ENS 41457
ENS Event | |
21:29 Mar 2, 2005 | |
Title | Automatic Actuation Of Motor Driven Afw Pumps During Outage |
Event Description | The following information was provided by the licensee via facsimile (licensee text in quotes):
At 1629 [EST] on March 2, 2005, McGuire Nuclear Station Unit 2 experienced an automatic actuation of the 2A and 2B Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater (MDCA) Pumps. At the time of these actuations, Unit 2 was in MODE 3 in a refueling outage, the 2A Main Feedwater (CF) Pump was in service and, as per procedure, the 2B CF Pump was in a tripped condition and out of service. While performing system evolutions, Unit 2 CF system pressure unexpectedly dropped to a level that caused initiation of a low CF pump suction pressure signal which tripped the 2A CF Pump. Since the 2B CF Pump had previously been placed in a tripped condition, the logic for automatic start of the 2A and 2B MDCA Pumps was satisfied and these pumps started as designed. Since the 2A and 2B MDCA Pumps started in response to actual plant conditions or parameters satisfying the requirements for initiation of the Auxiliary Feedwater (CA) System safety function, this represented a valid actuation of the CA system reportable under the requirements of 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) . Note that the 2A and 2B MDCA Pumps started and operated normally and Unit 2 remained in a stable condition during this event. Unit 2 CF system parameters and alignments have been returned to normal for the current plant MODE and conditions. The 2A and 2B CA Pumps are now off. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. |
Where | |
McGuire ![]() North Carolina (NRC Region 2) | |
Reporting | |
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A), System Actuation | |
Time - Person (Reporting Time:+-1.23 h-0.0513 days <br />-0.00732 weeks <br />-0.00168 months <br />) | |
Opened: | Gary Mills 20:15 Mar 2, 2005 |
NRC Officer: | Jeff Rotton |
Last Updated: | Mar 2, 2005 |
41457 - NRC Website
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Unit 2 | |
Reactor critical | Not Critical |
Scram | No |
Before | Hot Standby (0 %) |
After | Hot Standby (0 %) |
WEEKMONTHYEARENS 568022023-10-18T15:16:00018 October 2023 15:16:00
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