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Application for Amend to License NS-1,revising Tech Specs
Person / Time
Site: NS Savannah
Issue date: 02/27/1989
From: Jennifer Davis, Waldrop C
To: Alexander Adams
NUDOCS 8903240035
Download: ML20236E248 (4)




Post Office Box 986, Mt, Pleasant, SC 29465 (803) 884-2727 27 February 1989 Mr. Al Adams U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, MD 20852 ,

l Attn: PDSNP RE: Docket No. 50-238

Dear Mr. Adams:

Pursuant to 10 CFR Part 50, enclosed is the application for amendment of 1 the Technical Specifications (Appendix A to Possession Only License NS-1),

for.the N.S. SAVANNAH. This document has received approval of the Review j and Audit Committee. ,

We would appreciate the expeditious review of the application for amendment.  ;

Should there be any questions concerning the application or additional information needed, please contact Mr. Virgil R. Autry with the South  :

Carolina Bureau of Radiological Health, (803) 734-4633..

Very truly yours, .


E. .

. f. ~

C. G. Waldrop / ~

o hn J // Davis , III


NNo Acting Executive Director Patriots Point Development Deputyr Director, Office of Ship Operations

$8' 00 Authority U.S. Maritime Administration osto - ,

00 0 Enclosures  !

in x A MO Witness:' (, -


OO My Commission Expires My Commission Expires //- 30-Q MG L

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' Unaries F. Hyatt, Ch9, man, Representing the Governor Charles T. Oakley, Representing Cong, John Spratt Charles E. Eiserhardt, Jr., V Chairman, Representing Sen. Ernest F. Hollings Myrtle C. Riggs, Representing Senator Strom Thurmond E. B. Purcell, Representing Cong Floyd D Spence J. Elliott Williams, Representing Cong. Robin Tallon R. Gordon Darby, Representing Cong. Arthur Ravenel, Jr. J. E. Guerry, Jr., Exr cutive Director John F. Floyd, Representing Cong. Elizabeth J. Patterson C. G. Waldrop, Drputy Director James T. Lazar, Representing Cong. Butler C. Derrick, Jr. William F. Priole iu, Esq., Legal Counse i MEMBERS EMERITUS Joseph P. Grif.'ith, Commissioner Charles T. Mauro Commissioner A. Crawford Clarkson, Jr., Commissioner g[

J. Mat Hiers. Commissioner George E. Campsen, Jr., Commissioner i

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j.e ,  ;. -

DOCKETENO.-50 '238

.. a r .

Amendment Request


. License No. NS-1 Possessions 0nly License


N.:S. Savannah State of... South-Carolina Patriot's Point DevelopmenteAuthority Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina

'I t j

s. p and' '

.) 1 Office of Ship Operations '

Maritime' Administration Washingten, D.C.


1. Request amendment of.U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

. License No. NS-1, Possession only License, Technical '

Spe'cifications (Appendix A) . 'Unless specified'below, all '

previously submitted. licensing documents remainfapplicable..

-Basis for Amendment '"

The1N.-S. Savannah-(NSS)',<a nuclear powered merchant' ship operated;under the auspices of the U.'S. Maritime Administ rat ion",--

was decommissioned in-November 1970.- Subsequently, the ' nuc lear.-

xfuel, radioactive sources,. ion exchange resins, and wastes have ,

been removed from the vessel. The reactor containment vessel:has. >

been permanentlyLsealed and all penetrations welded.

All primary'and secondary' systems have been drained ~of fluids, and decontamination of'certain areas of the vessel has been performed. However, radioact.ive materials remain in- the f orm of- >

surface contamination and induced radioactivity-in reactor components and associated systems.

Pursuant to Public Law 90-331, 91 stat. 1055, August 28, 1980, the vessel was relinquished to the S. C. Patriots Point ,

Development Authority with ownership retained by the U. S.

Maritime Administration. The vessel serves as a maritime naval mus9um for public display. Future plans also include restaurant ,

E and hotel accommodations. To date, activities of the ship have L been limited to display only with controlled tour routes.

.s The Review and Audit Committee composition is defined in the i Technical Specifications to NS-1 (Appendix A),



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. / 55


' Heauested Technical Spec i f i c at i~o'n Amendments to License NS-1.

i f

a. Title Page i, 1

Delete "U. S. Department of Commerce" _

i  !

b. Page 2, Section 3.1 Change the first paragraph to read.: i i

"The NS Savannah NS-1 License is' jointly held by the Deputy Director, Office of Ship Operations, U. S.

Maritime Administration, Washington, DC, 20590 and the South Carolina Patriots Point Development Authority."

c. Page G, Section 3.6.1.c.
  • Change to read: l

.l "c. Deputy Director, Office of Ship Operations, Maritime Administration, Washington, D.C. 20590."

  • d. ) age 7, Section 3.6.1.d.

Change to read.

Project Engineer or designated representative for "d.

the office of Ship operations, Maritime Administration, l Washington, D.C. 20590."

e. Page 7, Section 3.6.3.e.

Change to read: ..

' "e. Chief, Division of Ship Maintenance and Repair, Maritime Administration, Washington, D.C. 20590."

f. Page 7, Section 3.6.1.f.


'l Change to read:

c "f. Project Engineer, Division of Ship Maintenance and Repair, Maritime Administration, Washington, D.C., ,

i 20590."  !


1 i

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---__- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d

~;' .

g. Page 7, Section 3.6.l.h.II.

l Change to_ read:

"II. one member of such quorum shall be either the Deputy Director,or the Project Engineer for the Office of Ship Operations, Maritime Administration."

h. Page 7, Section 3.6.1.h.III.

Change to read:  ;

i "III. One member of such quorum shall be either the Chief or Project Engineer , Division of Ship Maintenance and Repair, Maritime Administration."

Justification for Change l

flec ent reorganizations and reassignments of personnel within the Maritime Administration have necessitated a redefinition of the Review and Audit Committee representatives from the flarit ime Administ rat ion .

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