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Decommissioning Quality Assurance Program, Revision 0
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 04/20/2015
Southern California Edison Co
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML15112A080 (40)


Enclosure 2:Decommissioning Quality Assurance Program (DQAP)

I SONGS DOAP Revision 0 1DECOMMISSIONING QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM(DQAP)Revision 0Southern California Edison (SCE)San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS)1 SONGS DQAP Revision 0 1Southern California EdisonSan Onofre Nuclear Generating StationDecommissioning Quality Assurance Program (DQAP)Approvals Manager Responsible for msonclear Oversight Vice President Decommissioning and Chief Nuclear OfficerDate I<DateDate2 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Introduction Southern California Edison (SCE) announced plans on June 7, 2013, to permanently retire Units2 and 3 at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS).

On June 12, 2013 SONGSsubmitted a Certification of Permanent Cessation of Power Operations to the NuclearRegulatory Commission (NRC), certifying that SCE has permanently ceased power operations of SONGS Units 2 and 3. To address this changing environment at SONGS, aDecommissioning Quality Assurance Program (DQAP) has been developed to support thedecommissioning activities of the station and ensure continued oversight of Decommissioning and the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI).The SONGS DQAP reflects the quality activities pertaining to a decommissioning nuclear sitethrough compliance with established regulatory requirements set forth by the NRC. The DQAPensures the protection of the public health and safety through performance-based assessments and compliance-based auditing utilizing implementing procedures and instructions.

The DQAPdescribes the responsibilities for implementing quality requirements, establishing andmaintaining the DQAP, and assessing the performance of activities subject to the DQAP. Theimplementation of the SONGS DQAP is performed in a graded approach commensurate withthe items and activities importance to safety.The SONGS DQAP includes a description of the organizational structure and functional responsibilities of the station management regarding the implementation of important to safetyactivities at SONGS. The DQAP also outlines the oversight roles and responsibilities for theQuality Assurance (QA) staff and program expectations for the various station organizations.

The DQAP satisfies the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria forNuclear Power Plants and Fuel Processing Plants, 1 OCFR71, Subpart H, Quality Assurance forPackaging and Transportation of Radioactive

Material, and 1 0CFR72, Subpart G, QualityAssurance for Independent Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste.Additional regulatory commitments are listed within Appendix B of the DQAP.3 SONGS DQAP Revision n0Table of ContentsPageApprovals Introduction List of Appendixes

1.0 Organization

2.0 Quality Assurance Program3.0 Design Control4.0 Procurement Document Control5.0 Instructions, Procedures and Drawings6.0 Document Control7.0 Control of Purchased

Material, Equipment and Services8.0 Identification and Control of Material, Parts and Components 9.0 Control of Special Processes 10.0 Inspection 11.0 Test Control12.0 Control of Measuring and Test Equipment 13.0 Handling, Storage and Shipping14.0 Inspection, Test and operating Status15.0 Nonconforming Materials, Parts and Components 16.0 Corrective Action17.0 Quality Assurance Records18.0 Audits23569111314151617181920212324252627284 SONGS DQAP Revision 0]List of Appendixes PageAppendix A: Organization Chart 29Appendix B: Regulatory Requirements and Commitments 30Appendix C: Quality Assurance Program for Fire Protection Program 31Appendix D: List of Acronyms 32Appendix E: References 33Appendix F: Definitions 34Appendix G: Administrative Controls 37Appendix H: DQAP Implementing Programs/Procedures 385 SONGS DQAP Revision 01Organization

1.0 Organization

Southern California Edison (SCE) is responsible for the establishment and execution of the QA Programfor the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS).

The SCE organizational structure ofdepartments involved with implementing the SONGS DQAP as well as departmental interfaces ispresented in Appendix A. The titles of managers used in the DQAP are generic, or functional titles andtheir formal titles may vary. Unless otherwise specifically prohibited, responsibilities of managersdescribed in the DQAP may be delegated to, and performed by, other qualified individuals.

The ultimate responsibility for operation, maintenance, inspection, test, modification, decommissioning, and storage of spent fuel resides with the SCE President.

The Chief Nuclear Officer (CNO), reports to thePresident of SCE, through the Senior Vice President of Regulatory

Affairs, and has the overallresponsibility for the establishment and execution of the SONGS DQAP.Responsibilities The authorities and duties of persons and organizations performing activities affecting the important tosafety functions of Structures,
Systems, and Components (SSC) are established and delineated inwriting.

These activities include both the performing functions of attaining quality objectives and the QAfunctions.

The CNO is responsible for (a) Regulatory Affairs (maintaining licensing documents, submitting routineregulatory agency reports, and for addressing Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) or other regulatory issues);

(b) Emergency Preparedness; (c) Decommissioning Projects (including

projects, engineering anddecommissioning),

(d) Nuclear Oversight and Safety Culture (oversight of quality and safety conscience work environment for activities performed at SONGS) and (e) the administration and implementation ofthe DQAP at SONGS. The DQAP is reviewed and approved by the Manager responsible for NuclearOversight, and the CNO.The CNO is responsible for appraising management of the effectiveness of the DQAP implementation and is the arbitrator for non-conformances of unusual complexity.

CNO also directs actions to be takenbased on reports and trending of quality issues submitted by the Manager responsible for NuclearOversight.

Direction for implementing the DQAP activities is provided by the CNO through the Managerresponsible for Nuclear Oversight.

Management of line organizations at SONGS are responsible to ensure that the quality of organizational work and activities meets the requirements set forth in the DQAP and SONGS implementing procedures.

Nuclear Oversight The Manager responsible for Nuclear Oversight reports to the CNO and shall not be assignedresponsibilities that would prevent the required attention to quality affecting matters.

Although reporting tothe CNO with other line organizations, the Manager responsible for Nuclear Oversight shall have thenecessary independence from other line management to ensure effective oversight for all organizations.

The manager has the following responsibilities:

  • Management of day-to-day oversight of implementation of the DQAP for all quality activities

SONGS DQAP Revision 0" Assuring quality activities at SONGS are performed in accordance with implementing procedures

" Managing the performance of audits, assessments, and inspections in order to verify thatimportant to safety activities have been correctly performed

  • Reporting on oversight activities to the CNO* Authority to stop work when quality is adversely affectedNuclear Oversight personnel report directly to the Manager responsible for Nuclear Oversight andimplement the relevant provisions of the DQAP utilizing written implementing procedures.

They performindependent oversight of line functions and activities.

A member of the Nuclear Oversight organization shall not perform oversight of activities for which the member has been directly responsible.

Further, theyhave the responsibility and authority to stop work when quality is adversely affected and immediately raise concerns to the Manager responsible for Nuclear Oversight.

Nuclear Oversight personnel shall have sufficient authority and organizational freedom to identify anyquality problems and to verify implementation of corrective actions.

Additionally, Nuclear Oversight personnel shall have direct access to appropriate levels of management necessary to perform theirfunction and shall be independent from cost and schedule when opposed to quality and safetyconsiderations.

Station Manaqement The Manager responsible for Decommissioning reports to the CNO and is responsible for managing alldecommissioning project activities being performed at SONGS.The Manager responsible for Engineering reports to the CNO with responsibility for QA programimplementation for systems engineering, engineering

programs, engineering design, and engineering fornuclear fuel management.

The Manager responsible for Regulatory Affairs and Emergency Preparedness, reports to the CNO withresponsibilities for emergency

planning, maintaining licensing documents, submitting routine regulatory agency reports, and developing strategies for addressing regulatory issues.The Plant Manager reports to the CNO and is responsible for Operations, Radiation Protection, Chemistry, Maintenance and Work Control,
Security, and Performance Improvement activities performed at SONGS.Managers responsible for Operations and Training:

Radiation Protection and Chemistry; Security; Maintenance and Work Control; and Performance Improvement report to the Plant Manager and areresponsible to ensure all activities are consistent with QA program requirements.

The Independent Safety Reviewer (ISR) performs independent safety reviews of proposed

changes, testsand experiments to SSCs, activities, program documents and procedures that are subject to the SONGSDQAP requirements.

ISRs shall be individuals without direct responsibility for the performance of activities under review, and shall be competent and knowledgeable in the subject area being reviewed.

Other facility staff shall follow the requirements of section 5.0 Administrative

Controls, of the SONGSTechnical Specifications.

7 I SONGS DQAP Revision 0 1Other Corporate SCE Organizations

  • Nuclear Procurement is responsible for procurement of materials, equipment and services forSONGS. Nuclear Procurement is part of SEC Corporate Supply Management thereby reporting to SEC Corporate Management.

Nuclear Procurement is responsible for procurement of itemsand services, material

shipping, and for preparation, negotiations, and administration ofprocurement contracts.
  • Corporate Records Center reports to SCE Corporate Management and is responsible for storageand retrieval of company records (including nuclear records) placed in their custody.

Theyinterface with site Records Management related to long term storage of nuclear records." Information Technology is responsible for managing computer application, computing system,and network services, including nuclear computer program development, technology, and supportactivities, except plant computer systems.Dele~gation of Quality Assurance WorkSCE may delegate the execution of work under the DQAP to others such as contractors, agents, orconsultants;

however, SCE retains overall responsibility for those activities and the DQAP. Delegation isclearly identified in documentation and SCE retains the right to verify compliance with SCE qualityrequirements and regulatory requirements applicable to that organization's QA Program.Reporting SCE management is involved with QA matters on a continuing basis. Regular reports summarizing thequality of SONGS activities are reviewed and approved by the Manager responsible for NuclearOversight.

These reports contain status of program adherence to the DQAP, issues identified, unresolved items, and other items of interest to quality activities.

These reports are submitted to the CNOand other SONGS management as deemed appropriate.

The CNO shall periodically have an external audit performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the SONGSQA Program.

These external audits are performed by individual(s) designated by the CNO who areindependent of SONGS oversight activities and who have the appropriate level of expertise in theactivities audited.

These periodic external audits shall be performed on a 24 month frequency with a 90day grace period which is not to impact the established 24 month cycle for the audit. The external auditresults are communicated via a written report in a timely manner to a level of management having theauthority to execute effective corrective action. In addition, these results are reported to the SCEPresident through the SONGS CNO.The assessment results are communicated via a written report in a timely manner to a level ofmanagement having the authority to execute effective corrective action. In addition, these results arereported to the SCE President through the SONGS CNO.RecordsRecords of the biennial audit of the QA program including audit plan, checklist, audit report, and therecord of completion of corrective action(s) shall be retained in accordance with proper implementing procedures 8

SONGS DQAP Revision 0Quality Assurance Program2.0 Quality Assurance ProgramThe QA Program for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) is described in theDecommissioning Quality Assurance Program (DQAP). This DQAP provides control over activities affecting quality to an extent consistent with their importance to ensure safety and compliance.

TheDQAP includes specific monitoring activities which are measured against acceptance criteria in a mannersufficient to provide SONGS management assurance that the activities affecting quality are performed inan acceptable manner. The SCE DQAP requirements apply to regulatory programs and SSCs designated as important to safety which are listed in the engineering Q-List.The DQAP satisfies the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Quality Assurance Criteria for NuclearPower Plants and Fuel Processing Plants, 10CFR71, Subpart H, Quality Assurance for Packaging andTransportation of Radioactive

Material, and 1 OCFR72, Subpart G, Quality Assurance for Independent Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste. Additional regulatory commitments are listed within Appendix B of the DQAP. Implementation of the SCE DQAP is controlled throughseparately issued procedures, instructions and drawings.

Each organization is responsible for theestablishment and implementation of procedures and instructions prescribing the important to safetyactivities for which they are responsible.

Activities affecting quality shall be accomplished under suitably controlled conditions.

Controlled conditions include the use of appropriate equipment; suitable environmental conditions for accomplishing the activity, such as adequate cleanness; and assurance that all prerequisites for the given activity havebeen satisfied.

The QA program takes into account the need for special controls, processes, testequipment, tools, and skills to attain the required

quality, and the need for verification of quality byinspection and test.Changes to the DQAP will be implemented in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(a).

Program Control and Authority The Manager responsible for Nuclear Oversight is responsible for ensuring that the applicable portions ofthe DQAP are properly documented, approved and implemented (with trained staff, necessary materials and approved procedures available) before an activity within the scope of the DQAP isexecuted.

Disputes arising between departments or organizations on any QA matter that cannot beresolved at a lower level of management will be referred to the CNO.Additional requirements for specific programs are described in section 5.0 Administrative

Controls, of theSONGS Technical Specifications with the exception of security requirements which are contained in theSONGS Physical Security Plan; and Emergency Plan requirements which are contained in the SONGSSite Emergency Plan. SONGS Fire Protection Program requirements are addressed in Appendix C of thisDQAP.Personnel Training and Qualifications Individual managers are responsible for ensuring that personnel working under their cognizance areprovided with the necessary indoctrination training and resources to accomplish assigned activities whichfall under the scope of the DQAP.9 SONGS DQAP Revision 0]Members of the SONGS staff (including audit and inspection personnel) shall have the appropriate qualifications necessary to perform their assigned duties defined in implementing procedures listed inAppendix H of the DQAP. These implementing procedures provide the criteria utilized for determining andassessing appropriate staff qualification.

Additionally, plant Technical Specifications and the Permanently Defueled Technical Specifications both cite references that stipulate the use of specific industry standards addressing qualifications.

Training programs are established and implemented to ensure that personnel achieve and maintain suitable proficiency.

Personnel training and qualification records are maintained inaccordance with approved procedures.

QA Lead Auditors are qualified and certified by the Manager responsible for Nuclear Oversight inaccordance with approved procedures.


methods, minimum experience requirements, andcertification practices are in accordance with established procedures and based on criteria set forth in QAimplementing procedures.

Proficiency evaluations are performed and documented for individuals leadingaudits and appropriate certification renewal or re-qualification actions are taken.RecordsRecords of the implementation for staff indoctrination and training, as well as records for Lead Auditor,Auditor, Technical Specialist and Inspection Personnel qualification shall be maintained in accordance with approved procedures and show the appropriate documentary evidence of training completion.

10 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Design Control3.0 Design ControlDesign activities shall be controlled to ensure that the design, including applicable regulatory requirements and design bases, technical and quality requirements are correctly translated to designdocuments which include specifications,

drawings, procedures and instructions.

Design changes to SSCsthat have current important to safety functions shall also be properly controlled using design controlmeasures commensurate with those applied to the original design. Design changes are reviewed andapproved by the same design groups cognizant in the discipline affected by the change that reviewed andapproved the original documentation unless alternative design groups are designated.

Design activities associated with the nuclear station changes or modifications may be performed by SCE or qualified contractors.

Design groups shall have access to background information, shall be competent in thespecific area of design interest, and shall understand the requirements and intent of the original design.Measures shall be established for the selection and review for suitability of application of materials, parts,equipment, and processes that are essential to SSCs that have current important to safety functions.

Design control implementing procedures shall define responsibilities for the following:

-Design Input-Design Performance

-Design Interface Control-Design Verification

-Design ChangeDesign inputs shall be identified, documented and correctly translated into design outputs.

Design inputsshall be specified to a level of detail necessary to allow the design activities to be carried out in acontrolled manner. The final design output shall relate to the design input in sufficient detail to facilitate design verification.

The design organization shall prescribe and document the design activities to the level of detail necessary to permit the design process to be completed in a correct manner which permits verification that thedesign meets requirements.

Design documents shall support facility design, construction, safe storageand handling of spent fuel, and decommissioning projects.

Appropriate quality standards shall beidentified and documented, and their selection reviewed and approved.

Deviations from original designstandards shall be reviewed to ensure that the designated quality requirements remain in the design ofSSCs that have current important to safety functions.

Design control measures shall be applied to items such as the following:

stress, thermal, hydraulic, andaccident analyses; compatibility of materials; accessibility for in-service inspection, maintenance, andrepair; and delineation of acceptance criteria for inspections and tests for those SSCs that have currentimportant to safety functions.

Design analyses shall be sufficiently detailed such that a person technically qualified in the subject can review and understand the analyses and verify the adequacy of the resultswithout additional input.Interface controls (internal and external between participating design organizations and across technical disciplines) for the purpose of developing, reviewing, approving, releasing, distributing, and revisingdesign inputs and outputs shall be defined in procedures.

Design information transmitted acrossinterfaces shall identify the status of the design information or documentation provided.

11 ISONGS DQAP Revision 0Changes or modifications to designated SSCs shall be approved by the Design Authority or designee, asspecified in administrative procedures.

Procedure for implementing design changes and field changes,shall assure that the impact of the change is considered, required actions documented, and information concerning the change transmitted to affected persons or organizations.

Applicable regulatory criteria (i.e.10CFR50.59 or 10CFR72.48) shall be used to determine if NRC approval is required prior toimplementation of a design change. For SSCs that have current important to safety functions, thesechanges shall be subject to design control measures commensurate with those applied to the originaldesign.Design verification for SSCs that have current important to safety functions shall provide assurance thatthe final design is correct and has been performed in accordance with approved procedures describing position responsibilities and authorities for the design reviews.

Documentation to be reviewed for thisdesign work includes the necessary calculations and/or analysis, design criteria specifications,

drawings, procedures, and instructions to permit a comprehensive review.Design verification may be accomplished through design reviews, alternate calculations, or qualification testing.

These alternate methods of design verification are defined in design documentation.

Records ofdesign reviews and associated design documents are required by internal written procedures to bemaintained in SONGS Records Management.

Design verification shall be performed by competent individuals or groups other than those whoperformed the original design, but who may be from the same department.

Alternative design groupsmay be used if the assignment is designated by the responsible engineering manager.

Design controlprocedures describe the positions responsible for design reviews and other design verification activities, and their authority and responsibilities.

Where a test program is used to verify the adequacy of a specificdesign feature in lieu of other verifying or checking processes, it shall include suitable qualification testingof a prototype unit under the most adverse design conditions.

The results of the design verification activities shall be documented with the identification of the verifier clearly documented.

Design verification shall be completed prior to relying upon the SSC to perform its function.

Nonconforming activities such as deviations, errors, or deficiencies in the approved design documents, including design methods (e.g., computer codes), shall be controlled.

Computer programs used tocalculate or develop important to safety data shall be subject to validation and verification.

Procedure shall assure that verified computer codes are certified for use and that their applicability is specified.

Design documentation and records which provide evidence that the design and design verification process was performed in accordance with the DQAP, shall be collected, stored and maintained inaccordance with approved procedures.

This documentation includes final design documents, such asdrawings, specifications, calculations, and revisions there to and documentation which identifies important steps, including sources of design inputs that support the final design.12 I SONGS DOAP Revision 0 1Procurement Document Control4.0 Procurement Document ControlSCE establishes measures to ensure that applicable requirements necessary to assure adequate qualityrequirements are included or referenced in procurement documents for material, equipment, and serviceswhich are designated as important to safety, identified in SONGS Q-list, or required by SONGS Technical Specifications whether they are purchased by SCE or by its contractors or subcontractors.

Measures are established to assure that the applicable requirements are included or referenced indocuments for procurement of materials, equipment, and services for the design, fabrication, and useduring decommissioning activities and of packaging for radioactive material.

Measures are established toassure that, to the extent necessary, contractors or subcontractors provide a QA Program consistent withthe applicable provisions of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, 10 CFR 71 Subpart H, and 10 CFR 72 Subpart G.Procurement document control applies to SSCs that are identified in the SONGS Q-List as important tosafety and any spare or replacement parts for those SSCs. Procurement documents shall include thoserequirements necessary to assure that the items and services to be provided meet the specified technical and quality requirements.

Specifically, the procurement system assures that the appropriate technical andquality requirements are specified for procurement of items and services considering the important tosafety function, complexity of the design, manufacturing, degree of inspectability, and testability uponreceipt and other factors which affect the quality of products and services.

Procedures that implement procurement document control shall describe the organizational responsibilities for procurement planning; preparation, review, approval and control of procurement documents; supplier selection; bid evaluation; identification of replacement parts where applicable, andreview and evaluation of supplier's QA Program prior to initiation of activities affected by the DQAP.Procedures shall be established to review the adequacy of the technical and QA requirements specified within procurement documents.

The review shall determine whether the requirements are correctly specified, inspectable and controlled.

Appropriate acceptance

/ rejection criteria shall be clearly specified.

The review and documented concurrence with respect to the adequacy of technical and QA requirements specified with procurement documents shall be performed by independent personnel who have beentrained and qualified to applicable QA practices and concepts.

Changes to procurement documents shall be subject to the same controls and the original documents.

13 I SONGS DQAP Revision 0 1Instructions, Procedures and Drawings5.0 Instructions, Procedures and DrawingsSCE establishes measures to assure that quality activities are prescribed by and performed inaccordance with documented instructions, procedures, or drawings.

Documented and approvedinstructions, procedures, and drawings are required to accomplish important to safety work. Theseinstructions, procedures, and drawings

include, as appropriate, quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that activities have been satisfactorily accomplished.

Controls are established which ensure that instructions, procedures, and drawings are current and accurately reflect plant designand regulatory requirements.

Changes or deviations from established instructions, procedures or drawings for SSCs and other qualityactivities that have current important to safety functions, require the same review and approval as theoriginal document.

Instructions, procedures and drawings, including changes and deviations subject tothe SONGS DQAP, shall be maintained and reviewed periodically as required by administrative procedures.

Administrative controls shall be established that provide the methods by which temporary changes can bemade to procedures which are approved, including the designation of persons authorized to approve suchchanges.

These changes shall be documented and, if appropriate, incorporated into the next revision ofthe affected procedure.

Documents comprising instructions, procedures, specifications, and drawings prepared by outsidecontractors for the performance of site activities are reviewed and approved by the responsible SONGSmanager or designated representative.

14 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Document Control6.0 Document ControlSCE establishes measures to control the issuance of documents, such as instructions, procedures, drawings and other document or records, including changes thereto, which prescribe activities affecting quality.

These measures assure that documents, such as procedures, instructions and drawings, areavailable for use in quality activities.

Written procedures shall define the type of documents to which thedocument control system applies.

These procedures also define the process for controlling thepreparation, review, approval,

issuance, and distribution of documents affecting quality.Documents and changes to documents that prescribe or verify activities affecting quality shall becontrolled in a manner that precludes the use of inappropriate or outdated documents.

The documentcontrol system procedures shall be established to identify the current revision of instructions, procedures, specifications, drawing and procurement documents.

Procedures and instructions shall assure that documents are reviewed by qualified personnel, other thanthe personnel who prepared the documents.

These procedures and instructions shall also assure thatdocuments are approved for release by authorized personnel, distributed (as appropriate) to the locationwhere the activity is being performed prior to the commencement of work, and utilized and adhered towhen conducting activities.

The reviewing organization shall have access to pertinent background dataand information upon which to base their approval.

Changes to documents for SSCs that have current important to safety functions or other quality activities shall be reviewed and approved by the same organization that performed the original review and approvalunless SCE designates another responsible organization.

Minor changes to documents, such asinconsequential editorial corrections, shall not require that the revised documents receive the samereview and approval as the original documents.

To avoid a possible omission of a required review, thetype of minor changes that do not require such a review and approval and the persons who can authorize such a decision shall be clearly delineated.

Procedures, instructions and other documents, including revisions, which implement requirements of theSONGS DQAP, shall be reviewed and concurred with the Nuclear Oversight.

15 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Control of Purchased Materials, Equipment and Services7.0 Control of Purchased Materials, Equipment and ServicesControl of purchased

material, equipment, and services applies to SSCs and associated activities thatare designated as important to safety or other quality related activities.

Supplier activities that providepurchased

material, equipment, and services shall be monitored as necessary to assure such itemsand services meet procurement document requirements.

These measures shall include provisions, asappropriate, for source evaluation and selection, objective evidence of quality furnished by thecontractor or subcontractor, inspection at the contractor or subcontractor source, and examination ofproducts upon delivery.

Procedures shall describe each organization's responsibilities for the controlof purchased

material, equipment, and services, including the interfaces between all affectedorganizations.

Materials, equipment, and services shall meet the specified technical and quality requirements.

Verification that a supplier can meet the specified technical and quality requirements shall bedocumented.

A Supplier's QA Program that satisfies specified quality requirements shall be listed on theSONGS Evaluated Suppliers List. The SONGS Evaluated Suppliers List shall be controlled.

Thesuppliers of calibration services for SONGS will be qualified to perform calibrations by fully satisfying allregulatory requirements, specifically an approved Appendix B calibration program.The effectiveness of contractors and supplier's QA program shall be assessed at intervals consistent withthe importance, complexity, and quantity of the product or service.

Supplier performance and compliance with procurement documents are monitored by source verification, receipt inspection, or a combination ofthe two. Receiving inspection shall verify by objective evidence the acceptability of items in accordance with facility procedures.

Accepted items are appropriately marked, removed from the inspection area, andlocated in a controlled storage area until use. Documentary evidence shall be retained at SONGS andshall be sufficient to identify the specific requirements, such as codes, standards, or specifications, metby the purchased material and equipment.

For the acquiring of services only, such as third-party inspection, engineering and consulting services; auditing and installation; repair, overhaul, or maintenance work, from suppliers whose QA Program hasnot been reviewed or accepted, those suppliers may be used provided additional controls such astechnical verification of data produced, surveillance and/or audit of the activity, or review of objective evidence are employed.

These additional controls shall be documented in the request for services andapproved by the appropriate level of management.

Due to the elimination of all active safety related components at SONGS based on the decommissioning status of the site, SCE will no longer perform Commercial Grade Dedication of parts or components.

Iffuture needs for CGD arise, SONGS will use qualified contracted services with an approved andestablished CGD program.

Designated quality personnel or other personnel with appropriate qualifications are responsible for assuring source inspections,

surveys, or audits of suppliers areperformed as necessary.

Documentation of acceptance shall be available prior to installation oracceptance for use.16 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Identification and Control of Materials, Parts and Components 8.0 Identification and Control of Materials, Parts and Components SCE establishes measures for the identification and control of material, parts, and components, including partially fabricated assemblies, obtained for use in important to safety activities necessary to prevent theuse of incorrect or defective items. SONGS shall establish a process for the identification and control ofitems to ensure only accepted materials, parts and components are available for use in important tosafety activities.

Implementing procedures shall describe the organizational responsibilities and controlsin place at SONGS to assure that only correct and accepted items are utilized.

Identification is maintained either on the items or documents traceable to the items. When such controlsare required, the following methods of identification and control are to be utilized.

Identification such asbatch, heat number, lot, serial number or part number is maintained from initial receipt up to and including installation, and throughout the use of the items. The identification relates the item to the applicable design or other specification document when appropriate.

SONGS utilizes physical identification whenpossible.

Other means, including physical separation or procedural controls are utilized when physicalidentification is not practical.

Markings are applied using materials and methods that are clear, legible and do not detrimentally affectthe function or service life of the items that are marked. Markings are transferred to each part of anidentified item when subdivided.

Markings are not obliterated or masked by surface treatments orcoatings unless alternative identification methods are established.

When codes, standards, orspecifications require specific identification or traceability requirements of an item, procedures shalldescribe how to maintain traceability to specification, grade of material, heat, batch, lot, part or serialnumber, or inspection

/ test or other record.Provisions are made in procedures for maintenance or replacement of markings or identification due todamage from handling or aging, excessive deterioration due to environmental

exposure, and for updatingrecords while in storage.Items having limited calendar or operating life are controlled to preclude use after the shelf life oroperating life has expired.Verification of correct identification of material, parts, and components is accomplished and documented prior to release for fabrication,
assembly, shipment, construction, or installation and use. The record ofverification is maintained for the period provided in the governing procurement
document, specification,
drawing, procedure, or instruction.

17 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Control of Special Processes 9.0 Control of Special Processes SCE establishes measures to assure that special processes, including

welding, heat treatment, chemicalcleaning and nondestructive
testing, are controlled and accomplished by qualified personnel usingapproved written procedures in accordance with applicable codes, standards, specifications, criteria andother special requirements.

A special process is an activity, in which the quality of the result is highly dependent upon either aprocess variable or the skill and experience of the individual performing the activity; and the specified quality is difficult to verify by inspection and test after the process evolutions are completed.

Special processes shall be controlled by instructions, procedures,

drawings, checklists, travelers, or otherappropriate means. Special process instructions shall include or reference procedure, personnel, andequipment qualification requirements and specific conditions where they are necessary foraccomplishment of the process.

These conditions shall include proper equipment, controlled parameters of the process, specified environment, and any equipment calibration requirements.

Equipment used forspecial processes shall be maintained, stored, issued and qualified in accordance with applicable procedures and operated by qualified personnel.

The implementing procedures or instructions shall specify the acceptance criteria for special processcontrol and ensure compliance with applicable codes, standards, QA procedures and designspecifications.

Records of personnel and equipment qualification and results of special processes shall be maintained inaccordance with approved procedures.

18 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Inspection 10.0 Inspection SCE establishes and executes measures for inspection of important to safety activities, by or for theorganization performing the activity, in order to verify conformance with approved instructions, procedures,

drawings, and specifications for accomplishing the activities.

A comprehensive program ofinspections shall be established and implemented to verify conformance of an item or activity with thespecified requirements and inspection methods used contained in approved inspection procedures, instructions, drawings and checklists.

Inspections will be performed by personnel qualified to validate thatthe activities meet this acceptance criteria specified in applicable design documents.

Examinations, measurements, or tests of material or products processed shall be performed for each work operation where necessary to assure quality recording evidence of completing and verifying a manufacturing, inspection, or test operation.

Inspections shall be performed by qualified individuals other than those whoperform or directly supervise the activity being inspected.

While performing the inspection

activity, inspectors functionally report to the Manager responsible for Nuclear Oversight.

Where mandatory hold or witness points are required for witness or inspection activities by designated personnel, the designated hold points shall be indicated in appropriate documentation.

Work shall notprogress beyond the point of an assigned hold point unless work is complete or consent to waive the holdpoint is given by the designated organization.

Inspections shall be planned ensuring characteristic to be inspected, methods used to perform theinspection and acceptance criteria are documented.

If inspection of processed or fabricated items isimpractical monitoring of the processing method and equipment shall be utilized.

Process monitoring shall be performed by qualified personnel or a qualified automated process.

Inspection and processmonitoring shall both be used if quality control is inadequate without both.Final inspection shall include records review and examinations, measurements or tests to verify adequatequality measures were employed in the construction, fabrication or processing.

Final inspection resultsshall document the as-found condition including final acceptance

/ rejection criteria evaluation.

Unacceptable inspection results shall be evaluated and resolved in accordance with approvedprocedures.

Any modifications, repairs and replacements are re-inspected to the same standard ormethod to verify acceptability for items that have current important to safety functions.

Inspection records shall be maintained in accordance with approve procedures and processes.

19 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Test Control11.0 Test ControlSCE establishes measures for a test program to demonstrate that important to safety SSCs will performsatisfactorily in service.

Specifically, a program for testing shall be executed as necessary in order todemonstrate that important to safety SSCs will perform satisfactorily in service.

This program shall ensurethat the necessary testing is identified and performed at the appropriate time in accordance with approvedtest procedures which incorporate or reference the requirements, and acceptance criteria specified withinapplicable design documents.

The test program shall include, as appropriate, proof tests prior to installation, preoperational tests, andoperational tests of SSCs. The procedures that implement testing shall specify the appropriate prerequisites for the test (e.g. test personnel qualification requirements, environmental conditions, specification of instrumentation, safety measures, and completeness of tested item), sufficient instruction for the performance of the test, hold or witness points, acceptance

/ rejection criteria and limits, and therequired test documentation.

Test results are evaluated by qualified personnel to determine compliance with established acceptance criteria.

Test results which do not meet acceptance

criteria, shall bedocumented and evaluated in order to determine the appropriate corrective actions.

The test programshall require that modifications,

repairs, and replacement of items that have current important to safetyfunctions be tested, utilizing the same criteria as the original items to the extent applicable to the currentsafety functions.

If alternative tests are required, the alternative tests must be reviewed and approved bythe same organization that established the original requirements unless SCE designates anotherresponsible organization.

Test records shall be maintained in accordance with approved procedures.

20 SONGS DQAP Revision 0.Control of Measuring and Test Equipment 12.0 Control of Measuring and Test Equipment SCE establishes measures to assure that permanent plant instrumentation and tools, gages, instruments, and other measuring and test equipment (M&TE), used in important to safety activities, are controlled, calibrated and adjusted in order to maintain accuracy within necessary limits. Organizational responsibilities shall be delineated for establishing, implementing, and assuring the effectiveness of thecalibration program for M&TE. Reference standards used to determine the acceptability of items andactivities, shall be of appropriate type, and maintained within prescribed accuracy limits, suitable rangeand accuracy in order to verify conformance to specified requirements.

Procedures for the control and calibration of permanently installed plant equipment shall specifyidentification requirements (labeling, codes, or other documented control system),

the recall process andcalibration process and frequencies (including documented pre-calibration checks) of the M&TE tonationally recognized standards.

Calibration methods are documented and performed by competent personnel in an environment that does not adversely affect the calibration.

The calibration procedures shall specify recording of as-found conditions and a means for determining which equipment shall beincluded in the calibration program.

M&TE used in the calibration of permanently installed plantequipment shall have ranges, precision, and accuracy equal to or greater than that to be calibrated andwhere this is impractical, the cognizant authority shall document rationale for accuracy.

Procedures for the control of M&TE used to calibrate permanent plant equipment and other important tosafety activities shall specify identification requirements (labeling, codes, or other documented controlsystem),

the recall process and calibration process and frequencies (including documented pre-calibration checks) of the M&TE to nationally recognized standards.

Calibration methods aredocumented and performed by qualified personnel in an environment that does not adversely affect thecalibration.

The calibration procedures shall delineate special controls where applicable, for usage,handling and storage required for environmental conditions such as temperature,

humidity, cleanliness, orradiation, in order to maintain accuracy and operating characteristics of the M&TE.Calibration reference standards shall be based on nationally recognized standards or accepted values ofnatural physical constants.

Where national standards do not exist, the basis for the calibration shall bedocumented.

Special calibration and control measures are not required when normal commercial practices provide adequate accuracy (e.g. rulers, tape measures, level, and other such devices).

M&TE is calibrated at specified intervals or immediately before use on the basis of the item's requiredaccuracy, intended used, frequency of use, stability characteristics and other conditions affecting itsperformance.

As-found condition of M&TE shall be recorded.

The calibration intervals, whether calendaror usage based, shall be pre-determined and to the extent practical, be consistent with the instrument manufacture's specified repeatability and/or the user's experience.

Calibration reference standards shallbe based on traceability to nationally recognized standards or accepted values of natural physicalconstants.

Where national standards do not exist, M&TE is calibrated against standards that have anaccuracy of at least four (4) times the required accuracy of the equipment being calibrated, or when this isnot possible, have an accuracy that ensures the equipment being calibrated will be within the requiredtolerance.

Indication of expiration, if feasible, will be displayed on or with the M&TE.M&TE which is found to be damaged, out-of-calibration or for which accuracy is suspect, shall be taggedand segregated, and a special calibration performed.

M&TE found to be out of calibration shall be21 I SONGS DQAP Revision 0evaluated and documented.

The acceptability shall be determined of items measured, inspected, ortested with a damaged or out of calibration device.Records of M&TE calibration results (including as-found conditions) shall be maintained.

Additionally, records of M&TE usage shall be maintained, so that measures may be executed to determine the validityof previous measurements performed, and the acceptability of items inspected or tested since theprevious calibration when the M&TE was not suspect.22 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Handling, Storage and ShipDing13.0 Handling, Storage and ShipDingSCE establishes measures to control the handling,

storage, shipping, cleaning and preservation ofimportant to safety items, material and equipment, in accordance with work and inspection instructions, inorder to prevent damage or deterioration.

Measures and controls shall be established ensuring items, material and equipment are handled, storedand shipped in accordance with design and procurement requirements, in a manner that will preventdamage, deterioration or loss. Special handling, preservation,

storage, cleaning, packaging and shippingrequirements are established and accomplished by trained personnel in accordance with approvedprocedures and instructions.

Special coverings, equipment and protective environments shall be specified and provided wherenecessary for the protection of items, material, and equipment from damage and deterioration.

Specialprotective measures are specified and provided when required to maintain acceptable quality.

Whenspecial protective features are required, their existence shall be verified and monitored as necessary toassure that the special protective features continue to serve its intended function.

Special handling toolsand equipment shall be provided where necessary to ensure items, material and equipment can behandled safely and without damage.Markings or labeling shall be used to indicate the presence of special environments, or the need forspecial controls.

Provisions shall be described for the storage of chemicals, reagents (including control ofshelf life), lubricants and other combustible materials.

23 SONGS DOAP Revision OjInspection, Test and Operating Status14.0 Inspection.

Test and Operating StatusSCE establishes measures for indicating the status of important to safety items undergoing inspections and tests to prevent the unintentional bypass of required inspections or tests. In addition, SCEestablishes measures for indicating the operating status of important to safety components and systemsto prevent their inadvertent operation.

The methods used to indicate inspection, test and operating status including control of these statusindicators are prescribed by approved procedures.

The inspection, test and/or operating status ofmaterial, equipment and operating systems shall be readily apparent and verifiable.

The procedures used to indicate status shall provide means for assuring inspections and tests areperformed in the prescribed

sequence, and acceptability is indicated in order to prevent inadvertent operation.

Items accepted and released are identified to indicate their inspection status prior to forwarding the items to a controlled storage area or releasing the item for installation or further work. Deviations fromthe required sequence shall be subject to the same level of control as the generation of the originalsequence to prevent the bypassing or omission of required test or inspection.

The operating status ofnonconforming, inoperable or malfunctioning SSCs shall be identified and documented to preventinadvertent operation.

A system of markings is used to identify the status of material, equipment, work,testing, and operations.

Identification of status may be by such means as, but not limited to tags, stamps,markings, labels, log books, or travelers.

In some situations, records traceable to the item may be used.The procedures implementing control of inspections test, and operating status shall delineate authority forthe application, change, or removal of status identifiers.

24 SONGS DQAP Revision 0 1Non-conforming Materials, Parts or Components 15.0 Nonconforming Materials, Parts or Components SCE establishes measures to control important to safety materials, parts and components which do notconform to requirements.

The measures used to control nonconforming materials, parts and components are described by approved procedures.

Items received, constructed for, or installed at SONGS that do not meet specific requirements of theprocurement documentation, testing or inspection, are to be identified as nonconforming items andnotification is to be made to the affected organizations.

Deviations pertaining to a characteristic of amaterial, component, system, or structure, from those specified in the design documents are treated asnonconformances.

Items identified as nonconforming require a Nuclear Notification to be written and theaffected organizations informed in accordance with approved procedures.

Nonconforming itemsidentified through receipt inspection are processed by Engineering through the use of notifications.

Supplier nonconformances are processed by Nuclear Oversight through the use of the Vendor Corrective Action Request process.When an item is identified as being nonconforming, the individual identifying the nonconformance initiates a Nuclear Notification and the item is required to be identified and marked as such in accordance withapproved procedures.

Items marked as nonconforming are to be segregated from other incoming andaccepted items and controlled to prevent release and inadvertent use. Items that are impractical tosegregate (e.g. items that have been constructed or installed) other precautions will be taken to ensureagainst the item's release and inadvertent use.An engineering review process controlled by approved SONGS procedures is to be used to evaluatenonconforming items for reportability and final disposition.

Nonconforming items discovered in installed items are evaluated to determine their operability and use is controlled until the final disposition of thenonconformance and associated disposition implementation.

Personnel performing the engineering evaluations shall have a demonstrated knowledge of the item and its use, knowledge of the requirements and access to necessary background information.

Nonconforming items are evaluated and eitheraccepted to be used as-is, rejected, repaired or reworked.

Procedures are established to ensure thatitems that are accepted for use as-is, conditional

release, or repaired have a technical justification documented before the item can be released for use. Items that are designated for repair or rework arere-inspected upon completion of the repair or rework to ensure that the repaired or reworked item meetsapplicable requirements, or there is a technical justification, prior to being released for use in the facility.

Nonconformance documentation is forwarded to SONGS Records Management for retention and storagein accordance with approved procedures.

25 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Corrective Action16.0 Corrective ActionSCE establishes measures to assure that conditions adverse to quality, such as failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, defective material and equipment, and nonconformances, are promptly identified, evaluated and corrected using the Nuclear Notification System. For Significant Conditions Adverse to Quality,measures shall assure that the cause of the condition is determined, documented, and corrective actiontaken to preclude the likelihood of repetition.

The timeliness of activities and the level of management review shall be commensurate with the significance of the condition.

Each individual working at SONGS is responsible for prompt identification and reporting of any conditions that are adverse to quality by generating a Nuclear Notification.

Management at all levels encourages theidentification of conditions that are adverse to quality and is committed to supporting an expeditious andobjective review of the issue with the completion of effective corrective actions to resolve the issue.The Corrective Action Program and implementing procedures will ensure prompt identification, documentation, classification, evaluation, reporting requirements and correction of conditions adverse toquality.

The timeliness of corrective actions will be commensurate with the significance of the condition.

For Significant Conditions Adverse to Quality, procedures provide measures to determine the cause,implement corrective actions to preclude the likelihood of repetition, and report the cause and corrective actions taken to appropriate levels of management.

Follow-up reviews shall be performed in order to verify the implementation and completion of corrective actions taken to assure effectiveness in addressing the significant conditions adverse to quality.

Reportsof conditions adverse to quality are analyzed to identify pervasive trends in quality performance and arereported to appropriate levels of management for review and assessment.

26 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Quality Assurance Records17.0 Quality Assurance RecordsSCE establishes measures to assure that required QA records are properly identified, stored, maintained,

retained, and retrievable to provide objective evidence that important to safety activities are in compliance with the regulations and station implementing procedures.

Document Management Centers (DMC) areestablished by the Records Management organization at predetermined locations for storage,

indexing, maintenance, and retention of records.

The management of records shall be accomplished through theuse of a document control program utilizing approved procedures.

Documents identified as records willbe clean, and legible.

Records shall have traceability to items and activities for important to safety work,and provide objective evidence of the work or activity.

These records shall be classified by the RecordsManagement organization as life-time or non-permanent with a specified retention period for non-permanent records.

Guidance on storage, retention and handling of records are also controlled inapproved SONGS implementing procedures.

Access to records is controlled by authorized personnel who are designated by approved procedures.

Access to and retrieval of records, which are being maintained within schedule retention, is based on aneed to know and is controlled by approved procedures.

Requirements and responsibilities for record transmittals, retention, and maintenance subsequent tocompletion of work are consistent with applicable codes, standards, procurement documents, Technical Specifications, Certificate of Compliance (C of C), and the DQAP. The review, identification,

indexing, categorization and filing of records are accomplished in accordance with approved procedures.

Theseprocedures include provisions for ready identification and retrievability of stored documents.

Documents released for schedule retention by responsible organization are protected against deterioration ordestruction from fire, flooding, theft, and environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity.

For the ISFSI, records pertaining to the design, fabrication,

erection, testing, maintenance, and use ofstructures,
systems, and components considered important to safety shall be maintained in the DMC orby the Certificate Holder until the NRC terminates the license or the C of C.Requirements for the electronic storage of records will be in accordance with approved procedures.

Electronic QA records including backup copies are stored in two redundant electronic media storagesystems at physically-independent electronic locations.

QA records in electronic format (e.g. pdf format)may be filed and stored on the electronic media storage systems.

Selected QA records on other media(e.g. paper hardcopies, microfilm, DVDs) are maintained in a Permanent Records Storage Facility.

Records generated for SSCs that were once classified as safety-related or quality-related but no longerhave a safety function do not need to be retained for purposes of the DQAP (but may need to be retainedfor other purposes, such as compliance with 10 CFR 50.75(g),

other regulations, or the Technical Specifications, or for business reasons).

27 SONGS DQAP Revision 0 OAudits18.0 AuditsSCE establishes measures for a system of planned and documented audits in order to verify compliance with all aspects of the DQAP, and determine the effective implementation of programs covered by theDQAP. QA internal and supplier audits are planned and performed by Nuclear Oversight personnel trained in SONGS audit techniques utilizing SONGS approved written procedures and/or checklists.

External audits by licensees

/ utilities, Contractors, or Consultants acting for SCE to satisfy SCE auditrequirements shall have the results evaluated by SCE to ensure acceptability.

Lead Auditors shall have experience, training or qualifications commensurate with the scope andcomplexity of their audit responsibility.

Individuals performing audits shall not have direct responsibilities in the areas being audited.Scheduling, preparation, personnel selection, performance, reporting,

response, follow-up, and recordsmanagement for audits are performed in accordance with written procedures.

Audit scopes andschedules are based upon the status of work progress, important to safety activities being performed, regulatory requirements and prior experience with the organization being audited.

Internal audits for theSONGS Decommissioning Quality Assurance Plan (DQAP) shall continue on a 24-month cycle with a 90day grace period. Grace periods are not intended to be used repetitively, merely as an administrative convenience to extend audit intervals.

Therefore, the next performance due date is based on theoriginally scheduled date.When specific audits are identified as requiring a more frequent periodicity, for example, annual audits ofEmergency Preparedness and Safeguards, the shortest periodicity will be adhered to for activities covered by those specific regulatory requirements.

The frequency of internal audits will be prescribed bythe plant implementing procedure which governs the conduct of QA audits.An audit schedule shall be maintained and revised at least annually, to ensure that programs receivenecessary audits to support regulatory compliance.

Additional audits may be added to the schedule tosupplement audits of specific subjects when necessary to provide adequate coverage.

External audits of suppliers providing important to safety materials, parts, equipment or services arescheduled and performed based on the importance of the activity and to confirm implementation of thesupplier's QA Program at a frequency of not less than three (3) years with a 90 day grace period. Thesupplier audit requirement shall not apply to standard off-the-shelf items and bulk commodities whererequired quality can adequately be determined by receipt inspection of post-installation test.Audit reports shall be prepared,

reviewed, approved and distributed in accordance with approvedprocedures.

Results of audits are reviewed with the management of the organization audited during exit interviews and are documented in formal audit reports to SONGS management.

Responsible management in theareas audited shall implement the necessary corrective actions required to address deficiencies.

Theseactions are documented and reviewed periodically and, if needed, re-examined during re-audits of thesubject area to verify deficient areas have completed corrective actions.Audit records including audit plans, checklists, audit reports, written replies, and the record of completion of corrective action shall be retained in accordance with proper implementing procedures.

28 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Appendix A: Organization ChartNUCLEAR SITE MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION SCE President Senior VP Regulatory AffairsVP Decommissioning

&Chief Nuclear OfficerNuclear Oversight Regulatory Affairs & Stand Nuclear Emergency Plant Manager DecommissioningEnierg Safety Concerns Preparedness Radiation 1Operations

& j Maintenance

& Performance Training eiWork Control Improvement Chemistry

-J29 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Appendix B -Regulatory Requirements and Commitments Regulatory Commitments

1. 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and FuelProcessing Plants.2. 10 CFR 71 Subpart H, Quality Assurance for Packaging and Transportation ofRadioactive Material.
3. 10 CFR 72, Subpart G, Quality Assurance for Independent Storage of Spent NuclearFuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste.4. Regulatory Guide 7.10, "Establishing Quality Assurance Programs for Packaging Used inthe Transportation of Radioactive Material" (Revision 2 -March 2005), with exception tothe annual audit frequency.

SONGS is on a 24-month audit frequency in accordance with implementing plant procedures.

5. NUREG/CR-6407, Classification of Transportation Packaging and Dry Fuel StorageSystem Components According to Important to Safety (2/96).6. Regulatory Guide 1.191, Fire Protection Program For Nuclear Power Plants DuringDecommissioning and Permanent Shutdown (May 2001).7. NRC RIS 2000-18, Guidance on Managing Quality Assurance Records in Electronic Media.30 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Appendix C: Quality Assurance Program for Fire Protection ProgramScope:The QA Program for the fire protection program is designed to conform to applicable requirements of Branch Technical Position APCSB 9.5-1 (5-1-76)

Position B.7 and AppendixA (8-23-76)

Position C for fire protection program systems and components.

The fireprotection program consists of components, procedures, and personnel utilized in carryingout activities of fire protection including such things as fire prevention, detection, annunciation,

control, confinement, suppression, extinguishment, administrative procedures, inspection,
testing, maintenance, and training.

With respect to the decommissioned Units 2and 3, the NRC regulation for the Fire Protection Program is 1OCFR50.48(f).

Additionally, NRC Regulatory Guide 1.191 (May 2001) "Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Power Plantsduring Decommissioning and Permanent Shutdown" is used as guidance to implement thisNRC Regulation.

The Fire Protection Program requirements apply to SSCs required toprevent fires, rapidly detect, control, and extinguish fires that do occur and could result in aradiological hazard and, minimize the risk the public, environment, and plant personnel resulting from fires that could result in a release of radioactive materials.

Those fire protection systems/components required to protect safety related and important to safety SSCs aredesignated as Quality Class III-FPS per an engineering Q-List.31 ISONGS DQ.AP Revision 0Appendix D: List of AcronymsANSI American National Standards Institute ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers C of C Certificate of Compliance DMC Document Management CenterDQAP Decommissioning Quality Assurance ProgramIMR Independent Management ReviewISFSI Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation ISR Independent Safety ReviewerM&TE Measuring

& Test Equipment NDE Non-Destructive Examination NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission QA Quality Assurance RG QA Regulatory GuideSCE Southern California EdisonSONGS San Onofre Nuclear Generating StationSSC Systems, Structures and Components 32 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Appendix E: References Developmental References

1) ASME NQA-1-2008

/ 2009 Addenda Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear FacilityApplications.

2) NUREG 1757, Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance; Volume 1 -Revision 2,Decommissioning Process for Material Licenses.

33 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Appendix F: Definitions Basic component:

When applied to nuclear power reactors, any plant structure, system, component, or part thereofnecessary to assure:(i) The integrity of the reactor coolant pressure

boundary, (ii) The capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition, or(iii) The capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents which could result in potential offsite exposures comparable to those referred to in § 50.34(a)

(1), § 50.67(b)

(2), or § 100.11 of 10 CR50, as applicable.

Certificate holder (10CFR71):

A person who has been issued a certificate of compliance or other package approval by the NRC.Certificate holder (10CFR72):

A person who has been issued a Certificate of Compliance by the Commission for a spent fuel storagecask design.Certificate of Compliance or C of C (10CFR71):

The certificate issued by the NRC under subpart D of 10 CFR 71, which approves the design of apackage for the transportation of radioactive material.

Certificate of Compliance or CoC (10CFR72):

The certificate issued by the Commission that approves the design of a spent fuel storage cask inaccordance with the provisions of subpart L of 1OCFR72.Decommission:

To remove a facility or site safely from service and reduce residual radioactivity to a level that permits:(1) Release of the property for unrestricted use and termination of the license; or(2) Release of the property under restricted conditions and termination of the license.Design bases (10CFR50):

Design bases means that information which identifies the specific functions to be performed by astructure, system, or component of a facility, and the specific values or ranges of values chosen forcontrolling parameters as reference bounds for design. These values may be (1) restraints derived fromgenerally accepted "state of the art" practices for achieving functional goals, or (2) requirements derivedfrom analysis (based on calculation and/or experiments) of the effects of a postulated accident for which astructure, system, or component must meet its functional goals.Design bases (10CFR71):

Information which identifies the specific functions to be performed by a structure, system, or component of a facility, and the specific values or ranges of values chosen for controlling parameters as reference bounds for design. These values may be restraints derived from generally accepted "state of the art"practices for achieving functional goals, or requirements derived from analysis (based on calculation and/or experiments) of the effects of a postulated accident for which a structure, system, or component must meet its functional goals.Design bases (1OCCR72):

Information that identifies the specific functions to be performed by a structure, system, or component of afacility or of a spent fuel storage cask and the specific values or ranges of values chosen for controlling parameters as reference bounds for design. These values may be restraints derived from generally accepted state-of-the-art practices for achieving functional goals or requirements derived from analysis(based on calculation or experiments) of the effects of a postulated event under which a structure, 34 SONGS DQAP Revision 0system, or component must meet its functional goals. The values for controlling parameters for externalevents include:(1) Estimates of severe natural events to be used for deriving design bases that will be based onconsideration of historical data on the associated parameters, physical data, or analysis of upper limits ofthe physical processes involved; and(2) Estimates of severe external man-induced events to be used for deriving design bases that will bebased on analysis of human activity in the region, taking into account the site characteristics and the risksassociated with the event.Deviation:

A departure from the technical or quality assurance requirements defined in procurement documents, safety analysis report, construction permit, or other documents provided for basic components installed ina facility subject to the regulations of this part.Greater than Class C waste or GTCC waste:Low-level radioactive waste that exceeds the concentration limits of radionuclides established for Class Cwaste in 10 CFR 61.55.Important to SafetySSCs which are designed, fabricated, erected and tested to quality standards commensurate with theimportance of the safety functions to be performed.

Important to Safety SSC's include the following categories:

  • Safety Related -Safety-related SSCs, as applicable to SONGS, means those structures, systems andcomponents that are relied upon to remain functional during and following design basis events toassure the capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents which could result inpotential offsite exposures comparable to the applicable guideline exposures set forth in 10 CFR100.11.* Non-Safety
Related, Augmented QualitySSCs which are classified Non Safety-Related

-Augmented Quality do not meet the definition of"Safety-Related" but are subject to select quality assurance requirements of 10 CFR 50,Appendix B in a graded approach.

Important to Safety -ISFSI: systems, structures, component conditions/functions, or activities required tostore spent nuclear fuel safely.Independent spent fuel storage installation or ISFSI:A complex designed and constructed for the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel, solid reactor-related GTCC waste, and other radioactive materials associated with spent fuel and reactor-related GTCC wastestorage.

An ISFSI which is located on the site of another facility licensed under this part or a facilitylicensed under part 50 of this chapter and which shares common utilities and services with that facility oris physically connected with that other facility may still be considered independent.

Package:The packaging together with its radioactive contents as presented for transport.


The assembly of components necessary to ensure compliance with the packaging requirements 10 CFR71. It may consist of one or more receptacles, absorbent materials, spacing structures, thermal insulation, radiation shielding, and devices for cooling or absorbing mechanical shocks. The vehicle, tie downsystem, and auxiliary equipment may be designated as part of the packaging.

35 SONGS DOAP Revision 0Permanent cessation of operation(s):

A certification by a licensee to the NRC that it has permanently ceased or will permanently cease reactoroperation(s),

or a final legally effective order to permanently cease operation(s) has come into effect.Procurement document:

A contract that defines the requirements which facilities or basic components must meet in order to beconsidered acceptable by the purchaser.

Quality Affecting:

Activities that are performed in a SONGS program utilizing SONGS implementing procedures that arerequired by the DOQAP. These activities shall be conducted under the SONGS QA program outlined in theDOQAP and are subject to Nuclear Oversight audit and surveillance.

These quality work items including but are not limited to following functions:

designing, purchasing, constructing, fabricating,

handling, shipping,
storing, cleaning, preserving,
erecting, installing, inspecting,
testing, operating, maintaining, repairing, or modifying.

Applicable SCCs are defined within the SONGS Q-Lists.Spent fuel storage cask or cask:All the components and systems associated with the container in which spent fuel or other radioactive materials associated with spent fuel are stored in an ISFSI.Spent nuclear fuel or Spent fuel:Fuel that has been withdrawn from a nuclear reactor following irradiation, has undergone at least 1 year'sdecay since being used as a source of energy in a power reactor, and has not been chemically separated into its constituent elements by reprocessing.


systems, and components important to safety (1OCFR72):

Those features of the ISFSI, and spent fuel storage cask whose functions are:(1) to maintain the conditions required to store spent fuel, high-level radioactive waste, or reactor relatedGTCC waste safely;(2) To prevent damage to the spent fuel, the high-level radioactive waste, or reactor-related GTCC wastecontainer during handling and storage; or(3) To provide reasonable assurance that spent fuel, high-level radioactive waste, or reactor-related GTCC waste can be received,

handled, packaged, stored, and retrieved without undue risk to the healthand safety of the public.36 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Appendix G: Administrative ControlsINDEPENDENT REVIEWSNuclear Oversight Board (NOB)The NOB serves the Chief Nuclear Officer (CNO) with an independent overview of selected SONGSdecommissioning activities, placing particular emphasis on those activities which affect the safedecommissioning of the facility and changes to the SONGS ISFSI, including the protection of thepublic and the environment.

The Nuclear Oversight Board (NOB) functions in an advisory capacity.

Details regarding the membership and qualifications, schedule of meetings, scope and authority arecontained in implementing procedures.

Onsite Review Committee (OSRC)The OSRC ensures implementation of the requirements of the Unit 1 Technical Specification SectionD.6.6.1 and serves the CNO with onsite review of the Unit 2 & 3 decommissioning activities andISFSI operation as necessary on matters of Nuclear Safety. OSRC details regarding themembership, quorum, agenda and schedule of meetings are contained in implementing procedures.

37 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Appendix H: DQAP Implementing Programs/Procedures DQAPSection QA Criterion Title Implementing Programs and Procedures SO123-VII-20 Radiation Protection ProgramSO123-X11-1.3 Authorities and Duties of NuclearOversight Personnel 1I-18.17 Nuclear Oversight Board Functions andResponsibilities S0123-EP-1 SONGS Emergency Plan Implementation 1.0 Organization S0123-FP-1 Fire Protection ProgramS0123-MA-1 Maintenance DivisionS0123-CH-1 Chemistry ProgramS0123-SN-1 Special Nuclear Material Accountability ProgramS0123-XV-60.1 Onsite Review Committee (OSRC)S0123-SE-1 SecuritySO123-XV-SA-1 Self-Assessment ProcessS0123-ODCM SONGS Offsite Dose Calculation ManualS0123-XII-1.3 Authorities and Duties of NuclearOversight Personnel S0123-XV-33 Personnel Qualification Program for the2.0 Quality Assurance San Onofre Organization Program SO123-XV-5.3 Maintenance Rule ProgramS0123-HK-*1 Site Housekeeping and Cleanness Control ProgramS0123-RM-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring ProgramS023-XXI-TRN Conduct of TrainingS0123-XXIV-10.1 Engineering Design Change Process -3.0 Design Control NECPSS0123-CC-2 Configuration Management ProgramS0123-XV-44 10 CFR 50.59 and 72.48 ProgramProcurement Document S0123-XI-7 Quality Affecting Procurement 4.0 Control Document Development SO123-)XXII-2.1 Procurement Engineering Procedure and Instruction Format and5.0 Instructions, Procedures S123-XV-109 Content0 and Drawings S123-XV-HU-3 Human Performance ProgramCorporate Documentation Management S0123-VI-29 (CDM-SONGS)

Record ProcessManagement 6.0 Document Control Records Management Control of NuclearSO123-VI-28 Organization Manuals and RevisionControlled Document Preparation, Transmittal, and Processing S0123-MS-1 Material Support ProgramControl of Purchased S0123-XI-8 Supplier Evaluation and Qualification 7.0 Material, Equipment and S0123-XII-18.19 Supplier AuditsServices SO123-XI1-20.4 Receiving Inspection S0123-XII-18.14 Evaluation of Supplier Audits/Surveys 38 SONGS DQAP Revision 0Appendix H: DQAP Implementing Programs/Procedures (con't)DQAPSeto QA Criterion Title Implementing Programs and Procedures SectionIdentification and Control8.0 of Material, Parts and SO123-XI-3.2 Storage of Quality-Affecting ItemsComponents Control of Special S0123-XII-18.19 Supplier Audits9.0 Processes S0123-MA-1 Maintenance DivisionS0123-MA-1 Maintenance Division10.0 Control of Inspection S013-XII-10.22 Nuclear Oversight Planning andInspection S023-XX-37 Work Management ProcessTechnical Specification/LCS S0123-TS-1 Administrative Controls (Section 5)11.0 Test Control ProgramTechnical Specification LicenseeSO123-TS-2 Controlled Specification Surveillance Requirements S0123-CL-1 Calibration Program12.0 Control of Measuring and S0123-VII-20 Radiation Protection ProgramTest Equipment S0123-MT-1 Measuring And Test Equipment ProgramS0123-XI-3.2 Storage of Quality-Affecting Items13.0 Handling, Storage and Packaging and Preservation Shipping S0123-XI-3.3 Requirements for Storage and Shipmentof Quality Affecting Items14.0 Inspection, Test and S0123-XII-20.4 Receiving Inspection Operating Status S0123-XX-5 Work Authorization and TaggingNonconforming Materials, S0123-XV-50 Corrective Action ProgramNonconforming

Material, Parts orParts and Components SO123-XV-5 Components 16.0 Corrective Action S0123-XV-50 Corrective Action ProgramCorporate Documentation Management S0123-VI-29 (CDM-SONGS)

Record ProcessManagement Quality Assurance Records Management Control of Nuclear17.0 Records S0123-VI-28 Organization Manuals and RevisionControlled Document Preparation, Transmittal, and Processing S0123-XV-77 SONGS Process Software QualityAssurance S0123-XII-18.1 Audit Program18.0 Audits Authorities And Duties of NuclearOversight Personnel 39