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Proposed Tech Specs,Replacing Organization Chart Submitted on 970407
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/19/1997
Shared Package
ML20210V431 List:
NUDOCS 9709230320
Download: ML20210V434 (2)


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  • initiation of a buildinJ evacuation alarm, the previously mentioned system is automatically securec and an emergency exhaust system automatically stans. The -

emergency exhaust system is also designed to discharge reactor bay air at a point at least 24 feet above ground level.

5.6 L Reetor Pool Water Systems

-l Specification The reactor core shall be cooled by natural convective water flow.

6.0 - - ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1 Organkdon 6.1.1 Structure The University Vice President for Research Dean of the Graduate School (level

1) has the responsibility for the reactor facility license. The management of the .

facility la the responsibility of the Director (level 2), who reports to the Vice President for Research Dean of the Graduate School through the Head of the -

Nuclear Engineering Departnant and the Dean of the College of Engineering.

Administrative and fiscal responsibility is within the offices of the Department Head and the Dean.

The minimum qualifications for the position of Director of the PSBR are an advanced degree in science or engineering, and 2 years experience in reactor operation. Five years of experience directing reactor operations may be  ;

substituted for an advanced degree.

The Director can at any time temporarily delegate his authority to the Manager '

of Operations and Training (level 3) who can in-turn further delegate his authority to a qualified Senior Reactor Operator (level 4).

The Operating Staff (level 4) report to the Manager of Operations and Training -

- (level 3) for day-to-day operational matters.

-The Manager of Radiation Protection reports through the Director of Environmental Health and Safety, the assistant Vice Presidem for Safety and-Environmental Services, and to the Senior Vice President for Fiance and Business /freasurer. The qualifications for the Manager of Radiation Protection position are,the equivalent of a graduate degree in radiation protection,3 to 5 years experience with a broad byproduct material license, and certification by The American Board of Health Physics or eligibility for certification.

6.1.2 Resnonsibility Responsibility for the safe operation of the reactor facility shall be within the cham of command shown in the organization chart. Individuals at the various management levels, in addition to having responsibility for the policies and -

operation of the reactor facility, shall be responsible for safeguarding the public and facility personnel from undue radiation exposures and for adhering to all requirements of the operating license and technical specifications.

In all instances, res mnsibilities of one level may be assumed by designated i altemates or by hig 1er levels, conditional upon appropriate qualifications.

l 9003Idb m . 32 Rn. 2 m 9709230320 970919 j PDR ADOCK 05000005 i p PDR i

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< , 40 f.

r 3 r 3 Semlor Vbe Pesident for Finance Vice President for Research and Business /Deasurer Dean of the Oraduate School

.L J V J e

r 3

, Assistant Vcc President for Safety

. ' and Environmental Services r 3 4 L J Dean, College of Engineering r 3 Director of Environmental

- Health and Safety

. Nuclear Eng'meering L Department Head L J l

r 3 r 3

Manager of Penn State Reactor Radiation Protection Safeguants Committec
L J' L J 1-F 3

' i Director L----- Penn State areazeate Reactor - - - _ _I (Level 2) ,

! L J

( Managerof Operations and 1Yaining 3

' (Level 3)

L J 4

g F 3

. OperatingStaff Senior Reactor Operators and Reactor Operators (Level 4)


- 9003Idb Amendment No.32 Rev.2 (9/1997)
