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 Issue dateSiteTitleTopic
ML23286A31314 November 2023ZionEPA Phase 2 Closure Letter 10-13-23
ML23286A3098 November 2023ZionPartial Site Release, Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2
ML23310A3138 November 2023ZionCover Letter, S.Anderson, NRC to J.Sauger, Energysolutions, Remaining Final Status Surveys
RS-23-116, Supplemental Information in Response to Order Consenting to License Transfers and Approval of Conforming License Amendments8 November 2023ZionSupplemental Information in Response to Order Consenting to License Transfers and Approval of Conforming License Amendments
ML23310A1083 November 2023ZionConfirmatory Survey Report 2023
IR 05000295/20230012 November 2023ZionNRC Inspection Report No. 05000295/2023001(DRSS); 05000304/2023001 (Drss) - Zion Nuclear Power Station
ML23251A0718 September 2023ZionConfirmatory Survey Extent of Condition Review
ML23237B41325 August 2023ZionResponse to Summary of May 4, 2023, Clarification Meeting Regarding the Partial Site Release Request
ML23186A1906 July 2023ZionReview of Zion Solutions Responses to Requests for Additional Information Related to Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 Decommissioning and Estimated Partial Site Release Review Schedule
ZS-2023-0012, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, 2022 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report12 May 2023ZionIndependent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, 2022 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating ReportAnnual Radiological Environmental Operating Report