The following information was summarized from the report obtained from the vendor via facsimile:
The defect is related to the thermal conductivity model in the codes TACO3 and GDTACO which are used in the AREVA LOCA model for B&W plants. The thermal conductivity model does not adequately represent the change in conductivity with burnup for the fuel. The correction of the thermal conductivity model results in the peak cladding temperature limit in 10 CFR 50.46 (2200 degrees F) being exceeded.
The defect exists for the following plants: Oconee Nuclear Station Unit 1, Oconee Nuclear Station Unit 2, Oconee Nuclear Station Unit 3, Arkansas Nuclear One Unit 1, Three Mile Island Unit 1, and Davis-Besse Unit 1
If there are any technical questions or concerns, please contact:
Gayle Elliott
AREVA, lnc., 3315 Old Forest Road
Lynchburg, VA 24501
Ph. # 434-841-0306.