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Notification of Interim Level 2 Adjustment at the Utah Engineering Program 2016 June - 2019 June
Person / Time
Site: University of Utah
Issue date: 05/06/2016
From: Jevremovic T
Univ of Utah
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16141A118 (1)


THEU UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Utah Nuclear Engineering Program 50 S. Central Campus Drive, Suite 2298 Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 801-581-4188 Fax 801-585-5477 May 6, 2016 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Mail Stop 012-G 13 One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852-2738


Notification oflnterim Level 2 adjustment at the Utah Nuclear Engineering Program 2016 June -2019 June This letter is to provide notification that myself, Dr. Tatjana Jevremovic, Director of the Nuclear Engineering Program at the University of Utah (Level 2), have accepted a position at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) beginning June* 1, 2016. Ryan C. Schow will serve as the Interim Level 2 for the University of Utah 100 kW TRIG A Reactor (License No. R-126, Docket No. 50-407). Mr. Schow satisfies the American National Standard ANSI/ANS and the University of Utah TRIGA Reactor Technical Specifications. Mr. Schow is* currently the Reactor Supervisor for the University of Utah TRIG A Reactor. He has performed as the Reactor Supervisor since June 2013. Mr. Schow will continue to perform as the Reactor Supervisor along with the addition of the Utah Nuclear Engineering Facility Manager responsibilities at the Level 2. Dr. Jevremovic will be available and readily in contact for consulting and review through a secure network connection using Devon Way software communications during her service at the IAEA. Contact information for Ryan C. Schow is given below: Ryan C. Schow Joseph Merrill Engineering Building 50 S CentralcCampus Drive, Room 1206 801-581-4188 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. cf; Tatjana Je emovic, Ph.D. Chair Pro essor and Director of Utah Nuclear Engineering Program and Nuc ear Facilities cc: Xiaosong Yin, NRC ngmeering THEU UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Utah Nuclear Engineering Program 50 S. Central Campus Drive, Suite 2298 Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 801-581-4188 Fax 801-585-5477 May 6, 2016 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Mail Stop 012-G 13 One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852-2738


Notification oflnterim Level 2 adjustment at the Utah Nuclear Engineering Program 2016 June -2019 June This letter is to provide notification that myself, Dr. Tatjana Jevremovic, Director of the Nuclear Engineering Program at the University of Utah (Level 2), have accepted a position at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) beginning June* 1, 2016. Ryan C. Schow will serve as the Interim Level 2 for the University of Utah 100 kW TRIG A Reactor (License No. R-126, Docket No. 50-407). Mr. Schow satisfies the American National Standard ANSI/ANS and the University of Utah TRIGA Reactor Technical Specifications. Mr. Schow is* currently the Reactor Supervisor for the University of Utah TRIG A Reactor. He has performed as the Reactor Supervisor since June 2013. Mr. Schow will continue to perform as the Reactor Supervisor along with the addition of the Utah Nuclear Engineering Facility Manager responsibilities at the Level 2. Dr. Jevremovic will be available and readily in contact for consulting and review through a secure network connection using Devon Way software communications during her service at the IAEA. Contact information for Ryan C. Schow is given below: Ryan C. Schow Joseph Merrill Engineering Building 50 S CentralcCampus Drive, Room 1206 801-581-4188 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. cf; Tatjana Je emovic, Ph.D. Chair Pro essor and Director of Utah Nuclear Engineering Program and Nuc ear Facilities cc: Xiaosong Yin, NRC ngmeering