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TMI Aquatic Study Monthly Rept for Sept 1985
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1985
Shared Package
ML20198B723 List:
NUDOCS 8511070188
Download: ML20198B725 (12)



THREE MILE ISLAND AQUATIC STUDY MONTHLY REPORT FOR SE!'TEMBER 1985 Prepared for CPU Nuclear Corporation P.O. Box 480 Ecute 441 South Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 Prepared by EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc.

Hunt Valley /Loveton Center 15 Loveton Circle Sparks , Maryland 21152 October 1985 8511070188 851031 PDR ADOCK 05000289 PDR g

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THREE MILE ISLAND AQUATIC STUDY MONTRLY REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 1985 Prepared for GPU Nuclear Corporation P.O. Box 480 Route 441 South Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 Prepared by EA Engineering, Science, a 1 Technology, Inc.

Hunt Valley /Loveton Center 15 Loveton Circle Sparks, Maryland 21152 October 1985


The objective of this monthly report is to document compliance with the nonradiological (aquatic) environmental monitoring programs specified in Sections 3.1.1.a(4) , 3.1.2.a. , and 4.6.1 of the Environmental Technical l


f Specifications (ETS) . These programs have been carried out as directed )

in the Environmental Controls Aquatic Sampling Manual. Program elements J being conducted under contract to GPU Nuclear Corporation include benthic 1

macroinvertebrates, ichthyoplankton, fish population dynamics (seine and electrofishing), creel surveys, and water quality. The ultimate purpose of these studies is to obtain a database suf ficient to establish the natural fluctuations within the ecosysten and identify any significant biological alterations resulting from the TMINS.

l Compliance with all programs specified in the ETS and detailed in the Aquatic Sampling Manual was achieved in September (Table 1) . Creel surveys originally scheduled for 26 September were conducted on 21 September, allowing for availability of EA scientists for said sampling.

General Reservoir, West Dam, and East Dam 0900h creel surveys were not conducted due to thunderstorms on 8 September. Benthos / water quality sampling scheduled for 17 September was rescheduled and conducted on 10 September, allowing for the availability of GPU personnel for water sample delivery. Seine sampling was moved from 10 to 17 September to facilitate the above mentioned benthos / water quality schedule change.

Electrofishing was also rescheduled to allow for the availability of EA l

scientists; samples were taken on 18 rather than 25 September. All other field sample dates during September followed the prescribed 198s "TMINS Aquatic Sampling Schedule" proposed by EA during March. Details are provided in the following pages wherein progress is described for each program.

Data presented in this report are considered provisional, pending subsequent proofing, analysis, and presentation in the annual report.


Water Ouality Analysis r

Ob iec tive: To measure select physical and chemical parameters I

of the Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Three Mile Island Nuclear Station (TMINS) concurrent with General Ecological Survey samples.

Proeress: Water quality samples were collected on 10 Septem-i ber 1985 and forwarded to TMI-EC (Table 1) . Concurrent dupli-cate water samples were transported to EA's Chemistry labora-tory for total dissolved solids analysis. Comparisons of TMI-EC and EA results will be made upon receipt of laboratory data. l Benthic Macroinvertebrates Obiective: To assess the abundance, distribution, and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates at three stations in the vicinity of TMINS.

Proeress: Benthos sampling on 10 September 1985 consisted of replicate (4) samples taken at each of the three benthos stations (Table 1). Benthic macroinvertebrates collected on 16 April and 14 May were identified and biomessed with the exception of chironomid larvae. Laboratory sorting of benthos collected during August was also completed.

Rhthvoolank ton Obiective: To determine species composition, relative abundance, density, seasonal and spatiai distribution of ichthyoplankton at eight stations in the vicinity of TMINS.

Proeress: Ichthyoplankton field sampling for the 1985 season was completed with the 28 August collection.


Seine Obiective: To assess species composition, relative abundance, ,


seasonal and spatial distribution, condition factor, occur-rence of parasites, anomalies and fish kills, and species diversity of fishes vulnerable to seine capture at six stations in the vicinity of TMINS.


Seine collections were taken at each of the six sampling stations on 17 and 24 September 1985 (Table 1) .

Ekeetrofishine 1


l I Obiective: To assess species composition, relative abundance, f occurrence of parasites, anomalies, and species diversity of fishes vulnerable to electrofisher capture at six stations in the vicinity of TMINS.

Proeress: Electrofishing at the six stations was completed on 11 and 18 September 1985 (Table 1) . Samples consisted of 133 fish of 16 species and 197 fish of 17 species collected on 11 and 18 September, respectively (Tables 2 and 3) . More fish (56 specimens) were collected at Station 4A1 than at any other station on both sample dates. Gizzard shad was the predominant species captured on 18 September, while centrarchids collectively dominanted the 11 September catch.

Ectoparasites observed on fishes taken by electrofisher during September included: leeches on 2 redbreast sunfish; anchor worms (Lernaeal on 1 white sucker, 3 redbreast sunfish, 2 pumpkinseeds, and 1 bluegill; and cysts on 1 channel catfish and 1 bluegill. Fin rot was observed and inflicted 2 green sunfish,1 pumpkinseed, and 1 bluegill. Wounds related to angling (e.g. , mouth fungus, eye injuries, etc.) were seen on 1 redbreast sunfish,1 green sunfish,1 pumpkinseed, I smallmouth bass, and I largemouth bass.


Creel Survev I

I Obiective: To investigate the extent of success of sport-fishing, and determine angler residence and use of catch, in the Susquehanna River near TMINS.

Procress: Creel surveys were conducted on 8,12, 21, and 23 September 1985 (Table 1) . Tabulation of September creel survey data was initiated.


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Seotember Disc ioline d E-1A, 15-21 22-2 1 29-30 Water Quality Analysis X Benthic Macroinvertebrates X Ichthyoplankton(a)

Seine X X Electrofishing X X Creel Survey XX X X (a) Sampling (for 1985) completed on 28 August 1985.

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TABLE 2 FISilES CAPTURED BY AC ELECTROFISilER ON 11 SEPTEMBER 1985 NEAR THINS TM-AQF TM-AQF TM-AQF TM-AQF TM-AQF TM-AQF Z:nc -4A1 -13 Al -10A3 -9B5 -10B3 -11B1 TOTAL Time 2149 2237 2307 2336 2106 2038 Duration (min) 22 18 18 20 16 14 l Air Temp (C) 15.5 18.5 15.0 15 0 18.0 17.5 Water Temp (C) 24.0 23.'a 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.5 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 9.8 '8

.. 9.3 9.2 8.6 8.4 l pII NA NA NA NA NA NA l l

' C:nductivity (micromhos/cm) 450 475 450 425 400 350 S cchi Disc (cm) 25.4 30.5 38.1 40.6 35.6 35.6 l Vcits 1 80 1 80 175 175 1 90 200 Amps 8.5 10.0 9.5 9.0 8.5 7.0 Cizzard shad 8 6 2 - - -

16 Common carp 3 - - - -

4 7 5 5 - -

2 1 13 Qui 11back -

Northern hogsucker -

1 1

Shorthead redhorse 3 1 2 -

6 Yellow bullhead 1 - -

1 Channel catfish 2 - - - -

1 3 l Rock bass -

1 1 - 2 Redbreast sunfish 7 9 5 -

6 1 28 Creen sunfish 1 1

2 Pumpkinseed 10 3 2 -

1 3 19

, Bluegill 8 - - 4 - -

12 l Smallmouth basa 2 1 5 -

2 1 11 Lcrgemouth bass 2 - -

1 -

3 6 White crappie - - -

1 - -

1 Walleye 4 -

1 - - -

5 Tctal Specimens 56 27 15 7 14 14 133 Tstal Species 13 8 5 4 6 7 16 Note: NA = not available due to equipment f ailure.

TABLE 3 FISilES CAPTURED BY AC ELECTROFISilER ON 18 SEPTEMBER 1985 NEAR THINS TM-AQF TM-AQF TM-AQF TM-AQF TM-AQF TM-AQF Ztne -4A1 -13Al -10A3 -9BS -10B3 -11B1 TOTAL Time 2143 2228 2313 2350 2050 2009 Duration (min) 16 20 19 25 17 18 Air Temp (C) 16.0 19.0 17 5 15.0 18.0 18.0 Water Temp (C) 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 21.0 21.5 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 13.4 11.2 13.2 11.5 10.2 10.6 pH 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.0 8.1 NA Cenductivity (micromhos/cm) 430 450 450 425 325 325 S cchi Disc (cm) 45.7 40.6 45.7 58.4 1 21 .9 91.4 Volts 175 160 160 160 175 175 Amps 11.5 11.0 10.0 10.5 9.0 8.5 Cizzard shad 28 4 2 -

28 3 65 Common carp I 4 3 - -

3 11 Calden shiner - -

1 1

Qui 11back 3 4 - -

2 -

9 White sucker 1 2 - - -

1 4 Shorthead redhorse - - -

1 4 1 6 Rock base -

2 2 2 - -

6 Redbreast sunfish -

1 6 5 3 -

15 Creen sunfish - - -

1 1

Pumpkinse ed 3 2 3 1 3 9 21 Bluegill 1 4 - - -

1 6 l Lenomis hybrid 1 1 2 {

Smallmouth bass 8 2 2 10 2 -

24 Lergemouth bass 2 - - - -

6 8 White crappie - - -

1 1 2 Black crappie -

2 2 -

1 I 6 W:11 eye 8 2 - - - -

10 Total Specimens 56 30 21 21 43 26 1 97 Total Species 10 12 8 7 7 9 17 Note: NA = not available due to equipment failure.


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