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Amend 10 to License R-119,authorizing Possession But Not Operation of Reactor Facility
Person / Time
Site: 05000087
Issue date: 10/05/1987
From: Rubenstein L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20235V293 List:
R-119-A-010, R-119-A-10, NUDOCS 8710150083
Download: ML20235V304 (18)



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1. TheNuclearRegulatoryCommission(theCommission)hasfoundthat:

A. .The application for amendment filed by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation dated June 19, 1987, as supplemented July 30, 1987, complies.with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's regulations as set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; B. The facility will be maintained in conformity with the application, the provisions of the Act, and the regulations of the Comission; C. There is reasonable assurance: (1) that the activities authorized by this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations as set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; D. The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; E. The issusnee of this amendment is in accCrdance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Comission's regulations, and all applicable requirements have been satisfied; and F. Publication of notice of this amendment is not required since it does not involve a significant hazards consideration nor amendment ofalicenseofthetypedescribedin10CFRSection2.106(a)(2).

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2. Facility License No. R-119 is hereby amended in it entirety to read as follows:

A. This license applies to.the Nuclear'irainirig' Reactor (hereinafter

. referred to as the facility or NTR), which is owned by the .

Westinghouse Electric Corporation (hereinafter the licensee or Westinghouse) and is located at the licensee's site in Zion, Illinois, as described in the application dated December 18, 1981,,.

as supplemented. ,


B. Subject to the conditions'and requ'irements incorporated herein,: the -

Comission hereby licenses Westinghouse:

q (1) Pursuant to Section 104c of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50, .


" Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities,"

to possess', but not operate,'the' facility or'NTR at the licensee's site in Zion, Illinois,"-in accordance with~the procedures and limitations set forth in this' license.


(2) Pursuant to the Act and.10 CFR Part 30, " Rules of General Applicability to Domestic Licensing of Byproduct Material," ,

to: '

i s

a. possess and use up to 200 millicuries of any. byproduct materials as sealed sources for calibration purposes.


b. possess such byproduct materials as may have been produced 1 or may be produced by operation of the facility.

C. This license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the condi-tions specified in Part 20, ir Section 30.34 of Part 30 and in 1

, Section 50.54 of Part 50, of 10 CFR Chapter I, and to all applicable i provisions of the Act, and to the rules, regulations, and orders of j_

the Commission now or hereafter in effect, and to the additional l conditions specified below: j Technical 3 specifications i

The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A, as revised '

through Amendment No.10, are hereby incorporated in the license.

The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance: with the Technical Specifications.

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l~ D.- This license is effective as'of~the date of issuance and shall expire January '28, 2002.


  1. Lester S. Rubenstein Director-Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate


  • v Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Appendix A Technical Specifications-f rL e t

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1.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Administrative Controls  !

~1.2 Moderator - Shield Water 1.3 Operable 1.4 Reactor Operational 1.5 Reactor Secured 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS 3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION l 3.1 Radiation Monitoring 4.0 ' EXPERIMENTS 5.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Radiation Monitoring 6.0 DESIGN FEATURES 6.1 Site and Reactor Room 6.2 Defueled Status of the Reactor 6.3 Reactor and Dump Tanks 6.4 Control and Safety Systems 7.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 7.1 Organization 7.2 Audit and Review 7.3 Operating Procedures 7.4 Actions To Be Taken in the Event of a Reporte.ble Occurrence 7.5 Reporting Requirements 7.6 Records ,

7.7 Facility Access Control

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The following terms are' defined to aid in the uniform interpretation of the specifications:

1s 1.1 Administrative Controls - means the provisions related to organization and management, personnel requirements, procedures, record-keeping, review and audit, and reporting that are considered necessary to '

i ensure operation of the facility in a safe manner.

1.2 Moderator-Shield Water - means the water that is placed in the reactor tank.

1.3 _0_perable - means a component or system is capable of performing its intended function. (0perating means it is performing its function.)

1.4 Reactor Operational - means the reactor is not secured.

1.5 Reactor Secured - means that all control rods are in their down position and the key is removed from the console lock, or that there is no fuel in the core.

2.0 SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS Not Applicable. The reactor shall remain secured.


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-' 3.1 Radiation Monitoring i

Applicability These specification apply to the minimum radiation monitoring requirements for the reactor ft:111ty. '

-Objective The purpose of these specifications is to ensure that adequate monitoring is available to preclude undetected radiation hazards or uncontrolled release of radioactive material. l l

Specifications I


1 3.1.1. Instruments to permit the periodic sampling and measuring of ,

i radioactivity in the air and the moderator-shield water shall be 1 provided.

9 3.1.2. Portable detection and survey instruments shall be provided. I Bases I

The availability of instruments to measure the amount of radioactivity I in the air and moderator-shield water will assist in ensuring. continued compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 20. The availability of the required portable monitors provides assurance that personnel will be able to monitor potential radiation fields before an area is entered.

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Not Applicable.

e The reactor shall remain secured.

5.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Actions specified in this section are the possession-only condition'of the facility and shall be perfonned within the specified a

surveillance period. I 5.1 Ladiation Monitoring i Applicability These specifications apply to the surveillance of the radiation monitoring equipment and activities of the facility, l

Objective l 1

e d The purpose of these specifications is to ensure the continued validity

'l of radiation protection standards in the facility.

.I i

Specifications I

I i

1. The portable radiation survey instruments shall be calibrated semiannually.


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. 2. The air in the reactor room shall be sampled and measured for particulate activity monthly. ,


3. Any water remaining in the reactor tank and dump tank shall l

be sampled and measured for radioactive contaminations monthly.

4. The reactor facility shall be surveyed for radioactive contamination semiannually.

Bases Experience has demonstrated that calibration of the portable survey instruments semiar.nually is adequate to ensure that accuracy does not deteriorate significantly.

The specified frequencies for monitoring radioactive contamination in the air and water in the reactor room as well as in the overall reactor facility are based on previous experience.

Surveillance testing intervals shall also contain maximum intervals, as set out below, to provide operational flexibility and not to reduce frequency. Established frequences shall be maintained over the long term.

1. Semiannual intervals are not to exceed seven and one-half months. _
2. Monthly intervals are not to exceed six weeks.


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6.1: ; Site and Reactori Room ThefacilityfknownasitheWestinghouseNuclearTrainingReactoris located 'on Commonwealth. Edison property adjacent to the exclusion area

'for the Zion Station.

- 6.2 Defueled Status of the Reactor


. The reactor fuel elements, including control rod followers, have been removed from the facility and shipped to an NRC-approved recipient.

6.3 Reactor and Dump Tanks The'wa,ter from the' reactor tank is dumped to the dump tank. The water is tested, and that water that meets the'specified limits of 10 CFR Part 20 may be discharged from the dump tank.

i 6.4 Control and Safety Systems 4

The reactor controls are deenergized, removed from the core, and stored-in'the facility. The reactor safety system is no longer required for

.the non-operating reactor.

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.7.1 l0 organization Th'e facility- shall be under the direct control of the' Facility Manager.

The Facility Manager shall be responsible to the Westinghouse management' for the safe operation of the reactor facility. The Facility Manager (or a designee) shall' review and approve-the operating procedures before they are used in the facility and within the limits' prescribed by the facilityi license. .The Facility Manager shall' enforce rules for the protection of personne1'against radiation.- A Radiation Safety Engineer, appointed by the Facility Manager, shall be responsible for maintaining. surveillance over all radiation monitoring in compliance with State and Federal regulatory codes and standards.

7.2 Audit and Review 7.2.1 TheReactorSafeguardsCommittee(RSC)shallincludeatleast three scientists or engineers who are not in the line organiza-tion responsible for reactor operations and shall represent at least one-half of the Committee membership. The minimum qualifications of the RSC members with regard to nuclear experience shall be:

1. Each member must have a minimum of five years of industrial

,. experience in nuclear and related fields and must have a i

minimum of three years of active participation in the member's nuclear-oriented discipline.

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L, 2. .The experience and knowledge of each member must be applicable to or pertain to the RSC's responsibility to properly review'the facility and its operation 'from the-

, standpoint of safety.

~3. Each member must be capable and willing to exercise individual judgment in regard to all RSC reviews q l

and decisions. .

7.2.2 The RSC shall meet at least once each six months. A quorum of the RSC shall consist of at least four members, and at least half of those present shall be members of organizations outside the line. organization responsible for facility operation.

7.2.3 The RSC shall review activities and advise the Facility i

Manager and/or whatever echelon of management it feels appropriate on all matters pertaining to the safe operation of the facility. The reviews shall cover:

, )

1. Proposed normal operating procedures, emergency procedures, and changes thereto.


2. Safety standards associated with the operation of the facility.  !
3. Proposed changes to the Technical Specifications.

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. 4. Facility operation for compliance with internal rules, procedures, and regulations, and with license provisions.

5. Performance of facility apparatus and equipment.
6. Proposed changes or modifications to the facility not described in the Safety Analysis Report.

7.2.4 Recording and reporting requirements for the RSC shall include:

1. Minutes of each meeting.
2. Special reports on facility inspections, including RSC findings.
3. Special reports on facility radiation safety practices and records made semiannually.
4. All RSC reports and meeting minutes shall be transmitted through the line management up to and including the Manager, Training and Operational Services.

7.3 Operating Procedures 7.3.1 Approved written procedures shall be followed for the following items:



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. 1. Radiation safety procedures.

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2. Emergency situations.


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7. 3. 2. New procedures and changes in the operating procedures shall  !

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require review by the RSC and tho approval of the Facility l Manager.


-7.3.3 Temp.rary changes .in the operating procedures that do not -l change the intent of the original procedures may be made by -

the Facility Manager. Such changes shall be recorded in the 1

operating records and reported to the RSC.

7.4 Actions To Be Taken in the Event of a Reportable Occurrence  !

7.4.1 With the removal of the fuel from the reactor, reportable I i

-occurrences shall include but not necessarily be limited to '

the following:

1. A significant uncontrolled release of radioactivity external to the reactor facility, i 4
2. An exposure of personnel in excess of approved NRC levels.  !


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,... 7.4.2 In the event of a reportable occurrence, the following actions l shall be taken: ,

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1. . The Facility Manager shall be notified and corrective action shall be taken before resumption of the operation

, involved. j

2. The licensee shall notify the NRC, within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> by l telephone or telegraph, and shall submit within ten days a j

report in writing.

3. A report shall be made which shall include an analysis of the cause of the occurrence, effectiveness of corrective action, and recommendations for measures to prevent or reduce the probability of recurrence. This report shall ,

be submitted to the Reactor Safeguards. Committee for review and shall be maintained as part of the facility records.



7.5 Reporting Requirements i

'In addition to reports otherwise required by applicable Federal regula-tions, the licensee shall report the following occurrences to the NRC in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.73d.

7.5.1 The licensee shall report to the NRC in writing within 30 days any change in the facility organizational structure.  ;



, 7.5.2 The licensee shall submit to the NRC in writing, within 60 days after the end of each calendar year, an annual operating report providing the following information:

1. A narrative summary of operating experience and changes in facility design and operating procedures related to safety of the public.
2. Discussion of the major maintenance operations performed during the reporting period, including the reason for any corrective maintenance required.
3. A summary description of changes in the facility or procedures, and tests and experiments carried out under the conditions of Section 50.59 of 10 CFR Part 50.
4. A summary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents released or discharged to the environs beyond the effective control of the licensee as measured at or before the point of such release or discharge.

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5. A summary of reportable occurrences.

7.6 Records l

7.6.1 In addition to the requirements of applicable regulations, records and logs shall be prepared and retained for a period 11 l

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[ 1, , c of'at,least five years for.the following items as a l

. minimum:- .

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1. Reactor operating records', including ~ power levels and- ,

< l f i periods' of operation'at each power level.' "

ll t 4

2. ' Records of-inadvertent trips, including reasons therefore.


3. Records of experiments, including any unusual events involved in their performance and handling.
4. Records of reportable occurrences.
5. Records of tests and' measurements performed pursuant to 4

the Technical Specifications.  !

I i

6. Records of maintenance operations involving substitution or replacement of reactor equipment or components.

t 7.6.2- Records and logs'shall be prepared and retained for the life of  !

the facility for the following items as a minimum:

1. Records of fuel inventories and transfers.  !


2. Records showing radioactivity released or discharged into the air or water beyond the effective control of the licensee as measured at or before the point of such

' 1 release or discharge.


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i; k-. '3. Records of facility. contamination and radiation ~ survey-t l-p results. .

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4 .- Updated, corrected, and as-built drawings of the facility.

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7.6.3 Records of radiation exposures for all facility personnel and 1 visitors 'shall be retained indefinitely or until the Commission authorizes their disposal. l i

1 7.7' Facility Access Control Access to the NTR facility shall be controlled by the Facility. Manager l and the Facility Manager's designees. The facility shall be kept locked before and after normal working hours, i,

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