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Rev 1 to Tech Specs for Ford Nuclear Reactor
Person / Time
Site: University of Michigan
Issue date: 05/08/1989
Shared Package
ML20244D497 List:
NUDOCS 8906190095
Download: ML20244D498 (53)


{{#Wiki_filter:. , _ , , , ,- -

                                                                                        -TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Ford, Nuclear Reactor    H Docket.50-2. License P-28 Revision 1-i License Renewal Issue:                          113084-                                             j Revisions: . 1: 050189                                            I i


                                                                                                                   '. l 1


                 .                                                                                                     l 1

P j ___ _____2_ _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - -

REVIEW This document will be reviewed, revised as required, signed by the Reactor Monoger, and dated every two years and whenever revisions are mode. ' Revisions will be noted

                                                                             -in the right hand column. Revisions will be issued to document holders at the time .

of revision. Revisions will receive required approvals prior to entry. Reactor Manager Date Revised Sections Duke W shs/1t w.J Mi>r AJLe C #/27/e wL Aaobe

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E .m ,-_ a.- . , . . . . . _ ._. , TECHNICAL SPEC 1/ICAT10NS-Ford. Nuclear Reactor Docket 50-2. License R-28 Revision 1 CONTENTS 1.0 DEFINITIONS 'l 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING' SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS 6. 2.1 Safety Limits . :6

              '2.1.1    Saf ety Limits in -the Forced Convection Mode 3                                     6 2.1.2    Safety Limits in the Natural' Convection Mode                                       7 2.2    Limiting Saf ety System Settings (LSSS)                        7 2.2.1    Limiting Safety System Settings in the
                       -Forced Convection Mode                                7 2.2.2    Limiting, Safety System Settings in the Natural Convection-Flow Mode                          7 3.0    LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION                            10 3.1    Reactivity Limits                                           '10 3.2    Reactor Safety System                                        12 3.3    FNR Confinement Building                                     16-3.4    Primary Coolant Conditions                                   17 3.5    Heavy Water Reflector Tank                                   18 3.6    Alrborne Effluents                                           19-3.7    Liculd Effluents                                             20 3.8    Limitations of Experiments                                   21-3.9    Fission Density Limit                                        23

4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 25 4.1 Reactivity Limits 25 4.2 Reactor Safety System 26 1 4.3 FNR Confinement Building 28 4.4 Primary Coolant System 29 l 4.5 Heavy Water Reflector Tank 30 1 4.6 4.7 Airborne Effluents Liquid Effluent: 30 l 31 4.8 Fission Density Limits 31 5.0 DESIGN FEATURES 33-5.1 Site Description 33 5.2 Reactor Fuel 34 5.3 Peactor Building 34  ! 5.4 Fuel Storage 35 i l l l 1 Contents-1


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               ,                   4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-Ford Nuclear Reactor.

Docket 50-2. License R-28 Revision i 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 36 6.1 ~0 organization 36

6. 2- . Review and-Audit , 37
                                      - 6. 3 -
                                       .           Action to be Taken in the Event of a Reportable.0ccurrence                                           40.

6,4 Operating Procedures 40~ 6.5 Operating Records 41. 6.6 Reporting Requirements 42 i l

                                                                                                                                   'l i

i a l 1 Contents-2

TECHNICAL' SPECIFICATIONS' . Ford Nuclear Re. actor i Docket;50-2. License R . j Revision 1 j 1.0 DEFINITIONS. Channel Calibration' - A channel calibration is an ad.lustment- . l of the channel such that its output' corresponds with acceptable l ' accuracy to'known values of the parameter which the channel measures. Calibration shall; encompass the entire channel, i including equipment actuation.-alarm, and trip, .and shall be j deemed to' include the channel test. 1 1 Channel Check - A channel check 1s a qualitative verification of acceptable performance by observation of channel behavior. This verification where possible shall include comparison of the channel with other: Independent channels or. systems-measuring the same variable. Channel Test - A' channel' test is the introduction of a signal into the channel to verify that it is operating. Experiment - An experiment, as used herein. 15 any of the following' ' I

1. An' activity utilizing the reactor system'or its.

componcnts or the neutrons or radiation generated therein;- q

2. An evaluation or test of' a . reactor system operation, surveillance, or maintenance technique; l i

l 3. An experimental'or testing' activity which is - l conducted within the conf inement or containment ' l system of the reactor;

4. The . material content of- any of the f oregoing, 3 including structural components,' encapsulation or confining boundarles, and contained fluids or sollds.

Experimental Facility - An experimental facility is.any


{ structure or device which is intended to' guide, orient, i position, manipulate, or otherwise facilitate a multiplicity of experiments of similar character. 4 Explosive Material - Explosive material is any solid or' ' liquid which is categorized as a severe, dangerous, or very dangerous explosion hazard in DANGEROUS PROPERTIES OF INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS by N.:. Sax. Third-Ed. (1968), or is given an


Identification of Reactivity (Stability) Index of 2,3. or.4 by the National Fire Protection Association-in its publication 704-M. 1966. Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCO) - Lowest functional capability or performance levels of equipment required for , safe operation of the reactor (10CFR50.36) I Page 1 i

9  % IdCNkIbAb ATkbHS-Ford Nuclear' Reactor-Docket'50-2 License R-28  ! Revision i l l Limiting Safety System Setting (LSSS) - Settings for automatic l protective devices'related to those variables having'significant i safety functions. and chosen 30 that automatic protective action ' will correct an abnormal situation before a safety limit is exceeded (10CFR50.36).. (


Measured Value - The measured value of a process variable is the value of the variable as indicated by a measuring channel. Measuring Channel - A measuring channel is the combination.of ] sensor, amplifiers.'and output devices which are-used for the j purpose of measuring the value of.a process variable. 4 Noveable Experiment - A moveable experiment is One which may l be Inserted, removed, or manipulated while-the reactor is i critical. 1 1 Operable - Operable means that a component or system is capable { of performing its intended function in.its normal manner. Operating - Operating means that a component-or system is 4 l performing its . intended function in its normal manner..  ! l Potential Reactivity Worth of an Experiment - The potential reactivity worth of an experiment is the maximum absolute value a { of the reactivity change that would occur as a result of l Intended or anticipated changes or credible malfunctions that , i alter equipment position or configuration. j Reactivity Limits - The reactivity limits are those limits imposed on reactor core excess reactivity. Quantitles are  ! ref erenced specifically to a cold core (nominally 90 F) with the -! effect of xenon poisoning on core reactivity accounted for if  ; greater than or equal to 0.05% Delta K/K. The reference core ' condition will be known as the cold, Xenon free' critical condition. Reactor Operation - Reactor operation means that the control rods installed in the core are'not fully inserted or that the control console Key is in the keyswitch. Reactor operation is not considered possible when there are less than six fuel l elements loaded on the grid plate. Reactor Safety System - The reactor safety system is that ~ combination of safety channels and associated circuitry which forms the automatic protective System for the reactor or provides information-which requires manual protective action to be initiated. Reactor Scram - Shutoff of electrical current to the rod holding magnets and subsequent insertion of the rods into the , core by gravity. Page 2

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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Ford Nuclear Reactor ~ Docket 50-2,1 License R-28 Revision i Reactor Secured - Reactor Secured is defined 'as 'f ollows:

1. The-full insertion of all control-rods has been verified;
2. The control ~ console Rey: Is-removed; and
3. NoLoperationLis in progress which involves moving fuel-elements to or from thel core,' moving reflector elements to or f rom the core, the insertion or removal'of secured experiments from the core...or control rod maintenance Beadily Avallable on Call - Readily available on call shall mean a licensed senior operator shall insure that he can be l contacted and is within a reasonable. driving. time (1/2. hour)

I from the reactor building when' the reactor 1s'being operated by a licensed operator. Regulating Rod - The regulating rod is a-control rod of' low reactivity worth f abricated f rom stainless steel . and used to control reactor power. The-rod.may be controlled-by the operator with a manual switch or by an automatic; controller. Removable Experiment - A removable experiment is any ~ experiment, experimental f acility, 'or component of 'an experiment, other than a permanently. attached appurtenance to the reactor system, which can reasonably beLanticipated to be i moved one or more times during the life of the reactor. Reportable Occurrence - A reportable occurrence 1s'any of the following: a 1

1. A. safety system setting'less conservative  !

than the limiting setting established in the 1 L Technical Specifications;  !

2. Operation in violation of a limiting condition:for i operation established in the Technical Specifications; 2
3. A safety system component malfunction op other  ;

component or system malfunction which could, or-threatens to, render the safety system incapable of performing its' intended safety functions;

4. Release of fission products from 'a failed fuel  ;


5. An uncontrolled or unplanned release of radioactive material from the restricted area of the~ facility; Page-3

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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Ford-Nuclear Reactor DocRet 50-2 License R-28 Revision 1 1

6. An uncontrolled or unplanned release of radioactive material which results in. concentrations of radioactive materials within the restricted area in excess of the limits specified in Appendix B.

Table i of 10CFR20;

7. An uncontrolled or unanticipated change in reactivity in excess of 0.005 delta K/K;
8. Conditions arising.from natural or man made events that affect or threaten to-affect the safe operation of the facility:
9. An observed inadequacy in'the implementation'of administrative or procedural controls such that the inadequacy causes or threatens to cause the l existence or development of an unsafe condition in connection with the operation of the facility..

Rundown - A rundown is the automatic insertion of the shim safety rods. Safety Channel - A safety channel is a measuring channel in the reactor safety system. Safety Limit (SL) - Limits upon important process variables which are found to be necessary to reasonably protect the integrity of certain of the physical barriers'that guard against the uncontrolled release of radioactivity (10CFR50.36). Secured Experiment - Any experiment, experimental facility, or component of an experiment is deemed to be secured, or in a secured position, if 11 is held in a stationary position relative to the reactor by mechanical means. The restraint shall exert sufficient force on the experiment to overcome the expected effects of hydraulic, pneumatic, buoyant, or other forces which are normal to the operating environment of the experiment, or of f orces which might arise as a result of credible malfunctions. Shlm Safety Rod - A shim safety rod is a control rod fabricated from borated stainless steel which is used'to compensate for fuel burnup, temperature, and poison effects. A shim safety rod is magnetically coupled to its drive unit allowing it to perf orm the f unction of a saf ety rod when the' magnet is deenerg12ed. Page 4

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       ..        .                                                                Ford; Nuclear: Reactor-Docket 50-2. License R-28        )
                                                                                              ' Revision i     ;

i Static Beactivity Worth - The static reactivity worth _of an'_ .!

                          . experiment is-the absolute value of~the reactivity' change which                  I is measurable by: calibrated control--rod comparison methods between two' defined terminal positions orLconfigurations of..the-experiment.       For moveable experiments, the terminal positions                a are' fully removed from the reactor and fully _ Inserted or                        i installed in the normal. functioning or intended position.:                         l t

Time Intervals. Annually - 12 to 15: months. B1 annually .24 to 30 months. 1 Y I ~ Daily - 24 to 32 hours.


Monthly - 30 to_40 days, Quarterly 4 months. I l Sem1 annually - 6 to 8 months. l Weekly - 7 to 10 days. True Value - The.true value~of a process variable is its actual value at any instant. Unscheduled Shutdown - An unscheduled shutdown. is def ined :as any unplanned shutdown of the reactor caused by actuation of the reactor safety system.. operator error, equipment malfunction, or a manual shutdown in response-to conditions which.could adversel'l ifisc1 safe operation, not to include shutdowns which occurdtt .2. c' tr','.ing or checRout operations. I Page 5 i _________z_ __ --

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TECHNICAL: SPECIFICATIONS ' 1 Ford Nuclear Reactor 1
Docket.50-2, License R-28 1 Revision i 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY-SYSTEM SETTINGS 2 .1. Safety Limits -
                                      .2.1.1    Safety Limits in the Forced Convection Mode k

Applicability:' J This specification applies to the interrelated- ,l variables associated with core thermal.and j hydraulic performance in the steady state:with forced convection flow. These. Variables are:- Reactor Thermal Power,- P. . Reactor Coolant Flow Through the Core, m L Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature. Ti Height of Water AboveLthe Top of the~ Core.-H Objective: To assure that'the Integrity of'the' fuel clad ' is maintained. Specification:

1. The true value of-reactor. power (P) shall not exceed 4.68 Mw.and the true value of flow (m)-

shall not be less than-900 gpm.

2. The.true-value of reactor coolant inlet temperature (T t ) at 2 Mw.shall not exceed l

116 F.

3. The true value of water height above the' core (H) shal'1 not be less than 16 feet while the ]

reactor.Is operating, , Bases: The basis f or f orced convection- saf ety limits l 1s that the calculated maximum cladding 4 temperature in the bottom of the hot channel-of  ! the most compact FNR core (25 elements) will not d

                                               . reach the boiling point of the water coolant.

1 l

                                                             'Page 6

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS' Ford'Huclear Reactor  ! Docket'50-2,. License R-28_ j Revision;1-


2.1.2- Safety Limits in the Natural Convection Mode Applicability: , This specification applies to the- interrelated variables-associated with core' thermal and hydraulic perf ormance in the natural: convection mode of operation. . These variables' are: Reactor, Thermal Power, P Reactor Coolant Inlet Temperature, T1 Height of Water Above the Top of.-the= Core,- H-

                       ' Objective:

To-assureLthat the integrity of.the fuel clad l ' 1s maintained. Specification: t

1. The true value of the reactor thermal power i (P) shall not exceed 380 kw.- )
2. The true value of the' reactor coolant-inlet 1 temperature (T 1 ) shall not exceed 131 F.

J l

3. The height of pool- water above the core (H) shall not be less than 181 feet.

Bases: l The basis for natural convection safety limits is that the calculated maximum cladding .!

                       . temperature in the hot channel of. the most.                ;

compact FNR core (25 elementsl'will not reach  ! the bolling point of the water coolant at a-depth of 18 feet. 2.2 Limiting Safety System Settings.(LSSS) 1 2.2.1 Limiting Saf ety System Setting in the Forced i Convection Mode Applicability: This. specification applies to the set points  ! for'the safety channels monitoring reactor' thermal power (P), primary coolant flow (m), height of water above the-top of the core (H). and core exit temperature-(T e ). Page 7 w _- _:_

                                                                     . Ford'Huclear Reactor Docket 50-2, License R-28 Revision 1 Objective:

To assure that automatic protective action is initiated to' prevent a safety limit from being exceeded. Specification:

1. .The limiting safety system settings for reactor thermal. power (P), primary" coolant flow through the core.(m), height of water above the top of.the core (H), and reactor coolant exit ' temperature (Te) shall be as f o llows:

Variable- LSSS l P (Maxi 2.4 Mw ! m (Min ) 900 gpm H (Min) 19 ft , Te(Max) 129 F i Bases: The limiting safety system settings for forced convection assure that automatic protective action will correct the most severe abnormal situation anticipated before-a safety limit is exceeded. 2.2.2 Limiting Safety System Settings'in the Natural Convection Flow Mode l Applicability: These specifications apply to the setpoint f or the safety channels monitoring reactor thermal power (P), pool water-level (H), and pool water temperature (T). Objective: To assure that automatic protective' action is initiated to prevent a safety limit from being exceeded. 1 1 Page 8 _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ . - - - . . ----- A

TECHNICAL. SPECIFICATIONS. Ford-Nuclear Reactor. t Docket 50-2,' License R-26 j Revision 1 Specifications: a < 1. The limiting safetyisystem setting'for' reactor thermal power-(P), height of water above~the top of-tne core (H), and pool  ! water. temperature (T) shall be as follows: Variables- LSSS

                     .P   (Max)1         100 kw.                          l H- (Min)           19 f t T   (Max)          129 F-                          ]j Bases:

The limiting safety system settings 1for-natural-convection assure that automatic-protective action will correct'the most severe abnormal. 1 situation anticipated before a safety limit is -l exceeded.


1 l l i i i i 1 Page 9

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                                                                  ' TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ~  '.

o Ford Nuclear, Reactor 1 Docket 50-2,' License R-28  : Revision.1 -> 1 3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS F0E OFEHATION-3.1 Heactivity Limits 1 Applicability: q This specification applies to the reactivity of_the reactor core _and to the r6 activity worths of control j i rods and experiments. . When'the reactor is operated with -j the heavy water reflector tank in place, the limits will  ! not include the static reactivity-worth of the tank. j 1 Objective: i To assure that the reactor can be controlled' and shutdown at all times'and that the safety limits will l not be exceeded. i Specification: )

1. The shutdown margin the. cold, xenon free critical condition shall be at least .025 delta K/K l with all three shim safety rods. fully inserted and 1 the regulating rod fully withdrawn and-0.0045 delta  !

K/K with the most reactive-shim safety. rod and the { regulating rod fully withdrawn.- R

2. The overall core excess reactivity; including 4 moveable experiments shall not exceed 0.038 delta K/K. {
3. The total reactivity worth of all experiments shall j not exceed 0.012 delta K/K. ]
4. The reactivity worth of each experiment limited as f ollows: '

Maximum 1 l Experiment Reactivity Worth -  ! l Moveable 0.0012 delta-K/K i i Secured 0.012 delta K/K J

5. The reactor shall be subcritical by at least 0.025 '

delta 'K/K during fuel loading changes. ,

6. T_he shutdown margin f or the core sha1Ln_o_t_l)A l less than 0.10 delta K/K whenever salm safety o ji i l rods are_ removed from the core for inspection.


7. The shutdown margin f or the core still! not be less than 0.10 delta K/K whenever he_avy watet_

ji , i movements which can result in positive reactivl.ty insertions are undertaken. l Page 10 1 w __ - __

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                                                          . TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS -
    .- ..                                                     . Ford Nuclear Reactor.

Docket 50-2, License R-28 Revision 1

8. The reactivity worth ofLthe regulating rod shall not exceed 0.006 delta K/K.
9. Experiments which could increase reactivity-by flooding,rshall not remain in-or ad.lacent to:the core;unless the shutdown margin required in Specification' 3.1. (1) would be satisfied af ter' flooding.

Bases: The shutdown margin. required by' Specification;3L.1.1-assures that theLPeactor-can be shutdown from.any-operating condition and will remain lsubcritical after cooldown and xenonEdecay even if theLrod <0f the highest. reactivity worth should the fully: withdrawn position. l Specification 3.1.2'limitsLthe allowable' excess reactivity to the value necessary to overcome the j combined negative reactivity' effects of: ( 1) an increas0 l: in primary coolant: temperature from 90 F to 116 F; (2 ) fission product xenon and samarium buildup In.a clean core;. (31-power defect due to increasing from a zero power, cold core to a 2 Mw, hot cere; (4) fuel burnup during sustained operation 1f or' 30 days; and (5) moveable experiments. Specification 3.1.3 limits-the reactivity worth of experiments to values of reactivity which.;1f introduced as positive step changes, will not cause fuel melting. Specification 3.1.4 limits the individual reactivity worth of experiments to values that will not produce.a stable period of less-than 30 seconds.and which can be compensated for by the action.of the control' and safety systems without exceeding any safety limits.- Specif ications 3.1.5 and 3.1.6 provide assurance that the core will remain subcritical during fuel loading changes and. shim safety' rod maintenance or-inspection. The largest' positive reactivity _ increase that can beproduced by rep


, the heavy water reflector tanX is 0.04 delta KLK1-l Maintaining the reactor' shutdown margin at no less. I than'0.10 delta K/K in Specification 3.1.7 duringlheavy water transfers provides adequate margin to assure that the reactor will remain subcritical during-heavy water transfers that could add positive reactivity. Specification 3.1.8 assures'that failure of the-automatic control system will-not introduce suff1'clent excess reactivity to produce a prompt" critical Page 11 1 _ _ _ - -

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                    '~'- n                          + +chnmc.; gem TECHNICAL' SPECIFICATIONS-
                                                       . Ford; Nuclear Reactor Docket 50-2, License R-28:
                                                                                                 ' Revision 1 condition.

Specification 3.1.9 assures that the shutdown margin required by Specification 3.1.1.will'be met in the ever.t of 'a positive. reactivity insertion caused by' the. flooding of_an experiment. 3.2 Heactor Safety System' Applicability: These specifications apply to;the reactor safety system. and other safety related instrumentation. Objective: To'specif y'the lowest acceptable level of perf ormance: i or the minimum number of acceptable. components for the ! reactor safety system and other. safety related instrumentation. Specification: The reactor shall not be made critical. unless:.

1. The reactor saf ety systems and saf ety-related instrumentation are operable in accordance with I Tables 3.1 and 3.2 including the~ minimum number of channels and the indicated maximum or minimum setpoints;
2. A1.1 shim saf ety rods are operable; 3.. The time from the initiation of a scram condition in the scram circuit until the shim safety rods are fully inserted (release-drop time) shall not exceed 500 milliseconds;-
4. Mechanical devices are installed which' prevent the lifting.of fuel elements through the movement of control rods.

B?>;s: Neutron flux level scrams-provide redundant automatic protective action to prevent exceeding thensafety limit on reactor power. The-period scram. limits the rate of rise of the reactor power to p Fiods which are manually controllable without reaching excessive, power levels or fuel temperatures. I Power-flow coincident scrams provide redundant channels e ' to assure'that an automatic loss of flow scram will occur in the event of a loss of flow when the reactor. is operating at power. levels above 100 kw.

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                                                                                                                           . Ford. Nuclear Reactor-Docket 50-2,. License R-28 Revis ioni l'

Table 3.i'  ! REQUIRED SAFETY CHANNELS ~ Minimum! Number .  ; Channel Setpoint. Required Function 4 Log Count Rate 2 cps- 1 Rod: Withdrawal Interlock l Log N Period -i VideLrange power' level and inputLfort i

                                                                                                                       . period scram-

[ . Period-Safety 5.sec 1 LScram .) 1 Level Safety. 120%(2.4 Mw) 2 Scram j l-j 1 l High Power /No .(a) 900 gpm i Scram >100 kw-Water Flow (b) holdup tank-isolation valve not fully open (c) holdup tank static pressure i psig below full power value High Power / Header Down i Scram _)100 kw Header Up/ 900 gpm i Scram No Water Flow Building Exhaust i mr/hr i Scram Radiation Level Building Alarm i Scram Manual Switch Manual Scram Switch i Scram Magnet Power Keyswitch . 1. Scram Reactor Coolan? Exit Temp. 129 F i Auto Rundown Pool Level' i foot below pool 1-  : Auto Rundown overflow Bridge Not When clamps i Scram Clamped released Page 13 _ _ - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

_1 . . . . - -... - _ , _ , .. xm m. evyxgwe >se TECHNICAL-SPECIFICATIONS

                                                                                    . Ford Nuclear Reactor-Docket 50-2.' License R-28:

Revision !~ Table 3.2

                                  . Required Safety Related~ Instrumentation.

Minimum Number-Instrumentation Setpoint Required ~ Function ' Linear Level Channel As Required. ' i- . Linear power level ] measurement and input i for.the automatic. j control mode < Power Level Deviation 95%.of control i Return reactor to Interlock -point setting manual control 1

                                                                                . mode if setpoint             j is reached-                  l l

1 Reactor Coolant Inlet Not Applicable 1(a) ' Provide- l l Temperature information~for  ! l i the.-heat balance l determination i Facility Radiation Monitor System (b) z

1. Building Air Exhaust 1(1) mr/hr i Alarm, scram, initiate confinement j
                                                                                -evacuation'                    l
2. Reactor Bridge 30(50) mr/hr i Alarm i
3. NW Column, Beamport 10(50) mr/hr .1 ( c ) Alarm Floor i l 4. N Wall, Beamport 5(50) mr/hr 1(c) Alarm Floor '
5. NE Column. Beamport 2(50) mr/hr 1(c) Alarm  !

Floor 1 6. Primary Deminer- 20(50) mr/hr 1(c) Alarm alizer (Hot DI) (a) Not required for natJral convection operation. l  : Page 14 1 ,

                                                              , TECHNICAL-SPECIFIC TIONS ~
Ford'Huclear Reactor?

Docket.50-2, License R-28 j Revision 1; j

                                                                                              .q Table 3.2-Required Safety Related-Instrumentation.(continued) .
                                                                                              .i i
(b)'The' facility radiation mon 1toring system consists of 6 radiation
                 ' detectors.which alarm and. read out' locally, and.are recorded'in:            1
                .the' control' room. The normal setpoints.for this' system are-              a shown. The value in parentheses 1s.the-maximum.setpoint_which H

will be used depending-on local conditions. Use of' higher than. .i normal setpoints will' require. approval of the Nuclear Reactort Laboratory Manager or one of the Assistant Managers. Any-ji  ; 1 reactor staf f member may adjust: a setpoint lower'~ than the { normal value. (c)'Of the detectors labelled;3-6,' any one unit may be out'of l service for a period not to exceed 'T days without requiring. ) reactor shutdown or replacement by a locally alarming monitor 1

                -with similar range.. Should a second of.these' units require                 .l repair, such repair'must be completed withinL24 hours or thei                    I reactor must be shutdown or replacement of the second unit-                     j with-a locally alarming monitor of similar P.ange is required.                    .

I 1 1 4 Page 15 _

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y ,~~-er, m eg, d TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1 Ford. Nuclear Reactor j Docket 50-2... License R-28 1 Revision 1-The rod withdrawal interlock on the. Log Count' Rate channel assures that the operator has a' measuring channel operating and indicating neutron flux levels during the. approach to.criticalit'y. The core exit temperature auto rundown function'and- ~- response of the, operator to the pool level' alarm assure that the reactor'will not be cperated above the safety { limit for core inlet temperature and below the safety. i limit for pool level. l J The manual scram button and1the magnet power Reyswitch provide two methods for-the-reactor. operator to -{ manually shutdown.the reactor if an unsafe or' abnormal .l condition should. occur and the automatic reacton' { protection does not function. The use of the area radiation monitor' system assures I that areas of the facility in which a high radiation .a area could exist are monitored. t j Specifications'3.2.2 and 3.2.3 assure that the' safety system response'will be appropriate.  ! 3.3 FNR Confinement Building Applicability: This specif1 cation applies to the FHR confinement ) building requirements.


Ob.j e ct ive: To minimize the release of airborne radioactive materials from the FNR. ., l Specif1 cation:

1. The ventilation intake and exhaust dampers, the intake and exhaust ventilating fans, and the dampers in the beamport exhaust system and the room 3103 exhaust hood duct shall. automatically i

I close when the radiation-level in the building ventilation or more'. exhaust duct is i millirem / hour

2. During reactor operation, the following condit'lons'-

will be administratively controlled: l

a. Personnel access doors will be closed except as necessary- f or the passage of personnel and/or ' '

equipment; Page 16. L_-- _

 ._._qi.-.    .

u TECHNICAL' SPECIFICATIONS-Ford Nuclear Reactor: Docket 50-2, License.R-28

                                                                        ' Revision 1:
b. -The main equipmentfaccess door onto the.beamport
  ..                           floor will be-opened only long enough to permit-the passage; of equipment;
c. The personnelidoor to.the cooling tower area will remain clamped exceptLto permit.the passage- i of personnel.and/or equipment-to'the' cooling-tower area. The door will remain closed but not clamped until all' personnel'have left the cooling. tower area;
                        ~d. The' access hatch-fromigrade level,to.the.

beamport floor will 'be sealed closed; e.. TheEpersonnel exit door the, north l wall of the building and the door located on the: beamport' floor which connects to the PML hot

                              . cave operating area will-be clamped closed.

Bases: , R The potential radiation' exposure to persons at.-the- l operations. boundary following an accident releasing 1 , fission products within the confinement building has l l been evaluated. The evaluation used a leakage rate  ! l from the confinement building of 10% of the building { volume per day, and concluded that the accident. doses 1 would be acceptable. Conformance to' Specifications l 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 w1ll assure that the building leak j rate will not exceed the leak-rate used in the evaluation, j j3 The 1.0'mr/hr setpoint for the-facility exhaust radiation monitor provides~a mechanism for isolating


l 1 the building-ventilation system in'the. event of a significant release of radioactive material .into .the < reactor building. This setpoint, for the detector location involved, r concentrationof10~gpresent{agammaemittingnuclide

                                              -to 10 microcuries/cc of building air.

By requiring that the access doors and equipment hatch remain closed, except for brief,-attended periods-to . , permit personnel or equipment passage, the integrity of the confinement will be maintained'at or below the value assumed in the Hazards Summary. Report, and the release of radioactive-material will be minimized. ^ 3.4 Primary Coolant Conditions Applicability: This specification applies to tne limiting conditions for available pool water volume, primary cool' ant pH, resistivity, radioactivity, and flow distribution. Page 17


                                                                                   -Ford l Nuclear Reactor R'
Docket 50-2,: License R-280 Revision i Objective.

To, maintain theLprimary coo'lantiin a condition tol . minim 12e1the-corrosion of the' primary coolant system.. il

                                       ' fuel clad,;and'other reactor; components.fand to.                     I assure; proper; conditions of-coolant 1for normal'and               j
                                       . emergency requirements..                                          1 Specification:                                              ,



1.. The primary coolant pHLshall be maintained:between 4.5 and 7,5.-

2. The, primary coolant: resistivity 1shalltbe maintained <

atca value: greater than- 200,000 ohm-cm exceptDfor periods:of time not tooexceed 7:daysLwhenLthe;

                                             ' resistivity-may not be less(than 50,000 ohm-cm..                a
3. .For operation at powerilevels: .in; excess of :100; Rw.

l in the' forced. convection mode,;all? grid-positions. shall contain fuel elements,. reflector elements,

                                            -grid plugs or experimental. facilities.


4. For operation at powers:in excess :of: 1 MW.Ethe pooh R
                                             . gate must be in its storage' location-                        -

1 Bases: . Experience at this and.otherJfacilities has:shown that the maintenance of primary. coolant. system water quality. In the ranges specified in Specification 3.4.1-and 3.4.2 will control 1the' corrosion of the aluminum components of the primaryicoolant' system and the: fuel element cladding. i 1 The requirement.that all: grid positions-beLoccupied will-prevent the degradation.ofz flow-rates due to; flow' bypassingLthe. active fueled region through and- i unoccupied grid plate. position.-

                                                                                                           -l E                                        The requirement that the, gate':be storedi assuresi that the'           ;

full'; volume of .the pool water'is'available "to provide .; p cooling of:the core during normal-operation andrin': thel J event of-ailoss of. coolant accident, j 3 3.5 Heavy Water Reflector Tank i J Applicability:' This specification applies:to:the heavy! water ref' lector 1 tank used in the reactor core. / q

        ,                                                    Page 18-o


                                                           . .-Ford Nuclear' Reactor
                                                        -Docket 50-2,: License R-28 Revision 1-Objective:
                   'To assure that: heavy; water handling in the heavy. water reflectoritank does not' jeopardize. facility.and personnel safety.-


1. - The tritium content.of.the heavy; water; reflector-tank shall beinoigreater than 50 curies.

Bases:L The 50 curie limit' imposed-on.the tritium contentLof the-heavy water reflector' tank assures that-offsite concentrations of . tritium in the' event of a tanki rupture will.not exceed the limit-established in 10CFR20-for tritium releases to uncontrolled areas. 3.6 Airborne Effluents L Applicability: This specification applies to the monitoring of airborne ef f luents f rom t he FNR. Objective:- To assure that containmentJintegrity is maint'ained-during reactor' operation and that:the release of airborne radioactive material from the FNR 1s maintained below.the limits established in 10CFR20. j Specification:

1. .The concentrationfof-radioactive-materials In the effluent released from the' facility exhaust stacks shall not exceed 400 times'the concentrations- 1 specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, when 1 averaged over time periods permitted by:10CFR20. j l

I I \ - Page 19 i 1

 ~~     '
                                                         . ,.p.,wn pgy
                                                          ' TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-  ._d
                                                               ' Ford Nuclear Reactor
                                                        . Docket 150-2, License R-28       i
Revision i l l
2. During operation'of the reactor, the following- I conditions shall be' met:
a. The particulate activity monitor and the gaseous  ;

activity: monitor for the facilityJexhaust stacks. shall:be operating. -Ifs either. unit / of service for more than,24 hours, either the  : reactor _shall be shutdown-or the unit shall be replaced by one of comparable' monitoring < capability;'

b. The particulate. activity-monitor and the gaseous, activity-monitor'for?the" reactor building shall. 4
                              .be operating. Temporary shutdown of..these' units-     -i shall be limited as in. specification 3.6.2.a l

above; .i

c. The building exhaust air radiation mon'itor shall:

g be' operating whenever the reactor operation as required by Table 3.2 of specification 3.2. Bases: The limits established in specification 3.6.1 . incorporate a dilution factor of 400 for effluents released through the exhaust stacks. This dilution factor was calculated from actual FNR site 1 meteorological data and represents'the lowest dispersion factor determined and the highest frequency of Wind in any sector. Because of the use of the most conservative ' measured values of wind directional frequency.and dispersion factors, this dilution. factor will assure that concentrations of~ radioactive material in ' unrestricted areas around the.FNR site will be far > below the' limits of 10CFR20. The requirements of specif ication 3. 6.2: are' considered - adequateLto assure proper airborne effluent monitoring. 3.7 Liquid Effluents Applicability: This specification supplies to the monitoring of' t radioactive 11guld effluents from the FNR. 1 Objectives: The objective is to assure that exposure to the public resulting from the release of 11guld effluents will be minimized. l

l. Page 20 i
l. .


                                                . TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, Ford Nuclear Reactor Docket 50-2. License R-28 Revision.1- q Specification:
1. - The concen'tration of'radioact1ve-materials in the -

effluent released from the: facility' liquid. waste l system to1the. city of Ann Arbor sanitary sewer- i system-shall not exceed the. concentrations specified. in 10CFR20 for releases:to sanitary sewer systems.  ;

2. The amount of liquid discharged shal'1 not'be limited to the equivalent of 3,000 gallons offliquid'at the f concentration limit specified in.3.7.1 each day..
3. Liquids f rom the f acility's radioactive liquid waste-system shall not be. discharged into the storm drain-system.-

Bases: All radioactive 11guld effluents are collected In'a, series of three, 3.000 gallons, coated, steel retention tank. .The. liquid waste in the tanks is sampled and-analyzed before oischarge. When the concentration is less than the limit of 10CFR20, it is discharged to the sanitary sev1r system. Current exper2ence requires discharges'of less than 50 tanks per year. During 1970, the North Campus water released into the sanitary sewer system-averaged 946,000 gallons'per day. This prov) des a daily.dllution factor of 315 for a 3,000 gallon waste? tank, which assures that there will be no significant exposure


to the public from radioactive waste discharged toLthe sanitary sewer system. 3.8 Limitations of Experiments I 1 Applicability: This specification applies to experiments' installed in-  : the FNR. J Obj e ctive: l To prevent damage to the reactor or excessive release'of ) radioactive materials in the event of an experiment failure. x Page 21

q". A

                        ;y g qqggy TECHNICAL' SPECIFICATIONS
       .y;    .
                                                              'FordLNuclear: Reactor, LDocketL50-2e License R-28 Revisionli>  a i
                     ~ Specif ication:

l a

                     ~1. Each experiment shallTbe; designed'soLthatsthe1           d
                           . surface temperature shallibe below the' temperature
                           ' calculated forJthe inceptionJof: nucleate boiling-.

Prior to? insertion'in,the: reactor.Janyl capsule;which m l .is expected;tonoperate with:an:-internal pressure:in-c ' excess of one atmospherecshall?bettestediatia  ; I pressure twice;the calculated. maximum. pressure.- 4 e a

2. All experiments'which are-in contact with reactor l

coolant'shall'be.eithericorrosionl resistant;orl encapsulated within.corrosionLresistanticontainers. I s3.  : Explosive materials shall:not be placediinLthe-reactorL9001.

4. Neutron radiography'of explosives shallEbe conducted ~

with the explosives contained-in'a blast proof 1rradiation. container, a prototype.ofswhich has been

                           .successfully testediand'demonstrat'edfnot to. fall by detonation of at leastitwice the amount of explosive to be irradiated.
5. The radioactive material content, ' including fission products, of any singly: encapsulated experiments should be'-11r'.ed'so that the: complete. release of all gaseous, r articulate ,and volatile components' from.the encapsulation could not. result in doses in excess of 10% of.the equivalent annual doses stated in.10CFR20. This. dose limit persons occupyingEunrestricted areas continuously for two hours-starting at.. time of release and' '

restricted areas during the length of time' required

                                                                                        ,I to evacuate the restrictediacea.
6. The radioactive material content. .includingzfission l u

products. of any doubly encapsulatedtexperiment should be limited so~that the compitte release of, j i all gaseous, particulate, or volatile components 1 from the encapsulation could not result in. doses 11n excess of the equivalent annual-doses stated in 10CFR20. This dose limit applies to personc- 1 ! occupying unrestricted areas continuously:for1two- 'i l hours starting at.the tim'e:of' release and restricted'


areas during the length of time; required-to evacuate -; the restricted area. i l'


i Page 22 ,

                         ,                                                            -j L                                                   ,            .   -
            ,                        y                         c/;rG&iM?mE MeggF:


                                                ,            -Docket 50-2, License R-28 Revision 1-Bases:

Specifications 3.8.1 through 3.8.4 are intended to-reduce the likelihood of damage to reactor components and radioactivity releases resulting'from experiment failure and serve as.a guide.for the review and' approval of new and untried experiments by. facility' personnel-

                           .and the Safety Review committee.

Neutron radiography is conducted in.a vertical beam . i tube and at horizontal beamports that terminate-at:the .i heavy water reflector tank adjacent to the reactor core. 1 In the: radiography of explosives, the explosive devices i will be' contained, during exposure, inside:a' blast proof enclosure. The enclosure will not~be coupled to the beamtube or beamport and will be constructed'to. fully 1 contain any blast'erfects or; missiles which might-be generated by an accidental. detonation. i Specifications 3.8.5 and 3.8.6 conform to the j

                                                                              .. 2 regulatory position put forth in Regulatory Gul'de   . 2'      l 1ssued November, 1973. The calculations for.

experiment radioactivity limits ~are provided in section 14.3 of the SAFETY ANALYSIS. 1 3.9 Fission Density Limit Applicability: j l This specification applies to fission density limits j in FNR fuel.

Objective: 1 To prevent fuel plate swelling which could result in clad rupture and release of radioactive fission products.


1. The FNR fission density limit shall be 1.5x1021 j fission /cc.

Bases:  ; The fission density limit is below operational' fission densities reached in other operating reactors using the ? same kind of fuel without failures attributed to the fuel. Page 23 4

               ..      ~..              .

Ford NicTiar"Reiitif

                                                           ' Docket 50-2, License R-28  l1 Revision i  1

_ An experimental data base which supports the safe use of UAlx and U 3 0s fuel in the FNR up to the fission density-


j was derivea from irradiation tests performed in:the i Materials Test Reactor (MTR), the. Engineering Test Reactor (ETR), and the Advance Test Reactor (ATR) at the Idaho. National Engineering-Laboratory, the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at-the oar' Ridge National  ; Laboratory, and the German Karlsruhe FR2' reactor, j l l I 1 1 4 l l l 2 I i l l i Page 24 _____m_2.____ __ _ E

T @ %V&WR @ h 6E @ d@ @ $ N 5 M S N M N Nb N N ibbblU b b I 8 '

     , '. '                                                      . Ford. Nuclear Reactor:
                                                            ' Docket.50-2,. License-R-28:
                                                                              . Revision 1 4.0   SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS.

4.1' Beactivity Limits Applicability:

                          .This specificationfapplies to the surveillance-requirements for reactivity. limits.-                              <

Objective: ' To assure that the. reactivity limits of Specification' 3.1'are not exceeded. Specification:

1. Shim safety rod reactivity worths shall'be measured:

a.. Not less than once each calendar year;

b. Whenever the fuel elements in more than three l interior' core locations are replaced;
c. Whenever the replacement of a fuel element in an interior-Core-location results in an element fuel mass change of more than 10%11n that location;
d. Whenever the -addition of more than three standard fuel elements to an outer f ace of the core is made to! achieve the' desired excess reactivity f or'the operation of the reactor.
2. Shim safety rods shall be visually inspected and put through a J1g to check for swelling at least annually.
3. The reactivity worth of those experiments-whose i safety review indicates a need for such a 1 determination shall'be measured pricr to the j experiment's initial use. That' worth shall be verified if core configuration changes' occur 1 which could reasonably be expected to cause l l

' increases in experiment reactivity Worth whereby the i experiment worth could exceed the values specified  ; in Specification 3.1. , s

4. The shutdown margin required by Specification ji 3.1.7 will be verified whenever heavy water  ;

transfers are to be made. j i j i' j i i Page 25 i


JFord NucIia~r~ieaitof Docket 50-2 License ~R-28 Revision 1-Bases:


Specification 4.1.1 wil'1 assure that-shim-safety rod reactivity worths are not degraded or changed by core arrangements. Shim safety. Pod inspections are the single, largest source of radiation exposure to facility personnel. Furthermore, frequent inspections ofishim safety. rods for swelling over the last ten years have. Produced no evidence of swelling or cracking. In order to minimize personnel radiation exposure and provide-an inspection frequency 1that will detect early evidence of-swelling and cracking, an annual inspection interval.was selected for Specification 4.1.2. The specified surveillance' relating to the reactivity worth of experiments will assure that the reactor 1s-not operated for extended periods before determining the reactivity worth of experiments. This specification also provides assurance that experiment reactivity worths do not increase beyond the established-limits due to core configuration changes. Actual verification of the shutdown nargin required '1 in 3.1.1 Will assure the reactor stays subcritical under all possible circumstances during heavy water transfers. 4.2 Heactor Safety System Applicability: This specification applies to the surveillance of the reactor safety system. Objective: To assure that the reactor safety system is operable as required by Specification 3.2. Specification:

1. A channel test of the neutron flux level: saf ety channels, period safety channel, log count rate channels, and power-flow coincidence scrams shall be perf ormed: -
a. Prior to each reactor startup f ollowing a period-when the reactor was secured;
b. After a channel has been repaired or deenergized.

l l Page 26 l ___ -_ - O

  • p505;5M%l%Q$QlQ[QQ f 31G y. j iB Q Q -

Ford Nuclear Reactor- d Docket 50-2, License R-28: i Revision'i. j l

2. A channel calibration of-the safety channels listed q in Table 3.1, which can be calibrated, shall be '

performed-at letst once each calendar year.

3. A. channel check of the neutron flux level safety f channels during-reactor operation. comparing the  ;

channel outputs'with a heat balance,' shall be  ! performed shortly after reaching operating power 1 level and-weekly thereafter if the to be j operated at a thermal power level above 500 kw.

4. The operation of the radiation monito"Ang system required in Specification 3.2 ~shall be verified prior to every reactor startup.for which' safety
                                                                            ]I 1

system channel tests are required as'inu4.2.1. If the system has becn repaired, an operation and setpoint verification will be performed prior to  ; use. i 1

5. The rad 17 tion monitor system required in .

{ Specification 3.2 shall be' calibrated not less than once every six months. - I

6. Shim safety-rod release-drop time shall be' measured I not less than once each calendar year. i 1
7. Shim safety rod rc! ease-drop time shall be measured whenever the shim safety rod's core location-is changed or whenever maintenance-1s performed which could effect the rod's drop time.

Bases: ( Prestartup tests of the safety system channels assure their operability. Annual calibration detects any long 1 term drift that is not detected by normal l intercomparison of channels. The channel check of the l neutron flux level channels assures- that the detectors  ! are properly adjusted to accurately monitor the i parameter they are measuring.


Radiation monitors are checked for proper operation in Specification 4.2.4. Calibration and setpoint verification involve use of a calibration source and  ! sign Micant personnel radiation exposure. It is felt that ovsrall calibration of radiation monitors, which have displayed excellent stability over many 4 l years of operation, every six months is adequate to Verif y the setpoint unless instrument repairs have been 4 l made.


Page 27

   -                                                                          4
       'u             .
                                                               ! Ford?NuiIeif"feictoF   ;j
Docket 50-2..LicenseLR-28 i Revision-1 The measured release-drop times of1the' shim; safety.rdds:

have been: consistent since the installation of.the

                  -boron / stainless < steel shim safety. 1962. . An. 21,         1 check of these-parameters is considered adequateJto:                  !

detect any deterioration which could change the  :

                ! release-drop time.       Binding or. rubbing caused by1 rod:           i misalignment couldJresult from. maintenance; therefore, a

release drop-times will be chocked after such'  ! maintenance. 1 i 4.3 FRE Confinement Building Applicability: This-specification appl'ies to the surveillance of the-facility' openings;andidampers. - Objective: 1 1 To assure that the' condition of.the closure devices for 1 the buildingEopenings are in satisfactory condition to j assure their1 ability to provide adequate. confinement of any airborne radioactivity released into the building. i Specification:

1. The operation of the dampers described in Specification 3.3.1 shall be-tested for operability whenever complete checkout of the reactor control system is required prior to startup. This operability test?will be'a' portion of' the startup checkout list .f or the f acility.
2. ' The condition of the f ollowingfgasRets shall be inspected at intervals not to exceed six months, and the gaskets shall be replaced whenever any evidence j of deterioration is f ound:- 4
a. Building ventilation system intake and exhaust dampers;
b. Personnel access doors; .
c. Equipment access doors; s
d. Cooling tower. access. door.

I Page 28 H

5MMWA@g%PW6*MMSCEEMQ$9 w .: Md4@hMSNM[h[jh h

                                                                                                                                                .: Ford NucleariReactor l Docket 50-2,-License R-28.                                                     .
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ' Revision'1-Bas e's:
                                                                                                .The prestart' check of the main' damper'functioniprovides-assurance.that theJautomatic function provided'by these
                                                                                               . dampers will'be1 actuated:wheniconfinement 1' Lrequired. Theisemiannual. inspection 1of gasket' materials, since'these' materials are'not inDa damaging
atmosphere, Will-provide assurance'that the gaskets-will perform their function ofolimiting leakage through' these openings in the.eventtof a release of' airborne activity"into.the buildingc
4. 4 - Primary Coolant 1Systen-Applicability:

This specification 1 applies toLthe surveillance of the-primary ccolant: system. Objective: i To assure high quality pool water and to detect the  ! release of fission products from fuel elements. Specification:

1. The pH of the primary coolant shall be measured weekly.
                                                                                                 '. The resistivity of the primary coolant shall be                                                                   ,

measured weekly.

3. The radioactivity of the; primary coolant shall be analyzed biweekly. '


4. A record of pool makeup water shall be maintained to I discover significant : leakage of primary coolant f rom the facility.

h Bases: Regular surveillance of pool water quality and radioactivity provides assurance'that pH and conductivity changes that could accelerate the' corrosion j of the primary coolant system would be detected.before i significant corrosive damage would ' occur, and that the j l- presence:of leaking fuel elements in the reactor is  ! l detected. ' l: i Routine inspection of makeup water needs over a period of time provides early warning of small-pool water. 1 leaks. $ Pige 29 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ u

                ;                               -          M @M WMW" N$@NN                  Z         ' W 9 M @Yhd[h[hkh}fN[T b $

Ford Nuclear Reactori i ' o. l Docket 50-2sLLicense;R-28?


Revision *i. .' - 4.5" Heavy Water Reflector Tant: ' Applicability:' '

This specification'appliesito' surveillance requirements
                              .                                 .regarding the.. heavy, water reflector tank usedcin the reactor core.                                          ,-
 ..                                                               Obj ective: .                                                 .

Tocassure that-the'1imitsLof Specification 13.'5'are not , exceeded'. Specification:'

1. TheJtritium: content l:ofLthe heavy. water' reflector.

Ltank' measured quarterly-provided.the:

                                                                        -reactor:has" operated during?the. period =.

Bases: Reactor experience lduring:theLlast twenty < years.with.the. tritium production ratelin theltankEsupportsithe-conclusion thatlquarterlystritium-analyses'are' suf f icient .to preventiviolation of1 Specification- ' 3.5.1.

                                                ' 4.6            Airborne Ef fluents L                                                                 Applicability:                                                       '

i This specification applies ,to the surveillance 1ofuthe-monitoring equipment'used to measure airborne radioactivity. Objective: The-object $ve is to assure that: accurate.aseessmentiof airborne -*fluents L o l Specification: o

1. The building exhaust air-radiation monitor:shal'l?be'
                                                                        ' calibrated.notnless.than.once every six months. -
2. The particulateJair monitors-shall be calibratedLnot.

" less than1once every six: months. - > 3 .1


L Thegag{ousactivitymonitors;shall;be? for'AP calibrated.  ! not 'less thant onceTevery'six:monthsc. l1 l 4'. The; operation of4all airborneLactivity monitors. d shall'be checked daily exceptLwhen the. reactor. staff-i 5.s not'present in the_ facility. g Page-30;


o . 7- , . . , C~_l '

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                                                      .. Ford Nuclear: Reactor kh   '

Docket 50-2.-License'R-28 Revision 1 Bases: Experience with the electronicireliability'and

                -calibration stability of therunits used byLthe Ford Nuclear Reactor demonstrates.that the above periodt are reasonable surveillance. frequencies.
          -4.7   Liquid-Effluents Applicability:
                -This specification applies to the surveillance of the monitoring equipment used to measure the activity in liquid effluents.

l 0bjective:- l The objective is to assure that_ accurate assessment of liquid effluents can be made.- Specification:

1. The monitoring equipment'used to measure the i radioactive concentrations,in the Waste' retention tank' contents shall be calibrated not less than )

l once every six months.  !

2. The contents of ever tank *eleased'shall be

) sampled'and evaluated prior to its-release. , I Bases: l Experience with the counting equipment used in I measuring the radioactivity in the waste' retention-tanks suggests that the above period 1s a suitable  ; calibration frequency. 1 4.8 Fission Density Limits , Applicability: This specification applies to the surveillance requirements f or fission der:sity limits. l Objective: To assure that the fission density limits of Specification 3.9 are not exceeded. ' Spec if ication: l 1. The fission density of all fuel elements which have uranium-235 burnup shall be' calculated at least i quarterly, i Page 31 [ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

IM$)$f47sN@NsNdilh.${$k!hk$h??' :J 'Nd9/$byidMNesff

                                                          . Ford Nuclear Reactor Docket 50-2 License R-28.

Revision 1 Bases:' Determination of fission densities on a quarterly basis will ensure that the fission density limits of Specification-3.9 are not exceeded. Fuel element swelling will be kept well below levels which could result in clad rupture and release of radioactive fission products.

                                                                                 'l l

I i { Page 32

ega rm WA#W WGDJ29iWP @ M * *

                                                                             . Ford' Nuclear Reactor Docket'50-2, License-R-28       i Revision:11   a 5 . 10 DESIGH FEATUEEi                                                          '

B 5.1 Site Description- ' The Ford Nuclear Reactor-(FNR)' is located on the' North Campus of the University of Michigan at Ann: Arbor, Michigan. The North Campus = area is under the J a administrative control.of the Regents of the University j of. Michigan. The North Campus is a tract of nearly'900 acres, about j 1-1/2 miles northeast of the center of Ann Arbor. O bounded on the north by Plymouth Road and on the south l by Glacier Way. Open land and the Arborcrest Cemetery- a lie to the east. To the west.are University athletic fields, municipal parks and a wooded ridge. The Huron


River flows through land bordering the area on the west: and south and some marshland lies. adjacent to the river j i on.the south. ] The reactor building is located neat the center of the North Campus area. Development of the North Campus , j area by the University has been done using the following q guidelines:



1. Only laboratory and research buildings will'be i constructed within 500 feet of the reactor.' l1
2. No housing or other buildings containing-housing l f acilities will be erected within 1500' f eet of 'the H reactor. i The University of Micuigan controls al'1 the land witnin I 1500 f eet of the reactor site,- with the exception of a small portion of the highway right of way along 1 Glacier Way on the' southeast.and the Arborcrest Cemetery located 800 feet to the east of the site.

The reactor site consists of all the land 500 feet to the east, 1000 feet to the west and north and 1200 feet to the south. The boundary of this area consists of roadways around th; site whose traffic flow can be controlled should such control be desirable. The reactor restricted area consists of the reactor building and the contiguous Phoenix Memorial Laboratory (PML). The reactor building is the operations boundary and the emergency planning zone. Page.33

m J FordT NucTear"Eiailof I Docket 50-2,. License.E-26 LEevision.1 . 5. 2' -Reactor. Fuel- 1 i The fuel assembliesishall be.of the MTR type, consisting-of plates containing uranium aluminide-(UAl oxide (U18 0 ). fuel enriched to'less than 20%x).or in the uranium-

                    .                         1sotope.U235 cladiwith aluminum.-

3 1

                                             'The authorized fuel assembly designs are:                                 i Maximum-                  : Maximum-        ,

i Number: _ Plate. Loading ' Assembly-Loading of Plates (a U235) -fg U235)

                                                                                                                      's 18                 9.28L+/- 2%              - 167.+/-.2%-

9 9.28 +/- 2% 84 +/- 2%- U 5.'3 Heactor Building The reactor building is.a. windowless, four_ story-reinforced concrete building withri2: inch 1 walls structurally integral with the footings'and foundation- i mats. The building is,approximately 69-feet: wide x.68 i feet long x 70' feet high with approximately 44 feet exposed above grade. .The building:has the following general features:

1. The reactor is housed'in a closed room designed to 1 restrict leakage.
2. The reactor room is' equipped with a ventilation system designed 101 exhaust air'or other gases  ;

present in the building. atmosphere into an exhaust- ' stack which exhausts a minimum of .54 f eet above ground level.

3. The ventilation system provides ventilation'for certain storage and' experimental: f acilities and exhausts these a minimum of 54 feet:above~ ground i level.
4. The openings into.the reactor' building are'an- l equipment access door, three personnel doors,-an  ;

equipment access hatch,_ air intake and-exhaust-ducts, room 3103 fume hood. exhaust duct,' beamport ventilation duct, a sealed north 1wallEdoor..a door ~ s between~the-hot cave operating face and the beamport i floor, and a pneumatic tube system for-sample transfer between the FNR and several laboratories  ; in the Phoenix Memorial-Laboratory. ^ l Page 34

RRdQ Es!@pg@jf@@ W ii@f M @ T 3Mi' M Y u ; M N k T[ d 1hAk Sh$b S) e , Ford Nuclear Reactor'

                                                          . Docket 50-2,-License R-28.

Revision i 5.4 Fuel. Storage l g

1. Irradiated fuel elements.and fueled devices.shall'be.

stored in an array.which will permit sufficient natural convection cooling by water or air such that the fuel'. element or fueled' device temperature will~not exceed 100 C.

2. AllLreactor fuel elementsnand fueled. devices shall be a geometric array which assures subcriticality. The. array spacings.will be based on the. experimental results reported in ORNL-CF-58-9-40 for storage array experiments.

performed with ORR and BSF~ fuel elements.

                                                                                        'f I

l I 1 i . Page 35 C 1__________._ -.._

Ford NUcTeir"Riletor.

                                                                                                          ' Docket 50-2, License R-28
                                                                                                                           ~ Revision 1  !


1. -The organizational-structure of the University of-
                             ,                                              Michigan.relatir.g to the Ford Nuclear Reactor (FNR)         4 shall be as shown in Figure 6.1.
2. The Nuclear Itactor Laboratory Manager shall be. ji '

~ responsible.for the safe operation of the FHR. He-shall be responsible for assuring that all operations are conducted in a safe manner and within the limits prescribed by the facility license, including the technical specifications o l and operating procedures. During periods-of his absence his responsibilitle" are delegated to the Assistant Manager for Operaf 0ns or to the AssistantManagerforResearchSupportActivities.ji

3. 'In all matters pertaining to the operation of the plant and these technical specifications, the y Nuclear Reactor Laboratory Manager shall report ji to and be directly responsible to the Director, l Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project. . i l


4. Qualifications, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory Manager and Assistant Managers: Minimum l1 i qualifications for the. Nuclear Reactor Laborator_y Manager and Assistant Man _ager.S shall be bachelor's i degrees and at least four years of reactor operating experience in increasingly responsible positions. Years spent in graduate study may be. u substituted for operating experience on a one for I one basis up to a maximum of two years. Within six months after'being assigned these positions,  ;
                                                                          ,the Nuclear Reactor Laboratory Manager and the

, Assistant Managers shall apply for NRC senior i operator licenses if they do 'not already hold a  : license.

5. A health physicist who is organ 12ationally independent of the FNR operations group shall .e responsible for radiological safety at the facility.
6. A licensed operator or licensed senior operator pursuant to 10CFR55 shall be present in the control

' room whenever the r?!ctor is in. operation as defined-in these specifications. The miniaum-operating crew shall be composed of two individuals, at least one of whom shall be_a_ l1 licensed senior reactor' operator. Page 36 l

hh&&$5$k?&&b9ih?!&$$$iS@$$$$$0?hh N - h [ffy Ford Huclear Reactor Docket 50-2. License:R-26 l R,evision i .i The Nuclear Reactor Laboratory Manager or one of


, 7. theAssistantMARAgersshall.bereadilyavailable'l1

An call 24 hours per day, seven days per week. l The11dentity of and method for rapidly. contacting-the on-call manager :Lall be known to the reactor operator or: shutdown. watchman on; duty.
8. Licensed senior-operators or operators are not-required to be present in the f acility when the reactor is secured.
9. All licensed operators at the facility shall . '

participate in an. approved operator requalification j program as a condition.of their-continued assignment; 1 of operator duties., j l 6.2 Review and Audit 1

1. A Saf ety Review Committee '(SRC) shallireview reactor operatior and advise'the Director, Michigan 4 Memorial-Phoenix Project, in matters relating to the i health and safety of the public and the' safety of '

facility operations.

2. The Safety Review-Committee shall have at least I'

eight members of'whom no more than the minority shall be from the line organization shown in Figure 6.1 or administratively report to anyone in that line organization below-the Vice President for Research. The Committee shall be made up of' University staf f and f aculty who shall . collectively provide experience in reactor engineering, instrumentation and control systems. Radiological safety, and mechanical and electrical-systems. 1

3. 1 The Committee shall meet at least semiannually.
4. The quorum shall consist of not less than a majority of the full committee and shall include the chairman-or his designated alternate.
5. Five votes are required to approve those changes, experiments, and tests which require specific SRC- i approval. Votes may be cast at SRC meetings or via individual polling of members, j i
6. Minutes of each Committee meeting shall be i distributed to the Director, Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project, all Safety Review Committee members, and such others as the chairman may designate.

Page 37

                                                                                                 .. Ford Nuclisr~iiacioF   q
                                                                                             -Docket 50-2, License.E-28'        1 iRevision i        1

_. Figure 6.1 Organization Chart 1for the Ford Nuclear Reactor i

                                                                          ' Regents' University of: Michigan                                        i President                                             l 1

q Vice President -; Research l 1 i r 1 I i Director Director

                                                                                                                           .j l

Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project Radiation Control Service 3 l . i b l i Safety Review

                                                              '---             Committee 1

1 i Nuclear Reactor Health Physicist Laboratory Manager  !


i Assistant Manager Assistant Manager l Reactor Operations Research' Support Activities l1 l 1 j i i Line Function.

                                                                                       -----         Safety and' Licensing'Fenetion i

1 l Licensed Operators

                                                                        -Page 38'

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                + i                                     '
                                                                   'h ) f fff Ford Huclear Reactor Docket 50-2,1 License R-26 Revision i
7. The Saf ety Review Committee shall:
a. Review and' approve proposed experiments and tests.

utilizing the. reactor facility which are significantly different from tests and; experiments previously: performed at the'FNR. In the eventlof.a disagreement over approval.of an experiment between the Committee and the Nuclear.ReactorLaboratoryManager..thematter-l1 shall be the Director Michigan- , Memorial-Phoenix Project for resolution.

b. Review reportable occurrences,
c. Review and approve proposed standard operating'_

procedures and proposed' changes-to. standard-operating procedures. This requirement pertains l to.those procedures prepared pursuant'to Section 6.4 of these. specifications.

d. Review and approve proposed changes to the:

technical specifications and proposed' amendments to the facility license and review proposed changes to the facility made pursuant to 10CFR50.59(c). i

e. Review the audit report provided by the  !

consultant for-reactor operations.  !

8. A consultant will be retained by the University of-Michigan to' perform an annual audit of reactor operations and the safety of. facility operations.

The consultant shall be selectedLby the Director, Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project and shall be an individual presently or recently engaged in the management of a research or test reactor of 1 comparable power level'and type. He shall provide i a report on the conclusions drawn from that audit 1 to the Director, Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project. ] The Director shall provide the-members of the Safety J Review Committee with copies of this. report.

9. The consultant for operations shall:
a. Audit reactor operations-and' reactor. operational records for compliance with internal rules, )

procedures. and regulations and with license provisions including technical specifications; j

b. Audit existing standard operating procedures for adequacy and to assure that they achieve their intended purpose in light ~of any changes since i their implementation
  • J l

Page 39 i

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                                                          ' Ford Nuclei"r~Reictoi .l Docket 50-2,. License'R-28        ;

Revision i _. c. Audit. plant equipment performance with particular attention to operating anomalies.. reportable q occurrences. and the steps.taken to identify and' correctutheir causes. 6.3 Action to Be Taten in the Event:of a Reportable Occurrence H In the event of a reportable occurrence, as defined in ) these technical specifications, the f ollowing action 1 shall be taken: 3 i

1. The N_uclear Reactor Laboratory Manager shall be "

notified of the occurrence. Corrective action l1 shall be taken to correct the abnormal conditions R i and to prevent its' recurrence..

2. A report of such occurrence shall be made to the Saf ety Review Committee; the Director, Michigan 1 Memorial-Phoenix Project; and-the Nuclear Regulatory k Commission in accordance with Section 6.6.2.a. 1 The report shall include an' analysis of the causes j of the occurrence, the effectiveness of corrective I actions taken, and recommended of measures to- i prevent or reduce the probability of consequences 1 of recurrence. j 6.4 Operatina Procedures
                 -Vritten procedures, including applicable check lists, reviewed and approved by the Safety Review Committee shall be in effect and followed for the following operations:
1. Startup, Operation and. shutdywn of the reactor;
2. Installation and removal of fuel elements, control <

rods, experiments and experimental f acilities;

3. Actions to be taken to correct specific and foreseen  ;

potential malfunctions of systemstor components, ' including responses to alarms, suspected primary coolant system leaXs, and abnormal reactivity changes;

4. Emergency. conditions involving potential or actual release of radioactivity, including provisions for evacuation, reentry, recovery, and medical support;
5. Maintenance procedures which could have an effect on reactor saf ety;.
6. Periodic surveillance of reactor instrumentation and safety systems, area monitors, and continuous air t monitors;
                                     'Page 40

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                                                                -                   . i Ford Nuclear: Reactor
                                                                               . Docket 50-2, License'R-26
                                                                                                 ; Revision:1
7. ; Facility security; plan;f 8.. Radiation:protectionLprocedures.
                  .             ' Substantive ch&nges=to.the aboveiprocedure1shall1be
                                'made-only with?the.-approval?.of the-Safety Review- .;

Committee. Temporary.changesEto..the procedures'that: do notJchange(their original intent may be made with: approval'oftheNuclearReactorLaboratoryManageror,l1 one of the Assistant Managers. All temporary changes to the procedures shall be documented and subsequently; " reviewed by'the' Safety: Review Committee. 6.5 Operating Records

1. The f ollowing . records! and logs :shall: be: prepared and
                                      . retained by the licensee _f or. at- least .five syears:-
a. Normal f acility operation and maintenance;
b. Reportable 0ccurrences;
c. Tests,' checks,'and measurements documenting ,

compliance with surveillance requirements;:

d. Records of experiments _ performed:
e. Records of radioactive shipments; 1 1
f. Operator requalification program' records:(the  !

five year period will commence af ter: termination of the assignment of the operatorsto operative duties );

g. Facility radiation and contamination surveys.. j l
2. The following records'and logs shall be: prepared <and retained by the1 licensee for.the life of the f acility:
a. Gaseous and 11guld waste' released to the environs; J

b.- Offsite environmental monitoring surveys;;

c. Radiation exposures 1for all FNR personnel; . l
                                      .d.         Fuel inventories and transf ers;
                                        'e.       Updated, corrected      and as built facility drawings;                                                         a 1
f. ' Minutes:ofSafetyReviewComdatteemeetings., l Page 411 '

I i,. ' y c. + 9

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                                                                                                     . Ford Nuclear Reactor Docket 50-2, License R-28                           -

RevisionLi ' 6.6' Reporting Requirements. The following. information-shalI be submittedito'the USNRC in addition to the reports required by. Title.10, ' Code of-Federal Regulations.: All written reports shall 1 be addressed:to'the.U.'S. Nuclear-Regulatory. Commission, Attn: Document Control Desk, Washington,~ D.C. 20555 with'a copy to the Administrator, Region-III.

                            -1.                Annual: Operating Reports-                                                                            i A report covering the previous year submittedL                                                    '

j by March 31 of each. year. It shal1 include the  ; fo11owing information. -1 l a. Operations Summary -l 1 A summary of operating experience having. safety " significance occurring during'the. reporting.

1. Changes in facility design.

l 2. Performance characteristics: (e.g., . equipment  ! I and fuel performance)~.

3. Changes-in operating-. procedures.Which relate to the safety of facility operations.
4. Results of. surveillance tests.;and inspections. required by'these technical l specifications. '
5. A brief summary.of those changes, tests,'and experiments'which required authorization from the commission pursuant to 10CTR50.59(a). .
6. Changes in the plant operating staff serving in the following positions:

y a, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory Manager;_ l1.

b. Health Physicist;-
c. Safety' Review Committee' members.  !

b. Power Generation ' A monthly tabulation of theLthermal output.of the. facility during the reporting period;. 1 < [ 14 [I~' Page 42- , 1-1, 2!> y-A' i'- u m . 1

                                                                             ,                               t        d?        o

yC4N9W4MMMRM$@@S$3%WM'd@MN hC p .  !- , hPEI Ford Nuclear: Reactor,' Docket 50-2,-License:R-26 Revision in n

c. ' Shutdowns o a

A list'ing ofLunscheduled' shutdowns which'have' , 1 occurred during the reporting; period,: tabulated ~

                                   'according to cause, and a brief-discussionfof)                      3 the s actions.taken tonprevent recurrence.-
d. Maintenance
                                   .A discussionioficorrective maintenance, excluding preventive. maintenance.. Performed:

during the reporting: period on safety relateds systems.and components. 1

e. Changes,'LTests, and' Experimental .e i A'brief"descriptionLand a summary of the4 safety
                                   ; evaluation'for those changes, tests,Jand-                    '

experluents.which'were. carried.out without prior 1 commission approval, pursuantotolthe requirements of 10CFR50:59(a).. a;

f. ' Radioactive Effluent' Releases' '

j 1 A statement of the,quantitlesLof radioactive. effluents released"from thefplant.- ] 1

1. Gaseous Effluents-
a. Gross Radioactivity' Releases
1. Total gross radioactivity inEcuries.

primarily noble and activation" gases, i

2. Average-concentration of. gaseous
                                              ,      effluents released:during-normal                   !

7.eady' state operation = averaged over .f 1 period of rea'ctor operation.

3. Maximum instantaneous-concentration -

of noble gas radionuclides released i' during special operations -tests, or f experiments. L l

4. Percent'of technical specification j limit. '

r {f 's/ i m  ;


((, ' [o '4 Page 43. , i I Tk , . . , ' g,nv .

Ford lN5hTWr:EhcW DocRet'50-2, LicenseLR-28 l:

Revi.lon 1 C '

                                                          .                      o                                                  :
b. Iodine Releases -


                       ..-                                     ..      - . - . .          . , -     . . . - -                       1
                                                    . . .(Required'if' lodine is.1'dentifled in".                                J primory coolantLsamples. or if fueled.                                        -i experiments.are conducted at the.                                            l
              .                                     facility.-)                                                                     1
1. Total lodine: radioactivity in curies' by'nuclide released,~basedLon Li representative isotopic analyses: 1 performed.

1 1

2. Percent of MPC.
c. Particulate Releases 1.- Total' gross. beta and gamma radioactivity-released in curies.

excluding background radioactivity.. ]

2. Gross alpha: radioactivity.releasedi in curies-excluding background .

i radioactivity.. (Required if:the operationalLorfexperimental. program could result in the release'of alpha ' emitters.)'

3. ' Total gross radioactivity in curies s

of nuclides with half lives greater ~ l than eight days.



4. Percent of MPC'for particulate radioactivity with half lives l

greater than.eight days. j o

2. Liquid Effluents
a. Total gross beta and gamma radioactivity ,

released in curies excluding tritium and l average concentration released-to the, unrestricted area or sanitary sewer ~J averaged over period of release,

b. The maximum concentration of beta and i gamma radioactivity. released;to the unrestricted area.

l _ j

c. Total alpha curies 'j released and average concentration 1 released'to the unrestricted area- i averaged'over-the period of-release. l l (Required if.the operational or '~

experimental program could. result'in the release of~ alpha emitters.-) j Page.44

                                                                                                                               >i av           : .. - .
                                                                            .7 . . -


 . . a . s-NNNNN5NE                        y    h[ N Ford Nuclear.Reactort
                                               . Docket.50-2, License R-28.

Revision 1 d.- Total.' volume in ml~of liquid waste

                             ; released..
e. Total'Yolume in ml of. water used to dilute the 11guld waste during the. period:

of~ release :priorato release f rom the building to the sanitary sewer system. f./ Total rad'ioactivityEin' curies, and concentration averaged over the.periodiof release by nuclide released, based'on: representative isotopic'. analyses performed for any release from a waste storage tank whose contents have a concentration in excess ofi9X10-4 microcuries/cc..

g. Percent of technical' specification limit for total radioactivity from:the site,
g. Environmental Monitoring For each medium- sampled:
1. Number of sampling locations and a description of their location. relative to the reactor.
2. Total number of samples.
3. Number of locations at which levels are found to be significantly higher than the-remaining locations.
4. Highest, lowest, and the annual' average concentrations.or levels of radiation for the sampling point with the highest average and the location of that point with respect to the site.
5. The maximum-cumulative radiation dose which-could have been received by an individual.

continuously present in an unrestricted area during reactor operation from:

a. Direct radiation and gaseous ef fluent;
b. Liquid effluent.

I I Page 45

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3 0PdT HUcIeaE ieai E

                                      ,                       : Docket:50-2.1 License 1R-26,    ;
                                                          ,f                    < Revision i' 6.'If ' levels o'foradioactive:materialscin-                         i fenvironmentalLmedia,=:asidetermined;by an?                     'l
environmen tal .. monitoring ' program, oindicat'e
                              .the likelihood of'publiccintatesfin excess.


of!iXLof:those that could result from. t continuous exposure:to;the concentration: 1 values: listed?in Appendix-B,-Table'II,
                              -10CFR20, estimates of the slikely: resultant' 3

exposurecto individuals and'to population' i

                              -groups ~andfassumptionsLupon which estimates:                    }
are based. .
7. If significantovariationsJof"offsite- I environmental concentrations with time-areL. i, observed. correlation ofLtheseiresults-with-
                              . effluent release shall'be1providedt                           j
h. 0 occupational 1 Personnel Radiat' ion: Exposure. y l

I-A summary of annual radiationJexposures greater than 500 mremL (50 mrem'f or persons underf 18-years of, age) received during.the reporting period by f acility. personnel' including f aculty,

                                                                                              .i students, or experimenters.                                          l l
2. Non-Routine. Reports.
                     .a. Reportable occurrence Reports
                         ' Notification shall be made.within 24 hours by                      1 telephone and telegraph to'the: Director of.the                    :j appropriate Regional Inspection and Enforcement                       )

Of fice f ollowed by a written report:within 14 4 the U. S.' Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Attn: Document: Control < Desk,JWashington . D. C. 20555, with a copy'to the: Director of-the Regional Inspection and Enforcement Office in the event of a reportable: occurrence,'as defined in Section 1.0. Telegraph notification maytbe sent on the next working day ~1n 'the event. of a-reportable occurrence during a1 weekend.or ,j holiday period. The-written report- of a- . 1 reportable-occurrence, and, to the: extent; ~i possible. the preliminary. telephone.and telegraph' notification shall: 4

1. Describe, analyze, .and: evaluate cafety' ~


2. Outline the measures taken to' assure that the cause'of the condition is determined; -

l l-l a Page.46!

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    , 18 r . ^ -   '
                                                                        ;   . iFord Nuclear HeactorH Docket:50-2,1 License R-28.


                                                                                         -Revision !!         )
                                           '3. IndicateLthe. Corrective actionLincludin'gfany              1
                                               . changes!made to:the. procedures and:to the                     l quality assurance' program'takennto preventL               l repetition'of the occurrence 1and-of.similari occurrences' involving similar componentsfors systems;-                                                 .j y
4. Evaluate:the' safety implications.of the incident in' light of the cumulative; ^

j experience obtained.from-the record'of. previous failure and malfunctions of'similar systems and components.

b. . Unusual Events-
                                           .A written report shall'be' forwarded.within 30 days to the.U S.' Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Attn:, Document' Control Desk Vashington D. C. "t 20555, with_a copy to the: Director oflthe. .! Regional' Inspection and Enf orcement Of fice in ' the event-of:- , 1

1. Discovery of any substantial errors in~the l

, transient or accident analyses or in-the o methods used for such analyses,'asidescribed , in the~~ safety' analysis ~or in the. bases 'l for the technical specifications; I j

2. Discovery of any substantial = variance from ' l performance specifications contained'in the technical ~ specifications and safety analysis.
3. Discovery of any condition involving a I possible single failure which, for_a system i designed against assumed failures, could' l result in a loss of the capability of the system to perform its safety function.

R L 1 ' l l* I  : i

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Ford HUCIEar~Reacio~r Docket 50-2. License-R-28 Revision i ! i 1 I l, l l I ~ Page 48

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