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Program Plan for Environmental Qualification of Mechanical and Dynamic (Including Seismic) Qualification of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Program (Edqp)
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/30/1986
From: Weidenhamer G
NUREG-1209, NUDOCS 8607080160
Download: ML20199J182 (39)


NUREG-1209 J Program Plan for Environmental Qualification of Mechanical and Dynamic 4 Including Seismic? Qualification of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Program <:EDQP?

1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Gerald H. Weidenhamer p + * " % ,,

A  !

hokOh0dhg860630 1209 R PDR


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, Program: formal NRC staff and contractor reports, NRC-sponsored conference proceedings, and 4

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.l Documents available from the National Technical Information Service include NUREG series reports and technical reports prepared by other federal agencies and reports prepared by the Atomic Energy Commission, forerunner agency to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

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i NUREG-1209 RM,RV Program Plan for Environmental Qualification of Mechanical and Dynamic (Including Seismic) Qualification of '

Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Program (EDQPD l

ate u shed ue1 Gerald H. Weidenhamer l

Division of Engineering Technology Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 p>* =%,,

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i 1 ABSTRACT The equipment qualification program described in this plan is intended to pro- l vide the technical basis for resolving uncertainties in existing equipment qualification standards. In addition, research results are contributing to the resolution of safety issues GI-23, GI-87, USI-A44, titled, " Reactor Cool-ant Pump Seal Failure," " Failure of HPCI Steam Line Without Isolation," and

" Station Blackout," respectively. Also, research effort is being directed at providing information on the behavior of containment isolation valves under severe accident environments. Although the results of the latter research will not contribute to resolving uncertainties in qualification standards, it has proven cost effective to obtain this information under this program.

I iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT............................. ................................... iii FOREW0RD................................................................. vii 1 INTR 000CTION........................................................ 1 2 OBJECTIVES AND ISSUES............................................... 2 2.1 General Research............................................... 2 2.2 Mechanical Equipment Environmental Qualification Research...... 3 2.3 Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Dynamic Qualification Research....................................................... 3 3 TASK INFORMATION.................................................... 5 3.1 General Research Tasks......................................... 5 3.1.1 Validity of Data Base................................... 5 3.1.2 Standards Deficiencies Identification................... 8 3.1. 3 Development of Generic Safety Margin Methodology........ 11 3.1.4 Equipment Testing at HDR................................ 14 3.2 Mechanical Equipment Environmental Qualification Research Tasks.......................................................... 16 3.2.1 Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Seal Research................ 16 3.2.2 Effects of Environments on Lubricants and Elastomeric Materials............................................... 19 3.3 Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Dynamic Qualification Research Tasks................................................. 21 3.3.1 Validation of Generic Safety Margin Methodology......... 21 3.3.2 Rotating Equipment Dynamics............................. 22 3.3.3 Dynamics of Nuclear Plant Equipment..................... 24 Equipment Support Effects....................... 24 In-Structure Generated Motion (Rattling)........ 25 Flow - Induced Vibration........................ 27 3.3.4 Containment Isolation System (CIS) Valve Tests.......... 29 APPENDIX A - RESEARCH PLAN FOR RESOLUTION OF GENERIC ISSUE NO. 87,



f_aSe, Figure 3.1.1 Validity of Data Base................................ 7 Figure 3.1.2 Standards Deficiencies............................... 10 Figure 3.1.3 Safety Margin Methodology............................ 13 Figure 3.1.4 HDR Testing.......................................... 15 Figure 3.2.1 Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Seals..................... 18 Figure 3.2.2 Environment Effects on Elastomers & Lubricants....... 20 Figure 3.3.2 Rotating Equipment Dynamics.......................... 23 Figure In-Structure Generated Motion (Rattling)............. 26 Figure Flow-Induced Vibrations (FIV)........................ 28 Figure 3.3.4 Containment Isolation System Valve Tests............. 30 vi

i FOREWORD This document presents a plan for equipment qualification research being per-formed by the Mechanical / Structural Engineering Branch, Division of Engineer-ing Technology, in the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research. The plan ident-ifies the safety issues, scope. products and schedules, expected regulatory use and the standards that will most likely be affected by the research. The plan also shows the relationship with other programs within the NRC and with other programs outside the NRC.

This plan is a living document and it is expected that it will be revised at a future date to reflect the experience and comments received from interested parties within the NRC and from the public. Comments are welcome at any time and should be directed to:

I Gerald H. Weidenhamer Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 vii

1 INTRODUCTION The NRC currently sponsors an overall Equipment Qualification (EQ) Research Program that is made up of two separate parts. One part focuses on the environ-mental qualification of electrical equipment and the second part focuses on the environmental qualification of mechanical equipment and on the dynamic (includ-ing seismic) qualification of both electrical and mechanical equipment. In the past, program plans were written to address the overall EQ program; however, because of recent budget constraints and changes in user priorities, the plan will be written to address only the second part.

The main objective of the second part of the overall program, hereafter referred to as the EDQP, is to provide technical information to support NRC's responsi-bilities for the development and revision of regulatory guides and standards pertaining to equipment qualification and survivability. In addition, this program supports NRC's Long-Range Research Plan in its endeavor to assure that

" test results reported by applicants and licensees provide a basis for licens-ing decisions that ensure protection of the public health and safety." Specif-ically, the NRC Office of Licensing must have a basis for judging whether equip-ment that is essential for the safe operation of a nuclear power plant will accomplish their intended functions when subjected to design basis accident events. The main objective of the EDQP was stated earlier; however, an addi-tional objective is to determine how some components respond when subjected to severe accident environments. This information is important to the containment performance program 'for updating the containment leakage model.

The NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) needs in equipment qualifica-tion were initially described in a memorandum from H. R. Denton to R. J. Budnitz dated May 22, 1980. Specific tasks to accomplish the needs were developed and agreements were obtained through reviews of contractor Project and Budget Pro-posals for NRC work (NRC Form 189) and through reviews of the program accomp-lishments.


i 2 OBJECTIVES AND ISSUES Design criteria and input loads have been changed over the years to reflect the latest technology and new information. However, past experience shows that there have been failures of equipment previously qualified to acceptance criteria consistent with current standards. For equipment essential to the safe operation of a plant, it is necessary that qualification requirements be identified to assure that the equipment will perform their intended functions in accident environments and in environments representative of normal service.

These requirements must apply to replacement equipment as well as equipment for new standardized plants.

The objective of this research is to provide an improved technical basis for the development and evaluation of the adequacy of requirements, methodologies and acceptance criteria for the environmental qualification of mechanical equip-ment and the dynamic (including seismic) qualification of mechanical and i electrical equipment. Requirements to verify equipment capability by suitable qualification methods are included in current qualification standards; however, these requirements are stated in a general manner open to a wide variety of interpretations. Specifically, the program will perform research to support the resolution of uncertainties in current nuclear power EQ standards.

The EDQP is divided into three different research elements. These elements identified as General Research, Mechanical Equipment Environmental Qualifica-tion Research and Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Dynamic Qualification Research contain specific tasks that address the type of information describing each element. Details of the planned effort (for FY 1986 and FY 1987 only) for each of the tasks, expected products, the use of the products in the licensing process and the identification of standards that are expected to be impacted by the research are described.

2.1 General Research This research identifies those tasks of the EDQP that are general and appli-cable to the development of electrical and mechanical equipment qualification technology. The research includes the evaluation of existing experience and data for determining whether failed components are attributable to inadequate qualification requirements. Also included is research on defining deficiencies in standards and on the development of generic safety margin concepts as a method for evaluating the margin of equipment for different plants and for equipment that experienced a seismic event. The use of a decommissioned facil-ity to validate analytical qualification capabilities and for assessing the j effects of piping flexibility on valve operability is also included under this I element.

j The first step in this effort was to evaluate existing data from one test organization and from other sources to establish a basis for EQ criteria and whether some failures are attributable to inadequate qualification recuire-ments. It is expected that some equipment failures may have been caused by forces and environments not considered in the qualification standards.

The adequacy of existing qualification procedures set forth in effective and draft national consensus standards are continually being evaluated. Changes to these standards are being pursued by interaction with appropriate committees as research is completed and if the changes are justified.


l Generic safety margin concepts are also being developed under this element.

This includes the determination of whether this approach is acceptable for qualifying specific types of components. The capability to specify safety mar- i gins for equipment under various levels of accident events is particularly {

important to this task. I A cooperative program with the Federal Republic of Germany has been established where a decommissioned facility is being utilized to test a typical valve under simulated PWR environments. The results of these dynamic tests will be used to provide a basis for specifying load combinations and force characterizations for use,in qualifying valves. It is expected that these results will lead to I clarifying areas of valve qualification and functional standards to reflect  !

normal operating and design basis accident conditions. l 2.2 Mechanical Equipment Environmental Qualification Research This research will provide the technical basis for developing requirements for i environmental qualification of mechanical components. Environmental parameters include temperature, pressure, humidity, radiation, chemicals, and submergence.

Environmental qualification does not include consideration of dynamic loads whether these originate from outside the equipment (e.g., seismic or other transmitted vibration) or from inside the equipment (e.g., dynamic effects from process flow). These latter types of loads are addressed in Section 2.3.

Those environmental parameters that are significant in affecting the equipment's functional capability are being studied first to determine if the assumptions currently used concerning the environmental loads are correct and to determine if there are any synergistic effects when those loads are combined.

The environmental effects are of concern only for limited subcomponents of mechanical equipment such as seals, gaskets, and packing. Therefore, research has been and is being focused on determining the effects of accident environ-mental loads on main coolant pump shaft seals and elastomeric materials used in seals, packings and gaskets. These results will contribute to establishing licensing criteria and qualification criteria for components containing these materials.

2.3 Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Dynamic Qualification Research This research will provide the technical basis for developing the qualification requirements involving dynamic loads whether they originate outside the equip-ment (e.g., seismic or other transmitted vibration) or from inside the equip.-

ment (e.g., dynamic effects from process flow) for electrical and mechanical equipment. It includes envirc.imental loads to the extent that they may be combined with the dynamic loads. Also included is research on extrapolation, characterization of loads, load sequencing, load combinations, margins, uncer-tainties, and qualification by test and/or analysis.

The first step in this process was to identify which components should be con-sidered as candidates for qualification by test and/or analysis in operating plants, plants under construction, and new standardized plants. Techniques such as probabilistic risk analysis are being followed to aid in identifying those components and equipment where implementation of qualification procedures would reduce the overall risk to the public and indicate the margins necessary 3

I to account for uncertainties. Previous studies such as the Seismic Safety Margins Research Program and technical assistance studies sponsored by NRR are being used to the maximum extent in this effort. The next step will be to identify the dynamic (including environmental) loads that may be impcsed on these components and equipment during normal operations and during design basis accidents. The goals are to identify those loads that are significant in equip-ment qualification and to determine if the assumptions currently used are cor-rect and if there are any synergistic effects when these loads are combined with other mechanical loads and environmental loads.

The adequacy of existing qualification procedures set forth in issued and draft national consensus standards are continuously being evaluated. Changes to these standards and the need for additional standards are being identified as milestones of each task are completed. In order to evaluate qualification pro-cedures, the following technical issues are being addressed.

I Valve operability is being evaluated through experimental programs and include closing torque requirements, leak integrity under accident conditions, flow-induced vibrations, and scale effects. This experimental effort is providing input regarding containment leak integrity.

Dynamic (including seismic) loads are being characterized and evaluated in terms of how these loads should be simulated in a qualification test. This includes evaluation of the input spectra, wave form (sinusoidal, random, etc.);

flow-induced forces and duration and amplitude factors (margin) to account for uncertainties and degradation.

The sequence and combination of loads to be applied during qualification test-ing are being investigated for specific components. The objective of this effort is to identify the simplest test sequence and load combinations neces-sary to demonstrate qualification for these specific components.

The ability to test small-size equipment and components and extrapolate the results to other sizes is being evaluated for specific components. Extrapola-tion limits will be established along with guidelines for analytical evaluation in lieu of testing.

Experimental programs sponsored by other NRC research programs as well as for-eign and domestic agencies are being followed and will be used where possible.

An example is the use of the HDR facility in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Tests at the Heissdampfreaktor (HDR) facility will include evaluation of active equipment under large magnitude dynamic excitations. A gate valve has been obtained from the Shippingport facility for use in the HDR tests. A test plan has been developed and agreed to by the participants. The first series of tests are scheduled to be completed the summer of FY 1986.

Efforts are also being made to establish an information transfer agreement with Japanese agencies to obtain detailed test results from their pump, valve and electrical equipment experimental qualification programs.


3 TASK INFORMATION 3.1 General Research Tasks Specific information on the safety issue, research objective, research descrip-tion, products and schedules, regulatory use and affected documents for each of the tasks contributing to this element is given in the following pages and charts: (It should be noted that the information on research description and products and schedules that is provided for each of the tasks relates to FY 1986 and 1987 only.)

3.1.1 Validity of Data Base
a. Safety Issue - Component failures may be due to inadequate qualification requirements. Qualification standards must identify forces, environments and methodologies representative of the effects of design basis accidents and normal operating conditions on the operability and integrity of compo-nents. (Generic Issue 87, " Failure of HPCI Steam Line Without Isolation,"

is currently included in this task. See Appendix A for complete descrip-i tion of GI-87).*

b. Research Objective - The objective of this task it to determine whether in-service component failures are directly related to inadequate qualifi-cation requirements pertaining to forces, environments and methodologies.

If failures are attributable to inadequate requirements, develop require-ments representative of those needed to assure safe operation of the plant.

c. Research Description - The scope of effort is to:

Identify components experiencing failures from surveys of LERs, AE0D reports, I&E Bulletins and other pertinent documents.

Determine whether specific component failures can be attributed to inadequate qualification criteria.

Develop new qualification requirements for selected types of components.

Validate new requirements.


Interact with appropriate Standard Committee.

Repeat above steps for another type of component.

d. Products and Schedule Report identifying failed components and steps for determining if inadequate qualification, (11/85).

Plan for resolving Generic Issue No. 87, (3/86).

  • Initial effort for FY86 related to the resolution of this high priority issue supersedes other effort described under Task 3.1.1.


Report identifying HPCI, other MSL, RCIC and RWCU valve assembly population and qualification bases, (6/86).

Report identifying conditions required for qualification of valves identified in previous report and outline of test plan if required, (9/86).

Report validating steps (developed earlier) for identifying qualifi-cation deficiencies for pilot components and recommending new revised requirements, (3/87).

Report identifying other components experiencing failures related to inadequate qualification requirements and recommendations for new requirements, (9/87).

e. Regulatory Use Provides basis for contributing to the resolution of GI-87 and for judging whether existing tests and sequences for qualifying specific equipment are adequate.

The results of this effort are expected to affect IEEE-344 and 382 and ANSI /

ASME QV-4, QP-1 and QP-2.




FY-84 FY-85 FY-86 FY-87 Assess Wyle Reports Gi-87 Wyle Data Survey Report Survey

& & Jb & O & Test J b l Survey Data Plan m (f)

Draft 3 g Report F$

Valid. Steps Report on mO NU REG /CR-3846 Pilot Comps. Other Comps. -+ g I

A O /h E d L3Oo Fina. Report ident. Steps &

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Interact With IEEE, ANSI /ASME Committees O J Le*

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3.1.2 Standards Deficiencies Identification

a. Safety Issue - Mechanical equipment qualification standards either do not exist or do not totally reflect the effects of environmental and dynamic loads on equipment function. Specifically, the effects of some design basis accident conditior.s (e.g., pressure, temperature, cross coupling, nonlinear vibration) on equipment function may not be documented or may not be adequately incorporated in qualification standards.
b. Research Objective - Develop the technical basis for eliminating uncer-tainties in qualification standards for electrical and mechanical equipment.
c. Research Descriotion - Effort will focus on continuing the review of stand-ards in the list identified below. In addition, in light of the fact that milestones of several tasks will be completed during the remaining time of the program, the results will be reviewed as the basis for recommending changes to appropriate standards.

Standards that have been reviewed, that are currently being reviewed or that may be reviewed include the following:

" Recommended Practices for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equip-ment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations," IEEE-344, latest Revision,

" Standard for Qualification of Actuators for Power Operated Valve Assemblies with Safety Related Functions for Nuclear Power Plants,"

P382-D3, 11/18/83,

" Functional Qualification Requirements for Power Operated Active Valve Assemblies for Nuclear Power Plants," ANSI /ASME QV-4, Functional Qualification for Power Operated and Spring Loaded Pres-sure Relief Valves," ANSI /ASME N278.2.3, draft,

" Functional Qualification of Self Operated Check Valves," ANSI /ASME N278.2.7, draft, May 1983,

" Standard for Qualification of Motor Drivers of ASME Code Class 2 and 3 Pumps for Safety Systems Service," ANSI /ASME QP-4, draft, January 1979,

" Standard for Qualification of Turbine Drivers of ASME Code Class 2 and 3 Pump for Safety Systems Service," ANSI /ASME QP-5,' draft, May 1982, Proposed " Standard for Qualification of Pump Assemblies for Safety Systems Service in Nuclear Power Plant," ANSI /ASME QP-1, draft 3, Rev. 7, June 1983,

" Standard for Qualification of ASME Code Class 2 and 3 Pumps for Safety System Service," ANSI /ASME QP-2, draft 2, May 1984, Standard for Qualification of Shaft Seal Assemblies for ASME Code Class 2 and 3 Pumps for Safety System Service," QP-3, Latest Draft.


d. Products and Schedule Individual reports identifying standard deficiencies, committee interactions and proposed resolutions. Review sequence depends on committee meeting schedules.

Report summarizing the results of all standards reviews, identifi-cation of deficiencies, interaction with committees and resolutions stemming from research effort, (9/86 and 9/87).

e. Regulatory Use Research can focus on weak areas which will result in clearer guidelines (in most recent standards) for licensing to use in judging whether equipment is qualified.

The results of this effort are expected to affect IEEE-323, 344 and 382, ANSI /

ASME QV-4, QP-1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, and ANSI /ASME N278.2.3 and N278.2.7.



i FY-84 FY-85 FY-86 FY-87 i

Issue EGG-EA-6495 i O E d l Review of Standards Review of Standards Review of Standards $E X N J L L Jb d b 8 Report on Def.J mO in ANSI-B16.41 Individual Reports Individual Reports O 3, O d k dk k Summary Summary

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3m Interact With Appropriate Standards Committees m.

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3.1.3 Development of Generic Safety Margin Methodology

a. Safety Issue - Aged or degraded components in operating plants that exper-ience environmental and/or dynamic loads during accidents may or may not fail. In those cases where the components did not fail, it is important to know whether replacement is necessary. Knowledge of margins for these com-ponents is necessary for deciding whether a component requires replacement.
b. Research Objective - The general objective of this task is to define the role of safety margins in equipment qualification, to obtain equipment fragility data and qualification data from tests and other programs for the purpose of defining equipment margins, and to develop safety margin methodology for application to qualifying new equipment in accordance with standards. The application of this method for assessing equipment after a seismic event will also be defined.
c. Research Description - The scope of effort consists of the following:

Review existing fragility methods and identify important factors that may influence safety margins in typical equipment.

Develop method for qualifying equipment using safety margin data.

Develop method for transferring existing fragility data and other qualification test data to a standardized format.

If feasible, identify categories of specific kinds of equipment and compile a list of standardized safety margin data for each category.

Demonstrate the validity of the methodology either by use of existing data or through component testing. (Test effort is covered under Task 3.3.1.)

d. Products and Schedule Report on the development of a method for qualifying equipment using safety margin methods (12/85).

Report on the method for transferring existing fragility data and other qualification test data to a standardized set including the identification of categories of equipment (if feasible) and the compilation of safety margin data for each category. This report shall also include the results of tests if required to provide direction in the overall development of the methodology (9/86).

Report on the validation of the methodology including the documenta-tion of guidelines for qualifying equipment using safety margin methodology (12/87).

e. Regulatory Use Provides basis and method for assessing safety margins of specific equipment in new and old plants when subjected to a seismic event. The methodology will also provide a basis for evaluating similarity of components to be qualified.


The results of this effort are expected to affect IEEE-323, 344 and 382, and ANSI /ASME QV-4, QP-1 and QP-2.


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1 i FY-84 FY-85 FY-86 FY-87



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3.1.4 Equipment Testing at HDR

a. Safety Issue - Assumptions on system simulation and modeling, load combina-tions and force characterizations affect response characteristics that may be used for qualifying components by test and/or analysis. The capability to identify the characteristics of these important considerations is neces-sary to accurately perform component qualification.
b. Research Objective - Participate in the HDR program (both SHAG and SHAM tests) to accumulate test data for evaluating system simulation and assump-tions on component modeling, load combinations and force characterizations.

The effects of these loadings on component operability will also be deter-mined.

c. Research Description Complete test plan for SHAG tests including details of instrumenta-tion and measurement requirements and operation steps.

Procure test components and refurbish as necessary.

Perform pretest predictions pertinent to behavior of test components for use in the design of piping system supports.

Transport test components and test equipment to the HDR facility, oversee installation of components and pipe supports, instrumentation attachment and calibration, and the operability of data acquisition and data reduction equipment for the EDQP and for the seismic valida-tion program, (applicable to SHAG tests).

Evaluate results and compare with pretest predictions.

Replace inoperative instrumentation and repeat last three steps for SHAM tests.

d. Products and Schedule Final test specification for SHAG tests (11/85).

Report of SHAG test results and assessment of predictions (10/86).

Final test specifications for SHAM tests (3/87).

Report on SHAM test results and assessment of predictions (9/87).

Return valve to INEL.

e. Regulatory Use Contribute to basis for upgrading appropriate standards in the areas of estimat-ing flow-induced effects, system interaction simulation and modeling.

The results of this effort are expected to affect IEEE-344 and 382, ANSI /ASME QV-4.

14 1


I i

i 3.1.4 HDR TESTING t


a i FY-84 FY-85 FY-86 FY-87


I i

HDR Test Plan Report Tests Test Plan HDR Visit (Draft) Final Test Plan Results (SHAG) (SHAM)

, A A A A & H

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  • Info Exchange With HDR X"V 1

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Obtain, inspect.

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I 3.2. Mechanical Equipment Environmental Qualification Research Tasks Specific information on the safety issue, research objective, research descrip-tion, products and schedules, regulatory use and affected documents for each of the tasks contributing to this element is given in the following pages and charts: (It should be noted that the information on research description and products and schedules that is provided for each of the tasks relates to FY 1986 and 1987 only.)

3.2.1 Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Seal Research

a. Safety Issue - A small loss-of-coolant accident may occur at certain non-metallic reactor coolant pump shaft seals during station blackout plant conditions. The seals of concern are fabricated from elastomeric material.

This material may experience degradation if subjected to prolonged high temperatures (approximately 550 F) and high pressures (2200 psi) which is a possible under blackout conditions. (Station blackout has been proposed as a design oasis event,)

b. Research Objective - Develop information from tests regarding the influence of various f actors (e.g. , high temper.ature exposure, 0 ring compression, surface finish, pressure and material) on seal integrity and identify forces acting on seals that can lead to large leakages. Develop qualification criteria for seals (if warranted) at end of testing.
c. Research Description - Conduct and/or evaluate industry tests on typical seals or portions of seals at environmental conditions that can occur due to station blackout. Specifically, effort is being devoted to:

Identifying loading characteristics and important parameters that should be considered when qualifying shaft seals. Concerns such as shaft rotation (wear), extrusion and seal instability should be addressed.

Evaluating results of French full-scale seal tests and identifying differences that may be expected with Westinghouse pumps.

Determining seal subcomponent failure scenarios most likely to occur to various seal stages for pumps most commonly used in plants.

Identifying areas where follow-on research and testing may be necessary.

Consulting to NRR as required for evaluating seal test results from manufacturers.

d. Products and Schedule Report evaluating Westinghouse submittal on capability to withstand station blackout conditions. (Date to be determined after receipt of Westinghouse report).

Report identifying loading characteristics and parameters important to seal stability (5/86).



Report evaluating other reactor coolant pump (RCP) seal designs including possible failure scenarios under station blackout condi-tions (6/86).

Report on results of follow-on research (if needed) identified in previous report (as appropriate).

Report on guidelines for qualifying RCP seals (9/87).

e. Regulatory Use Results will be used by licensing to determine whether seal materials and seal designs in purrps are adequate for resisting station blackout conditions.

The results of this effort are expected to affect ANSI /ASME QP-3.


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3.2.2 Effects of Environments on Lubricants and Elastomeric Materials

a. Safety Issue - Lubricants and elastomeric materials (for gaskets, packings and seals) in mechanical components are sensitive to environmental loads such as temperature, pressure, radiation, etc. It is important that these sensitivities are known to permit evaluation of specific applications.

Hard materials (metals) are not included in this issue.

b. Research Objective - Develop the technical basis, criteria and methodology for specifying the influence of environmental loads on lubricants and elastomeric materials.
c. Research Description - The scope of effort is to:

Identify safety related components containing elastomers and lubricants that may be susceptible to environmental loads.

Conduct tests and/or evaluate industry tests on typical lubricants and elastomeric materials (such as those from Tasks 3.2.1 and 3.3.4) and from other NRC programs when subjected to various environmental conditions representative of design basis accident conditions.

1 Develop guidelines for qualifying components containing elastomeric materials and lubricants.

d. Products and Schedule Listing of safety related components elastomers and lubricants (11/86).

Report identifying significant environmental loads and load combina-tions that influence the effectiveness of elastomers and lubricants (3/87).

Report identifying qualification guidelines for the use of lubricants and/or elastomers (9/87). *

e. Regulatory Use Standards and regulatory guides will include guidance for qualifying components (pumps and valves) containing elastomers.

The results of this effort are expected to affect IEEE-382 and ANSI /ASME QV-4 and QP-3.




FY-84 FY-85 FY-86 FY-87 Analyze Results From Valve Dynamics And Shaft Seals Survey of Develop Guidelines Penetration Seal Tests Equip. For Qual. Components H A B m

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3.3. Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Dynamic Qualification Research Tasks Specific information on the safety issue, research objective, research descrip-tion, products and schedules, regulatory use and affected documents for each of the tasks comprising this element is given in the following pages and charts:

(It should be noted that the information on research description and products and schedules that is provided for each of the tasks relates to FY 1986 and 1987 only.)

3.3.1 Validation of Generic Safety Margin Methodology

a. Safety Issue - Aged or degraded electrical and mechanical components in operating plants that experience dynamic loads during design basis acci-dents may or may not fail. In those cases where a component did not fail, it is important to know whether replacement is necessary. Knowledge of margins for these components is necessary for deciding whether a compo-nent requires replacement.
b. Research Objective - The general objective of this task is to conduct tests to obtain equipment safety margin data for mechanical and electrical compo-nents when subjected to accident condition loads for use in validating the methodology.
c. Research Description - The scope of effort is to:

Conduct tests (if needed) on specific component (s) to guide the devel-opment of the safety margin methodology developed in Task 3.1.3 (also coordinate with other NRC programs).

If tests are to be conducted, pre-test predictions and measured res-ponses should be compared and evaluated for assessing modeling, excitation characteristics and safety margin estimates.

Demonstrate validity of generic safety margin method (developed under Task 3.1.3) using either existing test data or new test data.

d. Products and Schedule Report on validation tests. (12/87) (This report will be included in Task 3.1.3)
e. Regulatory Use Provide information to support the development of the safety margin methodology for assessing integrity of specific components in new and old plants if a seismic event is experienced.


3.3.2 Rotating Equipment Dynamics

a. Safety Issue - Some safety injection (SI) pump systems wnen called upon to operate have not functioned satisfactorily. These systems may be exposed to environmental and dynamic loads that may not be adequately considered l in the qualification procedure.
b. Research Objective - Determine whether specific SI pump systems are being qualified to appropriate loads and conditions. Specify new or revised criteria for the pumps where necessary. Develop method for monitoring these systems to identify onset of degradation.
c. Research Description - The scope of effort is to:

Identify whether specific types of SI pumps are experiencing more failures than others. Dependency on plant type will be reflected.

Identify dynamic environments for SI pumps using actual data from an operating plant (s). Operating and standby loads must be described including flow-induced vibration. Other sources of data should also be utilized.

t Evaluate whether qualification requirements are adequate.

Identify qualification requirements that will result in safe pumps.

l -

Develop criteria for measuring other parameters (such as displacement, velocity, accel.) for the purpose of establishing surveillance tech-niques for predicting failures. (Interact with aging programs at NRC and EPRI.)

d. Products and Schedule Report on survey including description of environments typical of those for pumps experiencing malfunctions (4/86).

Report identifying qualification requirements (loading character-istics) for SI pumps particularly those forces related to system effects (8/87).

Report identifying surveillance technique for assessing integrity of SI pumps during operation in specific plants (8/87).

e. Regulatory Use Licensing will have basis for assessing integrity of SI pumps in specific plants.

The results of this effort are expected to affect ANSI /ASME QP-1 and 2.


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3.3.3 Dynamics of Nuclear Plant Equipment Equipment Support Effects *

a. Safety Issue - Components to be seismically qualified by test are required to be mounted on supports that simulate their actual supporting structure.

Improperly designed supports including the influence of a dynamic shaker can alter the desired response characteristics of the componerits.

b. Research Objective - Develop guidelines on the use of shaker systems for simulating supporting structures.
c. Research Description - The scope of effort is to:

Determine important parameters for assessing the shaker effects on components.

Describe representative model for understanding the effects of param-eter variations and the impact on component responses.

Perform analyses quantifying the effects of parameter variations.

Identify guidelines for accounting for shaker effects when qualifying specific components by test.

Conduct tests (if necessary) to validate guidelines. (Information from other research programs will also be considered.)

d. Products and Schedule Report on the identification of shaker system parameters that have most influence on the response of electronic cabinet.

Report containing guidelines accounting for shaker e_ffects in the qualification of specific components by test.

Report validating guidelines.

e. Regulatory Use Provide guidelines in appropriate standards for accounting for shaker effects during qualification by test.

The results of this effort are expected to affect IEEE-344 and ANSI /ASME QV-4 and QP-2.

"It is doubtful that this task will be completed because of the other higher priority tasks. It is included here for completeness.

24 In-Structure Generated Motion (Rattling)

a. Safety Issue - Components with resonances greater than seismic qualifica-tion frequencies may be excited at these higher frequencies because of system nonlinearities. Components sensitive to impacts should be qualified at frequencies and levels commensurate with those that will be experienced as the result of impact loads. Qualification of the components to seismic conditions does not reflect most detrimental loading.
b. Research Objective - Develop procedures for determining and seismically qualifying components sensitive to this type of motion.
c. Research Description - The scope of effort is to:

Determine conditions when component impacts can excite significantly higher frequency motion than seismic qualification requirements.

Identify components most sensitive to this type of excitation.

Determine whether this phenomenon could lead to specific component failures by exceeding design requirements.

Developguidelinesforqualifyingcomponentsthat[couldfaildueto this response.

Validate guidelines if needed.

d. Products and Schedules Report identifying progress on vibration characteristics (9/86).

Report identifying components most sensitive to these loads and validated by test (9/87).

e. Regulatory Use Provide basis for including qualification requirements in appropriate standards for components sensitive to this type of loading.

The results of this effort are expected to affect IEEE-344.


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a. Safety Issue - Loading combinations and force characterizations must be understood for simulating typical loading when qualifying components.

Flow-induced forces from process flows can have significant affect on component and piping integrity.

b. Research Objective - Identify flow related forces that result in signifi-cant loads and develop guidelines for calculating these forces for use in qualifying components either by test or by analysis.
c. Research Description - The scope of effort is to:

Identify components most susceptible and sensitive to flow-induced forces.

For specific components, characterize flow-induced vibration most detrimental to each component (both internally and externally excited).

For those components most seriously affected, develop procedure to account for the effects of this loading.

Develop and validate method for including the flow related vibrations in the qualification program.

Repeat above steps for other sensitive components.

d. Products and Schedule Report identifying components most sensitive to flow forces (11/85).

Report characterizing flow forces most detrimental to specific sensi-tive components including the description of procedure for assessing responses (6/87).

Develop methods for qualifying specific components (by analysis and by test) considering flow related forces (8/87).

Report characterizing flow forces for other specific components including the description of procedures for assessing responses and qualifying these other components (9/87).

e. Regulatory Use Provide licensing with guidelines for characterizing flow forces and assessing their effects on the qualification of specific components.

The results of this effort are expected to affect IEEE-382 and ANSI /ASME QV-4, QP-1, QP-2 and QP-3.



FY-84 FY-85 FY-86 FY-87


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1 3.3.4 Containment Isolation System (CIS) Valve Tests

a. Safety Issue - Containment leakage is most likely to occur through one of
the many penetrations rather than by failure of the structure. Information regarding the affect of accident conditions on the operability and leak integrity of the CIS valves is necessary for specifying qualification requirements and for upgrading leakage model.

l b. Research Objective - To obtain data on the behavior of specific CIS valves under accident conditions.

c. Research Description - The scope of effort is to:

j -

Complete design and construction of test apparatus for simulating typical containment attachments and flexibilities.

l -

Perform pretest predictions on forces and responses of specific com-ponents resulting from seismic tests.

Conduct tests simulating accident conditions through severe accidents and measure appropriate parameters including leakage.

't Compare results with pretest predictions and resolve anomalies, i

d. Products and Schedule t -

Report on test results of dynamic environment on valve operability

and leakage (8/86).

Report on test results including effects of containment movement on valve operability and leakage (7/87).

e. Regulatory Use Understand behavior of containment severe accident loading on CIS valves and attached piping.

1 i

Validation and quantification of valve body forces.

Validation of valve modeling assumptions.

Evaluation of certain synergistic effects.

Validation and quantification of leakage model for specific valves.

i Potential for contribution of data to Safety Margin Methodology validation.

, The results of this effort are expected to affect IEEE-382 and ANSI /ASME QV-4. ,

i 1


3.3.4 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION SYSTEM VALVE TESTS FY-84 FY-85 FY-86 FY-87 RFP & Select Conduct Conduct Develop Test Plan Contractor (s) Dynamic Tests Severe Acc. Tests O & & O & O & ID Design &

ta in Ship WV Construct Apparatus Apparatus #8 O & & c,! g=_.

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a. Safety Issue - Generic Issue 87 addresses the ability of isolation valves in the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) System, other systems that come off the Main Steam Line (MSL), the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System, and the Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) System, to close against the high flow conditions that could result after a break in those systems outside primary containment. Without isolation, such breaks have nigh potential consequences because other emergency equipment (both LPCI trains and the core spray system) would be exposed to an environment which could result in common-cause failures.
b. Research Objectives Obtain data on the specific valve assemblies used in BWR HPCI, other MSL, RCIC, and RWCU systems.

Determine the conditions for which those assemblies have been quali-ied and identify valve assemblies that have adequate qualification to assure isolation of a high energy line break.

Recommend appropriate follow-up efforts required to assure adequate qualification of questionable valve assemblies.

c. Research Description Through an assessment of FSARs, the INEL Equipment Qualification Data Base, and potential sources such as the INP0 NPRDS data submittals, determine the valve and actuator manufacturers, types, and sizes used in the various HPCI, other MSL, RCIC, and RWCU systems.

Determine the conditions for which each valve assembly was qualified and the method used (testing, analysis, or a combination of both).

Determine the approximate conditions anticipated as a result of a break in the subject systems outside of containment and identify those cases where valve assemblies have not been qualified for the anticipated conditions.

Outline a qualification test research program, as appropriate, to resolve the qualification deficiencies identified above.

Perform the test or research program identified above.

d. Products and Schedule I i

Document task plan (3/86). '

A-1 1

Report identifying specific valves and actuators, and describing present qualification limits on a plant and system basis (6/86).

Report on approximate conditions for which valves and actuators should be qualified to encompass pipe break (flow interruption) loads. A recommended program for expanding the qualification of those valve assemblies not already qualified for the pipe break condition will be included (9/86).

e. Regulatory Use Technical data on current status in BWR plants will be used by Licensing in resolving Generic Issue 87.

The results of a program to expand the qualification of existing valve assemblies, if implemented, would be useful in assessing the adequacy of current valve qualification practices. Of specific interest would be the flow interruption qualification requirement included in the ANSI /ASME QV-4 standard.


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