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Forwards Testimony Prepared by NMSS for 860325 Senate Hearing on Mixed Waste.W/O Testimony.Meeting Notes for 860109 & 15 Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/20/1986
From: Rehm T
To: Kammerer C
Shared Package
ML20212M158 List:
FOIA-86-126, FOIA-86-127, FOIA-86-131, FOIA-86-166, FOIA-86-201, FOIA-86-209, FOIA-86-263, FOIA-86-80, FOIA-86-82 NUDOCS 8608250424
Download: ML20212M245 (6)


1 Distribution l EDO R/F 1

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JDavis MEMORANDUM FOR: Carlton C. Kammerer, Director Office of Congressional Affairs FROM: T. A. 'Rehm, Assistant for Operations Office of the Executive Director for Operations


TESTIMONY ON MIXED WASTE FOR MARCH 25 SENATE HEARING Enclosed is the testimony prepared by NMSS for the March 25 Senate hearing on Mixed Waste, and a background paper elaborating on the key issues.

Per a memo to EDO dated March 17, 1986, OCA requested " core testimony" be prepared initially with a "conclusionary portion" to be sent at some later time. As far as NMSS is concerned, the enclosed testimony was complete at the time of this transmittal.

ELD has been involved in the development of the issues set out in the testimony and has been sent a copy of the testimony for review,i;ut they have not,had a chance to concur. Changes per ELD will be transmitted to you in the form of a final draft.

It should be noted that the enclosed testimony establishes a position on the mixed waste regulatory issue which represents a .significant departure from the position taken by the Commission in testimony given during the deliberations on the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985. During those deliberations, the Commission went on supporting the transfer of EPA's RCRA permitting and enforcing authority to NRC for LLW disposal.

Based on information just recently provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), NRC staff have determined that there is more at stake in the regulation of the disposal of mixed waste than the issue of dual jurisdiction between NRC and EPA and the application of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations. Staff have determined that any Wquirement that links the disposal of LLW to regulation under RCRA is likely to serve as an impediment to the timely implementation of the LLRWPAA. The application of

! RCRA to LLW disposal will likely negatively impact the schedule for development of new LLW disposal sites, as well the continued operation of existing LLW disposal facilities.

l As a result of this new information, WM staff have taken the position in the testimony that the best way to resolve the mixed waste problem is to develop .

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FC :WM :NMSS :NMSS :ED0  :  :  :


lAME :REBrowning :DMausshardt :JGDavis :TARehm  :  :  :

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legislation to eliminate mixed low-level wastes from land disposal licensed under the Atomic Energy Act, to the extent practicable; to minimize the amount of mixed wastes requiring . disposal through application of quantity reducing management options; and td direct NRC to regulate the chemical component of that irreducible quantity of mixed waste in the same manner as the radioactive component of LLW.

Also of significance is a draft of an NRC staff report which documents the results of groundwater samples taken at two LLW disposal sites, one operating and one not operating. The report shows detection of hazardous (RCRA) organic chemicals which have migrated from the LLW trenches. Based on a Congressional request dated March 18, 1986, some portion of the study results are known to Senator Glenn and others.

Uk. .,

T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations Office of the Executive Director for Operations EllLlO3Uf 61 As stated

NMSS :ED  :  :  :


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NAME :REBrowning :DMausshardt :JGDavis :TA m  :  :  :

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DATE :03/18/86

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Attached are Cooper /Lecky's notes on the recent interviews with senior representatives of-your0ffice or DivisioVi, -

' Please review and comment ~as appropriate.- I A,D -M t/

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NRC INTERVIEWS - MEETING NOTES DATE: January 9, 1986 Ccaiponent: Executive Director for OPNS (EDO)

Resource Person: Deputy Director Jack W. Rowe

1. General Organization of the Agency The EDO is the senior career employee. Organizationally "we look up to the Commission and down to our operating staffs". The EDO should be near to but on a separate floor from the Commissioners. This will help us get our fair share of the space, and maintain our important adjacencies.
2. Adjacencies ED0 needs to be near to Adm., ORM, ELD & Ex. Dining. The program officers are the real close adjacency requirement, but the heads of NMSS, I&E and NRR should be located with their own staffs. Also those three offices should be located together.
3. Security The ideal would be for the security to all happen at the front door.

This would eliminate the card key system. Security should be as invisible "as possible. The amount of security information we handle is quite minimum.

4. Flexibility We should design with maximum flexibility for all communication systems - technological rapid.
5. The E00's Suite There are 4 executives located in the E00's suite - Director, Deputy Director OPNS; Deputy Director Regional OPNS; Asst. Director for OPNS.

These offices have a common reception room, 4 secy. work stations, coffee bas , toilet and closet. Separate Director's Conference Room for 10. Director has a back door. Ex. offices have workstation / lounge seating / table (500 sq. ft.).

6. Public Hearing Room The present Hearing Room is quite unsatisfactory and stilted. The _

staf f has its back to the audience making it dif ficult to both see and hear them. The agency needs a formal but warm room.


7. General Agency Image
  • The relationship between civilian and military use of nuclear products has been the most difficult image problem to reconcile, i.e. peaceful use of the atom vs. bombs and military propulsion.
  • The agency needs to develop an "open" feeling; nonmilitary; very professional and businesslike.
  • At the front door we need to develop the feeling of reception vs.

tight control. The Hart Senate Office Building is good -- the side door to the Rayburn Building is bad.

  • We need some real public space, with displays, models and pictures as well as public conveniences such as pay phones; toilets; easy access to the Public Affairs Office and the Hearing Rooms.
  • The ambience of the Home Loan Bank; the World Bank and the State ,

Department are fine. They all feel open yet are dignified and fo rmal .

  • We don't make a good impression on senior public visitors with our lack of good conference rooms; second rate furnishings and cramped conditions.
  • We need a well decorated eating facility for our staff - warm in character.


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f NRC INTERVIEWS - MEETING NOTES DATE: January 15, 1986 Component: Executive Director for Operations Victor Stbilo, Jr.

1. General Comments on the Consolidation

. Our objective should be to use the move to repair problem areas.

One major one is the "we/they" feeling between the Commissioners and the operating offices. We need to build the feeling that we are their staff.

. Another objective is to build employee involvement. This means finding a way to make answers to problem questions more available to the staff. We need to consider facilities for the Recreation Association; EE0; etc. Make certain that there is good appropriate fcod service for the staff -- not a " dirty table" brown bag roora.

. The first phase has been focused on moving as many people as possible but let's not cram the building so that important amenities are not available. ,

2. Adjacencies

. We might look at the housing plan some more.

. OIP has a lot of interaction with the Commissioners. The ED0 should not be separated from the Commission by a layer of offices such as OGC, OPE, OCA, etc.

. OPA should be near the front door.

. Office directors should stay with the bulk of their staffs.

3. Security We ought to give a clear impression that there is tight security.

This means uniformed guards. We want to give outsiders the feeling that they are guided and not left to wander about. We do get numerous threats each year and must take security seriously.

4. General Agency Image

. The public sees our agency through the PDR, and the public meetings.

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