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Modern Risk-Informed Regulatory Framework
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/24/2020
From: Beverly Smith
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Betancourt L, NRR, 415-6146
Shared Package
ML20206L360 List:
Download: ML20206L363 (13)


2018 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants Modern Risk-Informed Regulatory Framework Brian Smith Deputy Director, Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


BroadBroad Landscape Landscape of Designs 3

Advanced Reactor Vision and Strategy 4


Advanced Reactor Readiness Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Strategy 5 Strategy 6 Knowledge, Skills Computer Codes Flexible Review Consensus Codes Policy and Key Communication and Capability & Review Tools Processes and Standards Technical Issues Code assessment ASME BPVC Consequence ONRL Molten Salt Regulatory NRC DOE for transient and Section III Based Security Reactor Training Roadmap Workshops accident analysis Division 5 (SECY-18-0076)

ASME/ANS Non- EP for SMRs Periodic HTGR Training Non-LWR Design LWR and ONTs Stakeholder Code assessment Criteria PRA Standard (SECY-18-0103) Meetings for fuel analysis Fast Reactor Licensing ANS Standards Functional NRC DOE DOD Training Modernization 20.1, 20.2 Containment Micro Reactor Code assessment Project (LMP) 30.2, 54.1 (SECY-18-0096) MOU for accident dose analysis Environmental Siting near NRC/DOE GAIN, Competency Review Micro densely populated Code assessment VTR & NEICA Modeling Reactor ISG areas (SECY for radiation MOUs 0045) protection Technology NRC//DOE MOU analysis Knowledge Inclusive Content Environmental on Adv Rx Demo Management Applications GEIS Program Code assessment Project (TICAP) SECY-20-0020 for fuel cycle analysis New Rulemaking Insurance and WGSAR 10 CFR Part 53 Liability Code Development/V&V Memorandum of Inspection and Micro Reactor Cooperation Oversight Policy issues with CNSC 5


Facilitating Innovation with an Integrated Safety Approach Functional Containment Fuel Performance Emergency Holistically Preparedness Considering SSC Consequences &

Classification Safety Margins

& Event Siting Selection Environmental Insurance 66

Developing a Modern Risk-Informed Framework Licensing NEI-18-04 Modernization SECY-19-0117 Project (LMP) 6 LMP Pilots RG 1.233 77

Risk-Informing the Content of Applications Application Advanced Safety Classification Reactor Design Safety-Related SSCs Non-Safety-Related SSCs With Special Treatment Non-Safety-Related BDBE SSCs LMP 88

Pathway to New Regulatory Framework

  • Part 53

- NEIMA required rulemaking to establish a technology-inclusive, risk-informed and performance based regulatory framework

  • Builds on current activities including the Licensing Modernization Project
  • Significant stakeholder engagement planned 9

Modernizing the Environmental Review 10

ExecutingIntegrated Strategies for Review Near-Term Approach Reviews

  • OKLO Aurora COL application docketed
  • Preapplication reviews underway

- Meetings/White papers/Topical reports

  • Timely and effective reviews

- Core review team

- Integrated safety review to reach reasonable assurance of adequate protection finding

- Exemptions where appropriate for non-LWR technologies

  • Guidance available

- Advanced Reactor Design Criteria (RG 1.232)

- Licensing Modernization Project (RG 1.233)

- ISG for environmental review

  • Key policy issues resolved

- Functional containment

- Risk-informed event selection

- SSC classification

- Defense-in-depth 11

Pre-Application Engagement is Encouraged

  • Regulatory Review Roadmap

- Encourages early engagement with NRC

- Stresses use of Regulatory Engagement Plans

- Interact in meetings or in review of white papers, technical reports, topical reports, etc.

  • Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) 2017-08

- Request pre-application and application plans

  • Robust pre-application engagement program

- May lead to shorter and more predictable review schedules 12 20
