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Fr Notice (Limited Time within Which to Intervene).* Submits Info Required to Be Published Per 890929 Granting of Three Petitions to Intervene,Per 10CFR2.1205(i).W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 891003
Person / Time
Site: 07000025
Issue date: 10/02/1989
From: Bloch P
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#489-9253 89-594-01-ML, 89-594-1-ML, ML, NUDOCS 8910130025
Download: ML20248J068 (5)


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89 OCT -3 NO C crn.

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ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD D OC -3198; Before Administrative Judge Petcr B. Bloch In the Matter of- Docket 70-25 ~ M b ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL Request to Renew CORPORATION For Ten Years Rocketdyne Division (Special Material-License ASLBP No. 89-594-01-ML Number SNM-21) i FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE (Limited Time Within Which to Petition to Intervene)

S1 hee three petitions to intervene vore greatted last Friday, September 29, this notice is required to be published pursuant to Subpart L of our procedural regulations, 10 CFR $ 2.1205(i) . The following information is required to be published:

(1) Time, niace and nature of the hearina.

Pursuant to the schedule adopted on September 29, this informal proceeding, intended to be largely in writing, shall begin through the filing of initial written presentation of a party so that it is received by the other parties on or before January 3,

1990 (sag 10 CFR $ 2.1203(e) concerning service; 54'F.R. 8269). Other phases of the hearing have been fixed, pursuant to the suggestions of the existing parties, so that the written proceeding may be concluded by July 10, 1990. All of the phases of the hearing will be in writing unless the 8910130025 891002 PDR ADOCK 07000025 C PDR pW, '

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presiding officer'is persuaded-that witnesses;need to be. called;to appear in person.

(2:) 'The authority under which the hearina-is to be in '

. held '.

~ 'The hearing is to be held. pursuant to_tht delegation by -the Commissionidated December 29,

3972,' published in:the-Federal Reaister, 37 F.R.

28710'(1972), and. Sections- 2.105,.2.700,~2.702,

_2.714, 2.714a,'2.717, 2.721 and 2.12071(54 F.'R.

8269 (1989)) of the Commission's regulations and-to-a' 22,DESIGNATION 1989. OF PRESIDING OFFICSE served August.

(3) The mattersi of fact and law to be considered.

We shall consider. concerns properly raised by people who ' submit _rer;uests to appear that are approved-by the_ presiding officer, thus granting the requesters:the status of parties. Matters of

' concern'to existing parties include:

-(s)-alleged " radioactive contamination" on the site, including excessive-radiation' exposure of nuclear workers in

'the 1960s,'two subsequent overexposure events, and litigation settlements in which_three workers' allegedly had radiation-caused cancer; i (b) the safe.ty of emergency evacuation plans;  ;

1 (c) population growth in Rocketdyne's immediate vicinity makes renewal of its license unsafe; i

(d) potential toxic or radioactive contamination at the &ffected facility and the possible long-term cancer threat from these conditions; (e)_ that the Sodium Burn Pit, used until '

1978 for the disposal of chemical and "some" radioactive wastes, contains unauthorized radioactively contaminated equipment and toxic wastes and that there are " deteriorated" and allegedly ineffective berms that were designed to prevent rain water from running from the L

pit to Simi Valley; L (f) that rainwater apparently seeped into Building 059, where radioactive *;m 3 i *h '

material and equipment remain, and may have transported some of the radioactive

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V material out tif tha. building and'into the' i L soil; i

E (g) that Applicants permitted a Leach Field, or pit, to be so badly (by' accident) that cleanup efforts were not completed before

'they were discontinued in 1978; (h) that' Applicants' testing and sampling for radioactive and toxic substances have been inadequate to assure l; the. safety of surrounding communities; (i) that Applicants' application for renewal.of its license is inaccurate; and (j)- that Applicants' management is untrustworthy, in part because of suspected criminal conduct of Rockwell in handling. wastes at Rocky Flats, near Denver.

It should be'noted that in pursuing these concerns in their written' filings, partics have been required to refer to the licensing criteria in 10 C.F.R. Part 70, so that the relevance of each concern to licensing will be apparent.

(Concerns not explicitly related to criteria nay be disregarded by the presiding officer.) In addition, written presentations shall comply with 10 C.F.R. $ 2.1223, governing written presentations and written questions.

(4) Tine. Any petition for leQve to intervene must be filed within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice of hearing. The petition must set foruh the interest of-the requestor in the proceeding, how the interest may be affected by the results of the proceeding,

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and areas ~of concern that are germane to the subject matter of the proc.eeding. 233 10 CFR $ 2.1205.

(5) Reauest to Participate. The representative of an interested State, county,. municipality or an agency thereof may request an opportunity to participate under 10 C.F.R. 6 1.1211(b)' within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice of hearing. The request should incivde a statement of areas of concern germane to the license renewal 4 application.

i Re ectfully ORDERED, Peter B. Bloch Administrative Judge "i

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In the Matter of I I


(Rocketdyne D1vicion, Special 1 Nuclear Materials License SNh-21)  !

l CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby ce*tify that copies of-the foregoing F.R. NOTICE (LIMITED TIME...) i have been served upon the following persons by U.S. sail, first class, except es otherwise noted and in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR See. 2.712.

Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Peter B. Bloch Board Presiding Officer  ;

i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ccanission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board

) Washington, DC 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cosaission Washingt6n, DC 20555 )

l Administrative Judce Gustave A. Linenberger, Jr.

Dpecial Assistant Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Office of the Genecel Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nashington, DC 205C5 '

Washington, DC 20555 R. T. Lancet Director Rockwell International Corporation Jon Scott Rockstdyne Division 6 Roundup Road 6633 Canoga Avenue Bell Canyon, CA 91307 i

Canoga Park, CA 91304 4

j Estelle Lit Jerose E. Raskins, et. al.

18233 Bermuda Street c/o 18350 Los Alises Northridge, CA 91326 Northridge, CA 91326 Alan Langville Sisi Valley Library Public Document Roca 2969 Tapo Canyon Road Sist Valley, CA 93063 Dated at Rockvills, Md. this 3 day of October 1989 O fies f the Secretary of the Consission

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