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Nonproprietary Amend 3 to Westinghouse Advanced PWR RESAR-SP/90 Preliminary Design Approval Module 9, Instrumentation & Controls & Electric Power
Person / Time
Site: 05000601
Issue date: 11/30/1987
Shared Package
ML19302D243 List:
NUDOCS 8801060251
Download: ML20234C527 (10)


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88010602",1 871217 PDR ADDCK 05000601 PDR P


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l Instruction Sheet l Replace current page'8.3-1 and 8.3.P. with revised page 8.3-1 and 8.3-2.


.q Replace current Figure 8.3-1 (Sheets 1 and 2) with attached revi5ed 1 D7 Figure 8.3-1 (Sheets 1 cnd 2). l l . .

Insert Amendment 3 (Pages 430-8 and 430.9) behind Amendment 1 (Page 430-7).


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DOCKET NO. 50-601


430.9 An area which needs to be addressed is the basis for the absence of a fast transfer (simultaneous or sequential), and/or slow transfer i scheine(s) and synchronizing scheme, between the unit auxiliary transformer and the startup (or standby) transformer. In the absence 1

, of such a scheme, with a fault on either the main or unit auxiliary )

d 4 transformers, the reactor coolant pumps, which provide the preferred I primary coolant circulation method (as opposed to natural circulation), would be tripped potentially challenging ESF systems.

With the fast transfer, the other source of power will be connected to l the normal bus to supply power to the reactor coolant pumps and, thus, avoid challenging the ESF systems. In the interest of design improvements for future generation plants, we suggest consideration be given to adoption of this design feature.

l Resoonse: l The Standard Plant Design will provide for a fast transfer scheme of i the 13.8 KV busses from the unit auxiliary transformer and the standby V transformer. This transfer would be initiated only in the event of an electrical fault in the zone including the generator, generator bus, unit auxiliary transformer and main step up transformer. l Synchronizing check relays will be provided to verify acceptable phase and voltage between the busses prior to initiating the transfer. The site specific evaluation will include a review of preferred and standby power sources to verify that they are compatible with the preposed scheme. Figure 8.3-1 has been revised to show only electrical (vice Kirk Key) interlocks between 13.8 KV breakers for the unit and standby transformers. Section has been revised to incorporate this response.

430.10 Another area which needs to be addressed is the absence of a secondary (q~j winding on the ESF transformer feeding the redundant Class 1E ESF buses. There should be two instead of one secondary (4.16kV) winding of the ESF transformer which feed the redundant Class IE buses. Two seendary windings provide a degree of independence between the redundant Class IE systems since a transient on one ESF bus would not affect the other ESF bus as much because of the impedances of the (D

V WAPWR-I&C/EP 430-a NOVEMBER, 1987 7034e:Id AMENDMENT 3

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(j, secondary windings. This would provide a better design for future generation plants. Provide a modified design or justification for feeding the redundant Class IE ESF buses from one secondary winding of the ESF transformer.



( ') The ESF transformer is intended to feed only one ESF bus at a time.

This protects the ESF busses from transients on a common source as well as isolating each ESF bus from a fault on the other ESF bus.


( ) Plant technical specifications will restrict operation in critical and


l hot standby modes when both ESF busses are being fed from the ESF l transformer. Exact specification of the ESF tranformer is dependent on site specific review of diversity, voltages and available fault i levels of the off-site sources.

1 L

430.11 We have discovered that the information is changing as the design continues to evolve as illustrated by inconsistency in the design submitted earlier with the single line submitted in the September 10, 1987, meeting. The main generator circuit breaker shown on Figure 8.3-1 of Standard Plant Design was omitted from the single line fD diagram presented to the staff in September 10, 1987, meeting. Also, (V the standby transformer shown on Figure 8.3-1 is called startup transformer on the single line diagram submitted to the staff. It I

appears that your philosophy of feeding the auxiliary power systems l during startup or planned shutdown has changed completely. In our opinion, this is a significant change and should be addressed in the Standard Plant Design. Explain whether during plant startup or planned shutdown you still plan to feed the station auxiliary loads via the main step up transformer through the unit auxiliary transformer with the generator breaker open as outlined in or do you plan to feed the station auxiliary loads through the start l up transformer with the delotion of generator breater es shown on the single line diagram presented in the September 10, 1987, meeting.

O v Response:

The diagram presented at the September 10, 1987 meeting was l erroneously taken from material used at a much earlier presentation.

l \/ {} This diagram does not reflect the current Standard Plant Design. The l Standard Plant Design includes a generator breaker and a standby tranformer. During startup and planned shutdown, station auxiliary loads are fed via the main step up transformer through the unit p auxiliary transformer. There has been no change in the Standard Plant V Design in this area.

WAPWR-I&C/EP 430-9 NOVEMBER, 1987 7034e:Id AMENDMENT 3 L___

G 8.3 ONSITE POWER SYSTEMS B.3.1 AC Power Systems Description The


onsite AC power s ystem u

incl d Non-Class IE AC System es a Class 1E system The non-Class and a non-Class IE system .

broken line enclosure 1E AC system is that part distributes power The unit at 13.8 kV, 4.16 .. kV, 480 Vas indicated in The non-Class s outside the generator auxiliary and 120 V. IE AC system transformer is transformercircuit is breaker. connected to the y

of the tapped between the genThe supplyviafor the prima bushings main generator non-Class IE main step up ry winding a of the auxiliary transformer.AC transformer.erator loads auxiliary are During circuit and the low voltage breaker auxiliary normal with two secondary windi The auxiliary transformeenergized the by t During plant erator ngs rated at 13.8 kV eachr iswinding a three and the the alternate offsitestartup or planned shutdow transformer L

transformer n, the During with the generatorstep circuitsource non-Class up via 1E the ACmain loads are f d all breaker open. transformer, e from a backup.

modes unit auxiliary In the of event operation, the generator-transformer of supply from the systems. zone),

unit trip The 13.8 kV system (exceptstandbyfor transformeras serves and auiiliary transformer the remainsf circuit breaker o is faults l in the The auxiliary rom the alternateenergized by backfeedingates e the gene transformer offsite through the main source.

supply both non-Class n and IE the astandby d

The ESF loads transformer during plant is intended tboth s Class 1Ecapacity have simultaneously.the load grouptrato from faults ina operation. o supply one of the redund common ant 4.16 redundant bus. supply as well as isolatiThis configuration KV Class 1E isol The 13.8 KVbusses ng each bus fromates the redunEnt busse a fault fault in the on the WAPWR-I&C/EP zone includingare provded with a fast t 3 B267B:1d the generator, ransfer scherre.

generator 8.3-1 bus, Inmain the event of a step up


8.3 ONSITE POWER SYSTEMS B.3.1 AC Power Systems Description The onsite AC power. system includes a Class 1E system and a non-Class 1E system. Non-Class 1E AC System -

The non-Class 1E AC system is that part of the power system which is outside the broken line enclosure as indicated in Figure 8.3-1. The non-Class 1E AC system distributes' power at 13.8 kV, 4.16 kV, 480 V and 120 V.

1 The unit auxiliary transformer is connected to the main generator via a generator circuit breaker. The supply for the primary winding of the auxiliary  ;

transformer 'is tapped between the generator circuit breaker and the low voltage bushings of the . main step up transformer. During normal operation,- the non-Class _1E AC auxiliary loads are energized by the main generator and Me auxiliary transformer. The auxiliary transformer is a three winding tratsfc.mer with two secondary windings rated at 13.8 kV each.

During plant startup or planned shutdown, the non-Class 1E AC loads are fed from the alternate offsite source via the main step up transformer, unit auxiliary transformer with the generator circuit breaker open.

i During all modes of operation, the supply from the standby transformer serves as  !

a backup. In the event of unit trip (except for faults in the generator-transformer zone), the circuit breaker isolates the generator from the systems. The 13.8 kV system remains energized by backfeeding through the main and aux'iliary transformer from the alternate offsite source.

The auxiliary transformer and the standby transformer have the capacity to supply both non-Class 1E'and both Class 1E load groups simultaneously. i Q The ESF transformer is intended to supply one of the redundant 4.16 KV-Class 1E O loads during plant operation. This configuration isolates the redundant-busses from faults in a common supply as well as isolating each bus from e fault on the ,

redundant bus. 3 l The 13.8 KV busses are provded with a fast transfer scheme. In the event of a fault in the zone including the. generator, generator? bus, main step up WADMR-I&C/EP 8.3-1 ' NOVEMBER, 1987 b 7B:1d AMENDMENT 3-


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f3 V transformer and unit transformer; the 13.8 KV busses are transferred from the unit auxiliary transformer to the standby transformer. The fast transfer is supervised by synchronizing check relaying to ensure that voltage and phasing j are acceptable prior to initiating the switch over.

The switchgears for the 13.8 kV busses are standard 1000 MVA. All circuit breakers are air break type. Each 13.8 kV bus supplies power to reactor coolant pumps, other nonsafety related motors and transformers for distribution at 4.16 )

n kV and 480 V level. Class 1E AC System j The Class IE AC system is that portion of the onsite power system inside the broken-line enclosures shown in Figure 8.3-1, sheet 2.

The Class 1E AC system distributes power at 4.16 kV, 480 V, 208/120 V, and 120 V AC to all safety related loads. Also, the Class 1E AC system supplies certain selected loads which are not safety related but are important to the plant operation. Table 8.3-2 lists the major safety related and isolated nonsafety

p. related loads supplied from the Class 1E AC system.

b In addition to the above power distribution, the Class 1E AC system contcins j standby power sources which provide the power required for safe shutdown in the event of a loss of the preferred power sources.

The following describes various featt.res of the Class 1E systems:


Each 4.16 kV load group is supplied by two preferred power supply feeders and one diesel generator (standby) supply feeder. Each _

4.16 kV bus supplies motor loads and 4.16 kV/480 V load center transformers with i their a'ssociated 480 V busses.

BUS ARRANGEMENTS - The Class IE AC system is divided into two redundant load groups per unit (load groups 1 and 2). Either one of the load groups is capable of providing power to safely shutdown a unit following DBA. Each AC load group consists of a 4.16 kV bus, 480 V load centers, 480 V motor control centers, and lower voltage AC supplies.

LOADS SUPPLIED FROM EACH BUS - Refer to Table 8.3-2. for a listing of Class 1E system loads.

WAPWR-I&C/EP 8.3-2 NOVEMBER, 1987 E2678:Id AMEND'iENT 3



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L _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ t. 0 ^ Df" 9#_. " _. - _ _ _ _ _ _J Figure 8.3-1 WAPWR 4C Main Single Line Diagram (Sheet 2 of D NOVEMBER, 1937 AMENDMENT 3

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