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Discusses Follow Up on Fires at Hake
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/16/1999
From: Woodruff R
To: Mobley M
Shared Package
ML20210A107 List:
FOIA-99-226 NUDOCS 9907220032
Download: ML20210A142 (12)


~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' - ~ ' ' ~

l Rich:rd Woodidff- F6LT6Vi/UFOW~ FIRES AT S RE- " ~ Pags -

From: Richard Woodruff

-To: ~ INTERNet:mmobley@ mail. Nw /N: Nu Date: Tue, Mar 16,1999 7:52 AM '



~ Good morning Mikel I called Debra yesterday evening concerning a couple of old incidents at Hake back in June of 1998, but was unable to reach her. The IMNS Generic Assessment Panel (GAP) has requested additional information on the cause of the fires and any corrective actions taken by the licensee.

I could not locate any information in the NMED system on these two events, which were TN 98-069 and TN-98-076. These were reported to the OPS center on July 2,1998.

I left a telephone message for Debra, but I don't have her e-mail address. Would appreciate your sending .

this message along to Debra, with my cry of Help! Thanks, rlw 4


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9907220032 990720 "

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i Phone: i Phone: 615-532-0364 _

Fox phone: Qtil/ [ G 2 -  %  : -

, . Fox phone:

l 615-532-7938 CC:

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REMARKS: C Orgent. } Fh your review , 'O Reply ASAP Q Please commer.t

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8 1790 Dock Street P.O. Bar 13484 j M*mphis. TN 38113-0464 1 June 30,1998

. (901) 774-2850 l Fax (001) 942-2207 l 1

Mr. Johnny Graves i '

State ofTEnnessee  ;

Diwision ofRadiological Healthi Third Flodr,L & C Annex 401 Church St.

Nashville,jTN 37243

Dear Mr. Graves:

Per your request,please find attached the final reports concermngthi e two fire incidents at  !

Frank W. Hake Associares and the rejection of scrap metal at David Joseph Co. due to radiation levels being above theii acceptance criteria.

The fmal repon on the shipping ilncident will follow tomorrow under sep O i '

If you have any questions, or need any additional:information, feel free to contact me at your convenience i Sincerely, '. ,

Frank W. Hake Associates Radiological Services Division .

M' MC Robert Rogers Corporate Radiation Saf et y Officer 1.

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TN RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH Fax:615-532-N58 Mar u Ys sma r. ue

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c i- 1 Fires and 'Other Hazards-Root Causes sad Long term v --

Corrective Actions J

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seeksr=4: ,  ;;

Irt tbc last 13 mendia, the Acahey has had does Grm, whish eqmrod 6rt; department rampan== Bare were two fires ia die Wheeiebreenr dust cousser sad arm in the teasporary blast tot located la T top. In all esos i-= === es sme.wse atinguished wth no medar damage a e. sanky.mwo of these firm owurred si the Whesishrsmor duet coGesnar and wee emispeshed by the Fire Deparensit ater efbrte using avaiiside Sre mangeabcs proved wi neremaming fire wee put ost by the imentiar8 sprmkler synigan'ater two are ===riaars wem tesharged on the fire with no results. Bendes persconel, the one thing'all dues c(shese Gras have in cumumen is yt dus. no are in the temposary blast tant oeeusred whom eueseg speudens wees podermed wi6eut cleenas up all the pit fram the previous bleating evoluties, no teet6resh 6e doet mail =reme involved grit dust fibretum bags. After the first fire, wtdek occurred in the Wheelstruser diast consener, enveral problems were posed. Does inchuled the blastmg of alaninue; which was dissoveed hear to be very flammetdc when bi dum ibrm; operstmg with the dust coussian drums and duer couester open so lho - / .; and suming operedens being performed in the insnedisse vicinity of te dust aallaram neue probieras were addressed through pmoedural denses and he'ains essenens. . . l f

1 .l v  %



ne coher feer thans cres have'in commen is pesammet. nia am be ops into iwo casesones, prevenaan e j and respumes.;In the cues of the luter; passemel reopended kenedusely using fire mainguiebers asesed ' n the shope, timi Fire depermeest was notiSed presspely, and permannat eveceased shouiit beemme apparent l that ibe fire ins not reedGy emagnebstem. WhBe esse were the correct actions to take, two problems were noted related to personnel response. One was hilure to utilise s hoes that wee hooked up in the shop med '

could have been used, nie would have been more afhesive in puning out the 6res since it was learned frem the firsttecidset ebet onben demode and dry shemismi ' ;- ' 5. provuis very little deterrence to a fire connenug yit dust. He other was die perses amissed as a fire wasch who,who the tant fire occurred, was ==n=malve to his duties s he was properms int encaber evehnian n the abop.

, m.

see we avsal m to h FM the aankig W procedural %es niede IAIle case d after the inittel' fire had beam iposed h saged to an=='= === nis was evidensed by the fact that almuinusa ,

had been primessed an he WW prior so torepeat fire in the dust collector. ne ptweessms of l ahanhan had been esengly messed eder the ibet ike and a premadan hadbeen added to &c procedure.

Second, armfle darsation had been ehen so innse as yt.ned been removed enma 6e beset tant prior so perinrmbusthng spemeimin. nis had not been =====t8h indiceans a lack o(action by the lead raahaini a sad a neck of fenow up by,6een em mouvuor ad the ansmeter ots. Amcoon. nird.the fire wasch had not been properly trained and/or briedad a tohis specific dodes causing his pnenties to be improperty placed while i,t the diep. Famren, t eomugh heartle a,=====r hadnot bem performed (and personnel belshd) covering cutting in ibe bless aset.

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TN RADIOLOGICAL Fut.lh raMob-:u-tm nar u :: ~~ m*

3 s i-Actiems: ,

.1 .

v -- m following ==== wik r' agard to fire nevnesian are being impl====-i.

1. Partna more rigatous ed demiled hasards asessenema for newjobs behg perfonned at the fhcil4 .,.

t  !-

2. Imad teshmaane will conduct a thereugh walk trough of their shops et the begmams of each shit seudning for passatial problems; sad annestas those mated prior so canomencing work.
3. Utirass Hankh Mneios persammel,te provide a "second set of eyes" to perbre a similar walk through. .

)-. .

- 4. Fire prevention medahg willhei- , luso kiissal tranung far newhires and into a ctwan==ng training progran to meurs all personnel mainamin the peper awarmiens.

5. A fire.weseh properm willbe femamih 3=H requenng training and qualiacarian
6. * :, : 4 f treming will be knW e a contaming basis to improve te qualky of sapuvisorypersonnel.
7. All, : " _ will be remswed and anodidad er ====-y to ensure prope considerstlan has basa given 'to prenansions and gerenes af egenyment'wih regards to p==atW hasards
8. A Gre: prevention and estia presetas wGI be genermed ad placed is use.
9. Fire cyrtans ah==a'8 and kusaaed sound Assipated cutsag areas.
10. An bdustrial many spemalist wit bs hkod and an indmdial assigned as an interim measure.


. . 's .

Too followhis actions widt regard to Ars immens are being haplemented:

1. InstaB.a class 'Ty' 6re extaguiser in the sep to be used who meal is si=p-vad to be involved in

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a Ared : ..

2. Sense.s wate hees, hoeked uprand seedy for sea, abat will read all. areas.of the abap.
3. InsaR'apunkler synssas inside tie dust annessors (-ma-aae and manual initiatim is being quoted).
4. Inmalisa drop ban (s. type ofsspermar) in die westdation line between to Wheelabruar and the dust collassar. i
5. Renew the essergeoy notion pin'p answEng it is correst, oosspiste, and up to date.

6.. Imeestpas Mrs response trainhas inns a ensomuing makung preysm to halude immedime actions upon discovery af a fire, types of8ne, and vuncus actinguishes aguas and their uses.

7. Involve all crews in periodic "In hauss" drills to sharpen emergency respese skills.
8. Candsat peno(ic insatiny wik die lonel Gro department to msre they are kept aware of any hasardau =maarial~st the &cilky sad to evert say'reimannoe alwy mayhave its combaring a radiologual fire.

I b -

Sasumary:  ;

I Each of these fires could have besa provesed. b prisnary fkult in es& case was carelseness and led of training. While annergency response equepment is vimi to combat an event once it has marted, it is smometive that the pramry focus be pissed en prevensium. Only through graper traineg.= --- m hilhv, and strong leadsrdup will thi* coal be asinewed. This applies not only to fires, but abo to any possatselly hasardous condkion (

! :i

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Atischrnents: b, [

l ,.

1. SMofMay 6,1997 fire ~. , Glenn Menard
2. Susunury ofJune 7,1993 fire- Operunans Mimager
3. Sumunary of June 15,1993 lbv
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i., TN RADKLOGZCAL HEALTH Fax:61,5-532-7938 Mar 17 '99 9:M P.05 u ,. . .

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O Incident: On 6 May,1997 at appro'r===taly 8:45 AM smoke was noticed corningfrom the top of I the Wheelabrator dust couector. Further investigation: revealed pieces of the dust coHection bags on fire and fauing inta the dust drum naamst the north'wau. Si=*= ply, the word was passed to the front oSce that the Fire Deparanent may nomi to be called and a Sre extinguisher was obtained and dikhar5ed on the fire. It was determined that the Are was in the dust collector and the front desk was again coued and toid to notifty the Fire Department. l At approximately 9:00 the Fire Department anived and was k 9%briefod on the status of the fre and the conditions in the shop. The Gro team enter'ed thelsbop through the south roll-up door;the from cover of the


' dust collector was removed, and the Are =' W-2-iiThe 6re team and their equipment were frisked out of tiie area and clean up of the shop commenced.




The Wheelabrator grit blast system which is used to remove radioactive surface contamination from va'ious r metaHic objects consists of two separate units.[One housing contains a 96 inch rotating table, two,' grit blasting wheel assemblies, and a grit reclaim system. The second a dust. collector which contleins 96 cloth Stration bags, a top mounted blower assembly with attached HEPA 61ters, and two bottom 6mnel shaped assemblies used to direct the grit dust

'v ~ into collection drums.'This second housing is where the fire occurred

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Possible caused and coatsibuting factors: The foHowing are believed to have comributed to the

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occurrence of the fire: _

1. Approximately two days before tha' ire about 600 pounds of alummum had been blasted in the system. Sub' sequent to the fire it was discovered that aluminum oxide reacts with iron oxide to form a flammable materiaf that is easil'y ignited! This is in addition to the Ene particles of surface preservation matenals (ie. paint) that are inheready collected when blasting metal objects.
2. There exist's about a } to 4 inch gisp between the dust drum and the funnel assembly on the bottom of the ilust conector. .1 4 .

3 ane shdinsipletes used to block off the bottom funnel assemblies and prevent flow into the dust drums were left open causing a statly increased air flow between'the air in the shop and the l

mternals of theilust collector. J~'

4. A plasma erc cutting ~ unit was being utilised to perfonn cutting operations at a level j approxirnately waist high in the viciniefof the dust coGeotor.


i .

Several possibilities were considered as to the cause ofignition: '

1.' Faulty elsctrical circuit /composent. AnLelectricafcontractor was called in to investigate l possible electrical faults; The' only thin.: fuund was;the' shaker motor exhibited unusually high ohm readings, The motor was removed and a sw check : 3 visualinspection were performed.

his indicated the insulation had meland causes a phasm phane short. No phase to ground short o

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TN RADZ0 LOGICAL HEALTH Fax:615-532-7938 Mar 17 '93 3:e e. Ut

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was discovemd and the opinion of the electrician was that the damage to the motor was a result of the fue and not the cause. .

  • ~^
2. Faulty bearings or other causesfofinternal friction were cons;dered, but a thorough inspection of the internals.of the dust collector:was performed with no indi.;ation orinternal spark caumng i ' '

friction. .

3. Since theIaction of blasting mesh objects with metal grit is in itself a spark causing evolution the possibilityjof a spuk or hot panicle traveling form the blast unit to the dust collector was looked into. Tliere are several factors that lead td this being highly improbable; a) The blast system operates by utilizing wheels to sEng the grit at:high velocity towards objects placed on the rotatmg' table. % wheels are arranged perpW- to the exit location for the ducting leading to the dust collector making it unkkely that a spark or hot particle would enter the han y. . : , y:

b) ne duct,;which ests from the back of the blast unit, is over 20, feet long and contams 4


ninety degree bends. If a spark or hat' particle'did' enter the ducting it is unlikely that it would contain enough' heat energy at the and ofits travel t'o cause ignition.

c) A bafHe$s instaued inside the dust collector at the point of duct entry, deflecting any entrained particles downward away from the dust bags. This entry is on the south side of the dust collector, The fire was first noticed by the'nonhern dust drum

4. Spark foit an outside source. Since the unit was being operatediwith the sliding doors above the dust' drums open and a gas of approximately 3-4 inches exists between the drums and the slidag doors on the bottom of tiis funnel assembly, there would have been considerable air flow from the hhop into the dust collector providing an entry point for, an outside ignition source.

Additionally,i. plasma arc cutting 'michine was being'used to segment:an item in the shop. This v cutting operati6n?.vas being performed at about wais level and in the vicinity of the dust

.l collector.

Itis believed tdat a spark bom thi operatiori entered the dust collector via the abnormal air flow between the dust drum and the funnel assembly. This igsted the dust collection bags which were impregnated with aluminum and iron oxide causing a fire to rapidly spread throughout the dust collector unit.


. . 1 Corrective acties: The following actions are being taken to nuninuze:the potential of a recurring event:  !

1. The wheelsbrator system will iio't be used to Id, ast alumirum objec'ts. This will prevent the build-up of alurninust oxide and remow the aluminum oxide / iron oxide catalyst.
2. A sleeve will be fabricated to help seal the gap between the dust collection drums and the 4

bottom of the dust collector unit. ~1

3. De sM doors on the bottom [fLmnel assemblies will remain closed except for dust dumping evolutions. >  ;
4. Spark producing operations will' hot be perfo'rmed in the vicinity of the dust collection systen.- .- t J
5. Fire retard' ant bage'will'be procuNd and tAibzad in the dust collector.
6. AD person'n al working in this shop wiH be briefed on these conclusions and trained on fire prevention. '

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TN PADI0 LOGICAL EALTH Fax:615-532-7938 - Mar.17 '99 9:45 F. 07 2:

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t- .

7. Discussio, n. 'with. tlk Fire Deoarunent concluded that all went well in this even

, formal training concerning the special precautions required when combating a radi be scheduledlin the near fbture.. ,

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TN~ RADIOLOGICAL FEALTF Fax:615-552-7958 .wr u :: :~v ..

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1 .e, l

De folloM acuans will be invesdamed and, if tusible; implemented: j

1. He wh of a apnnider syness (ehbar manual or amannade or a combine!on of both) into the )

dust collemer, .{

2. A beatsonitor,with alernr; Mlad an 6e dust collector.
3. Fadher discussion wis &c FireDepenment to help overcome their relucamce to right tires at se t

facuity.'. J

f- ,

A foDow up r'epart v411 be issued wshat'60 days addressing the reschs of these invesdgated items h

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l Olenn Menard.

Operadens Manager

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TN RADZOLGGICAL HEALTH Fax:615-532-r m er- u ss e.w r.w 4.. ,, ,. .,,


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Imeident: On )$ June 1998 at appamammely 10h PM a small fire was obserwd at the lower side of ee blast isnt namest abe blast booth. De puse observes to are called for help and th's desigmned fire werd o winad a dry,chamaical fbe emaguishes and W &acharged it on de fire. A third person miered the shop wie a arbon disside fire usinguiser, utish was also discharged on the fire nose seemed to hsw little to no aihet a abs fire, which was spiending rapeRy up ts side of te tat, ne pareennel in the shop were in thoprocess efeiesmessag n! ben ihree sprinidsrheads above she firebsgen to douse s with weesr. %is put the Are ow. ha a maner of sessads. So Fin, C ; 9t had been notified immediately and swived within=imamma of the initial discovery of ther fire. Hey parfanned an inaparrian to enswe the

i. fire was completely saapuhed. Clean up uns h inchading sampling of the air in the a5ecsed i

space and thel wear unsito fidit the Are AM samples were below the alloweble Emits.

-- He blastta'at is a 21' 29k smul'15".high tunpowy enclosure ma(e of fire reurd' ant materisi supparsed by ~a steel pois shell Ris used Ibr binating large componene that will n into our parannandy in== Mad blast booth. At tbs time of the fire we were using a oxygen-acetylene cutting torch tio cut the " shin" toen s sabine casag in prepserien of blasang il the casing. Ris was

.founh such cases to be proosamed in'6M meaner

  • insidetotant simme 6e beginning ofApr .

! d .

Fassede cesses'and essetbesing hatsrer %e Adlemag are behoved to haw consnhead to the occurrece of the fire:. 1. .

1, we had besm using akankna omidsso blast 6e nudannis in dus propot since a more assressive sneduan wasneededthan ournoemud sessi'ytt to ebasin sucesssful ta===snation. Alaninun ondde dust luidcomed the inside ef es test and share 'was some loose grit en the floor.

2. He fire weed was outside the tot whilethe cusag operanon was in progress (he was preparmg the Y blestboo6 for opensteaK ,3,.

J' N followinh is believed to be alw esume of the Arak

1. As perpen tioing the useing wes en top af the casing apprasmately 10'joff the Soor. As he was cutung oN therrivets that had held to sida ktpiece, ime of the9 sons is believed to have rolled .

down the side of tw casas sud esse to asoap in contam wish the side of the tans. His caused the side of the tent, whkh had beessnery dammaable wi6 the pressnoe of shunmum oxids, to rapi Carroceive assies: De followag actims have been impismented prior tn resuming production in "D" i

3 shop: .

1. AD pescanei amassed to work in Ibe shop ard briefed by the Operarione Manager concenn natus, of the h sad grensmains that most lie observed incluchng the hasards af aluminwn oxide andproper drowees*=dmie ': . .
2. De remsendar dthe blast toutissammeved sad all enmbustible esseral claured fhu '

aren. . .

EL .

3. l All a,uminun oxide pit and dust is teenBy olesned up inside the shop.

3 De tolloung actims are beisig implansmed as istlow-up $ teens: ~

1. . A asw.tsor is being desiped'witt sides ad ends tbst will roll up so that the tant con be eas modisedihrosmangoperamens.j .


2. ne shop supensar will pernamallylaspect the men if my blasting in ths soon precedes cuttin


CParsima. ,


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DUST. COLLECTION SYSTEM This is the second ocourrence ofthis th I .


Insident: On;7 June 199s'at approuanneely 6:35 PM smois was noticed abow the dust collection dnan closest to the inlet side of the dust causator and an top of the Wheelebrator blast unit. The personnel in the shop and thd Fire Depamaant were humandismaly assised. Two workers in the abop went to the dust couemer and sunewed the nooses passian to tent of the unit. No evulsace of 8re or anoke was observed inside the acono panel. The dust codestian drusa une them meed and an inspostion made up into the dust collemor from the drima dump openas.inie kupestion revealed two slighdy smolderms and one moderstely smolderbs bag ends. D's han wee also observed to be smolderug. Personnel inside the top amreat to'actinpid the 6re utGising dry damneal and carbon Aarula fire sniosashers, whuit appeared to how linie or ao signet as to seseiderts meterial. Appromanately 5 10 minutes ada the initial noti 6cahan, the FkeDepwament was en to ensaarwide a home naged to the shop. De Firunen exhibited a

. great deal of ~ r elucience and it was apprsedmately an additional 10 15 mimmes until the Are hose was utuitied andthe Srepus out. I i 3 Betkereundi & Whosimbraser grit bida symani is used to abrasrvely clean metals. (More desans on the symem are annamined in the erst rupest.)* De concedwmotions-frana 6e las fire (6 May 1997) were >

completed prior to rsonommencing use af the syssum boludag lam *Iling fire remedent bags.

Possible esus'es'and esseribuslag ensemer The feBowes are believed to haw contributed to the occurrence of the Gre:,1 _l.[.

, .3- '

v 1. Some al==&a== (Isas thanlaty pounds)had been innated W.v6 the &y.

2. A piece'af =ag==ia= (about 2 poemds) was noe of tta last itsens to be biaised prior to the fire.
3. De calyineshod of ensuring that til$tsmperature particles do not sener die dust collector is a


deseosor pines et the astramon. r

4. De plairma' arc was being used ,.--- i 15 feet from the dust collecear to cut material for Processing. j he fonowinipossible anusse were considmed: .,

- 1. h ouang operance was causing sports, whis could.have ensored the system. His is not believed to be theimust because the sports were being diressed. sway tem the duas ceuecsor, a B.25 box was sittag between the dust collesear and em mating operasica, the dust drum slide gates were shut, and the dust dnan collars (between the drian and to hopper) were installed.

2. . A high tempersame particle mayhseessered1broughrthe waaMaa duct butwenn ibe blast unit and the dust causetor: Ris is the most uhely sosaurio since she unoldering appers to have surted in the dust beg (s)ediblisminso the duur

. , yn


, a. ..

Cerrweve assieu & fonowns actions; will be kupladested prior toresuming operanon of the Wheelebrator:1  !

1. M cutting operations pennenendymmed to'the opposite wou of the shop (about 35 feet from the due couemor. - ' -

r .

2. Fire curtabs.inmalled around thrersidae of the:aming opension to conmin any cperks being prodsond] . ._

j , _,l <

3. Recurrag training (et loans anos per: quater) wiR be held to answe perma ===1 remain aware of the haands of bleaths ahenhana or amenssima in da Whosiebrmar.

4 A drop bas (e type ef esperesar) placed b ibe vestiksien ducWag besween the blest imit and the dua cousatar to miniedes1he pasalbuity'uf' s him pasuale maanns the due collemor.

5. A one hundred loot, huhmetal kak seinAmead, rdber sovsted, one inah, commoaal duty bone will v be commemed to a pennement asuns and sessed inside the' shop kr imandisse use.

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