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Enclosure 3: Minimum Decommissioning Cost - Per 10CFR50.75 Formula Process
Person / Time
Site: Callaway  Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 03/30/2023
Ameren Missouri, Union Electric Co
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML23089A145 List:
Download: ML23089A149 (1)


Enclosure3to ULNRC06798



Updatedfor2023Filing DetermineEstimatedDecommissioningCostsin1986Dollars:

$ =1986$Cost [From10CFR50.75(c)(1)(i)ForPWR3400MWt]105.00


3.178 =Lx U.S.DepartmentofLabor,BureauofLaborStatistics;

EmploymentCostIndexfortotalcompensation,forprivateindustryworkers,bybargainingstatus,census regionanddivision,andmetropolitanareastatus MidwestRegion BaseLx=2.080(December2005=100)




3.443 =Ex FromNUREG1307Revision19 Ex=Px(PxCoefficient)+Fx(FxCoefficient) 0.58 =PxCoefficient(ForPWR) 0.42 =FxCoefficient(ForPWR)

DeterminePxValue 2.451 =Px U.S.DepartmentofLabor,BureauofLaborStatistics; ProducerPriceIndexCommodities SeriesID:WPU0543 NotSeasonallyAdjusted Fuelsandrelatedproductsandpower Industrialelectricpower 1982=100 January1986ValueofPPISeriesIDWPU0543=114.200 December2022ValueofPPISeriesIDWPU0543=279.934 Px=December2022ValueofPPISeriesIDWPU0543/January1986ValueofPPISeriesIDWPU0543

DetermineFxValue 4.813 =Fx U.S.DepartmentofLabor,BureauofLaborStatistics; ProducerPriceIndexCommodities SeriesID:WPU0573 NotSeasonallyAdjusted Fuelsandrelatedproductsandpower Lightfueloils 1982=100 January1986ValueofPPISeriesIDWPU0573=82.000 December2022ValueofPPISeriesIDWPU0573=394.700 Fx=December2022ValueofPPISeriesIDWPU0573/January1986ValueofPPISeriesIDWPU0573


13.711 =Bx FromNUREG1307Revision19 Table21 BxValuesforGeneratorsLocatedintheUnaffiliatedStatesandthoseLocatedinCompactAffiliatedStates havingnoDisposalFacility PWR



0.65 =LxCoefficient(A) 0.13 =ExCoefficient(B) 0.22 =BxCoeficcient(C)

$ =EstimatedDecember2022$Cost580.597

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Lx Ex Lx (UseDecof Ex (UseDecof Bx Bx TotalEstimated 1986 Coefficient Yearx1 Coefficient Yearx Coefficient (UseYearxValues DecommissioningCost Year$ Cost (A) Value) (B) Value) (C) fromNUREG1307) (DecemberYearxx$)

Jan1986 105.000$ 0.65 1.000 0.13 1.000 0.22 1.000 105.000$

Dec1986 105.000$ 0.65 1.028 0.13 0.804 0.22 1.000 104.241$

Dec1987 105.000$ 0.65 1.057 0.13 0.854 0.22 2.007 130.161$

Dec1988 105.000$ 0.65 1.108 0.13 0.820 0.22 2.007 133.150$

Dec1989 105.000$ 0.65 1.152 0.13 0.929 0.22 2.007 137.697$

Dec1990 105.000$ 0.65 1.211 0.13 1.061 0.22 2.494 154.756$

Dec1991 105.000$ 0.65 1.269 0.13 0.954 0.22 2.494 157.227$

Dec1992 105.000$ 0.65 1.313 0.13 0.948 0.22 11.408 366.065$

Dec1993 105.000$ 0.65 1.371 0.13 0.903 0.22 11.873 380.135$

Dec1994 105.000$ 0.65 1.414 0.13 0.927 0.22 12.824 405.364$

Dec1995 105.000$ 0.65 1.451 0.13 0.959 0.22 12.771 407.120$

Dec1996 105.000$ 0.65 1.494 0.13 1.038 0.22 15.852 482.307$

Dec1997 105.000$ 0.65 1.548 0.13 0.956 0.22 15.886 485.671$

Dec1998 105.000$ 0.65 1.599 0.13 0.842 0.22 15.886 487.586$

Dec1999 105.000$ 0.65 1.654 0.13 1.016 0.22 8.052 312.780$

Dec2000 105.000$ 0.65 1.734 0.13 1.189 0.22 8.052 320.549$

Dec2001 105.000$ 0.65 1.793 0.13 0.985 0.22 9.467 354.540$

Dec2002 105.000$ 0.65 1.861 0.13 1.142 0.22 9.467 361.316$

Dec2003 105.000$ 0.65 1.951 0.13 1.216 0.22 7.934 333.013$

Dec2004 105.000$ 0.65 2.012 0.13 1.428 0.22 7.934 340.066$

Dec2005 105.000$ 0.65 2.080 0.13 1.811 0.22 8.683 367.233$

Dec2006 105.000$ 0.65 2.138 0.13 1.879 0.22 8.683 372.126$

Dec2007 105.000$ 0.65 2.190 0.13 2.280 0.22 9.872 408.621$

Dec2008 105.000$ 0.65 2.238 0.13 1.791 0.22 9.872 405.211$

Dec2009 105.000$ 0.65 2.258 0.13 1.956 0.22 12.280 464.508$

Dec2010 105.000$ 0.65 2.315 0.13 2.253 0.22 12.280 472.385$

Dec2011 105.000$ 0.65 2.369 0.13 2.580 0.22 12.280 480.542$

Dec2012 105.000$ 0.65 2.410 0.13 2.639 0.22 13.885 521.269$

Dec2013 105.000$ 0.65 2.450 0.13 2.570 0.22 13.885 523.015$

Dec2014 105.000$ 0.65 2.502 0.13 2.208 0.22 13.885 521.620$

Dec2015 105.000$ 0.65 2.547 0.13 1.762 0.22 12.471 486.003$

Dec2016 105.000$ 0.65 2.614 0.13 1.860 0.22 12.471 491.882$

Dec2017 105.000$ 0.65 2.672 0.13 2.295 0.22 12.853 510.614$

Dec2018 105.000$ 0.65 2.751 0.13 2.359 0.22 12.853 516.873$

Dec2019 105.000$ 0.65 2.822 0.13 2.305 0.22 12.853 520.969$

Dec2020 105.000$ 0.65 2.893 0.13 2.255 0.22 12.793 523.724$

Dec2021 105.000$ 0.65 3.026 0.13 2.933 0.22 12.793 542.061$

Dec2022 105.000$ 0.65 3.178 0.13 3.443 0.22 13.711 580.597$









0 to ULNRC06798



124.6 =Dec1985IndexValueJune1981=100 1.409 =Multiplier:ConversionofJune1989=100IndexValuestoJune1981=100IndexValues 1.839 =Multiplier:ConversionofDec2005=100IndexValuestoJune1989=100IndexValues

Lx IndexDate IndexValue IndexBaseYear IndexValue IndexBaseYear IndexValue IndexBaseYear AtIndexdate

Mar1986 125.9 June1981=100 1.010 Jun1986 126.2 June1981=100 1.013 Sep1986 127.3 June1981=100 1.022 Dec1986 128.1 June1981=100 1.028 Mar1987 129.1 June1981=100 1.036 Jun1987 130.2 June1981=100 1.045 Sep1987 131.2 June1981=100 1.053 Dec1987 131.7 June1981=100 1.057 Mar1988 134.4 June1981=100 1.079 Jun1988 135.5 June1981=100 1.087 Sep1988 136.7 June1981=100 1.097 Dec1988 138.0 June1981=100 1.108 Mar1989 139.3 June1981=100 98.9 June1989=100 1.118 Jun1989 140.9 June1981=100 100.0 June1989=100 1.131 Sep1989 142.3 June1981=100 101.0 June1989=100 1.142 Dec1989 143.6 June1981=100 101.9 June1989=100 1.152 Mar1990 145.8 103.5 June1989=100 1.170 Jun1990 147.7 104.8 June1989=100 1.185 Sep1990 149.8 106.3 June1989=100 1.202 Dec1990 150.9 107.1 June1989=100 1.211 Mar1991 152.9 108.5 June1989=100 1.227 Jun1991 154.6 109.7 June1989=100 1.241 Sep1991 156.7 111.2 June1989=100 1.257 Dec1991 158.1 112.2 June1989=100 1.269 Mar1992 160.3 113.8 June1989=100 1.287 Jun1992 161.5 114.6 June1989=100 1.296 Sep1992 162.5 115.3 June1989=100 1.304 Dec1992 163.6 116.1 June1989=100 1.313 Mar1993 166.1 117.9 June1989=100 1.333 Jun1993 168.1 119.3 June1989=100 1.349 Sep1993 169.2 120.1 June1989=100 1.358 Dec1993 170.8 121.2 June1989=100 1.371 Mar1994 173.0 122.8 June1989=100 1.389 Jun1994 174.2 123.6 June1989=100 1.398 Sep1994 175.6 124.6 June1989=100 1.409 Dec1994 176.1 125.0 June1989=100 1.414 Mar1995 177.3 125.8 June1989=100 1.423 Jun1995 178.8 126.9 June1989=100 1.435 Sep1995 179.9 127.7 June1989=100 1.444 Dec1995 180.8 128.3 June1989=100 1.451 Mar1996 182.5 129.5 June1989=100 1.464 Jun1996 184.2 130.7 June1989=100 1.478 Sep1996 185.0 131.3 June1989=100 1.485 Dec1996 186.1 132.1 June1989=100 1.494 Mar1997 187.8 133.3 June1989=100 1.507 Jun1997 189.8 134.7 June1989=100 1.523 Sep1997 191.9 136.2 June1989=100 1.540 Dec1997 192.9 136.9 June1989=100 1.548 Mar1998 194.9 138.3 June1989=100 1.564 Jun1998 196.7 139.6 June1989=100 1.579 Sep1998 198.5 140.9 June1989=100 1.593 Dec1998 199.2 141.4 June1989=100 1.599 Mar1999 199.7 141.7 June1989=100 1.602 Jun1999 202.3 143.6 June1989=100 1.624 Sep1999 204.3 145.0 June1989=100 1.640 Dec1999 206.1 146.3 June1989=100 1.654 Mar2000 209.8 148.9 June1989=100 1.684

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124.6 =Dec1985IndexValueJune1981=100 1.409 =Multiplier:ConversionofJune1989=100IndexValuestoJune1981=100IndexValues 1.839 =Multiplier:ConversionofDec2005=100IndexValuestoJune1989=100IndexValues

Lx IndexDate IndexValue IndexBaseYear IndexValue IndexBaseYear IndexValue IndexBaseYear AtIndexdate

Jun2000 212.3 150.7 June1989=100 1.704 Sep2000 214.4 152.2 June1989=100 1.721 Dec2000 216.0 153.3 June1989=100 1.734 Mar2001 218.1 154.8 June1989=100 84.8 Dec2005=100 1.751 Jun2001 219.8 156.0 June1989=100 85.4 Dec2005=100 1.764 Sep2001 221.8 157.4 June1989=100 86.1 Dec2005=100 1.780 Dec2001 223.5 158.6 June1989=100 86.7 Dec2005=100 1.793 Mar2002 227.0 161.1 June1989=100 88.0 Dec2005=100 1.822 Jun2002 229.1 162.6 June1989=100 88.7 Dec2005=100 1.839 Sep2002 230.4 163.5 June1989=100 89.0 Dec2005=100 1.849 Dec2002 231.9 164.6 June1989=100 89.5 Dec2005=100 1.861 Mar2003 238.1 169.0 June1989=100 92.1 Dec2005=100 1.911 Jun2003 240.1 170.4 June1989=100 92.8 Dec2005=100 1.927 Sep2003 241.9 171.7 June1989=100 93.6 Dec2005=100 1.942 Dec2003 243.1 172.5 June1989=100 94.0 Dec2005=100 1.951 Mar2004 246.2 174.7 June1989=100 95.0 Dec2005=100 1.976 Jun2004 248.3 176.2 June1989=100 95.9 Dec2005=100 1.993 Sep2004 250.2 177.6 June1989=100 96.6 Dec2005=100 2.008 Dec2004 250.7 177.9 June1989=100 96.9 Dec2005=100 2.012 Mar2005 253.6 180.0 June1989=100 97.8 Dec2005=100 2.035 Jun2005 254.9 180.9 June1989=100 98.4 Dec2005=100 2.046 Sep2005 257.8 183.0 June1989=100 99.5 Dec2005=100 2.069 Dec2005 259.1 183.9 June1989=100 100.0 Dec2005=100 2.080 Mar2006 260.9 185.2 100.7 Dec2005=100 2.094 Jun2006 263.5 187.0 101.7 Dec2005=100 2.115 Sep2006 265.1 188.1 102.3 Dec2005=100 2.127 Dec2006 266.4 189.0 102.8 Dec2005=100 2.138 Mar2007 267.7 190.0 103.3 Dec2005=100 2.148 Jun2007 270.0 191.6 104.2 Dec2005=100 2.167 Sep2007 271.0 192.4 104.6 Dec2005=100 2.175 Dec2007 272.8 193.6 105.3 Dec2005=100 2.190 Mar2008 274.7 194.9 106.0 Dec2005=100 2.204 Jun2008 277.3 196.8 107.0 Dec2005=100 2.225 Sep2008 278.3 197.5 107.4 Dec2005=100 2.233 Dec2008 278.8 197.9 107.6 Dec2005=100 2.238 Mar2009 279.6 198.4 107.9 Dec2005=100 2.244 Jun2009 280.1 198.8 108.1 Dec2005=100 2.248 Sep2009 280.9 199.3 108.4 Dec2005=100 2.254 Dec2009 281.4 199.7 108.6 Dec2005=100 2.258 Mar2010 284.8 202.1 109.9 Dec2005=100 2.285 Jun2010 286.1 203.0 110.4 Dec2005=100 2.296 Sep2010 287.6 204.1 111.0 Dec2005=100 2.308 Dec2010 288.4 204.7 111.3 Dec2005=100 2.315 Mar2011 290.7 206.3 112.2 Dec2005=100 2.333 Jun2011 293.6 208.4 113.3 Dec2005=100 2.356 Sep2011 294.4 208.9 113.6 Dec2005=100 2.362 Dec2011 295.1 209.5 113.9 Dec2005=100 2.369 Mar2012 297.2 210.9 114.7 Dec2005=100 2.385 Jun2012 298.8 212.0 115.3 Dec2005=100 2.398 Sep2012 299.5 212.6 115.6 Dec2005=100 2.404 Dec2012 300.3 213.1 115.9 Dec2005=100 2.410 Mar2013 301.6 214.1 116.4 Dec2005=100 2.421 Jun2013 303.2 215.2 117.0 Dec2005=100 2.433 Sep2013 304.2 215.9 117.4 Dec2005=100 2.441 Dec2013 305.2 216.6 117.8 Dec2005=100 2.450 Mar2014 306.8 217.7 118.4 Dec2005=100 2.462 Jun2014 309.6 219.8 119.5 Dec2005=100 2.485

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124.6 =Dec1985IndexValueJune1981=100 1.409 =Multiplier:ConversionofJune1989=100IndexValuestoJune1981=100IndexValues 1.839 =Multiplier:ConversionofDec2005=100IndexValuestoJune1989=100IndexValues

Lx IndexDate IndexValue IndexBaseYear IndexValue IndexBaseYear IndexValue IndexBaseYear AtIndexdate

Sep2014 310.9 220.7 120.0 Dec2005=100 2.495 Dec2014 311.7 221.2 120.3 Dec2005=100 2.502 Mar2015 314.0 222.9 121.2 Dec2005=100 2.520 Jun2015 314.6 223.3 121.4 Dec2005=100 2.525 Sep2015 316.4 224.5 122.1 Dec2005=100 2.539 Dec2015 317.4 225.3 122.5 Dec2005=100 2.547 Mar2016 319.7 226.9 123.4 Dec2005=100 2.566 Jun2016 322.6 229.0 124.5 Dec2005=100 2.589 Sep2016 324.7 230.4 125.3 Dec2005=100 2.606 Dec2016 325.7 231.2 125.7 Dec2005=100 2.614 Mar2017 328.6 233.2 126.8 Dec2005=100 2.637 Jun2017 330.1 234.3 127.4 Dec2005=100 2.649 Sep2017 331.7 235.4 128.0 Dec2005=100 2.662 Dec2017 333.0 236.3 128.5 Dec2005=100 2.672 Mar2018 336.3 238.7 129.8 Dec2005=100 2.699 Jun2018 338.4 240.2 130.6 Dec2005=100 2.716 Sep2018 341.0 242.0 131.6 Dec2005=100 2.737 Dec2018 342.8 243.3 132.3 Dec2005=100 2.751 Mar2019 345.9 245.5 133.5 Dec2005=100 2.776 Jun2019 347.5 246.6 134.1 Dec2005=100 2.789 Sep2019 349.8 248.3 135.0 Dec2005=100 2.807 Dec2019 351.6 249.6 135.7 Dec2005=100 2.822 Mar2020 356.3 252.9 137.5 Dec2005=100 2.859 Jun2020 356.5 253.0 137.6 Dec2005=100 2.861 Sep2020 358.1 254.1 138.2 Dec2005=100 2.874 Dec2020 360.4 255.8 139.1 Dec2005=100 2.893 Mar2021 364.6 258.7 140.7 Dec2005=100 2.926 Jun2021 367.4 260.8 141.8 Dec2005=100 2.949 Sep2021 371.8 263.9 143.5 Dec2005=100 2.984 Dec2021 377.0 267.6 145.5 Dec2005=100 3.026 Mar2022 383.2 272.0 147.9 Dec2005=100 3.076 Jun2022 388.4 275.7 149.9 Dec2005=100 3.117 Sep2022 393.3 279.2 151.8 Dec2005=100 3.157 Dec2022 395.9 281.0 152.8 Dec2005=100 3.178

Employment Cost Index Original Data Value

Series Id: CIU2010000000230I Not seasonally adjusted Series


Total compensation for Private industry workers in Midwest, Index Ownership: Private industry workers Component: Total compensation Occupation: All workers Industry: All workers Subcategory: All workers Area: Midwest census region

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0.58 =PxCoefficient(ForPWR) 0.42 =FxCoefficient(ForPWR)

Preliminary Px Fx IndexDate WPU0543 WPU0573 Ex

Dec1985 112.9 89.400 Jan1986 114.2 1.000 82.000 1.000 1.000 Feb1986 115.0 1.007 62.400 0.761 0.904 Mar1986 114.4 1.002 51.300 0.626 0.844 Apr1986 113.7 0.996 49.800 0.607 0.833 May1986 114.1 0.999 47.000 0.573 0.820 Jun1986 115.3 1.010 44.700 0.545 0.815 Jul1986 116.2 1.018 36.400 0.444 0.777 Aug1986 116.3 1.018 40.100 0.489 0.796 Sep1986 116.3 1.018 46.300 0.565 0.828 Oct1986 113.0 0.989 43.100 0.526 0.795 Nov1986 112.7 0.987 43.500 0.530 0.795 Dec1986 112.3 0.983 45.600 0.556 0.804 Jan1987 110.3 0.966 51.400 0.627 0.823 Feb1987 109.8 0.961 53.100 0.648 0.830 Mar1987 110.2 0.965 49.700 0.606 0.814 Apr1987 109.9 0.962 52.000 0.634 0.825 May1987 111.8 0.979 53.300 0.650 0.841 Jun1987 113.9 0.997 55.100 0.672 0.861 Jul1987 116.2 1.018 56.300 0.687 0.879 Aug1987 115.7 1.013 59.400 0.724 0.892 Sep1987 115.5 1.011 56.800 0.693 0.878 Oct1987 111.0 0.972 59.300 0.723 0.867 Nov1987 109.2 0.956 61.200 0.746 0.868 Dec1987 109.6 0.960 58.100 0.709 0.854 Jan1988 108.8 0.953 54.800 0.668 0.833 Feb1988 109.0 0.954 51.500 0.628 0.817 Mar1988 109.0 0.954 49.700 0.606 0.808 Apr1988 109.1 0.955 53.300 0.650 0.827 May1988 108.9 0.954 54.300 0.662 0.831 Jun1988 117.2 1.026 50.600 0.617 0.854 Jul1988 118.2 1.035 46.900 0.572 0.841 Aug1988 118.3 1.036 46.800 0.571 0.841 Sep1988 118.5 1.038 45.900 0.560 0.837 Oct1988 114.2 1.000 42.300 0.516 0.797 Nov1988 109.2 0.956 47.200 0.576 0.796 Dec1988 110.5 0.968 50.600 0.617 0.820 Jan1989 112.0 0.981 54.900 0.670 0.850 Feb1989 112.0 0.981 54.000 0.659 0.845 Mar1989 112.3 0.983 57.300 0.699 0.864 Apr1989 112.4 0.984 61.500 0.750 0.886 May1989 113.6 0.995 57.500 0.701 0.871 Jun1989 119.8 1.049 53.300 0.650 0.881 Jul1989 122.2 1.070 52.700 0.643 0.891

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0.58 =PxCoefficient(ForPWR) 0.42 =FxCoefficient(ForPWR)

Preliminary Px Fx IndexDate WPU0543 WPU0573 Ex

Aug1989 122.4 1.072 53.500 0.652 0.896 Sep1989 122.5 1.073 59.300 0.723 0.926 Oct1989 117.2 1.026 64.000 0.780 0.923 Nov1989 113.5 0.994 64.400 0.785 0.906 Dec1989 114.2 1.000 68.100 0.830 0.929 Jan1990 114.9 1.006 85.300 1.040 1.020 Feb1990 115.0 1.007 59.400 0.724 0.888 Mar1990 115.4 1.011 60.400 0.737 0.895 Apr1990 115.1 1.008 61.000 0.744 0.897 May1990 117.0 1.025 58.400 0.712 0.893 Jun1990 123.9 1.085 53.000 0.646 0.901 Jul1990 124.4 1.089 51.600 0.629 0.896 Aug1990 124.6 1.091 72.300 0.882 1.003 Sep1990 125.0 1.095 87.300 1.065 1.082 Oct1990 121.2 1.061 104.800 1.278 1.152 Nov1990 120.2 1.053 98.900 1.206 1.117 Dec1990 118.9 1.041 89.300 1.089 1.061 Jan1991 124.2 1.088 82.900 1.011 1.055 Feb1991 124.3 1.088 74.300 0.906 1.012 Mar1991 124.3 1.088 61.600 0.751 0.947 Apr1991 124.7 1.092 60.000 0.732 0.941 May1991 128.2 1.123 59.600 0.727 0.956 Jun1991 132.6 1.161 57.600 0.702 0.968 Jul1991 134.5 1.178 58.100 0.709 0.981 Aug1991 133.8 1.172 62.100 0.757 0.998 Sep1991 133.8 1.172 65.400 0.798 1.015 Oct1991 128.3 1.123 67.600 0.824 0.998 Nov1991 123.1 1.078 71.000 0.866 0.989 Dec1991 125.1 1.095 62.200 0.759 0.954 Jan1992 125.9 1.102 54.400 0.663 0.918 Feb1992 125.3 1.097 57.300 0.699 0.930 Mar1992 125.8 1.102 56.000 0.683 0.926 Apr1992 124.8 1.093 59.000 0.720 0.936 May1992 128.5 1.125 62.100 0.757 0.971 Jun1992 134.8 1.180 65.400 0.798 1.020 Jul1992 135.6 1.187 64.600 0.788 1.020 Aug1992 135.1 1.183 63.300 0.772 1.010 Sep1992 135.9 1.190 65.600 0.800 1.026 Oct1992 131.2 1.149 68.200 0.832 1.016 Nov1992 125.5 1.099 64.200 0.783 0.966 Dec1992 126.7 1.109 59.400 0.724 0.948 Jan1993 127.1 1.113 59.000 0.720 0.948 Feb1993 126.4 1.107 60.400 0.737 0.951 Mar1993 126.7 1.109 63.200 0.771 0.967

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0.58 =PxCoefficient(ForPWR) 0.42 =FxCoefficient(ForPWR)

Preliminary Px Fx IndexDate WPU0543 WPU0573 Ex

Apr1993 126.8 1.110 62.400 0.761 0.964 May1993 127.5 1.116 62.600 0.763 0.968 Jun1993 136.9 1.199 60.800 0.741 1.007 Jul1993 137.1 1.201 57.000 0.695 0.988 Aug1993 137.2 1.201 54.400 0.663 0.975 Sep1993 137.6 1.205 59.300 0.723 1.003 Oct1993 131.9 1.155 65.400 0.798 1.005 Nov1993 126.3 1.106 61.600 0.751 0.957 Dec1993 126.0 1.103 51.400 0.627 0.903 Jan1994 126.2 1.105 51.500 0.628 0.905 Feb1994 125.9 1.102 57.500 0.701 0.934 Mar1994 125.8 1.102 56.200 0.685 0.927 Apr1994 125.4 1.098 54.700 0.667 0.917 May1994 126.0 1.103 54.700 0.667 0.920 Jun1994 133.5 1.169 54.100 0.660 0.955 Jul1994 134.5 1.178 56.300 0.687 0.971 Aug1994 134.5 1.178 57.500 0.701 0.978 Sep1994 134.9 1.181 57.700 0.704 0.981 Oct1994 129.1 1.130 57.700 0.704 0.951 Nov1994 127.0 1.112 58.800 0.717 0.946 Dec1994 127.4 1.116 54.700 0.667 0.927 Jan1995 127.6 1.117 54.700 0.667 0.928 Feb1995 128.0 1.121 53.300 0.650 0.923 Mar1995 128.3 1.123 54.300 0.662 0.930 Apr1995 126.4 1.107 57.100 0.696 0.934 May1995 130.2 1.140 59.100 0.721 0.964 Jun1995 135.3 1.185 55.800 0.680 0.973 Jul1995 136.6 1.196 53.500 0.652 0.968 Aug1995 136.5 1.195 55.600 0.678 0.978 Sep1995 133.7 1.171 58.200 0.710 0.977 Oct1995 131.4 1.151 57.800 0.705 0.963 Nov1995 127.6 1.117 59.500 0.726 0.953 Dec1995 127.7 1.118 60.600 0.739 0.959 Jan1996 127.9 1.120 62.600 0.763 0.970 Feb1996 127.1 1.113 59.700 0.728 0.951 Mar1996 127.8 1.119 63.500 0.774 0.974 Apr1996 129.1 1.130 74.700 0.911 1.038 May1996 135.0 1.182 72.000 0.878 1.054 Jun1996 137.5 1.204 62.800 0.766 1.020 Jul1996 136.0 1.191 64.300 0.784 1.020 Aug1996 136.2 1.193 66.500 0.811 1.032 Sep1996 136.2 1.193 73.400 0.895 1.068 Oct1996 131.2 1.149 79.700 0.972 1.075 Nov1996 127.1 1.113 76.500 0.933 1.037

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0.58 =PxCoefficient(ForPWR) 0.42 =FxCoefficient(ForPWR)

Preliminary Px Fx IndexDate WPU0543 WPU0573 Ex

Dec1996 127.7 1.118 76.100 0.928 1.038 Jan1997 128.3 1.123 73.700 0.899 1.029 Feb1997 128.1 1.122 72.300 0.882 1.021 Mar1997 128.2 1.123 65.200 0.795 0.985 Apr1997 127.3 1.115 65.300 0.796 0.981 May1997 129.7 1.136 64.200 0.783 0.988 Jun1997 135.1 1.183 60.800 0.741 0.998 Jul1997 135.9 1.190 57.800 0.705 0.986 Aug1997 134.7 1.180 61.500 0.750 0.999 Sep1997 136.0 1.191 60.400 0.737 1.000 Oct1997 130.1 1.139 64.800 0.790 0.993 Nov1997 127.9 1.120 65.800 0.802 0.987 Dec1997 128.3 1.123 59.400 0.724 0.956 Jan1998 127.4 1.116 54.100 0.660 0.924 Feb1998 127.2 1.114 52.000 0.634 0.912 Mar1998 126.7 1.109 48.300 0.589 0.891 Apr1998 126.4 1.107 50.200 0.612 0.899 May1998 129.2 1.131 50.000 0.610 0.912 Jun1998 133.8 1.172 46.300 0.565 0.917 Jul1998 134.8 1.180 45.000 0.549 0.915 Aug1998 135.2 1.184 44.000 0.537 0.912 Sep1998 135.2 1.184 48.300 0.589 0.934 Oct1998 130.4 1.142 47.400 0.578 0.905 Nov1998 127.6 1.117 46.200 0.563 0.885 Dec1998 126.6 1.109 38.800 0.473 0.842 Jan1999 126.1 1.104 40.900 0.499 0.850 Feb1999 125.5 1.099 38.200 0.466 0.833 Mar1999 125.5 1.099 42.800 0.522 0.857 Apr1999 125.2 1.096 52.500 0.640 0.905 May1999 127.4 1.116 52.600 0.641 0.916 Jun1999 131.6 1.152 52.400 0.639 0.937 Jul1999 133.9 1.173 58.700 0.716 0.981 Aug1999 133.9 1.173 63.000 0.768 1.003 Sep1999 134.1 1.174 67.600 0.824 1.027 Oct1999 129.5 1.134 65.500 0.799 0.993 Nov1999 127.5 1.116 71.300 0.870 1.013 Dec1999 126.5 1.108 72.900 0.889 1.016 Jan2000 126.8 1.110 75.300 0.918 1.030 Feb2000 126.7 1.109 87.900 1.072 1.094 Mar2000 126.7 1.109 89.700 1.094 1.103 Apr2000 126.8 1.110 83.100 1.013 1.070 May2000 128.6 1.126 82.900 1.011 1.078 Jun2000 133.6 1.170 86.200 1.051 1.120 Jul2000 136.2 1.193 88.700 1.082 1.146

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0.58 =PxCoefficient(ForPWR) 0.42 =FxCoefficient(ForPWR)

Preliminary Px Fx IndexDate WPU0543 WPU0573 Ex

Aug2000 137.4 1.203 91.600 1.117 1.167 Sep2000 137.8 1.207 110.100 1.343 1.264 Oct2000 134.1 1.174 108.600 1.324 1.237 Nov2000 130.9 1.146 108.400 1.322 1.220 Dec2000 132.7 1.162 100.600 1.227 1.189 Jan2001 136.4 1.194 96.100 1.172 1.185 Feb2001 136.4 1.194 91.600 1.117 1.162 Mar2001 136.5 1.195 83.100 1.013 1.119 Apr2001 135.1 1.183 86.200 1.051 1.128 May2001 136.2 1.193 94.200 1.149 1.174 Jun2001 148.4 1.299 90.200 1.100 1.216 Jul2001 149.5 1.309 81.300 0.991 1.176 Aug2001 148.9 1.304 83.200 1.015 1.182 Sep2001 148.2 1.298 93.000 1.134 1.229 Oct2001 143.8 1.259 76.800 0.937 1.124 Nov2001 137.3 1.202 70.500 0.860 1.058 Dec2001 136.9 1.199 56.600 0.690 0.985 Jan2002 136.3 1.194 58.300 0.711 0.991 Feb2002 135.4 1.186 59.600 0.727 0.993 Mar2002 135.7 1.188 69.100 0.843 1.043 Apr2002 135.4 1.186 76.400 0.932 1.079 May2002 137.9 1.208 75.000 0.915 1.085 Jun2002 143.6 1.257 71.400 0.871 1.095 Jul2002 144.9 1.269 75.500 0.921 1.123 Aug2002 145.0 1.270 77.900 0.950 1.135 Sep2002 145.8 1.277 89.500 1.091 1.199 Oct2002 140.0 1.226 95.100 1.160 1.198 Nov2002 139.5 1.222 82.800 1.010 1.133 Dec2002 139.6 1.222 84.600 1.032 1.142 Jan2003 140.3 1.229 95.700 1.167 1.203 Feb2003 140.6 1.231 120.400 1.468 1.331 Mar2003 143.3 1.255 128.900 1.572 1.388 Apr2003 144.3 1.264 98.300 1.199 1.236 May2003 145.1 1.271 85.500 1.043 1.175 Jun2003 148.3 1.299 87.200 1.063 1.200 Jul2003 151.6 1.327 90.100 1.099 1.231 Aug2003 151.3 1.325 94.100 1.148 1.250 Sep2003 152.0 1.331 88.200 1.076 1.224 Oct2003 147.4 1.291 97.800 1.193 1.250 Nov2003 142.7 1.250 93.000 1.134 1.201 Dec2003 142.9 1.251 95.800 1.168 1.216 Jan2004 143.1 1.253 106.800 1.302 1.274 Feb2004 143.1 1.253 100.800 1.229 1.243 Mar2004 143.1 1.253 107.800 1.315 1.279

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0.58 =PxCoefficient(ForPWR) 0.42 =FxCoefficient(ForPWR)

Preliminary Px Fx IndexDate WPU0543 WPU0573 Ex

Apr2004 143.1 1.253 115.200 1.405 1.317 May2004 144.2 1.263 116.000 1.415 1.327 Jun2004 152.4 1.335 111.500 1.360 1.345 Jul2004 152.2 1.333 119.300 1.455 1.384 Aug2004 154.0 1.349 131.100 1.599 1.454 Sep2004 154.0 1.349 136.800 1.668 1.483 Oct2004 145.8 1.277 161.700 1.972 1.569 Nov2004 144.9 1.269 153.600 1.873 1.523 Dec2004 146.2 1.280 133.800 1.632 1.428 Jan2005 148.9 1.304 138.500 1.689 1.466 Feb2005 148.0 1.296 146.000 1.780 1.499 Mar2005 148.1 1.297 169.400 2.066 1.620 Apr2005 148.7 1.302 170.900 2.084 1.631 May2005 151.1 1.323 165.300 2.016 1.614 Jun2005 159.7 1.398 180.600 2.202 1.736 Jul2005 162.1 1.419 186.200 2.271 1.777 Aug2005 162.5 1.423 194.500 2.372 1.822 Sep2005 162.8 1.426 209.900 2.560 1.902 Oct2005 159.5 1.397 252.000 3.073 2.101 Nov2005 161.1 1.411 199.100 2.428 1.838 Dec2005 161.4 1.413 193.600 2.361 1.811 Jan2006 167.0 1.462 191.800 2.339 1.831 Feb2006 168.6 1.476 190.000 2.317 1.829 Mar2006 167.4 1.466 199.200 2.429 1.870 Apr2006 169.6 1.485 221.900 2.706 1.998 May2006 170.8 1.496 231.400 2.822 2.053 Jun2006 181.2 1.587 238.100 2.904 2.140 Jul2006 181.9 1.593 231.600 2.824 2.110 Aug2006 180.2 1.578 241.400 2.944 2.152 Sep2006 181.0 1.585 203.100 2.477 1.960 Oct2006 171.2 1.499 198.100 2.416 1.884 Nov2006 167.2 1.464 198.200 2.417 1.864 Dec2006 167.8 1.469 200.400 2.444 1.879 Jan2007 171.9 1.505 180.000 2.195 1.795 Feb2007 175.7 1.539 191.500 2.335 1.873 Mar2007 172.1 1.507 215.100 2.623 1.976 Apr2007 173.1 1.516 231.800 2.827 2.066 May2007 179.2 1.569 225.300 2.748 2.064 Jun2007 186.7 1.635 222.400 2.712 2.087 Jul2007 187.0 1.637 237.800 2.900 2.168 Aug2007 187.6 1.643 225.500 2.750 2.108 Sep2007 188.4 1.650 238.900 2.913 2.180 Oct2007 182.7 1.600 243.300 2.967 2.174 Nov2007 180.3 1.579 288.200 3.515 2.392

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0.58 =PxCoefficient(ForPWR) 0.42 =FxCoefficient(ForPWR)

Preliminary Px Fx IndexDate WPU0543 WPU0573 Ex

Dec2007 180.0 1.576 266.700 3.252 2.280 Jan2008 181.9 1.593 273.800 3.339 2.326 Feb2008 180.0 1.576 280.200 3.417 2.349 Mar2008 183.1 1.603 339.600 4.141 2.669 Apr2008 185.2 1.622 352.500 4.299 2.746 May2008 189.5 1.659 384.900 4.694 2.934 Jun2008 191.9 1.680 410.500 5.006 3.077 Jul2008 196.1 1.717 423.800 5.168 3.167 Aug2008 197.1 1.726 343.900 4.194 2.762 Sep2008 195.9 1.715 335.100 4.087 2.711 Oct2008 193.0 1.690 279.000 3.402 2.409 Nov2008 187.7 1.644 218.200 2.661 2.071 Dec2008 188.3 1.649 163.000 1.988 1.791 Jan2009 190.3 1.666 159.800 1.949 1.785 Feb2009 190.3 1.666 145.600 1.776 1.712 Mar2009 187.6 1.643 136.800 1.668 1.653 Apr2009 186.9 1.637 159.900 1.950 1.768 May2009 190.5 1.668 158.600 1.934 1.780 Jun2009 193.3 1.693 183.700 2.240 1.923 Jul2009 196.2 1.718 165.200 2.015 1.843 Aug2009 194.7 1.705 196.100 2.391 1.993 Sep2009 194.9 1.707 186.600 2.276 1.946 Oct2009 189.9 1.663 193.300 2.357 1.955 Nov2009 186.0 1.629 207.800 2.534 2.009 Dec2009 186.0 1.629 197.500 2.409 1.956 Jan2010 186.3 1.631 220.700 2.691 2.077 Feb2010 186.1 1.630 200.200 2.441 1.971 Mar2010 189.0 1.655 217.000 2.646 2.071 Apr2010 188.8 1.653 231.500 2.823 2.145 May2010 192.0 1.681 226.000 2.756 2.133 Jun2010 197.8 1.732 212.400 2.590 2.092 Jul2010 199.8 1.750 209.300 2.552 2.087 Aug2010 200.8 1.758 221.400 2.700 2.154 Sep2010 200.0 1.751 220.000 2.683 2.143 Oct2010 194.6 1.704 235.800 2.876 2.196 Nov2010 190.9 1.672 245.300 2.991 2.226 Dec2010 191.4 1.676 250.000 3.049 2.253 Jan2011 193.1 1.691 260.400 3.176 2.314 Feb2011 194.4 1.702 278.800 3.400 2.415 Mar2011 195.0 1.708 307.500 3.750 2.565 Apr2011 194.1 1.700 325.100 3.965 2.651 May2011 196.9 1.724 315.100 3.843 2.614 Jun2011 205.7 1.801 316.900 3.865 2.668 Jul2011 215.3 1.885 311.500 3.799 2.689

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0.58 =PxCoefficient(ForPWR) 0.42 =FxCoefficient(ForPWR)

Preliminary Px Fx IndexDate WPU0543 WPU0573 Ex

Aug2011 216.6 1.897 296.900 3.621 2.621 Sep2011 215.8 1.890 306.500 3.738 2.666 Oct2011 206.6 1.809 299.600 3.654 2.584 Nov2011 204.0 1.786 322.700 3.935 2.689 Dec2011 204.4 1.790 301.000 3.671 2.580 Jan2012 201.1 1.761 308.800 3.766 2.603 Feb2012 200.3 1.754 316.500 3.860 2.638 Mar2012 199.8 1.750 330.800 4.034 2.709 Apr2012 198.1 1.735 327.100 3.989 2.682 May2012 201.5 1.764 315.600 3.849 2.640 Jun2012 207.7 1.819 284.600 3.471 2.513 Jul2012 221.5 1.940 287.900 3.511 2.600 Aug2012 222.1 1.945 313.400 3.822 2.733 Sep2012 222.8 1.951 330.400 4.029 2.824 Oct2012 214.1 1.875 334.100 4.074 2.799 Nov2012 212.3 1.859 311.600 3.800 2.674 Dec2012 213.8 1.872 303.300 3.699 2.639 Jan2013 199.2 1.744 303.600 3.702 2.567 Feb2013 199.4 1.746 327.700 3.996 2.691 Mar2013 199.0 1.743 308.700 3.765 2.592 Apr2013 198.8 1.741 303.900 3.706 2.566 May2013 203.5 1.782 296.400 3.615 2.552 Jun2013 211.9 1.856 294.900 3.596 2.587 Jul2013 211.4 1.851 300.400 3.663 2.612 Aug2013 210.4 1.842 307.400 3.749 2.643 Sep2013 210.3 1.842 315.300 3.845 2.683 Oct2013 201.2 1.762 306.800 3.741 2.593 Nov2013 199.0 1.743 295.300 3.601 2.523 Dec2013 200.5 1.756 302.900 3.694 2.570 Jan2014 215.1 1.884 297.500 3.628 2.616 Feb2014 214.4 1.877 309.100 3.770 2.672 Mar2014 214.8 1.881 306.500 3.738 2.661 Apr2014 210.8 1.846 306.700 3.740 2.642 May2014 215.2 1.884 304.400 3.712 2.652 Jun2014 224.0 1.961 296.500 3.616 2.656 Jul2014 227.5 1.992 295.300 3.601 2.668 Aug2014 227.7 1.994 293.900 3.584 2.662 Sep2014 225.1 1.971 291.000 3.549 2.634 Oct2014 217.0 1.900 271.400 3.310 2.492 Nov2014 210.7 1.845 260.900 3.182 2.406 Dec2014 213.9 1.873 218.900 2.670 2.208 Jan2015 222.4 1.947 173.600 2.117 2.019 Feb2015 221.1 1.936 184.300 2.248 2.067 Mar2015 218.2 1.911 185.700 2.265 2.059

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0.58 =PxCoefficient(ForPWR) 0.42 =FxCoefficient(ForPWR)

Preliminary Px Fx IndexDate WPU0543 WPU0573 Ex

Apr2015 213.3 1.868 178.200 2.173 1.996 May2015 217.0 1.900 196.600 2.398 2.109 Jun2015 237.2 2.077 193.400 2.359 2.195 Jul2015 237.3 2.078 187.000 2.280 2.163 Aug2015 236.8 2.074 180.400 2.200 2.127 Sep2015 234.2 2.051 163.100 1.989 2.025 Oct2015 218.2 1.911 165.300 2.016 1.955 Nov2015 213.4 1.869 159.700 1.948 1.902 Dec2015 214.8 1.881 131.100 1.599 1.762 Jan2016 205.3 1.798 114.400 1.395 1.629 Feb2016 204.3 1.789 107.700 1.313 1.589 Mar2016 204.5 1.791 113.800 1.388 1.621 Apr2016 202.4 1.772 116.800 1.424 1.626 May2016 206.3 1.806 137.800 1.680 1.754 Jun2016 220.4 1.930 149.400 1.822 1.885 Jul2016 226.2 1.981 152.200 1.856 1.928 Aug2016 227.3 1.990 143.500 1.750 1.889 Sep2016 228.1 1.997 155.500 1.896 1.955 Oct2016 214.9 1.882 153.400 1.871 1.877 Nov2016 211.3 1.850 152.900 1.865 1.856 Dec2016 211.7 1.854 153.300 1.870 1.860 Jan2017 231.8 2.030 158.000 1.927 1.987 Feb2017 232.9 2.039 159.700 1.948 2.001 Mar2017 234.2 2.051 158.000 1.927 1.999 Apr2017 234.3 2.052 157.900 1.926 1.999 May2017 237.1 2.076 165.300 2.016 2.051 Jun2017 251.0 2.198 163.100 1.989 2.110 Jul2017 253.4 2.219 169.100 2.062 2.153 Aug2017 251.2 2.200 179.000 2.183 2.193 Sep2017 249.0 2.180 192.500 2.348 2.251 Oct2017 238.7 2.090 202.900 2.474 2.252 Nov2017 236.8 2.074 211.200 2.576 2.284 Dec2017 237.4 2.079 212.700 2.594 2.295 Jan2018 243.4 2.131 218.000 2.659 2.353 Feb2018 245.3 2.148 216.600 2.641 2.355 Mar2018 241.0 2.110 214.000 2.610 2.320 Apr2018 237.7 2.081 220.500 2.689 2.337 May2018 241.3 2.113 238.800 2.912 2.449 Jun2018 255.2 2.235 248.900 3.035 2.571 Jul2018 258.8 2.266 244.200 2.978 2.565 Aug2018 258.7 2.265 242.000 2.951 2.553 Sep2018 255.4 2.236 249.800 3.046 2.577 Oct2018 246.6 2.159 258.400 3.151 2.576 Nov2018 240.2 2.103 252.600 3.080 2.514

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0.58 =PxCoefficient(ForPWR) 0.42 =FxCoefficient(ForPWR)

Preliminary Px Fx IndexDate WPU0543 WPU0573 Ex

Dec2018 241.0 2.110 221.500 2.701 2.359 Jan2019 244.9 2.144 191.600 2.337 2.225 Feb2019 244.0 2.137 207.800 2.534 2.304 Mar2019 241.6 2.116 227.300 2.772 2.391 Apr2019 238.7 2.090 226.200 2.759 2.371 May2019 241.1 2.111 224.400 2.737 2.374 Jun2019 250.7 2.195 197.000 2.402 2.282 Jul2019 253.3 2.218 209.400 2.554 2.359 Aug2019 257.1 2.251 198.500 2.421 2.322 Sep2019 254.4 2.228 208.000 2.537 2.357 Oct2019 231.4 2.026 210.600 2.568 2.254 Nov2019 230.2 2.016 212.700 2.594 2.259 Dec2019 232.5 2.036 219.500 2.677 2.305 Jan2020 232.9 2.039 205.400 2.505 2.235 Feb2020 234.3 2.052 184.000 2.244 2.132 Mar2020 233.2 2.042 160.400 1.956 2.006 Apr2020 233.0 2.040 116.100 1.416 1.778 May2020 232.8 2.039 101.800 1.241 1.704 Jun2020 250.4 2.193 130.100 1.587 1.938 Jul2020 253.5 2.220 168.600 2.056 2.151 Aug2020 253.6 2.221 178.200 2.173 2.201 Sep2020 256.2 2.243 165.700 2.021 2.150 Oct2020 236.5 2.071 174.200 2.124 2.093 Nov2020 233.3 2.043 187.000 2.280 2.143 Dec2020 232.8 2.039 209.400 2.554 2.255 Jan2021 234.7 2.055 217.600 2.654 2.307 Feb2021 235.3 2.060 247.000 3.012 2.460 Mar2021 253.2 2.217 282.500 3.445 2.733 Apr2021 237.1 2.076 263.400 3.212 2.553 May2021 239.2 2.095 296.700 3.618 2.735 Jun2021 259.8 2.275 296.800 3.620 2.840 Jul2021 264.727 2.318 305.392 3.724 2.909 Aug2021 266.382 2.333 300.698 3.667 2.893 Sep2021 263.224 2.305 311.738 3.802 2.934 Oct2021 255.289 2.235 349.598 4.263 3.087 Nov2021 253.517 2.220 343.086 4.184 3.045 Dec2021 251.385 2.201 323.329 3.943 2.933 Jan2022 263.262 2.305 342.535 4.177 3.092 Feb2022 269.233 2.358 389.425 4.749 3.362 Mar2022 264.930 2.320 472.872 5.767 3.768 Apr2022 262.970 2.303 497.370 6.065 3.883 May2022 267.786 2.345 551.997 6.732 4.187 Jun2022 284.453 2.491 622.389 7.590 4.633 Jul2022 297.134 2.602 531.451 6.481 4.231

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0.58 =PxCoefficient(ForPWR) 0.42 =FxCoefficient(ForPWR)

Preliminary Px Fx IndexDate WPU0543 WPU0573 Ex

Aug2022 300.917 2.635 466.971 5.695 3.920 Sep2022 304.327 2.665 512.191 6.246 4.169 Oct2022 285.264 2.498 565.417 6.895 4.345 Nov2022 274.040 2.400 544.954 6.646 4.183 Dec2022 279.934 2.451 394.700 4.813 3.443

Producer Price Index-Commodities Producer Price Index-Commodities Original Data Value Original Data Value Px Values Fx Values

Series Id: W PU0543 Series Id: W PU0573 Not Seasonally Adjusted Not Seasonally Adjusted Group: Fuels and related products and power Group: Fuels and related products and power Item: Industrial electric power Item: Light fuel oils Base Date: 198200 Base Date: 198200

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1986 1.000

1987 1.000

1988 2.007

1989 2.007

1990 2.007

1991 2.494

1992 2.494

1993 11.408

1994 11.873

1995 12.824

1996 12.771

1997 15.852

1998 15.886

1999 15.886

2000 8.052

2001 8.052

2002 9.467

2003 9.467

2004 7.934

2005 7.934

2006 8.683

2007 8.683

2008 9.872

2009 9.872

2010 12.280NUREG1307Rev14;PublishedNovember2010 BxValuesforGenericLLWDisposalSite(e) 2011 12.280DirectDisposalwithVendors(f)

PWR 2012 12.280

2013 13.885NUREG1307Rev15;FinalReport;PublishedJanuary2013 BxValuesforGenericLLWDisposalSite(e) 2014 13.885CombinationofCompactAffiliatedandNonCompactFacility(f,g)

PWR 2015 13.885

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NUREG1307Rev16;FinalReport;PublishedMarch2017 BxValuesforGeneratorsLocatedintheUnaffiliatedStatesandthoseLocatedinCompactAffiliatedStateshaving 2016 12.471noDisposalFacility(c) 2017 12.471PWR

NUREG1307Rev17;FinalReport;PublishedFebruary2019 BxValuesforGeneratorsLocatedintheUnaffiliatedStatesandthoseLocatedinCompactAffiliatedStateshaving noDisposalFacility(c) 2018 12.853PWR 2019 12.853 NUREG1307Rev18;FinalReport;PublishedJanuary2021 BxValuesforGeneratorsLocatedintheUnaffiliatedStatesandthoseLocatedinCompactAffiliatedStateshaving noDisposalFacility(c) 2020 12.793PWR 2021 12.793 NUREG1307Rev19;FinalReport;PublishedFebruary2023 BxValuesforGeneratorsLocatedintheUnaffiliatedStatesandthoseLocatedinCompactAffiliatedStateshaving noDisposalFacility(c) 2022 13.711PWR


Licenseesnotlocated intheNorthwest,RockyMountain, Atlantic, orTexasCompactsshould usetheBx valuesforGeneratorsLocated inStates NotAffiliated withaCompacthaving aDisposalFacility (seefootnote (c)inTable21).

Footnote(c)toTable2.1,"ValuesofBx asaFunctionofLLWBurialSiteandYear(a)"states:

EffectivewithNUREG1307,Revision 16,theCWFinAndrewsCounty,Texas,isalsoavailable asafullservice (i.e.,ClassA,B, andC)LLW disposal facility forwastegeneratorslocated inStatesnotaffiliated withtheTexasCompact. Outofcompact generators,however,must submitanimportpetition totheTexasCompactCommissionforapproval priortoshipping. TheStateofTexasalsolimitstotalnoncompact wastedisposedattheCWFto30percent oflicensedcapacity andimposesadditional feesonLLWdisposedoffromoutofcompact generators.

Withtheavailability ofthisfullservice disposal facility tooutofcompact wastegeneratorsandtheClive,Utahdisposalfacility foranyClassA LLWgenerated intheU.S.,theGenericLLWDisposalSitescenariousedinpreviousversionsofNUREG1307isreplaced withthisscenario,which providesBx valuesrepresenting acomposite ofthedisposal ratesforthesetwodisposal facilities. TheseBx factorsarerecommended forusefor plantsthatcurrentlyhavenodisposal siteavailable within theirdesignated LLWCompact.
