is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 217 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ N-] UE-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 046 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-56A Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE ECCS Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YN NEi UM adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


5920-3016, 5920-3017, 5920-3018, and sketch no. SK-VY-944 11-1 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000213 SQUG, November 9-13, 1992, Section VB7, Equipment Category 7 Instruments on Racks Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen Date: 10-09-2012 Raymond Tworek 10-09-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 218 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YN N[] Ur-]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 046 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-56A Equip. Class1 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE ECCS Photographs Note: EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 i, Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 219 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Yo N["I UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 046 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-56A Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE ECCS NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 220 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YZ NE] U71 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 047 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-56C Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE ECCS Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 280' Room, Area Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Y[ N['2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3, Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Attached to rack.Y[9 NEI UI- N/AI-Y0 NF" U[-] N/AE-'YEI NEI U- NWAS 4)Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286; Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 221 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y0 NEI UC'Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELI- 047 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-56C Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE ECCS 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YZ NC] U-I N/AC (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See SQUG, November 9-13, 1992, Section VB7, Equipment Category 7 Instruments on Racks 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YS Nil U['I potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YE0 NC: uC- N/AC]YN NC:] U[3 N/AC:]Y0 NC UC- N/A[]YZ NEI U[3 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 222 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ NO Ur]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 047 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-56C Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE ECCS Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YS N["] UM adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


5920-3016, 5920-3017, 5920-3018, and sketch no. SK-VY-9441 1-1 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000215 SQUG, November 9-13, 1992, Section VB7, Equipment Category 7 Instruments on Racks Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen

....... Date: 10-09-2012 Ravmond'rworek

'It'10-09-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 223 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ NEI UM" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 047 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-56C Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE ECCS Photographs Note: PT-2-3-56C EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 224 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Y0 Nr" Ur" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 047 Equipment ID No, PT-2-3-56C Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE ECCS EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C V.: Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 225 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YZ NEI UF--Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 048 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-55C Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE SCRAM Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 280' Room, Area Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings, Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments, Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e,, is the item one YN Nf]of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Attached-to rack.YZ NEJ urJ N/AD Y[D NDI UDI N/AD-]YD- NDI UDI N/AZ I Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 226 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YZ NEI U[3 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 048 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-55C Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE SCRAM 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YS NEI UI N/AD](Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See SQUG, November 9-13, 1992, Section VB7, Equipment Category 7 Instruments on Racks 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YN N[I U']potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Arezsoft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic Interaction effects?YN NEI uE] N/AD-YN NEI UE] N/A[]YO ND3 U-] N/AD-YO NEI U-EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C I Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 227 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ NEI UI'-I Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 048 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-55C Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE SCRAM Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y Z NE UE-1 adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


5920-3016, 5920-3017, 5920-3018, and sketch no. SK- VY-944 11-1 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000219 SQUG, November 9-13, 1992, Section VB7, Equipment Category 7 Instruments on Racks Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen

/9..(-A Raymond Tworek " 4.--- t4ilfe1-Date: 10-09-2012 10-09-2012 EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 228 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YN NEI UD-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 048 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-55C Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE SCRAM Photographs Note: PT-2-3 EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 229 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ Nr- UE-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL!- I Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-55C Equip. Class 1 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE SCRAM EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 230 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: N(- url Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 049 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-55D Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE SCRAM Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 280' Room, Area Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings, Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraoe 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the Item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YZ N'-2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4! Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Attached to rack.YZ NEI U[3 N/AO Y; NO U("- N/AD Y-- NEI U- N/A I Eater the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 1.4 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 231 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YZ NEI Ur-J Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 049 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-55D Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE SCRAM 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y[9 NEI UE" N/AE-](Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See SQUG, November 9-13, 1992, Section VB7, Equipment Category 7 Instruments on Racks 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ NM UE-1 potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from Impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YZ NEI U-] N/ACI YO NEI Ur- N/AFI YZ NEI U(" N/Ar-YO NEI UE-EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0_ Pag 939 nf 605 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y0 NFC Ur-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 049 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-55D Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE SCRAM Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YN NEI Ur-]adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


5920-3016, 5920-3017, 5920-3018, and sketch no. SK- VY-944 11-1 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000220 SOUG, November 9-13, 1992, Section VB7, Equipment Category 7 Instruments on Racks~y?Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen Date: 10-09-2012

-III I'll Raymond Tworek att ý, /' Iz -i-/e-10-09-2012 EN-DC-1i68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 233 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ NEI U-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 049 Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-55D Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV PRESSURE SCRAM Photographs Note: PT.2-3-EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Pagg 234 nf 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NOJ UFI Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- I Equipment ID No. PT-2-3-55D Equip. Class'Equipment Description RV PRESSURE SCRAM EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 235 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YS NEI U[Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 050 Equipment ID No. LT-2-3-73A Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description RV SHROUD LEVEL, CONT SPRAY PERMISSIVE Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 252' Room, Area Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL, The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space Is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the Item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YZ NEI 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Equipment has a steel attachment.

'Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

YZ No UlI N/ADI YZ NEI UD3 N/AD" Y- Nil UEI N/A[K EN-DC-168 REV 0 a Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 236 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YN NEI U'-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 050 Equipment ID No. LT-2-3-73A Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description RV SHROUD LEVEL, CONT SPRAY PERMISSIVE

5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YZ NO U- N/A-I (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See drawing 5920-6200 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y; NE U-potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not.likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations,.is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YZ NE U'- N/AE Y[9 NO U- N/A-YZ N[ UI-I N/A-YZ NO U" EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Pacje 237 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YE NEI UFJ Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 050 Equipment ID No. LT-2-3-73A Equip. Class, 18 Equipment Description RV SHROUD LEVEL, CONT SPRAY PERMISSIVE Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y0 NE] U[]adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:

Drawing 5920-6200, Rev. 0 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000221 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen 7&// Date: 10-04-12-eN ,-) 1ý Z L- Iv/ ry I I -PRt~mrnd Twnr.k 10-04-12 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 238 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ NEI UEJ Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 050 Equipment ID No. LT-2-3-73A Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description RV SHROUD LEVEL, CONT SPRAY PERMISSIVE Photographs NO PHOTO Note: Note: LT-2-3-73A EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 PaQe 239 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Yo N-I UE-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 050 Equipment ID No. LT-2-3-7,3A Equip. Class' 18_Equipment Description RV SHROUD LEVEL, CONTSPRAY PERMISSIVE NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 240 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet I of 5 Status: YZ No- U-]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 051 Equipment ID No. PS-104-53A Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description SW/PUMP A PRESSURE SWITCH Location:

Bldg. IS Floor El. a37' Room, Area SW ROOM Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Y[9 NEI 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YO NEI U-i N/AD1 Y0 NEI UD3 N/A[]YN NEI UrI N/AD' Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 241 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y0] NO" UC-'Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 051 Equipment ID No. PS-104-53A Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description SW/PUMP A PRESSURE SWITCH 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y0 N[3 U[-I N/A-'(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See calculation 93-09 (SSEL Line No. 000227)6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y] NE] U[3 potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from Impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?YN NC3 U-] N/AC-YZ NO3 UC3 N/AC-YZ NEI U-I N/ACr 10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?EN-DC-168 REV 0 I Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 242 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y[ NET U-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 051 Equipment ID No. PS-104-53A Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description SW/PUMP A PRESSURE SWITCH Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YIg N[-] U[-]adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:

Calculation 93-09 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000227 V-, CP 1011g12012-Evaluated bv: Kifit Parikh Date: 10/02/2012 i Fv~Iu~tnr~

h~r Kint Pnrikh -J. -.....- -RangyvStephens

.$'RLý ~ z~IIoi 10/02/2012 V EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Att~r~hmAnt Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 243 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: NL-] UL'I Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 051 Equipment ID No. PS-104-53A Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description SW/PUMP A PRESSURE SWITCH Photographs

-k~EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 244 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN, CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Y[0 NEI UE" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 051 Equipment ID No. PS-104-53-A Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description SW/PUMP A PRESSU ITCH NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 245 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet I of 5 Status: YN NEI Ur-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 056 Equipment ID No. TK-55-1A Equip. Class 1 21 -TANKS & HEAT EXCHANGERS Equipment Description N2 AIR RECEIVER Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El: 303' Room, Area NWCR Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YE] NO 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware.?

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YO NEI UI N/AC1 Y NEI U-1 N/AC YZ NEI UEI N/ACI' Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B- Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 246 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y0 NEI U'-]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 056 Equipment ID No. TK-55-1A Equip. Class' 21 -TANKS & HEAT EXCHANGERS Equipment Description N2 AIR RECEIVER 5. Is the anchorage coniiguration consistent with plant documentation?

Yr"] NO UE N/As (Note: This question only applies if the item Is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ NEI U-potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YO NE U-' N/AE YZ NE UE] N/A-Y0 NEI U- N/AF Y] NEI, U[--]EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 247 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y[ NEI Ur Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl -056 Equipment ID No. TK-55-1A Equip. Class' 21 -TANKS & HEAT EXCHANGERS Equipment Description N2 AIR RECEIVER Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y0 NEr- UM adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Note: A gasket, not part of TK-55-1A is lying on a short section of pipe between the tank and flange (see photo page 4). No seismic concern.Reference Documents:


-SSEL Line No, 000266 Drawing 5920-5017 Evaluated by: Kirit Parikh 10 1 Irl 2.* 12-Date: 10/10/2012 T!Randy Steohens i.. -* jl 2/41.--10/10/12012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 248 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y0 NEI UE]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL1- 056 Equipment ID No. TK-55-1A Equip. Class 1 21 -TANKS & HEAT EXCHANGERS Equipment Description N2 AIR RECEIVER Photographs isket lying on pipe between tank and flange.EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 249 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NEI UrF--Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 056 Equipment ID No. TK-55-1A Equip. Class 1 21 -TANKS & HEAT EXCHANGERS Equipment Description N2 AIR RECEIVER EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 250 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YZ NCI UC" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 058 Equipment ID No. P-1O-ID Equip. Class' 06 Equipment Description RHR/D RHR PUMP Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 213' Room, Area SECR Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

B/nhahm 16x18x26 CVIC Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an Item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missi ng or loose hardware?One of the bolts on base plate, In extreme left near the wall, is Inaccessible due to insulated gaskets around the p/pe and scaffolding built around It. All other bolts are found well secured on base plate. No seismic impact.3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4; Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Y0 NEI ur] N/ACl YZD NEI urC N/A[C Y0 NC] ULIE N/ACE 7796 ter t eimnlas nam m 1 A\P5di B'Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix 8: Classes of Equipment., EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 251 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YZ NEI UEI Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 058 Equipment ID No. P-Ic-1D Equip. Class' 06 Equipment Description RHFID RHR PUMP,, J-//, 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

.. '1-1 Ur- N/I (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which V e anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Ref: Drawing 5920-1611.

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y0 NE Ur potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10,. Based on the above seismic Interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YN NE U- N/AE YN NE U" N/Ar Y[O NE U- N/AE YZ NEI UM EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 252 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y[ NEI Ur-E Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 058 EquipmentlD No. P-IO-1D Equip. Class 1 06 Equipment Description RHR/D RHR PUMP Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YS N[3 UE-adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:

Drawing 5920-1611, Sheet 1, Rev.8 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000279 One of the bolts on base plate is inaccessible due to area scaffolding and pipe insulation.

3 Bolts are accessible and fully secured on base plate, No seismic impact.1 n2a,ý ýý 101161Z-011-Evaluated by: Kirit Parikh Date: 10/11/2012 Randy Steohens , IL1 -. 10/11/2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 253 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YO NEI U'-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 058 Equipment ID No. P-.I0-D Equip. Class' 06 Equipment Description RHR/D RHR PUMP Photographs EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 254 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YN NFr Ur-]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 058 Equipment ID No. P-10-1D Equip. Class 1 06 Equipment Description RHR/D RHR PUMP EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 255 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 ... SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YS NEI UEI Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 059 Equipment ID No. V10-65B Equip. Class' 08A Equipment Description RHR/HEA T XC BYPASS MOV Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 232' Room, Area SECR Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended) 20" 300# Globe Valve with Limitorque SMB-4-20 Actuator Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Y[- N[K 2., Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?In-line valve, no anchorage.

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks In the concrete near the anchors?YEI NEl UE' N/A0 YEI NEI Ur-D N/AZ YE- N[: UE] N/A I Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 256 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y[D NEI ULI Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 059 Equipment ID No. V1O-65B Equip. Class' 08A Equipment Description RHR/HEATXC BYPASS MOV 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y[-- NEI ULI N/AC9 (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y0 ND- ULI potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YZ NED UD N/AFD]Y0 NDI UD N/AD YZ NDI UDl N/A[D YER NEI U[EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 257 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ N7 U-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 059 Equipment ID No. VIO-65B Equip. Class 1 08A Equipment Description RHR/HEATXC BYPASS MOV Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y0 N[_-W UM adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:


-SSEL Line No. 000281 Evaluated by: Kirit Parikhý 10 119 1 ZO 12., -Date: 10/11/2012 Randy Steghens RiCA6 DV~~iLa4 ~IL (216~ 10/11/12012 EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 258 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZI NEL UO-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 059 Equipment ID No. V1.65B Equip. Class' 08A Equipment Description RHR/HEATXC BYPASS MOV Photographs EN-DC.168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 259 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NO UO-'Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 059 Equipment ID No. V1O-65B Equip. Class' 08A Equipment Description RHR/HEATTXC BYPASS MOV EN-DC-168 REV 0 V Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 260 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YS N'] UL--Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 060 Equipment ID No. V10-27A Equip. Class 1 08A Equipment Description RHR/LPCI INJECTION MOV Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 252' Room, Area Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended) 24" 600 Series Rockwell Globe Valve Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraqe 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YrI NO 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks In the concrete near the anchors?YEI NEI U-' N/A;YEr NEI UE N/AE Y[:] NrE1 U['] N/AO' Enter the equipment class. name from EPRI 102.5286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 261 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YZ NEI UrI Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 060 Equipment ID No. V1O-27A Equip. Class 1 08A Equipment Description RHR/LPCI INJECTION MOV 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y[ NO ur N/AS (Note: This question only applies if the Item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification Is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ NEI UE-potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

YN NO3 UrI N/AE YN N[O U[-] N/A'-]Y[E N[: uE-] N/A[l YN N[:] U[-9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?f 10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 262 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y0 NEI UL-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 060 Equipment ID No. V10-27A Equip. Class' 08A Equipment Description RHR/LPCI INJECTION MOV Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Yn N[il ULi adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen

_Raymond Tworek i'-br L- oev-Date: 10-04-2012 10-04-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 263 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Shoot 4 of 5 Status: Y; NE] UiL Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 060 Equipment ID No. V1Q-27A Equip. Class' 08A Equipment Description RHR/LPCI INJECTION MOV Photographs Note: V1O-27A EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 264 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YN NEI U1-J Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 060 Equipment ID No. V10-27A Equip. Class' 08A Equipment Description RHR/LPCI INJECTION MOV NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 265 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEIsMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet I of 5 Status: Y'0 NOJ UEJ Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 061 Equipment ID No. P-8-1C Equip. Class' 06 Equipment Description RHRSW/C RHRSW PUMP Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 232' Room, Area NECR Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YN N-2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks In the concrete near the anchors?YZ NO U- N/AF Y[9 NC U- N/AC Y[K NC UMI N/AC--' Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 266 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLiST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YED NEL U-II Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 061 Equipment ID No. P-8-1C, Equip. Class' 06 Equipment Description RHRSW/C RHRSW PUMP 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YER NI" Ur] N/AO3 (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See SSEL Line No. 000306 and drawing 5920-3855.

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y[R NO] UCI potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YER NOI UO N/AO-YN NO-] ur- N/A-Y0 N-' ur- N/A[]YN N[ I U[-EN-DC-168 REVO0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 267 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ NE-L U-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 061 Equipment ID No. P-8-1C Equip. Class 1 06 Equipment Description RHRSW/C RHRSW PUMP Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

YZ NEI UE Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:

Drawing 5920-3855 A46/IPEEE

-SSEL Line No. 000306 Y-e- 10 11 r< 1 -2 0 12-Evaluated by: KIfit Par~kh Date: 10/11/2012 RandySteph eng-2m 10/11/2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 268 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ( N[] U[-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 061 Equipment ID No. P-8-1C Equip. Class 1 06 Equipment Description RHRSW/C RHRSW PUMP Photographs EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 269 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ N[I] UMI Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 061 Equipment ID No. P-8-IC Equip. Class' 06 Equipment Description RHRSW/C RHRSW PUMP NO PHOTO Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 270 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 1 of 5 Status: Y[ NE] U-7 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 062 Equipment ID No. VIO-89A Equip. Class 1 08B Equipment Description RHRSW/SW SUPPLY MOV Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 232' Room, Area NECR Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Y-I N[9 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?.

In-line valve, no anchorage.

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Y[: NM- U[3 N/AZ YEI NEi U[] N/A21 Y[] NE] U[- N/AS I Enter the equipment class niame from EPR[ 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 271 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y[ NEI U" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 062 Equipment ID No. VIO-89A Equip. Class 1 08B Equipment Description RHRSW/SW SUPPLY MOV 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YE NEI UE-1 N/A0 (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ NE1 UE--]potentially adverse seismic conditions?
7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?
8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yv N[3 UD- N/A--Y] N[3 ur- N/AC-Y[ NE urI N/AEI YO NO u-E EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 272 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y0 N[3 U7 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 062 Equipment ID No. VIO-89A Equip. Class' 08B Equipment Description RHRSW/SW SUPPLY MOV Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other'seismic conditions that could YE N[:- UF" adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:


-SSEL Line No. 000312 Evaluated by: KiritParikh tuZ-. 1O Ile, 20 12 Date: 10/11/2012 Randy StePhens i J " I /--,10/11/2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 273 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ NMJ U-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 062 Equipment ID No. V10-89A Equip. Class' 08B Equipment Description RHRSW/SW SUPPLY MOV Photographs EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 274 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Y0 N-I UM-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 062 Equipment ID No. VIO-89A Equip. Class'Q08B Equipment Description RHRSW/SW SUPPLY MOV NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 275 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM Sheet I of 5 Status: YZ NE] ULJ Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 063 Equipment ID No. SP-70-3A Equip. Class 1 07 Equipment Description BACK WASH FLOW CONTROL VALVE Location:

Bldg. IS Floor El. 237' Room, Area SW ROOM Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraqe 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YEI NZ 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?In-line valve, no anchorage.

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YEr Nf"] U-i N/A0 YE] NE] ur- N/AS Y[-' NIl Ui N/AS I Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 276 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YZ NEI U71 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 063 Equipment ID No. SP.70-3A Equip. Class' 07 Equipment Description BACK WASH FLOW CONTROL VALVE 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y["] NE U["'] N/A0 (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y0 NE U-potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting,, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Small light bulb with light fixture hanging above. Fixture Is firmly attached to the ceiling. Bulb is very light in weight to damage any component on the switch.9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YN NE" Ur- N/A-YZ NE u- N/A[-]Y0 NQ UC N/A--YZ NO U'EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 277 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMEI Sheet 3 of NT 9.6 5 Status: Y0 NIE] U[']Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl-Equipment ID No. SP-70-3A Equip. Class Equipment Description BACK WASH FLOW CONTROL Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Area Is clean.Y0 N[IUE1 Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:

Drawing 5920-1811 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000314 r-ý (6 1 f r,11 2 012-Evaluated by: Kirit Parikh Date: 10/02/2012 Rand&. Ste hens ,, .(v( IL 10/0212012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 278 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.8 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y[9 NI U-J Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 063 Equipment ID No. SP-70-3A Equip. Class' 07 Equipment Description BACK WASH FLOW CONTROL VALVE Photographs EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 279 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ N] UrL Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- I Equipment ID No. SP-70-3A Equip. Class'Equipment Description BACK WASH FLOW CONTROL EN-DC-168 REV 0 0*1 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 280 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: Y[ NEI UM-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 064 Equipment ID No. P-7.1C Equip. Class' 06 Equipment Description Intake SW PUMP Location:

Bldg. IS Floor El. 237" Room, Area SW ROOM Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraae 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YZ Nil 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?The grout pad has cracks, but does not affect seismic performance or reliability.

YO NE3 U[] N/AD-YN N[-- U[-i N/A[-D YZ Ni ur- N/Ar-I Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 V Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 281 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y[ NEI UE Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 064 Equipment ID No. P-7-1C Equip. Class' 06 Equipment Description Intake SW PUMP 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y0 NEI UE] N/AE-(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See drawing 5920-3947 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YN NE-1 U-E potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems,, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?There are some small gaps In the insulation at the connection of the line to the pump, however, not a seismic concern.10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Y0 NE-ur UE N/Ar Y; N7 uEr N/AE YO NE-1 UEi N/AE1 YN NE-I uE EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 282 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y[ NOI UE-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 064 Equipment ID No.
  • P-7-1C Equip. Class' 06 Equipment Description Intake SW PUMP Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y0 N[-] UE]adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


5920-3947 and 5920-4602 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000320 Evaluated by:,Marcus Hecht-Nielsen

..Date: 10-02-2012 Raymond Tworek ?' ,,0 I,. / I T A -s--10-02-2012....... ....... ii I I I I I EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 283 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y0 N- uLID Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 064 Equipment ID No. P-7-1C Equip. Class 1 06 Equipment Description Intake SW PUMP Photographs Note: P-7-1(NO PHOTO Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 284 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Y0 NO UM" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 064 Equipment ID No. P-7-1C Equip. Class' 06 Equipment Description Intake SW PUMP NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC.168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 285 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 1 of 5 Status: Y[ NEI Ur Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL 65 L_/'A7R-Equipment ID No. k,5.08-03 , Equip. Cr ss 1 08-B SOLENOID OPERATED VALVES I to/? ritz, Equipment Description FUEL OIL TANK VALVE Location:

Bldg. FO, Floor El. 242' Room, Area FUEL OIL TANK Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended) 4--' ,, Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.-(V Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Y[3 NZ 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?

Yr In-line valve, no anchorage.

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface Y-oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the YE anchors?C-tj) No 7- O 7] NOi U[- N/AS I NEI UI] N/A0-NO urJ N/AI 0 r tFI& ý0/_.J/dc!A_lolVA-10/? r/(z.'Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 286 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YE NEI UF-I Seismic Walkdown Cfhecklist (PWC) SWELl- 065 Equipment ID No. --L-'108-03 Class' 08-B SOLENOID OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description FUEL OIL TANK VALVE 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y_-] NE UE] N/AZ (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y[R NE-] UE]potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from Impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations,,is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects? -Y0 NEI uE- N/A[E]Y[ NEI UE" N/A--Y] NEI UD- N/A-]Y] NEI U[-]EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 287 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMEt Sheet 3 of 4T 9.6 5 Status: Y0 NEI UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 065 Equipment ID No.

X/ Equip. Class 1 08-B SOLENOID OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description FUEL OIL TANK VALVE Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YS NE] UM adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Note: Original inspection completed 10/15/2012.

Photo taken 10/16/2012; Referenced Documents:


-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000394 Evaluated by: Kirit Parikh C... -J 1 2.. Date: 10/16/2012 Randy Steohens 2"C4 ,4 10/16/2012 1 uJ EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 288 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ NOl Ur-I Seismic Walkdown C ecklist (SWC) SWELl- 065 Equipment ID No. L.-60408.03 F Equip. Class' 08-B SOLENOID OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description FUEL OIL TANK VALVE Photographs EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 289 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YN NEI Uf-'Seismic Walkdown Clecklist (C)w SWEL1- 065 Equipment ID No. "S-I08-03 )V ,Euip. Class 1 08-B SOLENOID OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description FUEL OIL TANK VALVE EN-DC-4I68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 290 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet I of 5 Status: YZ NEI Url Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 066 Equipment ID No. FCV-104-28A Equip. Class 1 07 -Fluid Operated Valves Equipment Description SW/DG Cooling Location:

Bldg. TB Floor El. 252 Room, Area EDGR A Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

ACF Industries, #70-14-2RRT Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraoe 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YO N9 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4, Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete.

near the anchors?YE NE] UE] NWA YEI NEI UE N/AS YEr NEI UE[ N/A9'Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C A Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 291 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YZ N[-1 UE-1 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 066 Equipment ID No. FCV-104-28A Equip. Class' 07- Fluid Operated Valves Equipment Description SWIDG Cooling 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YE- NE] UM N/AZ (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ NE] UE-potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?YZ NO UE' N/A[-D YZ NEI UDI N/AE-Y; NE UEI N/A[D]Electrical conduit has flexible line.10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YN NEIU[I tN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 292 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ NEI uEr Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 066 Equipment ID No. FCV.104-28A Equip. Class' 07- Fluiýd Operated Valves Equipment Description SW/DG Cooling Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Y NEIU[3 Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:


-SSEL Line No. 000324 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen Date: 10-01-2012 Raymond Tworek 2h"ýi.v( -, ý 10/Id( L 10-01-12 EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 293 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y9 NR U'Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 066 Equipment ID No. FCV-104-2MA Equip. Class' 07- Fluid Ooerated Valves Equipment Description SW/DG Cooling Photographs EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 294 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YED ND UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 066 Equipment ID No. FCV-104-28A Equip. Class' 07 -Fluid Operated Valves Equipment Description SW/DG Cooling NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 295 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet I of 5 Status: Y0R NOi UiL Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 067 Equipment ID No. V70-20 Equip. Class 1 08A -MOTOR OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description SW/TURB BLDG ISOL MOV Location:

Bldg: RB Floor El. 2446' Room, Area TORUS CW Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchormee 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YO NS 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Y0 NEI U:] N/A--]YN NEI UI N/AE YZ NCI U[- N/A[I' Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 296 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YO Ni1 U[-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 067 Equipment ID No. V70-20 Equip. Class 1 08A -MOTOR OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description SW/TURB BLDG ISOL MOV 5, Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YE-- NE] UE_- N/A[(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y0 NE"' U[]potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YZ NEI UE] N/AE-YZ NEI U[E N/AEF Y0 NEI UE- N/AE-YZ NE- UEF EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 297 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKbOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ NEI UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 067 Equipment ID No. V70-20 Equip. Class' 08A -MOTOR OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description SWITURB BLDG ISOL MOV Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y0R N[] UC-adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:


-SSEL Line No. 000335 Evaluated by: KIr Parikh 4/2 .Date: 10/10/2012 Ran&_, Stephens g~ o~ 10/10/2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 298 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y[0 NIE] U7 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 067 Equipment ID No. V70-20 Equip. Class 1 08A -MOTOR OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description SW/IURB BLDG ISOL MOV Photographs EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 299 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: NE- ur-J Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 067 Equipment ID No. V70-20 Equip. Class 1 08A -MOTOR OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description SWiTURB BLDG ISOL MOV NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 300 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YZ NLJ] U[3 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 068 Equipment ID No. TU-1-1A Equip. Class 1 05-HORIZONTAL PUMPS Equipment Description HPCI-HPCI TURBINE Location:

Bldg. RQ Floor El. 213' Room, Area HPCI Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space Is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments, Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one Y[K NiJ of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

No grouting under north center and south center mounting points.South east mount is missing grout and the mounting bracket Is slightly bent. In reviewing the document SSEL line no. 000353 and its associated ca/c for HPCI turbine TU la, page 9 of 9, the interaction ratio for shear = 0, 118 and l.R, for bolt pull out = 0,040. Hence the bolts are ok and loss of grout has no seismic impact on it.Ref. CR- VTY-2012-05091

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks"in the concrete near the anchors?Very small hair line crack in the north east comer of concrete pad., 1,5'from the mounting.

No seismic impact.See the comments above in column I Y[K NEI U0 NIAE Y[K N(:J UE N/As1 YS NEI UE N/AE1 SEnter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 301 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YN N-- ULI Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 068 Equipment ID No. TU-1-1A Equip. Class 1 05- HORIZONTAL PUMPS Equipment Description HPCI-HPCI TURBINE 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y[E NEI Uil N/A[-](Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See SSEL Line No. 000353 and its associated calculation.

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YIg NI-] U--potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Y0 NEI UCI N/A[]YNJ NEI U[-- N/ACI Y0 N["] ul-I N/AC1 YS NCI Ui EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 302 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YN NEI ULJ Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 068 Equipment ID No. TU-1-1A Equip. Class' 05-HORIZONTAL PUMPS Equipment Description HPCI-HPCI TURBINE Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YZ N[Q UE-adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000353 CR-VTY-2012-05091 Evaluated by: Kirit Parikh 0 Zo 12-D Randy Steohens 102- '4 {'/" Z-.pate: 10/09/2012 10/09/2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 303 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ NM] UM]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 068 Equipment ID No. TU-1-1A Equip. Class' 05 -HORIZONTAL PUMPS Equipment Description HPCI-HPCI TURBINE Photographs Note: North East end anchorage bracket. Missing a small amount of grout.EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 304 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NE] Ur]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL1- 068 Equipment ID No. TU-1-1A Equip. Class' 05- HORIZONTAL PUMPS Equipment Description HPCI-HPCI TURBINE EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 305 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMEI Sheet 1 of NT 9.6 5 Status: YZ NO U7 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 069 Equipment ID No. DG-IB-INTAKE-1-6 Equip. Class' 0- OTHER Equipment Description DG ROOM VENTILATION/DG ROOM B LOUVERS (6 TOTAL)Location:

Bldg. TB Floor El. 252' Room, Area EDGR B (ROOF INTAKE STRUCTURE)

Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space Is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (Le., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YN N[3 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Y[9 NC: UCl N/AC-YN NC] Ur] N/A[]YZ NEI UC- N/AC-I Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 306 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YN NEI uM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 069 Equipment ID No. DG-1B-INTAKE-1-6 Equip. Class 1 0- OTHER Equipment Description DG ROOM VENTILA TION/DG ROOM B LOUVERS (6 TOTAL)5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YZ NEI UE-] N/AE--(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See SSEL Line No. 00371and drawing 5920-9096.

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y0R NE-- UEI potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

No overhead items near this equipment.

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YJZ NE-' U[- N/A--YE--] NEI uE- N/AZ YC9 NE"] UE-] N/A--YN NEI U-EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 307 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y[D NE] UE-I Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 069 Equipment ID No. DG-1B-INTAKE-1-6 Equip. Class' 0- OTHER Equipment Description DG ROOM VENTILATION/DG ROOM B LOUVERS (6 TOTAL)Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other'seismic conditions that could YZ NO U-adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:


-SSEL Line No. 000371 Drawing 5920-9096 Evaluated by: Kirit Parikh t;q .. t.. 10 ,! 2012.Randy Steohens 01J~.~.L ~O1 7-0 Date: 10/03/12 (-L. 10/03/12 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 308 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y0 N[] Ur]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 069 Equipment ID No. DG-1B-INTAKE-1-b Equip. Class' 0 -OTHER Equipment Description DG ROOM VENTILATION/DG ROOM B LOUVERS (6 TOTAL)Photographs NO PHOTO Note: EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0'Page 309 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NE UE Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 069 Equipment ID No. DG-lB-INTAKE-1-6 Equip. Class 1 0- OTHER Equipment Description DG ROOM VENTILA TION/DG ROOM B LOUVERS (6 TOTAL)NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0

<A Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 310 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YN NE UE-]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 070 Equipment ID No. ES-23-110 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description HPCI INST PWR SUPPLY Location:

Bldg. CB Floor El. 272' Room, Area CONTRM Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Y[-] NER 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that Is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the.anchors?YEr NEI UE- N/Ag Y[-I NfE UF- N/AZ YEr NE3 U] N/AN I Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.-EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 311 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y[; NEI U" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 070 Equipment ID No. E0-23-110 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description HPCI INST PWR SUPPLY 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y-I NF"] UEI N/A[R (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y0 Ni: U-I potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismicInteraction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Y[9 Ni] UI- N/A[I YZ NEI UI: N/A-I Y0 NIO UE- N/A[1 YZ NEI I: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 312 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YO NO U--Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 070 Equipment ID No. ES-23-110 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description HPCI INST PWR SUPPLY Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YS ND-] UI'adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


5920-2678 A46//PEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000401......_ Date: 10-15-2012 Evaluated by; Marcus Hecht-Nielsen Ravmond~worek

?4r'Z.~--Iji 10-15-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 313 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ Ni7 UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 070 Equipment ID No. ES-23-110 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description HPCI INST PWR SUPPLY Photographs Note: ES-23 EN-DC-168 REVO0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 314 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.8 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Y0 NEI U0 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 070 Equipment ID No. ES-23-110 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description HPCI INST PWR SUPPLY NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 315 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMEI Sheet 1 of NT 9.6 5 Status: Y0 NEI UIJ Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEll- 071 Equipment ID No. FTA-23-118 Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description HPCI SQF RT CONV-FLOW Location:

Bldg. CB Floor El. 272' Room, Area CONT RM Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments., Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., Is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YVINO 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks In the concrete near the anchors?YE] NEI UE- N/A0 YE-) U1'1 N/A;Y[-- NEI U- N/AS Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 i Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 316 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YE NEI UF" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 071 Equipment ID No. FTA-23-118 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description HPCI SQ RT CONV-FLOW 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YEI NE UE" N/AZ (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ NEI U-potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and Iighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Y0 NO UE N/AE Y0 NE UI-] N/A-YN NE U- N/AE Y19 N-- U[-EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 317 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ N[i Ul-]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 071 Equipment ID No. FTA-23-118 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description HPCI SQ RTCONV-FLOW Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Y[DNEI UF Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


5920-3258 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000402 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen

Date: 10-15-2012 Raymond Tworek @0-P 4.-4 iI I'V A 1-10-15-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 r Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 318 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKuST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YN NEI] U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 071 Equipment ID No. FTA-23-118 Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description HPCI SQ RTCONV-FLOW Photographs EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 319 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NEL UFL Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 071 Equipment ID No. FTA-23-118 Equip. Class 1' 20 Equipment Description HPCI SQ RT CONV-FLOW NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 f dr Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 320 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet I of 5 Status: YZ N-' U-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 072 Equipment ID No. ES-23-94 Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description HPC//DC/AC INVERTER Location:

Bldg. Q5 Floor El. 272' Room, Area CONTRM Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space Is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL Items requiring such verificatIon)?

YEr NZ 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Could not see all the anchors, however, the anchors that were visible were in good condition.

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

Could not see all the anchors, however, the anchors that were visible were in good condition.

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Y0 NEI U-] N/A[-Y'( NEI U['E NIA[-I YrNU NE UEJNWAS' Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 C-!/Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 321 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YZ N[] U[3 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 072 Equipment ID No. ES-23-94 Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description HPCI/DC/AC INVERTER 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YEI NEI UEI N/A[E (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YE NE3 UE-potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Y0 NEI u-' N/AE-YN NEI U[-- N/A--YZ NEi UE- N/A[-]Y9 NEI UF-EN-DC-1 68 REV 0

.1 de Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 322 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y[; N[] U[]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl-Equipment ID No. ES-23-94 Equip. Class Equipment Description HPCI/DC/AC INVERTER Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

YZ NE:1U[-Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


5920-3258 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 000404 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen Date: 10-15-2012 Raymond Tworek 10-15-2012 EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 01 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 323 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YN N7 U7 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 072 Equipment ID No. ES-23-94 Equip. Class1 20 Equipment Description HPCI/DC/AC INVERTER Photographs EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 324 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NEI Ur-]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 072 Equipment ID No. ES-23-94 Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description HPCI/DC/AC INVERTER EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 325 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMEI Sheet 1 of IT 9.6 5 Status: YN NEL U-I Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 078 Equipment ID No. VG-22A Equip. Class' 08A -MOTOR OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description CAD MOV VENT ISOLATION (OUTBD)Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 303' Room, Area NORTH CENTER Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SW EL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraqe 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YEI NO 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Y0 NEI U-] N/A[-]YZ NEI UE] N/A[-YZ NEI U[-1 N/AFU I Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 326 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YZ NM U-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 078 Equipment ID No, VG-22A Equip. Class 1 08A -MOTOR OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description CAD MOV VENT ISOLATION (OUTID)5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YE' NEI U-' N/AZ (Note: This question only applies~if the Item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required,)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YS NEI UE-potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YS NE"1 U[E N/A[-]Y[ NEI UE1 N/A[-]YO NEI UE' N/AEI YZ NEI U[-EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 327 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y0 NEI UFi-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 078 Equipment ID No. VG-22A Equip. Class' 08A -MOTOR OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description CAD MOV VENT ISOLATION (OUTBD)Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YZ NEI UI-]adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:


-SSEL Line No. 000512 Evaluated by: KlidtParikh 4 n..& c-c.. 10~g 11920k? Da Randy Steohens&t .I~ f -/t 10 M ..te: 10/10/2012 10/10/2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 328 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YN NO U7 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 078 Equipment ID No. VG-22A Equip. Class' OA MOTOR OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description CAD MOV VENT ISOLATION (OUTBID)Photographs Note: ID# VG-22A Exposed wires are test connection plugs.EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 329 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NEI UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 078 Equipment ID No. VG-22A Equip. Class' 08A -MOTOR OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description CAD MOV VENT ISOLATION (OUTBD)NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 330 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YE NEI UE Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 079 Equipment ID No. NG-13A Equip. Class 1 08B -SOLENOID OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description CAD SOV AIR ISOLATION (INBD) INJECTION TO DW PNL A Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 222' Room, Area TORUSAREA Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YEI NO 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?In-line valve, no anchorage.

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YEI NE] U[E N/AZ YE- NE u[E] N/AO YEr NE uE[- N/AZ'Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: CtassesWof Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 331 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y0 NO! UOI Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 079 Equipment ID No. NG-13A Equip. Class 1 08B -SOLENOID OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description CAD SOV AIR ISOLATION (INBD) INJECTION TO DW PNL A 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YE3 N"I Ur N/ACD (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification Is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ NE_-] UE-potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YS NE- UF- N/AE-Y[] NEI U-E N/A[-]YN NEi U--I N/AE[YZ NC3 ur" EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 332 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ NEI U7 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 079 Equipment ID No. NG-13A Equip. Class' 08B -SOLENOID OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description CAD SOV AIR ISOLATION (INBD) INJECTION TO DW PNL A Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

YZ NEIUE1 Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:


-SSEL Line No. 000515 Evaluated by: Kirit Parikh Date: 10/I 1/2012 Randy Steohens & ý 6f i/Z-i2-. 10/11/2012 VI EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 333 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y0 NO UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 079 Equipment ID No. NG-13A Equip. Class' 08B -SOLENOID OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description CAD SOV AIR ISOLATION (INBD) INJECTION TO DW PNL A Photographs NO PHOTO Note: EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 334 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YN NEI U'-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 079 Equipment ID No. NQ-13A Equip, Class' 08B -SOLENOID OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description CAD SOV AIR ISOLATION (INBD) INJECTION TO DWPNL A NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 335 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YZ NI"-3 U7-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 080 Equipment ID No. SB-16-19-6 Equip. Class' 07- FLUID OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description PRIMARY CONTAINMENT VENT TO SBGT ISOLATION (OUTBD) AOV Location:

Bldg. .R Floor El. 303' Room, Area W Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoragie

1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YEI NZ 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?In-fine valve, no anchorage.

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YE] NEi UMJ N/A0 YE NE- U[: N/A[9 Y[E NEI UE] N/A' Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 336 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YN NO U-I Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 080 Equipment ID No. SB-16-19-6 Equip. Class 1 07- FLUID OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description PRIMARY CONTAINMENT VENT TO SBGT ISOLATION (OUTBD) AOV 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YE] NE- UE- N/A;(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ NEI UEJ potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

YZ NEI U'- N/AEl 8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and ighting, YZ NE] UE] N/AE[and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?YZ NEl UE] N/A7 10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free Y0 N[] UE]of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 337 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YIN NEI UE-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 080 Equipment ID No. SB-16-19-6 Equip. Class' 07&- FLUID OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description PRIMARY CONTAINMENT VENT TO SBGT ISOLATION (OUTBD) AOV Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YZ NEI UE adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:


-SSEL Line No. 000554 Evaluated by: Kirit Paiikh Url 2-0 12-Date: 10/10/2012 Rand~Sthen f .A~l.. ~It4%..PA'~ah I rIL~2A~Z..10/10/2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 338 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y0 ND U17 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 080 Equipment ID No. SB-16-19-6 Equip. Class' 07 -FLUID OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description PRIMARY CONTAINMENT VENT TO SBGT ISOLATION (OUTBD) AOV Photographs EN-DC-1 68 REV 0

.Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 339 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YN N[3 UD Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 080 Equipment ID No. SB-16-19-6 Equip. Class' 07- FLUID OPERATED VALVES Equipment Description PRIMARY CONTAINMENT VENT TO SBQT ISOLATION (OUTBD) AOV NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 340 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet I of 5 Status: Y0 NOJ Ur Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 081 Equipment ID No. CRP 9-03 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description CONTROL ROOM PANEL Location:

Bldg. Floor El. 272' Room, Area CONT PM Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraae 1, Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YS NEI 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YZ NO U- N/A-Y0 NEI U- N/A-YZ NC- UC" N/A-Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 341 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y13 Ni3 UC]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 081 Equipment ID No. CRP 9-03 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description CONTROL ROOM PANEL 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YC9 NCI U[I N/AC'(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See VYC-1354 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YN NC U-potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluationsis equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Y0 N[-] ULJ N/AC-]Y0 NCI UC3 N/AC1 Y0 NC UC1 N/AF-Y; NEI UF1 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0.1 2 a 312 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YN NEI U-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 081 Equipment ID No. CRP 9-03 Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description CONTROL ROOM PANEL Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y(@ N-] ULIE adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


5920-3258 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 001210 Calculation:

VYC-1354 Evaluated by: Marcus Hech7-Nielsen

/Raymond Tworek P6Ai. ~5-,jM C #~tI ?/IL-Date: 10-15-2012 10-15-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 343 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FoRM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ Nn Ur Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 081 Equipment ID No. CRP 9-03 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description CONTROL ROOM PANEL Photoaraohs Note: CRP 9-03 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0..Pn 'AAA -of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NEI U[-'Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 081 Equipment ID No. CRP 9-03 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description CONTROL ROOM PANEL EN-DC-168 REV 0 it'Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 345 of 505 I ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FoRM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YZ NO U'Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 082 Equipment ID No. CRP9-19 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description CONTROL ROOM PANEL Location:

Bldg. CB Floor El. 272' Room, Area CONTRM Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an Item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings, Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YEI NO 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YEI N3 U- N/AS YE NE U7 N/AO YEI NEI UM N/A I Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286. Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 346 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y0 NED UE-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 082 Equipment ID No. CRP 9-19 Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description CONTROL ROOM PANEL 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YZ- NEl U[-I N/AN (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y0 NE-] UE'potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations; is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YZ NE1 UEi N/AE-Y9 NED UE1 N/A--YZ Nil UFI NIAM YN N[l U[--EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 347 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y[ NM UE-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl-Equipment ID No. CRP 9-19 Equip. Class 1 Equipment Description CONTROL ROOM PANEL Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

YN NEIU[3 QCmments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


5920-2678 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. oo1221 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Niese$

Date: 10-15-2012 Raymond Tworek ~ S. V a-10-15-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 348 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y[ NE] UO Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 082 Equipment ID No. CRP 9-19 Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description CONTROL ROOM PANEL Photographs Note: I EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 349 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NEI UE-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl-Equipment ID No. CRP 9-19 Equip. Class'Equipment Description CONTROL ROOM PANEL EN-DC-168 REV 0 V'Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 350 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YN NEI UI-E Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 083 Equipment ID No. CRP 9-20 Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description CONTROL ROOM PANEL Location:

Bldg. CB Floor El. 272' Room, Area CONTRM Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraqe 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Y[-- N[K 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YEI NEI uE- N/AZ YEi NE UE N/AW YEi NEI UE- N/Ag I Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 i-/Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 351 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YN NO UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 083 Equipment ID No. CRP 9-20 Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description CONTROL ROOM PANEL 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YE NE U-I N/A[(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required;)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y0 NO uFI potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from Impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?YN NEl U- N/AD YED NO U-' N/AE[Y[0 Nr ur N/A[-]10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free Y0 NE UE of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?EN-DC-168 REVO Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 352 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YN NEI UF Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 083 Equipment ID No. CRP 9-20 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description CONTROL ROOM PANEL Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YO No] U--adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


5920-3770 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 001222 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielson Date;, 10-15-2012 avodTw~tark Qaitv(- V'LL ,-61tyVIl 10-15-2012

.-.. --I--.EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 353 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YV NEI U[j Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 083 Equipment ID No. CRP 9-20 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description CONTROL ROOM PANEL Photographs Note: CRP 9-20 EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 354 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YS NEI U-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 083 Equipment ID No. CRP 9-20 Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description CONTROL ROOM PANEL NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 355 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6. SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet I of 5 Status: YZ NE3 U--Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 084 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description DG RM B VOLTAGE REGULATOR CAB Location:

Bldg. TB Floor El. 252' Room, Area EDGR B Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YE-1 NZ 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missIng or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YZ NEI U[- N/AEýY[R NEI U[-- N/A--YN NEI UE" N/A[-I Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix BW Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 r-Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 356 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YO N[3 UEI Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 084 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description DG RM B VOLTAGE REGULATOR CAB 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YEI NEI U3 N/AS (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See drawing SK 92403-038 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ N[-] UF-]potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?Y0 NEI UC- N/A[]Y[K NE[- U[- N/A[]YZ NEI uE N/Ar 10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 357 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ NO UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 084 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description DG RM B VOLTAGE REGULATOR CAB Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YZ N7 UM adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:

Drawing 5920-3911 and 5920-4592, and SK 92403-03B sheets 1-4.A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 001242 Date: 10-03-2012 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen Ravmond Tworek ? 44, wý-ý. LO/ /, I'--10-03-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 358 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y] ND UC" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 084 Equipment ID No. , Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description DG RM B VOLTAGE REGULATOR CAB Photographs RM B VOLTAGE REGULATOR (EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 e v/ Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 359 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Y[9 NO UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 084 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description DG RM B VOLTAGE REGULATOR CAB Note: Behind view of bracing EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Výp Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 360 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YZ N-I U-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 085 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description DG RMA NEUTRAL TRANSFORMER CAB Location:

Bldg. TB Floor El. 252 Room, Area EDGR A Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YN NO 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Was able to visually verify attachment of unit to anchors on 10/11/12.Anchors are undamaged.

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

Was able to visually verify angle attachment on 10/11/12.

The anchors do not show signs of corrosion.

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks In the concrete near the anchors?Hairline cracks on the wall sufficient distance from anchor to have no affect on seismic performance.

YZ NEl UE] N/AE" YZ NEI U[- N/AEr YZ NEI U'- N/A["'Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment EN-DC-168 REV 0

  • 1 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 361 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YO NEI UE3 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 085 Equipment ID No. Equip, Class 1 20 Equipment Description DG RMA NEUTRAL TRANSFORMER CAB 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y[g N[] U[-] N/A[](Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See SK 92403-02-A 6, Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y[3 NE] Ui-potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Y0D NEI U[E N/A[E]YZ N[3 UE N/AE1 Y[E NEI UC NfAC: YZ NEIU[: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 362 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ NEI U0 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 085 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description DO RMA NEUTRAL TRANSFORMER CAB Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y(K N[i UI-adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:

5920-4593, sht. 1i Rev. 0 5920-4593, sht. 2, Rev. 0 A46/IPEEE

-SSEL Line No. 001243 SK 92403-02-A Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen

.Date: 10-11-2Q12 Raymond Tworek "n '4-10-11-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0

/Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 363 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y[ NEI UMI Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 085 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class1 20 Equipment Description DG RMA NEUTRAL TRANSFORMER CAB Photographs NO PHOTO Note: Note: A EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 364 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NEI U-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 085 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description DG -MA NEUTRAL TRANSFORMER CAB NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 365 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YN NEI u-I Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 086 Equipment ID No. L-17 Equip. Class' 0 Equipment Description OG "B" RM DAMPER MOTOR Location:

Bldg. TB Floor El. 252' Room, Area EDGR B Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an Item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

VE" NZ 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3 fan mounting bolts were visible, one bolt not visible. No Seismic impact.3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that Is more than mild surface oxidation?

Same as above 4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Mounted to steel frame.Y0 NEI UEr N/A[-]YZ NE UE- N/A[I YE N[E] U-I N/AZ I Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 366 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y[ NO UI']Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 086 Equipment ID No. L-17 Equip. Class' 0 Equipment Description DG "B" RM DAMPER MOTOR 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YE NE: U[-] N/AZ (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y[9 NEI UI[potentially adverse seismic conditions?

1 Fan mounting bolt is not visible from outside of the fan. No seismic impact.Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?Y23 NEI ur- N/AE1 YZ NE] UE] N/AE-YE NEI U(-] N/A-10. Based on the above seismic ihteraction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?EN4.DC-168 REV 0 Atta6hment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 367 of 505 ATrACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5.Status: YN N[:1 U[I Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 086 Equipment ID No. L-17 Equip. Class 1 0 Equipment Description DG "B" RM DAMPER MOTOR Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YV N[-] U[-]adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:

A46/IPEEE-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 001354 Note: 3 Fan mounting bolts are visible, one bolt not visible. Based on the firmness of the fan assembly no seismic impact.Evaluated by: Kirit Parikh to!( 10119f702 D RandyvStephens

~~.2&(5 ate: 1003/112 10/03/12 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 368 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YE NEI u-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 086 Equipment ID No, L-17 Equip. Class' 0 Equipment Description DG "B" RM DAMPER MOTOR Photographs Note: : Damper motor (# L- 17) not visible from outside of the fan/shroud assy.EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 369 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 8 of 5 Status: YO NEI url Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 086 Equipment ID No. L-17 Equip. Class 1 0 Equipment Description DG "B" RM DAMPER MOTOR NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachent CEngineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 370 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 1 of 5 SEISMIC WALKOWN CHECKLIST FORM Status: Y[ NO UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 087 Equipment ID No. RATS.1A Equip. Class 1 20 -Instr. & Conrol Panels & Cabinets Equipment Description DO-1A RM Thermostat Location:

Bldg. TB Floor El. 252 Room, Area EDGR A Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Honeywell Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Crack 6" under top wall anchor -Will not affect pullout, seismically acceptable.

Y0 NEI UL] N/A[]YN NE] UL] N/AL]YZ NCI] U' N/AE'rc& k-* por;,16i, A-IJcHolý NIS X4'C;1- q/51'RZIF.

ao. "--I Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Eqiipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 A.Attachent CEngineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 371 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y[D N[3 U--Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 087 Equipment ID No. RATS-IA Equip. Class 1 20 -Instr. & Conrol Panels & Cabinets CIUA AV/14/2-Equipment Description DG-IA RM Thermostat

5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?(Note: This question only applies if the item is one ,of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See drawing A46//PEEE

-SSEL Line No. 001355 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, Is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Y~' UE interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from Impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?Both the thermostat and line are anchored to wall. The line Is not flexible, however, both components will move as one, seismically acceptable..
10. Based on the above seismic Interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Y] ND' UD- N/A[D]YZ ND3 UD' N/AD--]Y] ND: UED N/AD'YZ NEIUD EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 372 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Yv NEI Ur0 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl -087 Equipment ID No. RATS-1A Equip. Class 1 20- Instr. & Conrol Panels & Cabinets Equipment Description DG-IA RM Thermostat Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y0 NE] U'-adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:


-SSEL Line No. 001355, and Attachment A Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen Date: 10-01-2012 Rnvm~nd Twcor~k L tDIfe r 11 --,-Railmond Tworek 10-01-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 373 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ NEI U7 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 087 Equipment ID No. RATS-.A Equip. Class 1 20 -Instr. & Conrol Panels & Cabinets Equipment Description DG-1A RM Thermostat Photographs EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 374 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Y0 NEI U-'Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl-' 087 Equipment ID No. RATS-lA Equip. Class 1 20 -Instr. & Conro/ Panels & Cabinets Equipment Description DG-1A RM Thermostat NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 375 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YO NEI U-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 088 Equipment ID No. SE-113-2022 Equip. Class 1 08B Equipment Description DG RM B DAMPER SOV Location:

Bldg. TB Floor El. 2.52' Room, Area EDGR B Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of ]udgments and findings.

Additional space Is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments, Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (I.e., Is the Item one Y-] NZ of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Same as above 3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Y[O NE] UE- N/AJ-YZ NCI UE- N/AD YZ' NE] Ul--] N/A[]IEnter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 376 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YZ N-] U-I Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 088 Equipment ID No. SE-1 13-2022 Equip. Class 1 0B Equipment Description DG RM B DAMPER SOV 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YE7 NE: UE] N/AS (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification Is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y[E NEI U[-]potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead eqUipoment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YN NO UE- N/AE-YZ NCI UE] N/A[-]YZ N[] U[3 N/AE1 YO N[-- UM EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 377 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y[9 NEI UEL Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 088 Equipment ID No. SE-113-2022 Equip. Class 1 08B Equipment Description DG RM B DAMPER SOV Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YN N[] U-]adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 001375 Evaluated by: Kirit Pakh 10 1 2-12 Date: 10/03/2012 Randy Stephens It L ( 0 t'Z..- 10/03/2012 EN-DCA 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 378 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ N'] Ur Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 088 Equipment ID No. SE-113-2022 Equip. Class 1 08B Equipment Description DG RM B DAMPER SOV Photographs NO PHOTO Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 379 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Y[9 NJ1 UF-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL!- I Equipment ID No. SE-113-2022 Equip. Class 1 Equipment Description DG RM B DAMPER SOV EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 380 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet I of 5 Status: YS ND UC7 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 089 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description DG RM B CONTACTOR CAB Location:

Bldg. TB Floor El. 252' Room, Area EDGR B Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments, Anchoragge

1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (ie., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YN NEI 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of Visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Equipment is anchored to steel.Y0K NEI U[i N/AE YC9 NEl UI-] N/AM YE" NEI UCI N/AZ Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 381 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y[ NF-] UE Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 089 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description DG RM B CONTACTOR CAB 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YZ NC] U'I N/AO (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

The plant documentation calls out V2" diameter bolts, but the as built condition is 3/8" diameter.

Per the SEWS SSEL line no. 001387 rule of the box is used. Given the seismic loading and bracing, the system is okay by engineering judgment.6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ NEI UEr potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic Interaction effects?Y[K NR UO- N/A"-Y[0 NOl U[- N/A[3 YZ NEI UQ" N/A[]YO N[3 U-1 EN-DC;168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 382 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ NE] Ur--Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 089 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description DG RM B CONTACTOR CAB Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

YZ NEIU7 Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 001387 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen , Date: 10-03-2012 Raymond Tworeký;ý ý0111911L-10-03-2012 I m i 1 I EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 383 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YO Nr- U-'Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 089 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description DG RM B CONTACTOR CAB Photographs Note: A EDG EN-DC-168 REV 0 4.Attachment C Vir Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 384 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 5 of 5 Status:, YN NEI ur Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- I Equipment ID No. Equip. Class'Equipment Description DG RM B CONTACTOR CABd 491 F¢l T EN-DC-168 REV 0 0'Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 385 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YZ N[] UC" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 090 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description DG-1-B RM B INSTRUMENT PANEL Location:

Bldg. TB Floor El. 252' Room, Area EDGR B Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL, The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Y NEI 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YEJ NEI U-- N/AEl]YC9 NCI UCI N/A[-]YE- NI UE- NWAR Equipment is anchored to steel.Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 386 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: NiQ U-'Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 090 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description DG-1-B RM B INSTRUMENT PANEL 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y(Z N17 UDI N/ADI (Note: This question only applies if the item Is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)


-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No.001388 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y0 NEI U--potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YN NDI uD1 N/AD YO NDI UFD N/AF-YZ NDI UD N/AD YO N[-' U-EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C T e Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 387 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YS NEI UE-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 090 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description DG-I-B RM B INSTRUMENT PANEL Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y0 N[] Ur]adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:

Drawing 5920-3991 Drawing G-191566 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 001388 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen Date: 10-03-2012

.-4--Raymond Tworek .., L.01it 10-03-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 4F I Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 388 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y] NC-] UD Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 090 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description DG-1-B RM B INSTRMENT PANEL Photographs Note: DG-1-B NO PHOTO Note: nel EN-DC-168 REV 0 A Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 389 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Y9 NEI uEr Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 090 Equipment ID No. Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description 00D-1-B RM B INSTRUMENT PANEL NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 390 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: Y[Z N'- UM Seismic Walkdown hecklist (SWc) SWELl- 01 Equipment ID No.

  • Equip. Class' 17 ti jo-ir-eL.Equipment Description DG RM B EQUIP SKID Location:

Bldg. TB Floor El. 252L Room, Area EDGR B Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoracae

1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e .j, is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Y9 NO 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YN NEI UE] N/AI]Y NEI UE N/AE'YN NEI U-I N/An-+ beeT-ý15CIV&, FHnjT I ~ 4 c-oo7-I Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 J.Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 391 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YO NEI UI-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 091 Equipment ID No. Y I ,// Equip. Class 1 17 Equipment Description DG RM B EQUIP SKID 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y[O N[3 U[] N/AE](Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See 5920-3991 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YO NEI UE" potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on.the above seismic Interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Y0D NEI U-] N/AE YZ N] UE3] N/AF1 YZ NEI u[] N/A-I Y9 NEI UD'EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 392 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y; NUI UF" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 091 Equipment ID No. i A%/ tL-zr-1. Equip. Class' 17 Equipment Description DG RM B EQUIP SKID Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y0 N[I3' UE-adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:

Drawing 5920-3991 and G-191566 A46I1PEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 01389 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen Date: 10-03-2012 Ravmond Tworek

  • IA-Xý,,., ( 1o.II ,-~~10-03-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 393 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ NE-I U--Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 091 Equipment ID No. XV 19-zr4Z, Equip. Class' 17 Equipment Description DG RM B EQUIP SKID Photographs EN-DC-168 REV 0 e Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Pagie 394 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Y9 NO U1'Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 091 Equipment ID No. IEquip. Class 1 17 Equipment Description DG RM B EQUIP SKID NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 395 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YCR NEl UI--Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 092 Equipment ID No. T-LP!PL Equip. Class 1 04 Equipment Description TRANSFORMER FOR CABLE VAULT ROOM Location:

Bldg. CB Floor El. 262' Room, Area EAST WALL Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space Is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraae 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Front anchorage on transformer support rod not visible due to protective foam coverage.

But the entire frame seems to be very sturdy without any swing on the structural rod. No seismic impact, no CR required.3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Y[K N[3 UE- N/A-" YZ NH-] U-] N/AL--]YZ NEI UEI N/A-'A-7h )M ~-'c-I-~-

I S s.k'T /=,--,-7 Y .*OrfH W q -r/, ,-44 6ý4, df ZeL-/o0 .P2 IEnter the equipnicit class name fronm EPR1I .1025286.

Appendix B: Classes of N3luipmentu EN.DC.168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 396 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y0 NI] UM-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 092 Equipment ID No. T-LP-IL Equip. Class 1 04 Equipment Description TRANSFORMER FOR CABLE VAULT ROOM 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Ref. work sheet SSEL Line no. 001396, Drawing no. G- 191323 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?,V:-NE U[3 W/AX t YZ N[3U[3 Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic Interaction effects?YZ N[l UrI N/AF-]YZ NEi Uil N/A-]Y0 NEI UE[- N/A[-YE NEI UE-EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 397 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ NQI U[I Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 092 Equipment ID No. T.LP.IL Equip. Class' 04 Equipment Description TRANSFORMER FOR CABLE VAULT ROOM Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y[@ N["] U[-_adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Note: Original inspection completed 10/15/2012.

Photo taken 10/16/2012.

Referenced Documents:


-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 001396, Drawing G- 191323 See comment on line item 2 Evaluated by: Kirit Parikh :J \O i Date: 10/16/2012 Randy Stephens W-hL ? 'b 10/16/2012 Y'EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 398 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y[D N[] U--Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 092 Equipment ID No. T-LP-1L Equip. Class' 04 Equipment Description TRANSFORMER FOR CABLE VAULT ROOM Photographs Nime: i-ronr tower ancnorage covereo Dy protective foam and tape. Looking North.EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 399 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NEI U[-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 092 Equipment ID No. T-LP-1L Equip. Class 1 04 Equipment Description TRANSFORMER FOR CABLE VAULT ROOM NO PHOTOS NO PHOTOS Note: Note: EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 400 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YN NO-J UL-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 093 Equipment ID No. ES-1-156-5 Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description POWER SUPPLY FOR LSL-107-5B Location:

Bldg. CB Floor El. 272' Room, Area CONTRM Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraqe 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YI- NO 2. Is the anchorage free of bent,. broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YO NO U N/AW]YEI NE1 UL- N/AZ YO N UOi- N/AS Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286. Appeclnix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 e$Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 401 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YZ NI UMI Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 093 Equipment ID No. ES.1-156-5 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description POWER SUPPLY FOR LSL-107-5B

5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y-- NE- UI" N/AZ (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ NE- U[]potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?Y; NEI UE] N/AE Y0R N[E U" N/A[-Yv NEI UE] N/A[-10. Based on the above seismic-interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 402 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMEI Sheet 3 of 9.6 5 Status: YZ NEI UE-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 093 Equipment ID No. ES-1-156-5 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description POWER SUPPLY FOR LSL- 107-5B Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?.

YZ N[3LI Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


5920-3770 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 001514 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielser-L--,;

Raymond Tworek ? R 1nt,%....

tol I -7I-Date:, 10-15-2012 10-15-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 I Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 403 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ NEI UL'-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 093 Equipment ID No. ES-1-156-5 Equip. Class' 20 Equipment Description POWER SUPPLY FOR LSL-107-58 Photographs Note: ES-1-156-5 Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 404 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTr FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NI] Ur]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 093 Equipment ID No. ES.1-156-5 Equip. Class 1 20 Equipment Description

'POWER SUPPLY FOR LSL- 107-5B Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 405 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet I of 5 Status: Y9 NEI U'-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 094 Equipment ID No. RK25-50A Equip. Class 1 18 INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description HPCI INST. RACK (A)Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 213' Room, Area HPCI Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YS NEI 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Y[ NEI U-] N/A[]YZ N[- U[-] N/A[-YZ N[I U[] N/A[]I Emir the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286. Appendix B: Classes of Eluipmem.EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 406 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YS NEI UEI Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 094 Equipment ID No. RK25-50A Equip. Class 1 18 INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description HPCI INST. RACK (A)5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y0 Nr- ]U['] N/ArI (Note: This question only applies if the item Is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See SSEL Line No. 001522, drawing No. 5920-3044/3045 and Sketch SK-VY-9441 1-1.6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, Is the anchorage free of Y0 NM U[3 potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Y23 NE] U' N/A[]YZ NCi UC] N/AC-]Y0 NR UrI N/AC-YU N[--EUM EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 407 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y0 NEI Ur Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 094 Equipment ID No. RK25-50A Equip. Class' 18 INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description HPCI INST. RACK (AM Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YN N[] UD adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 00152 Drawing No. 5920-3044/

3045 Sketch SK-VY-9441 1.1 Evaluated by: Kirit Parikh lojilg 20)11 Date: 10/09/2012 Ran dy Stephens ~ ~ 4 AL. L i~rZ32...10/09/2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 408 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YN( ND U" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 094 Equipment ID No. RK25.50A Equip. Class' 18 INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description HPCI INST, RACK (A)Photographs

-50A is the left section of rack.EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 409 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YN NEI U7 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl-094 Equipment ID No. RK25-50A Equip. Class' 18 INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description HPCI INST. RACK (A)EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 410 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YZ NEI U-" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 095 Equipment ID No, RK25-50B Equip. Class' 18- INSTRUMENTS ON THE RACK Equipment Description HPCI-INSTRUMENT RACK B Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 213' Room, Area HPCI Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL, The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Y] NEI 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that Is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Y[D N[' U[:1 N/A[-]YX NEI uEr N/A[1 YZ NEI uE] N/AE]'Enter the equipment class name from FPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of FEquipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 411 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YN NEI U-I Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 095 Equipment ID No. RK25-50B Equip. Class' 18- INSTRUMENTS ON THE RACK Equipment Description HPCI-INSTRUMENT RACK B 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y0 N'I UE] N/AE (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See SSEL Line No. 001523, drawing 5920-3045/3044 and sketch SK-VY-94411-1.

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y0@ ND] UD3 potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls. not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Y] NEI uEr N/A[']YZ NM UF" N/A[]YU NEi U-] N/A["]Y[D NEI UM EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 412 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YED NEI U[I Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 095 Equipment ID No. RK25-50B Equip. Class' 18- INSTRUMENTS ON THE RACK Equipment Description HPCI-INSTRUMENT RACK B Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YZ N-] U[]adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Pump discharge pressure panel no.23-81 has one missing metal screw (lower left). No seismic impact since it is firmly secured on its mounting with 3 of 4 screws. See CR-VTY-2012-051 18.Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 001523, Drawing 5920-3045/3044 Sketch SK-VY-944 11.1 Evaluated by: KIrit Parikh 101tq'1 2 .. 2 Date: 10/09/2012 Randy Steohens O& -261 a 5, /-Z,01 z..10/09/2012 EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 413 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: NE IUEl Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 095 Equipment ID No. RK25-50B Equip. Class 1 18- INSTRUMENTS ON THE RACK Equipment Description HPCI-INSTRUMENT RACK B Photographs 50B is the right side section of rack.EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 414 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NIj1 UL-Z Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 095 Equipment ID No. RK25-50B Equip. Class 1 18- INSTRUMENTS ON THE RACK Equipment Description HPCI-INSTRUMENT RACK B.- ~1*.NO PHOTO Note: Note: Left lower screw missing from Pump Discharge Pressure no. 23-81.No seismic impact. See CR- VTY-2012-05118 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 415 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YZ NO UE Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 096 Equipment ID No. RK25-52A Equip. Class 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description JET PUMP INST. RACK (52A)Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 252 Room, Area Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraae 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Y[K NO 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?The concrete floor is covered with a protective coating. However, there are no visible cracks in the coating and/or around the rack. By engineering judgment the concrete is okay.Y[D NI UI-E N/Ar-" YE NEI UM N/A[Z Y(9 NEI uEr N/AZ1 Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286. Appendix R: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 416 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YZ N[-] U[-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 096 Equipment ID No. RK25-52A Equip. Class' 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description JET PUMP INST. RACK (52A)5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y[ NEI UEI N/A[](Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)


-SSEL Line No. 001526 and sketch SK- VY-94411 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ NEI UEr potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from 'impact by nearby equipment or structures?

There is a cabinet next to the rack with a gap ranging from 1/3" at the bottom to 1-1/4" at the top. Per the original SEWS and engineering judgment the system is seismically okay.8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Y[R NE-' UE' N/A" YZ NEI U0 N/A-" Y9 NEI UE] N/AE1 YN Nr- U-EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 417 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y0 NEI UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 096 Equipment ID No. RK25-52A Equip. Class' 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description JET PUMP INST. RACK (52A)Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YZ N[3 UM adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:


-SSEL Line No. 001526 Drawings 5920-3055, RIO and 5920-3057, R4 Sketch SK-VY-944 11-1 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen Date: 10-04-2012 Raymond Tworek W1~- .~~(TIIr-10-04-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 P.Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 418 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.8 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YE0 NEI u1" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 096 Equipment ID No. RK25-52A Equip. Class 1 18- INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description JET PUMP INST. RACK (52A)Photographs

--~. 1 Note: RK25-52A EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 419 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Y0 NEI UD Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 096 Equipment ID No. RK25-52A Equip. Class 1 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description JET PUMP INST. RACK (52A)EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 420 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YZ NEI U7 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 097 Equipment ID No. RK25-52B Equip. Class' 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description JET PUMP INST. RACK (52B)Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 252 Room, Area Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one YN NEI of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?The concrete floor is covered with a protective coating. However, there are no visible cracks in the coating and/or around the rack. By engineering judgment the concrete is okay.YZ NE] U"I N/AE-1 YZ NE- UE- N/AE]Y9 NEI U[-E N/A-Enter the equipment class name from EPRIF1025286.

Appendix B: Classes df Equipment.

EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 421 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YZ N[-] Ur Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 097 Equipment ID No. RK25-52B Equip. Class' 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description JET PUMP INST. RACK (52B)5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documeniation?

YZ NE-! U[-I N/A[](Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)


-SSEL Line No. 001526 and sketch SK- VY-94411 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ N[] U[:]potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YN NEI UEI N/AR-Y[D NE! US- N/A[-]YN NEI U[- N/AE!Y9 NEI UE[EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 422 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YO NEI UFl Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 097 Equipment ID No. RK25-528 Equip. Class 1 18. INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description JET PUMP INST. RACK (528)Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YE N[] U-]adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:


-SSEL Line No. 001527 Drawings 5920-3055, R10 and 5920-3057, R4 Sketch SK-VY-9441 1-1 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen ..,/i- ,,) Date- 10-04-2012 Raymond Tworek Cb _loll' hrL.10-04-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 423 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YED NEI UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL1- 097 Equipment ID No. RK25.528 Equip. Class' 18 IN STRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description JET PUMP INST. RACK (52B)Photographs Note: RK25-52B EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 424 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKOOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NO UL" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 097 Equipment ID No. RK25-52B Equip. Class 1 18- INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Descrption JET PUMP INST. RACK (52B)Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 425 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YZ N[I ULIE Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 098 Equipment ID No. RK25.6A Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description REACTOR PROT. & NSSS INST. RACK Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El, 280' Room, Area Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YZ NEI 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?There is a protective cover on the concrete and the concrete is not visible. However, the protective cover shows no signs of stress or cracking and is seismically okay by engineering judgment.Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment, YZ NEI UE- N/AE]YN NEI UE-I N/A[3 YM NEI UC] N/AE" EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 426 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YN NEI U0 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 098 Equipment ID No. RK25-6A Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description REACTOR PROT. & NSSS INST. RACK 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

Y0D Ni_ U- N/A[-E (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See A46/iPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No.01534 and SK-VY-9441 1-1 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y0 Nr- U-potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting;and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YZ NCl U[C N/AC YN NC UC N/AC Y0 NCI Ur N/AC Y[9 NO U-EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 427 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ NEI UF-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 098 Equipment ID No. RK25-6A Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description REACTOR PROT. & NSSS INST. RACK Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YZ N[] U['-adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

The guard rail is missing anchor bolts. This same issue was brought up In the original SEWS. It Is not a seismic issue; the hand rail will not fall over during an earthquake.

Referenced Documents:


5920-3016, 5920-3017, 5920-3018, and sketch no. SK-VY-94411-1 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 01534 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen Date:% 10-09-2012 Ravmond Tworek P .z, o,l, /Ir--10-09-2012

-I EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 428 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YO NO Ur-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 098 Equipment ID No. RK25-6A Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description REACTOR PROT. & NSSS INST. RACK Photographs Note: Instrument rack EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 429 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Y0 Nil UEl Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 098 Equipment ID No. RK25-6A Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description REACTOR PROT. & NSSS INST, RACK NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 f Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 430 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: Y; NO UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 099 Equipment ID No. RK25-6B Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description REACTOR PROT. & NSSS INST RACK Location.

Bldg. B.B Floor El. 280' Room, Area Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments, Anchoracqe

1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Y[9 N[--'2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?There is a protective cover on the concrete and the concrete is not visible. However, the protective cover shows no signs of stress or cracking and is seismically okay by engineering judgment.Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Eluipment.

Y0 NO] UC N/AW Y9 NC-- UC-! N/AC--YN NEI UF" N/AC-EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 V Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 431 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y0 NrI] U--Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 099 Equipment ID No. RK25-6B Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description REACTOR PROT. & NSSS INST. RACK 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YZ NEI UEI N/Ar (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)


-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No.01535 and SK-VY-944 11-1 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y[9 NE-l U[-E potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations; is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YN NEI UE- N/A-YZ NE-] UD- N/A[:E YN NEl UEr N/AE[YED NEI UE-EN-DC-168 REV 0 d Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 432 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ NE U7 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 099 Equipment ID No. RK25-6B Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description REACTOR PROT. & NSSS INST. RACK Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y[ No. UI'-adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

The guard rail is missing anchor bolts. This same issue was brought up in the original SEWS. It is not a seismic issue; the hand rail will not fall over during an earthquake.

Referenced Documents:


5920-3016, 5920-3017, 5920-3018, and sketch no. SK- VY.944 11-1 A46//PEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheetj SSEL Line No. 01535 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen Raymond Tworek r Lt 1 f--Date: 10-09-2012 10.09o2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 433 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y[R N[-U U--Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 099 Equipment ID No. RK25-6B Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description REACTOR PROT. & NSSS INST. RACK Photographs Note: Instrument rack EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attac~hment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 434 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ Nil U-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 099 Equipment ID No. RK25-6B Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description REACTOR PROT. & NSSS INST. RACK NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 435 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet I of 5 Status: Y0 NO' U--Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 100 Equipment ID No. RK-25-66 Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description CST INST. RACK Location:

Bldg. CST Floor El. 252' Room, Area INSIDE Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraee 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YZ NF 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware,?

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YN NC U- N/AF Y] NEI UC: N/AC Y[ NCI U-I N/AC'Enter the equipmient class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Clames of Equioment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 436 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YE NEI U-'Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 100 Equipment ID No. RK-25-66 Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description CST INST. RACK 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YO No U- NIAI'(Note: This question only applies If the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See dra wing 5920-6041 (SSEL Line No. 01566)6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ N[-' UI--potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YN NEr" UE] N/A[]Y[K NEI UE] N/Ar-YE] NEI U[D N/AE:]Y9 NEI UE]EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 437 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ N[] Ur--Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 100 Equipment ID No. RK.25-66 Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description CST INST. RACK Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YZ N[] U--adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

A small temporary power supply cart is near by (about 12' away)unchained.

Has no seismic impact on any component.

See the attached picture.Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Referenced Documents:


5920-6041 A46/IPEEE

-Screening Evaluation Work Sheet, SSEL Line No. 01566 Evaluated by: Kirit Parikh j;ffin,-,;

Y-e- 10 119) 2-012-Date: 10/02/2012 I I I I Randy Steohens ~OAd~~('2 44~ 2-.10102/2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 438 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YO N71 U7j Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 100 Equipment ID No. RK-25-66 Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description CST INST. RACK Note: Unsecured temporary power equipment mounted to wheel car near CST INST. RACK. Not a seismic interaction concern considering its mass, low center of gravity and distance from instrument rack.EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 439 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YER N[- UF-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 100 Equipment ID No. RK-25-66 Equip. Class' 18 Equipment Description CST INST. RACK NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 440 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YN NEI UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 101 Equipment ID No. ES.24DC.2 Equip. Class 1 16 Equipment Description POWER SUPPLY FOR ECCS PANEL B Location:

Bldg. CB Floor El. 248' Room, Area SWGR EAST Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraae 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one YN NE]of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YN NE] U[I N/A[E YN N[-- UE-] N/AF-YN NEI U[I- N/A[]Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286. A)pesidix B: Classes or Etuindphi.-

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 441 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YZ N7J U7 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 101 Equipment ID No. ES-24DC-2 Equip. Class 1 16 Equipment Description POWER SUPPLY FOR ECCS PANEL B 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YEE NE] UI-] N/A-E (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

See VYC-2165 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YN NiE ULIE potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lightingý, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?Rigid connections, however, connection of lines is close to anchorage (near the wall) seismically okay.10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YZ NEI ur- N/AE]YZ NEI U[3 N/AE-YO N-E UE1 N/A[-]YZ NEI U7 EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 442 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMEN Sheet 3 of T 9.6 5 Status: YC NEI U-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 101 Equipment ID No. ES-24DC-2 Equip. Class.1 16 Pt~i irnmont V FC)'3 PANIFI R Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YE N[] U[3 adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:

VYC-2165, Rev.0 Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen Date: 10-0-20 12 Raymond Tworek J2W.! ý. o 1 Lde--10-09-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 443 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: Y0 N-] UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 101 Equipment ID No. ES-24DC-2 Equip. Class 1 18 Equipment Description POWER SUPPLY FOR ECCS PANEL B Photographs NO PHOTO Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 444 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YiS Nr7 UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 101 Equipment ID No. ES.24DC-2 Equip. Class 1 16 Equipment Description POWER SUPPLY FOR ECCS PANEL B NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 445 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 1 of 5 Status: YZ NEI U--Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 102 Equipment ID No. CYL-72-1A Equip. Class 1 21 Equipment Description NITROGEN BOTTLE FOR BACKUP SRV SUPPLY Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 22' Room, Area NORTH Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraae 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YOI NC 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missingor loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YZ N! u[-] N/AZ-Y; NE! UE] N/AE1 Y ] N[1 U-- N/A[-]Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 446 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y0 NEI U D Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 102 Equipment ID No. CYL-72-1A Equip. Class 1 21 Equipment Description NITROGEN BOTTLE FOR BACKUP SRV SUPPLY 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YE] NE UE' N/A[E (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ N[-' U[-potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Three loose nuts exist on the cylinder u-bolts. All other nuts are tight.See A WC-029. Not a seismic concern.See CR-VTY-2012-05006 for corrective action.YZ NEI UE" N/AEr Y0 NEI uEr N/A[E]Y0 NEi UE] N/A[-]YZ NEI U[-]EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 447 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ N3 UMI Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 102 Equipment ID No. CYL-72-1A Equip. Class 1 21 Equipment Description NITROGEN BOTTLE FOR BACKUP SRV SUPPLY Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YNJ NOI u[]adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

A cylinder cart is near the existing nitrogen cylinder (less than 6"). It is chained, but very close to the cylinder bottles. See A WC -029. Cart is very light. Not a seismic concern.Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Reference Documents:

Drawing 5920-12740, RO CR-VTY-2012-05006 johkIlbil Evaluated by: Whirt poFjL-h Date: 10/11/2012

--1 -- --t ý--Randy Stepheng P" tCtý 1012112012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 448 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORm Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YV NEI U[3 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 102 Equipment ID No. CYL-72-1A Equip. Class 1 21 Equipment Description NITROGEN BOTTLE FOR BACKUP SRV SUPPLY Photographs Note: ID# CYL-72-IA next to cylinder cart.Note: Nut not fully engaged (left bottle, upper U-bolt).EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 449 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YN NMj UEr Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWELl- 102 Equipment ID No. CYL-72-1A Equip. Class' 21 Equipment Description NITROGEN BOTTLE FOR BACKUP SRV SUPPLY Note: Nut not fully engaged (left bc bolt).EN-DC-168 REV 0 46 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 450 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet I of 5 Status: Y0 NEI UI Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL2- 001 Equipment ID No. RK-IOAA Equip. Class 1 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description RACK Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 303 Room, Area Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraae 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Yr- N[D 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mIld surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?YZ N-' UE' N/Ar-Y0 UE N/A-YN NEI U[- N/AEt There Is a protective cover on the concrete and the concrete is not visible. However, the protective cover shows no signs of stress or cracking and is seismically okay by engineering judgment.'Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 451 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 'SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YN NE] UE]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL2- 001 Equipment ID No. RK-1OAA Equip. Class 1 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description RACK 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YE] NE] UE] N/AN (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Y[R NE] UE]potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Y9 NEI UE] N/AE1 Y9 NE UE- N/AE'-Y[9 NE] UE] N/A[]YN N[] U--EN-DC-168 REV 0 V Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 452 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y0] NEI U0-Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL2- 001 Equipment ID No. RK-1OAA Equip. Class 1 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description RACK Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y0 Nn! UEI adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

SWEL2 PHOTOS Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen-Date: 10-10-2012 Raymond Tworek , o i' 10-10-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 f Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 453 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ NEI U0 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL2- 001 Equipment ID No. RK-1OAA Equip. Class1 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description RACK Photographs NO PHOTO Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 454 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Yi NEI U-1 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL2- 001 Equipment ID No. RK-1OAA Equip. Class' 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description RACK NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 455 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKUST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet I of 5 Status: YZ NEI U" Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL2- 002 Equipment ID No. dPT-19-76A Equip. Class' 18- INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER (RK-1OAA)Location:

Bldg, RB Floor El. 303 Room, Area Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Yr- NO 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Attached to rack.Y0 NEI U'- N/AE-Y0 NEI Ul- N/AEr YO N-- U[3 N/AO I Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286. Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 V Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 456 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: YZ NO- UM Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL2- 002 Equipment ID No. dPT-19.76A Equip. Class 1 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER (RK- 1OAA)5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YE, NE-] UE- N/A (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YZ Ni UI-F potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YZ NEi UE N/AE YN NEI uE-] N/A[E YZ NEI UE] N/A[E]YCD NE3 UE-]EN-DC-168 REV 0 i, Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 457 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 3 of 5 Status: YZ No"- Ut-'Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL2- 002 Equipment ID No. dPT-19-76A Equip. Class 1 18- INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER (RK-IOAA)Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y23 N[-] Ur-adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

SWEL2 PHOTOS Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen

-.,,i.Date: 10-10.2012 Raymond Tworek 10-10-2012 EN-DC-168 REV 0 if Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 458 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ NEI ULI Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL2- 002 Equipment ID No. dPT-19-76A Equip. Class 1 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER (RK-1OAA)Photographs EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 459 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 5 of 5 Status: YZ NEI UEJ Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL2- 002 Equipment ID No. dPT-19-76A Equip. Class 1 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER (RK-1OAA)NO PHOTO NO PHOTO Note: Note: EN-DC-168 REV 0

,A';Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-1 2-00019 Rev. 0 Page 460 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKOOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet I of 5 Status: Y0 NO2 Uj-'Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL2- 003 Equipment ID No. PT-19-81A Equip. Class' 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description PRESSURE TRANSMITTER (RK-1OAA)Location:

Bldg. RB Floor El. 303 Room, Area Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YO NE 2. Is the anchorage free of bent,.broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that'is morf than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Attached to rack., Y[] NO UC N/AF YN N- UL- N/Ar-1 YO NO U--u N/AS'Enter the equipment class name from EPRI 1025286, Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 461 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 2 of 5 Status: Y0D NEI UF]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL2- 003 Equipment ID No. PT-19-81A Equip. Class' 18- INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description PRESSURE TRANSMITTER (RK-10AA)5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?

YE' NEI UEI N/AZ (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of YN NE"] UE]potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YN NE-] UE'- N/A[E YZ NE"] U[E' N/A[-]Y; N[E] uE-] N/AE-YO NE[- UE-EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C.J Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 462 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: Y; NE] Ur]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL2- 003 Equipment ID No. PT-19-81A Equip. Class' 18- INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description PRESSURE TRANSMITTER (RK-1OAA)Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y; NF] UE'adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

SWEL2 PHOTOS Evaluated by: Marcus Hecht-Nielsen- 4X. .Date: 10-10-2012 Ra-mond Tworak 10-10-2012 EN-DC-1 68 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 463 of 505 ATTACHMENT 9.6 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM Sheet 4 of 5 Status: YZ NEI UE]Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL2- 003 Equipment ID No. PT-19-81A Equip. Class 1 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description PRESSURE TRANSMITTER (RK- IOAA)Photographs Note: PT-19-81A Note: PT-19-81A EN-DC-168 REV 0 Attachment C Engineering Report VTY-RPT-12-00019 Rev. 0 Page 464 of 505 SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLIST FORM ATTACHMENT 9.6 Sheet 5 of 5 Status: Y0 NO- ULJ Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) SWEL2- 003 Equipment ID No. PT-19-81A Equip. Class 1 18 -INSTRUMENTS ON RACKS Equipment Description PRESSURE TRANSMITTER (RK-1OAA)EN-DC-168 REV 0