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H. B. Robinson, Unit 2 - Calculation RNP-M/MECH-1815, Revision 1, Evaluation of Emergency Diesel Generator Starting Capability at 150 PSIG
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Site: Robinson Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/23/2012
Progress Energy Carolinas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RNP-RA/12-0010, TAC ME5408 RNP-M/MECH-1815, Rev 1
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{{#Wiki_filter:Attachment II to Serial: RNP-RA/12-001018 Pages (Including Cover Page)H. B. ROBINSON STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNIT NO. 2Calculation RNP-M/MECH- 1815, Revision 1 SYSTEM# 5095CALC. SUB-TYPE MCPRIORITY CODE NAQUALITY CLASS ANUCLEAR GENERATION GROUPRNP-M/MECH-1815(Calculation #)EVALUATION OF EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATOR STARTING CAPABILITY AT 150 PSIG(Title including structures, systems, components)F-D BNP UNIT--CR3 D HNP NZRNP EZINCP W[[]ALLAPPROVALM Electronically ApprovedREV [PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY SUPERVISORSignature Signature SignatureSigned Electronically Signed Electronically Signed Electronically0 Name Name NameDate Date DateSignature Signature SignatureSigned Electronically Signed Electronically Signed ElectronicallyName Name NameDate Date Date(For Vendor Calculations)VendorN/AVendor Document No.N/AOwner's Review By N/ADate N/A CALCULATION NO. RNP-M/MECH-1815PAGE NO. iREVISION 1LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGESPAGE REV PAGE REV ATTACHMENTSiiiii12345671110000000Numberof PagesNumber123Rev101411AMENDMENTSLetterNoneRevNumberof Pages CALCULATION NO. RNP-M/MECH-1815PAGE NO. iiREVISION 1TABLE OF CONTENTSList of Effective Pages ..................................................................................................... iTable of Contents ...................................................................................................... iiRevision Summary ......................................................................................................... iiiP u rp o s e .......................................................................................................................... 1R e fe re n c e s .................................................................................................................... 1Body of Calculation ........................................................................................................ 1Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 6Document Indexing Table ........................................................................................... 7AttachmentsAttachment 1 ...................................................................................................... (4 Pages)Attachment 2 ....................................................................................................... (1 Page)Attachment 3 ....................................................................................................... (1 Page)Amendments N/A CALCULATION NO. RNP-M/MECH-1815PAGE NO. iiiREVISION 1Revision Summary (list ECs incorporated)Rev. #0 Initial Revision1 Corrected Reference 14 to Reference 11 on Attachment 1 Page 1 of 4.Added Attachment 3 -Design Verification Form for Rev. 1. CALCULATION NO. RNP-M/MECH-1815PAGE NO. 1REVISION 0PURPOSEReference 1 provides the following request:"Provide an analysis or calculation to justify the Fairbanks Morse recommendation that a minimumair pressure of 150 psig in the air start receiver will ensure a reliable start for each Robinson EDG."This request was in response to information provided in Reference 2.REFERENCES1. NRC Letter RRA-12-0005, H.B. ROBINSON STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNIT NO.2 -REQUESTFOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO REQUEST FOR TECHNICALSPECIFICATIONS CHANGES TO SECTION 3.8.3, DIESEL FUEL OIL AND STARTING AIR,AND SECTION 3.8.5, DC SOURCES- SHUTDOWN (TAC NO. ME5408), January 24, 2012.2. Progress Energy Letter, REQUEST FOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGES TOSECTION 3.8.3, DIESEL FUEL OIL AND STARTING AIR, AND SECTION 3.8.5, DC SOURCES -SHUTDOWN (ADAMS Accession No. ML1 10310012) January 20, 2011.3. Vendor Technical Manual VTMA 729-063-16, FAIRBANKS MORSE POWER SYSTEMSPRODUCTS, Rev. 76.4. Diesel Engine Engineering, Thermodynamics, Design, and Control, Andrei Makartchouk, 2002Marcel Dekker.5. RNP UFSAR Section 8.3.1, AC Power Systems.6. Design Basis Document Emergency Diesel Generator System Document No.DBD/R87038/SD05, Rev. 10.7. RNP Calculation 87-17, Rev. 0, DG AIR START SYSTEM.8. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Smith and Van Ness, McGraw Hill, ThirdEdition, 1975.9. Fairbanks Morse Publication E3440-1, August 1979.10. Fairbanks Morse Publication El102-1, August 1979.11. Pre-Operational Tests of Emergency Diesel Generator Robinson File No. PO-35.12. Matheson Gas Data Book, seventh edition, 2001.13. Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineer's, Eighth Edition.14. RNP Technical Specifications 3.8.1, AC Sources -Operating.BODY OF CALCULATIONDiesel Generator SetOnsite emergency power is available from two emergency diesel generator sets. Each diesel generatorset consists of a Fairbanks-Morse Model 38TD8-1/8 engine coupled to a Fairbanks-Morse generator.The emergency diesels are automatically started by injecting compressed air into the cylinders. Eachengine has compressed air storage sufficient for 8 cold diesel engine starts. However, the diesel enginewill only consume enough air for one of these eight cold starts upon receiving an automatic start signal.This is due to the engine control system which is designed to stop cranking within 10 sec. To ensurerapid start, each unit is equipped with heaters and pumps for circulation of lube oil and jacket water whenthe unit is not running (Ref. 5). CALCULATION NO. RNP-M/MECH-1815PAGE NO. 2REVISION 0Lube Oil SubsystemA motor-driven standby circulating pump circulates the oil through the lubricating oil heater and back to theengine sump to maintain the lube oil warm (1 30F minimum) to support rapid starting and loading. Lube oilused in the EDG lube oil Subsystem is controlled as a "Q-List consumable" or equivalent item. Thisguarantees that lube oil quality will not interfere with the safety-related function of the EDGS (Ref. 3 and 6).Jacket Water Coolinq SubsystemThis system, like the Lube Oil system, is used to maintain the diesel generators in a warm standbystatus. Jacket water is heated as needed (11 OF minimum) to facilitate fast engine starting. A motordriven standby pump circulates flow through an 18 KW heater (Ref. 3 and 6).Diesel Starting (Ref. 4)To start a diesel engine it is necessary to rotate its crankshaft at a speed such that the fuel oil that isinjected into the cylinders during start mode can self-ignite. The forces of resistance that appear inside adiesel engine when the starting air rotates the crankshaft during startup are:1. The forces of friction of reciprocating and rotating parts.2. The forces of resistance to air and gas flow in the intake and exhaust systems.3. The force of resistance of the auxiliary mechanisms mounted on the engine.Prior to the engine starting the force of cylinder charge compression is approximately equal to the forceof cylinder charge expansion. Therefore, the work of cylinder charge compression does not contribute tothe work of the resistant forces. Additionally, the starting system must impart sufficient kinetic energy tothe engine rotating mass to achieve engine start.Vendor RecommendationFairbanks Morse (Ref. 9) states that reliable engine starting may be expected at starting air receiverpressures between 250 psig and 150 psig. The RNP EDG Fairbanks Morse Vendor manual states thatair for the starting system is required at between 150 and 250 psig (Ref. 3, Pg. 446 of 1036). FairbanksMorse (Ref. 10) states that the starting air receiver sizing basis is based on 45.0 ft3 of free air per start. CALCULATION NO. RNP-M/MECH-1815PAGE NO. 3REVISION 0Historical DataReference 11 documents a special test run on the "B" EDG to evaluate a proposed engine lockout after a20 second overcrank with a failure to start. In this test the ability to start is determined after a simulatedfailure to auto start of the EDG. The data below is the recorded data from Ref. 11; the data is furtheranalyzed in Attachment 1.Start # Crank Time Start Air Pressure End Air Pressure(sec) (psig) (psig)Did Not Start (1) 20 245 1201 (2) 2 120 110Notes:1. Simulated failure to start. Fuel shut off for the 20 second over-crank.2. Successful start.Evaluation of Historical Data versus Vendor RecommendationThe historical data tabulated above cannot be used directly to justify reliable starting of the RobinsonEDG's at a minimum air pressure of 150 psig in the air start receiver. This is because the actual startingof the "B" EDG in the above test run occurred after a 20 second overcrank in which the EDG was notallowed to start. The differences between starting the EDG with a minimum air pressure of 150 psig inthe air start receiver and after a 20 second overcrank in which the EDG was not allowed to start, will beexamined.The differences between starting the EDG with no prior start and the successful start after a 20 secondovercrank are mainly due to differences in the static and dynamic coefficients of friction and differencesin initial temperature of the EDG. Reference 13 discusses static and dynamic coefficients of friction andstates that the coefficients of sliding (dynamic) friction are smaller than the coefficients of static friction.Comparing starting the EDG with a minimum air pressure of 150 psig in the air start receiver and startingthe EDG after a 20 second overcrank, it should be noted that both starting regimes have a staticcomponent and a dynamic component because both starts occur from rest.There is expected to be little difference in the dynamic coefficients of friction between the two startsbecause the engine was not fired during the 20 second overcrank period and very little engine heatupwould have occurred. Therefore the main difference between the 150 psig start under consideration andthe start after the 20 second overcrank, lies in the reduction of the static coefficient of friction caused bythe 20 second overcrank. The effect of this difference is minimized because each EDG is operatedmonthly for at least 60 minutes per RNP technical Specification Surveillance Requirements (Ref. 14).Ability to Do WorkTo start the EDG, the starting air system must have the ability to do work. This work is divided betweenthe work required to overcome the forces resisting the rotation of the engine and the kinetic energyimparted to the rotational mass.Examining the historical data, the amount of work required to start the EDG can be determined, this isprovided in Attachment 1. CALCULATION NO. RNP-M/MECH-1815PAGE NO. 4REVISION 0Calculate Startinq Air Receiver Stored Energy (a150 psigFairbanks Morse recommends that 45.0 ft3 of free air (Ref. 10) be available to start the engine. Theamount of available energy 45.0 ft3 of free air discharged from an initial air receiver pressure of 150 psigwill be determined.Given an initial receiver air pressure of 150 psig, determine the final receiver air pressure after adischarge of 45.0 ft3:PIV1 = P2 V2P1 = air start receiver initial pressure (psia)P1 = 150 psigP1 = (14.7 + 150) (psia)P1 = 164.7 (psia)Vl = 34.0 ft3P2 = air start receiver final pressure (psia)P2 = 0.0 psigP2 = (14.7 + 0.0) (psia)P2 =14.7 (psia)Determine V2:V2 = (PR1V)I P2V2 = [(164.7 psia)(34.0ft3)]/(14.7 psia)V2 = 380.94 ft3A discharge of 45.0 ft3 of free air would yield the following volume of free air left in the air receiver:V2 = 380.94 ft3 -45.0 ft3V2 = 335.94 ft3 CALCULATION NO. RNP-M/MECH-1815PAGE NO. 5REVISION 0This is equivalent to the following pressure in the air receiver:P3 = (P2V2)N3P3 = [(14.7 psia)( 335.94 ft3)]/(34.0 ft3)P3 = 145.25 psiaorP3 = 130.55 psigThus after a 45.0 ft3 discharge the expected air receiver pressure would be greater than 130.0 psig.Calculate the amount of stored energy represented by the above discharge of 45.0 ft3 of free air storedin the air receiver:Because the engine starts quickly and there is little time for heat transfer, it is reasonable to use anadiabatic expansion from the air start receiver initial pressure to the final pressure, to calculate theamount of energy this represents.From Ref. 8, Page 71:([-iP1 = air start receiver initial pressure (psia)P1 = 150 psigP1 = (14.7 + 150) (psia)P1 = 164.7 (psia)P2 = air start receiver final pressure (psia)P2 =145.25 (psia)V1 = 34.0 ft3y = Ratio of Heat capacities Cp/Cvy = 1.33(Ref. 7, Page 5)(Ref. 12, Page 8)~(0.33) 1(164.7 psia)(34.0 ft3) (145.25 psia) 1.33-(144 in2lft2)(0.33) (1 6. ]ii2/t2 CALCULATION NO. RNP-M/MECH-1815PAGE NO. 6REVISION 0W = 7.50 x 104 ft IbfFrom Attachment 1, Start #1 consumed the following amount of air receiver energy:W = 3.80 x 104 ft lbfCalculate ratio between work available at 150 psig and work expended for actual start at 120 psig:Ratio 7.50x104ftlbf/3.80xl04ftlbfRatio = 1.97CONCLUSIONBy examining the historical startup data, the amount of stored energy in the air receiver expended to startthe diesel engine at a 120 psig initial receiver air pressure can be determined. As demonstrated above,the amount of stored energy in the air receiver that is available at 150 psig to start the diesel engine isapproximately twice the value expended at 120 psig to actually start the diesel during the historical test.With all initial parameters the same, there would be expected to be differences in the amount of energyrequired to start a diesel engine at 150 psig with no prior starts and that required to start a diesel enginefollowing a 20 second overcrank. These differences lie mainly in the breakaway frictional forces requiredto start the cylinders and crankshaft moving and the frictional forces from heat up of the enginerepresented by the 20 second overcrank.The difference in breakaway frictional forces present after the overcrank and the breakaway frictionalforces present with no prior cranking is considered to have a relatively small impact to engine startingforces. This is primarily due to the benefit of the engine keep warm system and monthly operation of thediesel in minimizing the difference in breakaway friction and to the fact that the engine was not startedduring the overcrank reducing the effect of engine heatup.Given that the amount of stored energy in the air receiver that is available at 150 psig to start the dieselengine is approximately twice the value expended starting the engine from a lower air pressure of 120psig during the historical startup, and that the differences in work required to start the engine are notexpected to be 100 % more between the two examined starting conditions, there is sufficient air at aminimum air pressure of 150 psig in the air start receiver to ensure a reliable start for each RobinsonEDG. CALCULATION NO. RNP-M/MECH-1815PAGE NO. 7REVISION 0Document ID Number Function Relationship to Calc. ActionType (e.g., Calc No., (i.e. IN for (e.g. design input, (specify if Doc.(e.g. CALC, Dwg. No., design inputs or assumption basis, Services orDWG, TAG, Equip. Tag No., references; OUT reference, document Config. Mgt. toPROCEDURE Procedure No., for affected affected by results) Add, Deleted or,SOFTWARE) Software name documents) Retain) (e.g., CMand version) Add, DS Delete)VTMA 729-063-16 IN REFERENCE CM ADDDRAW 5379-01161 IN REFERENCE CM ADDCALC 87-17 IN REFERENCE CM ADD4. 4t 4. 141- 1+ 4t *1~ 14 4*1* 1.1- 4+I I + 4I I + I(For the purpose of creating cross references to documents in the Document Management System andequipment in the Equipment Data Base) CALCULATION NO. RNP-M/MECH-1815PAGE NO. 1 of 4REVISION 1Analysis of Historical DataReference 11 discusses a test run on the "B" EDG to determine the ability to start after a simulated failure to auto start theEDG. During the simulated failure to auto start the engine was cranked for 20 seconds. The data in the first four columnsis the recorded data from Ref. 11; the fifth and sixth columns are calculated in this


20 Second Overcrank + 1 Engine StartStart # Crank Start Air End Air Volume of Free Air ReceiverTime Pressure Pressure Air Consumed Expended(sec) (psig) (psig) (ft3) EnergyDid NotStart (1) 20 245 120 n/a n/a1(2) 2 120 110 23.13 38024.84Notes:1. Simulated failure to start. Fuel shut off for the 20 second over-crank.2. Successful start.Calculate Volume of Free Air ConsumedCalculate Volume of Free Air Consumed used in the fifth column of the Table above:Start #1Since the beginning and ending air temperatures will be approximately equal, we can use:P1V1= P2V2 CALCULATION NO. RNP-M/MECH-1 815PAGE NO. 2 of 4REVISION 1Volume of Free AirConsumedVolume of Free Air@ Higher PressureVolume of Free Air@ Higher PressureVolume of Free Air@ Higher PressureVolume of Free Air@ Lower PressureVolume of Free Air@ Lower PressureVolume of Free Air@ Lower PressureVolume of Free AirConsumedVolume of Free AirConsumed= Volume of Free Air @ Higher Pressure-Volume of Free Air @ Lower Pressure= (PHigher VHigher)/14.7 psia= [(120 + 14.7)psia 34 ft3]/14.7 psia= 311.55 ft3= (P Lower V Lower)/14.7 psia= [(110 + 14.7)psia 34 ft3]/14.7 psia= 288.42 ft3= 378.63 ft3 -364.75.3 ft3= 23.13 ft3 CALCULATION NO. RNP-M/MECH-1815PAGE NO. 3 of 4REVISION 1Calculate Startinq Air Receiver Stored Energy ExpendedBecause the engine starts quickly and there is little time for heat transfer, it is reasonable to use an adiabatic expansion from the airstart receiver initial pressure to the final pressure for Start #1, to calculate amount of energy this represents.From Ref. 8, Page 71:P1 air start receiver initial pressure (psia)P1 =120 psigP1 (14.7 + 120) (psia)P1 134.7 (psia)P2 air start receiver final pressure (psia)P2 =110 psigP2 (14.7 + 110) (psia)P2 =124.7 (psia)V1 = 34.0 ft3y = Ratio of Heat capacities Cp/CvY z 1.33(Ref. 7, Page 5)(Ref. 12, Page 8) CALCULATION NO. RNP-M/MECH-1 815PAGE NO. 4 of 4REVISION 1(0.33)W (134.7 psia)(34.0 ft3) (_124.7 psia)) 133 (144 1n2/ft2)-- (0.33) " (134.7 psia)) "I n2f2W = 3.80 x 104 ft Ibf RNP-M/MECH-1815Attachment 2p. 1Rev. 0ATTACHMENT 2Sheet 1 of 1Record of Lead ReviewF *1Document RNP-M/MECH-1815Revision 0The signature below of the Lead Reviewer records that:-the review indicated below has been performed by the Lead Reviewer;-appropriate reviews were performed and errors/deficiencies (for all reviews performed)have been resolved and these records are included in the design package;-the review was performed in accordance with EGR-NGGC-0003.Design Verification Review r- EngineE Design Review[- Alternate CalculationF-- Qualification TestingI Special Engineering ReviewF-1 YES F-1 N/A Other Records are attached.ering Review-" Owner's ReviewDon Phillips (signed electronically)Lead Reviewer(print/sign)mechanicalDiscipline2/14/12DateItem Deficiency ResolutionNo.1 The best argument that the engine will start is a test. Revised to include 20 secondThink a much better argument can be made using the 20 overcrank test.second no start cranking test results. There are 2 teststhat show the engine will start cold with the starting airpressure less than that being evaluated. The onlydifference between the test and the condition of interestis the prior cranking without start. That should only makea difference in the static friction that needs to beovercome. Static friction does increase over time. Basedon references, the difference between oiled steel staticand dynamic friction is only the difference between 0.10and 0.08. Considering the friction load is a small part ofthe overall load in cranking the engine, the change issmall, and the engine was in fact stopped for a period oftime before cranking, the affect on the engine would bevery small.2 The historical data section should include the 20 second Revised to include 20 secondno start tests. overcrank test.FORM EGR-NGGC-0003 10This form is a QA Record when completed and included with a completed design package.Owner's Reviews may be processed as stand alone QA records when Owner's Review iscompleted.EGR-NGGC-0003 Rev. 11 RNP-M/MECH-1815Attachment 3P. 1Rev. 1ATTACHMENT 2Sheet 1 of 1Record of Lead, ReviewDocument RNP-M/MECH-1815Revision IThe signature below of the Lead Reviewer records that:-the review indicated below has been performed by the Lead Reviewer;-appropriate reviews were performed and errors/deficiencies (for all reviews performed)have been resolved and these records are included in the design package;-the review was performed in accordance with EGR-NGGC-0003.Design Verification Review II EngineiE Design ReviewF-D Alternate CalculationF-- Qualification Testing[-- Special Engineering ReviewI- YES F-] N/A Other Records are attached.ering ReviewI-] Owner's ReviewDave Markle (sianed electronically)Lead Reviewer(print/sign)MechanicalDiscipline2/21/12DateItem Deficiency ResolutionNo.1 None NAFORM EGR-NGGC-0003 10This form is a QA Record when completed and included with a completed design package.Owner's Reviews may be processed as stand alone QA records when Owner's Review iscompleted.EGR-NGGC-0003 Rev. 11 Attachment III to Serial: RNP-RA/12-00105 Pages (Including Cover Page)H. B. ROBINSON STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNIT NO. 2References for Calculation RNP-M/MECH- 1815, Revision 1Page 1 Air Start System Information from Vendor Manual 729-063-16Page 2 Vendor Document E3440-1Page 3 Vendor Document E 1102-11Page 4 Historical Startup Test Data From Vendor Manual 729-063-16Fairbanks Morse Opposed Piston Engines3800TD8-118 -Page RiR. AIR START SYSTEMGeneralThe air starting system consists of thestarting air piping and the engine starting mech-anism.Air for the starting system is required atbetween 150 and 250 psi (250 psi preferred) atthe engine and is stored In suitable air tanks.Engine starting is accomplished by the ac-tion of compressed air on the pistons In theirproper firing order.The engine starting mechanism includesthe air start control valve, air start distributor.the air header, the pilot air tubing and the airstart check valves at the individual cylinders.Illus. RI. The air start control valve and thedistributor are amply lubricated by the splashof engine oil. The air start check valves re-ceive lubricating oil with the air from the dis-tributor.NOTE: The distributor on the 6-9 cylinderengines is driven from the control end ofthe upper crankshaft. On 12 cylinder en-gines. the distributor is mounted oppositethe governor drive on the pump mountingplate and is driven from the lower crank-shaft.Starting MechanismThe air start control valve is mounted nearthe control or governor end of the engine on theside opposite the controls. When the controlshaft lever is moved to "START" position, alever linkage opens the air start control valve.This is explained and illustrated Ln Sec. J.With the air start control valve open, com-pressed air passes into the header. Illus. RI,which leads to the individual cylinder air startcheck valves. Air also passes into the pilot airsupplypipe connected to the air startdistributor.The air start distributor includes one pilotair valve for each air start check valve. Thevalves are arranged radially and in cylinderfiring order around the air start distributorcamshaft, Illus. RZ. A spring holds each valvenormally out of contact with the cam. as shownin Illus. R3. Air enters the distributor fromthe air start control valve, air pressure over-comes the spring tension and forces each valveplunger down into contact with the cam.Regardless of where the camshaft stopped,one valve will be on the low point of the camand will therefore be open, as shown in Illus.R4. Two other valves, one on each side of theopen valve, will be partially open. Each of thepilot air valves, when open, admits air througha connecting tube. Illus. RI. to an air startcheck valve. The air, under pressure, opensthe air start check valve. The actual startingair then rushes into the cylinder from the airheader. The starting air forces the pistonsapart and thus causes the crankshafts to rotate.The air start distributor camshaft rotateswith the upper crankshaft on 6- 9 cylinder en-gines and with the lower crankshafton 1Z cylinderengines. The can opens and closes the valvesin sequence to the engine firing order. Soon theengine begins to fire. The control shaft levershould then be moved to "RUN" position. Thisactuates linkage on the control shaft whichAM! STARTCCONTRC VALNIAS! START KEASM AS START 04CX VAtY! As! START OCm1C VAvEs-CO#CT,",4 TO SASTAWO ADVWKSN FVN&Illus. RL Air Start System -6 Cyl. Engines U1XILIARY EQUIPMENTAND SYSTEMSFAIRBANKS MORSEOPPOSED PISTON ENGINESE3440-1Aug. 1979STARTING AIR SYSTEM-- Stationary EnginesThe basic starting airsystem is shown in Fig. 1.The air compressor charges the :air tanks to nearly250 psi, storing sufficient .energy for several starts.On starting, air flows from the tanks to the enginewhere it is admitted into the cylinders with requiredtiming to rapidly turn the engine (and ýattachedgenerator or other driven equipment). Rate of airflow during starting is very high but it is of shortduration (usually 3 or 4 seconds). Reliable startingmay be expected at pressures between 250 and 150psi,A filter and 250/70 psi regulator is required as a70 psi air source for the pneumatic remote shutdownsystem, which is controlled by a solenoid valve in theline. This source also supplies control air for dualfuel engine fuel/air ratio control and, on theturbocharged dual fuel engine, for controlof switch-back to diesel on overspeed trip.A 250/20 psi filter-regulator is required for theturbocharged dual fuel engine as a20 psi source forthe pneumatic air receiver temperature control inthe air cooler water system.If theengine has been ordered with a worm gearbarring device (hand ratchet device is standard), alarger filter and250/70 psi regulator will be requiredas a 70 psi airsource for the portable air barringmotor which is used with it.If the engine is installed in-an existingplant withadequate starting air pressure and tankage~avaitableand with piping essentially- as shown in Fig. 1 sowater does notget into.,theair lie to the engine, theplant system may be used.STARTING AIR STORAGE TANKS:Required storage tank volume may be'calculated by.the formula:VT PA x Vf x N(PH PL)VT= Required total tank volume, cu. ft.PA Atmospheric pressure, PSIA(14.7 nominally)PH Highest pressure for starting, PSIG(245 PSIG)PL = Lowest pressure for starting, PSIG(150 PSiG)Vi Volume of free air required per start,cu. ft, (from Data Page E1102-2 forblower scavenged engines orE1102- 1 for turbocharged engines)N = Number of starts desired withoutrecharging air tanks.The number of starts to be expected from a givenavailable tank volume may be calculated by trans-posedformula:N VTX (PH -PL)PA'Standard FM air tanks are vertically mounted with abase ring to support the bottom head 6" off thefoundation to allow for drain piping. Sizes are asfollows:Length OverFM No. O.D. -In. Heads -In. Vol. -Cu. Ft.16109954 30 84 31.716111127 30 96 36 2Special tanks of different size or for horizontalmounting can be provided if required.The volume of free air required per start given onData Pages Ell02-2 and El102-11 is based on theengine being at keep-warm temperature and beingdirectly connected to an average alternator. Aninitialstart at lower temperature and/or with greaterconnected rotating mass may require as much astwice that volume of free air.Examples (assuming keep-warm systems are or-dered):1.., A 12-cylinder turbochargedengine is to be in-stalled with a'new starting air system. Ten startsare desired without recharging air tanks. Howmuch air tankage is required?Vf = 45cu. ft. (Pg. Et102-11)N = 10VT = 14.7(245-1.50)x 45 x 10 = 69.7 cu. ft.Twoair tanks 30" OD x 96' OTHwith a vol-umeof 72..4 cu, ft. would meet the require-ment.2. A 12-cylinder turbocharged engine is to be in-stalled in a plant with existing 35.7 cu. ft. airtankage, How many starts may be expectedwithout recharging air tanks?N 35.7 x (245-150) = 5 starts45 x .14.7 FAIRBANKS MORSE .E1102-11OPPOSED PISTON ENGINES Aug. 1979GENERAL DATA.- (cont.)-- Turbocharged Diesel and Dual Fuel EnginesApplicable to Continuous RatingsGENERAL DATANumber of Cylinders .................................. 6 9 12Bore and stroke -inches ................. ..... 8-1/8x10 8-1/8x10 8-1/8x10Compression Ratio (Total swept volume) .................. 13,8 13:8 13.8Hot Engine Compression at Rated Speed -max, variation between cylinders -psi ................. 50 50 50Firing Pressure (epprox,) -maximum psi .............. 1340 1340 1340Total Piston Displacement -cu, in..................... 6221 9332 12443Piston Speed -ipmAt 720'rpm ........................................ 1200 1200 1200At 750 rpm ....................................... 1250 1250 1250At 900 rpm ............. ............................ 1500 1500 1500Firing OrderNote: For complete firing orderdata, with engine diagram,refer to page E1222-1.BLOWERStationary Engines:Air Delivery (Turbocharger) -approx. cfmAt 720 rpm ....... ............................... 5960 8950 11930A1900 rpm ............................................ 6930; 10400 13860Marine Engines:Air Delivery"(Turbocharger) ;-approx. cfMAt 750 rpm ............. ............................. 8210 9320 12430At 900 rpm ............................ .6530 9800 13070Scavenging Pressure -approx, psi ........... ,......,At 720 rpm ......................................... .17 17 17At 760 rpm ..... ................................. 18 18 18At 00 rpm ................ ........... 23 23 23BEARINGSNumber of MainBearings (upper andilower crankshaft) as. 7 10 13Main Bearing Size (upper and lower, crankshaft) -'in ... 8x3 8x3 8x3,Number of'Thrust Bearings(upper and'lower crankshaft) ea. ....................... 1 1 1Thrust Bearing Size (upper and lower) -in...... ........8x4 8x4 8x4Crankpin Bearing Size -inn ......................... 6-3/4x3.3/4 6-3/4x3-3/4 6-3/4x3-3/4Piston Pin Bearing Size -in .......................... 3x3-3/16 3x3-3/16 3x3-3/16EXHAUSTExhaust Temperature at individual CylinderExhaust Poris at Full Load -Max; F .................. 1000 1000 1000Stationary Engines: Exhaust Gas at Full Load -ibs. per hr.At 720 rpm ...... ................ ........... 27360 41080 54760At 900 rpm .. ..................................... 31810 47740 83620Marine Engines:. Exhaust Gas at Full Load -lbs. per hr.At 750 rpm ........................ ... .... .....28500 42780 57050At.900 rpm ...................................... 29970 44980 60000STARTING AIR(Air Cylinder Start)Stationary -Diesel & Dual FuelCu. Ft. of free air per. start ............................ 30 35 46Starting Air to 1/2 the cylinders on 6 & 12 cyl.engines and to 5 cylinders on the 9 cyl ,engine.Marine -Cu. Ft. of free air per start ............................ 40 45 55Starting air to all cylinders.For Tank Sizing See: Marine -Page E3,740Stationary -PageE3440 4<~ .4,4' t4'4, ~, ~ 4 ~ '~> ~4~24y'44; ~ 444s ~ ~ L 4 '44 4444~4~ '~}~4~ '4~ ~ 44, *~4,4~4~) j1'4~4 .44,~T 444 ~ 44444~f)4't '4'4'44 ~ '4 .. 4~, 444.4444~ 4444 ~' ~ A ~94.44...,.4.44 444..4.44 44. '~4" '~.'. '41"4~5~-.4~'4

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  • 14'~"4" ~ /,A ~ Sr ~ 4 44 '244~' s ~ #r.4\.;~,'444> ~444. 4.4
