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Revision 29 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Section 2.5, Geology and Seismology
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Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/2017
Public Service Enterprise Group
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ML17046A230 List: ... further results
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  • 2.5 GEOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY 2.5.1 Basic Geologic and Seismic Information The Salem site is located adjacent to and east of the Delaware River Estuary. It is approximately 19 miles south of Wilmington, Delaware, and (Figure 2.5-1). 16 miles west of Bridgeton, New Jersey The area investigated for the nuclear generating facilities covers approximately 170 acres. Most of the facilities are located in the southern half of this area. The scope of the geologic and seismologic phases of the Salem site was quite broad and encompassed the disciplines of geology, engineering, seismology, geophysics, and soil mechanics. The work was performed by Dames & Moore Consultants in coordination with locally knowledgeable individuals . The research included a review of available pertinent geologic literature and interviews with representatives of state and Federal agencies and individuals possessing local knowledge. A list of the agencies contacted and the publications reviewed to obtain the information contained in this portion of the report is presented in Table 2.5-1 and Section 2.5.6. Seismologic studies included literature research to compile a record of the seismicity of the area, an evaluation of the geologic structure and tectonic history of the region, and analyses to evaluate the response of the foundation materials to earthquake-type loading. Field geophysical studies were performed to aid in evaluating the in-situ dynamic properties of the foundation materials. In addition, a geologic reconnaissance of the site and surrounding area was made by engineering geologists. The site was 2.5-1 SGS-UESAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 investigated in detail by drilling test borings and performing geophysical explorations. Laboratory tests were performed to aid in evaluating both the static and dynamic properties of the subsurface soils. Physiographically and tectonically, the site lies within the Atlantic Coastal Plain Province. The Coastal Plain has been described as a wedge shaped (thickening to the southeast) series of Cretaceous to Quaternary-aged sediments overlying Precambrian-aged basement rocks (see Figure 2.5-2). The site structures are founded on the Paleocene-Eocene Vincetown Formation) a Vincetown are competent, cemented, granular soil. Below the some 1800 feet of increasingly older sediments. The foundation soils will perform well under the anticipated static and dynamic loadings. The dynamic loads are expected to be low (the largest earthquake experienced in the regions surrounding the site is a Modified Mercalli Intensity VII earthquake). However, the plant is designed to withstand free field ground earthquake acceleration levels of 20 percent of gravity horizontal) and 13.3 percent gravity vertical. Regional Geology Physiography The site lies within the Atlantic Coastal Plain Physiographic Province, about 18 miles southeast of the Piedmont Physiographic Province. The Fall Zone marks the contact of the low lying, gently undulating terrain of the Coastal Plain and the higher, more rugged terrain of the Piedmont Province. The relation of the site to these Physiographic Provinces and the Fall Zone is shown on the Regional Physiographic Map (Figure 2.5-1). 2.5-2 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 * * *
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  • The Coastal Plain of New Jersey is a low plain rising from sea level to about Elevation +200 feet at the Fall Zone. Ground surface elevations in areas near the larger streams and in the coastal lowlands are generally less than 50 feet above sea level. The regional slope of the ground surface is to the southeast at approximately 1 1/2 feet per mile. The topography is characterized by a series of broad step-like terraces probably formed during Pleistocene time by a fluctuating sea level resulting in alternate deposition and erosion. The terraces are successively less dissected by steam erosion from the Fall Zone to the shoreline. The post-glacial sea level rise inundated the former shore of the Coastal Plain and drowned the lower portions of the streams. Delaware Bay and the estuary of the Delaware River, which extends inland as far as Trenton, have been formed by this sea level rise. It is estimated that the sea has risen approximately 300 feet since the retreat of the glaciers . History and Tectonics The record of geologic history of the region starts with the deposition of sediments in Precambrian times. These sediments were metamorphosed subsequently to gneisses and schists. Contemportaneously, granites and other igneous rocks intruded these Precambrian sediments. Subsequently, these intrusives were metamorphosed to gneisses. In late Precambrian to early Paleozoic time (following the completion of the Grenvillian orogenic cycle) the Proto-Atlantic Ocean began to form. The process caused the separation of the North American and African plates. In this initial rifting phase an eastward thickening wedge of clastic sediments, interbedded with volcanic rocks, were deposited unconformably on the Grenvillian basement in water-filled basins within the ancient continental margins . 2.5-3 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 As rifting progressed, the Proto-Atlantic Ocean opened and the previous system of isolated rift basins gave way to a long depositional trough underlain by oceanic crust. The history of the closing of the Proto-Atlantic is reflected in the convergent stage of the Appalachian Orogeny, beginning in Ordovician times. The early phases of this stage are evidenced by a pre-Middle Ordovician unconformity, followed by the influx of detrital sediments over the previous carbonate bank, along the margin of the craton. The close of the Taconic Orogeny marked the destruction of the ancient continental margin and the development of a mature arc-trench-subduction zone. During Triassic time, a series of elongated troughs were formed by faulting between the mountains uplifted by the Appalachian Orogeny, and the remnants of the old mountains to the west. Subsequently, the mountains were eroded and sediments were deposited in these troughs from both east and west. The long period of erosion and deposition extended into early Cretaceous time and reduced the region to a nearly level plain, exposing igneous and metamorphic Precambrian and early Paleozoic rocks with local areas of sedimentary and igneous rocks of Triassic age. The Post-Middle Triassic development of the Orogeny initiated the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean. This structural development (the youngest regionally recognizable diatrophism in the northeastern United States) is characterized by vertical movements and related continental and marine sedimentation, transcurrent faulting along pre-existing zones of crustal weakness and extrusive and intrusive igneous activity. In late Jurassic and early Cretaceous time, the region was downwarped to the east. The downwarping continued intermittently through Cretaceous and Tertiary time resulting in the present-day accumulation of sediments in the Coastal Plain. 2.5-4 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 * * *
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  • During the early Pleistocene period, river sand and gravel were deposited by glacial meltwater over much of southern New Jersey . During the last interglacial stage, higher sea levels resulted in the deposition, in the lowland areas, of marine and estuarine sediments. In the higher areas, streams deposited sand and gravel. The last continental glacier which extended into northern New Jersey resulted in the deposition of outwash material in streams and river valleys, such as the Delaware River. The post-glacial sea level rise submerged a large portion of the Coastal Plain marginal lands. Measurements indicate that sea level, on the average, has apparently risen approximately 0.3 cm/yr in the last 100 or so years. The surface exposure of these Precambrian to recent materials is presented on Figure 2.5-3, Regional Geologic Map. Stratigraphy The sediments deposited on the downwarped basement in the Coastal Plain range from early Cretaceous to Quaternary in age and consist of inter-bedded silt, clay, sand, and gravel, of both marine and non-marine origin. These strata form a wedge-shaped mass which thickens to the southeast. The strata out crop near the Fall Zone and dip to the southeast as shown on Figure 2. 5-2, Geologic Section and Figure 2.5-3, Regional Geologic Map. Generally, each successively younger formation has a more gentle dip than that lying below, resulting in a decrease in slope upward in the sequence, from a crystalline basement dip of approximately 75 feet per mile, to about 10 feet per mile in the upper Tertiary formations. The decrease in dip is accompanied by gradual thickening of the strata to the southeast. As a result of sea level fluctuations during deposition, the unconsolidated sediments of the Coastal Plain exhibit considerable lateral and vertical variations in lithology and texture . However, since the ocean lay to the east during the accumulation 2.5-5 SGS-DFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 of the sediments, they generally grade finer-grained to the east. Two periods of extreme sea level fluctuations occurred at the end of the Cretaceous and at the end of the Paleocene time. Both were times of widespread erosion and explain the absence of formations in some areas. Structure The site is located near the edge of the Chesapeake-Delaware Embayment. To the north and west of the site is the highly folded and faulted Piedmont Province. To the north has been postulated the Cornwall-Kelvin Wrench Fault Zone. The Chesapeake-Delaware Embayment is an area of more extensive downwarping of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. It is marked by the re-entrance of the coastline and a deep accumulation of sediments. The areas of the greatest embayment exist in northern Maryland and in the vicinity of Long Island. Bedrock contours in the vicinity of the site are shown on Figure 2.5-4, Regional Tectonic Map. The present day area of the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays was affected by the formation of the embayment in early Cretaceous or, possibly in some areas, in late Jurassic. From that time on, this region was generally downwarped and accumulated sediments. Local shallow folding has been recognized in some of these sediments, but no faults have been identified within them. The folding may be related to depositional features rather than post-depositional tectonic activity. Eighteen miles northwest of the site, rocks of the basement complex crop out and mark the boundary of the Piedmont Physiographic Province. As discussed in Section, these rocks were subjected to significant tectonic activity in the form of intense folding, faulting, igneous intrusion, and metamorphism. As would be expected from the regional tectonic history, most of these structural features follow a strong northeast-southeast trend. 2.5-6 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 * * *
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  • The basement complex underlying the site is generally similar to the metamorphic and igneous rocks observed in the Piedmont . However, geologic information relative to the basement structure is limited, due to the thick sequence of sediments overlying the basement. Interpretation has been based on geophysical data and the relatively few deep wells penetrating the basement complex in the region. It is probable that there are also faults lying beneath the Coastal Plain sediments, likely following the same regional trend as observed in the Piedmont area. Some minor faulting of this nature was observed in the basement complex underneath approximately 300 feet of sediments in Gibbstown, New Jersey. This is approximately 25 miles north of the site and the closest approach of known faulting to the Salem site. No faulting has been identified in the Cretaceous sediments above the basement complex in this area. Therefore, it is probable that the faulting in the basement is Pre-Cretaceous (more than 135 million years in age) . One feature of interest, approximately paralleling the New Jersey coastline, is revealed only by geophysical data. This feature is the change in the rate of dip of the basement complex from approximately 75 feet per mile to over 200 feet per mile and more. Though the feature is fairly well documented, no really satisfactory explanation of its origin has been proposed for the New Jersey-Delaware area. Some geologists explain it relative to differential peneplanation, some to gradual flexing of the basement, or some due to faulting. The closest approach of this feature is about 55 miles east of the site (see Figure 2.5-4). Approximately 50 to 60 miles north of the Salem site, and transverse to the regional structural trend, is the postulated Cornwall-Kelvin Wrench Fault Zone (1). This zone has been mapped on the basis of subsea topography and geophysical surveys and has been inferred to extend through the Triassic Lowlands of southeastern Pennsylvania. It has been suggested that this fault may be part of a major east-west continental fault which extends 2.5-7 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 from the mid-United States to 300 miles beyond the present Atlantic shoreline. A 94-mile, right lateral offset of sedimentary basins and belts of magnetic anomalies has been determined by oceanographic surveys near the 40th parallel in the ocean basin and onto the continental shelf and slope. However, there is neither geological or geophysical evidence of a continuation at this fault in the continent at the surface, or at depth (2). No disturbance has been observed in the Cretaceous and younger sediments in this zone. Again, it appears that any possible faulting has been Pre-Cretaceous in age. As previously noted, the site is located in the inner plain of the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province. The Coastal Plain Physiographic Province has also been accepted as a tectonic province in accord with definitions in Appendix A to 10CFR100. This physiographic province is bounded on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the west by the Fall Zone and the Piedmont Physiographic (and Tectonic) Province. A generalized representation of the subsurface conditions in the site area is shown on Figure 2. 5-5, Geologic Columnar Section -Site Area. Thus, in summary, numerous ancient faults are likely in the basement rock. However, regional diatrophism ceased at least 85 million years ago and only minor fold-like structures appear in the sediments overlying the ancient basement. Considering the lack of Post-Cretaceous tectonic activity along the eastern seaboard of the United States, it is likely that the Post-Cretaceous features are the results of differential compaction over basement relief. Groundwater See Section 2. 4. 13. 1 for a discussion of the local hydrologic conditions. 2.5-8 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 * * *
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  • Site Geology The site is located on the southern tip of what was once a natural bar in the Delaware Estuary, adjacent to the western shore of New Jersey. In the past, the bar and the area between the bar and mainland has been used as a disposal area for material dredged from the Delaware Estuary or River. No additional dredged material has been placed for at least the past 25 years. The subsurface conditions of the site area were investigated by 35 borings to depths of up to 200 feet. The locations of these borings are shown on Figures 2.5-6 and 2.5-7, Boring Plan and Boring Plan -Detail A. Stratigraphy developed from these borings is shown on Section A-A and B-B on Figure 2.5-8, Subsurface Sections. The deepest formation penetrated in the boring program was the top of the Mount Laurel Sand. The sands of this formation and those of the conformably overlying Navesink Formation mark the end of Cretaceous deposition. The top of the Navesink is an unconformity recording a period of widespread erosion. The Red Bank Sand, present in northern New Jersey, and part of the Navesink, were probably removed from southern New Jersey during late Cretaceous or early Tertiary time. During the Paleocene, silty glauconitic sands of the Hornerstown Sand and the clays, silts, and sands of the Vincetown Formation were deposited. The top of the Vincetown again marks a period of erosion during Eocene and Oligocene time. During the Miocene, clays and silts of the Kirkwood Formation were deposited. This formation was encountered in the borings at the site and can be observed in outcrops further north, although it is usually covered by a thin veneer of Quaternary deposits. At the Salem site, the borings encountered Quaternary deposits to an average depth of about 35 feet. These Quaternary soils consist 2.5-9 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 of approximately 25 to 30 feet of hydraulic fill and an alluvium of loose organic silts and clays, and about 5 to 10 feet of coarser sands and gravels at the base. Generalized descriptions of the formations encountered at the Salem site, their physical properties, and their corresponding depths are shown on the Columnar Section -Showing Geophysical Data (Figure 2.5-9). The upper 200 feet of the column are based on the borings at the site, drilled under inspection. The descriptions below 200 feet are based on regional data and deep well information in the vicinity of the site. A 900-foot deep pilot hole, drilled at the site subsequent to the initial investigation, showed generally good correlation with the geologic column. No faulting or folding was observed at the site in a detailed review of all boring data. The Vincetown Formation was determined to be the closest stratum to the ground surface suitable for foundation support. In the Salem Station area the Vincetown is located some 70 feet below grade. The bottom of the base mats of the major Category I structures are located 22 to 46 feet below grade. A lean concrete fill was placed between the Vincetown and the base of the Category I structures. Conventional strength and consolidation tests were performed upon the foundation soils. These laboratory tests confirmed the results of field penetration tests and visual examination of undisturbed samples. The strength of the Vincetown was completely adequate to loads. To evaluate the performance of the Vince town under dynamic earthquake loadings, a study of its liquefaction potential was undertaken. A comparison was made between the subsurface conditions at Salem and the soil conditions at Niigata, Japan, where on June 16, 1964, an earthquake of greater magnitude than that postulated for the site Safe Shutdown Earthquake occurred, causing areas SGS-UFSAR of liquefaction. 2.5-10 The standard penetration Revision 6 February 15, 1987 * * *
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  • resistances of the Vincetown soils were compared with those recorded in areas of Niigata where liquefaction both did and did not occur. The penetration resistances of the Vincetown soils were found to be even greater than those in the areas of Niigata where no liquefaction occurred. On the basis of these static and dynamic analyses, the Vincetown was considered to be a suitable foundation medium. All analysis considered the existence of a near surface water table and the artesian head in the Vincetown in accordance with the data presented in Section 2.4.13. 2.5.2 Vibratory Ground Motion Geologic Conditions at Site As described in Sections and, the site is underlain by some 1800 feet of Tertiary, and Quaternary-aged sediments. Crystalline basement rock outcrops near the Fall Zone, some 18 miles northwest of the site. A graphical representation of the site subsurface conditions is presented on Figures 2.5-5 and 2.5-9, Columnar Sections. Conditions encountered at the site are completely consistent with the known regional picture. Tectonic Conditions The Coastal Plain sediments effectively mask the crystalline basement rock and no significant faulting has been identified in the area. However, based on regional data, the overlying Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments are undeformed. The absence of folding and faulting in the sedimentary strata indicates that, if unknown faults are present in the basement, any displacements along these faults during the last 135 million or so years have been negligible . 2.5-11 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 No known faults exist within the basement rock or sedimentary deposits in the vicinity of the site. The closest known faulting to the site is about 25 miles away. Faults, at this distance, are found in the rocks of the Piedmont west of the Fall Zone; however, a minor fault has been identified east of the Fall Zone, near Gibbstown, New Jersey, about 25 miles northeast of the site. This fault is in the crystalline basement, covered by about 300 feet of Coastal Plain sediments, and apparently parallels the general northeast-southeast trend of the Piedmont. The Piedmont Province consists of igneous and metamorphic rock of Precambrian and early Paleozoic Age, with areas of sedimentary and igneous rocks of Triassic Age. The geologic history of this province is complex (see Section Major tectonic activity has occurred in the Piedmont and many zones of major faulting have been identified. Well north of the site there is an inferred east-west trending fault system known as the Cornwall-Kelvin Wrench Fault Zone (see Figure 2.5-4). Regionally developed information (2) indicates that there is neither geological or geophysical evidence of this fault on the continent or at depth. The site lies to the north Chesapeake-Delaware Embayment. of the central portion of the This embayment is a zone of regional downwarping in the Coastal Plain, typical of other areas found extending from the Cape Fear Arch to as far north as the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. It is possible that faulting was associated with the formation of the embayment. Behavior During Prior Earthquakes No major earthquake activity has affected the site area and no record of deleterious behavior of onsite soils (even the poorest surficial materials) is known. 2.5-12 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 * * *
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  • Geotechnical Properties In summary, the significant soil layers in the site vicinity are from the surface downward: 1. Hydraulic fill 2. River bottom sand 3. Clays of the Kirkwood Formation 4. Basal sand of the Kirkwood Formation 5. Vincetown Formation 6. Various sandy formations (Hornerstown and Navesink Formations) Support of all Category I structures was provided by a lean concrete fill placed upon the Vincetown Formation. Physical properties developed for use in dynamic design are summarized on Figure 2.5-10. These material properties were developed as described in Section Seismicity The site is situated in a region which has experienced only minor earthquake activity. Only one shock within 50 miles of the site has been large enough to cause even minor structural damage. Since the region has been populated for over 300 years, it is probable that any earthquake of moderate intensity, say VI or 2.5-13 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 greater on the Modified Mercalli Scale*, would have been reported during this period. It is very likely that all earthquakes within the last 200 years, with intensities greater than V, in the region surrounding the site, have been reported. The first report of significant earthquake occurrence in the general area of the site dates back to 1871. Since then, only earthquakes with epicentral intensities of V or greater on the Modified Mercalli Scale have been reported within about 100 miles of the site (2). None of these shocks was greater than Intensity VII. Few were of high enough intensity to cause any structural damage and only two of these shocks can be considered more than minor disturbances. These were Intensity VII shocks near Wilmington, Delaware and Long Branch/Asbury Park, New Jersey, about 15 and 90 miles from the site, respectively. A list of earthquakes of Intensity V or greater with epicenters located within a distance of about 100 miles of the site is presented in Table 2.5-3, Significant Earthquakes Within 100 Miles of Salem, New Jersey. The locations of these and other earthquakes (through 1970) in the region surrounding the site are shown on Figure 2.5-11, Epicentral Location Map. Most of the reported earthquakes in the region have occurred in the Piedmont Physiographic Province, west of the Fall Zone. The closest approach of the Fall Zone to the site is about 18 miles.
  • All intensity values in this report refer to the Modified Mercalli Scale as abridged in 1956 by Richter. The intensity scale, a copy of which is presented in Table 2.5-2, is a means of indicating the relative size of an earthquake in terms of its perceptible effect. ** Excluding aftershocks of an event. 2.5-14 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 * * *
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  • There have been several large shocks with epicenters in the Coastal Plain, some of which were damaging. The largest are the Charleston, South Carolina, earthquakes of 1886, which are rated as having an epicentral intensity of IX. These two closely spaced (chronologically) earthquakes and other minor earthquakes in the Charleston area are localized in a very limited area. The largest and closest earthquake in the Coastal Plain to be of significance in the current study occurred near the northern New Jersey coast in 1927, about 90 miles northeast of the Salem site. The epicentral intensity of this earthquake was VII. Three shocks were felt over an area of about 3,000 square miles from Sandy Hook to Toms River. Highest intensities were felt from Asbury Park to Long Branch where chimneys fell, plaster cracked, and articles were thrown from shelves. This shock, which is the largest reported earthquake within 100 miles of the site, has not been related to any known geologic features. An Intensity VII earthquake occurred near Wilmington, Delaware, in 1871. It is not possible to precisely locate the epicenter of this shock with the limited data available, but it is probable that the shock occurred along the Fall Zone some 15 to 20 miles north of the Salem site. The epicentral intensity of this shock is rated at VII. At Wilmington, chimneys toppled and windows broke. Damage was also reported at Newport and New Castle, Delaware, and Oxford, Pennsylvania. The earthquake was felt over a relatively small area of northern Delaware, southeastern Pennsylvania and southwestern New Jersey. The shock was probably felt at Salem. Several smaller shocks also have been reported in the Coastal Plain in the region surrounding the site. None of these earthquakes caused any structural damage and they are of interest only in that they indicated the possible presence of unidentified faulting in the basement rock of the Coastal Plain. Nine earthquakes of Intensity V or greater have been reported within about 50 miles of the proposed station site. The largest 2.5-15 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 1St 1987 of these was the aforementioned Intensity VII Wilmington earthquake of 1871. Other shocks occurred in 1879, Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) IV to V and in 1973 (MMI V) near the epicenter of the 1871 shock. These shocks were also probably felt at Salem. It is likely that these shocks are related to the Fall Zone or faulting in the vicinity of Wilmington, associated with Piedmont-type geologic structure. The epicenters of two shocks with intensities of IV to V in Harford County, Maryland in 1889, are within the Piedmont and can be related to well documented local structure. Four Intensity V earthquakes (1906 near Seaford, Delaware; 1921 near Moorestown, New Jersey; 1939 in Salem County, New Jersey; and east of Hammonton, New Jersey in 1968), originated within the Coastal Plain. These shocks have not been basement structure, generally similar to that exposed in the Piedmont. Available data regarding these shocks are very limited, and it is impossible to accurately estimate the maximum intensities of these shocks, or to precisely locate their epicenters. It is possible that some reports of older shocks may refer to relatively distant earthquakes which were felt in this area. Other shocks may possibly be attributed to causes other than tectonic activity. Correlation of Epicenters with Geologic Structures In some instances, earthquakes occurring in the eastern United States have been associated with specific geologic structure, or at least some generalized seismogeni tic source area. However, earthquakes occurring within about 200 miles of the site have been small (no greater than MMI VII) and any positive identification with specific fault structure is somewhat tenuous. In general, because of the age of the "larger" shocks and the scatter of both the small, well located shocks and the regional fault systems, earthquakes have been assumed to have an equal possibility of occurrence any place within a tectonic (or seismotectonic) province. As a result, the 1871 and 1927 MMI VII shocks in the regions surrounding the site are of prime significance in selecting the "design" earthquakes for the site although neither have been positively associated with specific geologic structures. 2.5-16 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 * * *
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  • As subsequently discussed (Section this lack of specific association requires the conservative use of a "floating" earthquake to define the Safe Shutdown Earthquake for the site. Identification of Active Faults Small earthquakes in the region have been spatially associated with ancient faulting. However, in most the focal mechanism solution to the shock is not consistent with the stress conditions responsible for the last movements upon the fault in question. In addition, no evidence of surface rupture has been associated with local earthquake activity. Thus, "active11 faulting, as connection with active plate the term is ordinarily used margins (e.g. California), in is non-existent in the region of the site. See Section Maximum Earthquake The two largest earthquakes nearest the site were the 1871 Wilmington, Delaware and the 1927 Asbury Park, New Jersey shocks (see Table 2.5-3). Both had maximum epicentral intensities of VII. Intensity VII shocks are the largest that have occurred throughout the surrounding regions, and both from a deterministic and p_robabilistic standpoint, appear to be the largest credible earthquake. Therefore, for purposes of seismic design, an Intensity VII shock has been assumed to occur near the site . 2.5-17 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 The selection of the Operating Basis Earthquake was based upon the assumption of a shock similar to the following: 1. A shock equivalent to the Intensity VII, 1871 Wilmington earthquake occurring as close to the site as its related geologic structure. It is likely that this earthquake was related to the Fall Zone or to faulting in the Piedmont west of the Fall Zone. However, since it is impossible to precisely locate the epicenter of this shock from the limited available data, and since the earthquake was felt in portions of the Coastal Plain, it has been considered that the epicenter of this shock may have been located somewhat east of the Fall Zone and similar geologic structure could be postulated near the site. 2. A shock, equivalent to the Intensity VII northern New Jersey earthquake of 1927 occurring close to the site. This shock occurred in the Coastal Plain and has not been related to any known geologic structure. Therefore, the conservative assumption has been made that it could occur along a hypothetical geologic structure in the basement rock near the site. Based on the foregoing statements the very conservative assumption has been made that the maximum potential earthquake would be a shock as large as Intensity VII originating in the basement rock close to the site. Safe Shutdown Earthquake For a safe shutdown of the reactor, the facility has been designed using a seismic factor of 20 percent of gravity at foundation level. This level of horizontal ground acceleration is significantly greater than that which would be expected upon the foundation soils at the site if the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) 2.5-18 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 * * *
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  • were to occur. The corresponding vertical ground acceleration is taken as 13.3 percent of gravity . Operating Basis Earthquake On the basis of the seismic history of the area, it does not appear likely that the site will experience any significant earthquake ground motion during the economic life of the proposed facility. However, the proposed nuclear power station has been designed to respond elastically with no loss of function to horizontal earthquake ground accelerations of 10 percent of gravity, and vertical ground accelerations of 6.7 percent of gravity. These values are conservatively greater than the level of ground motion which would be expected at the site during an earthquake similar to any historical event. This ground acceleration is greater than what might be reasonable expected due to an earthquake similar to the 1871 Wilmington shock, Intensity VII, at an epicentral distance of about 15 to 20 miles . Response Spectra Response spectra used in design are presented on Figures 2. 5-12 and 2.5-13, Response Spectra. These spectra conform to the average spectra developed by Dr. G. W. Housner for the frequency range higher than about 0. 33 cycle per second. These average spectra were originally presented in TID-7024. The spectra presented considered Dr. Hausner's latest revisions. The spectra for frequencies lower than about 0.33 cycle per second were prepared utilizing data suggested by Dr. N. M. Newmark. These data are presented in the Proceedings of the International Atomic Energy Agency Panel on Aseismic Design and Testing of Nuclear Facilities (1967). The spectra have been normalized to a horizontal ground acceleration of 20 percent of gravity for the SSE and 10 percent of gravity for the Operating Basis Earthquake . 2.5-19 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987

2.5.3 Surface

Faulting See Section, Identification of Active Faults. 2.5.4 Stability of Subsurface Materials The foundation of the Class I station structures are established directly in the Paleocene silty sands of the Vincetown Formation or upon lean concrete fill extending to this Formation. The Vince town soils are preconsolidated and/ or cemented as a result of its depositional environment and subsequent erosion of younger sediments. Thus, this formation provides excellent foundation support for Salem Generating Station structures. Measurements made throughout plant construction and during initial operation indicated a maximum settlement of only about 0.5 inch. For a further description of the subsurface conditions at the site see Section, Site Geology. 2.5.5 Slope Stability At the completion of construction, the only slope of significance across the site is at the sea wall. As discussed in Section 2.4.5. 7, Protective Structures, the sea wall was investigated by conventional engineering procedures and designed to withstand the site maximum environmental loadings. 2.5.6 References for Section 2.5 1. Drake, C.L., and Woodward, H.P., "Appalachian Curvature, Wrench Faulting, and Offshore Structures, tl Trans. New York Academy of Sciences, 1963. 2. King, P.B., "The Tectonics of North America," U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 628, 1969. 2.5-20 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 * * *

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  • 3. Stover, C.W., et al, "Seismicity Map of New Jersey," U.S. 4. Geological Survey, 1980 . Dombroski, Daniel R., Jr., "Earthquakes in New Jersey," State of New Jersey, Dept. of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Geology and Topography, 1977. 2.5.7 Bibliography for Section 2.5 1. Anderson, J .L., "Cretaceous and Tertiary Subsurface Geology, (Maryland), 11 Dept. of Geology, Mines and Water Resources, State of Maryland, Bulletin No. 2, 1948. 2. 3. Barkdale, H.C.; Greenman, D.W.; Lang, S.M.; Hilton, G. S.; and Outlaw, D.E., "Ground Water Resources in the Tri-State Region Adjacent to the Lower Delaware River," N.J. Dept. of Conservation and Economic Development, Division of Water Policy and Supply, Special Report 13, 1958. Bonini, W.E., nBouguer Gravity Anomaly Map of New Jersey," N.J. Geological Survey, Dept. of Conservation and Economic Development, Geologic Report Series, No. 9, 1965. 4. Eardley, A.J., "Structural Geology of North America," 2nd Edition, Harper & Bros., New York, 1962. 5. Ewing, W.M. et al, "Geophysical Investigation in the Emerged and Submerged Atlantic Coastal Plain," Geologic Society of America Bulletin, Volume 61, 1950. 6. 7 . Gill, H.E., "Ground Water Resources of Cape May County, N.J., Salt Water Invasion of Principal Aquifers," New Jersey -Dept. of Conservation and Economic Development, Division of Water Policy and Supply, Special Report 18, 1962. Hansen, H.J. III, 11Pleistocene Stratigraphy of the Salisbury Area, Md. and its Relationship to the Lower Eastern Shore-A 2.5-21 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987
8. Subsurface Approach, n Maryland Geological Survey Report of Investigations, No. 2, 1966. Jordan, R.R., "Stratigraphy of the Sedimentary Rocks of Delaware, Delaware Geological Survey, Bulletin No. 9, 1962. 9. Kasabach, H.F. and Scudder, R.J., t!Deep Wells of the New Jersey Coastal Plain," New Jersey Geological Survey, Geologic Report Series No. 3, 1961. 10. Lewis, J.V. and Kummel, H.B., Revised by Kummel, 1931 and Johnson, M.E., "1950 Geologic Map of New Jersey," New Jersey Dept. of Conservation and Economic Development, Atlas Sheet 40, 1910-1912. 11. Marine, I.W. and Rasmussen, W.D., "Preliminary Report of the Geology and Ground Water Resources of Delaware, 11 Delaware Geological Survey Bulletin No. 4, 1955. 12. Minard, J.P., "Geology of the Woodstown Quadrangle, Gloucester and Salem Counties, New Jersey,11 USGS Geologic Quadrangle Map, GQ-404, 1965. 13. Murray, G. E. , nGeology of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Province of North America, 11 Harper and Bros., New York, 1961. 14. Olmsted, F.H.; Parker, G.G.; and Kneighton, W.B., Jr., 11Delaware River Basin Report," U.S. Army Engineer District, Philadelphia, Vol. 7, 1959. 15. Pennsylvania State Topographic and Geologic Survey, Geologic Map of Pennsylvania, 1960. 16. Rasmussen, W.C.; Croot, J.J.; Martin, R.O.R.; McCarren, E.F.; Behn, V.C.; et al, "The Water Resources of Northern Delaware,n Delaware Geological Survey Bulletin No. 6, Vol. 1, 1957 . 2.5-22 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 *February 15, 1987 * * *
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  • 17. Richards, H.G.; Olmsted, F.H.; and Ruhle, J.L., "Generalized Structure Contour Maps of the New Jersey Coastal Plain,11 N.J . Dept. of Conservation and Economic Development, Geologic Report Series No. 4, 1962. 18. Rima, D.R.; Coskery, O.J.; and Anderson, P.W., 11Ground Water Resources of Southern New Castle County Delaware," Delaware Geological Survey Bulletin No. 11, 1964. 19. Spangler, W.B. and Paterson, J.J., 11Geology of the Atlantic Coastal Plain in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia," American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, Volume 34, No. 1, 1950. 20. Spoljaric, N. and Jordan, R.R., 11Generalized Geologic Map of Delaware,11 Delaware Geologic Survey, 1966. 21.* Stover, C. W. et al, 11Seismicity Map of New Jersey," U.S. Geological Survey, 1981 . 22. Sundstrom, R.W. et al, "The Availability of Ground Water from the Potomac Formation in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Area, Delaware," University of Delaware, Water Resources Center, 1967. 23. United States Geological Survey, Tectonic Map of the U.S. , United States Geological Survey and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1962. 24. United States Geological Survey, National Atlas -Geology, 1966. 25. United States Geological Survey, Basement Map of North America; American Association of Petroleum Geologists and the U.S.G.S., 1967 . 2.5-23 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6
  • February 15,
  • 1987.
26. United States Geological Survey, Engineering Geology of the Northeast Corridor, Washington, D.C. to Boston, Massachusetts, Earthquake Epicenters, Geothermal Gradients and Excavations and Borings; Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations, Map 1-514-C, 1967. 27. United States Geological Survey, Engineering Geology of the Northeast Corridor, Washington, D.C. to Boston, Massachusetts, Coastal Plain and Surficial Deposits; Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations, Map 1-514-B, 1967. 28. United States Geological Survey, Engineering Geology of the Northeast Corridor, Washington, D.C. to Boston, Massachusetts, Bedrock Geology; Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations, Map 1-514-A, 1967. 29. Widmar, K., "The Geology and Geography of New Jersey," The New Jersey Historical Series, Volume 19, 1964. 30. Woollard, G.P.; Bonini, W.E.; and Meyer, R.P., "A Seismic Refraction Study of the Subsurface Geology of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Continental Shelf between Virginia and Florida," University of Wisconsin, Dept. of Geology, Division of Geophysics, 1957. 2.5-24 SGS-UFSAR Revision 6 February 15, 1987 * * *