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Discusses Procedure to Be Used That Allows Util to Receive License Extension to 40 Yrs from Date of Ol.Environ Assessment Should Be Prepared Following Guidelines of Encl Licensee Review
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/1985
From: Thompson H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20197G978 List:
FOIA-86-174 TAC-60427, TAC-60428, NUDOCS 8605190026
Download: ML20197G991 (2)



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          \.,          /*                              April 30, 1985                                       ,

pLh 1 7 MEMORANDUM FOR: Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation -30 ga FROM: Hugh L. Thompson, Jr. , Director Division of Licensing


POLICY ISSUE: EXTENDING THE OPERATING LIFE OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Baltimore Gas and Electric (BG&E) has requested the NRC to change the start of the Calvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2 forty year license from the date of the construction permit to the date of the operating license. If granted, this Unit 2 by about 7 years. request would increase the operating lifetime of Unit 1 b Policy and procedures have existed since late 1982 for granting similar requests for plants in the licensing process. However, BG&E is the first operating reactor licensee to request implementation of this policy for plants licensed before 1982. 7 It is anticipated starting that licenses. date of their more Itcensees will make similar requests to change the the policy for reviewing these requests.The purpose of this memorandum is to establish This policy will only apply to a request to change the start date of the 40 year license from the date of the construction permit to the date of the operating license. extend a plant's operating life beyond 40 years must be deferred untilAny request to

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Commission policy is established in this area.


Since 1982 certain plants, at their specific request, have been licensed with their 40 year lifetime starting from the date of their operating license. Previously the 40 year lifetime comenced with the date of the construction permit. This change in policy was established via an. August 16, 1982 memorandurr from William J. Dircks (Enclosure 1). This memorandum states that the staff will look favorably on the licensee's request if the following criteria is met: 1. Thesafety no utility, must demonstrate that 40-year facility operation poses problems; l 2. The utility must ensure that its Environmental Report unambiguously evaluates the environmental effects of 40-year facility operation; CONTACT: J. Thoma x-27356 8605190026 860411 PDR FOIA DAY 86-174 PDR ,

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                                                                  -2                       April 30, 1985
3. The staff must review and approve the utility submittals supporting ,

40-year facility operation; this will not only necessitate a staff finding on the acceptability of the proposed action from a safety standpoint, but could also necessitate a revision to the staff's Environmental Statement; and 4 The staff will notify the appropriate hearing board when a request I having the effect of extending the duration of the operating license is received. Thereafter, the staff will keep the board informed of all staff action on the request. Since that time, a number of plants have been licensed with this modification in place. In each case, no change was necessary to the plant's safety evalua-tion. However, a modified environmental assessment was necessary. Policy , , _ , , For licensees of operating plants which request that the start of the 45-year license be changed from the date of the construction permit to the date of the operating license, the following procedure will be used:

1. The licensee must show that this extension of the operating lifetime has no significant impact on the facilities final safety analysis report (SAR) as evaluated in the staff's safety evaluation report (SER). Plant specific requests must be reviewed on an individual basis but past experience on NT0L.s indicates that

, no additional safety reviews are necessary. Where appropriate, this input will be used to prepare a "no significant hazards Sholly notice. If there are significant hazards considerations, an appropriate notice will be prepared.

2. An Environmental Assessment will be prepared following the guidelines of the Calvert Cliffs' review (Enclosure 2).


3. Any request to extend the operating life beyond 40 years will be deferred until Comission policy is established.

With your concurrence, a DLOP will be prepared which establishes this as the standard procedure for this review. u

k. Thompson, id?)

Jr , ' rector Di ion of Lice si d Approve O / /b l cc w/ enclosure: g'( Harold R. Denton ( l l DL ads

  • OR BCs, 1-5 .

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n thO a he.tition:for;rulemaking '(PM 504 fromiMr(DanieliKane. President.~E:' s-


undefsodenceidated Septeidiairo11'.*1981'.'TNr.?Kanefreguestad yj P j'sCouncilfon'Energp$h$'dMN fI1l 3 i4N " mJ';/ [$ .s,[IIi"I'8h@if N.E


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91]an't.91Wo' alternatives'are obvious. $(1) tie the?expiratioet -- S . '<t..'of the'tha date of: issuance.of-the operating licens.e.:. 1,'.J ' ' 2e g'.hthe license will expire 40'yearsifrom date'o.fl0Luissuanceu . e,. ;~ - -(2);1engthen the duration, e.g.. theilicense will expire 50l years ' 1y

  -/.                         of issuance'of                                         the CP."                            r
. . ..-                                  .y                                    :.                                                                    .

U . ' Atiabout'the'same time that PM 50-30 was received. Cosmonwealth: Edison _ _'

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .W T . .. 'Comparty requested the' staff by letter dated September:23,1981ptoTissie -                                                                                                                                             ~

7 thie'. operating.licenseshfor La Salle. Units .1 :8:2.'.each ifor a.fullfters' b 'n u E. io'ff40 years i 'f e the ~datalof)thelissuancatof the:1icenses. ~ .f:.; :.3L ,

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;y .1.ic'ense.: issued for;La Salle. Unit.1.: on Aprilil7.1982? was set:at't4QW. ~ .
        > c . y_ean ifrom'the date of.OL(1ssuance. ; .In addition. .the. staff.took thelpos.1, tion                                                                                                                                                               g
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g.M. 4.Mp:f ince 1S the. Commission?!s^ 4?' .* . .. .., 'll '.- W WO.$10 tent of our proposed!present: actions 7iisRfu11yiad#essither.ission' rule ~and since we believet.thattthe1Cosar ' f j Q .Wld.3.'#95t111' continue'.to issue.0L's for a' length of tilse requested'hyM.c %g -i M.N : <Mjsguancesof;the .0L. we' accordingly withdras, without prejudice. :. - 3 j pt/.' 'c. g;V .i; . G. titioniforirulemakingirequesting an asendment of 10 CFRi$0.51-

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g..l<? ~ ' AiFederal Reetster notice weseprepared announcing .thetithe Co ' t-j-

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7 ;:- discontinuing.furtheriwork~en' Pm 50-30 since the Cournission' agrees *that s 10 CFR 50.51 can belread to> accomplish the result sought by the M ,  ; l?". t . .withoutl amendment..';Therefore, in the future, the staff willitssue:anioperatin - 7: g,WF L11cens. e for the ters requested by the applicant. but in no.:case " "'

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ' wy f}l C . . 40,                      years <from the issuance of the operating 11 cense 7erifor.the '

estimated useful life of the facility if the staff determinosithat'the M - M vW:Testimated'useful .11fe is .lessithan the term requested.^ ~ ' ~

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      .hatrAletteritoryou!datsd iSeptemberits p igel nconmawealthitdisoniroquesied itkat'.                                                                                                                                                                                                      '

R 4..*n

      &-                  ethetoperatine'.licensesito be; issued for:the LaSalle unith run


  $W has:also been filed by:the. Council                                                                                                                              (on EnelJ"yeaes
                                                                                                                                                          ~ . Dependence   ~

requesting'.t5e'date thel:J - y ear OL't.. :(Attachment 3)i AsN."

  $v.%d.NRC amend;its; regulations to provide.tuchf Wyou know, the longistand                                                                                                                                                                                                           r.OT t  .

f1 1.iyearstfrom the'date'of Cp <staance.i We have beca'ask*ed. tty the staff to: Wc y$.1. )?. determine whether there are av legal obstacles to. issuance of;fu11:.40-year j 7(:{l.g jCL's M This samorandue responds to.this question. .

                                                                                                                                                                                        .      .                - D ' .' :                                       .                .
      .A                Wo.have examined both.the~ legislative history of Section 103c ofithe Atomic ~
 ' w c. - ! Energy Act and the agency notices related to the promulgation of 10'CFR . +                                                                                                                                                                  .                         .


  .i *. . S50.51. We are unable to find any legal prohihition against the issuance ofta -                                                                                                                                                                                                           )!
   ~.                 ?fu11~40-year operating Itcense. Since its decision in the PRDC constructica                                                                                                                                                         i>
             . . ' . ipermit case (1 AEC 65),:the cosaission has taken the position.that'the~'                                                                  ~

f;..^. .iconstruction permit and. operating litensa are not a single."11 cense' , ji ' .for statutory purposes. ..Each is s' *1icense" in itself.~and ap x Wforland issued separately upon appro >riate findi p:f. .-l Applying this: view of licensing to tie terms J statute in Section'103c. .

   #1 s.:and to 10 CFR 50.51.,1eads to.the ccM1ustoa that an operating license a$.be                                                                                                                                                                                                             9
b. " ~ 71ssued for a period of.40,' ars asasured ~from the~ date of issuance of. the(OL'. ~


  !! . . . The,gt;egulation 1tselffis c ar that tlie.RRC mayTissue a 40 ' year operetteg .

k C."'.15censeI1fithe; / applicant has requested suc)i;a tera '

                                                                                                                                                                                                              '                       :=
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                                            ' "W M th M S & M i-Eachs11censelw111:be;issuch.                                                                                                                                                 be Y'foris'               ti f
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  "-                                                 Csisc~ifiedfinithellicense but in no case to' exceed 30'yeafsE              ~
                                                  *!f6selthe"date*of' issuance. Where.the operation of a facility,f                                                                                                                                                     *

$v- -  : 141nvolveditheNoamission will. issue the.. license for..theiters . l4'  %.g.<. . y;g..T..Togiestsd1bbthelapplicant g


or..;for..the esti l 'il iff... Cosmissio.Qlgt.en..s.i. n. es ' p].

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            '. '.9The onlyipessibleilegali.ebstacleiteitheitssmence.of fk11-teru OL!sifsithe.'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ..                                                  i
                                    ..long-standing practice ~of: fixing ~the Period from the date of CP issuances                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .
       . .                 - :The first CP . issued. Indian point 1-($y 4'.1956), simply contains the W '

phrase-referring to the operhting licensk # '.. which licensd shall expire * -

                          ' forty (40)-years after the date of this construction permit." .We canist* *                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   '

l'cate o any legal documents to explain this practice. which obv1ously~became standard. At that time 6 When.1% was expected that construction would be: .

                     .,               c6i:ple'te}in                        four              years.-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      3
                           ' and the . issue was n.ever.perhaps. the
                                                                              .          .s                               reised.                         W;.                                 ;. P.u            (ifference
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         /. . '-- yas                          .. . -costidered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ..      C..             .,~,.,...-

4nst.pni(tcent i Ve. expect that the response to the petition for rulemaking W111' tate *the - j l position that under 50.51 the Commission may issue an operating licedse with -

                                    .a term of 40 years from the date of issuance, and hence an amendment to this l .:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1l section is not needed to accomp.11sh mtitioner's goals. The questiop'prol -

sented by the Cosmonwealth request wwever.'is Wwther i

                                  . measure the 40-year period from the date of OL issuance.the                                                                                                                                                                . While the                         Consission issue,is must                                                     .                'l
                     ;- . not without doubt the better legal view is that the Commission must measure                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         1 r ~ the'40-year. period,from.the date of OL issuance if requestaduto *                                                                                                                                                             ~

m;c.Xapp,lican.tiiun1 3 ssli.t(f,indsitheti,the' estimated,..usefultlife!offthalfacilityUs *U 3 less}thant40? years;f.rasif.thefdstskfJ.0LTissuance..T -  ; .; " .

                                                         .qy ;p
                                                                                                           ;-                                     m-c                                                     ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 . .q ;                                                                       ,
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