MONTHYEARML20209H9641999-07-15015 July 1999 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Issuance of Exemption That Would Reduce Amount of Onsite Property Insurance Based on Permanently Shutdown Status of TMI-2 & That Plant Suitable for Long Term Management ML20205N6561999-04-12012 April 1999 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50,App R for Facility Operating Licenses DPR-50 Issued to Licensee for Operation of Plant,Unit 1 ML20216J1481998-04-17017 April 1998 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Proposed Action to Amend License to Reflect Change in Legal Name of Operator from Gpu Nuclear Corp to Gpu Nuclear,Inc & to Reflect Registered Trade Name of Gpu Energy ML20141E8831997-06-27027 June 1997 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 970207 Application,As Supplemented 970326 & 0605,which Requested Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR70.24, Criticality Accident Requirements ML20058A5631993-11-17017 November 1993 EA & Fonsi Re Util Request for Exemption from 10CFR50.120 to Establish,Implement & Maintain Training Programs,Using Sys Approach to Training,For Categories of Personnel Listed in 10CFR50.120 ML20128C1331992-11-24024 November 1992 EA & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Proposed Rev to TS to Permit Use of Reactor Fuel Enriched to Nominal 5.0 Weight Percent U-235 for New Reload Fuel Assemblies & Rods ML20210D7331992-06-0808 June 1992 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Util 870521 Request for Exemption from 10CFR70.24 Re Criticality Accident Requirements for Irradiated SNM Samples.Eis Will Not Be Prepared ML20087A6671992-01-0606 January 1992 Environ Assessment Re Spent Fuel Pool Expansion ML20086C0221991-11-0707 November 1991 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Issuance of Exemptions from 10CFR50.46(a)(1)(i), 10CFR50.44(a) & App K to 10CFR50 ML20006F2921990-02-21021 February 1990 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 891020 Request for Exemption from Section III.0 of App R to 10CFR50 to Permit Deletion of Lube Oil Collection Sys Beneath Sections of New Piping in Coolant Pump Oil Sys ML20247A4021989-08-31031 August 1989 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 870225 Application for Amend to License DPR-23,revising App a Tech Specs by Deleting Prohibition on Disposal of Accident Generated Water ML20205E4271988-10-24024 October 1988 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Request for Exemption from 10CFR50,App R Requirements on Reactor Coolant Letdown Sys Valve Circuitry.Action Acceptable ML20155J0191988-10-19019 October 1988 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Exemption from 10CFR50.54(w)(5)(i) Re Schedular Requirements of Property Insurance Rule,Effective 881004 ML20207J4791988-09-20020 September 1988 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR55 ML20151Y7521988-08-23023 August 1988 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Util 871228 Request for Exemption from 10CFR55.59 to Eliminate Requirement That Operator Requalification Program Cover Plant Protection Sys & ESFs ML20151D3531988-07-11011 July 1988 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 880405 Amend Request.Amend Revises Tech Spec to Support Core Reload for Cycle 7 Operation ML20151W5551988-04-26026 April 1988 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR70.24, Criticality Accident Requirements ML20207S5251987-03-11011 March 1987 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact on Util 870202,11,28 & 0310 Requests for Exemption from 10CFR50,App R Re Fire Protection.Action Will Not Effect Quality of Human Environ.Eis Unnecessary ML20210T1651987-02-0303 February 1987 Environ Assessment & Notice of Finding of No Significant Environ Impact Supporting Exemptions to 10CFR50,App A,Gdc 17 & 19 Requirements Re Electric Power Sys & Control Rooms ML20215F0091986-12-12012 December 1986 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Util Requests for Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50,App R ML20141G1571985-12-30030 December 1985 Environ Assessment & Notice of Finding of No Significant Environ Impact Supporting Exemption to 10CFR50.61 Requirements for Protection Against Pressurized Thermal Shock Events ML20138K1741985-10-24024 October 1985 Environ Assessment & Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact Re Exemption from 10CFR61.55 Concerning Waste Classification of Epicor II Waste Liners ML20138D3981985-10-17017 October 1985 Environ Assessment & Notice of Finding of No Significant Environ Impact Re Exemption from Inventory,Recordkeeping & Reporting Requirements of 10CFR30.51,40.61,70.51(d) & 70.53 for Core Snm,Source & Byproduct Matls ML20133P8301985-08-0808 August 1985 Environ Assessment & Notice of Finding of No Significant Environ Impact Re Issuance of Exemptions from 10CFR50 App a, GDC 34 & 37 Per Licensee 841106,850326 & 27 Requests ML20128H8081985-05-16016 May 1985 Environ Assessment & Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact Re 830411 Request for Partial Exemption from FSAR QA Plan Update Requirements of 10CFR50.54(a) ML19347E7281981-05-11011 May 1981 Suppl to Eia Evaluating Proposed TMI-1 Restart.Combined Effects of Unit 2 Cleanup W/Normal Operation of Unit 1 Will Result in Insignificant Risk to Public Health ML20205A1801979-10-0303 October 1979 Environmental Assessment,Use of EPICOR-II at Three Mile Island,Unit 2 1999-07-15
MONTHYEARML20209H9641999-07-15015 July 1999 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Issuance of Exemption That Would Reduce Amount of Onsite Property Insurance Based on Permanently Shutdown Status of TMI-2 & That Plant Suitable for Long Term Management ML20205N6561999-04-12012 April 1999 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50,App R for Facility Operating Licenses DPR-50 Issued to Licensee for Operation of Plant,Unit 1 ML20206C0731998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Radioactive Effluent Releases Rept, for TMI-1 & TMI-2 ML20206E0501998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept for TMI-1 & TMI-2. with ML20216J1481998-04-17017 April 1998 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Proposed Action to Amend License to Reflect Change in Legal Name of Operator from Gpu Nuclear Corp to Gpu Nuclear,Inc & to Reflect Registered Trade Name of Gpu Energy ML20217M7191997-12-31031 December 1997 1997 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept, for TMI ML20217N8931997-12-31031 December 1997 Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept for 1997 ML20211C2771997-08-26026 August 1997 Renewal of NPDES Permit PA 0009920,issued to Gpu Nuclear Inc,Tmi Nuclear Station ML20141E8831997-06-27027 June 1997 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 970207 Application,As Supplemented 970326 & 0605,which Requested Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR70.24, Criticality Accident Requirements ML20148J5221996-12-31031 December 1996 TMI Nuclear Generating Station Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept 1996 ML20137F1151996-12-31031 December 1996 Tabulation of TMI Worker Exposures by Work & Job Function Jan-Dec 1996 ML20138B4561996-12-31031 December 1996 1996 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Tmi ML20100L6171995-12-31031 December 1995 Tabulation of TMI Worker Exposures by Work & Job Function Jan-Dec 1995 ML20080Q1851994-12-31031 December 1994 1994 TS Section 6 Annual Rept, Including Aircraft Movement Data & Leak Reduction Program Test Info ML20078C6421994-09-30030 September 1994 Nuclear Safety & Compliance Committee Semiannual Rept 21 940401-0930 ML17309A7251993-12-31031 December 1993 Combined Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Period Jul-Dec 1993. W/940228 Ltr ML20064C3081993-12-31031 December 1993 Effluent & Waste Disposal Annual Rept 1993 TMI-1 ML20029D0471993-12-31031 December 1993 1993 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for TMI-2 ML20029D0601993-12-31031 December 1993 1993 TMI Nuclear Station Radiological Environmental Monitoring Rept ML20058A5631993-11-17017 November 1993 EA & Fonsi Re Util Request for Exemption from 10CFR50.120 to Establish,Implement & Maintain Training Programs,Using Sys Approach to Training,For Categories of Personnel Listed in 10CFR50.120 ML20034E3131992-12-31031 December 1992 Aircraft Movements at Harrisburg Intl Airport Annual Rept for 1992 ML20034F8091992-12-31031 December 1992 TMI-1 Effluent & Offsite Dose Rept for Period Jul-Dec 1992 ML20034F5091992-12-31031 December 1992 10CFR20.407 Personnel Exposure Rept - 1992 ML20034F8061992-12-31031 December 1992 TMI-2 Effluent & Offsite Dose Rept for Period Oct-Dec 1992 ML20128C1331992-11-24024 November 1992 EA & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Proposed Rev to TS to Permit Use of Reactor Fuel Enriched to Nominal 5.0 Weight Percent U-235 for New Reload Fuel Assemblies & Rods ML20128B8521992-09-30030 September 1992 Unit Two Effluent & Off Site Dose Rept for Jul-Sept 1992 ML20105B8031992-06-30030 June 1992 TMI-1 Semiannual Effluent Release Rept for Jan Through June 1992 ML20210D7331992-06-0808 June 1992 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Util 870521 Request for Exemption from 10CFR70.24 Re Criticality Accident Requirements for Irradiated SNM Samples.Eis Will Not Be Prepared ML20087A6671992-01-0606 January 1992 Environ Assessment Re Spent Fuel Pool Expansion ML20094G9631991-12-31031 December 1991 Number of Personnel & Man Rems by Work & Job Function Self Reading Pocket Dosimeter Data 1991 ML20090D3951991-12-31031 December 1991 Semiannual Effluent Rept for Jul-Dec 1991 ML20090A3821991-12-31031 December 1991 10CFR20.407 Personnel Exposure Rept - 1991 ML20086C0221991-11-0707 November 1991 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Issuance of Exemptions from 10CFR50.46(a)(1)(i), 10CFR50.44(a) & App K to 10CFR50 ML20082M2911991-06-30030 June 1991 TMI-1 Effluent & Offsite Dose Rept for Jan-June 1991 ML20029B1611990-12-31031 December 1990 Aircraft Movement Rept & Annual Exposure Rept for TMI-2 for 1990 ML20029B1011990-12-31031 December 1990 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jul-Dec 1990 ML20059C8851990-06-30030 June 1990 TMI-1 Effluent & Offsite Dose Rept for Jan-June 1990 ML20043C3471990-03-31031 March 1990 TMI-2 Quarterly Effluent & Offsite Dose Rept,First Quarter 1990 ML20058Q1781990-03-31031 March 1990 TMI-2 Effluent & Offsite Dose Rept,First Quarter 1990 ML20006F2921990-02-21021 February 1990 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 891020 Request for Exemption from Section III.0 of App R to 10CFR50 to Permit Deletion of Lube Oil Collection Sys Beneath Sections of New Piping in Coolant Pump Oil Sys ML20034B2301990-02-0303 February 1990 Monitoring Around TMI Stations for 900114-0203. No Alarm Reading Occurred During Reporting Period ML20033E3281989-12-31031 December 1989 TMI-2 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Third & Fourth Quarters 1989 ML20011F6681989-12-31031 December 1989 Personnel Exposure Rept for TMI-1 for CY89. W/900222 Ltr ML20059G1151989-12-31031 December 1989 TMI-1 Effluent & Offsite Dose Rept for Jul-Dec 1989 ML20042E7251989-12-31031 December 1989 TMI 1989 Annual Environ Operating Rept,Part a: Nonradiological ML20042E8891989-12-31031 December 1989 1989 Annual Radiological Environ Monitoring Rept for Tmi ML20033F1961989-09-30030 September 1989 Revised Unit 2 Third Quarter Dose Rept ML20247A4021989-08-31031 August 1989 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 870225 Application for Amend to License DPR-23,revising App a Tech Specs by Deleting Prohibition on Disposal of Accident Generated Water ML20247F7781989-08-31031 August 1989 Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Related to Decontamination and Disposal of Radioactive Wastes Resulting from March 28, 1979 Accident Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2.Final Supplement Dealing with ML20246J2631989-06-30030 June 1989 TMI-2 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for First & Second Quarters 1989 1999-07-15
[Table view] |
7590-01 UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION GPU NUCLEAR CORPORATION DOCKET NO. 50-289 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND FINDING 0F NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission (the Comission) is considering issuance of an an'endment to Facility Operating License No. OPR-50, issued to GPU Nuclear Corporation (the licensee), for operation of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1, located in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Identification of Pr g sed Action 1 The proposed amendnent would revise the Technical Specifications (TS) to support core reload for Cycle 7 of operation.
The proposed action is in accordance with the licensee's application for amendn,ent dated April 5, 1988.
The Need for the Proposed Action:
The proposed change to the TS is required in order to provide the new safety limits and instrunent setpcirts istaioted with the core configuration for the next operating cycle. These changes result in part from the use of more highly enriched fuel and to ac a modate changes in power peaking and control rod worths.
Envircnmenta? _ Impacts of the Proposed Action:
The Comission has completed its evaluation of the proposed revision to fechnical Specifications. As a result of these changes, the plant will be able to operate for about 17 months before the next refueling outeg instead of the i
current 14 months. Operation with the core configuration will result in fewer fuel shipments and will remain within the operating parameters approved by the 8807250076 000711
DR ADOCK 050 9
s N
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g Comission prior to issuance of a full power license and within the analysis of s
environmental impacts in the Final Environmental Statement (FES) for operation.
The proposed changes do not increase the probability or consequences of accidents, no changes are being made in the types of any effluents that may be released offsite, and there is no signifkant increase in the allowable individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure. Accordingly, tm. Comission concludes that this proposed action would result in no significant radiological environmental impact.
With regard to potential non-radiological impacts, the proposed change to the TS involves systems located within the restricted area as defined in 10 CFR Part 20.
It does not affect non-radiological plant effluents and has no other environmental impact. Therefore, the Comission concludes that there are no significant non-radiological environmental impacts associated with the proposed amendment.
The Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendment and Opportunity for Hearing in connection with this action was published in the Federal Register on April 25, 1988 (53 FR 13456). No request for hearing or petition for leave to intervene was filed following this notice.
Alternative to the Proposed Ac fon:
Since the Comission concluded that there are no significant environmental effects that would result from the proposed action, any alternatives with equal or greater environmental impacts need not be evaluated.
The principal alternative would be to deny the requested amendment. This would not reduce environmental impacts of plant operation and would result in not allowing operation of the plant.
t Alternative Use of Resources:
This action does not involve the use of any resources not previously considered in the Final Environmental Statement for the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1, dated December 1972.
Agencies and Persons, Consulted:
x The NRC staff reviewed the licensee's request and did not consult other xagencies or persons.
FlfC,1NG OF N0 SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Thii Commission has determined not to prepare an environmental impact statement fur the proposed license amendment.
Based upon the foregoing environmental assessment, we conclude that the proposed action will.9t have a significant effect on the quality of the human environment.
For further details with respect to this action, see the application for amendment dated April 5, 1988, which is available for public inspection at the Commission's Public Document Room, 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. and at the Local Public Document Room, Government Publication Section, State Library of Pennsylvania, Walnut Street and Comonwealth Avenue, Box 1601, Harrisburg, l
Pennsylvania 17105.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this lith day of July 1988.
l l
1 r at J n F. Stolz, Director rojjetDirectorateI-4 Mvision of Reactor Projects I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l