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Cimarron Environmental Response Trust 2014 Design Investigation Report, Appendix a, Ec/Hpt Data Logs, Part 2 of 2
Person / Time
Site: 07000925
Issue date: 05/31/2015
Burns & McDonnell, State of OK, Dept of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML21120A281 List:
Download: ML21120A230 (158)


Allcontinuing calibration verifications (CCV) bracketing thisSDGmetthe acceptance criteria.

W Method Blank(MB) Statement TheMBsanalyzedwith thisSDGmetthe acceptance criteria.

Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) Recovery TheLCSspike recoveries met the acceptance limits.

Quality Control (QC) Sample Statement Thefollowing samples wereselectedas the quality control (QC) samples for this SDG:363673001 (1336A),

363673011 (T-97), 363673021 (1387) and 363673031 (1382)-ICP-MS.

Matrix Spike (MS) Recovery Statement Thepercent recoveries (%R) obtained from the MS analyses are evaluated whenthe sample concentration islessthan fourtimes (4X) thes pike concentration added. All applicable analytes met the a cceptance criteria.

Duplicate Relative Percent Difference (RPD) Statement TheRPDobtained from the designated sample duplicate (DUP) isevaluated based onacceptance criteriaof20%

whenthe sample is>5Xthe contract required reporting limit (RL). In cases where either the s ample or duplicate value islessthan 5X the RL,a control of+/-RL isused toevaluate theDUP results. All applicable analytes metthese requirements.

SerialDilution  % Difference Statement Theserial dilutionisused toassess matrix suppression orenhancement. Rawelement concentrations 25xthe IDL/MDL for CVAA,50Xthe IDL/MDL for ICPand100Xthe IDL/MDL for ICP-MS analyses are applicable for serial dilution assessment. All applicable analytes metthe established acceptance percent difference criteria.

Technical Information Holding TimeSpecifications GELassigns holding times based onthe associated methodology. Holding time ismeasured bycomparison ofthe date andtime ofsample collection tothe date andtime ofsample preparation andanalysis. Those holding times expressed inhours arecalculated inthe AlphaLIMS system. Those holding times expressed asdays expire atmidnight on the dayofexpiration. Allsamples inthis SDGmetthe specified holding time.

Preparation/Analytical Method Verification Allprocedures wereperformed asstated inthe SOP.

Sample Dilutions Dilutions areperformed tominimize matrix interferences resultingfrom elevated mineral element concentrations present insolid samples and/or tobring over range target analyte concentrations into the linear calibration range ofthe instrument. Thesamples inthis SDGdid notrequire dilutions.

Preparation Information Thesamples inthis SDGwereprepared exactly according tothecited SOP.

Miscellaneous Information Electronic Packaging Comment Thisdata package wasgenerated using anelectronic data processing program referred toasvirtual packaging. Inan 24of166 Page

effort to increase quality andefficiency, the laboratory has developed systems all togenerate data packages electronically. Thefollowingchange from traditional packagesshould benoted:

Analyst/peer reviewer initials anddates arenotpresent ontheelectronic data Presently, files. all initials anddates are present onthe original rawdata. These hard copies stored aretemporarily inthe An electronic laboratory. signature page inserted after the casenarrative will include the data signature validator's Thesignature andtitle. pagealso includes the data qualifiers used inthe fractional package. Datathat arenotgenerated such ashand electronically, written pages, will bescanned andinserted into theelectronicpackage.

DataException (DER) Documentation Data exception reports aregenerated todocument anyprocedural anomalies maydeviate that from SOPor referenced contractual documents. Data exception reports were included behind theC aseNarrative orinthe Miscellaneous Data section ofthis data package. A data exception report w asnotrequired fort his SDG.

Additional Comments Additional comm.ents werenotrequired for this SDG.

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CertiAcation Statement Where the analytical method has been performed underNELAPcertification, the has analysismetall ofthe requirementsofthe NELAC standard unless otherwise noted inthe analytical casenarrative.

Review Validation:

GELrequires all analytical data tobe verified byaqualified datavalidator. all Inaddition, designated data forCLPor CLP-likepackaging willreceive athird level validation uponcompletion package.

ofthe d ata Thefollowing data validator verified theinformation inthis presented narrative:

case Reviewer:

d Date:

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GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407(843) Qualifier Definition Report for CMRN001 Burns & McDonnell Client SDG:363673 GELWorkOrder: 363673 TheQualifiers inthisreportare defined asfollows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery isoutside ofspecified acceptance criteria U Analytewasanalyzedfor,but not detected above the MDL,MDA,orLOD.

Wherethe method analytical has been performed underNELAPcertification, the has analysismetallofthe ofthe requirements NELACstandard unlessqualified onthe Certificate ofAnalysis.

Thedesignation ND,if present,appears inthe result column whenthe concentration analyte isnotdetected above the limit asdefined inthe'U' qualifier above.

This data has report been prepared andreviewed inaccordance with GELLaboratories LLC standard operating procedures.Please direct anyquestions toyour Project Manager,Edith Kent.

Reviewed by &

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GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1336A Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673001 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 08:15 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 29.1 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2251 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1392 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673002 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 09:15 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 1.04 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2257 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1346 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673003 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 09:31 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 6.99 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2258 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1346DUP Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673004 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 09:31 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 6.72 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2259 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1393 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673005 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 09:45 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 29.0 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2304 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1393DUP Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673006 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 09:45 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 29.1 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2305 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1347 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673007 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 10:30 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 29.5 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2307 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1394 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673008 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 10:45 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 1.01 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2308 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1386 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673009 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 11:05 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 1.16 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2309 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1385 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673010 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 11:20 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 18.3 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2311 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID:T-97 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673011 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 13:50 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 56.4 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2312 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS 200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methodswereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID:T-98 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673012 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 14:25 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 46.6 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2321 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS 200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methodswereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID:T-101 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673013 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 15:00 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 34.3 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2322 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS 200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methodswereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: T-101DUP Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673014 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 15:00 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 34.8 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2324 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1375 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673015 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 16:10 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 4.66 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2325 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1389 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673016 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 16:38 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 2.26 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2326 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1381 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673017 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 07:53 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 59.1 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2328 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1320 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673018 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 08:29 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 186 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2329 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1383 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673019 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 09:00 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 5.42 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2331 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1337 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673020 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 09:25 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 6.56 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2332 1445703 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445702 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1387 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673021 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 09:40 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 16.9 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2339 1445707 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445705 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1391 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673022 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 09:52 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 1.54 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2345 1445707 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445705 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1380 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673023 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 10:34 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 10.5 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2346 1445707 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445705 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1333 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673024 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 10:50 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 16.8 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2351 1445707 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445705 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1379 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673025 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 11:25 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 17.7 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2352 1445707 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445705 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1331 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673026 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 11:40 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 36.8 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2354 1445707 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445705 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1377 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673027 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 12:00 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 14.3 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2355 1445707 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445705 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1378 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673028 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 12:20 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 2.09 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2356 1445707 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445705 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1321 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673029 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 08:45 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 9.55 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2358 1445707 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445705 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1332 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673030 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 10:30 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 31.7 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/26/l4 2359 1445707 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445705 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1382 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673031 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 11:00 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 1.24 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/27/l4 0004 1445707 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445705 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1384 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673032 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 11:30 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 0.614 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/27/l4 0009 1445707 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445705 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1338 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673033 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 11:50 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 0.794 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/27/l4 0011 1445707 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445705 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1390 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673034 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 12:15 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 1.54 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/27/l4 0012 1445707 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445705 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - ReportDate:January20,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1388 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673035 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 12:35 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod Analysis-ICP-MS Metals Dissolved 200.2/200.8 Uranium "AsReceived" Uranium 1.28 0.067 0.200 ug/L 1 BAJ 12/27/l4 0013 1445707 1 Thefollowing Methods Prep wereperformed:

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch EPA200.2 ICP-MS200.2 PREP JPl 12/23/l4 1615 1445705 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Descrip 1 EPA200.8 Notes:


i 64of166 Page

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston, SC29407(843) -

556-8171 - Environmental Properties Management, LLC UCSummar Renort Date:January 20,2015 Page1of2 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma


Mr.Jeff Lux Workorder:363673 Parmname NOM /D% REC% Range Anlst DateTime MetalsAnalysis ICPMS Batch 1445703 -

QCl203233925363673001 DUP Uranium 29.1 29.2 ug/L 0.274 (0%-20%) BAJ 12/26/14 22:52 QCl203233931363673011 DUP Uranium 56.4 56.7 ug/L 0.583 (0%-20%) 12/26/14 23:14 QCl203233924 LCS Uranium 50.0 50.3 ug/L 101 (85%-115%) 12/26/14 22:50 QCl203233923 MB Uranium U ND ug/L 12/26/14 22:48 QCl203233926363673001 MS Uranium 50.0 29.1 77.5 ug/L 96.7 (75%-125%)12/26/14 22:54 QC1203233932363673011 MS Uranium 50.0 56.4 105 ug/L 97.9 (75%-125%) 12/26/14 23:15 QCl203233927363673001 SDILT Uranium 29.1 5.94 ug/L 1.96 (0%-10%) 12/26/l4 22:55 QCl203233933363673011 SDILT Uranium 56.4 11.1 ug/L 1.48 (0%-10%) 12/26/l4 23:17 Batch 1445707 - -

QCl203233936363673021 DUP

'Uranium 16.9 16.9 ug/L 0.497 (0%-20%)BAJ 12/26/l4 23:41 QCl203233939363673031 DUP Uranium 1.24 1.20 ug/L 303 (0%-20%) 12/27/14 00:05 QC1203233935 LCS Uranium 50.0 50.4 ug/L 101 (85%-115%) 12/26/14 23:38 QCl203233934 MB Uranium U ND ug/L 12/26/l4 23:36 QCl203233937363673021 MS Uranium 50.0 16.9 66.6 ug/L 99.4 (75%-125%) 12/26/14 23:42 QC1203233940363673031 MS Uranium 50.0 1.24 51.7 ug/L 101 (75%-125%) 12/27/14 00:06 Page 65of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston, SC29407(843) 556-8171 - Workorder:363673 Page2 of2 Parmname NOM SampleQual QC Units RPD/D% REC% Range Anist DateTime MetalsAnalysis ICPMS Batch 1445707 QCl203233938 363673021 SDILT Uranium 16.9 3.31 ug/L 2.24 (0%-10%) BAJ 12/26/14 23:44 QC1203233941 363673031 SDILT Uranium 1.24 0.250 ug/L .725 (0%-10%) 12/27/14 00:08 Notes:

TheQualifiers inthis reportaredefinedasfollows:

< Resultislessthan valuereported

> Resultisgreater thanvaluereported E %differenceofsample andSDis >10%.Sample concentration mustmeetflagging criteria FB Mercury wasfound presentatquantifiable concentrations infield blanks received with thesesamples.Dataassociated with the blankaredeemed invalid for reportingtoregulatory agencies H Analyticalholdingtime wasexceeded J Value isestimated N Metals--TheMatrix spike sample isnotwithin recovery speciEed control limits N/A RPDor%Recovery limitsdonotapply.

N1 Seecase narrative ND Analyte concentration isnotdetected abovethedetection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative,Data Summary package,orProject Managerconceming thisqualifier Q Oneormorequality controlcriteria havenotbeen met.Refer applicable tothe narrative orDER.

R Sample resultsarerejected U Analytewasanalyzed for,butnotdetected above theMDL,MDA, orLOD.

X ConsultCase Narrative, Data Summary package,orProject Managerconcerning thisqualifier Y Otherspecific qualifiers wererequiredtoproperlydefine theresults.

Consult casenarrative.

^ RPDofsample andduplicate using evaluated +/-RL. Concentrations are<5Xthe RL.QualifierNotApplicableforRadiochemistry.

h Preparationorpreservationholding time wasexceeded N/Aindicates that spike recovery limits donotapplywhensample concentration exceeds spikeconc.byafactorof4 ormoreor%RPDnotapplicable.

^ The thesampleduplicate isevaluatedagainstthe Relative Percent Difference(RPD) obtained from (DUP) criteria acceptance whenthe sampleisgreater than fivetimes (5X)the contractrequireddetection limit (RL).Incaseswhereeither thesample orduplicate valueisless than 5X the RL,acontrol limitof+/-

the RL isused toevaluate the DUPresult.

  • Indicates thataQuality Controlparameterwasnotwithin specifications.

ForPS,PSD,andSDILT results, thevalueslisted arethemeasured notfinal amounts, concentrations.

Where theanalytical method has been perfonned under NELAPcertification, the has analysis metall ofthe requirementsofthe NELACstandard unlessqualified ontheQCSummary.

Page 66of166

i 67of166 Page

i 68of166 Page

General Chemistry Narrative Burns& McDonnell (CMRN)

SDG363673 W

Product: lonChromatography Batch: 1446181 Analytical and1446182 Method: EPA300.0 Fluoride inLiquid San1ple.Ag1aly.sts Thefollowing samples wereanalyzed usingthe analytical protocol asestablished inEPA300.0:

Sample ID Client ID 363673001 1336A 363673002 1392 363673003 1346 363673004 1346DUP 363673005 1393 363673006 1393DUP 363673007 1347 363673008 1394 363673009 1386 363673010 1385 363673011 T-97 363673012 T-98 363673013 T-101 363673014 T-101DUP 363673015 1375 363673016 1389 363673017 1381 363673018 1320 363673019 1383 363673020 1337 363673021 1387 363673022 1391 363673023 1380 363673024 1333 363673025 1379 363673026 1331 363673027 1377 363673028 1378 363673029 1321 363673030 1332 363673031 1382 69of166 Page

363673032 1384 363673033 1338 363673034 1390 363673035 1388 1203235091 Method Blank (MB) 1203235097 Method Blank (MB) 1203235092 Laboratory ControlSample (LCS) 1203235098 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) 1203235093 363673001(1336A) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203235094 363673002(1392) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203235099 363673021(1387) Sample Duplicate(DUP) 1203235100 363673022(1391) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203235095 363673001(1336A)Post Spike (PS) 1203235096 363673002(1392) PostSpike (PS) 1203235101 363673021(1387)

Post Spike (PS) 1203235102 363673022(1391) Post Spike(PS) 1203244670 363673021(1387) PostSpike Duplicate (PSD) 1203244671 363673022(1391) PostSpike Duplicate (PSD)

Thesamples SDGwereanalyzed inthis onan"as received" basis.

SOPReference Procedure preparation, for analysis andreporting ofanalytical data arecontrolled byGELLaboratories LLCas Standard Operating (SOP).

Procedure The data discussed inthis narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-GC-E-086 REV#23.

Preparation/Analytical MethodVerification TheSOPstated above hasbeen based prepared ontechnical research andtesting conducted by GEL Laboratories, LLC.andwith from guidance regulatory the documents listed inthis "Method/Analysis Information" section.

Calibration Information TheIonChromatography analysis wasperformed onaDionex ICS-3000 IonChromatograph.

InitialCalibration All initial requirements calibration havebeen metfor this SDG.

Continuing Calibration Blanks Allcontinuing calibration blanks (CCBs)associated with reported data from thisbatch werewithin acceptance limits.

Calibration Verification (CCV)

Information All continuing verification calibration standards (CCVs) associated with reported data from this batch werewithin acceptance limits.

Y Intercept Rule Theabsolute value ofthe isless intercept than 3times the MDL.

W MethodBlank (MB) Statement 70of166 Page

TheMBs analyzed with SDGmetthe this acceptance criteria.

Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) Recovery TheLCSspike recoveries metthe acceptance limits.

Quality Control (QC) Designation Thefollowing samples were selected for QCanalysis: 363673001 (1336A), 363673002 (1392)- Batch 1446181, 363673021 (1387) and363673022 (1391)-Batch 1446182.

Matrix Spike (MS)/Post Spike (PS) Recovery Statement Thespike recovery falls outsideof the established acceptance limits duetomatrix interference: 1203235102 (1391PS)- Batch 1446182.

Duplicate Relative Percent Difference (RPD) Statement TheRPDbetween the sample andits duplicate met theacceptance limits.

Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Recovery Statement TheMSDrecoveries for thissample setwerewithin the required acceptance limits.

MS/MSDRelative Percent Difference (RPD) Statement TheRPDsbetween the spikeandspike duplicate metthe acceptance limits.

Technical Information GELassigns holding times based onthe date andtime ofsample collection.Those holding times expressed inhours arecalculated inthe AlphaLims system byhours. Those holding times expressed as days expire atmidnight onthe day ofexpiration.

Holding Times Thefollowing samples fromthis sample group wereaccidentally analyzed outsideofthe method specified holding time.Seethe Data Exception Report (DER) sectionofthis narrative for moreinformation. 1203244670 (1387PSD) and1203244671 (1391PSD)- Batch 1446182.

Sample Dilutions Thefollowing samples inthissample group werediluted duetohigh concentration: 1203235093 (1336ADUP),

1203235095 (1336APS), 363673001 (1336A), 363673003 (1346), 363673004 (1346DUP), 363673005 (1393),

363673006 (1393DUP), 363673007 (1347), 363673010 (1385), 363673019 (1383),363673020 (1337), 1203235099 (1387DUP), 1203235101 (1387PS) and363673021 (1387)- Batch 1446182. Thefollowing samples werediluted basedonhistorical data: 1203235093 (1336ADUP), 1203235095 (1336APS), 363673001 (1336A), 363673003 (1346),363673004 (1346DUP) and363673020 (1337)- Batch 1446181.

Sample Re-analysis Thesamples inthis SDGdid notrequire re-analysis.

Miscellaneous Information DataException (DER) Documentation Thefollowing DERwasgenerated for this SDG:1369361. 1203235102 (1391PS), 1203244670 (1387PSD) and 1203244671 (1391PSD)- Batch 1446182. DER# 1369361.

Manual Integrations Thefollowing samples fromthis sample group hadtobemanually integrated duetoerrors inthe instrument software 71of166 Page

peak integration: 1203235093 (1336ADUP), 1203235094 (1392DUP), 1203235095 (1336APS),1203235096 (1392PS), 363673001 (1336A), 363673002 (1392), 363673003 (1346),

363673004 (1346DUP),


363673008 (1394), 363673009 (1386),363673011 (T-97),363673012 (T-98), 363673013(T-101),

363673014 (T-101DUP), 363673015 (1375), 363673016 (1389), 363673017 363673018 (1381), 363673019 (1320), (1383),

363673020 (1337)- Batch 1446181, 1203235099 (1387DUP), 1203235100 (1391DUP), (1387PS),

1203235101 1203235102 (1391PS), 363673021 (1387),363673022 (1391), 363673023 (1380), 363673024(1333),

363673025 (1379), 363673026 (1331), 363673027 (1377), 363673028 (1378), 363673029 363673030 (1321), 363673031 (1332),

(1382), 363673032 (1384), 363673033 (1338), 363673034 (1390) and363673035 Batch (1388)- 1446182.

Additional Comments Additional comments werenotrequired for this SDG.

Electronic Packaging Comment This data package wasgenerated usinganelectronic dataprocessing program referred toasvirtual packaging.

Inan efforttoincrease quality andefficiency,the laboratory hasdeveloped systems all togenerate datapackages electronically. Thefollowing change fromtraditional packages should benoted:

Analyst/peer reviewer initialsanddates arenotpresenton the electronic data all Presently, files. initials anddates are present onthe originalrawdata. These hard copies aretemporarily stored inthe laboratory.

Thedata will validator always sign anddate the casenarrative.Data that arenotgenerated electronically, such ashandwritten will pages, be scanned andinserted into theelectronic package.

72of166 Page

W Nitrate NitritebyCadmium Product: Reduction AnaWal 1445986 and 1445987 8 " "

Method Nitrate/Nitrite Batch:

Sanip.k.Analy.sis Thefollowing samples wereanalyzed using the analytical protocol inEPA353.2:

asestablished Sample ID Client ID 363673001 1336A 363673002 1392 363673003 1346 363673004 1346DUP 363673005 1393 363673006 1393DUP 363673007 1347 363673008 1394 363673009 1386 363673010 1385 363673011 T-97 363673012 T-98 363673013 T-101 363673014 T-101DUP 363673015 1375 363673016 1389 363673017 1381 363673018 1320 363673019 1383 363673020 1337 363673021 1387 363673022 1391 363673023 1380 363673024 1333 363673025 1379 363673026 1331 363673027 1377 363673028 1378 363673029 1321 363673030 1332 363673031 1382 363673032 1384 363673033 1338 73of166 Page

363673034 1390 363673035 1388 1203234545 MethodBlank (MB) 1203234556 Method Blank(MB) 1203234546 Laboratory Sample Control (LCS) 1203234557 Laboratory Sample Control (LCS) 1203234547 363673001(1336A) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203234548 363673002(1392) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203234558 363673021(1387) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1203234549 363673001(1336A) Post Spike (PS) 1203234550 363673002(1392) Post Spike (PS) 1203234560 363673021(1387) Post Spike (PS)

Thesamples SDGwereanalyzed inthis onan "as received" basis.

SOPReference Procedure for preparation,analysisandreporting ofanalytical data arecontrolled byGELLaboratories LLCas Standard Procedure Operating (SOP).The datadiscussed in thisnarrative has been a nalyzedinaccordance with GL-GC-E-128 REV#8.

Preparation/Analytical Method Verification TheSOPstated abovehasbeen preparedbased ontechnical research and testing conducted byGELLaboratories, LLC.andwith guidancefrom the regulatory documents listed inthis "Method/Analysis Information"section.

Calibration Information TheNutrient analysis wasperformed ona Lachat QuickChem FIA+8500Series.

Calibration VerificationInformation All associated calibrationverification standard(s) (ICV orCCV) metthe acceptance criteria.

Continuing CalibrationBlanks All continuingcalibration blanks (CCBs) associated with reported data from thisbatch werewithin acceptance limits.

Calibration VerificationInformation (CCV)

All continuing verification calibration standards (CCVs) associated with reported data from this batch werewithin acceptance limits.

Y Intercept Rule Theabsolute valueofthe isless intercept than3times the MDL.

W MethodBlank(MB) Statement TheMBsanalyzed with this SDGmetthe acceptance criteria.

Laboratory ControlSample (LCS)Recovery TheLCSspike recoveriesmetthe acceptance limits.

Quality Control(QC) Designation 74of166 Page

Thefollowing samples wereselected for QCanalysis: 363673001 (1336A), 363673002 (1392)- Batch 1445986 and 363673021 (1387)- Batch 1445987.

Matrix Spike (MS)/Post Spike (PS) Recovery Statement TheMS/PS recoveries for thissample setwere within therequired acceptance limits.

Duplicate Relative Percent Difference (RPD) Statement TheRPDbetween the sample andits duplicate metthe acceptancelimits.

Technical Information GELassigns holding times based onthe date andtime ofsamplecollection. Those holding times expressed inhours arecalculated inthe AlphaLims system b y hours. Those times holding expressed asdays expire atmidnight onthe day ofexpiration.

Holding Times All samples inthis SDGmetthe specified holding time.

Sample Preservation/Integrity All the samples from this sample group metthe preservationand integrity requirements ofthe method.

Sample Dilutions Thefollowing samples inthis sample group werediluted duetohigh concentration: 1203234547(1336ADUP),

1203234549 (1336APS), 363673001 (1336A), 363673003 (1346),363673004 (1346DUP), 363673005 (1393),

363673006 (1393DUP), 363673007 (1347), 363673008 (1394),

363673009(1386), 363673010 (1385), 363673013 (T-101), 363673014 (T-101DUP), 363673015 (1375), 363673016 (1389), 363673017 (1381), 363673018 (1320),

363673019 (1383), 363673020 (1337)- Batch 1445986, 1203234558 (1387DUP),1203234560 (1387PS), 363673021 (1387), 363673022 (1391), 363673023 (1380), 363673024 (1333), 363673025 (1379), 363673026 (1331), 363673027 (1377), 363673028 (1378), 363673030 (1332), 363673031 (1382), 363673033 (1338), 363673034 (1390) and 363673035 (1388)- Batch 1445987.

Sample Re-analysis Thefollowing sample wasre-analyzed duetoinstrument failure.

Theresults from thereanalysis arereported.

363673023 (1380)- Batch 1445987.

Miscellaneous Information DataException (DER) Documentation Data exception reports (DERs) aregenerated todocument procedural anomalies thatmaydeviate from referenced SOPorcontractual documents. A data exception report (DER)wasnotgenerated forthis SDG.

Additional Comments Additional comments werenotrequired for this SDG.

Electronic Packaging Comment This data package wasgenerated using anelectronic data processing program referred toasvirtual packaging. Inan efforttoincrease quality andefficiency, the laboratory hasdeveloped systems togenerate all datapackages electronically. Thefollowing change from traditional packagesshould benoted:

Analyst/peer reviewer initialsanddates arenotpresent ontheelectronic datafiles. Presently, allinitialsanddates are present onthe original rawdata. These hard copies aretemporarily stored inthe laboratory.Thedata validator will always sign anddate the case narrative. Data that are notgenerated electronically, such ashand writtenpages, willbe 75of166 Page

scanned and inserted into the package.

electronic 76of166 Page

Certification Statement Wherethe analytical method hasbeen performed under analysis NELAPcertification, the ofthe hasmet all requirements ofthe NELACstandard unless otherwise inthe noted analytical narrative.

case Review Validation:

GELrequires all analytical datatobeverified byaqualifieddata validator. all Inaddition,data designated for CLPorCLP-like packaging will a third receive level validation ofthe uponcompletion data package.

Thefollowing data validatorverified theinfo mation inthis presented casenarrative:

Reviewer: Date: 21Jan15 77of166 Page

78of166 Page

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407(843) 556-8171 - Certificate ofAnalysis Report for CMRN001 Burns & McDonnell Client SDG:363673 GELWorkOrder: 363673 TheQualifiers inthisreportare defined asfollows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery isoutside ofspecified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte isaTracercompound
    • Analyte compound isa surrogate H Analytical holdingtime wasexceeded U Analytewasanalyzedfor,but notdetectedabove the MDL,MDA,orLOD.

Wheretheanalytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysishas metallofthe requirements oftheNELACstandard unlessqualifiedon the Certificate ofAnalysis.

Thedesignation ND,ifpresent,appears inthe result columnwhen the analyte concentrationisnotdetected above the limit asdefined inthe qualifier

'U' above.

This data has report beenprepared andreviewed inaccordance withGEL Laboratories LLC operating standard procedures.

Please directanyquestions toyour Project Manager, Edith Kent.


Reviewed by 79of166 Page

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1336A Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673001 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 08:15 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 8.71 0.066 0.200 mg/L 2 RXB5 12/27/14 14291446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 297 8.50 25.0 mg/L 500 KLP1 01/13/15 13501445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1392 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673002 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 09:15 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.682 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/27/l4 16021446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 0.880 0.017 0.050 mg/L 1 KLP1 01/13/15 13531445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1346 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673003 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 09:31 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 8.29 0.165 0.500 mg/L 5 RXB5 12/27/l4 17351446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 390 8.50 25.0 mg/L 500 KLP1 01/13/15 13571445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1346DUP Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673004 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 09:31 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 8.37 0.165 0.500 mg/L 5 RXB5 12/27/l4 19071446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 296 8.50 25.0 mg/L 500 KLP1 01/13/15 13581445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1393 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673005 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 09:45 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 14.3 0.165 0.500 mg/L 5 RXB5 12/29/l4 18571446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 339 8.50 25.0 mg/L 500 KLP1 01/13/15 14041445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1393DUP Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673006 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 09:45 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 14.4 0.165 0.500 mg/L 5 RXB5 12/29/l4 19261446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 376 8.50 25.0 mg/L 500 KLP1 01/13/15 14051445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1347 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673007 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 10:30 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 4.62 0.066 0.200 mg/L 2 RXB5 12/29/l4 19571446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 23.1 0.850 2.50 mg/L 50 KLP1 01/13/15 14281445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1394 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673008 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 10:45 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.392 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/27/14 2111 1446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 4.50 0.085 0.250 mg/L 5 KLP1 01/13/15 14071445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1386 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673009 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 11:05 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.453 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/27/14 2142 1446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 12.5 0.425 1.25 mg/L 25 KLP1 01/13/15 14291445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1385 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673010 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 11:20 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 5.71 0.066 0.200 mg/L 2 RXB5 12/29/l4 2028 1446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 1010 42.5 125 mg/L 2500KLP1 01/13/15 14301445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID:T-97 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673011 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 13:50 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.385 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/27/l4 2244 1446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 0.321 0.017 0.050 mg/L 1 KLP1 01/13/15 14111445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID:T-98 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673012 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 14:25 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.340 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/27/l4 2315 1446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 0.408 0.017 0.050 mg/L 1 KLP1 01/13/15 14121445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID:T-101 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673013 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 15:00 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.534 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/27/l4 2346 1446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 30.3 0.850 2.50 mg/L 50 KLP1 01/13/15 14131445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: T-101DUP Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673014 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 15:00 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.426 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 0119 1446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 36.5 0.850 2.50 mg/L 50 KLP1 01/13/15 14151445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1375 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673015 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 16:10 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.386 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 0150 1446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 31.8 0.850 2.50 mg/L 50 KLP1 01/13/15 14211445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1389 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673016 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 16:38 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.211 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 0221 1446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 20.1 0.850 2.50 mg/L 50 KLP1 01/13/15 14311445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1381 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673017 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 07:53 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 1.90 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 0252 1446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 858 42.5 125 mg/L 2500KLP1 01/13/15 14371445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1320 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673018 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 08:29 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.517 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 0323 1446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 17.4 0.850 2.50 mg/L 50 KLP1 01/13/15 14381445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1383 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673019 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 09:00 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 19.4 0.165 0.500 mg/L 5 RXB5 12/29/l4 2059 1446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 168 8.50 25.0 mg/L 500 KLP1 01/13/15 14391445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1337 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673020 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 09:25 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 13.8 0.165 0.500 mg/L 5 RXB5 12/28/l4 0425 1446181 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 48.9 0.850 2.50 mg/L 50 KLP1 01/13/15 14411445986 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1387 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673021 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 09:40 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 9.24 0.165 0.500 mg/L 5 RXB5 12/29/l4 2130 1446182 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 41.3 0.850 2.50 mg/L 50 KLP1 01/08/15 14261445987 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1391 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673022 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 09:52 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 3.43 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 0832 1446182 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 5.25 0.085 0.250 mg/L 5 KLP1 01/08/15 14011445987 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1380 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673023 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 10:34 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.505 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 10051446182 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 17.1 0.850 2.50 mg/L 50 KLP1 01/08/15 16181445987 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1333 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673024 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 10:50 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.518 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/14 10361446182 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 4.07 0.085 0.250 mg/L 5 KLP1 01/08/15 14031445987 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1379 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673025 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 11:25 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.696 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 12091446182 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 7.37 0.170 0.500 mg/L 10 KLP1 01/08/15 14041445987 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1331 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673026 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 11:40 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.526 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 12401446182 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 9.08 0.170 0.500 mg/L 10 KLP1 01/08/15 14061445987 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1377 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673027 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 12:00 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.464 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 13101446182 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 8.73 0.170 0.500 mg/L 10 KLP1 01/08/15 14071445987 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1378 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673028 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 12:20 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.281 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 13411446182 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 8.55 0.170 0.500 mg/L 10 KLP1 01/08/15 14081445987 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1321 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673029 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 08:45 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.294 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 14121446182 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 0.768 0.017 0.050 mg/L 1 KLP1 01/08/15 14091445987 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1332 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673030 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 10:30 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.309 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 15451446182 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 1.85 0.085 0.250 mg/L 5 KLP1 01/08/15 14101445987 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1382 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673031 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 11:00 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.485 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 16161446182 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 2.69 0.085 0.250 mg/L 5 KLP1 01/08/15 14121445987 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1384 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673032 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 11:30 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.455 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 16471446182 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 0.499 0.017 0.050 mg/L 1 KLP1 01/08/15 14171445987 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1338 Project:CMRN00114 Sample ID: 363673033 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 11:50 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 0.758 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 17181446182 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 6.85 0.085 0.250 mg/L 5 KLP1 01/08/15 14191445987 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1390 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673034 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 12:15 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 1.07 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 17491446182 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 7.03 0.425 1.25 mg/L 25 KLP1 01/08/15 14201445987 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 - Date:January Report 21,2015 Company : Environmental Properties LLC Management, Address

615 N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma73102


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: CimarronSite GW November 2014 7508-3-20.50 Sample Client ID: 1388 Project:CMRN001 14 Sample ID: 363673035 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 12:35 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst DateTime BatchMethod IonChromatography EPA300.0Fluoride inLiquid"AsReceived" Fluoride 2.11 0.033 0.100 mg/L 1 RXB5 12/28/l4 18201446182 1 Analysis Nutrient EPA353.2Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite "AsReceived" Nitrogen,Nitrate/Nitrite 10.4 0.425 1.25 mg/L 25 KLP1 01/08/15 14211445987 2 Thefollowing Analytical Methods wereperformed:

Method Description st Comments 1 EPA300.0 2 EPA353.2 Notes:


i Page115of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston, SC29407(843) -

556-8171 - Environmental Properties Management, LLC UCSummar RenortDate:

January 21,2015 Page1of3 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma


Mr.Jeff Lux Workorder:363673 Parmname NOM  % REC% Range Anlst DateTime IonChromatography Batch 1446181 -

QCl203235093 363673001 DUP Fluoride 8.71 8.72 mg/L 0.188 (0%-20%) RXB5 12/27/14 15:00 QCl203235094 363673002 DUP Fluoride 0.682 0.683 mg/L 0.0733 (0%-20%) 12/27/14 16:33 QCl203235092 LCS Fluoride 2.50 2.50 mg/L 99.8 (90%-110%) 12/27/14 13:58 QCl203235091 MB Fluoride U ND mg/L 12/27/l4 13:27 QCl203235095 363673001 PS Fluoride 2.50 4.35 7.08 mg/L 109 (90%-110%)12/27/14 15:31 QC1203235096 363673002 PS Fluoride 2.50 0.682 3.26 mg/L 103 (90%-110%) 12/27/14 17:04 Batch 1446182 -

QCl203235099 363673021 DUP Fluoride 9.24 9.30 mg/L 0.615 (0%-20%) RXB5 12/29/14 22:01 QCl203235100 363673022 DUP Fluoride 3.43 3.43 mg/L0.00292 (0%-20%) 12/28/14 09:03 QCl203235098 LCS Fluoride 2.50 2.53 mg/L 101 (90%-110%) 12/28/14 06:28 QCl203235097 MB Fluoride U ND mg/L 12/28/14 05:57 QC1203235101 363673021 PS Fluoride 2.50 1.85 4.51 mg/L 106 (90%-110%) 12/29/14 22:32 QCl203235102 363673022 PS Fluoride 2.50 3.43 6.20 mg/L 111* (90%-110%) 12/28/l4 09:34 QCl203244670 363673021 PSD Fluoride 2.50 1.85H 4.56 mg/L 1.20 109 (0%-20%) 01/17/15 I1:58 QCl203244671 363673022 PSD Fluoride 2.50 3.43H 6.10 mg/L 107* (0%-20%) 01/17/15 12:29 Page116of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407(843)

RoadCharleston, - Workorder:363673 Page2 of3 Parmname NOM SampleQual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist DateTime Nutrient Analysis Batch 1445986 -

QCl203234547 DUP 363673001 Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite 297 295 mg/L 0.676 (0%-20%) KLP1 01/13/15 13:51 QC1203234548 DUP 363673002 Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite 0.880 0.884 mg/L 0.454 (0%-20%) 01/13/15 13:54 QC1203234546 LCS Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite 1.00 1.06 mg/L 106 (90%-110%) 01/13/15 13:49 QCl203234545 MB Nitrate/Nitrite Nitrogen, U ND mg/L 01/13/15 13:47 QCl203234549 PS 363673001 Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite 1.00 0.594 1.67 mg/L 108 (90%-110%) 01/13/15 13:52 QCl203234550 PS 363673002 Nitrate/Nitrite Nitrogen, 1.00 0.880 1.92 mg/L 104 (90%-110%)01/13/15 13:56 Batch 1445987 -

QCl203234558 DUP 363673021 Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite 41.3 42.5 mg/L 2.87 (0%-20%) KLP1 01/08/15 14:27 QCl203234557 LCS Nitrate/Nitrite Nitrogen, 1.00 1.05 mg/L 105 (90%-110%) 01/08/l5 13:51 QCl203234556 MB Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite U ND mg/L 01/08/15 13:50 QCl203234560 PS 363673021 Nitrate/Nitrite Nitrogen, 1.00 0.825 1.89 mg/L 107 (90%-110%) 14:28 01/08/15 Notes:

TheQualifiers inthis aredefined report asfollows:

< is Result lessthan value reported

> Result isgreater than value reported B Thetarget analyte wasdetected intheassociated blank.

E Chemistry-Concentration General ofthe analyte target the exceeds instrument calibration range H Analytical holding time wasexceeded J Value isestimated N/A RPDor%Recovery limits donotapply.

N1 Seecase narrative ND Analyte concentration is notdetected above the detection limit Page117of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston, SC29407(843) 556-8171 - Workorder:363673 Page3 of3 Parmname NOM SampleQual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist DateTime NJ Consult CaseNarrative, Data Summary package, orProject Manager concerning this qualifier Q Oneormorequality controlcriteria have not been met.Refer tothe applicable narrativeorDER.

R Persection 1664 Revision B,due tomatrix spikerecovery issues, this maynotbereported result orused regulatory for compliance purposes.

R Sampleresults arerejected U wasanalyzed Analyte but for, notdetected above theMDL,MDA,orLOD.

X Consult CaseNarrative, Data Summary package,or Project Managerconcerning this qualifier z Paint Filter passed Test--Particulates through the filter, however nofree liquids wereobserved.

^ RPDofsample andduplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are<5X the RL. Qualifier NotApplicable forRadiochemistry.

d 5-dayBOD--The 2:1depletion requirement wasnotmetfor this sample e 5-dayBOD--Test show replicates morethan 30%difference between high and lowvalues. Thedata isqualifiedperthe method andcanbeusedfor reporting purposes h Preparation orpreservationholding time wasexceeded N/Aindicates spike that recoverylimits donotapply whensample concentration exceeds spike conc. bya factor of4 ormoreor%RPDnotapplicable.

^ The Relative Difference obtainedfrom the isevaluated againstthe criteria whenthesample isgreater than Percent (RPD) sample duplicate (DUP) acceptance five times (5X)the contractrequireddetection limit (RL). Incases where eitherthesample or duplicate value is less than 5X the limit RL,acontrol of+/-the RL is used toevaluate theDUPresult.

  • Indicates thataQualityControlparameter wasnotwithin specifications.

ForPS,PSD,andSDILTresults, the values listedarethe measured amounts, notfinal concentrations.

Where theanalytical method has been performed under NELAPcertification, the analysis hasmet all ofthe requirementsofthe N'ELAC standard unless qualified onthe QCSummary.


i Page119of166

GEL Laboratories LLC DERReport No.: 1369361 Form GEL-DER RevisionNo.:3 DATAEXCEPTION REPORT Mo.Day Yr. Division: Quality Criteria: Type:

30-DEC-14 Industrial Specifications Process Instrument Type: Test /Method: Matrix Type: ClientCode:

IC EPA 300.0 Liquid CMRN Batch ID: Sample Numbers:

1446182 See Below Potentially affectedworkorder(s)(SDG):

363673 Application Issues:

Sample Analyzed outofHolding Failed Recovery forMS/PS Specification andRequirements DERDisposition:



1.Failed Recovery forMS/PS: 1.ThePSmixture contains sevenanions Ofthose, ofinterest. all requested anions except fluoride metnormal acceptancecriteria for QC 1203235102PS recovery (90110%).

This failure isattributed ofthesample tothematrix because thesuccessful recovery oftheothercompounds indicate that the laboratory process wasin control.

Thisvarianceisjudgedtohaveno negativeimpact onthedata. Thedeviation isnotedintheCaseNarrative andDER,and the data hasbeenreported.

2.Thefollowing samplesfrom sample this group wereaccidentally 2.Analyst wasunaware oftheclient requirement forPSDsuntilwell after analyzed outside ofthemethod specifiedholding time: thesamples wereinitially run.However,parentsampleswereanalyzed within holding time.

QC 1203244670PSD, 1203244671PSD Originator's Name: DataValidator/Group Leader:

Marcy Lamb 30-DEC-14 ThomasLewis 21-JAN-15 Page1 Page120of166

ii i Page121of166

Radiochemistry CaseNarrative Burns& McDonnell (CMRN)

SDG363673 W

Product: Alphaspec U,Liquid Method:

Analytical DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RCModified Batch Analytical Number: 1447277 SampleID Client ID 3636730011336A 3636730021392 3636730031346 3636730041346DUP 3636730051393 3636730061393DUP 3636730071347 3636730081394 3636730091386 3636730101385 363673011T-97 363673012T-98 363673013T-101 363673014 T-101DUP 3636730151375 3636730161389 363673017 1381 3636730181320 3636730191383 3636730201337 1203237718 MB forbatch 1447277 1203237721 Sample Control Laboratory (LCS) 1203237719 363673001(1336A)

Sample (DUP)

Duplicate 1203237720 363673001(1336A)

Matrix Spike(MS)

Thesamples SDGwereanalyzed inthis onan"asreceived" basis.

SOPReference Procedure for preparation, analysis ofanalytical andreporting data byGELLaboratories arecontrolled LLCas Operating Standard (SOP).

Procedure Thedatadiscussed inthis narrative has beenanalyzed inaccordance with REV#25.

GL-RAD-A-011 Calibration Information:

Information Calibration Page122of166

Allinitial andcontinuing calibration requirements have been met.

Standards Information Standard solutions for these analysis areNISTtraceable orverifiedwith a NISTtraceable standard andused before the expiration dates.

Sample Geometry Allcounting sources wereprepared inthe samegeometry asthe calibration standards.

W Blank Information Theblank volume isrepresentative ofthe sample volumes inthisbatch.

Designated QC Thefollowing sample wasused forQC: 363673001 (1336A).

QCInformation All ofthe QCsamples meetthe requiredacceptance limitswith thefollowing exceptions: TheU-233/234 blank result isgreater than the MDCbut lessthan therequired detection limit andless than theMDCplus uncertainty.

Thesample andthe duplicate, 1203237719 (1336ADUP) and 363673001 (1336A), did notmeetthe U-235/236 relative percent difference requirement; however, they do meet the relative errorratiorequirement with avalue of0.743.

Technical Information:

Holding Time Allsample procedures for this sample setwereperformed within therequired holding time.

Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Noneofthe samples inthis sample setrequired reprep orreanalysis.

Recounts Sample 1203237718 (MB) wasrecounted duetoa detector lock outcondition. Therecount is reported.

Miscellaneous Information:

DataException (DER) Documentation Data exception reports aregenerated todocument anyprocedural anomalies thatmaydeviate from referenced SOPorcontractual documents. A data exception report (DER) wasnotgenerated for this SDG.

Manual Integration No manual integrations wereperformed ondata inthis batch.

Sample-Specific MDA/MDC TheMDA/MDCreported onthe ofanalysis certificate isasample-specific MDA/MDC.

Additional Comments Additional comments werenotrequired forthis sample set.

QilatiDitr.II1kriglatig111 Manual qualifiers werenotrequired.


W Product: Alphaspec U,Liquid Analytical Method: DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Analytical Batch Number: 1451067 Sample ID ClientID 363673021 1387 363673022 1391 363673023 1380 363673024 1333 363673025 1379 3636730261331 363673027 1377 3636730281378 3636730291321 3636730301332 3636730311382 3636730321384 3636730331338 3636730341390 3636730351388 1203246692 MB for batch 1451067 1203246695 Laboratory ControlSample(LCS) 1203246693 Sample 363673021(1387) (DUP)Duplicate 1203246694 Matrix 363673021(1387) Spike (MS)

Thesamples inthis SDGwereanalyzed onan"as received" basis.

SOPReference Procedure forpreparation, analysis andreportingofanalytical data byGELLaboratories LLC as arecontrolled Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Thedata discussed inthis narrative hasbeenanalyzed inaccordance with GL-RAD-A-011 REV#25.

Calibration information:

Calibration Information Allinitial andcontinuing calibration requirements have been met.

Standards Information Standard solutionsfor these analysis areNISTtraceable orverified withaNISTtraceable standardandused before the expiration dates.

Sample Geometry Allcounting sources wereprepared inthesamegeometryasthecalibration standards.

W Blank Information Page124of166

Theblank volume isrepresentative ofthesample volume inthisbatch.

Designated QC The following sample wasused for QC:363673021 (1387).

QCInformation All oftheQC samples meetthe requiredacceptance limits with thefollowing exceptions:

TheU-235/236 blank result isgreater than the MDCbut less than the detection limitandlessthan the MDCplus uncertainty.

The sample andtheduplicate, 1203246693 (1387DUP) and363673021 (1387),did notmeettheU-235/236 relative percent differencerequirement; however, they domeetthe relative errorratiorequirementwith avalue of1.84.

Technical Information:

Holding Time Allsample procedures forthissample setwereperformed withinthe required holdingtime.

Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples werereprepped duetolowrecovery. The re-analysis isbeingreported.

Recounts Noneofthe samples inthis sample setwere recounted.

Miscellaneous Information:

DataException (DER) Documentation Data exception reports aregenerated todocument anyproceduralanomalies that maydeviatefrom referenced SOPorcontractual documents. A data exception report (DER) wasnot generated forthisSDG.

Manual Integration Nomanual integrationswereperformed ondata inthisbatch.

Sample-Specific MDA/MDC TheMDA/MDCreported onthe certificateofanalysis isa sample-specificMDA/MDC.

Additional Comments Additional comments werenotrequired for thissample set.

Qualifier Igifornlatioj1 Manual qualifiers werenotrequired.

Certification Statement Where the analyticalmethod hasbeen perfonned under NELAPcertification, the analysis hasmetall ofthe requirements oftheNELACstandard unless otherwise noted intheanalyticalcase narrative.


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407(843)-

556-8171 - Qualifier Definition Report for CMRN001 Burns & McDonnell Client SDG:363673 GELWorkOrder: 363673 TheQualifiers inthis reportare defined asfollows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery isoutside ofspecified criteria acceptance
    • Analyte isaTracer compound U Analytewasanalyzed for,but notdetected abovethe MDL,MDA, orLOD.

Review/Validation GELrequires all data analytical tobeverified bya qualified data Inaddition, reviewer. all CLP-like deliverables receive a third level ofthe review fractional data package.

Thefollowing data validator verified theinformation presented in this datareport:

Signature: j.-Q  % Name: Theresa Austin Date:21JAN2015


GroupLeader Page126of166

Page127of166 GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharlestonSC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 ReportDate: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron SiteGWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1336A Project: CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673001 ID: CMRN001 Client M.atrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTimeBatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis Alphaspec U,Liquid "As Received" Uranium-233/234 30.0 +/-2.83 0.535 +/-5.49 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 1018 1447277 1 Uranium-235/236 1.36 +/-0.691 0.256 +/-0.723 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 8.27 +/-1.50 0.484 +/-1.98 1.00 pCi/L Method Description 1 DOEEMLHASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery%AcceptableLimits Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid "AsReceived" 1447277 88.5 (15%-125%)


TPUand Counting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidencelevel (1.96-sigma).


GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1392 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673002 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 U 0.388 +/-0.371 0.476 +/-0.375 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101814472771 Uranium-235/236 U 0.0972 +/-0.268 0.464 +/-0.268 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 0.415 +/-0.343 0.295 +/-0.349 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec "AsReceived" U,Liquid 1447277 94.4 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page129of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1346 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673003 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 4.48 +/-1.10 0.587 +/-1.30 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101814472771 Uranium-235/236 U 0.428 +/-0.427 0.495 +/-0.432 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 2.39 +/-0.794 0.363 +/-0.876 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1447277 83.9 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page130of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1346DUP Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673004 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 4.87 +/-1.09 0.434 +/-1.32 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101814472771 Uranium-235/236 U 0.364 +/-0.371 0.367 +/-0.375 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 2.01 +/-0.721 0.457 +/-0.784 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1447277 97.5 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page131of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1393 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673005 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 28.3 +/-2.62 0.527 +/-5.07 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101814472771 Uranium-235/236 1.46 +/-0.683 0.372 +/-0.718 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 9.49 +/-1.52 0.414 +/-2.11 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1447277 94.3 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page132of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1393DUP Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673006 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 29.0 +/-2.66 0.490 +/-5.18 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101814472771 Uranium-235/236 1.55 +/-0.704 0.375 +/-0.743 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 10.1 +/-1.58 0.444 +/-2.21 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1447277 102 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page133of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1347 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673007 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 30.4 +/-2.63 0.283 +/-5.28 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101814472771 Uranium-235/236 1.50 +/-0.673 0.404 +/-0.710 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 8.85 +/-1.42 0.177 +/-1.95 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1447277 92.7 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page134of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1394 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673008 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 0.981 +/-0.473 0.328 +/-0.495 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101814472771 Uranium-235/236 U 0.0849 +/-0.234 0.405 +/-0.234 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 0.416 +/-0.317 0.257 +/-0.323 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec "AsReceived" U,Liquid 1447277 105 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page135of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1386 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673009 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 1.01 +/-0.526 0.414 +/-0.548 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101814472771 Uranium-235/236 U 0.0404 +/-0.224 0.430 +/-0.225 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 U 0.347 +/-0.330 0.348 +/-0.334 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec "AsReceived" U,Liquid 1447277 92.0 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page136of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1385 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673010 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 9.78 +/-1.54 0.516 +/-2.14 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101814472771 Uranium-235/236 U 0.286 +/-0.337 0.365 +/-0.340 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 6.19 +/-1.22 0.341 +/-1.54 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1447277 90.3 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page137of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: T-97 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673011 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 57.3 +/-4.13 0.542 +/-10.1 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101814472771 Uranium-235/236 2.20 +/-0.918 0.287 +/-0.984 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 19.7 +/-2.42 0.370 +/-3.99 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1447277 81.8 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page138of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: T-98 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673012 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 39.7 +/-3.06 0.184 +/-6.78 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101814472771 Uranium-235/236 1.59 +/-0.697 0.227 +/-0.738 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 14.9 +/-1.88 0.294 +/-2.95 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1447277 96.9 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page139of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: T-101 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673013 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 20.1 +/-2.51 0.244 +/-4.14 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101814472771 Uranium-235/236 0.705 +/-0.560 0.302 +/-0.572 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 11.8 +/-1.93 0.498 +/-2.72 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1447277 90.3 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page140of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: T-101DUP Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673014 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 20.1 +/-2.18 0.427 +/-3.76 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101814472771 Uranium-235/236 U 0.415 +/-0.395 0.416 +/-0.400 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 11.9 +/-1.67 0.337 +/-2.46 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1447277 95.7 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page141of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1375 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673015 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 4.04 +/-1.15 0.461 +/-1.33 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101614472771 Uranium-235/236 U 0.181 +/-0.356 0.493 +/-0.357 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 1.96 +/-0.818 0.461 +/-0.879 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1447277 86.7 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page142of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1389 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673016 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 18-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 1.42 +/-0.720 0.477 +/-0.757 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101614472771 Uranium-235/236 U -0.0255 +/-0.220 0.510 +/-0.221 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 U 0.475 +/-0.452 0.477 +/-0.459 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec "AsReceived" U,Liquid 1447277 82.7 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page143of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1381 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673017 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 53.6 +/-4.31 0.591 +/-9.99 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101614472771 Uranium-235/236 2.64 +/-1.09 0.532 +/-1.18 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 19.1 +/-2.57 0.430 +/-4.12 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec "AsReceived" U,Liquid 1447277 91.9 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page144of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1320 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673018 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 0.972 +/-0.664 0.766 +/-0.683 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101614472771 Uranium-235/236 U -0.0254 +/-0.219 0.507 +/-0.220 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 U 0.452 +/-0.451 0.522 +/-0.457 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec "AsReceived" U,Liquid 1447277 95.3 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page145of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1383 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673019 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 4.91 +/-1.20 0.358 +/-1.43 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101614472771 Uranium-235/236 U 0.048 +/-0.266 0.511 +/-0.267 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 2.35 +/-0.842 0.413 +/-0.923 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1447277 98.7 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page146of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1337 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673020 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 8.67 +/-2.04 0.588 +/-2.59 1.00 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/15 101614472771 Uranium-235/236 U 0.0788 +/-0.438 0.839 +/-0.438 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 2.91 +/-1.20 0.588 +/-1.32 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1447277 59.3 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page147of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1387 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673021 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 17.7 +/-1.25 0.235 +/-2.58 1.00 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/15 151014510671 Uranium-235/236 1.06 +/-0.355 0.230 +/-0.380 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 5.82 +/-0.722 0.235 +/-1.04 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1451067 89.6 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page148of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1391 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673022 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 0.896 +/-0.304 0.264 +/-0.325 1.00 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/15 151014510671 Uranium-235/236 U 0.0577 +/-0.156 0.281 +/-0.157 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 0.509 +/-0.235 0.227 +/-0.244 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec "AsReceived" U,Liquid 1451067 87.8 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page149of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1380 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673023 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 7.18 +/-0.758 0.331 +/-1.18 1.00 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/15 151014510671 Uranium-235/236 0.521 +/-0.235 0.163 +/-0.244 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 3.54 +/-0.525 0.162 +/-0.689 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec "AsReceived" U,Liquid 1451067 92.5 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page150of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1333 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673024 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 21.2 +/-1.31 0.234 +/-2.99 1.00 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/15 151014510671 Uranium-235/236 1.28 +/-0.388 0.309 +/-0.421 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 6.01 +/-0.700 0.171 +/-1.03 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1451067 96.1 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page151of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1379 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673025 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 21.4 +/-1.38 0.356 +/-3.07 1.00 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/15 151014510671 Uranium-235/236 0.651 +/-0.323 0.374 +/-0.334 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 5.65 +/-0.722 0.343 +/-1.02 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1451067 87.1 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page152of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1331 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673026 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 63.4 +/-2.43 0.271 +/-8.55 1.00 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/15 151014510671 Uranium-235/236 3.53 +/-0.651 0.280 +/-0.795 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 13.6 +/-1.14 0.307 +/-2.10 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1451067 88.6 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page153of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1377 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673027 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 19.3 +/-1.33 0.300 +/-2.82 1.00 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/15 151014510671 Uranium-235/236 0.915 +/-0.334 0.195 +/-0.355 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 4.90 +/-0.670 0.071 +/-0.919 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1451067 82.0 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page154of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1378 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673028 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 19-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 0.974 +/-0.279 0.157 +/-0.304 1.00 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/15 151014510671 Uranium-235/236 0.0952 +/-0.110 0.0714 +/-0.110 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 0.795 +/-0.250 0.128 +/-0.270 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec "AsReceived" U,Liquid 1451067 97.5 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page155of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1321 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673029 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 7.29 +/-0.770 0.375 +/-1.20 1.00 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/15 151014510671 Uranium-235/236 U 0.185 +/-0.163 0.200 +/-0.165 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 3.67 +/-0.537 0.204 +/-0.708 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec "AsReceived" U,Liquid 1451067 96.3 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page156of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1332 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673030 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 21.5 +/-1.26 0.229 +/-2.97 1.00 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/15 151014510671 Uranium-235/236 0.692 +/-0.262 0.157 +/-0.276 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 11.3 +/-0.914 0.127 +/-1.69 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec U,Liquid"AsReceived" 1451067 94.3 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page157of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1382 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673031 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 0.708 +/-0.279 0.173 +/-0.294 1.00 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/15 151114510671 Uranium-235/236 U 0.0321 +/-0.0998 0.0962 +/-0.0998 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 0.448 +/-0.228 0.173 +/-0.235 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec "AsReceived" U,Liquid 1451067 98.0 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page158of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1384 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673032 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 U 0.435 +/-0.316 0.456 +/-0.321 1.00 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/15 151114510671 Uranium-235/236 U 0.154 +/-0.194 0.276 +/-0.195 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 0.253 +/-0.186 0.182 +/-0.189 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec "AsReceived" U,Liquid 1451067 89.3 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page159of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1338 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673033 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 0.416 +/-0.252 0.251 +/-0.258 1.00 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/15 151114510671 Uranium-235/236 U 0.0485 +/-0.149 0.252 +/-0.149 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 0.499 +/-0.262 0.204 +/-0.271 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec "AsReceived" U,Liquid 1451067 80.6 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page160of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843) 556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1390 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673034 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 0.776 +/-0.410 0.566 +/-0.422 1.00 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/15 151114510671 Uranium-235/236 U -0.198 +/-0.199 0.506 +/-0.199 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 U 0.147 +/-0.315 0.555 +/-0.316 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec "AsReceived" U,Liquid 1451067 90.3 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page161of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage SC29407 (843)

RoadCharleston -

556-8171 Company -

Environmental Properties Address: Management, LLC 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 73102 Report Date: January 21,2015


Mr.Jeff Lux Project: Cimarron Site GWNovember 20147508-3-20.50 Client Sample ID: 1388 Project:CMRN00114 SampleID: 363673035 ID: CMRN001 Client Matrix: Ground Water Collect Date: 22-DEC-14 Receive Date: 23-DEC-14 Collector: Client Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL UnitsDF Analyst DateTime BatchMtd.

RadAlphaSpec Analysis U,Liquid Alphaspec "As Received" Uranium-233/234 0.547 +/-0.245 0.198 +/-0.255 1.00 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/15 151214510671 Uranium-235/236 0.0899 +/-0.125 0.0899 +/-0.125 1.00 pCi/L Uranium-238 0.644 +/-0.263 0.198 +/-0.276 1.00pCi/L Thefollowing AnalyticalMethods wereperformed Method Description 1 DOEEML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch Limits ID Recovery%Acceptable Uranium-232Tracer Alphaspec "AsReceived" U,Liquid 1451067 102 (15%-125%)


TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level Page162of166

i Page163of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843)-

556-8171 Client Environmental Properties LLC Management, UCSummar Report Date:

January 21,2015 Page1 of3 615N.Hudson Suite 200 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma


Mr.Jeff Lux Workorder:363673 RadAlphaSpec Batch 1447277 QCl203237719 363673001 DUP Uranium-233/234 30.0 29.6 pCi/L 1.62 (0%-20%) MXS2 01/15/151 Uncert: +/-2.83 +/-3.06 TPU: +/-5.49 +/-5.72 Uranium-235/236 1.36 0.988 pCi/L 32* (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.691 +/-0.662 TPU: +/-0.723 +/-0.681 Uranium-238 8.27 8.93 pCi/L 7.74 (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-1.50 +/-1.69 TPU: +/-1.98 +/-2.24 LCS QCl203237721 Uranium-233/234 20.8 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/151 Uncert: +/-3.21 TPU: +/-5.03 Uranium-235/236 1.20 pCi/L Uncert: +/-0.968 TPU: +/-0.994 Uranium-238 27.2 26.1 pCi/L 95.9 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-3.55 TPU: +/-6.00 MB QCl203237718 Uranium-233/234 0.904 pCi/L MXS2 01/19/1512 Uncert: +/-0.777 TPU: +/-0.796 Uranium-235/236 U -0.0411 pCi/L Uncert: +/-0.355 TPU: +/-0.356 Uranium-238 U 0.105 pCi/L Uncert: +/-0.395 TPU: +/-0.396 QCl203237720 363673001 MS Uranium-233/234 30.0 87.9 pCi/L MXS2 01/15/1510:16 Uncert: +/-2.83 +/-5.29 TPU: +/-5.49 +/-15.4 Uranium-235/236 1.36 3.84 pCi/L Uncert: +/-0.691 +/-1.26 TPU: +/-0.723 +/-1.41 Uranium-238 54.3 8.27 67.1 pCi/L 108 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-1.50 +/-4.62 TPU: +/-1.98 +/-12.0 Batch 1451067 QCl203246693 363673021 DUP Page164of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843)-

556-8171 Workorder:363673 Page2 of3 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% RangeAnist DateTime RadAlpha Spec Batch 1451067 Uranium-233/234 17.7 17.8 pCi/L 1.03 (0%-20%)JXR1 01/20/151 Uncert: +/-1.25 +/-1.36 TPU: +/-2.58 +/-2.70 Uranium-235/236 1.65 pCi/L 44.1

  • 1.06 (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.355 +/-0.465 TPU: +/-0.380 +/-0.513 Uranium-238 5.82 6.38 pCi/L 9.16 (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.722 +/-0.817 TPU: +/-1.04 +/-1.17 QCl203246695LCS Uranium-233/234 25.7 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/151 Uncert: +/-1.70 TPU: +/-3.80 Uranium-235/236 1.37 pCi/L Uncert: +/-0.451 TPU: +/-0.486 Uranium-238 27.2 26.7 pCi/L 98.4 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-1.73 TPU: +/-3.94 QCl203246692MB Uranium-233/234 U 0.155 pCi/L JXRI 01/20/151 Uncert: +/-0.205 TPU: +/-0.206 Uranium-235/236 0.169 pCi/L Uncert: +/-0.169 TPU: +/-0.170 Uranium-238 U 0.117 pCi/L Uncert: +/-0.142 TPU: +/-0.143 QCl203246694 MS 363673021 Uranium-233/234 17.7 39.5 pCi/L JXR1 01/20/1515:12 Uncert: +/-1.25 +/-1.90 TPU: +/-2.58 +/-5.42 Uranium-235/236 1.06 1.99 pCl/L Uncert: +/-0.355 +/-0.478 TPU: +/-0.380 +/-0.543 Uranium-238 27.2 5.82 31.7 pCi/L 95.2 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-0.722 +/-1.70 TPU: +/-1.04 +/-4.41 Notes:

TPUandCounting Uncertainty arecalculated atthe 95%confidence (1.96-sigma).

level TheQualifiers inthis aredefined report asfollows:

    • Analyte compound isaTracer

< Result islessthan reported value Page165of166

GELLABORATORIES LLC 2040Savage RoadCharleston SC29407 (843)-

556-8171 - Workorder:363673 Page3 of3 Parmname NOM SampleQual QC Units RPD% REC% RangeAnist DateTime

> Result isgreaterthanvalue reported BD Results areeitherbelow the MDC ortracerrecovery islow FA Failed analysis.

H Analytical holdingtime wasexceeded J Valueisestimated K Analyte Reported present. value maybebiased high. Actualvalue isexpected tobelower.

L Analyte Reported present. value maybebiasedlow. Actual value isexpected tobehigher.

M M if above MDCandless than LLD M REMPResult > MDC/CLand < RDL N/A RPDor%Recovery limitsdonotapply.

N1 Seecasen arrative ND Analyte concentration isnotdetected above the detectionlimit NJ Consult CaseNarrative,Data Summary package, Managerconcerning this orProject qualifier Q Oneor more quality control criteria have not been m et.Refer tothea pplicable narrative orDER.

R Sampleresultsarerejected U Analytewasanalyzed for,but notdetected above the MDL, MDA,orLOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UJ Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UL Notconsidered detected.Theassociated number isthe reported concentration, which maybe inaccurate duetoalowbias.

X ConsultCaseNarrative,Data Summary package, orProject Manager concerning this qualifier Y Otherspecific qualifiers wererequired toproperly definetheresults.

Consult case narrative.

^ RPDofsample andduplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are<5Xthe RL.Qualifier NotApplicable for Radiochemistry.

h Preparation orpreservationholding time wasexceeded N/Aindicates thatspikerecovery limits donotapply whensample concentration exceeds spike cone. bya factor of4 or more or%RPDnotapplicable.

    • Indicates analyteisasurrogate/tracer compound.

^ TheRelative PercentDifference (RPD) obtainedfrom the sampleduplicate(DUP) isevaluated against the acceptence criteria when the sample isgreater than five (5X) times the required contract detection limit(RL). Incaseswhereeither the sample orduplicate value isless than 5X the RL, acontrollimit of+/-

the RL isused toevaluate theDUPresult.

ForPS,PSD,andSDILTresults, thevalues listedare themeasured amounts, notfinal concentrations.

Where theanalyticalmethod has been performed under NELAPcertification, the analysis has metall ofthe requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualifiedonthe QCSummary.



Logs& Well Drilling Installation Diagrams

MONITORING WELL INSTALLATIONDIAGRAM Protective Pipe- Casing CapVent  ? Yea3 No O b

YesU No O -Lock  ? YesO No O Steel O'PVCO -

,Weep Hole  ? YesO NoO SurveyingPin  ? w,hFt.


,,' 3 v YesO NoO ' "'


, T. Wv. DEPTH


6 v A /S inches.

kV t': FROM I.Borehole Diameter=

5 'I2 BELOW TOPOF 1  ? YesO No2 Concrete Ft.f j L'  ? GRADE CASING 2.Were DrillingAdditives Used (2. P.7 a dl l Revert O Bentonite O Water O 13 '

Solid Auger O Hollow Stem Auger O

@p "

3.Was Outer Steel Casing Used  ? YesO NoD Cement/Bentonite GroutMix Depth=9 to1Feet.


YeeQ NoO $ [ 4. Borehole Diameter forOuter Casing

' 4Lb.Bag Cement) 3-5 Lb.Bentonite

A Ft.


I.Type ofCasing: PVC@ Galvanized O Tefian O Powder  ? '

. Stainless O Other Other: ji 2.Type ofCasing Joints: Screw-Couple @ Glue-t@ /* Couple O Other

@ 3G c k 3. Type ofWell Screen PVCE Galvanized O Stainless O Teflon O Other Bentonite Seal 4.Diameter ofCasing andWell Screen:

Ft O Siurry Pellets O g f ', q , , Casing 1 inches, Screen -


u  ::: - -

5.Slot Size ofScreen: C;.C /P Filter Above Pack Screen -

L-Ft. -


.' 6.TypeofScreenPerforation: Factory Hacksaw O Drilled O Other Slotted E d 1 .63 te e 7.installed ProtectorPipe w/Lock YesO NoO


1.HowwasWell Developed  ? Bailing O PumpingO AlrSurging (AirorNitrogen) g Other FILTER PACKMATERIAL I

- 2.Time Spent onWell Development  ?

Silica Sand G

/ q Minutes/Hours Washed SandO 1Ft. 2 3.Approximate Water Volume Removed ? c7f'Galions PeaGravel O I 4.Water c larityBefore Development  ? clear 8 Turbid O Opaque O

- 2 5.Water Clarity After Development  ? ClearE SandSize h o , 2 Turbid O Opaque O I , --.

c., ,, . 6.DidWater haveOder  ? YesO No2 o , o a y ifYes,Describe Denee Phase SamplingCup e 3- pe, '

7.DidWaterhave anyColor  ? YesO No@

Bottom Plug -

IfYes. Describe YesO NoO "';c ,,5 3y ;o


OverdrilledMaterial j I Water LevelSummary (From TopofCasing) .

Grout Backfill O SandO

.vt Ft. j g l During Drilling !1 O Ft.Date a ;

Before Development '3 C' Ft.

Date - C /U L----) 'N/A Caved Material O h

Ft.Dateh OthersY A After Development Driller/Firm Ch WI.- Drill RigTypeC1 ta vs aO Dateinetailed T1b L DrillCrew o 5ut$rJ $.T6. WellNo.

C ? Hydrologist ,'hNwL

S0ll BORING LOG sueso1ARY LOCATION BORM WraCGo 3 tTr- g y-- A go E


awa ctor (y;r? 4g) J:$::- '

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DATE, t.1pa PAGE T.- WaterTable (24 Hour) GRAPHiC LOGLEGEND V- Water PiD Photolonizatlan Table Time ofBoring)

Detection ppm) b CLAY L O No. identifies 2 TYPE Sample Sample Collection byNumer Method SILT leGHLT aq Qgo@




REC.Actual Depth TopondBottom L.ength ofRecovered ofSample Sample inFeet


MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION DIAGRAM Protective Pipe-- - -Casing CapVent? YeeQ No O YesO No O - Lock? YesO No O Steel O PVCO /WeepHole  ? YesO NoO Surveying Pin? -

Ft. ,, j YeeO No0 '


. . DEPTH .,. ..--

% p

  • t'; FROM i.Borehole Diameter=h inches.

F -

  • BELOW TOPOF YeeO NoO Concrete , Ft./. 3 -:;  ? GRADE CASING 2. Were DrillingAdditives Used  ?


q Revert O Bentonite O Water O O O

.a. ,....

Solid Auger Hollow StemAuger C

yj #R gy 3.Was Outer Steel Casing Used? YesO NoO Cement/Bentonite YesO NoD GroutMix f%

@j Depth=C l.,to W Feet.

4. Borehole CasingA

!) inches.

Diameter forOuter 5.5Galions Water to L WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION:

94Lb. BagCement & -Ft.Q .,

3-5 Lb.Bentonite $ I.Type ofCasing: PVCO Galvanized O Teflon 0 Powder bf j Stainless O Other j@jj 2.Type ofCasing Joints: Screw-Couple O Giue-

@ ?* Couple O Other Q A [ 7 M O

3. Type ofWell Screen PVCC Galvanized Stainises O Taflon O Other-Bentonite Seal ^

4.Diameter ofCasingandWell Screen:


l Pellate U Slurry O 7 A FC Casing C inches, Screen 2 inches.

u  :.. - -

5.Slot Size of Screen: m C IG Filter Pack 6.TypeofScreen Perforation: Factory Slotted O 2

Above Screen ,

K:;. Hacksaw O Drilled O Other 3.)

. a.

A cyA 7.installed Protector Pipew/Lock YesO NoD


I.HowwasWell Developed  ? Bailing O Pumping O AlcSurging (Air orNitrogen) O Other FILTER PACKMATERIAL 2

- 2.Time Spent onWell Development  ?

Silica Sand 0~ -

Ft. / -

Minutes/Hours WashedSandO CC -

3.Approximate Water Volume Removed ?x Gallone PeaGravel O 2 4.Water ClarityBefore Development f Clear O Other.,

Turbid O Opaque O

- - 5.Water ClarityAfter Development  ? Clear O SandSize 1

-- I Turbid O Opaque O pp 6.DidWaterhave Oder  ? YesO NoO ifYes,Describe Dense PhaseSampling Cup pt, 7.DidWaterhave anyColor  ? YesO NoD

' 5 Bottom Plug IfYea, Describe YesQ NoO wr- f D J3xx WATER LEVEL INFORMATION:

OverdrilledMaterial Backfill j I I

Water Level Summary (From TopofCasing) w

't ~'

T Ft.I During Drilling Ft.Date A y I Grout O SandO I [

Wb " e L-) **P**"* *** .. . .

Caved MaterialC '

Other After Development 1 Ft.Date '- /4 -

RigType ElL< m WO Date.

Driller/Firm Drill "

installed C2dj[/4 Drill Crew-j!/Q ;d $ 5 -)E WellNo. C f23 Hydrologist CACC


3 AP $

A 2 '. .:1 NUMBER A


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lL / of

.2- Water P1D Photoionization Table (Time Detection ofBoring) ppm) @CLAY L LLi METHOD NO. identifies 2 TYPE Sample Sample Collection byNum er Method SILT isoutr CRGMCPEAT) oQgy a '

cm .'. o .ce--

O p J SANDY 4 SAND CLAY y "' 3 " -




. k v /,' 1'.,


EXiSTG GRADEELEVA FT- AMSU DEPTH. Depth REC.Actual To andBottom Length ofRecovered ofSample Sample inFeet



--Casing CapVent? YesQ No C YaeQ No Q -Lock? Yes@ No ,C Steel Q PVCQ -

,/Weep Hole  ? YesQ NoQ Surveying Pin? ,

Ft. gj 4.

YesC NoQ - '

'g:g .

i '


  • I.Borehole -/ ' 3 Inches.

!"i *^i:

FROM Diameter=

BELOW TOPOF Concrete .- Ft. V J.



'.F GRADE CASING 2.Were Revert Drilling Q

Additives Bentonite O Used  ? YesQ No@

Water Q

%3 2* - C Solid Auger D Hollow StemAuger Q

@ 3.Was Outer Steel W

Casing Used  ? YesO NoD Cement/Bentonite YeeO NoQ GroutMix '@

W , "


4. Borehole Diameter to !A Feet.

forOuter CasingV inches.


3-5 Lb.Bentonite I.Type ofCasing: PVCQ Galvanized O Teflon Q Other.,

Powder y g

Stainless O Other 3 3 2.Type ofCasing Joints
Screw-Couple Q Glue-LA kg

, '1 CoupleO Other

3. Type ofWell Screen PVCQ Galvanized Q Stainless Q Teflon O Other . .

Bentonite Seal 4.Diameter ofCasing andWell Screen:

2- Ft.

Pellets Q Slurry Q 7 -; y  ; y Casing C inches. Screen Inches.

W C g u 9 5.Slot Sizeof Screen Filter Pack ,

6.Type ofScreen Perforation: Factory Slotted 0 Above Screen Ft. ...n

.):j;:7 Q O Other Hacksaw Drilled 3 a.,

, ;s 7 [ 7.installed Protector Pipe w/Lock YesQ NoC WELL DEV E L OPMEN T INFORMA TION:

i.HowwasWell Developed  ? Balling C Pumping O AlcSurging (Air orNitrogen)Q Other FILTER PACKMATERIAL 2

- 2.Time Spent onWell Development  ?

Silica Sand C -

/L Minutea/Houre WashedSandC LFt. -

PeaGravel Q I 4.Water ClarityBefore Development F Clear Q Other Turbid @ Opaque O

- 5.Water Clarity After Development  ? Clear Q SandSize A 2 Turbld @ Opaque O

, , y- .

e-- 6.DidWater haveOder  ? YesQ NoQ

- t -

a /.i ifYes,Describe Dense Phase Sampling Cup '

7.Did Waterhave anyColor  ? YesQ No0

.7 pt, 8ottom Plug - ---- IfYes Describe YeaQ NoO SCS L A


Overdrilled Material Backfill j I I

Water Level Summary CFrom TopofCasing)

Ft.) Ft.Date 2 c'

/ m 1 C I /4 A g j During Drilling a

Grout C SandO l I poA ,

Before DevelopmentEFt. Date A-CW hM Q LJ Others After Development A Ft.Dated Driller/FirmLGd c-' A CJ-~ Drill RigTypeA'mJs A-!0 Dateinstalled /2  ;/O // C CrewC :

Drill -

WPd No-

-- WellNc. 2v c I Hydrologiat / '


CLASS. No. DEPTH REC. FIELD OBSERVATIONS ea r,ne sw wv , amag.,rcn ,

CL Pame m , DM pg 3fg [9n , ,

0 13 '

ucanm wa ym pu c ""

b--@~v'.) i Sa mo a egg m, 3 '

m ,


$'p U-g (2 5v b (


'y N 4.U /,

I3 2 3 Gh 5An o , .eC ',X v

b^D l C'b O Tw,"' .

uc scm op;

$Qi v -

pt A zc. [!GA 5/e ) f N -

g /

U 3 Qve wo rc )0.

a moi.e a 23 3, o wa co,,w;n,.., ,

X x ,


%W L vTN weT Ny .


('7' ;C L (5 E 6@ f 3,.. ,,

JS LOGLEGEND DATE@t.LED PAGE Y- Water Table (24 Hour) GRAPHIC X Water Table PlD Photolonization Time ofBoring)

Detection ppm) b CLAY L DN N HOD g

No. identifies TYPE Sample Sample Collection byNum er Method QSILT QHGHIY0KMCPEU) q3w gogy" 1- 4 A  ;


CLAY CnMAS '-^ 2Y ' '




EXIGTIGGRADEELEVA FT.AMSU DEPTH. Depth REC.Actual TopondBottom Length ofSample ofRecovered SampleinFeat


MONITORING WELL INSTALLATIONDIAGRAM Protective Pipe-Casing CapVent? YesD No Q YeeQ No O b .--Lock? YeeQ No O Steel Q PVCO -

,,Weep Hole  ? Yes@ NoO Surveying Pin?

w Ft. ,,' d YesQ NoO y'- #


'g.y f .




rA ' ' Inches.

's V L'

5: FROM I. Borehole Diameter=

  • !.2 BELOW TOPOF Con.crete .IFt. T) j L. .7GRADE CASING 2.Were Drilling Additives Used  ? YesQNoQ

('i. $ Revert Q BentoniteQ WaterQ 13 ',:. i '3.~.'4Solid AugerD Hollow StemAuger O

@b j 3.Was Outer Steel Casing Used  ? YeeQ NoB w

Cement/Bentonite Grout Mix [($ Depth= a A to N " Feet.

YesQ NoQ /) a41 4. Borehole Diameter forOuter CasingA inches.


3-5 Lb.Bentonite g[ I.Type ofCasing: PVCQ Galvanized Q Tefian D Powder Stainless O Other j@ $ 2.TypeofCasing Joints: Screw-Couple 0 Giue-

@ $ 1 75

@ 2 3 3.

Couple Type O Other ofWellScreen PVCQ Galvanized Q Stainless O Teflon O Other .

Bentonite Seal 4.Diameter ofCasingandWell Screen:

i Ft.

PelletsQ SlurryQ .3-n Casing L Inches Screen L Inches.


~ -

S.Slot Size of Screen:

L 0i' FilterPack ,, 6.TypeofScreen Perforation: Factory Siotted E Above Screen "


.. Hacksaw Drilled Other

. J.)x 7' ciG 7.installed Protector PIpe w/Lock YesD NoD WELL DEV E LOPMEN T INFORMA TION:

? Bailing O Pumping


I.HowwasWell Developed Q AirSurging (Air orNitrogen)Q Other FILTER PACKMATERIAL C 2.Time

- Spent onWell Development  ?

Silica Sand Q -

-.-- Ft" / * '

Minutes/Jlours WashedSandO c -

3.Approximate Water Volume Removed  ? s Gallons PeaGravel O T 4.WaterClarity Before Developrnent ?ClearO Othen Turbid O' Opaque O 2 5.Water Clarity After Development O

? Clear SandSize A

m .

.. x 2 . Turbid O Opaque O

. m , .

6.DidWater haveOder  ? YesQ No&

2 C IfYes,Describe Dense Phase Sampling Cup ,.

7.Did Waterhave anyColor  ? YesO NoQ

, Ft.

Bottom Plug -

ifYes Describe YesB NoO , - E + L


Overdrilled Material Backfill j I Water Level Summary (From TopofCasing)

Grout O SandO (y Ft./ [ l 2f, During Before Drilling Development 2 2 Ft.


Date 'P--

Date 3 '

'2 "-

3 Q L--)

CavedMaterial ' '

Other After Development A Ft.Date--.-L-1 Driller/Firm Drill RigType Yo .'A- h Date- inatalled /2 //G./0 Drill Crew j;.vi.['WW A WellNo. '

C , :0 Hydrologist

S0ll BORING LOG suestowrr LOCADON gogggg




GA Go. a anty s,q on '1y pas c m ;yN A (L (IGd3 1 ) u' 6., (

W F.C h '

A T Am wom .

X) 5 a.oafa a x P Gem m/ %

@ qp C'<


' p .5y eff) ~

4 K,v rJs L

c NXA K 6-Am a k .a so efn XX n .uow mx O. wes

/' '-

7p us- c m ,

, am -




NX q

, 3 5 -

U T.- m .x m ancw N%

M) acy g a x s tg

,< x G hm D a .a p no m, j4 (JJL co

~n ,r, CT,RE. )


)6j d @d '

X yy pJ;/c

<x' 15' X';2

'<J'x A ,,  : .

x 'UJ E


.^.s n P/ 3e-23osa ~ w a x P Axx, 7 (G 5 z6) 1~,x" '

35 GRAPHiCLOGLEGEND MGE 1 Water Table (24 Hour) DATE Te V WaterTabia PID Photoronization (Time ofBoring)

Detection ppm) @CLAY IL OM N M D NO. identifies Sample byNumer use c

@@ ~ 'C i .

2 TYPE Sample Collection Method SILT PEAl)

ClKWiC E .






REC.Actual Depth TopondBottom Length ofRecovered ofSample Sample inFeet

@sg@YEY -


MONITORING WELL INSTALLATIONDIAGRAM Protective Pipe- ,, Casing CapVent  ? Yes@ No Q Yes@ No Q


b -Lock? YesQ No Q Steel Q PVCO -

,Weep Hole  ? YesO NoO E Ft*

Surveying Pin7 ,

Concrete Pad .' Ft.x Ft. x Inches YesQ No O y-L *gyJ .

, t


k 5 '"5: FROM I.Borehole Diameter= " ' 3 inches.

F.: * .2 BELOW TCPOF Concrete 1- Ft. p J. L.?GRADE CASING 2.Were Additives Drilling Used  ? YesO No@


f m Revert Q Bentonite Q WaterQ

.c ct.

J Solid Auger O Hollow StemAuger O

@ @ 3. Was O uter Steel Casing Used f YesO NoU Cement/Bentonite YesQ NoD Grout Mix @


@ Depth=A4 to ?d

4. Borehole Diameter forOuter b Feat.



PVCQ Galvanized Q Tefian O 3-5 Lb.Bentonite 2 t I.Type ofCaeIng:

Powder tflib ipp Stainlese O Other 2.Type ofCasing Joints: Screw-Couple E Giue-ep Q CoupleQ Other jjjp ag d $ -' 2 PVCUGalvanized Q

3. Type ofWell Screen Stainless Q Teflon Q Other Bentonite Seal 4.Diameter ofCasingandWell Screen:

t -

~L Ft.

Pellate Q Slurry O 2- 7 ,

Casing  ? Inches. Screen -


'* ,y S.Slot Slzeof Screen: c C C Filter Pack 6.TypeofScreen Perforation: Factory SlottedQ Above Screen

" Ft* '4

.A j(;'/ Hacksaw Q Drilled Q Other 2.j 3j 3 A 7.installed Protector PIpe w/Lock: YesQ NoQ

. r. - -


I.HowwasWell Developed  ? Bailing O Pumping O AirSurging (Air orNitrogen)@ Other FILTER PACKMATERIAL 2

- 2.Time Spent onWell Development  ?

Silica Sand Q -

tf Ft. 2 - /1Minuteh/Hours Washed SandQ 3.Approximate Water Volume Removed  ? 5 Galione PeaGravel Q 2 4.Water C larity Before Development  ? Clear Q Other.

Turbid Q Opaque Q

- 5.Water ClarityAfter Development  ? ClearQ SandSize h 2 .

TurbidQOpaque Q 6.DidWater haveOder  ? YeaQ NoQ c.3; -y n IfYes, Describe DensePhase Sampling Cup - c pt^

7.DidWaterhave anyColor  ? YeaQ No@

Bottom YesQ NoQ Plug  ?

tQ f ?

- ifYes. Describe


Overdrilled Material Backfill j I I

Water LevelSummary (From TopofCasing)


' iC

" Ft.) c Grout O SandQ E g )

l During Drilling Ft.Date - '

l A Before Development Ft.Date 1 M N.

Caved Material Q L----) N ,

Other After Development 1 Ft.Dated' fW RigType E u + /3 Driller/Firm Drill A Date-installed .-- 5 DrillCrew WellNo. ' Hydrologist





3 2..3 , .aa r- w,c. .

c , .

n 1  ? v

CL1 ,

n, N N ,

!A A p/'

L n. :. .,pas ,; ,-;c


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"J-e c.-~ws fa wn  ?'J y GA-- y a We ('yg e,

xy p.

u s ..

e-w y W2G< 2'y 'yyb 5n 5 .7 LOGLEGEND DATEfLLED PAGE Y- Water Table (24 Hour) GRAPHIC

-.2-Water PID Photolonization Table Time ofBoring)

Detection ppm) @CLAY L Hon No. identifies Samp,le byNum er QSlLT QleGWOtGANC Ao2m J G ?Cw )"JAC g TYPE Sample Collection Method PEAT) ago sy SAND LAY ' " '




SampleREC. Depth Actual To ondBottom Legth of ofRecovered Somple inFeet


MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION DIAGRAM Protective PiPe-- Casing CapVent? Yes@ No Q Yee3 No O b -Lock  ? YesQ No Q Steel Q PVCO -

Weep Hole  ? YesQ NoO Surveying Pin? ,,,

Ft. ,, J Yes G NoO 'T ;qg ,.'"r;y DRILLING INFORMATION:

$ k "i:

. DEPTH FROM I.Borehole DIameter=

". / 'a inches.

? BELOW TOPOF 2.Were fiP * /

Con.crete c  ? YesO No'O Ft. .;.

L. GRADE CASING Drilling Additives Used (7." p. Revert O Bentonite O Water O 2 ** d Solid Auger Q Hollow StemAuger O

@b; w @ a

3. Was O uter Steel Casing Used  ? Yes O NoD Cement/Bentonite Grout Mix e Depth= N.A to N A Feet.

@j @$

YesO NoD 4. Borehole Diameter forOuter Casing ! inches.

5.5Galions 94Lb.

Water BagCement to


O Tefton O PVCO Galvanized 3-5 Lb.Bentonite h I.Type ofCasing:

Stainless O Other Other*  ! "

4 4

2.Type Couple ofCasing O Other Joints: Screw-Couple Q Glue-

$ @j T Q

'~ ~

3 3. Type ofWellScreen PVC0 Galvanized Stainless Q Tefion Q Other .

Bentonite Seal ofCasingand Well Screen:

2.-Ft. 4.Diameter l Pellets Q Slurry O

'.* j.3 -

q,7 -

y 5 q Casing S.Slot L

Sizeof Screen: C C C inches, Screen" Inches.

Filter Pack "

6 Type ofScreen Perforation: Factory Slotted Q Above Screen , Ft. ,,,..,

.  ;.(;y Hacksaw O Drilled Q Other 2

@ 7.installed Protector WELL DE-VELOPMENT Pipe w/Lock YesQ NoD INFORMA TION:

I.HowwasWell Developed  ? Bailing Q Pumping Q AirSurging (Air orNitrogen)O Other FILTER PACKMATERIAL I

2.Time Spent onWell Development  ?

Silica Sand 0 *


Minutee/Hours Washed SandQ E Ft. -.

3.Approximate Water Volume Removed ?EGalions PeaGravel O 2 4.WaterClarity Before Development  ? ClearQ Other.

Turbid Q Opaque Q

- - 5.Water ClarityAfter Development  ? Clear Q SandSize ,

e 2 . Turbid Q Opaque O

. ..-6.D1d

.3,<-o Water haveOdec  ? YesO NoO ifYes,Describe Dense Phase Sampling Cupm A FL '

7.Did Waterhave anyColor  ? YesO NoQ Bottom Plug -

IfYes, Describe


Overdrliled Material Backfill j I l

Water LevelSummary (From TopofCasing) ,

3 Ft.I During Drilling- -

Ft. Date ' A 0-C


l Grout O SandO I I * *^*'*P**"

Caved Material Q L---.) 1 lO Other: After Development Ft.DateML M ".'1 E-


Driller/Firm Drill RigType Date.installed '

DrillCrew '-1 t N[FN:J byJ F WellNo.

'21- Hydrologist L . - .. .

SOlL BORING LOG sussepiARY LoCADON BORING cv,a w 2-co wrt-

. . .- -a




e '

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ECxr x. ra QG'E 7 W2N/>

<' .7 x ra M

N A.

wasto cLW

.(X'j 3'

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&- 28 a -n rzou 2,,uo mm., Xe, Tc eaRst prum a m X; (U)

N/N y--ac ya w, awa 44

,,Sy 3r -

2j ' LT


<y vy 2d !UCj'[

3.';o x'J'

>O'.p F qu. mfrg 3.: ee 6 /tQ DATEDiam PAGE Y Water Table (24Hour) GRAPHICLOGLEGEND V WaterTable PID Photolonization Tirne ofBoring)

Detection ppm) @CLAY L OD NO. identifies Sample by Num er NGHLY ORGANIC 4m Sg p fog 2 TYPE Sample Collection Method SILT PEAT) mmev O


Q g m



SampleREC.Depth Actuoi To ondBottom Le!gth ofRecovered of Sample inFeet



--Casing CapVent? YesO No 0 YesO No 0 -Lock ? YesO No O Steel O PVCO -

,Weep Hole  ? YesO No0 Surveying Pin  ? Ft. , "

" Ft.x inches YeeO NoO '



DEPTH m , <-

X I$;

k. FROM I.Borehole DIameter=h inches.

't -

BELOW TOPOF Concrete U Ft. ,


)'., '(f
g? GRADE CASING 2 Were Revert DrIllingAdditives O Bentonite0 Used? YeeO No O Water 0 T O -

Solid Auger O Hollow StemAuger 0 Cement/Bentonite Grout Mix

@ @j 3.Wae Cuter Depth= ,'j Steel Casing a to JU.1 Used  ? YesO NoD py($



@ f*

es 4. Borehole A 4 Inches.

Diameter forOuter Casing 5.5Galions Water to


' 94Lb. BagCement 3-5 Lb.Bentonite Ft.Q g$ ; ,. I.Type ofCaelng: PVCQ Galvanized O Tefton Q Other: Stainless O Other g @ 2.TypeofCasing Joints Screw-Couple O Giue-

@ hj ,,.-- CoupleO Other M @1 1 3. Type ofWell Screen PVCQ Galvanized O Stainless 0 Teflon O Other-BentonIte Seal

, 2- Ft. 4.Diameter ofCasing andWell Screen:

PelleteO Slurry O j.'A Casing - -

inches, Screen '-



S.Slot Sizeof Screen: x C iU Filter Pack AboveScreen

, pg' 6, Type ofScreen Perforation: Factory Slotted S O Drilled O Other i'i: Hacksaw JI;j, g 7.installed Protector Pipe w/Locks YesO NoQ I WELL DEVELOPMENT



HowwasWell Developed  ? Bailing O Pumping O AirSurging (Air orNitrogen)O Other FILTER PACKMATERIAL

- 2.Time Spent onWell Development  ?

SilicaSand O -

/1 Minutea/Houre WashedSandO 1Ft. -

3.Approximate WaterVolume Removed ?X Gallons T

PeaGravel O 4.Water Clarity Before Development  ? ClearO Others Turbid Q Opaque O

- 5.Water Clarity After Development  ? Clear O SandSize


- Turbid O Opaque O

? YesO No0-6.Did WaterhaveOdcr a' ,

', r ,

ifYes,Describe Dense Phase SamplingCup q pe 7.Did Waterhave anyColor  ? YeeO NoO Bottom Plug -

IfYes. Describe YesO NoO .

e -

3 .-


Overdrilled Material Backfill c j I I

Water Level Summary (From TopofCasing)

A b Ft.)

) During Drilling1Ft. Date 4 A -'

GroutO SandO j j WL Before Developmenth Ft.

Dated Caved Material O L--)

A Other: After Development 2/C Ft. Dated Driller/Firm Drill RigType C/ W A 2 n Dateinetailed C DriltCrew 3m L T r-d W J WellNo. , 3 /1 Hydrologist L .4 , :


, s/NC C.C- s y ;1 J ['.





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a M

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/ N' vA i & 2.

k, -

., q . - . ... .-

2.uM. $  ;, g ;, w 3; ;cd2 T 3ep a Y(WfQ@ g PAGE I- Water Table (24 Hour) GRAPHICLOGLEGEND DATEDRI 7-- Water Table (Time ofBoring) @CLAY L d bl DRuUNGMETHOD 2cr'p of PlD Photoionization Detection ppm)

No. identifies Sample byNum er HOU HCE L "3 TO RC1O.

2 TYPE Sample Collection Method 51LT 01G45C PEAT) hED M O


$ crui, .;1 CLAYEY ,


DEPTH. Depth REC. Actual To ond6ottom Length ofRecovered ofSample Sample inFeet