IR 05000150/1987004

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Insp Rept 50-150/87-04 on 871102-05.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Records,Logs,Organization,Review & Audit Functions,Requalification Training,Procedures, Surveillance & Maint,Emergency Planning & Deviations
Person / Time
Site: Ohio State University
Issue date: 11/19/1987
From: Gill C, Greger L, Ridgway K
Shared Package
ML20236S720 List:
50-150-87-04, 50-150-87-4, NUDOCS 8711300072
Download: ML20236S746 (12)


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Report'No.iS0-150/87004(DRSS) !E


' Docket No.- 50-150 License'No. R-75'

Licenste:: 10hio' State' University-200~Meiling Hall





, 370 West 9th Avenue Columbus, Ohio' 43210

' '

Facility Name: ' Nuclear Reactor Laboratory '

Inspect' ion ~ Conducted: ' November 2-5, 1987



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LInspectors: Kenneth R. Ridgway ///)vd'7 ,

Date '

[ 8, 78 fcrp .

-Charles F..Gi //////97 -

Date' '

h $, Yb I Approved By: L. Robert Greger, Chief v//9/f7 [.


Facilities Radiation Protection Dat6 ' '

Section Inspection Summary l '

Inspection on November 2-5, 1987 (Report No. 50-150/87004 (DRSS))


-Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection.o.f records, logs, and organization; review and audit functions; requalification training; procedures; surveillance and maintenance; fuel handling activities; radiation protection; ,

radwaste management control; transportation activities; emergency planning;

,, and followup actions relative to previous violations, deviations, licensee event reports and open inspection item Results: -No violations or deviations were identifie .

am 8711300072 8711200 DR ADOCK O r

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] y4 PersonsContMtej , ;' l q z '


'N C *D.W.Millar, Director,Nuche<a!r Reactor Laboratory *R. D. Myser',' Associate Dire tor, Operations ) .'

s V ) J. Talnagi,f enior Fesearch' Associate 's X


  • E. Jensen, Offici. of Mation Safety * *

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  • E. hcg ey, Director,,0Tfice'of.Rediation Safety i


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I Thh, inspection,whichbd#nat1:30PMonNovember2,1987,wasconUbcted t 4-

-(, , touxamine the research. reactor program at the Ohio State University. The N facility was toured shortly after arrival. The inspectors observed a '

reactor startup!during the inspection. The general housekeeping of the t


t= t

+ facility has deteriorated since the previous inspection (Inspection Report

. I '1 No. 50-150/85001(DRP)) with samples, tools, equipment, and cartons spread -

about. This was discussed during the closeout meetin \' -


The refuWishiny/-f both pool liners in 1985 has successfully stopped pool ledMg /


l On Jul) 3,19Mi, the Reactor Operations Committee (ROC) approved a \

rev vipn ta! Chapter 2, Organization and Administration,'of the Hazards I Su$ury Report (HSR). Jherevisionwas.submittedtotheOfficeof g i t Nue! ear Reactor Regitiation (NRR) for review on October 2,1985; howevw,


NRR later requestpi that it be resubmitted in a standard 1ormat. Since their license amendment for low enriched fuel (LEU) and proposed power upkrade was imminent, the HSR revisica was never resubmitted. Tt s the

.f licensee is not bound to any of thefasual administrative requirements ,

' , '

commonly found i;en Se.ction 6 of fpecificatiorni (T/5). i <e N  % , t '
n LE October 7,1967, theO iiensee submitted a proposed [!bnse amendment tb revise their license'in entirety including a new Sat)ty Analysis Riport;and Standard T/S'that will contain provisions for the use of LEU ('



4 and a power upgrade from 10 7 KW to 200 K ,

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.4 Licensee hetion on Previous Insp'ection Findings g p, . ..

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. , , (Cla5ed) Violation (150/84001 01): Failure to calibrate instruments \ . ,g

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and tadiation monitors on a quarterly schedule. During this - '

y inspection, it was noted that quarterly calibrations of portable





D survey instruments, area radiation monftors, and pocket dosimeters ,

o were completed as scheduled during W past two t


n,aars; see Section % >

' (0 pen) Open Item (150/84001-01): ROC audit rn' v ts are not timely.

L , th The remains ROC open; audit'

seereports Sectionare 5.) stiH not timely,k (erefore this item ,


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[' j (Closed) Open Item (150/84001-04): A more effective method of i scheduling the less-frequent surveillance is needed. The licensee has established a surveillance check-off board and has completed u


required surveillance on schedule. This matter is considered closed, (0 pen) Open Item (150/81001-03): Procedure AP-6, Procedure Writing, does not address the new requirement of the ROC to review procedures nor does it establish the use of temporary changes to procedure The inspectors noted that Procedure AP-6 had been revised to cover procedure changes but still did not address ROC review of procedures nor the periodic review and update-of procedures (see Section 7).

e. (0 pen) Open Item.(150/81001-04): Procedures are out of date and in need of revision. The licensee has revised 19 of 57 procedures, but there continues to be a number of out-of-date procedure Although the licensee is making progress in the area of procedure update, further improvement appears necessary (see Section 7).

f. (Closed) Deviation (150/85001-01): Failure to follow procedures regarding RY-4 jumper installation-removal and tha reporting of high smear-surveys to supervision. Personnel were retrained in the importance of following procedures. The RY-4 jumper is no longer needed because of the installation of new solid state instrumentatio This matter is considered close (Closed) Violation (150/85001-02): Failure to calibrate radiation ..

survey instruments on a quarterly frequency. For the past two years, {

calibrations have apparently been accomplished as required by Technical Specifications (see Section 8). This matter is considered close ! (Closed) 0 pen Item (150/85001-03): Need to update NRL-0RS responsibility agreement. The agreement had been updated but it is I considered to be marginal considering the planned expanded work at the NRL facility with licensed by product materia (Closed) Open Item (150/85001-04): Emergency procedures need to be "

revised to agree with the Emergency Plan. Emergency Procedures EP-01 and EP-02 had been revised to agree with the Plan (see Section 7).

This matter is considered close (Closed) Open Item (150/85001-05): Review NRC Order of September 30, j 1985 to reduce unirradiated high enriched fuel (HEU) to a minimu The licensee had responded to the NRC that they had no unirradiated l HEU and therefore, would not be shipping any to the Department of i Energy. This matter is considered close I l



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4; Organization, Logs and Records (40750),

The facility organization was reviewed and verified to be consistent with the HSR. .The minimum staffing requirements were verified to be present during reactor. operation, and fuel handling operation The reactor logs.and records were reviewed to verify that: Records were available for inspectio Required entries were mad Significant problems or incidents were documente j

- The facility was being maintained properl The inspectors review revealed that in general logs and records were complete and properly maintaine Unplanned shutdowns had been significantly reduced in this inspection period, down from 21 in 1985 to .i eight in 1986 and eight to date in 1987. About half of the scrams in 1986 and 1987 were caused by single rod drops, The inspectors noted that the failure of the less than 2 cps scram on September 3, 1986 (Section 15.a)

had been' documented in the Maintenance Log but no mention of the f'ailure was noted in the Daily Lo No violation or deviations were identifie . Reviews and Audits'(40750)

The licensee's review and audit program records were examined by the J inspectors to verify.that: i Reviews of facility changas, operating and maintenance procedures, design changes, and unreviewed experiments had been conducted by


the Reactor Operations Committee (ROC) as req'uired by the HS That the ROC or subcommittees were composed of qualified members and ,

that quorum requirements and frequency of meetings had been me ' Required safety audits had been conducted in accordance with HSR requirements and that any identified problems were resolve The licensee is using the ROC Charter in their revised but unapproved HSR Chapter 2. The Charter requires quarterly meetings and annual audit It was noted that the last ROC meeting on September 10, 1987 had exceeded-the usual 25 percent tolerance of 23 days over 90 days; however, it was within the four month tolerance in the newly submitted T/S, which are patterned after other approved T/S.

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The R00 4 p ints a subcommittee to audit the reactor facility annually and thess.odits have been completed on schedule and appear to be effectiu k. improving records and training. However, the audit reports have been written and approved in an untimely manner. The 1984 audit report was approved in the November 3, 1985 meeting, the 1985 audit report in the November 24, 1986, and the 1986 audit report in the September 12, 1987. Therefore, the previous open item concerning this issue remains open (150/84001-03).

The ROC had formed subcommittees to review and recommended approval of the new solid state instrumentation which has been installed and put into


service. Another subcommittee reviewed and the ROC approved work on a cooling shroud to be used in the power upgrade. Another subcommittee reviewed _and the ROC approved a revised Requalification Training Plan which has been accepted by NR A review of the ROC meeting' minutes indicated the committee was meeting all requirement No violations or deviations were identifie . Requalification Training (40750)

.The inspectors reviewed procedures, logs, and training records; and interviewed personnel to verify that the requalification training program was being carried out in conformance with the facility's approved plan and NRC regulation Requalification training had been carried out and examinations conducted on March 4, 1985; two SR0s and two R0s were tested, all passed. On

. March 31, 1986 (two SR0s and one R0 passed, one R0 failed) and July 6, 1987 (both SR0s passed)'requalification tests were also given. On October 7 and 8, 1987, twn new R0s passed qualification tests. The inspectors selectively reviewed operator requalification training records; no problems were note >

No violations or deviations were identifie . Procedures (40750)

The inspectors reviewed the licensee's procedures to determine if procedures were issued, reviewed, changed or updated, and approved in accordance with HSR requirements. This review also verified:





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.u lThat procedure. content was' adequate lto safely operate,' refuel and

~ maintain the facility.


' ' That responsibilities were clearly defined.


! .That required checklists.and forms were use The. licensee's Technical Specifications do'not. require written procedures;.however,;the newly revised.but unapproved HSR Chapter 2 requires.that written procedures be available and followed for specified-operations. Since the.last inspection (Inspection Report'

No. 50-150/85001),. the licensee.had rearranged.the procedure system and revised 19'of.their 57 procedures; however, several. procedures still need to' be' updated .to bring .them into agreement with the new format. Other-l procedure changes are needed to include.the ROC review and approval of

. procedures,'the periodic ^ review and update of all procedures, and the-means of making temporary procedure change Other specific procedure changes needed are:

- The transportation procedureistill refers to old Department of Transportation regulations.that.were changed in 1983. A revision-is-in draftifor Procedures concerning records,-AP-11 and AP-12, need revisions to more clearly' delineate.what records are required and for what period


of tim t Instrument and Maintenance Procedures need to be formally revised to reflect the installation of new solid state instrument Temporary

. changes had been made only to the Control Room procedures; the instruments have been in use since September 198 : There.'is no procedure or check list to assure that all safety aspects of facil.ity'and design changes are reviewed and approve Procedure AP-09, RY-4 Jumper Control, has not been deleted even  ;

.though the jumper is no longer required because of the installation of new solid state instrumentatio The ROC audit procedure has not been formally revised, Health-Physics procedures RS-3, RS-4, RS-8, RS-9 and RS-11 appear to need updating and/or correction Because of the above deficiencies, Open Item (150/81001-04) remains ope The inspectors also noted that emergency procedures had been revised to agree with the Emergency Plan and placed in a separate procedure section to make them more readily accessibl No violations or deviations were identifie .


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. < Surveillance (40750):

-The; inspectors reviewed procedures, surveillance' test schedules.and test


records and discussed the surveillance program with responsibic personnel'

f to verify:


- )i That,;when necessary, ' procedures were available and adequate to


perform test I b .- That tests were completed within the required time schedul 'c.: Test records were availabl Th'e licensee'has developed an apparently effective method of scheduling

. req'uired surveillance; a surveillance check-off board records due and completion-dates. The inspectors reviewed the quarterly. calibration-records for portable survey instruments, area radiation monitors, and

. pocket dosimeters for the past two years; although no problems were identified regarding surveillance timeliness, it was noticed that numerous calibration dates ~in the log sheets did not agree with th calibration records and the licensee had difficulty locating some of the calibration records'. j No violations or deviations were identifie '

9. . Experiments (40750)

The' inspectors verified by reviewing experiment records and other reactor-logs.that:



'a.- Experiments were conducted using' approve'd procedures and under approved reactor condition New experiments or changes in experiments were properly reviewed and approve The experiments did not involve an.unreviewed safety question, i.e.,

10'CFR 50.59 requirements regarding experiments were me Experiments involving potential hazards'or reactivity changes were identified in procedure Reactivity' limits were not or could not have been exceeded during an experiment. The inspectors reviewed the records of several experiments approved since the last inspection.(Inspection Report No. 50-150/85001); ' no significant problems were note No violations or: deviations were identifie ;



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10 Fuel Handling (40750)

The facility fuel handling program was reviewed by the inspectors. The review included the verification of approved' procedures for fuel handling


and their technical adequacy in the areas of radiation protection, criticality safety, Technical Specification, and security plan requirement The. inspectors determined by records review and discussions with personnel that fuel handling operations carried out on August 5, 1987 to inspect five fuel elements and on April 28, 1987 to remove element LNP-13 to facilitate removal of a dropped shroud screw were conducted in conformance with the licensee's procedure No violations or deviations were identifie . Transportation Activities (86740)

l The inspectors reviewed records of radioactive material shipments made since the last inspection to determine that Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations were being followed in: ) The selection of the proper shipping container , The preparation of packages for shippin The records of shipment The inspectors noted that Procedure RS-11, Routine Shipment of Radioactive idaterials, and its checklist needs to be revised to agree ,

with current (1983) Department of Transportation regulations (Section 7). i The licensee is presently revising the procedure to include flow path 1


diagram to ensure compliance with DOT shipping regulations; however, the draft procedure does not include a requirement to notify the OSU Office .

of radiation safety when a new source arrives at the NRL to assure  !

that the OSU broad license allows receipt of the source and does not include a requirement to verify that the proposed recipients of sources from NRL have current licenses which allows receipt of the sources. The inspectors selectively reviewed shipping paper and source recipient  ;

licenses to verify regulatory conformance; no problems were note j l

No violations or deviations were identifie j

1 Radiation Control (40750)

The inspectors reviewed the radiation protection activities since the last  !

inspection. Records were reviewed, personnel were interviewed, and i observations were made to verify that radiation controls were being i carried out in accordance with license and NRC regulations. The areas )

covered were:



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l l Posting and labeling of~ restricted areas'and radioact'ive material . . Control of irradiated sample l c .' Calibration of radiation detection instrument . ' Required periodic dose rate and contamination survey I Exposure records of personne . Posted areas of the facility, Personnel trainin independent survey Pool water activit l Routine health physics coverage is provided by the NRL staff. A member of the OSU Office of Radiation Safety (0RS) staff conducts monthly i surveys of the facility and audits the NRL staff activitie Members of the NRL staff also conduct area radiation and smear-surveys as required by procedures or changing radiological conditions. The inspectors selectively reviewed survey records; no problems were noted. The inspectors also reviewed the exposure records for the past two years; no problems were note In.1981 the NRL and ORS had drawn up an agreement dividing health physics responsibilities at the'NRL. During an earlier inspection (Inspection Report No. 50-150/85001), it was noted that the responsibilities have been substantially modified since then, but the agreement document has never i been updated to reflect the present activities of each organizatio j

.Since that inspection, the agreement has been updated but it is considered to be marginal considering the planned expanded work at the


NRL facility with licensed by product materia !

No violations or deviations were identifie . Radwaste Management (40750) Gaseous Radwaste According to the licensee's calculations, which use kilowatt-hrs and )

building exhaust fan capacity, the activity of argon-41 released in j 1985, 1986, tnd for the first half of 1987 was about 15, 17, and 12 l millicuries, respectively; these releases corresponds to average concentrations of approximately 5.0, 5.8, and 8.1% of the Technical Specification limit, respectivel ;

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.. ~L iquid Wastes Potentially contaminated fuel pool water is sampled prior to release to the sanitary sewer.and ORS procedures permit the disposci of up to 40 microcuries/ day; however, no releases have occurred since February 198 i Solid Wastes Solid wastes are picked up by the ORS and transferred to the broad license for disposal. The licensee informed the inspectors that only about one such transfer occurs every two year No violations or deviations were identifie . EmergencyPlanning(40750j The inspectors reviewed records and interviewed personnel to determine that the approved emergency plan was being carried out by verifying: That procedures were in place and required records were being kep That required drills were conducted and evaluated, That required training had been conducte The' inspectors observed the annual emergency drill, a postulated small fire in the counting room, conducted on November 4, 1987. The call reporting the fire utilized the new 911 emergency number. The 911 call was subsequently directed to the OSU Fire Office. The Fire Office would


normally also notify the OSU Office of Radiation Safety (0RS), but due to l another actual event in progress, the (0RS) was not actually notifie i The Fire Section of the Emergency Procedure does not require the OSU Safety Office be called by the reactor staff while all other emergencies require this notification. A critique was carried out shortly after completion 3 of the dril !

l An annual drill, tornado warning, had also been conducted on October 29, J 1986 followed by a critique. Staff training in 1986 and 1987 included I first aid, CPR, and fire preventio '

No violations or deviations were identifie . Licensee Event Follow-up Through direct observations, discussion with licensee personnel, and review of records, the following event reports were reviewed to determine that deportability requirements were fulfilled, immediate corrective q l actions were accomplished, and corrective actions to prevent recurrence !

had been accomplished in accordance with technical specification _ _ - - . - - _



, ~(Closed) LER 86001: . Failure of the less than 2 cps rod block-scram function. On September 3, 1986 during a normal shutdown, the Startup Channel. count. rate was allowed to go below the 2 cps setpoint to demonstrate the scram function, but did not scram the reactor. The cause was determined to be shorting of the input-signal when the slow scram system was inserted. The scram had functioned ptoperly on the last scheduled surveillance, July 1, 1986. ' Corrective actions included using a spare amplifier in the slow scram panel. Region III was notified by telephone and a l written report was. issued on September 8, 198 ; (Closed) LER 87001: Failure of the log period amplifier short period scram functio On June 19, 1987, the licensee reported by telephone that during testing following modifications to the short period scram circuitry on June 18, 1987, the one-second period scram i failed to operate. The cause was determined to be a broken solder !


connection which resulted in intermittent operation; it was quickly repaired. The period scram had functioned properly on its last surveillance test and the five second scram was operable during this perio A written report was issued on June 24, 198 No violations or deviations were identified by the inspector . IE Information Notices The inspectors verified that IE Information Notices were being received I by the licensee, that they were reviewed for applicability and, if pertinent were circulated to the staff for revie . Exit Interview (30703)

The inspector met with the licensee representatives (denoted in Section 1) !

at the conclusion of the inspection on November 5, 1987 and summarized the scope and findings of the inspection. The licensee acknowledged the i following remarks by the inspectors and did not identify any documents or processes as proprietar ,

! The closure of two violations, one deviation, and four open items from previous inspections that have been corrected (Section 3). The three open items trom previous inspections that have not been corrected (Section 3). The need for improved housekeeping and the control of samples (Section 2). The need to record all significant happenings in the Reactor Log (Section 4).

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e. Several procedures need to be updated and the procedure system needs to be revised to include ROC review and approvals, periodic ~ review of all. procedures, procedures for facility changes, and a method for making temporary changes (Section 7).

f. The need to improve the calibration record system (Section 8).

g. The new regulation for directing all immediate reports to the NRR Duty Offic ,

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