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Exam Rept 50-228/OL-88-01 on 880413.Exam Results:Of Two Candidates Administered Test,One Passed & Given Senior Reactor Operator License & One Failed Written Exam & Not Granted License.Master Copy of Test Encl
Person / Time
Site: Aerotest
Issue date: 05/23/1988
From: Coe D, Elin J
Shared Package
ML20197F498 List:
50-228-OL-88-01, 50-228-OL-88-1, NUDOCS 8806130339
Download: ML20197F502 (156)


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Enclosure 1 Examination Report No. 50-228/0L-88-01 Facility: Aerotest Radiography and Research Reactor Docket No. 50-228 Examinations administered at Aerotest Operations, Inc. San Ramon, California. -

NRC Chief Examiner: M _m .

I/ 7 5' Douglas H. Coe Date Operat r icen ng Examiner

// )

Approved: '

John lin, Chief 6/L)/6 Ope ions Section Odte/


Examination on April 13, 1988 (Report No. 50-228/0L-88-01)

Two candidates were administered written and operating examinations. One candidate for an SR0 license passed both sections of the examination and was given a license. One candidate for an R0 license passed the operating examination but failed one section of the written examination and was not granteo' a license.

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8806130339 880525 PDR ADOCK 05000228 V ncn 6..+- _.,-


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1/0 1/0 Written Exam

. 0/1 1/0 ,

Overall 0/1 1/0


Contractor Personnel W. S. Roesener (EG&G), Chief Examiner Facility Personnel R. L. Newacheck, President I. Lamb, Reactor Supervisor




A. Future reference packages to the NRC for test preparations should include the following in addition to what was sent for this exam:

i. Experimental procedures ii. Core loading (1/m) procedures iii. Surveillance procedures iv. Hazards Report

Technical Specification bases if not part of iv I


or v above. l


B. References are made to instrumented fuel elements in the written reference material provided. Present status of these elements l should be included in reference materials.

C. The Radiological Safety Of ficer did not initial the Operations Request Form for approval of the Ion Exchanger resin change-out.

The facility reviewed the appropriate forms and made the necessary corrections.

l 4

.gp of tw ^ - "'

. 's , ,

( (

D. A drip was noted off the inlet piping to the Ion Exchanger. The facility investigated the leak and determine that no significant problem existed. The leak was cleaned up.

E. It was recommended that production schedule conflicts be clearly explained to the NRC in advance of the exam, and that requests for early morning ar.'d/or evening exams be made in advance of examiners -

arrival on site.

1 1


NRC Official Use Only i% y s

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

' Operator Licensing Examination a

e This document is removed from Official Use Only category on date of examination.

NRC Official Use Only MAS"RCOPY






Use separate paper for the answers. Write answers on one side onl y.

Staple question sheet on top of the answer sheets. Points /or each question are indicatet in parentheses after the question. The passing grade requires at least 70% in each category. Examination papers will be picked up six (6) hours after the examination starts.



________ ___________ ________ pg - ni Final Grade  ;

All work done on thi s examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid.

i ___________________________________

Candidate's Signature

NRC RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR LICENSE EXAMINATIONS During the administration of this examination the following rules apply:

of your application

1. Cheating on the examination means an automatic denial severe penalties.

and could result in more Restroom trips are to be limited and only one candidate at a time may 2.


You must avoid all contacts with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the appearance or possibility of cheating.


Use black ink or dark pencil only to f acilitate legible reproductions.


Print your name in the blank provided on the cover sheet of the examination.


Fill in the date on the cover sheet of the examination (if necessary).

Use only the paper provided for answers.


7. Print your name in the upper right-hand corner of the first page of each section of the answer sheet.


Consecutively number each answer sheet, write "End of Category write __" side only on one as appropriate, start each category on a new page, of the paper, and write "Last Page" on the last answer sheet.

for example, 1.4, 6.3.

9. Number each answer as to category and number,
10. Skip at least three lines between each answer.

answer sheets face

31. Separate answer sheets from pad and place finished down on your desk or table.
12. Use abbreviations only if they are commonly used in facility literature.
13. The point value for each question is indicated in parentheses after the question and can be used as a guide for the depth of answer required.

14 Show all calculations, methods, or assumptions used to obtain an answer l to mathematical prob. ems whether indicated in the question or not.

Partial credit may be given.



16. If parts of the examination are not clear as to intent, ask questions of the examiner only.
17. You must sign the statement on the cover sheet that indicates that the work is your own and you have not received or been given assistance in completing the examination. This must be done after the examination has been completed.

~ ~ ' - . ___ . _ , ,




18. When you complete your examination, you shall a.

Assemble your examination as follows:

" (1) Exam questions on top.

(2) Exam aids - figures, tables, etc.


Answer pages including figures which are part of the answer, b.

Turn in your copy of the examination and all pages used to answer the examination questions.


Turn in all scrap paper and the balance of the paper that you did not use for answering the questions.

If after Leave the examination area, as defined by the examiner.

are f ound in thi s area while the examination is still d.

l eavi ng , you in progress, your license may be denied or revoked.

l l

i J

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QUESTION A.01 (2.00)

a. Define Bath Temperature Coefficient. t
b. Define Prompt lemperature Coefficient. ,

QUESTION A.02 (2.00) a.

How does a fuel temperature increase result in the hardening of the neutron spectrum?


How does hardening of the neutron spectrum result in a decrease in reacti vi ty?

QUESTION A.03 (2.00)


b_ '" ir 9-T^ Ec c EC T !'!E ; ::tcr th;r C E T ^ ~' Nlcked QUESTION A.04 (1.00) l Why has the strength of the installed neutron source increased since i t i i

was originally installed?

1 k

QUESTION A.05 (1.00)

a. How long does it take Xenon to buildup to equilibrium from a Xenon free condition?
b. How long does it take for Xenon to peak after shutdown from equilibrium Xenon conditions?

QUESTION A.06 (1.00)

What is the Reactor power increases from 40 to 60 watts in 20 seconds.

reactor period associated with this power i ncrease?

4 e



What is the approximate core reactivity, + /- $.01, associated with a period of 10 seconds?

QUESTION A.08 (1.00)

Why is graphite a better reflector than water?

QUESTION A.09 (3.00)

If the reactor was operating at 250 kW when the safety rod was dropped the power woul d immedi atel y drop to about 50 kW and then decay slowly to a final steady state value of a few thc;usand counts per second.

(Note: in answering the questions below, calculations are neither required nor desired.)

a. The loss of what component of the neutron flux causes the sharp drop in power?
b. What determines the rate of power decrease at about five minutes after the rod i s dropped?
c. Why does the power stabilize after approximately one hour when keff is less than 1.O?

(***** END OF CATEGORY A *****)

W- -

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What are the TWO purposes for maintaining high pool water purity?

QUESTION B.02 (1.00)

What are the Technical Specification pH AND conductivity l i mi ts?

QUESTION B.03 (1.00)

What design feature of the pool makeup system prevents overflow of the pool?

QUESTION B.04 (1.00)

What is the purpose of the foot valve in the suction line to the primary pump?

QUESTION B.05 (2.00)

a. Is it possible to siphon the pool below the Technical Specification level limit via the suction line if a break occurs in the primary coolant loop? Explain specifically how it would occur or what would ,

prevent it. l

b. Is it possible to siphon the pool below the Technical Specification level limit via the discharge line if a break occurs in the primary coolant loop? Explain specifically how it would occur or what would prevent it.

QUESTION B.06 (1.50)

How is the control rod piston prevented from slamming into the bottom of l the barrel?




l Pcge 7 D2__EE9IUBEg_gE_E891bily_QgQN t , \ QUESTION B.07 (1.00) What is the approximate vertical travel of a control rod during normal operations? An accuracy of +/- 1 0*/. is required. l 1 QUE ON B.08 (3.00) Using e top view of the core provided in Attachment 0-1, i ndicate the following or the present core configuration:

a. location o e regulating rod.  :
b. location of the s ty rod.
c. location of the source.
d. location of the Glory Hole,
e. outline of ONE of the two TRIANGULAR radiation f acilities.
f. name of the component located at G10.

i l QUESTION B.09 (1.50)

a. From what mater i al (s) is the shield portion of the beam catcher shield made? (0.50)
b. What is the height of the shielding material (s)? (1.00) l i

i (***** END OF CATEGORY B *****) t 4

                                     , - -    -        ,,,.a - , - , . , . -  ...n--. -. -e- -- - ,.n,   . - ,  .- . ..   -.-.-

1 2 1


QUESTION C.01 (1.00) Why is the primary pump switched on at startup rather than waiting for the temperature switch to activate? QUESTION C.02 (1.00) What is the name of the heat transfer process that cools the CORE? QUESTION C.03 (1.00) Cal cul ate the time (in minutes) it wtuld take the pool water to rise f rom 70 to 100 F if the reactor was operating at 250 kW. A copy of the calorimetric procedure is included as Attachment Q-2. Assume a normal pool level. An accuracy of +/- 5 minutes is required. QUESTION C.04 (1.00) Multiple Choice With the reactor pool outlet initially at 80 F and the reactor at 250 kW, a reduction in primary flow rate f rom normal to 100 gpm wills

a. Eventually result in a reactor scram if no operator action is taken.
b. Result in an immediate scram,
c. Cause the cooling tower fan to operate more frequently.
d. Result in a higher steady state pool outlet temperature.

I l l QUESTION C.05 (1.00) Considering that the Safety rod and Shim rod are both located in the same ring, why is the safety rod worth more than the shim rod f or the present core loading scheme? 1

                                                 .                                                                                     1


l l Page 9 C. GENERAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS QUESTION C.06 (2.00) . Assuming that the rod worths are not affected significantly, what would be the affect, if any, of moving the Glory Hole closer to.the center of the core on:

a. the critical rod position at 1000 watts?
b. the change in rod position from 1000 watts to 250 kW?

QUESTION C.07 (2.00) List FOUR ways in which ARRR personnel may adjust excess reactivity such that the limit of Technical Specification section 5.1.2 is approached. Technical Specification 5.1.2 states that: The maximum excess reactivity above cold clean critical, with or without experiments in place, shall be 3 dollars. QUESTION C.OB (1.50)

  • Given that the reactor is critical at .01 watt, what behavior / trend would you expect to observe on the f ollowing 17struments?
a. Rod position indications.
b. Period meter.
c. Channel #1 count rate.

QUESTION C.09 (3.00) With all rods in, c ol d , Xe free, the count rate is 1000 com and the reacti vi ty i s -$5. 36. What final count rate would you expect to see if the safety rod was completely wi thdrawn ? Show all work. l l l i (***** END OF CATEGORY C *$***) l

   . _ _ _ - _ _ _          _-___ _   _-        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     _-____--___________________---____\

D. INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS , Pcga 10 t ____________________________ QUESTION D.01 (2.50)

a. With the Regulating rod in the full down posi tion the UP pushbutton is depressed. The foot microswitch fails such that it will not change position from the normal control rod down posi t i on.

Describe the sequence of rod motion AND rod indicator lamp changes for this situation. Attachment G-3 showing the rod drive, motor control and indicator lamp circuit is included for your use.

b. With the Safety rod in the full up position, the DN pushbutton is depressed. The foot microswitch fails such that it will not change position from the normal control rod up position.

Describe the sequence of rod motion AND rod indicator lamp changes for this situation. Attachment Q-3 showing the rod drive, motor control and indicator lamp circuit is included for your use. QUESTION D.02 (3.00) With the following initial conditions:

1. Safety rod fully withdrawn
2. Regul ati ng rod fully inserted
3. Shim rod half way out of core and moving in the outward direction (operator is depressing up switch) l l

the wire in the safety rod drive motor breaks between the coil and the , 300 ohm bias resistor. Assuming that the operator continues to press i the UP switch for the shim rod but takes no other action and assuming l that all automatic features operate correctly, what will be the position of each of the above rods cwo minutes after the wire fails? QUESTION D.03 (1.50) Refer to Attachment Q-4 and name the components identified as A through F. l l I (***** CATEGORY D CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)


a. State the major reaction that produces ionizing particles f rom neutrons in the Channel 1 neutron detector,
b. In what form is the material which reacts with neutrons in the channel 1 neutron detector?

QUESTION D.05 (1.00) What is the function of the discriminator in the Channel 1 neutron

,       detector?

QUESTION D.06 (2.00)

a. WHY is the LCRM (Log Count Rate Meter) turned off during a normal startup to f ull power operation? (1.00)
b. At what power level is the LCRM (Log Count Rate Meter) turned off during a normal startup to full power operation. (0.50)
c. Which detector channel supplies the signal which secures pcWer to the LCRM? (0.50)

QUESTION D.07 (1.00) What would be the indication during a normal shutdown following eight hours of full power operation of a compensated ion chamber that was overcompensated? l I l l (***** CATEGORY D CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) l

                                -   - - -          --     _- - _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _   _      __ _4

t Page 12 . D. INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS QUESTION D.08 (2.00) e Match the appropriate regi on (s) of gas amplification curveEach operation as detector listed in column B to the detectors listed in column A. listed in c ol umn A has only one correct response in column B. Column B responses may be used more than once. Column A Column B

a. Channel #1 1. Region I (Recombination)
b. Channel #2 2. Region II (lon Chamber)
c. Pocket Dosimeter 3. Region III (Proportional)
d. Waste water tank radiation 4. Region V (Geiger) monitor
5. Region I and 11
6. Region II and III

(***** END OF CATEGORY D *****)

h' b E. SAFETY AND EMERGENCY SYSTEMS Page 13 e QUESTION E.01 (3.00) List SIX of the seven scrams and the specific Technical Specification setpoints associated with the Channele #1, 2 and 3 of neutron detectors. QUESTION E.02 (1.00) Jeleted The Magnet Relay Interlock elay, K69A, prevents re-energizing of the scram relay, K3808, 11owing a scram as long as power remains above disconnect. Wh is the reason for this interlock? QUESTION E.03 (1.00) What two components of the earthquake detector change positions to cause a loss of power to the rod magnet and scram power circuit? QUESTION E.04 (1.50)

a. What kind of detector is used to initiate a pool water high temperature scram? (1.00) l
b. What is the Technical Specification set poi nt for the high temperature scram? (0.50)
 >                                                                                                l QUESTION       E.05      (3.00)

Interlocks prevent safety rod withdrawel unless FOUR conditions are met. One of these conditions is that the startup channel count rate must be greater than its setpoint. State the other THREE conditions. QUESTION E.06 (1.00) The reactor safety systems are required by Technical Specificaitons to be FAIL-SAFE. Define FAIL-SAFE when used in this context. (***** CATEGORY E CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

l Pago 14


r ________________________________ Y < QUESTION E.07 (3.00)

a. State the location of the emergency button which is pressed to (0.50) lock out power to the Air Handling Relay.
b. List the FIVE ventilation components that Hill automatically be(2.50) secured by pressing the Air Handling Relay Lockout.

l l l l l l (***** END OF CATEGORY E *****)


a. According to Technical Specifications what is the minimum number of personnel that must be present for reactor op er at i ons: to be (0.50) permitted.
b. In accordance with Technical Specifications what is the license level, if any, required of each person on the minimum reactor operating crew. (1.00)

DUESTION F.02 (2.00) According to ARRR Operating Procedures, what are the f our specific times when the presence at the facility of an SRO would be required? GUESTION F.03 (1.00) Under what conditions is an unlicensed person allowed to operate the reactor controls? QUESTION F.04 (1.00) According to the Technical Specification definitions, what are the TWO

     , methods of securing the console key?

l QUESTION F.05 (2.50)

a. What action must the operator take when reducing power across disconnect to prevent the reactor from scramming? (1.00)
b. How long does the operator have to take the above actions af ter going below the disconnect power? (0.50)
c. In addition to the indicated nuclear instrument power level, how is the operator alerted to the f act tiie he is below disconnect? (1.00)

Ther rke fown:r l (t**** CATEGORY F CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

Pags 16 F. STANDARD AND EMERGENCY OPERATING PROCEDURES QUESTION F.06 (2.00) State the TWO actions which should be taken immediately by the reactor oper ator if the reactor automatically scrams during normal operation at 250 kW. QUESTION F.07 (1.00) During a reactor startup, with the safety rod fully withdrawn and the regulating rod being withdrawn, the building begins to shake. The shaking continues for a few seconds and appears to be increasing in magnitude. An automatic scram has not and should not have occurred (the setpoint of the earthquake monitor has not been reacned). What action should be immediately taken by the operator? QUESTION F.OB (3.00) Upen receipt of a water radioactivity alarm; the operator immediately begins to monitor the water and air radiation levels. The reactor was operating at 250 kW when the alarm was received.

a. What TWO actions should the operator take immediately if both the monitors are increasing?
b. If the rate of increase is fairly rapid what TWO additional actions should be taken?

QUESTION F.09 (1.00) In accordance with the Reactor Annunciator Responses guide, why does the failure of the demineralizer pump force a shutdown of the reactor? (***** END OF CATEGORY F *****)

e RADIATION CONTROL AND SAFETY Page 17 G. 4 QUESTION G.01 (1.00) If two centimeters of lead placed at a certain location in a beam of gamma rays would reduce the gamma radiation level from 100 mR/ hour to 50 mR/ hour, what thickness of lead placed in this beam would reduce the gamma radiation level from 400 mR/ hour to 50 mR/ hour? QUESTION G.02 (1.00) What is the purpose of a Quality Factor as used in a calculation to convert rad to REM? QUESTION G.03 (1.50) With regards to the ARRR ALARA programs

a. What is the weekly cumulative whole body exposure limit?
b. Who may approve exceeding the ARRR weekly whole body limit?
c. What is the quarterly whole body exposure level above which an investigation of the type and circumstances of the exposure must be performed?

QUESTION G.04 (2.50) Define the f ollowing in accordanta with 10CFR20s

a. Radiation area (1.50)
b. Restricted area (1.00)

I QUESTION G.05 (1.00) Why is the Glory Hole purged with carbon dioxide? (***** CATEGORY G CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ***ss)

I Pcge 18 G. RADIATION CONTROL AND SAFETY t QUESTION G.06 (1.00) Multiple Choice t If the reactor was at 250 KW and one central fuel element failed, what would be the dose received in the f.rst hour by an i ndi vi dual standing in the middle of the reactor room. Assume that the i nd i vi dual did not evacuate as he should have,

a. O - 25 mr
b. 50 - 75 mr
c. 250 - 300 mr
d. 475 - 525 mr QUESTION G.07 (1.00)

State TWO of the THREE radioactive gases of major concern during a fuel element failure. QUESTION G.OB (2.50)

a. State the type and meter range of the TWO portable radiation detectors required by Technical Specifications. (2.00)
b. What type of radiation is the "pancake counter" used at ARRR designed to detect? (0.50)

QUESTION G.09 (1.50) The following questions apply to the fixed gamma monitor required by Technical Specifications.

a. What is the setpoint as stated in the Technical Specifications?


b. Upon reaching setpoint, in what TWO locations must alarms be sounded in accordance with Technical Specifications? (1.00) l l


G. RADIATION CONTROL AND SAFETY Pege'19 QUESTION G.10 (2.00) i The f oll owing questions apply to the fixed detector required by Technical Specifications for monitoring of radi oac ti ve gasses. ,

a. State the two sample points, either of which must be monitored in '

order to be in compli ance with Technical Specifications. (1.00) -ej

b. In what location is there required to be a continuous detector readout? (0.50)
c. What is the Technical Specification setpoint of the annunciator associated with the fixed detector? O J0.

l l l l i i 1 (***** END OF CATEGORY G *****) (********** END OF EXAMINATION **********) 4


a. The change in reactivity associated with a change in the bath (pool) temper ature.


b. Tne change in reactivity associated with a change in the fuel (1.00) l temperature.

REFERENCE ARRR Training Test #7. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, Secs. 1.3.3 L 1.3.4 ANSWER A.02 (2.00)

a. Temperature increase causes increased thermal vibration of the Hydrogen atoms in the Zirc-Hydride matrix CO.503 which then results in increased neutron energies (harder spectrum) following scattering by the Zirc-Hydride CO.503.
b. As the neutron spectrum hardens, more neutrons escape f rom the f uel CO.503 and are absorbed in the non-fuel (moderator, reflector, core structure) portions of the core CO.503.

f r REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, Sec. 1.3.2 L 1.3.3. l l l 1 ANSWER A.03 (2.00)

a. The #raction of the thermal neutron population that was born delayed. (1.00)
b. Since delayed neutrons are born at lower energies than prompt neutrons (0.503 they are more likely to reach thermal energies CO.503. (Therefore, the fraction of delayed neutrons at thermal energies (beta effective) is greater than the fraction of delayed neutrons at birth (beta).) ----


h e A. PRINCIPLES OF REACTOR OPERATION Paga 21 REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol 4, Sec 1.2.2. Other standard texts for example Lamarsh's," Nuclear Reactor Theory", Sec. 12-5. ANSWER A.04 (1.00) Neutron transmutation in the source CO.503 has created a more active alpha emitter CO.503. OR Americium 241 has been converted to Curium 242 by neutron capture CO.503 and curium 242 is a more active alpha emitter [O.503. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. 111.4.8. ANSWER A.05 (1.00)

a. 60 hours +/- 15 hours. (0.50)
b. 3-7 hours. (0.50)

REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, Sec. 1.3.7. ANSWER A.06 (1.00) 1 4 4?. 3 T = t)r Ln(n /n ) = 20 sec k un(60/40) =_S.i / .5 seconds. 1 O [0.75 for correct equation. O.25 for correct result.3 (***** CATEGORY A CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

I ? Pega 22 A. PRINCIPLES OF REACTOR OPERATION REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, sec. 1.2.5. ANSWER A.07 (1.00) Using the Inhour graph S.35 +/-5.01. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, sec. 1.2.5.

 ',      ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol.                             1, sec. IV, Figs. II & III.

ANSWER A.OB (1.00) Because graphite has a significantly lower neutron absorption cross section. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 3, Sec. RT-5.II.C. ANSWER A.09 (3.00) The prompt component. (1.00) a.

b. After five minutes the power decrease is controlled by the decay of longest lived delayed neutron precursor. (1.00)
c. Subtritical multiplication (of core source neutrons) causes the power to stabilize. (1.00)

REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, Secs. 1.2.5 & 1.2.7. (***** END OF CATEGORY A *****)


1. Minimizes corrosion [1.003.
2. Mi ni mi z es induced radioactivity [1.00]. ('g47 /wnr)
        , 3,    ptas clew asuI <>spub% oF           u r < W "T "O O1 REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol.       2, Sec. V.2.

ANSWER B.02 (1.00) (corrective action shal* be taken to avoid exceeding)

1. 7.5 pH [0.503
2. 5 micromho/cm conductivity [0.503.

REFERENCE ARRR Technical Specifications, Sec. 4.2. 4 ANSWER B.03 (1.00) The two pool level controlled float valves in series in the makeup supply line. REFEHENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. V.2. i ANSWER B.04 (1.00) Prevents loss of prime when the pump is not operating. (***** CATEGORY B CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) 1 1 l

l l 1 1 ( B. FEATURES OF FACILITY DESIGN Paga 24 ) 1 I REFERENCE ARRR Eeactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. V.3.1. s l ANSWER B.OS (2.00)

a. No. The suction line extends only one foot below the normal water (1.00) level.
i' th : i  : n y-
b. No. inc ditch  ; li-e 'Chec' et f :il.ty t
1. .: pipinn, r4= ei r ' s aim, c= =udi .= . h:10 d-i11ed i- the di;:h: g:

I thr= . sr.ancara cesign i r. L u. but w;; r. c, t aie. ii vi -w ir the t ex t 3 j's e-l is A ~ e ** (1.001 f.ic po o' n' in T h c. cli s chey e /,ne e x re w < / To Yhe Thsn o n e- Sv* r below rke rtoresl water freel. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. V.3.1. ARRR 1 raining Guides and Tests, Study Handout No. 2, Guestion 2. CAF ANSWER B.06 (1.50) The graded vents in the bottom of the barrel CO.503 combine with the control rod piston CO.503 to create a dashpot action CO.SO3. ) REF EilEf.CE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. 111.4.12. ARRR Training Guides and Tests, Examination 6, Question 23. ANSWER B.07 (1.00) 2.0 15 in. (+/ Vri n . ) (***** CATEGORY B CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

f 8:__EE9295ES_9E_E991hlII_9E919td Pcgo 25 REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2. S e c . il I 1 . (* . I1.

   'NSWER          B.08       (3.00) sed on January 1988 core loadsng.                                           _            en e r e ,' a /o r. n'e A r-4), ll e e ef r 50 See      etch below +or a to e. co                  ne4 rs ;, p. ,r>      ajk, c, a a <l cl. J /4 . (Each 0.50)
r. end a dlre ss is hery irr, sr be cor'eer 'O'50'
        +. Fue1 . ement.                       ce c ce di r       t.,lIl be h r.
                                                    #*          ~~--

see .. x

                                   /      O                                O               \

l t. GL I2 OI h 3o \ l'O' C6 o El Ft I, a st j

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GLORY Notg 8 REFERENCE ma ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. 111.4.3, Fig. I!!-4 ANSWER B.09 (1.50)

Chach at i a r- 4 1 ' t ; : A' W A X', Lesd,a'd bero n .
b. 12 o' A e L e s 2 .2 o'n c l. e s


b 1 Pcgo 26 B. FEATURES OF FACILITY DESIGN REFERENCE Check at facility. (***** END OF CATEGORY D *4***)

v r Pego 27 C. GENERAL OPERA 11NG CHARACTERISTICS ANSWER C.01 (1.00) To reduce the level of Nitrogen-16 radiation at the surface of the pool. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. V.2. ARRR Training Guides and Tests, Test No. 1, Question 4. ANSWER C.02 (1.00) Natural convection. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. V.3. ANSWER C.03 (1.00) (30 F/ (B F/hr) ) x 60 min /hr = 225 min +/- 5 min. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 1, Sec. IV.C.3.a. ANSWER C.04 (1.00) i d REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operatt.- Training Manual, Vol. 1 Sec. IV.C.".b. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. V. l l l (***** CATEGORY C CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) l

                        -    -                - - -  -         . , , _ , _ _ . - _ _.  ,  .,  _l

+ Pcgo 28 C. GENERAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS i ANSWER C.OS (1.00) i (The core loading is skewed and as a result) the Safety rod . is located in a region of higher flux. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, III-4, Core Loading (January 1989) ANSWER C.C6 (2.00)

a. The cri tical rod position would be higher.
b. The change in rod position would not be af f ected.

REFERENCE AGN1R Reactor Physics Tests, Fig. 9, Core component reactivity worth as a function of core position. ARRR Reactivity Loss to Power Procedure. l ANSWER C.07 (2.00) Any four of the following at 0.50 eacht

1. Adding fuel.
2. Shuffling fuel.
3. Changing fuel (ref ueling) . i I
4. Adding experiments of positive worth.
5. Adding graphite.
6. Shuffling graphite. ,


r Page 29 k C. GENERAL OPERATING CHARACTER 1STICS REFERENCE ARRR Technical Specifications, 5.1.2. - ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 1, Sec. IV.B.2. ANSWER C.08 (1.50)

a. No motion. - ( 0. 50)
b. 2ECO 'er SLIE"TLY p :itic  ?. To Wa,'ry. (0.50)
c. Stable (or SLOWLY increasing). (0.50)

REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, Sec. 1.2.7. l l l C CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)


(***** CATEGORY 1 L - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Pega 30 C. GENERAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS t s ANSWER C.09 (3.00) As stated on the rod worth curves attached to the test, the

  • Safety rod is worth s3.85.

Theref ore the reactor is shutdown by $5.36 - s3.85 = $1.51 after safety rod withdrawal. From the equation sheet the proper equations to use are C (1 -k ) = C (1 - k ) 1 1 2 2 AND p = (k - 1)/k which means 1 -k = 1/(1 - 1/p> where p = rho. Alternatively k can be calculated as shown below ar.d directly substituted into the first equation above. Of course the final answer will still be the same. k = 1/(1 - p) Additionally, it is necessary to convert dollars to p using p=$ x Beta Combining the above gives: Final count rate = Initial count rate (1 - 1/p ) / (1 - 1/p ) final initial

                                   =        1000 (1              -

1/(1.51 x .0079)) / (1 - 1/(5.36 x .0079)) = 3446 cpm. Grade as follows: 2.00 f or proper use of equations. 0.50 f or calcul ation of reactivity with rod withdrawn. 0.50 for use of proper value of beta, .0079. REFERENCE l ARRR rod worth curves. ARRR Technical Specifications, 5.1.2.  ! I ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, Sec 1.2.1 & 1.2.7. l l (***** END OF CATEGORY C *****) - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ }

Pago 31 D. INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS ANSWER D.01 (2.50) Sequence of motor and lamp events. CPoints for each individual event as shown, 0.25 points per question a and b for completely correct sequence, loss of 0.25 points for each incorrect event.]

a. 1. Rod starts to drive out CO.253.
2. DN and CONT lamps extinguish [0.25 each3 and rod motion stops CO.253. (1.25)
b. 1. Rod starts to drive in t' O . 2 5 3 .
2. UP lamp i s extinguished [0.253.
3. DN lamp is lit CO.253 (1.25) and rod motion ceases CO.253.

REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec IX. ANSWER D.02 (3.00)

1. Safety rod - Fully inserted [1.003.
2. Regulating rod - Fully inserted C1.OO3.
3. Shim rod - Half way out of core OR just slightly over half way out ,

of core (due to small amount of time to actuate the l safety rod MAG UP switch) [1.003. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec IX. D.03 (1.50) l ANSWER l A - Magnet wire conduit B - Motor (motor cover) l C - Potentiometer (potentiometer cover) l D - Magnet i E - Armature F - Connecting rod (0.25 each) REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec III, Fig. III-10. (***** CATEGORY D CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)


a. 10 1 7 4 B+ n --> Li + HE (Alpha) 5 O 3 2 OR B(n, alpha)Li DR Boron-10 combines with a neutron to produce Lithium and an alpha (1.00) particle.


b. As B C.

4 REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec VIII. ANSWER D.05 (1.00) It discards the pulses caused by gamma interaction in the detector. l REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Traioing Manual, Vol. 2, Sec VIII. ANSWER D.06 (2.00)

a. The LCRM is turned off to protect the Channel #1 neutron detector from damage (that would occur if it remained energized in a high (1.00) radiation field)


6. 10 E -10 amps. l (0.50)
c. Channel #2.


INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Paga 33 D.  ; i REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec IX, Figs. IX-4 & 5. l l l ANSWER D.07 (1.00) l The indication will read low off-scale (and then slowly return to an on-scale reading). C) R j REFERENCE Lover sh<n ir aanJ0 norm s 07 re a d. ARRR Training Guides and Tests, Test No. 3, Question III.4. l


l 1 l l ANSWER D.OB (2.00) )

a. 3 l
b. 5
c. 2 f 1
d. 4 (2.00)

REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec VII. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec VIII. Glasstone and Sesonske, Nuc!?ar Reactor Engineering, Sec. 5.240 to 5.255 and 9.152. I l i (***** END OF CATEGORY D *****)

r Page 34 E. SAFETY AND EMERGENCY SYSTEMS ANSWER E.01 (3.00) . Any six of the following at 0.25 for each scram and 0.25 for each setpoint: Channel #1 Low Source Level - Greater thar, or equal to 2 cps. Short Period - Greater than or equal to 3 sec. Channel #2 Short Period - Greater than or equal to 3 sec. Low Voltage - Greater than or equal to 500 volts. Channel #3 High Flux Level - Less than or equal to 98'/. of full scale not to exceed 120% full e ower. Low Flux Level - Greater than or equal to 5% of full scale. Low Voltage - Greater than or equal to 500 volts. REFERENCE ARRR Technical Specifications, Table 2. 00), ANSWER E.02 ( a, lerej Prevents star up witP channel #1 scrams bypassed. j i REFERENCE ARRR Re , tor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. IX. l l l l ANSWER E.03 (1.00)

1. The balanced ball C O. 50 3.
2. The switch beneath the ball CO.503.


                                   =                                                            l l

l E col 4TINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) (***** CATEGORY l

Pcgo 35 E. SAFETY AND EMERGENCY GYSTEMS REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. IX, Fig. IX-5. ARRR Technical Spec i f i cati ons, Table 2. ANSWER E.04 (1.50) (1.00)

a. A bimetallic switch.

Less than or equal to 130 F. (0.50) 6. REFERENCE c ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. IX, Fig. IX-5. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. V.2. ANSWER E.05 (3.00)

1. The master switch must be in the on position C1.003.
2. The saf ety system must be reset C1.003.
3. All four nuclear instruments must be in the operate mode C1.003.

REFERENCE ARRR Technical Specfications, Sec. 6.5. ANSWER E.06 (1.00) De-energizing of the reactor safety systems shall cause a scram. j REFERENCE ARRR Technical Spccifications, Sec. 6.1. (*ss** CATEGORY E CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ***ss)

i I Pcgo 36 i E. SAFETY AND EMEFGENCY SYSTEMS ' [ e . ANSWER E.07 (3.00)  ; (0.50) l'

a. Near the control room outside door. .
b. Rest room vent fans.

High bay air conditioner. Chemical laboratory hood exhaust fan. High bay heaters (Unit heater fans). (2.50) N-Ray Set-Up room furnace. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. 11.2. s I o 5 L l l l l l (***** END OF CATEGORY E *sses) j


a. TWO One must be a licensed Operator. (1.00) b.

REFERENCE ARRR Technical Specifications, Sec. 10.1. Training Guides and Tests, Test #1, Question 1. I ANSWER F.02 (2.00)

1. During initial startup and approach to power.
2. During refueling.


3. During recovery from an unplanned shutdown.
4. During significant power reductions. ,

i REFERENCE l ARRR Operating Procedures, Sec. C.2. ANSWER F.03 (1.00) When the unlicensed i ndi vi dual is under the direction and in the presence of a licensed operator (RO or SRO) LO.503 and the operation is part of the individuals training (to qualify for a license) CO.503. l REFERENCE 10CFR55.13. Training Guides and Tests, Study Handout #4. (esses CATEGORY F CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE sesse)

[ Page 3B F. STANDARD AND EMERGENCY OPERATING PROCEDUKE3 ANSWER F.04 (1.00) The key is secured by having it .

1. under the control of a licensed operator CO.503
2. in a locked storage area C0.503.

REFERENCE ARRR Technical Specifications, Sec. 1.1. ARRR Operating Procedures, Sec. C.6. ANSWER F.05 (2.50) The operator must reset both the channel #1 annunciators. (1.00) a. (0.50)

b. 40 seconds.
c. By the operation of a control console annunciator ("Channel 1 (1.00) disconnect").

REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Annunciator Responses, p. 2. ANSWER F.06 (2.00)

1. Determine the cause of the scram (1.003.
2. Insure control rods have dropped C1.OO3.

REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Annunciator Responses, p. 2. (***** CATEGORY F CONTINUED ON hw. par 5 **sst)

                                                               <M     A n W,,

F. STANDARD AND EMERGENCY OPERATING PROCEDURES Page 39 ANSWER F.07 (1.00) Scram the reactor. . REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Annunciator Responses, p. 2. ANSWER F.08 (3.00) Scramthereactor40.75h[/b-[0e7h 1

    %     1.
2. Evacuate the hi gh bay area -CO. '5 2. - 41.501-06(the two emergency buttons (near the control roomdoor).[0,7f)


    'b ,%I$=


         '[;  Cu  .J U- . dietir- ri--"      rd shutdown the air, handling equi pmen t ) Lesespr.f;, eh [o,7,r]

Ensure all the external building doors are closea CO.753. ' ! . 50 '- 3 REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Annunciator Responses, p. 4 ., l ANSWER F.09 (1.00) Because it renders the water radiation monitor inoperable. (1.00) REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Annunciator Responses, p. 5. ARRR Technical Specifications, Sec. 7.3. Training Guides and Tests, Test #5, question 8. (***** END OF CATEGORY F stats)


+ --------------------------------

ANSWER G.01 (1.00) 6 cm , REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 5, Sec. 10.4. ANSWER G.02 (1.00) The quality f acter accounts f or the biological damaged caused (by the absorbed radiation). REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 5, Sec. 3.5. ANSWER G.03 (1.50) (0.50)

a. 100 mrem.

Radiological Safety Officer. ' (0.50) b. (0.50)

c. 1.0 rem. ,

j REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. VI.E.1.a. l l + (****a CATEGORY G CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE **ess)

I i ~ G. RADIATION CONTROL AND SAFETY Page 41 s ________________________________ ANSWER G.04 (2.50) ,

a. Any area, (accessible to personnel), in which there exists radiation, (originating in whole or in part within licensed material), at such levels that a major portion of the body could receive to.503 in excess of 5 millirems in any one hour to.50], or in excess of 100 millirems in any S consecutive days LO.503. (1.50)
b. Any area to which access is controlled by Aerotest Operations (the licensee) for the purposes of protecting individuals (employees and visitors) f rom exposure to radiation and radioactive materials.

(1.00) REFERENCE 10CFR2O ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sees. VI.C.1 & VI.F.1. l ANSWER G.05 (1.00) To prevent the formation of excessive amounts of Ar_41. REFERENCE ARRR Technical Specifications, Sec. 8.3.2. ANSWER G.06 (1.00)

b. (1.00)

REFERENCE ARRR Emergency Plan, p. C-8. l I l (***** CATEGORY G CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ***ss)

6 ) i i ' Pago 42 G. RADIATION CONTROL AND SAFETY ANSWER G.07 (1.00) Any two of th'e, f ol l owi ng at 0.50 point each: .

1. Xenon
2. Krypton
3. lodine REFERENCE ARRR Emergency Plan, p. C-1.

ANSWER G.OB (2.50) #

                                       ,of m e/*, t o S C '
a. Beta-Gamma [0.503, _01 t: 50 --/hr [0.503.

Neutron (f ast and thermal) CO.SO3, .1 to 1000 mrem /hr CO.503. (2.00) (0.50)

b. Alpha.

REFERENCE ARRR Technical Specifications, Secs. 7.4 L 7.5. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 5, Secs. 7.1 & 7.2. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. VIII.6. ANSWER G.09 (1.50)

a. Less than or equal to 10 mr/hr. (0.50)
b. Within the reactor building. j

At the San Ramon Fire Department. (1.00) ! (***** CATEGORY G CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) I

kn RADIATION CONTROL AND SAFETY Pcgo 43 G. REFERENCE I ARRR Techni cal Specificatiens, Sec. 7.1. ANSWER G.10 (2.00)

a. 1. Roof vent (0.253 above the reactor core CO.253. (1.00)
2. In the vicinity of the reactor core (0.503.
b. 'In the control room. (0.50)


c. Less than of equal to 2 mr/hr. (0.50)

REFERENCE ARRR Technical Sp er. i f i c a t i on s , Sec. 7.2. ] d H k l (***** END OF CATEGORY G *****) (********** END OF EXAMINATION **********) 'l

Al t1 CHM ENT Q-F I & <a on sn - \ Al % to 0, tu n st

   \OOO                .O      /


Q Q-a ATTfCHM ENT , l l l 3.Reastgt egygt gatigtetigg The three techniques that have been used to calibrate the j absolute power level of the ARRR are 1) calorimetric, 2) { temperature differential across heat exchanger times l coolant flow rate and 3) reactivity loss vs. reactor power level,

a. Calorimetric l

The volume of water in the ARRR pool with the thermal column, neutron radiography facility and dual detector beam tube in place is 1675 cu. ft. or { l 1.047 x 105 lbs. of water. Since 250 kw is equal l to 8.535 x 105 Btu /hr, for a totally insulated system the temperature in the reactor pool water  ! would increase at the rate of 8.20F per hour. However, conduction and evaporative losses both calculated and measured have shown to increase with temperature. This results in the measured temperature vs. time data as follows at 250 kw: Iteetta19tt 12El Iteetta19tt 10 strait 12Elbt! 70 8.09 80 8.00 90 7.90 100 j 7.86 Since the range of temperature used in the calorimetric measurements ranges from 700 to 1000F, an average of 7.970F/hr or 80F is used for these measurements. The following procedure is used: , With the reactor pool temperature at 750F or less, turn off secondary coolant pump which circulates coolant water between primary heat exchanger and cooling tower. wall of high bay This area.disconnect is located on the east Record the temperature indicated by the intet to the heat exchanger and the thermocouple located in the water at the top of the reactor pool. The thermocouple readout is located in  ! l the instrument rack behind the reactor console. Measurements on each indicator should be taken every 15 minutes. Continue to take measurem?nts until a pool temperature of approximately 1000F is reached. At this time turn on secondary coolant pump switch , in high bay area. System is now in normal operation,  ! i I

I A TTACRMgg r q_3 e s 2 yj g a 0 y u$ E M9

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v ' i Control Rod Drive Mechanism, Showing Components Assembled

i '5 s I' ! Y t i t i 1 4 ' l I - h ^ t_ , i L 8 l 1 a s t t a i 9 FACILITY CURVES i i Y 1 . I i _-_w. ~.-. . . - - - -- -

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i l l 1 1 FIGURE 1 i f 4 , ir- r r i bJt dbSObI EC Mf_51_d_.


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50 foo 150 2o0 UO 300 150 t/co W 5eo S50 &co 650 7c6 Pco s t rion l N o i c p c otz


P:ge 1 cf 5 . l DATA SHEET REAC10R THEORY FORMJLAS: P = Poe /7 t P = Pol 0SLR(t) P= I fIth V 3.12 x 1010 fissions /sec

                                  .Teff p = gT + _1 + AT T = .1
  • p

T = 6eff - p Ap Ap = In K (final) K (initial) p = K-l_ K SLR = 26.06 T Keff = c Pr p Pth I T1 i pth = I =e 1 + (B2 Lth2 ) 2

 )                  Pr = e-(B2          Lf)              .

p = e-( N ] [Ierr] 5E s

 .                   C1 (1- Kerri) = C2 (1 - Keff2)                                    ,

i m= 1 = _C (final)

  -                        1-K          C (initial) aT = 1         Af + 1       Ap  -

82 ( Ef2 + E m2) p At At At f At . i

                                                                         ~ --             - - - - -

Page 2 of 5

 .'                                       DATA SHEET e1 o



K X2 K3 J 6 = AC p( AT)- n=61n-6out_ 6==6A*R4 .. 61n  !. l n = (h in - hout) REAL , I (hin - hout) IDEAL np = W ACTUAL W SUPPLIED PV11 = P 2V2 T1 T2 P1AV1 1 = p2AV 22  ! l m = pAV 5 = KA / A Px 0

                               = KA AT / AT       = KA Ap / AP duc = @3 / g ATm = AT (IN) - AT (OUT)

In ( AT (IN) ) AT (OUT) G= I fith 8.8 x 109 TCL - Tes = M a 6=M Ax 6=AATtotal l AXA + AXB +'AXN l KA KB KN 1

                                              ~-~      - ~ ~                     _ _ _ __           _

r - 9


ORTA SE ET 7 CENTRIFUGAL PLM' LAWS Speed 1 (Speedi )2 Headi (Speedi )3 Powerl


Flowl = = (Speed2 )2 Head 2 ISpeed2)3 Power 2 Speed 2 fl082 RADIATION AND DEMISTRY FORWLAS_: R/hr = 6CE_ Ix = Io e-mx d2 t 1/2 = 0.693 A C = Q e4t A = AN G = Dilution Rate Volume A = Aoe -At 1 = Io(iln 10 CONVERSIONS: 1 gq/cm3 = 62.4 lbm/ft3 Density of water (20 C) = 62.4 lbm/ft3 = Ig/cm3 1 gal = 8.345 lbm 1 ft3 = 7.48 gal Avogrado's Number = 6.023 x 10 23 0 1 gal = 3.78 liters Heat ofFusion Vapor(ICE(H2 =))= 970 1 lbm = 454 grams Heat of 144 BtuBtu /lbm

                                                                                            /lbm 1 AHJ = 1.66 x 10-24 grams e = 2.72 1 = 3.1415                                 Mass of Neutron - 1.008665 AMJ 1 KW = 738 ft-lbf/sec                      Mass of Proton = 1.007277 AMJ 1 KW = 3413 Btu /hr                        Mass of Electron = .003549 AMJ One atmosphere = 14.~7 psia = 29.92 in. Hg. abs.

1 HP = 550 ft-lbf/sec 1 HP = .746 KW *F = 9/5'C + 32 1 HP = 2545 Btu /hr *R = *F + 460 ' 1 BTU = 778 ft-lbf 'C = 5/9 ( *F -32) 1 EV = 1.54 x 10-16 BTU h = 4.13 x 10-21 M-sec 'K = *C + 273 IW = 3.12 x 1010 fissions /sec go = 32.2 lbm - ft Ibf - sec2 1 CAL / TRAM = 1.8 Btu /lbm C2 = 931 EV/AMJ 1 in. = 2.54 CM C = 3 x 108 m/sec o = 0.1714 x 10-8 Btu hr ftZ *R4 r i 4

      .      .                                                                         Page 4 of 5 DATA SHEET _

AVERAT TERMAL CONDUCTIVITY (K) Material BTU /hr-ft 'F O.025 Cork Fiber Insulating Board 0.028 [> 0.096 Maple or Oak Wood Building Brick O.4 0.45 h Window Glass 0.79 ) Concrete 25.00 0 1 Percent rarbon Steel 35.00 1 Percent Chrome Steel } 118.00 'l Aluminum " 223.00 Copper 235.00 Silver 0.39 2 Water (20 psia, 200*F) Steam (1000 psia, 550'F) 0.046 1.15 Uranium Dioxide 0.135 Helium 10.0 l Zircaloy MISCELLAEOUS IWORMATION: E = mc2 KE = 1/2 mv2 PE = mgb Vf = Vo + at AE = 931 Am AREA VOLUE GE0ETRIC OBICT TRIANGLE A = 1/2 bh


SQUAPE A~= 32 ////////////////// RECTANGLE A=LxW //////////////////

                                                                    /////////////////j CIRCLE A = wr2 A = 2(LxW + LxH + WxH)   V=Lxwxh RECTANGULAR SOLID A = (2 wr2)h + 2(wr2)     V = wr2h RIQiT CIRCULAR CYLINDER A = 4 wr2                 V = 4/3 wr3 SPHERE CUBE                      ///////////////////////) V=S3 e

O. Page 5 of 5 ( j

                                                                                                           ;l DATA SEET_





10 CFR 20 Appendix B Gamma Table I Table II - i Energy Col I Col II Col I Col II EV per Air Water Air Water 01sintegratior uc/ml uc/ml uc/ml uc/ml Materi:n Half-Life Sub 2x10-6 _---- 4x10-8 _____ Ar-41 1.83 h 1.3 3x10-7 1x10-3 1x10-8 5x10-5 Co-60 5.27 y 2.5 S 9x10-9 6x10-5 1x10-10 3x10-7 1-131 8.04 d 0.36 S 0.0L Sub 1x10-5 ----- 3x10-7 _____ Kr-85 10.72 y 9x10-7 4x10-3 3x10-8 1x10-4 N1-65 2.52 h 0.59 S l 2x10-12 1x10-4 6x10-14 5x10-6 Pu-239 2.41x104 y D.003 S 29 y S 1x10-9 1x10-5 3x10-ll 3x10-7 .l Sr-90 = 0.25 Sub 4x10-6 ----- 1x10-7 __-__ Xe-135 9.05 h _ Any single radionuclide with T1 /2> 2 hr 9x10-5 1x10-10 3x10-6 which does not decay by a or spcntaneous 3x10-9 fission l Neutron Energy (EV) te.utrons per cm2 Average flux to deliver l r ilvalent to 1 rem 100 mrem in 40 hours l 970 x 106 670 . Thermal 400 x 106 280 (EUTRONS) 0.02 sec 43 x 106 30 m2 0.5 24 x 106 17 10 LIEAR ABcMPTION COEFFICIENTS y (m-1) Energy (E V) Plater Corcrete Iron Lead 0.5 0.090 0.21 0.63 1.7 1.0 0.067 0.15 0.44 0.77 1.5 0.057 0.13 0.40 0.57 2.0 0.048 0.11 0.33 0.51 0.042 0.097 0.31 0.49 2.5 3.0 0.038 0.088 0.30 0. 47__

NRC Official Use Only


l l 1 MASI!R :0)Y I l Nuclear Regulatory Commission  ! Operator Licensing j Examination l l l l l l This document is removed from Official Use Only category on date of examination. NRC Official Use Only


i I f 1 U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION i SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR LICENSE EXAMINATION l FACILITY: ARRR ] REACTOR TYPE: TRIGA DATE ADhINSTERED: 88/04/13 EXAMINER: ROESENER, S. MASIBPC2Y O CANDIDATE INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE: Use separate paper for the answers. Write answers on one side only. Staple question sheet on top of the answer sheets. Points for each question are indicated in parentheses after the question. The passing , grade requires at least 70% in each category. Examination papers will I I be picked up six (6) hours after the examination starts. l

                                     % OF CATEGORY     % OF  CANDIDATE'S    CATEGORY                                           l VALUE      TOTAL     SCORE       VALUE                       CATEGORY              !

19.00 19.00 H. REACTOR THEORY 20.00 20.00 I. RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS HANDLING l l DISPOSAL AND HAZARDS  ! l 20.50 20.50 J. SPECIFIC OPERATING l _. _ l CHARACTERISTICS 20.00 K. FUEL HANDLING AND CORE I 20.00 PARAMETERS 20.50 20.50 L. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS 100.0  % Totals i Final Grade l All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid. Candidate's Signature _

NRC RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR LICENSE EXAMINATIONS During the administration of this examination the following rules apply: , l

1. Cheating on the examination means an automatic denial of your application and could result in more severe penalties.
2. Restroom trips are to be limited and only one candidate at a time may leave. You must avoid all contacts with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the appearance or possibility of cheating.
3. Use black ink or dark pencil only to facilitate legible reproductions, j
4. Print your name in the blank provided on the cover sheet of the examination. (
5. Fill in the date on the cover sheet of the examination (if necessary).
6. Use only the paper provided for answers.
7. Print your name in the upper right-hand corner of the first page of each section of the answer sheet.
8. Consecutively number each answer sheet, write-"End of Category ___" as appropriate, start each category on a new page, write only on one side of the paper, and write "Last Page" on the last answer sheet. i
9. Number each answer as to category and number, for example, 1.4, 6.3.
10. Skip at least three lines between each answer.
11. Separate answer sheets from pad and place finished answer sheets face down on your desk or table.
12. Use abbreviations only if they are commonly used in facility literature.
13. The point value for each question is indicated in parentheses after the question and can be used as a guide for the depth of answer required.
14. Show all calculations, methods, or assumptions used to obtain an answer to mathematical problems whether indicated in the question or not.
16. If parts of the examination are not clear as to intent, ask questions of the examiner only.
17. You must sign the statement on the cover sheet that indicates that the work is your own and you have not received or been given assistance in completing the examination. This must be done after the examination has been completed.
18. When you complete your examination, you shall:
a. Assemble your examination as follows:

(1) Exam questions on top. (2) Exam aids - figures, tables, etc. (3) Answer rusos including figures which are part of the answer.

b. Turn in your copy of the examination and all pages used to answer the examination questions.
c. Turn in all scrap paper and the balance of the paper that you did not use for answering tise questions,
d. Leave the examination area, as defined by the examiner. If after leaving, you are found in this area while the examination is still in progress, your license may be denied or revoked.





a. Define Bath Temperature Coefficient.
b. Define Prompt Temperature Coefficient.

QUESTION H.02 (2.00)

a. How does a fuel temperature increase result in the hardening of the neutron spectrum?
b. How does hardening of the neutron spectrum result in a decrease in reactivity?

QUESTION H.03 (2.00)


b- Uky is DETA EFFECTI"E greater ther. BETA? QUESTION H.04 (1.00) Why is the thermal flux depressed in the center of the core when a fuel element is installed in the A-ring? QUESTION H.05 (2.00)

a. State the TWO reactions which produced neutrons in the neutron source when it was new (unirradiated source). Either a word explanation or an equation is acceptable.
b. Why has the strength of the installed neutron source increased since it was originally installed?


H. REACTOR THEORY Pago 5 QUESTION H.06 (3.00) l Using the attached graph paper (Attachment Q-1), sketch the buildup and decay of xenon poisoning reactivity as a function of time from Monday morning at 8:00 to Thursday morning at 8:00 for the following power history. INCLUDE scale indications for the vertical axis of the graph. 1 HISTORY: Monday 0800 - Startup from cold, Xenon free 1 conditions Monday 0800 to 1600 - Constant operation at 250 kW Monday 1600 - Shutdown Tuesday 0800 to 1600 - Constant operation at 250 kW Tuesday 1600 to l Thursday 0800 - Shutdown j l l QUESTION H.07 (1.00) Reactor power increases from 40 to 60 watts in 20 seconds. What is the reactor period associated with this power increase? QUESTION H.08 (1.00) What is the approximate core reactivity, +/- 3.01, associated with a ) period of 10 seconds? l QUESTION H.09 (1.00) Why is graphite a better reflector than water? (***** CATEGORY H CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

e H. REACTOR THEORY Pago 6 QUESTION H.10 (3.00) If the reactor was operating at 250 kW when the safety rod was dropped the power would immediately drop to about 50 kW and then decay slowly to a final steady state value of a few thousand counts per second. (Note: in answering the questions below, calculations are neither required nor desired.)

a. The loss of what component of the neutron flux causes the sharp drop in power?
b. What determines the rate of power decrease at about five minutes after the rod is dropped?
c. Why does the power stabilize after approximately one hour when keff is less than 1.07 l l

QUESTION H.11 (1.00) Multiple Choice Which ONE of the following factors plays the most important role in determining the worth of a control rod?  ; 1

a. The rod speed.
b. The flux shape,
c. The reactor power. l
d. The delayed neutron fraction.

I l l l (***** END OF CATEGORY H *****)

I. RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS HANDLING DISPOSAL Paga 7 AND HAZARDS QUESTION I.01 (1.00) If two centimeters of lead placed at a certain location in a beam of gamma rays would reduce the gamma radiation level from 100 mR/ hour to 50 mR/ hour, what thickness of lead placed in this beam would reduce the gamma radiation level from 400 mR/ hour to 50 mR/ hour? QUESTION I.02 (2.00) How long would a person have to spend in each of the following fields to receive a whole body dose equivalent to the ARRR weekly guideline? Show all work and state all assumptions,

a. 40 mr/hr gamma
b. 10 mr/hr thermal neutrons
c. 30 MREM /hr fast neutrons
d. A field containing all of the above QUESTION I.03 (2.00) l A mixed beam of neutrons emerges from a reactor port. The intensities 2

are 10,000 thermal and 360 fast neutrons /cm sec. t

a. How long can a worker stay in this neutron field before he exceeds the ARRR quarterly limit of 1.0 rem? Attachment Q-2 taken from 10CFR20 will be useful in your calculation. Show all work.
b. What action must be taken if the worker exceeds the ARRR quarterly limit by 150 mrem?

QUESTION I.04 (2.00) An individual in a restricted area may be allowed to receive a whole body dose in excess of the federal quarterly limit of 1.25 rem under certain conditions. State TWO of the three conditions. (***** CATEGORY I CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

i ! I. RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS HANDLING DISPOSAL Pago 8 AND HAZARDS QUESTION I.05 (2.00) In accordance with 10CFR20, state TWO of the THREE alternative ways of controlling access to a high radiation area. QUESTION I.06 (2.00) List the FOUR major drains which feed potentially contaminated liquids to the low level sump tank. QUESTION I.07 (1.50) The following questions apply to the fixed gamma monitor required by Technical Specifications.

a. What is the setpoint as stated in the Technical Specifications?


b. Upon reaching setpoint, in what TWO locations must alarms be sounded in accordance with Technical Specifications? (1.00)

QUESTION I.08 (2.00) The following questions apply to the fixed detector required by Technical Specifications for monitoring of radioactive gasses,

a. State the two sample points, either of which must be monitored in order to be in compliance with Technical Specifications. (1.00) ,

1 b, In what location is there required to be a continuous detector  ! readout? (0.50) ' l

c. What is the Technical Specification setpoint of the associated annunciator? (0.50)

QUESTION I.09 (3.00) State THREE of the FOUR EAL (Emergency Action Levels). Include setpoints in your answer. (***** CATEGORY I CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)


I. RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS HANDLING DISPOSAL Pago 9 AND HAZARDS QUESTION I.10 (1.00) Multiple Choice If the reactor was at 250 KW and one central fuel element failed, what would be the dose received in the first hour by an individual standing in the middle of the reactor room. Assume that the individual did not evacuate as he should have,

a. 0 - 25 mr
b. 50 - 75 mr
c. 250 - 300 mr
d. 475 - 525 mr QUESTION I.11 (1.50)

State the THREE radioactive gases of major concern during a fuel element failure. (***** END OF CATEGORY I *****)

. l I J. SPECIFIC OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Pego 10 l l I l QUESTION J.01 (2.00) I The procedure for control rod calibration by the rod drop method states that power should be maintained between 100 and 1000 watts just before dropping the rod. Testing outside these limits may cause the measured rod worth to be lower than the actual rod worth. Why will exceeding the upper limit cause the measured rod worth to be less than the actual rod worth? In your answer to the question give both the physical effect of operating outside the limit and explain how i the stated ph;sical effect will lead to the errer in rod worth. QUESTION J.02 (3.00) With all rods in, cold, Xe free, the count rate is 1000 cpm and the reactivity is -$5.36. What final count rate would you expect to see if the safety rod was completely withdrawn 7 Show all work. QUESTION J.03 (1.00) Multiple Choice With the reactor pool outlet initially at 80 F and the reactor at 250 kW, a reduction in primary flow rate from normal to 100 gpm will:

a. Eventually result in a reactor scram if no operator action is taken.
b. Result in an immediate scram.
c. Cause the cooling tower fan to operate more frequently.
d. Result in a higher steady state pool outlet temperature. l l

QUESTION J.04 (1.00) What design feature of the pool makeup system prevents overflow of the pool? l l l (***** CATEGORY J CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) 1 l l 1


a. Is it possible to siphon the pool below the Technical Specification level limit via the suction line if a break occurs in the primary coolant loop? Explain specifically how it would occur or what would prevent it.
b. Is it possible to siphon the pool below the Technical Specification level limit via the discharge line if a break occurs in the primary <

coolant loop? Explain specifically how it would occur or what would prevent it. QUESTION J.06 (1.En} Given that the reacto: is critical at .01 watt, what behavior / trend would you expect to observe on the following instruments?

a. Rod position indications.
b. Period meter.


c. Channel #1 count rate.

QUESTION J 07 (2.50)

a. With the Regulating rod in the full down position the UP pushbutton is depressed. The foot microswitch fails such that it will not change positior; from the normal control rod down position.

Describe the sequence of rod motion AND rod indicator lamp changes for this situation. Attachment Q-3 showing the rod drive, motor control and indicator lamp circuit is included for your use.

b. With the Safety rod in the full up position, the DN pushbutton is depressed. The foot microswitch fails such that it will not change position from the normal control rod up position.

Describe the sequence of rod motion AND rod indicator lamp changes for this situation. Attachment Q-3 showing the rod drive, motor control and indicator lamp circuit is included for your use. (***** CATEGORY J CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

J. SPECIFIC OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Page 12 QUESTION J.08 (3.00) With the following initial conditions:

1. Safety rod fully withdrawn
2. Regulating rod fully inserted
3. Shim rod half way out of core and moving in the outward direction (operator is depressing up switch) the wire in the safety rod drive motor breaks between the coil and the 300 ohm bias resistor. Assuming that the operator continues to press the UP switch for the shim rod but takes no other action and assuming that all automatic features operate correctly, what will be the position of each of the above rods two minutes after the wire fails?

QUESTION J.09 (1.00) What would be the indication during a normal shutdown following i eight hours of full power operation of a compensated ion chamber I that was overcompensated? QUESTION J.10 (1.00) bre The Magnet Relay Inter 1 ok relay, K69A, prevents re-energizing of the scram -alay, K380 , following a scram as long as power remains above disconnect. at is the reason for this interlock? QUESTION J.11 (1.50)

a. What kind of detector is used to initiate a pool water high temperature scram? (1.00)
b. What is the Technical Specification setpoint for the high temperature scram? (0.50)

QUESTION J.12 (1.00) The reactor safety systems are required by Technical Specifications to be FAIL-SAFE. Define FAIL-SAFE when used in this context. (***** END OF CATEGORY J *****)

l l K. FUEL HANDLING AND CORE PARAMETERS Pcgo 13 l I QUESTION K.01 (1.50) l What is the physical sequence of events that occur when the emergency l release pins on the pneumatic fuel-handling tool are removed in ' order to release a fuel element. Include in your answer a discussion of the effects on or of the following components: Steel balls l Fuelelementengagementsleeve(insidecylinderoflockingmechanism') . Locking sleeve (outside cylinder of locking mechanism) Spring Fuel element end fixture groove 1 l QUESTION K.02 (3.00) , l State THREE procedural controls that help to prevent the accidental swapping of fuel elements during surveillance checks.  ; l I QUESTION K.03 (3.00) )

a. Following the removal of all the fuel elements from the core for maintenance on a non-fueled core structure the excess reactivity must be measured after the reloading of a maximum of 70 fuel elements. How is this excess reactivity measurement performed?  !

(2.00) l

b. How often is this procedure repeated as reloading is continued?

(1.00) l QUESTION K.04 (2.50)

a. What is the maximum number of fuel elements than can be stored in the the storage rack in the reactor tank? (0.50)
b. If it is necessary to unload the entire core, where would the fuel and reflector elements in excess of the storage rack capacity be stored? (1.00)
c. What is the Technical Specification limit related to the design of in pool storage racks? (1.00) 1



a. What surveillances must be performed on fuel elenont s? (1.00) l
b. How often are these surveillances performed? (0.50) j
c. State two inspection observations that could result. ln an element being withdrawn from service? (1.00)

STION K.06 (3.00) Usin e top view of the core provided in Attachment Q-4, indicate the followin r the present core configuration:

a. location of t egulating rod.
b. location of the safety .
c. location of the source.
d. location of the Glory Hole. I
e. outline of ONE of the two TRIANGULAR irradiation lities.
f. name of the component located at G10.

he t QUESTION K.07 (2.00) Assuming that the rod worths are not affected significantly, what would be the affect, if any, of moving the Glory Hole closer to the center of the core on:

a. the critical rod position at 1000 watts?
b. the change in rod position from 1000 watts to 250 kW7 i

l l l (***** CATEGORY K CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) j j

K. FUEL HANDLING AND CORE PARAMETERS Pags 15 QUESTION K.08 (2.50) Referring to the data below and the Attachment Q-5 subcritical multiplication plot of that data:

a. predict fuel loading for criticality. (0.50)
b. state why the data indicates a procedural violation AND specifically state which steps and which detectors show this violation. (2.00)

TOTAL NUMBER STEP OF ELEMENTS DETECTOR A DETECTOR B DETECTOR C 0 0 100 75 50 1 30 417 97 90 2 40 645 115 122 3 50 1,667 150 192 4 60 6,667 246 435 5 65 20,000 441 1,111 6 66 25,000 600 2,000 P (***** END OF CATEGORY K *****)



AND LIMITATIONS QUESTION L.01 (3.00) The attached REFERENCES package will be useful in an.,wering this questior During performance of corrective maintenance to replace the Control Rod Drive Mechanism rod down limit switch, it was discovered that the magnet wire c>nduit had been damaged and needed to be replaced. A temporary change to the limit switch replacement ORF (Operations Request Form) was prepared. After reviewing Technical Specification 12.2.2 the SRO and another qualified staff member approved the change. The replacement of the switch and the conduit was then completed,

a. Wh. wc1 it incorrect to apply Technical Specification 12.2.2 in the above scenario?
b. What Technical Specif.ication was violated by the incorrect application cf Technical Specification 12.2.27
c. It. accordance with the Administrative Procedures, who must the SRO notify when the error is discovered?

QUESTION L.02 (3.00) g7g4

                                 , ;7 The attached REFERENCES package will be useful in answering this questior At 1000 on Monday, the reactor automatically scrams from 250 kW when the channel #4 nuclear inst dment fails low. At 1100 it is determined that the detector is broken nd must be replaced. During the investigation of the channel #4 pro em the area radiation monitor fails low (the           !

detector has failed) < l

a. What Technical Specification has been violated? (Either exact '

section or a ummary statement is acceptable). )

b. What actio would be necessary to get within compliance? l
c. According/to the facility license, to whom AND within what time period should a report be made?

1 l l l l (***** CATEGORY L CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) l I


 ! L. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS                                                               Pcgo 17 AND LIMITATIONS QUESTION    L.03    (2.00)

The attached REFERENCES package will be useful in answering this questioi If a licensed operator has not actively performed his function as SRO for the minimum of four hours in a quarter, what actions must be taken before he resumes the function authorized by his license? QUESTION L.04 (1.00) In accordance with the Reactor Annunciator Responses guide, why does the failure of the demineralizer pump force a shutdown of the reactor? QUESTION L.05 (1.50)

a. According to Technical Specifications what is the minimum number af personnel that must be present for reactor operations to be permitted. (0.50)
b. In accordance with Technical Specifications what is the license level, if any, required of each person on the minimum reactor operating crew. (1.00)

QUESTION L.06 (2.00) State FOUR specific times when the presence at the facility of an SRO would be required. 3 QUESTION L.07 (1.00) According to the Technical Specification definitions, what are the TWO methods of securing the console key? (***** CATEGORY L CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) i _ - . _ _ ~ - _ _ . - . _ . _ - - . _ - - - _ ,

L. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS Pago 18 AND LIMITATIONS QUESTION L.08 (2.00) The attached REFERENCES package will be useful in answering this questior How long should the following records be maintained? Answer each part separately,

a. Records of emergency reactor scrams including reasons for emergency shutdowns.
b. Requalification program records.

QUESTION L.09 (2.00) State the TWO reasons for gathering in the control room in the event of a fission product release from the core. QUESTION L.10 (1.00) According to the Emergency Plan, who has primary authority for authorizing exposures in excess of 100FR20 requirements? QUESTION L.11 (1.00) 1 State the criterion used by the SRO for determining whether or not he should immediately call the San Ramon Fire Department. QUESTION L.12 (1.00) In the absence of the President, alternate, state who is the EmergencyAerotest Operations, Coordinator for a:with no designated l

a. radiological emergency,
b. facility emergency. l

(***** END OF CATEGORY L *****) (********** END OF EXAMINATION **********)

l H. REACTOR THEORY Paga 19 I ANSWER H 01 (2.00) )

a. The change in reactivity associated with a change in the bath (pool) temperature. (1.00) '
b. The change in reactivity associated with a change in the fuel temperature. (1.00)

REFERENCE ARRR Training Test #7. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, Sees. 1.3.3 & 1.3.4. ANSWER H.02 (2.00)

a. Temperature increase causes increased thermal vibration of the Hydrogen atoms in the Zirc-Hydride matrix [0.50] which then results in increased neutron energies (harder spectrum) following scattering by the Zirc-Hydride [0.50]. (1.00)
b. As the neutron spectrum hardens, more neutrons escape from the fuel

[0.50] and are absorbed in the non-fuel (moderator, reflector, core structure) portions of the core [0.50]. (1.00) REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, Sec. 1.3.2 & 1.3.3. l ANSWER H.03 (2.00)

a. The fraction of the thermal neutron population that was born delayed. (1.00) ed neutrons are born at lower energies than prompt b.

neutrons [0. ore likely to reach thermal energies [0,50]. (Therefore, the frac Qe t eutrons at thermal energies (beta effective) is greater than th raet4

  • delayed neutrons at birth (beta).) ,,(l l


e r H. REACTOR THEORY Pcco 20 REFERENCE, ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol 4, Sec i.2.2. Other standard texts for example Lamarsh's," Nuclear Reactor Theory", Sec. 12-5. ANSWER H.04 (1.00) Because the installation of a fuel element causes the center of the core to be highly undermoderated. 1

s REFERENCE AGNIR Reactor Physics Tests, Sec VI.C.

ANSWER H.05 (2.00)

a. Americium 241 decays by alpha emission [0.50].

Beryllium 9 absorbs the alpha and decays immedistely with the emission of a neutron [0.50). OR 241 237 Am ---> Np + Alpha [0.50). 9 12 Be + Alpha - -- > C + neutron [0.50). (1.00)

b. Neutron transmutation in the source [0.50] has created a more active alpha emitter [0.50].

OR Americium 241 has been converted to Curium 242 by neutron capture (0.50] and curium 242 is a more active alpha emitter [0.50). (1.00) (***** CATEGORY H CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

H. REACTOR THEORY Pcgo 21 REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 3, Sec RT-5.D. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2 Sec. III.4.8. ANSWER H.06 (3.00) See graph included as Attachment A-1. Assumed a xenon equilibrium value of $1.40. Will accept answers that reflect and equilibrium of $1.30 to $1.50. Grading - Rise to $.35 (+/- $.10) at 1600 Monday [0.50).

              - Peak at $.04 (+/- 3.02) higher [0.25] in 2 to 4 hours [0.25].
              - Drop to $.20 (+/- $.10) by 0800 Tuesday [0.25]
              - Small dip of less than $.02 [0.25] with minimum occurring in one hour or less [0.25].

Rise to 3.04 (+/- $.10 BUT higher than 1600 Monday) at 1600 Tuesday [0.50].

              - Peak at 3.05 (+/- $.02 but as large or larger than peak on Monday) higher [0.25] in 2 to 5 hours (but as long or longer than peak on Monday) [0.25].
              - Decay to 3.10 (+/- $.075) by 0800 Thursday [0.25].

REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, sec. 1.3.7. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, sec. 1.3.7, Fig. 1.7, assuming a flux of 4 x 10 E 12 for 250 kW in the ARRR. AGNIR Reactor Physics Tests, Fig. 14, "Xenon vs time". ANSWER H.07 (1.00) _; Y1.3 9 T = t r Ln(n /n ) = 20 sec,r Ln(60/40) = ert +/ .5 seconds. . 1 0 I i [0.75 for correct equation. 0.25 for correct result.] l (***** CATEGORY H CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

H. REACTOR THEORY Pago 22 REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, sec. 1.2.5. ANSWER H.08 (1.00) Using the Inhour graph S.35 +/-$.01. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, sec. 1.2.5. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 1, sec. IV, Figs. II & III. ANSWER H.09 (1.00) Because graphite has a significantly lower neutron absorption cross section. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 3, Sec. RT-5.II.C. ANSWER H.10 (3.00)

a. The prompt component. (1.00)
b. After five minutes the power decrease is controlled by the decay of longest lived delayed neutron precursor. (1.00)
c. Suberitical multiplication (of core source neutrons) causes the power to stabilize. (1.00)

REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, Secs. 1.2.5 & 1~.2.7. (***** CATEGORY H CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) 1

 ,      H. REACTOR THEORY                                                                                                                                                Pego 23 ANSWER             H.11             (1.00)
b. >

REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, Sec. 1.1.13. J l 4 (***** END OF CATEGORY H *****) I I. - ___ _ .. . _ . . _ . . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . , . _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . - _ _ . _ _ _ .

I. RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS HANDLING DISPOSAL Paga 24 AND HAZARDS ANSWER I.01 (1.00) 6 cm REFERENCE , ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 5, Sec. 10.4. ANSWER I.02 (2.00)

a. 100 mREH/(40 mr/hr x QF of 1) = 2.5 hr (0.50)
b. 100 MREM /(10 MRAD /hr x QF of 3) = 3.33 hr (0.50)
c. 100 MREM /(30 MREM /hr) = 3.33 hr (0.50)
d. 100 MREM /(40 MREM /hr + 30 MREM /hr + 30 MREM /hr) = 1 hr (0.50)

REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 1, Sec. VI.E.1.a. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 5, Sec. 3.5. ANSWER I.03 (2.00) 2 2

a. (1 rem /970 E 6 n/cm ) x 10,000 n/cm sec x 3600 sec/hr = .037 rem /hr.

2 2 (1 rem /14 E 6 n/cm ) x 360 n/cm sec x 3600 sec/hr = .093 rem /hr 1 rem /(.037 rem /hr + .093 rem /hr) = 7.7 hrs (+/- .1 hr) (1.00)

b. An investigation must be completed and the type and circumstances of exposure must be recorded. (1.00)


I. RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS HANDLING DISPOSAL Pago 25 AND HAZARDS REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 1, Sec. VI.E.1.a. 10CFR20.4.(a).(4). I ANSWER I.04 (2.00) i Any two of the following at 1.00 point each: 1

1. He does not exceed 3 rem per quarter, j
2. His radiation history is known and properly recorded (NRC Form 4). j i
3. The dose received when added to his radiation history does not exceed 5(N-18) rems where N = the person's age at his last birthday.

REFERENCE 10CFR20.101.(b). ANSWER I.05 (2.00) Any two of the following at 1.00 point each: Access to the high radiation area may be controlled by:

1. A device lowering radiation upon entry [0.50] such that it is less than the high radiation limit (0.50).
2. A warning device that upon entry audibly [0.25] or visibly [0.25]

alerts the person entoring [0.25] and alerts the licensee or a ) supervisor [0.25]. )

1. s e. 1
3. A locking device {0.50] er rnaitiva nnntral ever-each-individual __ l entry-eor 503-J N. in ect .Sur ve 1 lis.,ce ro p e vent u n a r Gr; e ed en rey.



1. Reactor trench.
2. Heat exchanger building trench. ,
3. Demineralizer building trench.
4. Chemical laboratory sink.

REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2 Sec VI.4. ANSWER I.07 (1.50)

a. Less than or equal to 10 mr/hr. (0.50)
b. Within the reactor building.

At the San Ramon Fire Department. (1.00) REFERENCE ARRR Technical Specifications, Sec. 7.1. ANSWER I.08 (2.00)

a. Roof vent (0.25] above the reactor core [0.25].

In the vicinity of the reactor core [0.50). (1.00)

b. In the control room. (0.50) l
c. Less than or equal to 2 mr/hr. (0.50) ,


I. RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS HANDLING DISPOSAL Pega 27 AND HAZARDS REFERENCE ARRR Technical Specifications, Sec. 7.2. ANSWER I.09 (3.00) Any three of the following at 0.50 point each for the parameter and 0.50 point cach for the setpoint:

1. High radiation level in the control room, > 100 mR/hr.
2. High water radioactivity as seen on the control room monitor
          > 200 mR/hr.
3. High air radioactivity as seen on the control room monitor
          > 20 mR/hr.


4. Smearable surface contamination > 10 mr/hr per 100 cm .

REFERENCE ARRR Emergency Plan, Sec. V. ANSWER I.10 (1.00) ,

b. ,

l REFERENCE ARRR Emergency Plan, p. C-8. ANSWER I.11 (1.50)

1. Xenon
2. Krypton
3. Iodine l


                    -          ,.n. ,-. , , ,   -,.m..,, - - , , . - , ,,    ,,   - ,-- ,-- -    ,,-r -- ,


!                                                                                                                                                                                             I l

l s a J (***** END OF CATEGORY I *****) __m ___ _ _ - _ - _ - - . _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - . _ _ _ _ _ _

J. SPECIFIC OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Paca 29 l ANSWER J.01 (2.00) Exceeding the upper limit would cause significant generation of heat in the fuel [0.50) which would add negative reactivity to the core (0.50). When the rod is dropped the fuel will cool [0,50] and.the negative reactivity added by the fuel will decrease [0.50] such that the measured overall reactivity change due to the dropped rod (as inferred from the resultant negative period) will be less than the actual rod worth. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor 0;t4Fator Training Manual, Vol. 1, Sec. IV.C.2. l l l 1 (***** CATEGORY J CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) )

J. SPECIFIC OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Pega 30 ANSWER J.02 (3.00) As stated on the rod worth curves attached to the test, the Safety rod is worth $3.85. Therefore the reactor is shutdown by $5.36 - $3.85 = $1.51 after safety rod withdrawal. From the equation sheet the proper equations to use are: C (1 - k ) = C (1 - k ) 1 1 2 2 AND p= (k - 1)/k which means 1 - k = 1/(1 - 1/p) where p = rho. Alternatively k can be calculated as shown below and directly substituted into the first equation above. Of course the final answer will still be the same. k - 1/(1 p) Additionally, it is necessary to convert dollars to p using: p = $ x Beta Combining the above gives: Final count rate = Initial count rate (1 - 1/p ) / (1 - 1/p ) final initial

   = 1000 (1 - 1/(1.51 x .0079)) / (1 - 1/(5.36 x .0079)) = 3446 cpn.

Grade as follows: 2.00 for proper use of equations. 0.50 for calculation of reactivity with rod withdrawn. l 0.50 for use of proper value of beta, .0079. ' REFERENCE i ARRR rod worth curves. ARRR Technical Specifications, 5.1.2. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, Sec 1.2.1 & 1.2.7. (***** CATEGORY J CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

J. SPECIFIC OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Paga 31 ANSWER J.03 (1.00) d REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 1, Sec. IV.C.3.b. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2 Sec. V. ANSWER J.04 (1.00) The two pool level controlled float valves in series in the makeup supply line. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. V.2. ANSWER J.05 (2.00) , a. No. The suction line extends only one foot below the normal water level. (1.00)

b. No. The-diocharge line (Chech-at f-aci-lity-to-see-if-there- is-any design-features-such,s a Ele drltled-in-the--discharge _line-piping, this-a standard-design-feature-but-was-not-mentioned-in-the-text. )

No ps; - r in r G- d: se he, e Noe exterm / ro T h e );u e l is /ccue r (1 00) TH8, one L r- h# lo w t h e- w ,< / i w re , te n f. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. V.3.1. ARRR Training Guides and Tests, Study Handout No. 2, Question 2. CAF (***** CATEGORY J CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)


a. No motion. (0. 50 )-
b. 2E"S @r SLIGHTL 4 siLivc); T n Sn /r7, (0.50)
c. Stable (or SLOWLY increasing). (0.50)

REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 4, Sec. 1.2.7. ANSWER J.07 (2.50) Sequence of motor and lamp events. [ Points for each individual event as shown, 0.25 points per question a and b for completely correct sequence, loss of 0.25 points for each incorrect event.]

a. 1. Rod starts to drive out [0.25].
2. DN and CONT lamps extinguish [0.25 each]

and rod motion stops (0.25]. (1.25)

b. 1. Rod starts to drive in [0.25]. '
2. UP lamp is extinguished [0.25].  !
3. DN lamp is lit (0.25] '

and rod motion ceases [0.25]. (1.25) REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec IX. , 1 l ANSWER J.08 (3.00)

1. Safety rod - Fully inserted [1.00].
2. Regulating rod - Fully inserted [1.00].
3. Shim rod - Half way out of core OR just slightly over half way out of core (due to small amount of time to actuate the safety rod MAG UP switch) [1.00].


- J. SPECIFIC OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Pcgo 33 REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec'IX. ANSWER J.09 (1.00) The indication will read low off-scale (and then slowly return to an on-scale reading). c) R REFERENCE Lo ,ec r t, , ,, J r n o vicl n a r k e lh n'a c}. ARRR Training Guides and Tests, Test No. 3, Question III.4.

                     /'                        f ANSWER     J.10     ( .00)L Cej'TO' Prevents sta    up with channel #1 scrams bypassed.

REFERENCE ARRR Repctor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. IX. l l ANSWER J.11 (1.50)

a. A bimetallic switch. (1.00)
b. Less than or equal to 130 F. (0.50)

REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. IX, Fig. IX-5. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec. V.2. ANSWER J.12 (1.00) De-energizing of the reactor safety systems shall cause a scram. (***** CATEGORY J CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)


  -                   J.      SPECIFIC OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS                                                                                                                               Pcss 34      :

REFERENCE  ! ARRR Technical Specifications, Sec. 6.1.

                               >                                                                                                                                                                            l 1

e i 1 i l l I i 1 l (***** END OF CATEGORY J *****)

     ,  .n----- - ---
                       ,,-.m,    - , , , , , , , - - , _ . . . , , , . .  -w. - , - , egg,.,n g     ,,v.  .,y...,,-,     g,,,-,--   ,,n,,- ,e_.m.,.,-w...  , - -- , , p., -, . ,. -.,,,n-,,,,,       w..y.,

K. FUEL HANDLING AND CORE PARAMETERS Pega 35 ANSWER K.01 (1.50) When the pins are removed the fuel element engagement sineve is forced downward by spring pressure [0.50]. When the steel balls in the fuel element engagement sleeve clear the lower lip of the locking sleeve the balls are free to move to their outermost position [0.50]. When the balls are in their outermost position they no longer engage the grove in the fuel element end fixture [0.50] and the fuel element is released. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Volume 2, Fig. IV-1. ANSWER K.02 (3.00) Any three of the following at 1.00 points each:

1. Only one fuel element may be out of core or storage at a single time.
2. All fuel is required to be returned to its original position prior to startup.
3. Records of all fuel movements are maintained.
4. A data sheet is prepared in advance which delineates fuel moves to be performed.
5. Any deviation from the fuel movement schedule requires the approval of two operators, and at least one of these must be an SRO.
6. Adequate supervision is ensured by requiring an SRO to be present.

REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Volume 1, Sec. IV.D. (***** CATEGORY K CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)


a. 1. The reactor is brought to critical at 100 W [1.00].
2. The rod worth curves are used to determine how much reactivity would be inserted if the rods were fully withdrawn [1.00].(2.00)
b. The excess reactivity is measured after the ir. rtion of each i-ndividual

uol olower.t. each 5 h s e g ' - ' r (m e / 4 oq/, r A-2 . (1.00) REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Volume 1, Sec. IV.E.8. ANSWER K.04 (2.50)

a. 21 (0.50)  !
b. The fuel is stored in temporary ir. pool storage racks (0.50].

The reflector elements are stored in the graphite column [0.50]. , (1.00) '

c. Keff will not exceed 0.8 (for all conditions of moderation. (1.00) i REFERENCE ARRR Technical Specifications, Sec. 11.2.

ARRR Study Guides and Tests. Test #6, Question 3. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Volume 1, Sec. IV.D. 1 1 l l l (***** CATEGORY K CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)


a. Fuel elements must be visually inspected for defects. (1.00)
b. Inspections are done every two years. (0.50)
c. Any two of the following at 0.50 points each:
1. Significant bowing.
2. Significant swelling.
3. Excessive corrosion.
4. Cladding failure. (1.00)

REFERENCE ARRR Training Guides and Tests, Test #6, Question 24. (***** CATEGORY K CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

IC. FUEL HANDLING AND CORE PARAMETERS Pcg3 3E l 0 ANSWER K.06 (3.00) Based on nuary 1988 core loading. 4,); II a e e q*T (y ( f/ c,ed;r 9e ev " < r r ,4) See sketch be ow for a to e. fo,,,g.,e4,3 ;, p,<n $ j/ c ,V(Each 0.50) f,e.go,, (g

                                           'I#4 "' 6 " '                                                    A     I^**'
f. Fuel element. #/"

be conec r ce e red;r w ; // ke La r.

                                                                                           "          J     "'i T      (O.50)

f-50vRcE , Q7 N y

                             #e                 66      1 O@'X h x                 \

Es 1 0 ' C,I D cl FI I

                          \OOO O d                     Ts 8@                                                                      au REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol.                     2, Sec. III.4.3, Fig. III-4.

l ANSWER K.07 (2.00)

      .s . The critical rod position would be higher.                                                                            l
b. The change in rod position would not be affected.


K. FUEL HANDLING AND CORE PARAMETERS Pega 39 REFERENCE AGNIR Reactor Physics Tests, Fig. 9, Core component reactivity worth as a function of core position. ARRR Reactivity Loss to Power Procedure. ANSWER K.08 (2.50)

a. 68 (0.50)
b. More than half the number of fuel elements projected to be required to reach criticality were added in many steps [1.00].

Steps 2,3,4, & 5 for Detector A [0.50] Steps 4 & 5 for Detector C [0.50). REFERENCE ARRR Training Guides and Tests, Test #5, Questions 20 and 21. (***** END OF CATEGORY K *****) l l


a. The change to the ORF changed the intent of the procedure and therefore a temporary change was not allowed. (1.00)
b. Technical Specification (1.00)
c. The Reactor Supervisor. (1.00)

REFERENCE ARRR Technical Specifications, Sec. & 12.2.2. ARRR Administrative Procedures, Sec. B.6.d.


ANSWER L.02 (3.00)

a. Sec. 6.4. t 2 eT8 OR Reactor sequence, interlocks and safety circuits shall remain operable while fuel is in the core except that one channel may be removed for main 'enance purposes when the reactor is shutdown. (1.00) ,
b. Immediately re air or replace one of the two failed detectors.

OR Unload th core. (1.00)

c. Should port to the NRC [0.50) within 10 days [0.50]. (1.00)

REFERENCE ARRR Te9 h nical Specifications 6.4 and 1.3. ARRR License, Sec. D. 7 (***** CATEGORY L CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)

e . L. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS Paga 41 AND LIMITATIONS ANSWER L.03 (2.00) An authorized representative of the facility licensee shall certify that (0.66):

1. the qualifications and status of the licensee are current and valid [0.67)
2. the licensee has completed a minimum of six hours of shift function under the direction of and SRO (including a complete tour of the plant and all shift "turnover" procedures) [0.67).

REFERENCE 10CFR55.53(f) ANSWER L 04 (1.00) Because it renders the water radiation monitor inoperable. REFERENCE ARRR Reactor Annunciator Responses, p. 5. ARRR Technical Specifications, Sec. 7.3. ARRR Training Guides a'nd Tests, Test #5, question 8. ANSWER L 05 (1.50)

a. TWO (0.50)
b. One must be a licensed Operator. (1.00) l 1


I L. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS Pcco 42 j AND LIMITATIONS l l l REFEREliCE 1 ARRR Technical Specifications, Sec. 10.1. Training Guides and Tests, Test #1, Question 1. ANSWER L.06 (2.00)

1. During initial startup and approach to power. l
2. During refueling.
3. During recovery from an unplanned shutdown.
4. During significant power reductions.

REFERENCE ARRR Operating Procedures, Sec C.2. . ANSWER L.07 (1.00) Tha key is secured by having it:

1. under the control of a licensed operator (0.50]
2. in a locked storage area (0.50].

REFERENCE ARRR Technical Specifications, Sec. 1.1. ARRR Operating Procedures, Sec. C.6. 4 ANSWER L.08 (2.00) l

a. Until the NRC authorizes disposition. (1.00)
b. Until the operator's license is renewed. (1.00)



1. To far litate a head count (personnel accountability) [1.00].
2. Because the control room is pressurized with clean air from outside (1.00].

REFERENCE ARRR Training Guides and Tests, Test #4, Question 29. ARRR Emergency Plan, Sec. E. ARRR Reactor Operator Training Manual, Vol. 2, Sec II.1. ANSWER L.10 (1.00) Radiological Safety Officer. REFERENCE ARRR Emergency Plan, Sec. C.2. ANSWER L.11 (1.00) If it is obvious that the fire cannot be controlled by portable fire fighting equipment within the facility then the fire department , should be called. J (***** CATEGORY L CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) J

    - L. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS                                     Page 44,1 AND LIMITATIONS I'

f , F l


REFERENCE ARRR General Emergency Procedure, Sec. C 6. i ANSWER L.12 (1.00) s

a. Radiation Safety Officer. (0.50)
b. Reactor Supervisor. , (0.50)

REFERENCE ARRR Emergency Plan, Sec. C.1. y


it t (***** END OF CATEGORY L *****) ' (**t++***** END OF EXAMINATION **********) Io 1

                                                                          ',    l l                                                              '


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