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Forwards Generic Ltr 86-11, Distribution of Products Irradiated in Research Reactors, for Info
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/25/1986
From: Miraglia F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20211P037 List:
GL-86-11, NUDOCS 8607160196
Download: ML20211P030 (1)



  • e

!pa terg UNITED STATES 8


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$ -l WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555

%,*****/ June 25,1986 NEMORANDUM FOR: All Non-Power Reactor (NPR) Project Managers and Regional NPR Inspectors FROM: Frank J. Miraglia, Director Division of PWR Licensing-B Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


TRANSMITTAL OF GENERIC LETTER 86-11, " DISTRIBUTION OF PRODUCTS IRRADIATED IN RESEARCH REACTORS" The enclosed generic letter transmits to all non-power reactor licensees and applicants the subject Generic Letter. Its purpose is to inform licensees of the need for a specific license to be issued which pennits distribution of products irradiated in research reactors to unlicensed receivers who utilize or redistribute these irradiated products. The generic letter is provided for information only, and does not involve any reporting requirements. Thus, no review criteria or guidance for schedule negotiations are necessary.

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[ Division of PWR Licensing-Bf.'Miraglia, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated l 3 b

Q (f @ 7 M ENCLOSURE 1




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We have recently received several inquiries regarding products which are irradiated in research reactors and subsequently distributed to unlicensed persons. The inquiries were related to irradiations of gems and silicon chips, but other products may also be involved.

We are concerned that research reactor licensees may be irradiating and redistributing products containing induced radioactivity to unlicensed receivers who utilize or redistribute these irradiated products. Information provided to NRC in specific cases indicates that gems, silicon chips, and many other materials usually acquire relatively long-lived induced radio-

. activity when irradiated in a reactor. Although irradiation of products in a reactor is not of itself prohibited,10 CFR Section 30.14 prohibits introduction of byproduct material into a product for distribution to an unlicensed person, unless the distributor har a specific license issued pursuant to 10 CFR Section 32.11 which pemits such distribution.

The purpose of this Generic Letter is to correct any misunderstanding concerning the distribution of irradiated products to unlicensed persons.

In accordance with 10 CFR 30.14, the distribution of irradiated materials, even with low levels of induced radioactivity, to unlicensed persons is aterials is licensed by the NPC prohibited unless the to to do so. Furthemore, distributor measure of such these 10m,9 levels of induced radioactivity very sensitive low background instruments are required, such as shielded sodium iodide or gemanium-lithium detection systems.

In addition, we ciG1 your attention to subsecti~on 3 of the enclosed NRC Polic 16, 1965 (30 FR 3462)y Statement regarding in the Federal products which are Register notice of toys, novelties orMarch adornments. The staff considers gems to be adornments and has not granted licenses for distribution of irradiated gems or similar materials.

You are responsible for assuring that the distributors of any products you have irradiated in your reactor, and which have acquired induced radioactivity, are licensed to distribute these products in accordance with 10 CFR 30.14(c) and 30.31. If you directly distribute the irradiated products to unlicensed persons, you must obtain a new license to reflect this activity.

4 6 0 % 9'TS

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Applications should be addressed as follows:

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety Washington, D. C. 20555 Please note that the NRC has exclusive jurisdiction over reactors and distribution of radioactive consumer product.s. Agreement States do not issue this type of license.

This letter is for information only and does not require any response.

Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Harold Bernard at (301) 492-8529.

Sincerely, k .

Frank J. traglia, Director Division of PWR Licensing-B Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated O le o


s t --===e products wiD saceed sman 4. The tw=mta=h has also w gICHARD V. P080 freettons of Madte r=====nd=4 for es. the use of tritium as a =ih=tstida lum!.

$9egemeest of C$nenges in Pimendel posure to redtauon from all sources. nous material for the long s*=nding une insegeses Informath as to total e= nth of of radium for this purpose on watch and radhw**ve materials being used in such alock dlais and handa.

with the W 7. The r%==t=d n- a b,p,on has approved In

) g) of I)efens produc.ts dandWDthebenumber of itemsoo obtan.d being h ctand - adds-r at , I ,,,, .__e.,e Pro- a

<=strib and repo.ung r.euire. i.riai = - a - - p ,od m - m .

,,,,,,,,, o,de, ,,g.,ne,o ,,0,em,e, ,nd g, recora.m sments applicable to the manufacture and alude the following:

1966, the foDoWas chansa han h distribution of such producta. If radio. (1) Trtslum in automobue lock tuumi.

pinee in my ena em! Interists as report- active materials are used in =>mdana nators

  • ed in me Funaan Ramrum W the gi aa ***iaa la producta reaching the (3) kritium la hatane,a of preeidan, puhuc so as to raine any quamaw of (3) Ura. '*un as aht, tam in ahtnning post siz anonths.

A. Datemens ankta irnam ame PrimesL. population exposum beonming a sig. containews; and B. aasHeces: 3Beas. nonnand traction of the permiandh19 dose (4) Uranium in Sre detarilan units.

to the ganada, the San ='-.h wn!, at 8. In approving uses of byproduct and This statesment is inade as of February that ume. neonsider its poucy on the amoe anaterials in consumer producta, M,1984, use of radt the rwnmf==h estahrtaha= unuta on Prr = == Y. Foss. producta. "adtve materials in aanmimar quanuuas or concentrauons of radio.

Funevaa? K 1988, 1. Approval of a proposed ann =rmar active materials and. if appropriate, on lFA Doe es-seBe; Fuse. Sear.15, tam: product w1D depend upon both mannetatad radIath etnitted. In some cases other a:es a m.I "T="ces of persons to rad'.at3on and the 11m!tAths, such as quality control and apparent usefuln=== of the product. In temung, considered important to health genera 2, risks of exposure to radiatw and anfety are also =racinad EtCHARD P. STEDdEt WD be canaidered to be neceptabee tf it Stateenent of Changes in Finsedel to shown that in handHng, use and die. h m N - m ,,h h m

,,,,g,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,

posal of the product it is unlikely that 9. In evahmting proposals for the use g,,,,,, individuals in the population wu! receive In accordance with the resruiram mta more than a sanan fraction, less than a of radtaartive materials in ann =rmer of section 110(b)(6) of the Defense Pro. few hamdredths, of individual does timits products the principal anamideratiana duction Act of 1960, as amendad. and mmandad by such groupe as the are: (a) 'Ibe potential external and inter.

Executive Order 10647 of Nevesnber 23, Interriarwar chamta=ian on Radio.

1988, the foDowing changes have talran lotteal Protection (ICRP), the Natianat mal "T="ce of todividuals in the popu.

place in my financiar interests as re- Council on RadiaUon ProaMaan and latJon to radiation from the handling, parted in the Fasean Raanrrum during M*amreenents (NCRP), and the Federal use (b) andThe Atapa==1 of individual potentaal producta; total accumulattye the past sta mantha. Fadiaalaa Council (FRC), and that the probability of tailvidual doses approach. r=Atatlan does to individuals in the popu.

A, n , 3:e en e.,,

ing any of the spec 1 Sed limits is neg. lacon who may be exposed to radlauon

a. amenuaes: sso enanos usibly smaD. Otherwise, a darisian w1D from a number of products; s e e t is de as of Februar7 be snore discult and wC1 require a car,. (c) The long. term potenual external 21* -

ful welrhine i of au factors, including and internal exposure of the general 8'"m P. 8vsorsa. hananta that win accrue or be dentad to population troen the imanntroDed dis.

the puhue as a result of the r 'a==tadm's posal and dispersal into the enviroth Ptaavant 21, Iges, ment of radiandive snaterials from prod.

m**iaa Pactors that snay be pertinent (FA pen, as-sene, rume, naar. La* toes *. are Hsted la paragraphs 9 and 10, below. ucts authertsed by the twn=fa' dan; and e:ee am.: 3. It is considered that as a general (d) The hanent thgg ygH gggggg g, gr rule producta proposed for distribu1Jon be dealed the publie becatase of the will be useful to some desroe. Normany uttuty of the product by approval or dia.

tt Pflai &#

the rwnmiadan wiu not atteenpt an es. approval of a speciSc product.

i ATOUl@[3 Elus En I laUN N tensive evaluation of the destse of bene.

10. The general criterta for approval l USE Of BYPRODUCT MATIttAL AND at or usefulness of a product to the of individual products are set forth in SOURCE MATEtlAL publia However, la cases where tan. paragraph 2, above. Detailed evalua.

gible hansfita to the puhue are questtoo. tion of potent:a1 exposurte would taka p,,g,,,, g"m _'--- m g US* IPY M able and approval of such a product snay into annaiderauon the foDowing factors Pubalc (Censwmer Predects) result in widespread use of radw,.ove together with other eonsiderauona which material, such as in camman bon == hand may appear pertinent in the partacular Crtfarts /cr W eppreeeg of prog.ct, iteams, the degree of usefulness and bene. case:

intended for was by tAs peneral pabac 88 that accrues to the puhue may be a ta) The externr1 radiatinn levels frosa containhag byproduct saatertal sad dacidfnf factor. In partJeular, the Conn. the product.

source outerial. ' Ibis nouce meta forth miaalan aan**dars that the use of radio.

a (b) Tv:e prmrimity of the product to the essential terms W the twn=nadan s active maisetaJ la toys, thove}tles, and human tissue during use.

poucy with respect to approval of the adornmanla may be of anarginal hanent. (e) 'Ibe area of tlarue " Tin =ad A ase of byproduct material and soures does to the skin of the ehole body would

4. A P""'a'6"a for approval of "og.

material in products intended for use by the. shelf"itsena that rre subject to sale. be eensidered snors =9nmeant than a the general public tannanm., producta) !*andifnt espaetany try children wiD be 'dmilar dose to a mria.11 portaan cd the without the impostuos. of regulatory approved only if they are found to cosa. skin of the body.

controla en the e<mmm.r. user. This is bine an untisuaJ degree of utinty and (d) Radsotoxidty of the r=AhmueMona.

="mplished by the --palmt, on a safety. "Ito less toxic materials with a high case basis, of the y --- and 8 TD' '*"mtaden has approved eer. permtmalble body burden, high canoen. i use of the approved ttesne froma the tain tons standins uses of souros mate. trauon Hmit in air and water, would w .

ucenstas requirvmenta for tryprodueg rfal, most of which antadate the alamle ocasidered snore favorably than mate.

and source eastertal of the Ainen t, rials with a h!sh radiotortetty.

Energy Act of 1964. as amended, and of energy program. These include: (e) The quantity of radlamettre mate-the Commladan's resnianaa, -r acensing staaan i1) Use of uranium to color staas and for certain decorative purposes; rtal per individual product. The amaller of Brproduct hfatertal",10 CFR Part 34 (2) Thortuna in various allors and the gnantity the more favorably would and ZJeenaing of Soares adaterin3".10 CFR Part to. producta (gas manel.m, temymama wire, the product be annaidered.

1. At the present time tt appears un. welding rods. opucal lenses, etc.) to los. (f) Forms of material. Materials with IllelF that the total anntribuuon to the part destrah&e physicel properues; and a low solubCity in body fluide wtD be exposure of the general puhuc to radi. 431 Uranium and thcrtuna in photo- eona6dered more favorably than those suon troun the use of radtametivity in graphne film and prin'.i. with a hash solutilJty.

, Tuesdag, March !$, ING PEDEEAL REGtS11R Segs (s Contain===4 of the matertaL 35, 1985, et le amL. eAL. to Rooma M1, lommes soeus Producte whista contata the snetarial Universal Bedidirw. Nanastamma and imdar very severe envtranmaardal condI- Flertda Avenees NW., Westnington DJC, DEUTSC385 LWTHADdSA MTIENGE-tions wt!! be canaidered spore favormhty before Emmaniner Barron Frederteka. N GERMAN than thoes that win raot sentata the Dated at Wastungton, DA, Marcit 18

  • anaterial under auch aaadita=n' .

i (h) Degree of - to product dur- 19es. Neslee of Hearing ing normal handung and use. Produces ("^8. ) Faasom W. Beaurw. Nottee is hereby gives, paranannt to wtuch are inaa a== sham to ahDdrum and CNef Enssaker. the Federal Afte88cm Act of 1864 as other persons dertar use wul be oost- gym Doe. es-esse: pued. aser. ts. toes; ==== tad that a hearing h the aboco-i sidered snore favorably than those that e:ee entitled greeending provtonely assigned are aa,ia==sha, to be he'd on June 11.1984. has been re-aadfnad to be held on Apr012.1965 at

,,ni;a = ?.,r ,= set  :-i i. m =s ne M noom m. s-1 see:s o m o.noosi CHICAOO HEUCOFTft AIRWAYS, versal mdndeny. laas rwn-ticut Ave-Dated at Washington DJC., this Oth D6C. maae NW, Wamnfean D.C, before '

day of March 1968. nummena, Ross I. Newmannt.

m of 7. " Q ha For inforanaenos enneer;dng the Lasues For the M==he Beersy twmannadan ,

l Motice is hereby given that a prehame- involved and other detaus ka this pro-W. B. W#M tag confessnee in the above-entit&ed eeeding. Interested persons are referred saantan. saatter is ammirned to be held on April to the Frehearing Cosderence W (yz Dee. es-aste puse, near. ta, lass: 18.1984. at 10 aJa, e AL. la Roosa 911. served em Apru 21,1964, and other docu-a:es am.g Untment handing, runaadeiat and snesda which are ist the docket of this Florida Avenues NW.. Waatungica. D.C pen, , ting est Ale in the Docket maedtaa M the Ctvu Aerahentice Board, before 2=amminar Willissa J. undd n l#ames som es-sol In order to facilitate the ennonct of the Dated at Waafdngton, D.C., Martin 10, OKLAHOMA STATE UDEVERSITY 88"f*""*** 8"88 ruled parues am In- 19es.

structed to subudt to the Examinar and Isaas.1 Ross E.perwesaserc Nealce of leseenee of Conservestem other parties on or before 24 pe,enie 1968: (1) Formal mocons respect Haarens Bassahier, Flease take naenre that no regnest for aa-mandas to the promdtag. Including % to (FA Doc. es-30As; Fnes, agar. ta 13es; i

a tonnal bearing having been fund fol. .x,, ,1d be ined or espand (awn modons a:ee amt separately and aarnal, lowtna puhtiention of the notice posed action in the PsonaAL ReBM1M* of pro- with the Board's Rules of Practace, wuh (Dossas asessi I the Atonde EnerT7 '%n"fadao has 1s- 20 copies being fued with the Docket LOS ANGELES AIRWAYS, 94C.

' Secuan); (2) W statesmente of 1s-sued Construction Ferndt No. CFRR-a5 r,uthartstar Oltlahtuna State Univerettr eues; (3) propa-d stipulations. If any; m p for infwmation M) state. Noelce of "* ~* - ~' '* - '~ ~ ~ =

~~ ~~


to more las Model AON-301 noctear reac- anente M positions of parties and (8, No4&oe is hereby strue that a prehear-tor froen its preernt laentian in the

< Chamnical Enenaattng Buildtng to the proposed procedural dates, ing conference in the above-endtled anes-

' ter la easicaed to be held e AprU 12 new Enf i naartna mrfidine on the Uni- Da&ed et Wasedasten. D.C., Marudt 11 1985. at le aJa, eat In Rooma 911.

verstty's casspas in 8t1Dwster. Okla. 1988.

The permit, as tasuest is as est forth Universal mitidina, maneraient and In the Notice of Proposed Y==tanat of [ssA1.1 Faassess W. Emoww. Flortda Avenues NT, Washington, D.Q Construction Petints and Facotty 12- Cfdef Basedner, before ernminar W1Diant J. Madden.

eense Amendment publiabed in the Fus- lFA Doe. 66- tdar. 18, 190s; In order to factittaae the conduct of the i

maas. Remsves on Fttruary 11.1985. 30

  • gaggg,,gg,, ggg,,,g,g p,gggg, , gg, gg, F.It 2182. structed to submit to the eraminer and

" other partise on or before March 34,1963 :

Dated at Bethesda. ud., this sth day (Doches ases4l (D Fennel amada== with rapact to the of Matth I964* proceeding including enoums to consoll.

COMPA)4A PitUANA INTERNA- date or e-pand (suett mouans sesould be

, For the Atosene Energy Nmmalada OONAL DE AYBAOON, 5 A. fund separasetr and compir with the ma== s.Bar, maard's aules of Practice, with se capire CAdef. Resesreh ead Fower me- Nedce of Heartas botas fued witat the N dat Amettan):

ector Jeftfy #reacA. Dfetston Faties hereby is given, parouant to the m proposed amma===anta of tense- (3) j of Asseeor r t -- T. of the Ptderal Avta48am Ast of prnpa-ad animlations, if ear

  • W n-i grA Dee, as-serr; ynne, near. ta, tsee*. Sca as annandad that a heartna km the p for in > % W N ,

i I

a:ee ang abN proceeding win be held of pasuone of partees; asel W pmposed j

on AprS 8.1968. et le ama eA4, in procedural danan Roosn 928. Universal Bunding.1828 con- Dated at Wastdagton, D.C, March 11.

CIUyl fly a g nan

  • tent Atenas NW., Washingean D.C 1963.

II R. Willl y before the undersisned Essettner, l IDoemet teetag For further informauo M M mvMved servo,. i n regarding .,n.s-- the ChJef'Ese Er-AEROVIAS ECUATOt1ANAS, C.A. may refer to the vartoes ordare of the (FA Dec. es-asse: puas, war.1s. tooe:

Notice of Preheeriseg Conference Board, the pr*=aring contennes nport. 8 * * *l and rahar doce===*a wtuch are on Ale

{ Applicattan of M W in the Theard A=ns.aan of the Civu Aero- gw g l C.A in DucAet t5911 for a foretsu att asuties Board.

P"mit to enrage in the foreign air trona. A

, porteuon of persons, property, and saan Dnied at Wasedngton, D.C, March 11 '


between and, utamat any W or 2 h w=

yta.. via % r a&asnbida Nedce of ' ' * --

~' - ' - - =

-~ ~~

j lasall P""a==T I;. Envaar. Nodce is hereby given that a prehmar-Nodce la bereby given that a prehear- 8 88'ims I"' " '***. tot conference in the abo,> entitled

! Ins conferenes en the above-enteued ap- (F A Doc. es-asst: Fund, tent. 1s. 1ses; anatter is sedened to be held on April j pucatson is easigned to be hekt on Margen s:es a m l 14.1964 at le, a.s.t, la Room 911 l


N: clear R:gullitry Cammissiin 9 30.15 { P.1 1

10 CFR C i, I (1-1-86 Edition) 'N without undue risk to the public for ingistion or inhilation by, cr ap- d roons using byproduct material eartata Department of Energy f health and safety, plication to, a human being.

(d) No person may introduce byprod- Ih fuelear Regulatory Commission f g'40 FR 8784. Mar. 3,1975, as amended at 43 uct material into a product or material FR 6921. Feb.17,197El knowing or having reason to believe I :a

d etc. i
that it will be transferred to persons ,N to th? cxtent that Depart. 8 30.13 Carriers, exempt under this section or equiva-k)

,111 ties cr activities of the 1 I Common and contract carriers, lent regulations of an Agreement 7, A:J sject to licensing pursuant to freight forwarders, warehousemen, State, except in accordance with a 11- ,W 32 e;f ths Energy Reorganiza- and the U.S. Postal Service are exempt cense issued pursuant to i 32.11 of this ;tg cf 1974 are involved, any 1

tractor cf the Department is from the regulations in this part and chapter or the general license provid-

, &y rom tha requirements for a 11-  %} Parts 31 through 35 of this chapter ed in i 150.20 of this chapter. s and the requirements for a IIcense set firth in sections 81 and 82 of  ;' forth in section 81'of the Act to the 130 FR 8185. June 26,1965, as amended at and from the regulations in extent that they transport or store by- 40 FR 8785, Mar. 3,1975; 43 FR 6921. Feb. < I ':Hd

. to th> Extent that such con-

,md:r his prime contract with product material in the regular course 17,19781 p

sartment manufactures, pro-of carriage for another or storage inci- 8 30.15 Certain items containing byprod- i d

ransfirs, receives, acquires, dent thereto. '

uesses, cr uses byproduct ma- [37 FR 3985. Feb. 25,1972. as amended at 43 (a) Except for persons who apply by- y FR 6321, Feb.17,1978] product material to, or persons who in- 's erf:rmance of work for the 5 30.14 Exempt concentrations.

corporate byproduct material into, the tent et n United States Gov- following products, or persons who ini-rowned er controlled site, in- ..y . (a) Except as provided in paragraphs tially transfer for sale or distribution the transportation of byprod- q/ (c) and (d) of this section, any person the following products containing by- ..

erial to or from such site and M i is exempt from the requirements for a product material, any person is ..

formance Cf contract services .$

license. set forth in section 81 of the exempt from the requirements for a 11-temporary interruptions of .$ Act and from the regulations in this cense set forth in section 81 of the Act y

.nsportati:nl - part and Parta 31 through 35 of this and from the regulations in Parts 20 y t

esearch. in, or development, .s chapter to the extent that such person and 30 through 35 of this chapter to .

cture, storage, testing or trans- (, - receives, possesses, uses, transfers, the extent that such person receives. ='

l Q ti, ctomic weapons or com- \ owns or acquires products or materials possesses, uses, transfers, owns, or ac-containing byproduct material in con- quires the following products: I S thereoh cr ne use er cperation of nuclear centrations not in excess of those (1) Timepieces or hands or dials con- I; O tr cth r nuclear devices in a listed in i 30.70. taining not more than the fo!!owing J Ctates 0;vernment-owned ve- (b) This section shall not be deemed specifi'd quantities of byproduct ma-

' vessel, to authorize the import of byproduct terial and not exceeding the following material or products containing by- specified levels of radiation: t

!! tion to the foregoing exemp- "

product material. (i) 25 millicuries of tritium per time-  ;

lad subject to the requirement '

)nsing cf Department facilities

-: (c) A manufacturer, processor, or piece, ltivities pursuant to section 202 /.

producer of a product or material in (11) 5 millicuries of tritium per hand, l T an agreement State is exempt from (111) 15 millicuries of tritium per dial '

( Energy Reorganization Act of the requirements for a license set (bezels when used shall be considered :l

.ny prima contractor or subcon< Q

' 7 Al forth in section 81 of the Act and from as part of the dial),

f of the Department or the Com#1 is Exempt the regulations in this from the part and require _ QParts (iv) 100 microcuries of promethium 31,32,33, and 34 of this chapter to the .147 per watch or 200 microcuries of l for o license set forth in sec . h extent that he transfers byproduct promethium 147 per any other time-11 and 82 cf the Act and from' MS i material contained in a product or ma-igulations 'in:this part to>thes hk .

terial in concentrations not in excess piece. ..

S (v) 20 microcuries of promethium L

l1that such tractor prime contractor manufacturers, pro or

  • - ;4 l of those specified in i 30.70 and intro- 147 per watch hand or 40 microcuries l duced into the product or material by transf;rs, receives, acquires, ,

a licensee holding a specifie license of promethium 147 per other time-

, possesses,(r uses byproduct ma ' Issued by an agreement State, ' the piece under his prime contract or sub- (vi)hand, 60 microcuries of promethium Commission, or the Atomic Energy act when the Commission deter- Commission expressly authorizing 147 per watch dial or 120 microcuries

, th:t th2 exemption of .the such introduction. This exemption ofpiece promethium 147 per other time-

, contractor or subcontractor is .

does not apply to the transfer of by- dial (bezels when used shall be .

cized by liwl and that, under the I product material contained in any considered as part of the dial),

l cf the cintract or subcontract. f food, beverage, cosmetic, drug, or (vil) The levels of radiation from F

i ts adequite assurance that the  ! other commodity or product designed hands and dials containing prcmethi-thereunder can be accomplished i

YM 311 i j

>$? 4025 0-se--Il

% es

-am awsum a mJLg g m m m m m.nwp3 men a.

a g g qwwm. q

n '. f M2p t

.h .

,l' t

  • ' g' f 30.20 10 CFL Ch.1 (1 1-80 Edition) h Nuclear I equivr61ent regulathns of .an Agree- ant to the regulations in this part and the Com ment State. Parts 32 through 35 of this chapter.

(c) The exemption in paragraph (a) General licenses are effective without #

a suant to

  • chapterf

,2 '.* , .*J; . ?,

i of this section does not apply to tritt. the filing of applications with the :] I quality 'c e um. . krypton-85, or : promethium-147 Commission or the issuance of licens- -

filed at I

', ' g used in products primarily for frivo- ing documents to particular persons.

I purposes or in toys or adorn- h mencem'e

' (30 FR 8185. June 26,1965, as amended at E nW 43 FR 6922. Feb.17,19781 ,g CC

[34 FR 9026, June 8.1969, as amended at 40 g panied b; s

FR 8785, Mar. 3.1975: 43 FR 6921, Feb. U, fl 30.32 Application for specific licenses, required (a) A person may file an application "


0 30.20 Cas and aerosol detectors contairs in duplicate on NRC Form 313. "Applf. f [30 FR 81; ing byproduct material. cation for Material License " in ac- t 38 FR 145.

(a) Except for persons who man.Ifac. cordance with the instructions in f ture, process,. produce, or initially i 30.6 of this chapter. Information $2:,4}2 i

transfer for sale: or. distribution gas contained in previous applications, g 30.33 g, and -aerosol detectors contailling by. statements c+ reports filed with the ,

of spec J, g product material, any person is Commission exempt from the requirements for a 11 or the Atomic Energy d; Commission :tay be incorporated by (a) An Y+' ( cense set forth in section 81 of the Act reference, provided that,the reference M cense will

'1 I and from the regulations in Parts 20 is clear and st,ecific. ' h (1) The s

'*-[. ... p . 1I and 30 through.35 of this chapter to (b) The Commission may at any M authorize

.* cZ the extent that such person recelves time after the filing of the origmal ap. (2) The i :9


possesses, uses, transfers, ownr. or ac., plication, and before the expirstion of ment anc qu!res byproduct material, in gat and the license, rec;uire further statements -k

  • protect he aerosol detectors designed to protect in order to enable the Commisslan to life or prc life or property from fires and air. determine whether the applicatlan (3) The borne hazards, and manufactured, should be granted or denied or wheth- training a processed, produced, or initially trans. er a license should be modlJed or re- ,

terial for ferred in accordance with a specific !!. voked. '

such man cense issued pursuant to i 32.26 of this (c) Each application shall be signed minimize I (4) The chapter, which license authorizes the by the applicant or lleensee or a 1 cial requi initial transfer of the product for use person duly authorized to act for and under this section. .

on his behalf. -

3 32 throug

} ' (b) Any person who desires to manu.

7 (5) In tl

-'sc * (d) An application for license filed 3% a license

' facture, process, or produce gas and pursuant to the regulaticas in this M product t

.. j aerosol detectcrs containing byproc'uct part and Parts 32 through 35 of this

  • any activi material, or to initially tre.nsfer such chapter will be considered also as an 7 -

termines c

,.3.. S.L.Q

.m A products- for' use pursuant to para. application for. . licenses authorizing 7 quality of graph (a) of this section, should apply other activities for which 11 censes are Q' M,

'FT -

D .3 -

for a licenst. pursuant to I 32.26 of this required by the Act, provided that the ~ tor of N1 Safeguard chapter, which license states that the spolication specifles the additional ac.


' product may be init! ally transferred tivities for which licenses are request-  ?

plant or i by the IJcensee to persons exempt red and complies with regulations of $ will be co l

from the graph (a)regulations pursvant of this section to para.auch or equivalent the Commission licenses. as to applications for -QC formation regulations of an Agreement State. E pursuant (e) Enah application for a byproduct T

[34 FR 0853, Apr.'18,1969, as amended at to # mat trial license, other than a license this chal

.q weighing FR 8785 Mar. 3,1975; 43 FH 6921 Fe b.17, exerapted from Part 170 of this chap- 9 ic, techt 1978) .

ter, shall be accompanied by the fee 3 against et

. .. .n

. Lic o sas presetibed in i170.31 of this chapter. M sidering 1

,.y q.g - ' No fee will be required to accompany .Q the action m q.y . .<r. an application for renewal or a. mend-8 34.31. Types oflicemes, the propo l p ,;>d.'M , ; ,

ment of a license, except as provided ;j'2i Licenses for byproduct material are in i170.31 of this chapter, priate col M'. [ $,!.V \ of two types: General and specific. mental va i:

(f) An application for a license to re- struction Specific licenses are issued to named ceive and possess byproduct material persons upon applications filed pursu- for the conduct of any activity which N[

l',' , ."- G' , Q ., '

shall be gi to receive 314 b

l ,

's &i am-m---


..Jo c -. ,. , , ' . 1

- 1.

9 32.2 10 CFR Ch. I (1-1-86 Edition) si l 8 (30 FR 8192, June 26.1965. as amended at 43 FR 6922. Feb.17,19781 Subpart A-Exempt Concentrations k I

,,ggg,,,. 7

[ 5 32.2 DennWons. . -

.g . , .g g2.11. Introduction of byp'roddet mat'erial {

_ , ,, 7 -

As used in this part: rin exempt concentrations into products i j

, (a) " Dose commitment" means the or materials, and transfer of ownership , t total radiation dose to a part of the or possession: Requirements for 11- I body that will result from retention in J,;-

c ,,,, I the body of radioactive material. For 1 I purposes of estimating the dose com. An application for a specific license g ,

mitment. It is assumed that from the on Form NRC-313 authorizing the in- g ,

time of intake the period of exposure troduction of byproduct material into f.

to retained material will not exceed 50 a product or material owned by or in .

the possesse of the licensee or an- <

i (b " Lot Tolerance Percent Defec- other and the ;r. nsfer of ownership or tive" means, expressed in percent de- possession of the product or material j i t

e q fective, the poorest quality in an indi- containing the byproduct material will

-.- vidual inspection lot that should be ac- be approved if the applicant: i

. . (r.) Satisfies the general require- 8 J ~~ \ c.g.,


  • i ments specified in i 30.33 of this chap-1 5,. [34 FR 6653, Apr. I8,1969, as amended at 39 ter; I d-  ; FR 22129, June 20,19741 j l (b) Provides a description of the product or materialinto which the by-  ;

. 8 32.8 Information - collection re. quire- product material will be introduced,

! l ments: OMB approval.

intended use of the byproduct materi- '

(a) The Nuclear Regulatory Commis- al and the product or material into i .

sion has submitted the information which it is introduced, method of in- J l collection requirements contained in troduction, initial concentration of the 3

this part to the Office of Management byproduct material in the product or j and Budget (OMB) for approval as re- material. control methods to assure 5 quired by the Paperwork Reduction that no more than the specified con- A Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). centration is introduced into the prod-OMB has approved the information uct or material, estimated time inter- {

. collection requirements contained in val between introduction and transfer y' i

  1. 1 l this part under control number 3150- of the product or material, and esti- j I 0001.


>EA. ., '

mated concentration of.the radioiso- i



, r (b) The approved information collec- topes in the product or material at the

.- ,W , i tion requirements : contained in this time of transfer; and "


. : . . M, . /: .i part appear in 1I 32.12, 32.14, 32.15, ' (c) - Provides" reasonable . assurance

.. ' r Q, .O :c1..f , U ,

I 32.16, 32.17,' 32.18, 32.19, 32.20,~ 32.22 that the concentrations of byproduct :

'@ l 32.25, 32.26, 32.29, 32.51, 32.51a, 32.52, material at the time of transfer will '

32.53, 32.54, 32.56, 32.57, 32.58,'32.61, not exceed the concentrations in '

32.70,32.71,32.72,32.73, and 3],.74. I 30.70 of this chapter, that reconcen-(c) This part contains information tration of the byproduct material in collection requirements in addition to concentrations exceeding those in

, those approved under the control l 30.70 is no 11kely, that use of lower number specified in paragraph.(a) of concentrations is not feasible, and that @

this section. These information collec- the product or material is not likely to -

tion requirements and the control be incorporated in any food, beverage, "

numbers under which they are ap- cosmetic, drug or other commodity or proved are as follows: product designed for ingestion or inha-

,  ! j ,e . ,(1) In i 32.11, Form NRC-313I is ap- lation by, or application to, a human '

2 60';1. , proved under control number < 3150- being.


,? ] 'g ,; 0042. 7

[30 FR 8192, June 26,1965, as amended at 4

, 149 FR 19625, May 9,19841 49 FR 19625, May 9,19841 4

334 I h

N c

Y EXEMPT DISTRIBUTION OF IRRADIATED MATERIAL Below Exempt Concentrations Below Exempt Quantities (10 CFR 30.14 and 32.11) ,

(10 CFR 30.18 and 32.18)

1. Radioactivity is an unwanted . .1. Radioactivity must be contaminant. ,

useful. -

2. Imports prohibited. 2. Imports permitted.
3. Human use prohibited. '
3. Human use prohibited.
4. Exempt distribution'always requires 4. Commercial exempt distri-NRC distribution license. bution requires NRC distribution license.

Non-commercial exempt distribution does not require a distribution license.

5. Incorporation into products permitted. 5. Incorporation into commercial 4

- products prohibited.





. 1. 1965 AEC Policy Statement (Federal Register, March 16,1965)

...the degree of usefulness and benefit that accrues to the public may be a deciding factor. In particular, the Commission considers that the use of radioactive material in toys, novelties, and adornments may b'e of marginal benefit.

2. 10 CFR 30.22(c), Lumir.ous Products: Toys, adornments, and frivolous use prohibited. *
3. Uranium in Jewelry.

Uranium in cuff links prohibited (34 FR 6870, April 24, 1969).

Uranium in cloisonne jewelry.

Although the use of cloisonne jewelry containing uranium does not constitute an immediate or.s.ignificant health

. hazard, the NRC believe the use of the jewelry could constitute an unnecessary exposure tp, radiation. Further, the NRC and AEC (1965) policy... considers that the use of radioactive material in toys, novelties, and adornments may be of marginal benefit. (48 FR 33697, July 25, 1983)

...the FRC guidelines approved by the President and the NRC's policy of making every reasonable effort' to prevent unnecessary radiation exposures would provide sufficient justification to adopt the proposed rule (banning uranium in jewelry) even though the risk'is small. (49 FR 35611, September 11,1944)




\ -N \.




N-N x \

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$ 400-1000 PIC0 CURIES 800-2200 DPM ,,

400-1000 CPM HALF-LIVES: 30-300 DAYS 1.

v 0/






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