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Press Release Discussing Discovery of Approx 0.41 Uci of Radioactive Matl from Home Smoke Detector at Coffey County,Ks Landfill.Release of Trash Matl Stopped Pending Investigation.Related Articles Encl
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 11/16/1987
From: Rich Smith
Shared Package
ML20147C387 List:
FOIA-87-827 PR-871116, NUDOCS 8801190211
Download: ML20147C410 (4)


2 'd 82:21 98/12/21 188 M3383 370n Wobd News Release Contact.

Ronn Smith Phone:

(316)364-8831, ext. 2950 WNfF NUCLEAR OPERATING CORPORATION teclear Infomation supervisor tbveder 16, 1987 i l

1 l

'M pieces of disp:> sable cloth containing a smil amunt of radioactive l rrateria1 were found this afternoen by officials of Nolf Creek Nuclear Cperating Corporation (WC!OC) and the !belear Regulatory Ccmnission (IEC) at the Cof fey County laMfill. The landfill is located arcut two miles east of  ;

Burlingten, Kansas.

krcunt of radioactive meerial was about 0.41 mLerocuries. In perspective, this is about one-fif th of the arount of radioactive material 1 contained in a s: toke detector used in the hcrne. Because the level of radiation ws extrunely lew, the traterial posed no threat to public health I and safety.

?.e traterials consist of a piece of disposable cloth about six inches l

by 12 inches, and another piece atout 18 inches square. They were released fran Wolf Creek Generating Station on or after October 15, 1987.

ICCC and flRC officials fcund the m terial while following up en last week's fiMing of slightly radioactive scrap ductwork erreneously released frcra the plant.

  • m c officials have stepped the release of trash material frun the plant's radiologically centro 11ed area pending investigation.

NRC, State of Fansas and Coffey County officials have teen notified.

Plans are to tegin a cceprehensive analysis of the dunp site tcrrorrcw rreming .

8801190211 880114 I s PDR FOIA i STEPHENB7-627 PDR .-

i )3 WCNoc information of fice/(WC CT)-P.O. Boa 411/ Burl 6ngton,KS 66339 - Phone.(316)364-8831 Ent. 2950

1 C 'd O J. c 'd sa:at es r <er 133 x 3 3 3 -) 3 on wo33

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pyne a pp7 lW5Mk $[.M"kb $0?N$$ .

Radioactive cuctwork from Wolf Creek ,

mistakenly taken to Coffey County landfil 1

BL'RLINGTON (AP) - Radioac- sum rock. A home smoke detector, said, will be placed in an appropri. '

tive metal ductwork from the reac . he said, contains* about two microcu- ato container and transferred to a


"' atorage facllity for low level nuclCar ter containment budding at the Wolf rics Creek necicar power plant was tak' The radiation dose to a person wastu en ctroneously to the Coffey County standing three feet from the materi- Smith said the ductwork was civie '

landfill on Monday, officiala an- al would be about .001 rnillitem an m th Naetor and thus was moied k %ednesday , hour, Smith said. He said the aver- to radiation during its normal opera-  !

i f ltonn Sn.ith, nulcar information age Kansan receives about to times tion I

" * "" S as yydin it to am nt radi t n in t e ductw r ou . ! om n tural er g ack Th*

I'" P{obl

. was cxtremely law and posed no E' "d '#dtat ternal to th' e lanctill all the time- l

threat to rublic te.ilth or safety. Smith said about C6, square feet of This should not have t+en. Esset.tlal- l The errvr was discovered late scrap ductwork was taken to the ly, it was just a m'st4ke.' Smith

} Monday eventri; wr.en of ficials re, landhlt. When of ficials went back to said. "Procedure wasn't followed ctccked rc<.cids and all but a small retrieve it on Tue> day, they found when it should have teen The stuff i

portion of the ductwork was found was allcmed to go otit when it i and brought back to the plant,en all bat six square feet, shouldn't have gone out.' ,

Tuesday. Smith said The radioactiytty in the portion lie the inel of radioactivity that could not be found would be Wolf Creek officiais have notified {

was about five rmerocuries, which about one-fifth of the amount In a the Nuclear Regulatory Cummiss.un, he described as equivalent to what smoke detector. Smith said Ccffey County and (tc state. Smith would be found in a half ton of gyp- The recovered ductwork, Smith said y

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IRLA345E HUNIBIG7 - Warters fressi me Woff Creek Generstig Sistes staked tot .

13 factMares of trash at the Cofley County tant!M Thesday and began cornedag ma' '

sa lar; sag 4Sft1t!!akc5
e staternais taat~may in. ave been released trsm the gdant A Wolf .

, Cresk,worter is p6cturrd on me heap of trash using a Geiger teuales which detetts rads- p


. ,ll s .

. ote.radioactivevmaterial ~

gli ound at CC Landfill Twti poetc:. <4 &s;w sab:c cletI. (.w.uu1 vrax.lI' cy a wrsc r-Ir.aulosa s if ter Ocar $' -

iry a s:Lall armoaa: of rib u tive a.d txt 15. IW7. '


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WCNOC r ! r,RC's foimal be woe fonad %s.d.ny at Cof fey Corwy '

lxiLil. czt of Bu: ling.h a ' liq were ( Li:fs wtm2 51Lewog ain s ls: =rri's fism:-

13m.3 by etl.wh of Well C tk NJ 'cu arg <,1 Jeg? .ly saal.h:ac drtaisk :st de i

.' I Og=Tairrg Conq vay (WCt*t Cf a L! L!.c Lir,jf.Il wt..,!i .n e macxir !y 'ricraf tol l m -. __

bic.r Reit.lz:: ry Ce r.n.up 4i WRC) :'r lasaltij f, I s lir as.u nr.; e if tr.L u : c a r:_J wn ~

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! 'd L3:21 98/12/21 !ad M33d3 dion WOB3 P -

News Re/ ease e W6LF l


Ponn Smith Phone:

(316)364-8831, ext. 2950 CR""


l I

CORPORATION IMclear Inferratien Supervisor 1

lbvu6er 11,1987 A strail aramt of slightly radioactive material was mistakenly allowed to be released fran iblf Creek Generating Station ard was taken to the Coffey County landfill Monday, Novcrter 9, iblf Creek officials said tcday. I 1

1 he landfill is located about tw miles east of Durlington, Kansas. '

l A' cunt of radioactive material was about five microcuries. In perspective, this is about the equivalent of the arount cf I radioactive raterial naturally occurring in ene-half ton of gypsun rock. A ,

l sacko detector used in *he hcme contains about two microcuries per detector.

Radiation dese to a person standing three feet frera the raterial would l be ab::ut .001 m4114run per hour. 'Ihe average Kansan receives about ten tires that ammt (.01 millixen per hour) frert naturally occurring background radiation. Because the level of radiatica was extrumly Icv, the ratarial posed no threat to public health and safety.

W e raterial, consisting of ventilation ducterk frem the react:r contain: mat building, was surveyed for radiation prior to being released for landfill disposal. Rechecks of records late Panday evening, tbvenber 9, revealed that the material should not have been released.

Ab:ut 66 square feet of scrap ductwrk was involved. All but si.x square foot of the material was recovered 'Nesday, Ibvacer 10.

Iblf Creek officials have notified the IMclear Regulatory Ccmnission, Coffey County and the Stato of Fansas of the incident.

WCNoC Information of fice/(WC CT)-P.o. Som 411/0wrlington,K S 9683.9 - Phone (316)36'4-8 831 E s t 2950