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TMI Aquatic Study Monthly Rept for Apr 1986
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/1986
Shared Package
ML20198R640 List:
NUDOCS 8606100168
Download: ML20198R661 (8)


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Prepared for GPU Nuclear Corporation P. O.' Box 480 Route 441 South Middletown,' Pennsylvania 17057 I Prepared by EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc.

Hur t Valley /Loveton Center 15 Loveton Circle 0 parks, Maryland 21152 MAY 1986 8606100168 860604 PDR ADOCK 05000289 R PDR

I INTRODUCTION The objective of this monthly report is to document compliance with the nonradiological (aquatic) environmental monitoring programs specified in I Sections, 3.1.2a.', and 4.6.1 of the Environmental Technical Specifications (ETS). These programs have been carried out as directed l in the Environmental Controls Aquatic Sampling Manual. Program elements being conducted under contract to GPU Nuclear Corporation include benthic macroinvertebrates, ichthyoplankton, fish population dynamics (seine and electrofishing), creel surveysi and water quality. The ultimate purpose of these studies is to obtain a database sufficient to establish the natural fluctuations within the ecosystem and identify any significant biological alterations resulting from the TMINS.

Compliance with all programs specified in the 'ETS and detailed in the Aquatic Sampling Manual was achieved in April 1986 (Table 1) . High river flows and thunderstorms necessitated the following changes in the TMINS Aquatic Sampling Schedule: creel surveys originally scheduled for 9 and .

13 April were conducted on 21 and 27 April 1986, respectively; benthos sampling scheduled for 16 April was conducted on 17 April; electrofishing scheduled for 17 April was conducted on 29 April 1986. Thunderstorms interrupted ichthyoplankton sampling on 15 April, allowing for the col-lection of only five samples. The remaining stations were subsequently sampled on 17 April. The 1701-2100 hour creel surveys were not conducted at the General Reservoiri West Dam, or East Dam during April due to dark-ness. Details are provided in the following pages wherein progress is described for each program.

In addition to the progress in field and laboratory efforts, final copies of the 1985 Annual Report were delivered to TMI-Environmental Controls during April 1986.

Data presented in this report are considered provisional, pending subse-quent proofing, analysisi and presentation in the annual report.


Water Ouality Analysis Obiective: To measure select physical and chemical parameters of the Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Three Mile Island

, Nuclear Station (TMINS) concurrent with General Ecological Sur-vey samples.

Proeress: Water quality samples were collected on 17 April 1986 l and forwarded to TMI-EC (Table 1). Select water quality parame-ters were also measured at sampling times and locations of the General Ecological Survey.

Benthic Macroinvertebrates Obiective: To assess the abundancei distributioni and' diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates at three stations in the vicinity of TMINS.

I Proeress: Benthos sampling on 17 April 1986 consisted of repli-cate (4) samples taken at each of the three benthos stations (Table 1). April samples were sorted and all specimens were identified and biomassed, excepting chironomids.'

Ichthvoolankton I Ob iec tive: To determine species compositioni relative abun-dance, density, and seasonal and spatial distribution of ich-thyoplankton at eight stations in the vicinity of TMINS.

Proeress: Replicate (2) ichthyoplankton samples were taken at each of the eight sampling stations on 1, 8, 15/17, 22, and 30 April 1986 (Table 1) .


Seine Ob iec tive: To assess species composition, relative abundance, seasonal and spatial distributioni condition factor, occurrence

, of parasites, anomalies and fish killsi and species diversity of fishes vulnerable to seine capture at six stations in the vicin-icy of TMINS.

I Proeress: Seine collections were taken at each of the six samp-ling stations on 23 April 1986 (Table 1).

Electrofishine Obiective: To assess species compositioni relative abundance,


occurrence of parasitesi anomaliesi and' species ' diversity of fishes vulnerable to electrofisher capture at six stations in the vicinity of TMINS.



Proeress: Electrofishing at the six stations was completed on 29 April 1986 (Table 1). Samples consisted of 123 fish of 16 species (Table 2). More fish (63 specimens) were collected at

Station 11B1 than at any other station.~ Station 11B1 also pro-
duced the largest number of species (10) among the stations.

r Centrarchids were most abundant, with pumpkinseed (39 speci-mens), bluegill (14 specimens), and smallmouth bass (14 speci-mens) dominating the catch. Anchor worms (Lernaea) were found on one white sucker, one redbreast sunfish, four pumpkinseed.

( three bluegill, three smallmouth bass, and one white crappie.

Leeches were seen on two redbreast sunfish. Wounds related to l angling (e.g. , hooks in mouth, mouth fungus, eye injuries, etc.)

1 l were seen on one white sucker, two pumpkinseed, one smailmouth l bass, one largemouth bassi and one white crappie. Cysts were found on one bluegill specimen, and one walleye was inflicted l


I with severe " black spot" (fluke). One specimen each of pumpkinseed and bluegill were extremely emaciated. Open wounds or lesions (of undetermined origin) were seen on one redbreast sunfish, one pumpkinseed, one smallmouth bass, and one black

, crappie.

Creel Survev Ob iec tive: To investigate the extent of success of sport-fishing, and determine angler renidence and use of catch, in the Susquehanna River near TMINS.

Proeress: Creel surveys were conducted on 5, 21, 24, and 27 April 1986 (Table 1) . Interviews consisted of 173 anglers who reportedly fished 305.17 hours1.967593e-4 days <br />0.00472 hours <br />2.810847e-5 weeks <br />6.4685e-6 months <br />, caught 507 fish, and harvested 223 fish (44% of the total catch)(Tables 3 through 6).

I The average catch per ef fort (c/e) and harvest per ef fort (h/e) were 1.66 and 0.73 fish per hour, respectively. Smallmouth bass was -

the predominant species caught (303 specimens) and harvested (143 specimens) by anglers. Most anglers (65) and most hours fished (103.00) were recorded at the General Reservoir; most fish (153) were caught at the East Dam; the largest number of fish harvested (81) was recorded at the York Haven Generating Station; and the highest c/e (4.63) was recorded at the West Dam. Anglers interviewed were predominantly residents of York or Dauphin Counties, and the majority indicated that they eat at 1 east a portion of their catch.

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I TABLE 1 AQUATIC SAMPLING CONDUCTED DURING APRIL 1986 IN COMPLIANCE WITH THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS APRIL Discioline 1-1 fi-12, 13 -19. 20-26 22-lQ I Water Quality Analysis X Benthic Macroinvertebrates X Ichthyoplankton X X X X X Seine X Electrofishing X


Creel Survey X XX X

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TM-AQE TM-AQE TM-AQE TM-AQF TM-AQF TM-AQF-Zone -4A1 -13Al -10A3 -9B5 -10B3 -11B1 Total Time 2235 2300 2333 0009 2150 2055 Duration (min) 15 16 16 14 15 15 Air temperature (C) 15.0 17.0 15.0 19.0 15.0 17.0 Water temperature (C) 18.0 18.0 17.0 18.0 18.0 19.0 Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) 11.0 11.2 10.7 11.5 12.2 11.3 pH 6.9 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.3 78 Conductivity (micromhos/cm) 155 150 150 155 120 170 Secchi disc (cm) 91.4 ~

88.9 83.0 83.8 99.1 114.3 Volts 175 175 175 175 175 175 Amps 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.0 7.0 8.0 Common carp - -

1 - -

3 4 Golden shiner - - - - -

1 1 Spottail shiner - -

1 - - -

1 Quillback - -

1 1 1 7 10 White sucker -

2 3 - - -

5 Shorthead redhorse -

4 9 - - -

13 Channel catfish -

1 -

1 Rock bass -

1 1 - - -

2 Redbreast sunfish -

4 3 -

2 -

9 Pumpkinseed - - - -

2 37 39 Bluegill - - - -

6 8 14 Smallmouth bass -

4 - -

9 1 14 Largemouth bass - - - - -

3 3 White crappie - - - - -

1 1 Black crappie - - - - -

1 I Walleye -

1 1 -

2 1 5 Total specimens 0 17 20 1 22 63 123 Total species 0 7 8 1 6 10 16 e _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _