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M221013: Slides - Strategic Programmatic Overview of the Operating Reactors Business Lines
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/13/2022
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ML22236A630 List:
Download: ML22278A188 (50)


Strategic Programmatic Over view of the Operating and New Reactor Business Lines

Introduction Darrell Roberts Deputy Executive Director for Reactor and Preparedness Programs, Office of the Executive Director for Operations

Operating Reactor Business Line Andrea Veil, Strategic Priorities and Successes for the Operating Reactor Business Line Zack Hollcraft, Continuously Improving the Reactor Oversight Process Jamie Heisserer, Regional Resilience during COVID-19 and Inspection Program Perspectives Shilp Vasavada, Leveraging Risk Insights to Modernize Regulatory Activities

Strategic Priorities and Successes for the Operating Re a c t o r B u s i n e s s L i n e Andrea Veil D i r e c t o r, O f f i c e o f N u c l e a r Re a c t o r Re g u l a t i o n

Safe, Efficient, and Reliable Licensing and Oversight of the Nations Non-Power Reactors National Institute SHINE Medical of Standards and Technologies, LLC Technology

Pandemic Lessons Learned Leads to Long Term Program Improvements Follow on lessons learned effort Applying lessons learned in coordination and communications NRC Senior Resident Inspector Matt Fannon provides virtual tour of Robinson nuclear power plant

Continuous Enhancements of Robust Reactor Oversight Process 01 Reactor Oversight Process Enhancement Efforts 02 Risk Insights in the Reactor Oversight Process 03 Counterfeit Fraudulent and Suspect Items

Subsequent License Renewal Continues

  • Implementing Commission Direction
  • Safety Review Unaffected Turkey Point Nuclear Plant Units 3 and 4

Continuing Innovation Artificial Intelligence Risk Informed Decision Making Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence

Making the Safe Use of Nuclear Technology Possible Artificial Intelligence Digital I&C Accident Tolerant Fuel Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence

Deliberate Actions to Meet Organizational Health Objectives

Continuously Improving the Reactor Oversight Process Zack Hollcraft Senior Reactor Operations E n g i n e e r, D i v i s i o n o f R e a c t o r Oversight, NRR

Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Enhancement Problem Identification and Changes to the Emergency Resolution Preparedness Cornerstone Inspector Shiattin Makor (left) at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Engineering Changes to the Inspection Program ROP Action Matrix David Proulx and Harry Freeman examine equipment at the Callaway nuclear power plant.

Maintaining a Healthy Resident Inspector Program Chairman Christopher Hanson with senior resident inspectors Justin Hawkins and Jigar Patel at the Salem and Hope Creek nuclear power plants.

Recognizing the Importance of Resident Health Dashboard and Resident Inspectors Standing Committee

New Means for End of Cycle Assessments Chairman Christopher Hanson with senior resident inspectors Justin Hawkins and Jigar Patel at the Salem and Hope Creek nuclear power plants.

Reducing preparation time through Modernized Data Visualization ease of use

Enhancing Data Access Event Notification via the Mission Analytics Portal - External (MAP-X)

Enhanced Public Search Tools for Event Notifications and Part 21 Reports Upgrading the existing Licensee Event Report Search Tool Improving internal operating experience document search capabilities

Regional Resilience

& Perspectives Jamie Heisserer D e p ut y D i r e c to r, D i v i s i on o f O p er at in g Reactor Licensing, NRR

( r e c e n tl y D e p u t y D i r e c t or, D i v i s i on o f Reactor Projects, Region III)

Regional Resilience in the Inspection Program Senior Resident Inspector Paul Zurawski inspects Ray Torres (Perry), John Robbins (Region III), Dan Bacon emergency diesel generator at DC Cook (Region II), and Randy Baker (Region III) discuss the Perry initial license exam Senior Resident Inspector (Braidwood) Dan Kimble and Kevin Barclay (Regional Inspector) on the Davis-Besse Special Inspection Team Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence

Regional Resilience in the Inspection Program Resident Inspector Courtney St. Peters and Region III branch chief Billy Dickson tour Palisades before shutdown Senior Resident Inspector Chuck Norton, Jamie Regional Inspector Edison Fernandez on the Palisades in-Heisserer, and Resident Inspector Tom McGowan service inspection tour Monticello Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence

Focus on Our People Increased hiring Training of new staff Increased teamwork and interconnectivity

Leveraging Risk Insights to Modernize Regulator y Activities Shilp Vasavada Acting Branch Chief, Division of Risk Assessment, NRR Senior Reliability and Risk Analyst, Division of Risk Assessment, NRR

Sustaining and Expanding the Use of Risk Insights Safety + flexibility + efficiency Consistent with Principles of Good Regulation and the Be riskSMART framework Enablers:

Investing in Our People Improving Our Processes Enhancing Our Risk Tools

Investing in Our People Dedicated Efforts to Promote Risk- Empowering Staff to Make Risk- Positive Change Management Informed Mindset Informed Decisions Activities

Improving Our Processes Leveraging Technology to Support Updating Processes and Proactively Expanding the Use Operational Flexibility Procedures of Risk Insights to New Areas

Enhancing Our Risk Tools Enhance Available Risk Tools to Distill Qualitative and Increase Accessibility and Support Expanded Use of Risk Quantitative Risk Insights Usability of Risk Tools Insights

Closing Remarks Darrell Roberts Deputy Executive Director for Reactor and Preparedness Programs, Office of the Executive Director for Operations

Acronyms AI Artificial Intelligence ATF Accident Tolerant Fuel CETI Comprehensive Engineering Team Inspection CFSI Counterfeit Fraudulent and Suspect Items FEI Focused Engineering Inspection I&C Instrumentation and Controls NRAN Nuclear Regulator Apprenticeship Network NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation MAP Missions Analytics Portal MAP-X Missions Analytics Portal - External OIG Office of the Inspector General PI&R Problem Identification and Resolution ROP Reactor Oversight Process RIPE Risk Informed Process for Evaluations SPAR Standardized Plant Analysis Risk VLSSIR Very Low Safety Significance Issue Resolution Process

Introduction Darrell Roberts Deputy Executive Director for Reactor and Preparedness Programs, Office of the Executive Director for Operations

New Reactor Business Line Andrea Veil, Strategic Priorities and Successes for the New Reactor Business Line Brian Kemker, Applying Lessons Learned from Construction and Transition to Operations at Vogtle Michelle Hayes, New and Advanced Reactor Preparedness Hossein Esmaili, Research Support for Near-Term Licensing of New and Advanced Reactors

Strategic Priorities and Successes for the New Reactor Business Line Andrea Veil D i r e c t o r, O f f i c e o f N u c l e a r Re a c t o r Re g u l a t i o n

Robust Pre-application Activities to Support Future Licensing

  • Pre-application reviews underway with potential new and advanced reactor applicants
  • Pre-application activities support focused, risk-informed safety reviews

Developing Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive, Performance-Based Guidance and Rules Significant progress in the Part 53 Streamlining guidance documents to and Part 50 and 52 alignment prepare for future new and advanced rulemaking to prepare for future new reactor applications and advanced reactor licensing

Strong Coordination with State, Local, Federal and International Partners STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENTS

  • Vogtle Unit 3 10 CFR 52.103(g) finding marks a significant regulatory milestone.
  • Continue oversight as Unit 3 moves to operation and Unit 4 continues construction.

Applying Lessons Learned from Construction and Transition to Operations at Vogtle Brian Kemker Senior Resident Inspector, Vogtle Units 3&4, Region II

Successful Transition of Vogtle Unit 3 and Continued Oversight of Vogtle Unit 4 First of a kind:

10 CFR 52.103(g)

Unit 3 Start-up Testing and Commercial Operations Unit 4 Construction and Testing Inspections

The NRC is Ready DCO inspectors (Robert Mathis, Denise Terry-Ward and José Vasquez) during the Vogtle Unit 3 Supplemental Inspection. Victor Hall, Omar Lopez-Santiago and Russ Felts with the framed 10 CFR 52.103(g) finding for Vogtle 3 Licensing and Vogtle Readiness Inspection Staff Group

Ensuring Strong Construction Expertise The NRC is implementing multiple strategies to ensure we maintain the expertise for the future.

Senior Resident Inspector Brian Kemker and Joylynn Quinones-Navarro viewing the Uni 3 reactor vessel integrated head package.

Tradition of Continuous Learning

  • Implementation of Lessons Learned
  • Impact on Future Construction Programs

New and Advanced Reactor Preparedness Michelle Hayes Chief, Technical Branch 1, Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-power Production and Utilization Facilities, NRR

Safely Regulating Advanced Reactor Technologies Yvotte Brits (X-energy LLC) and Chris Miller (NRC)

Pre-application engagement Pre-Application Communication License Reviews Engagements

Preparing for an Expanding Workload

Transforming New and Advanced Reactor Reviews Developing Key Rulemakings Recommending Policy Changes Formulating New Guidance and Revising Previous Guidance Sketch of Abilene Christian University non-power molten salt reactor

Partnering to Strengthen Readiness Throughout the Across With International NRC Government and Communities Industry

Researc h Suppor t for Near -Term Licensing of New and Advanced Reactor s Hossein Esmaili C h i e f , Fu e l & S o u r c e Te r m C o d e Development Branch, Division of Systems Analysis, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research

Strategic & Future Looking Research Regulatory Drivers Artificial Intelligence Develop First of a Detailed kind Plans Reactors Readiness Innovation Technology-Collaboration inclusive Risk-Informed Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence

State-of-Practice Computational Tools Development of Tools and Data to Understand the New Technologies and Demonstrate NRC Readiness and Capabilities Artificial Intelligence System & Accident Materials, Chemistry &

Forward Looking Programs Progression Analysis Component integrity Developed Efficient Strategy and Plan Developed Reference Plant Models Developed Expertise & Show Readiness Public Workshops: SCALE/MELCOR Non-LWR Source Term Demonstration Project 2021 2022 NRC Integrated Action Plan (IAP) Strategy 2: Modernizing our Tools Heat pipe Reactor Molten Salt Fueled Reactor Gas cooled Reactor Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Molten Salt Cooled Reactor Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence

Application of Tools to Support Licensing Perform Risk & Confirmatory Evaluations Artificial Intelligence System Analysis for LWR Probabilistic Risk Assessment Risk-informed Seismic SMRs and non-LWRs & Regulatory Guide Design Modify Reference Plant Model Support Hermes Review Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence

Closing Remarks Darrell Roberts Deputy Executive Director for Reactor and Preparedness Programs, Office of the Executive Director for Operations

Acronyms ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers CFR Code of Federal Regulations CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission DOE U.S. Department of Energy EPRI Electric Power Research Institute IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency ITAAC Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria LWR Light Water Reactor NEA Nuclear Energy Agency NMSS Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NSIR Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response SMR Small Modular Reactor SPAR Standardized Plant Analysis Risk