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Ucla Nuclear Reactor - Is It Safe.
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 10/03/1979
Shared Package
ML19275B603 List:
NUDOCS 7912190119
Download: ML19275B606 (39)


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__: _.. 2... . a prelixir.ary repcrt 4 Campus, Corr.ittee to " ridge the Gap IC915 Strathacre Drive Les Ar.geles, CA 90024; (213)478-0829 Cetober 3, 1979 7912190 4#, g

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                ?DDRBRIGINM Summarv Se felieving rerert represents the product of a four-menth investinatien into the safety cf the UCLA nuclear reactor. Based extensively en documents ebtained from the ' uclear Fe. ulatery Cemissien and the reacter staff's own written reecrts , the Fritre the a2p study cencludes that a history cf ncncemnliance with Mculatiens by
          -he ZA 'Tuclear Enerrf Laboratory (UCLA-NEL) -- and subsequent re#usal by the NTs0 to enfrrce these re ulaticns -- has permitted centinued emissiens cf radicactive Arcen ts inte pepulated am as of ca. pus in a manner that could readily ocse a serious risk te the public. The s udy further urces a shutdown of the reactor until its safety can he :.-nclusively derenstrated.

20 inspecticn mperts cf the UCLA reacter fer the last few years raveal the follwit;:

                     ** ?2dicactive emissions from the UCLA reactor wer'e vastly underestimated.

f r y nrs. F

                     ** That actual emissiens of radioactive Argen-41 at the reacter stack--;he only place Arren has been directly measured--were fifty times the maximum concentraticr2 normily remitted by the NRC, even when the time the reactor isn't rt=ning is .sveraged in.
                     ^* That amcng the reascns UCLA did not know they were exceedinE the Maximum Per tissible Cencentratien o.? radioactive Argon was e --        ' hey had not been eC Necinz the Arcen teniter at the required interval and had Icst the calibr'.tice methed for that mcnitor along with the entire reacter main-tenance Ice fer all years prier to 1974 ef.m Y
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             ** Bat the const .:ctica of the Math Sciences buildinc , dew . wind frem and taller than the reactor stack , could , in the words of an NRC inseccter,
                ' result in persennel beinz exncsed to va-icus concentratiens of the gasecus effluent plu=e." This was because "at one location readily accessible on de reef, it is possible to stand about 25 feet from the ventilatien stack and lock down uren the stack. Located on other portiens of the reef are astmnorical observatories, a meteorological laboratory, a seminar roem and the u per portions of the math-science library."
             ** 3 a the reacter stack was 17 feet shorter than required and that an
                 " accelerator noale" specified in the Technical Specifiestions had been reecved f:cm the stack, further reducing its effective height.

A 1:75 study undertaken by UCLA grcduate student Mark Phillin ?ubir in suppert cf an amendment to the reactor's cperating license (an amendment which the NFC cranted pe-ittin; UCLA to centinue releasing Aracn concentratiens at the stack in excess cf the axi u net *' ally penitted by the Code of Federal Eeculations) states: Southwesterly winds blow the plume fren the exhaust stack directiv toward a ledre 30 feet away, which overlocks the stack , and then ac-ess the Math Science Complex reef. This roof contains many astroncmy installations and is accessible to the general oublic. . . . Frem a radiolerical safety standpcint, it is unfortunate that the pttvailinc wind cenditicns are these that would cause the hi,-hest radiarien exposums to the public. 7utir cc .cludes : The highest excesures to the public were discovered to be within the Math Science building. This cccurs because a main ventilater intake for the building was fcund to be directly in the path of the reacter's exhaus: p lume . None theless , the NRC did not even censider the insid,e of the Math Science hui1 'ine in in catin7 UCLA an exemption from normal restrictions en' Argen-41 releases. In part, this was because they had never seen Rubin's thesis. " hen inf'or'ned of the ventilatico duct / Math Science problem and the Rubin study , the NRC radiatien inspector fer UCLA, R.D. Thom s, admitted he knew of neither. He also exoressed surprise to learn that the roof area was not restricted to the public (there are 7 coen docrs and two elevators opening < the reactor cceplex roof. ) Sis study demen:.;trates that nearly every time the NRC expressed concern about a regulatien violatien er non-comoliance with the reactor's Technical Specificatiens, a the NRC changed the regulatice or tech spec rather than require enforcement. In ,, . .r .. ... . -.- . .  % .-. .

shcrt, the NRC's Inspecticn and Infercement Divisien has neither adequetely insnected ner enferced. *he conditiens uncovered by the "PC in 1974 and 1975 mnain essentially r.chenred today--there is still 50 times the normally permitted. contration of Arren Oc=ing cut of the reac or stack, the reactor stack is still below the level of sur-roundins; buildines , the accelerator nozzle has once again been removed, and the roof mrains widely used and openly accessible to the public. And further, the reactor

crtinues to spew radioactive Arten into a main ventilator duct for the Math Science t u_dini.

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auC. Es that Cf nuclear energy, and to educate the CCn: unity abCut ways Cf "b"iiging the gap" te ueen our present uorld and duiralini; nCc-reneuable energ-r scu-ces (such as Cil and ': anium)s and a needed fu.tu e wCrld based en saf?, - enewa'rle ec.=ote ces. S ridge the Gap suppCrts itself sClely n individual a.. .. .-.'. *. . ..s . C.. . .e.. . a- en '.a . < .. - . . . . ."..h*v.". #. C11-wa . , a ues +.,4_ ..s , 5. u

  • n. w.'.e. : _' .4.m.. _
e Lap activi-ies, or reques:s o be placed on our mailing list (free) Can te ad iressed :C: CA;-RS CCi4IIITE "'C 3?.m TFi' cap (p_13) 4 9 1)S2C '0915 Strathr. Crc Drive ecs Angeles, CA 90024

W . % g ;+f ME.g**  ; ! - G N ' ' -^ -. _ . ^* G - *

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                      ~ cts--.::tien cf the L'CI ts Nuclear Iner y Laboratorv (CCI.a-?EL) been in 1959                                                                     s                                                                           1    and.

c eratien be an in 1950. Durin2 the early 1990's , concern was ex:resced in a series s.....,. - , . , , .. . . -

                                                                                         .u,.,.         . c.. icr ,..,..              ..
                                                                                                                                               . C : missien and the JC' , *:: lear Ener-v.                              .
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                                                                                                                               . . .                   _.'sc.icns .#.                       , t '. e .- a. =. c ". . *                       ~

ce- was inc: eased ever the years when it was discoverei that a new buildin, , :'ath

                                        . , ,:.      .a. .. . . -     -   . s.- a.c.- p...r       . . . : . _ c .; ,. .u.e                 ,.,,. , .C .. .,.. .- ,m ,.y           , . ,a.
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                                                                                                            .      cu..'      i           'sha .      " ". ra. c *. i "e * .*. a. s '. . b e _*. . a". . .
                                                                                                                                                                                      .                                                               -v,.u 1.1 : ex:retsed concern ahcut ycur m'~r.c*~.--~cnt c"nt=n,t. sustcm thc: resw tcc :n : :csc ri. ~ e:f ~:c .                           ( -2)                 . .e nclatiens were identified as :
, n y.r.r.r v. .1 n.e s.:,.c +gc;.y.:.c,.7 .eD C c 4. "" *; cn..n. *~.~u'.".-',%.".*
                                          ..        .c    ,,
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cc !"cL*:tatnca Cf :::c;.pc7 ecintenancc cct*.tr ttc3 cvr :.'C TcasCn3

s':c m.fer. Ccr.trc " to this rcc.uircecnt> the rcccid n.' ci::.:"cnce ac-
iitize pric? *: "m :97.l l ace missine. *
                                          .e. . . . ., .n
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .e.' .~ '.v.m n

frc- t.':c rc ictcr "cce cc c:i:cus'cd to the at~:capherc thr"ui an ccc:i:rc-

icn nc 22 at 1*5 fcc: abcvc grcic1d icycl.

Ccntrary to t.-ic rccuin.:nt.

                                         .~.0       cccci crction nc::le c::-ia:cd at the end of the stack. (D-3) 2.s de ins"ecticn repcrt 350-lu2/ 4-01 stated about the 1 css of the maintenance Lc g:             ."~~c       icsc r.f this loc acs c.f .n trticular ccncern since rcccrds such cs instrc.e:cnt cat. : ~'c-.cns vcn ".ot othcmtse accu,ccie, and too kc.u. ic                                                                                                          ,h crctoru rcrscnrci mtn.

c.' .rxcirue main cnance ?~cd UC&r) erd ic;< . " ( D-4 ) It should be ncred 21: ~.:: the ti:-c of t':c inspceticn, the rccctor acs shut Econ for :c rcpcir o' a i vatcr irc c. " (:-u)

       *S curce : 'iRC 3iblicerachy fcr "C'.A-?EL Cocket

r; --7

m. . , -

e.' ,_

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                                 .         s...                .i r. . '.e  .       s.           ~. ~_. o . , *. .h a.
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                                                                         ..      y e. s-e.       ;. a.            ,
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                                                                                                                                                                     .      g.-+ e,, .e . +1..L.  .
                                                                                                                                                                                                             - . a .ry.' e.,~.n        (<9).

ree snorter than recuire . .ech :ica2 He added tha: the stack was at .e as t e. .

             .:- e ......c...
:: . . ; n..s .
2. -he same tire tha: the SF.C Inspecticn and Enforcement Office actified UCL.2 of
            ..e.  ..
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                                                               .c ,. . A. .z..., .. %.     . . . 1 a.e. .          .;.. ...:en, it seng a cee.a, c.e
                                                                                                                                                                                                              .p.g n, . . . C .1
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                                                . cr -::: : .s::r. - :ea n:nage":cn t.
                                                                                                                                                        "1 s.n conclusicn is rcin'^rcc.' b f                                         rcvicus Ccn caucntly, .'c intend to brocorn ri c: 'cr:cn:c ::n :nt ucensee.                                                                                                                                                               in.

ents lces,.a.t.u un:t l trprocc ,. - crc,r-,anc is cyiccnt. "

:.: n :;.,. r: ::

l-~ )

                                                                                                                  .        . . . . .-                     ,_!+.,,
                                                                                                                                                                       , t.
                                                                                                                                                                       .-        C, 3. . . m
h. ., 3 g,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       .      .6 . t ..b
                                                                                                                                                                                                               .         . .. . L. .:.
               ._r       - . : -- ::::r:.    ..                                                                            .          .

cur:0 . :: r-.e r',.:at cn inspecticn a year, wyere previcus,y thev _.;....,.,x

                     . _ . . . . . _ .                      .._e.......
                                                                      . . . .               t. ., .e. ..,.... -. a. = s a i .'. * 5.e ved u51'e .c.'.2 . v .o 'a_ e.*..'1'.'


-- ree;oree 2,:e '::vambe r u, 17 4, JCL.Ps Environmental Fealth and Safe y
f fi ca r . Marc'.d .' 3 rcun . srate . ra fer-in: Oc the Ics: maintenance lec: I: c pccrs O' :: -: : i'~ c;cy rc-;pcc-.' Erewn also stated that an acceleratien ne::le had. been
:- the mac:cr stac'- in -escense tc the notice of violation (:: has since been .
          - c ed a.ain--see The:cs in appendix. ) There was no specific response retarding the
          ....._..: . .:. . . .        ..          .c . a       k.     "..a.-'...

1 '. ..' - u ) ,

                       ..e       : rst ca.a c o on =me y, i ncreeri on in tye 3.roadened program tock p., ace on Ja uary 23-24, 1975, by F.A. ;!enslawski, an "?C Radiation Specialist.                                                                                                                                     Durint this ines -: e : i c . . Nenslawsk: determined that:
l. The radistica moniters had not been calibrated as often as recuire i.
2. 7entilaticn exhaus: air frem the reacter room was not beinc diluted to lu,000 cubic feet per minute and was not being released at 125 feet above rrounc 2 eve.3 as recuired.
        * 'n-rcrc~a interview with J.3. Sair?. at the Frid:e the C-an office en Sept. 27, 1979.
                                   - . s.w% m. % : %              :. . ,.%         t ;. :        c       -
a. + ..
    .-        .                                                                                        3. '" hat although the cercective actiens described in L'CLA's !!cvember 4, 1974, letter had indeed been i clenented, the ventilatien exhaus: sfstem aquired additienal ecdifications to meet the requirements of the Techr.ical Specificatiens.
a. '"he rethce of radicactive par-iculate sanple collecticn in the ventila-tien exhaust duc- did not appear to assure the collection of a representa-tive sa ple.
5. ,an u.,at were , esc 1yed as ..r vsnnz;.ccnt .,..n~,.ng . :ne :.nspector u

reported That "the licensec has tentatively found an 2?Jtor r*' hic v'ca.".d

                              .tesuC' in previousit! .tecorded and reported discarge conccnbaticas and cuentitics beina ."c~' bit an factor of . ten." t e"mosis added. )
5. '~ " -"' ~' nal "ri.rnificatt findin", " the in: cec :: s =.te' in reference
the "a h Science buildine, that "crtensive cens *tttefice o f n*" 4cifi'ico 1tewtd th: .tcacter ! as t rc'u:.ted in a ccedition t'+1cb co'L .? cc;'crivad'!  ? c u ~
                              .=c11cnns L"rc scd in .t!te dischargc pc'unc yom the uc::.ti*?tien ex', st.:ch.

(scurce: Inspection reper: 50-lu2/75-01) 12:er en in the s*re inspecticn repcrt , when the MEL representative was reminded

2: -he dilutien ficv rate thrcuph the reactor stack was below the required level.

r.d ::a -he release heiph: was cnly 108 feet rather then the 125 feet recuired, in '.icc scc rcprc.centc~ive crated that to date no correctivc acticn had hcen takcn

                                                                                            .%e l%ccn3cc %'c3 2D*.2ble to 3DCcij,.'t 2n.~.    ; '1:  .-0 C$na. ;r*c TTCC%.**.cGt%Cn 1G a .Dro
                            .                                                   !.C."?.                                            .

t)Cula. McC~.J;ca to MCCC thC tcChMLcQ . FDccL** ca ~.cnS.

           'i &c rC'~t; .& C ~.c n 2'42 2 c *]             .*'c
         ' .2 - ? ) As the N?.C ?.adiatica Specialist later stated, "27 crc crists a pctentic! for ce n >.nct 2.t :surc :: the a, secus c.f. flu:nt .nlum .frcm the vencilatien c='*cust. " (H-1)

We iescribed this pctential for expcsu*e as Pr.~lir tic.

n a key passape of the January 1c75 Inspection Rerort;, '!EC 'tadiation Snecialist L:erslawski wrcte : F
                   ** ile tc:eing the r:of of Ecci:cr Hall-!'ath Science buildina ccrplc. , in ohich the reactor is located, the inspector noted that the discharoc of the vcntiladon
.:ck c:tcndo accu: 15 feet abcvc the cighth floor roof. Othcr portions '*

of the uildina ccmle:: c. tend to a partia" ninth and tenth floor. - ons Location r:adi~.:r cec.9 ib '~ cn t'c reo), i+ L' ro ui'-".e. *o A te:r' ".'*tti n W't %cm tr ventitatien staci: and icoh Scnt uren the stac. Located on othc.1 nortions of

                   .the .tocf are asttenemirai chsett.atotics, a meteorological Laboratteru, a setstinar
          :tnd the urper rc.ttiens cf thc r~ath-s cicnce librartt. '?ith the c:ccotion of
                      ;a' lihm~j. . ence c thcsc facilities is via the roof top. (G-u) femphasis added)
ic interesting to cete that despite Wenslawski's raport about ready public access to the rcef, the NRC assigned a 10*, cccupancy facter to it, arguinc that 90% of the wcWinc day no one is un there. NRC Inspector J.B. Saird later admitted that enly
                                                                                       , n                           .              .
                                                                                                                                                        .... m          c         g         g      c .;           .
                                                                                                                                    -g-tra si: ti e was censider-d in naking :ha; estimate , not any time seen: ir the ce-iner rec er laterateries er ti e spen: ea:inc lunch en the reef.

Censituski cen inued:

                                   ~' e inc.=cc:cr discucse ! in:h                                          =>c          Licer.see ther cscibilie.u tha: the ccnfi.uratien
:hcse .'aci icies with res.=ec: :o t':e ventilaticn c:cck ccuidC.(resa?. in #cr-

{itten* y'Eum?. r ScucCE. bCiro OXFCSOd .t.0 VaricuS contc:L*?.f.tiosta 0,f the dt'acons T."10 ficenica. CorcCd U:a.C CXpC6ft'Lc3 "".rc conCcAVO.bic :~nd ~!cted thCT :beff Od CMCC pcrticr.: cf :.rc r^ f a restric c a arca bu: rciected ths ccncept cc:-ridcred ~

                                   ?cc:ucc i: ,cc :co i.crac:ical.                                                       The Zicnns ce rncenni: "o1.+'et incnctisinn 'c il. ': t c 4 .*':2 4 t'tch [0 .t':t accuited cicvatic:1,                                                                17 4.v t ich a.t, a td increasi:ta tire ya, rn te . i '.' a'i!'o rer a; r.~ vi n *.~ o conditien,           kt f not n.'ce ssa ti fer e i~ine te it. ( C-a ,5 ) { cm,w*,oAis added)
                          -> ec , :ne stack deight -enains cday unchan ed , and the flowrate is at ccrrect M reis :-a, :y firtue cf navier ence a sin reroved the accelerater noncle frcr. the tcp
                             . e m --,

_ cy. . . .;_. - - , %_ __ . - 2_2.: s .> . . . , . w, _ e ._. _: . e .w.. ., .

                                                                                                                                             . .,.       t.u t ,.     , .,., ,. e , , m o r

_ . - - - - - ,o. tw..e --

                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,-    ye
                       . lu .e vere cenceivable c: a readily accessible roof near the stack.                  .

S.e "us a' e

                        ~:er : c-- -
                                              . .             .                  .          .               p      . .. . .

i:c'cc t 3 .t acc :,:e ,a:cencac e cc:. c.~ :nct a, c tc rapid c:=cspncr c czeperaton c,.i *imi: c cccw'ancy ti. cs .~n c:~csurc in c cess of 10 E O 20-i: 3 cculd not cccur. C: r bait relaticci.' inscnsitive radiatica httrvoors (Pittaara?' ~! . d ) , t't C


License: ccuid roi quantitatie m'u de-cns tta'c the ac*ua" radic;onica: e f {cccs. (3-5) { cvlutsLS added) Tarz;raph 5. i. - efer-ed := above siaiei , ~'C:bcr than c fcv ccrt:% nation nurve je cut-sid.c :he ecstricted .='es :l :he fccili:.i. . . the liccnacc cccentic:'s ccr.due:s ro rcu-

                         *in c rfecn-sn:a curveillanec.

Later, 'ienslauski recchs that UCL.A censidert one

                          .: thr>;- main sa--'pling Techniques ":c ~ e sc ~c'.' hat crude c~d rcoul'cs crc cnl:j intendcd F
71 -ic c 'ca!! park ' cs:i:ctc. " And in Paracraph 3.c. of the same reocrt , '3enslawski questioned the representativeness of the sampling technique used by the reacter staff in enitering fer pa -iculate centrination. Upon askinc the reactor staff if they ha?

r< e.c a sarticu,ar  :..c .ce s euS.. .- .u..:.2 ,m. . . ) in cest; nine their men _tcrine systen,


r'c Liccnsce ::::cd .:ha:. 7 c .. cs um:' arc cf t.he ?'13.1 s cr.dard and after. c dcccrip- .

cn o.r ts cen:en: en. :nc :.n . cc:, r.r :rcr .r2:.censec acrccc. :: cvat.uccc tre "cr .-
, u, g ;. - ,.,~ .,e ev ,
                                                                                                                                                           .,+cM,..,..,...       (cJ3
                                     - . 4 & (.~c                  , : n, c , J ea ,s-( ..y>-                          . ..                                        v     .   -4                    .
                                                                                                         !.ctual Ar< en Emissiens i                        D.e pmbler. cf -'eadv public access to areas near the reacrer stack was compcunded h-l the ?i ncove:'] ' hat 'previCuS ch.tir C.Cc,5 Cf $tt LT1Cun,tb Cf GCliUCtCd GRQCn OCs (.Ar00n

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '


                                                  .a vc               -

n b~k.a ?.ci:c. sed 'o nte enukc:v cr,t l tad be :1 scuc.tcit.t undctesd eca d. ~ bis severa underesti aric: apparently had gene ::ndetected fer years . Eeveral fae:crs were in-vel- ed in the errer ec=ing to li;-ht : 1) the less of the maintenance loc for years prier to IC74, 2) the failure of the reacter staff to calibrate the Ar; en .onitor at recuimd inte val: (As *ienslawski wrote: "5'c inew) mcintcnc".cc Ice ci'cos no rcccrd cf this r.cni:cr 3:ing ccEibrcted. " (G ')), an' ?', the inaccuracy of the .r ; n menitor itself (i: was even:ually replacer.1 S.e pr:ble : cf calibraticn was sever =1y ecenlicated by the les: ef -he mir enance leg. As 'ienslawski wrote in this key in::ectica retert: r,. c. ,.....a~.

                             , ~ ..       .: . ~-u.. .. n- e . .. ., .u. ,:..
                                                                         ~ . , , . ... ..
                                                                                       . , ,, ,.. w.,
                                                                                                         . .. .. .. y. :c r-4: versus C-16 :: e :iccvacc 3:c:cu, m at :ce cc:cr~thn trarx u s

                  .. c.&c-:al*y pncrc:cd ycces cec and :::c: 'ecumN tatica .M 'cr r  ; .1'is 'S "i c '?                                     -
                -s;:::cs hc-: ns: cu,1ve rees dev'tioped c.1 v:ba* crtc.t it r'iat) hav2.                                               ." c liccnscc s:ctad
?::: a veccn: ccicuic:icn perfcrmed :c x- c~: ,c c.vec:: : ec.mcrca cf 'r J: to
. :: cf C-:4 irdicc~c3 sha the cds tiro ca?.ih.~r.*, ion cuty: is i:1 ettot h) a .LTc'c.1 cf . ten. 3.e licencee rcpresenta'i::c furt%r state.d z : %c D c<rrinc:? :cs :

cc cM.,ctient :re cc -'cet. " (C--E ,7 ) (cnphas4s added}

n -he :nd, i: as deter .ined that while the calibratien curve may ha're been off b'/ a f 2:::r of ten , Necr:ed em.issiens had been .ff .bv a factor of abcut three hun <' red.

For exa--le , in 1371 the reacter recer ed Argen-41 releases of 0. 3 Curiesf after de:e.::i< n of the meni:cring error, the mest recent report was _SA Curies for 1979, a year in which the reacter ran enly abcut 2/3 as often. (Source: CC' n-:!EL annual recerts for 10~1 and 1379). In UCI.A's raspense to the NFC Notice cf Viola,tien follcwinc sen-F s1 w:2. 's ins;cetien , the reactor Director, The-as Hicks , said about the calibraticn m-s thod fcr the Argen .cnitor: Tne his:Crll oi' 'J:c creation o.' the ceicinal accic factor Itc.s been to,s.t, but cr.gunert.s have. been fottnatded .tn tite effec.t that the cricinci sccic factcr included avnuni m'c:uc,in.: a~d Or 2tme .fac: ors. (J-5 ) (cmphasis added)

ring 9enslawski's January 1975 inspection he discussed with the reacter staff the interpreta:Icn of two parts of their Technical Soecifications that seemed to him r+.wie tery with respect to allcwing averaginc of radioactive discharres. His in-
  • A curie is a unit of radicactivity (3.7 x 10 10 disintecrations per second): it is
                                #     ~

the r "r -  : I it" ssociated with one fram of pure radium er its equivalent. ~ One 0::rie is a siceable amount of radioactivity 1 in laborateries , one handles even

    ' .1W:5 ef a *:rie with gnat care (e.g. , in a lead bex at some distance ) .
                                         - =      .:. ,.w
                                                                      . . . -   .    -: a      .:.
cr;-- atien cf Sectien */~.~: .P.1.b . was that it . . .
.= cs n : cverccznc or c ccrc:rgc concen:raticns .'c ncr cu:ncr.cca. .rc ,~.ccn-c:3 s: :cd . 2n. -ey ecue c!:'c:!s cons ccroc avercczna :o ac cutrcr~,cca and 3;;;ed Sc: :he n.'?:-J. W.' ~ '.. * * *
  • c ' .t ' c ~ c ' r.*r ".*) m t
                                                             .                                                 . .      . i} t"d.I ahcu~

Q: ccncc) t?.a. tion Li.'ni.C of ippendi.: 2, Tchte II, ICCFCC [the a=plicable section cf the Code of Federal Regulations) and 6ctf e'ou/.d he unahic .tc ope.' tate if deef didn't ave.tage cencenttaficna cuer a !fecr. (G-9) (crphaol.a added) Ecwe ter, the inspecter called his superiers and was told to permit averacinr.(T-2)

                   .e "?C inspec cr ended his January 1975 repert with a section en 'ehat the NEL 2:d f eas a-d 'Jasn ' t doin? to meet the recuirements written into their Technical specifica:icns that emissions of radioactivity be kept As Lcw As Practical ( ALAP
=. 'ards , neu called ALA?.A stanc ards fer 3.s Lew As reasonably Achievable) . ALA?

i _i-i 3 are r e r.e r a - _ . ^ /10*th as hith as the "aximum Termissible Concentration li its

     -- a- h a'.           een cencer .inc the NRC abou: the UCLA reacter.                            It is quite a: parent that if :.ere xere encurn cencer. to <!crry the "RC that the reactor was exceedinc the "PC s t an dards , it was almos: certain tha: the ALARA standards, written into the MEL's e   f nical Specifications and cne hundrad times more stringent , were beine violated.
      -1:hou;5 apparent 1'. not requi-=' to have ALA?A standards written into their Technical e cificatiens , UCLA chese to, cnd it is our contentien that they are thus bound by
he ..LA??. standards in Nu: lear Re ulat rf Guide 1.109 -- the cnly numerical M FA s t an d ards . Taere is little dcubt they ar* viciatinc these standards. It is interest-in c :c note further that huge nuclear 'cwer olants pro <'uci*n t comme,rcial electricity
       .re required ic shcw that they will be able to meet AL/SA standards before they will even he granted a license. The UC'A r-acter, far smaller, is apnarently unable to meet the standards set fer large commercial reacters!

Venslawski wrote at the conclusien of his report , in a section marked ALAP-

                 .nc ; .cen:cc acs cucs:zonce r ::n respec: to action to mcc: .,cc;;cn 7. D.

of :hc ~esni:al Epc:ificaticnc c:: reicaec cf rad'cactivi:n fm the reacter .

                 .'::i'i'y 9.=l' bc ':cy: t c r.s ? c:n : EcucE S ntac tic".C. T':a liccnecc s:a:ci : hat effar:: in this ccha'f ucrc p d: adly cimed at min ~.minina the pcccibili:y c '
r. ner::in.-  : n.. r u 2:d :::c~viine to reclude the rcse sc o' 'recn frcm tc
                                                                              '                              ~
                 ~. w r.,r. '( .n - 11 ) (c:m-hasis 'addid}

s- . - . . Feb ua- v and "ar -h . Ic75 "n Fe:ruary 21, Ic75, the luelear Rerula: cry Cc: missien sent te UC' A a ::ctice of

                                                                                                                      ,n a iciatien cevering the cencerns discoverec cy <,enslawski,s inspecticn. (: -2)
                                                                                                                           ~*c res;cnse f:c Lab Director Thomas Hicks , Hicks wrote that the :IEL was recuesting c:-'-;ste i:prcue: ent pro.fect frce cc rus scurces" to triple the hersepover of cne of the exhaust fans , add the necessary fcorage to the exhaust stack , and provide bracing fer :he stack. (I-2)

Cespite UCLA's estimate that these improvenents could be ecmoleted in six to nine renths . the stack re uins the same height and, indeed , the accelerator nc cle has once wain 'cen ~-wve i , reducin- further the effective stack heicht. UCLA included in

      -heir to the ::ctice of Viola:icn a ec=puter model by ^;rlied '!uclecnics en-
      -irled '3.tacspheri: ispe-sien Analysis of Ar-en 41 Discharces fron the UCLA Fucle ar 7.e ac:cr ,              (3) dated February 1975 iwithin ueeks of Penslawski's insrecticn).                       The w vrt cencle?.ei tha 2 odified stack would increase disnersien by more than four-fold (I-Ei, but the stack appears not to have been modified despite these conclusiens and despite the pled e by Lab Director Hicks to the '!RC in " arch of 1o75 to modify the
ack cy, a en; inincs , increasin; its height- (I-2)
              .,_    '.c. 7.C.                                                                                        -

JCL.;'s pro;-sal to take six to nine months to increase the stack height and ficw h ra:e within the stack was dee ed by the MF.C to be an ur.c$. cc.c:c ~c and an

      #- fe rcemnt hearine was convened in '..'alnut Creek (?!RC recicnal headauarters) en .icril
11. Ic75 with representatives of the UCLA-NEL present. UCLA's response to the "?C "otice cf Violation . . .

x: censLkmi unacceptble for two recsens: 1) the extended time rcricd mrcresc?

                                                                                      ~     1 . . S~ces.,.: caticvs, cri tr.c tscn   . e ncust sustem 'nt.%. n .cc'ntea.
c ur.rcit:-


) tne vertaca ftcurc cn tr.c ens ucrc crovc li: c.- tlucnt
                                                                                        . . ~
                                                                                                   ~~cns ter cc. rcycc2cc. annva : .'en:gc cwc!w'c c.:necun au..aa . .. .
s rew:tcu, .m :,'e Tcd.'-ica: F.rc.:ifications (en.centially 10 CFR :C LL-its) . " (Y-1)
                   -'he NEC teck the shert-te-m action action at the enforcement conference of re-au ~ rine :: c encraring hours of the UCLA reactor (to reduce Arcen emissiens by re-
                                                                       - - s-                x.


                                                                                                       . r.           .                                                                                                   .

_ .e -

                                                                                                                              . ' * ***          d. 2."e d P. ri'                          'C.".'C.,          h. . *. " ', f' ' e.

a." C .' '. "g

              .           *"e
                           . ' . . *..i"* ~.'.*. ". *.aC*.*".
                                                -. .                           .        ". ET ) .              ~t ~.1 s
                                                                                                                                    ....".                                     A'O. ,      .                                           ~_ ". . _- a .i k. . a. ". .
 . ,...., . .         . : .,.. . . r.,'
                                     .w      ." r. .ny .t .- n. . ., n.aa-s          ge.31.g       s. an               e. s.:e.7 e. u. . : .,r , u. . .m...--1 ; */ . : .r <".
                                                                                                                                                 .        .                                          _. .. . C - ". . .~ _# ". .'. i ..   'l .~r the icnr.-ter. acticn Ic be taken b.e UCI.A :
u 1:Li,. seek c~cri-cnt to ucur Tecn.n:cc,. .eocc f..cas cns n :re ::o c~cas in-voit'ina r.cnccrrpliance. 5:iE cJ' J'crt should oroceed on a pric~itu hacis.
                  -ssentially , the EC permitted UCI.A te alter the rules to fit their operatine bah vier rather than alter their operaticns to fit the rules.                                                                                                                              As the MFC put it:
                     ;: : pcznancn: sciu:icn, the licenscc v:culd pursue :n h "=C Licensinc c revicc-~

u Speci'ic= tion the: oculd acccunt 'cr the hifer icyc: c.' radicactive .. 7cseous :.senc.Tes. atpcrcn: in n..ts cetion ocu7.~,o.c t,-c nceu, to rcr^,.vc crc , be:ucen t,se vent , cat cn e="cust c.uster cen* m.1 c rc^ u t.cs :r.=.

                            .       . .~                e., a... .~:. ., . .. ..: . . ,,cou:.

cn.,. .>. ( v. , )

n. . - . .,. _, ,.. .ren.
                                                                     . a. . g. , a c.m.:,
                    . .    -   p. ,
                                         -.<        g .e.. , .                      .
                                                                                                     . _ - . e. , _ c. 7 e. , %-.    .            ..

n.g. .o ya...

                                                                                                                                                                     . ,           .b. e                           .n. . . n. .,           -

_ re '.e ases f c= excaed.ine the Faximur Fer .issible Concentratien of u x 10' i: c'e shcr: un , and in the long-run to seek an arendment the crimarv urrese of eni:5 ~5hc!C be te es taor'nh .ic2ccac finito .Ot exec 44 oi P CR :"' 'ppend ix ", TchCe

t. .v . ..
                                        ~ .,.;
                                            ..             n'    .#.~.~ ; ,. .e . '...<d, . a .^. .                          +s'..--*- ro v#., '~-2 r, .^, # .'O
                                                                                                                                                                                       .. " . ' 0 F.' . " ( '<)
   ' e~'- ~ s i s addd)
                    ...:...e_,.... . . .

rc . _. .:. .e . _ c,_. e. , s c , e ..,-- i- n .. _' .' c r. .e, e ( .' .. e .r ". ..e r. . ' ' ) w =.s ' . . '. =. e .a-d

  . . . . _. . a. ,._.-. . ; e . w...e,.,._4s
      ..                                                        ..               -s ~... e. .'.a.         .         c. o d a.        .r e ' . ec c u _ai . cr.s c . ." -.'heva. .

T. . n. a r-

    . .: . . .=.               y   ....,..,w, :
                                                   .j .              . e x,. ~. . . s., .c.e _.. . ." 2 x 4 ., o ,...
                                                                                                       .              . . . . . .          r.
                                                                                                                                           . e ... i s .2 ib .' e Cc r.<.'a n .. = 1. .# c"6.                   ". e c, u.; ~. . ~.. a. . . 6   e=*.
  -le :=' ease peint (the stacx) enzy Iri r

r.' . i

                                   . c m.         n- ._,i .'.-.:n' k n ~. .~sG e~.
                                                                                                   .   .~. .~. C s" . %.'.' C .~ ' s.'cr*
                                                                                                                                                         . ww+m ~ ; r.' r '.. e ' b . u
                                                                                                                                                                          .                                .~~C. .~t'r.     '*;. .;. ~.


vtai~'ci in e,','~uenta to unrascricted cycas; and
                    .'i') .1::: i~ ic nct likel.u. that mM.' native ratcrial dischcr.eed in :hc e.n.~lucnt
                  . cubC PCauwt
  • n tMe C:-CCitre c.*. :n ~nrty Cua.y to cCr*ce ntrattens O.T. raC1.cact" uc s.n Es o E. n .* ;v
                                                                                                                                                                    *s.,(wd'm.                                              .r_T n, f.
                                                                                                          .u. Z.2 .,    v.p
                                                                              ,ssm                                                                                                                         .TC.1.1.e c.,.
                                                                                                                                       . . 'E.
s. h. r,.
                                                              ~                                    ,

s .

                     ....;        ., w6l '. Ev.        -      s.E. .m .n .,e ,.e..                s                                         .        wm                      ..        .     'l.Q. 3
  • 1 *.s .OCT:.
   . . ..._aeu  .                  ..  : .. e . . .' eva.1~ r. r..t '. _= ~. 5. .\. "3' " A.o - ._~. .~..+. s s " - ~. a s ~s s ~..h a ~ U C.' .a. - v a.
                                                                                                                    ,                                                                                                 ~'.e.'.=...

T.ini tm efforts to reduce the A.r;cn emissions as recuired in point (1) above 2nd . ace en '" - -;1 m . cd r i=: tes that ara cuestien @ le at best in order te shew conoliance with 2 he:: s. 2) of the federal .reculatien. The crire by the "EL staff to reduce

                                                                          .      .~m_           -_
                                                                                                                         - g-
     .ne racicac 1v ty in tye er.,luent mlease was , by t.g.eir cwn a,missien , , ver-c-cst:.ous
     =d e .42 =-ir.s :-fer.:sd. " ( T-3 5 )                                                           It, not sur:risincly , failed.
c : ercial pcwer plants use decay tanks to reduce their radicactivity emissiens cf sh:r* 'ived radienuclides like Argen-ul (which has a half-life of 1.83 hours ; it is enerally considered to take ten half-lives befcre a radienuclide has decayed ccm-
_e t e _*t
                        .    ).


                                         . ..e
t. rincie 3e is sinnle:

1solate the radioactive substance lona enough so

     -.a           it can decay away be'em being released to the atmosphere. There are problems
       .icr decay t -ks. pri arily the pescibilitf of exposure to nuclear facili*y verkers tne pess12:,1-/ or an acc1gental ralease er_ the T.ateria3 storec in tne tanx be.,cre a                                                                                            _

it h:: .ad a -hance te deca /. Eut decay tanks are used as a 'ajor way of dealine with

       ....          ..    .2     . .
                                                   ,.,..            ..,cs ,.p       uy .u.e a.~c
                                                                                                                  ,   u,     -,
a. -n,r.


                            ..e,                     z-
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_ e. 4..s e . .'..' ..'.s-. ~ ' .' # '.".:". c* ' ~

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3+.3~~2;:r-l Eup .~ . ~r:,f." ::ci *- ,':scacc f r. t' 2 reactCr uSC [CctCr . . . It' ', t ic r ::minci th:: 2c i':creco:d use l ctor uili producc cn :racccp:c'-la i.r.ct:csc cf ?rgon-

      .; .* ~:n,w.::c :c~s tac                                              .~.cev. scc rrc.ccsee to usc a ec rrcanor cd dcca.t tav. cus:s~ :o
       ~~~::: : 'c ? ry- ; * .': 3:cr 7c cnd relaccc a*'tcr a deca's "cricE. ' ( )-M
                                                                                                                                                                                                       'nd in a m      ..r.. . , gt -:) We ..In: an ct.ner anticipated reactor chance that Jiculd 3
e =se Tr;cn levels :

a*c. to e h. .natc cur rcceter uscrc ' ";>ccping

                      .n c:v er to .::'. met -cre cus~ r.ccr
                                                                            .y, er acutivn s ,i n. , *,.a vcac'c.r -cy .'c s; c.*c.u al cred to .~c c r. va: ;ar : .:                                                                                                                                                                                        o
                     *: i;+. r pc'cr icvais, i. c. , 500 hY or 2 ?, '~.c cur; cn t lican.oc.a rover level is
                                                    .c .
n Li .ss
n a meeting en Octeber 1 between the 'EL and Bridt e the Gao staffs , Neal Cstrander, the h rator/- "anacer. confir-ed that the ;EL staff was indeed contemolatinc consider-ably inemasi .r the raactor use factor (he said they would like to increase it frem its pmsent 15.E5 limit to 60-10C. use). He said the SEL staff ras also considerin5' increasin: the pcwer level (although this was ' internally controversial") and that ,

inceed, a decay tank sy , t.ei- in N 2 n .wni.*ez- A Mcwca .f , the incre se' Argen-Li that wn. o l a ' . w :n.-c.i if such an exransion took clace. (It is interestinc to note , as an

      -side , that Tr. "s tran                                            a er indic tred that the *EL staff wished first to cet relicensed--

y ._ _ .- y. . _ sn _ 4. their present license ex: ires in " arch 1979--and then request incre ased cperatin? Time and rerraps increased pcwer.) The icgical question that nust be asked is if UCLA is new cenciderin: tuttinc in a decay tank to limit emissions because it wishes to increase - eratin- tine :r wer te attract more business, why wasn't a decay tank put in when the MFC initially cited the- fer exceedin,: maxi =um v. ermitted cencentrations of Art.en in their stack effluent?

     ,1theu -5 we         '-
                               .- t   'c es ril"1   s n '-re . t' e    'e c-v t ,n'r ntien . Je tus: 26   E it Ocul' be icne te attract mo:w business , why hasn 't                        it been dene te pretect 7.ubli: :2f'ty?

And why did the NRC grant UCLA Amendment 10, nermittinc it te exceed required limits at the reac:ce stack , when the Ccde of Tederal Reculatienn rm uires -hat tne licencee

       ~ d r:caerd ic cff:r: tc -im'.dnc ndica.7. tivit:t released to the st~cs'here mf:re censidering an exemptien from the requirement te keep releases belcu "axirum Ferrisc i',le C: centraticn lev 21s? We will see that the second requirenent that must be met before
     =- 'xery ti. -n ce ba ;rantei--that the public cannot receive exposums ir an unrestricted a-ea in excess of "F^--was also inMequatelv caminei, both by the f*CL3 st aff anc the

2 2.e_ _. _ .;.b in Tn e s i s

n support of the requested amendment to the NEL crer[tinc license. a crsduate stuient, Mark Phillip Rubin, undertcok a study using sulfur hexaflucride (5Tc,) as a tracer te estimate air dispersicn facters and thus estimate argen concentratiens at varicts sites around the reactor stack. Rubin indicated in his master's thesis ,

which reported on the results of his study , that instruments that could measure the actual argre concentratiens at 1ccations beycnd the stack were not available at UCLA

   . nd that reney was net available fer purchasinc or f abricatinc them. So , by us in c
nuther c ibstance , ETo , that he ceuld measure , Rubin hered to be able to simulate
    ., recn dispersien.             .:s s..cwn
  • L in the passage cuoted at the becinninc c_c this report, znd in the two plune dia rams centained in the Appendix, Fubin found that the pre-


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esc; red tha: . r:bler , but didn't use such equipment. Studies su;cestinc that heavy

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      '.ich reading (given the distance) was reported en Hilcard Avenue , yet we find that
          .ilgard ' as also given a 1CS cccupancy facter (this despite the fact that pecple re-b Side in heres en Hilrard!) The 10% occupancy factor                                                                                                                             #.C-  . .. *h.e .CO.#                   m.a._= .i n '+$..e                      M..a .5. -
ence :ce ter ecmp_,ex seems particu,ar9y suspect, given the 9 epen entrances and

_,.,---.e w-: m , , 2 s- .: a.s -.. '. 5 e- e . v-C.s

                                                                                                                                   # w. iba.d nreviOus '"j .
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             .-          St3:c       ..       as-

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2. Their TL2 stut; indicated that a few dosimeters 'bere lost to birds and possiblif to curious individucts. " (X-20) Thus, the sample size was further reduced.
3. In the end, of the twenty originally placed. dosimeters , about one third were used,in the final calculaticas. The study added, however, that "even if the reac nge of conerate-nounted doeic.eters are niected, the remaining data are V.ot free of whiguous interpretation. " (X-24) 4 It should be noted that even if the concrete-mounted dosimeters were left in the sa=ple, the levels reported are still relatively low. But, surprisingly, virtually the same low reading is reported by the TLD on the reactor stack, where we know the Argen concentration is considerably in excess of the MPC.

(NEL reported concentration at full power is 1 x 10-5 uCi/mi and the MPC is 4 x 10-e uCi/=1, 250 times higher. Even averaging in operating time the cencentration at the stack is still well over the MFC level.) The reading from the TLD on the reactor stack is abcut the same as that reported by the TLD's 100 feet away, where the dispersion factor is eiven by Rubin to be about 250, mere according to the official model. The concentration should thus be much less en the mof than on the stack, the NEL argues ; but the TLD figures at heth places are quite close. Even with differences in plume configuration out of the stack and en the Math Sciences mof, it seems clear that one or both TL3's are not giving accurate readings , calling into cuestion the entire program.

5. 5 of the 7 TLJ's whose readings were not dismissed were used to give radiation estimates fer both regiccs of the mof--the area near the reactor stack (considered a res ricted area by UCLA and the NRC*) and the clearly unrestricte areas on the rest of the mof.
      * "CLA was granted the .bendment in part by declaring the area directly around the reactor stack a " restricted area", defined in the Code of Federal Regulations
           ? art 20.3.a.14 as "cr:g crea access to which is controlled      by the licensee for be radiation and mdioactive purposes of pmtection of indi:r' duals fwm expvoure r,aterials. " The NEL had to make nn chanFes to the reactor stack area to have it ccasidered restricted by the NRC; a four-foot wall with a stepladder next to it is all that separates it from the unmstricted area. It isn't even posted.
m. _ _ _ .

he h~esent On August 21, 1979, two Bridge the Gap members cet in the Walnut Creek head-cuarters of the NRC with R.D. Soras , the NRC radiation safety inspector for UCLA. Bey disc 0vered at that time that Mr. Thomas did not know about the Rubin study, nor aheut the air-conditiening duct and the possible exposure inside the Math Sciences building, and thought that the entire roof area was restricted with locked toon. We infe=ed him of these carters at that time and urged him to look into them. On Septerber 10, 1979, Bridge the Gap sent a formal statement of cencem about the UCLA reactor, enclosed the Rubin thesis which the NRC had not previously seen, and eged that the NRC undertake a surprise inspection of the UCLA reactor to inves-tigate the issues that had been raised. Abcut three weeks later, and fellcwing re-pea ad inquiries to the NRC by reporters looking into the issue , Bridge the Gap re-ceived a visit from J.B. Baird, another NRC Radiation Specialist. He had been sent de.- . te UCLA to do an inspection--and apparently to convince us everything was OK at the reacter. He had never been to the UCLA reactor before , had read only a small h ::icn of the NRC docket on UCLA related to the Argon problem, and spent only a few tecs at the reacter during his inspection, but reported that he found no evidence of


vielatiens Of regulations. He did say that the NRC might look into the question of expcsure within the Math Science building. hat is not encugh, in our view, to protect public safety when a serious question has been raised abcut possible hazards. So Bridge the Gap has requested the NRC to held public hearings into the relicensing of the UCLA reactor--wl.ose license expires in March of 1979-and to grant us femal intervenor status in those procedings to pre-sent the infatien we have uncovered. And we urge that the reactor be shut down until its safety can be conclusively demonstrated.

                                                                                                         .w    C"."..C".
                                                                                                                       .        .a : /:y,:.r TCr,
                                                                                                                                        . -          u. .a:.hi
.ey : .ne :cetrote systen used in the text cf the report iden,tifies the .

docu en: h, '_etter cnd the page by nunter. -cr exanp.,e, e-o ucula re:er ..- -.

                  .~ . , ..               ,     . ..             _ 1s   2 gra, u.y a s.en :,                                  .        _,_1cy.
                    ..        "A :cspheric Lispersion of Argen h1 frca the UCIA "uclear Eeacter,"

a aster's thesis by ihrk i~nillip Eubin,1976

2. "At :cpheric Lispersion Analysis of Argen L1 Discharges frca the UC'Ji-EL
,,c'c " r . are ". c-a Ur's' -POL tv. n **'. ye

_' ed- .".uc'e ...c- _ .


r.,-,_.- . e. :

                             - -a           .i - ts
                   -.a.. .                _ . _ -- ..,. . c,_ . , . .ac1 c _ :.n, ta                                                w cra.c-). ,                                         -.C,    r 6 '~ ' e a -e-..'-             "-.
                                ~                                       .            .                         .                                      _

Ja..u<'- .r _1, 1 ... c -

c. 3:. , n ... . _...a. ca.,,. .. -y__.,c.c. . , . .
. E: Inspecticn Eeper: Zo. 50-142 74-C1, including !!EC !?o. ice cf 71clatien e.: cc.c . , ,e.,
                   .-         --     _n-          a                         . . -e,.               ..          1974
2. :u.- i en.s related c UCIA Vicictions ferwa-ded to AEC Tublic Iccuren:
                                          . . :. ..; . _ . ...   . A .sc .. ..                      r r. :. .e .e _>,,...  ,. y.    .. .-. ye....e  _w . _.   ,,         ,


                      .._             m..._..                     . a, . a ,.


                                                                                            ~         t.
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                                                                                                                         . .             e       r.~.or~ e c ~e A                . ' . . a. n' T. " - ". =. ... =. . . .              m.%'--'.O...,,
                                               '~~ . ~-

t' , Chief cf Eadiol W rsl And Environn. ental Frctecticn Iranch,

                                                                                   --me .c to UCIA,by              -,              -

F. A. 'Jens1nwski, Ra<ida'icr Specialist _ mg .

                                                                                                           .,      m,
                                        . . . _~..c  _,,                   ..
                                                                                              . ... .                           e.    .. .

e.,, ,. e, r j .

                                                                                                         .. .. . .c .- ^ :ated y.ebruary
                     . _.:_ .c._s-.                                                           . ~ . nsj.,           ,1sc,lts-0,_      c
                                              . . .                ..e r c_..
              . .n-.>_..-.,.a.

_ _- .,ea.. . __,.. . .~3 n _y ., .=.e S c.c. s e s , no

                                                                                                 . ., .: ..                                    .            u    n , "'%.v        ' .".'i C 2            .*.a A. .*. u- .   *
  • c . , %, e. ' -' _* ~.
                                                          .,.,a. .r e. . .c                       . ., 21, 'c.7 .
                        ...m               . . .           . . . ,
. '.'- A renpcnse :: "EC ::ctice of 71clatien, dated Farch 1,1975 .
                    .            .....             .              :. n . ie 4e_c. y. sy. .'hc r..a m- '".i c. .b .. , .""
                                                                  .              .                 ..                               .        .                 . Di_-a c '- c. , .m" .. '. 4_._' . .e-
                        -. ._....    . . . .    ..    . __;e                .f. cc 1 .- . . . < r c e 7., ..                              .. ,c m,
                                                                                                                                                        . e.-e..ce .4.,       .- ..,a_,           t.         ,, e
                   . ..                    ..e n: :n. createn; uc,n:erence anc. ,autsequent Act'icns, UCIli,                                                                                                         _
             ..              .,. _                                    ,, .a,., , . . . ,                                                                                                                                ce:ce:
                                                         .,. pr__

_ - -a, nc.ucing .,.aC photos of reacter rcef.

                   .rs.=      ..           ~- .. _, .   .     . ., . .~               , m . 50_,42 <6-v--c _
                   .      "EC Inspection Eepcrt so. 50-142/76-02
2. "E; 1 specticn Eeper: Nc. 50-142/79-01
                  . . .. __. . . , ..       ...:e ear ., acter nm:a.                             s nep ort ., e. 7.1
            ..            ....m_ ....             =..eps_.. -


           ..               . - . . - =..,--
                                                     .e- .                    e.rm.                                                            y. :>. ..aa .- = . .. ,, ., ,.. .. ..        c-a a.
          ..            .4.._.0.,..,_.
                            . .                                          ' C,7. 4
                                                                          -                                                                    y. 7_c, 74. 1.  . ._. , ,..O.c-,.+.u...                 - .,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            .e. .,. e .: s. _x
           ..           .s.....-
                           . . . -               r..e,e.                 7c,1,e                                                                .r. a.... u31 .=.ep ..           .         Ic, ,, ,, ,   "uC.'.,' _c".u".

X. linnual Eeport 1975, UC'_;-NEL

       ,.                                                                                 AFFET;IX
        .. Tne tcp twe pages t'>.t follcw are diagrans cf the radicactive plune frer
         -.e      U C reacter s.ack. Tne :iias: ans are fren ; ark 2utin'c study.
         "A:ncspheric Cispersien cf Ar6en 41 fren the UCLA ..aclear Reacter".    -
3. he phc ce that fcl'cw we e taken by :r. Shelden Flotkin en 3eptenter 14 Ic70, en the reef cf the Fath 3cience-30elter Fall ec. plex that surrounds the reae:cr stack. The fc11cui.s are captiens fcr the phetes:

15: 2. Fancrana view cf reacter stack and surrcundings en roof of Fath 3cience-Icelter cenplex. ~he stack is the small colunn in the left fren: sec .icn cf the windscreen. ~he larger piece cf equipment is an unrelated eccling :cuer. Ncte decrway with no deer providing access to stack area; alce lack cf reef ever stack area. The .ath Scier.ce aircenditiening in:Lke

               ..     .- .. . .. _: a 4 .w
                          ..                                  -.e , e .w. e ...a 2 c ,._. . ,. c <. . +. 5 ,+. . .- t . a- s b. . w * .e, "m.c "-* ~.n ~...,

lat. T. e planetarinn is a: the center tep; the seninar rcen at tcp right.

3. 7entilater inle for ::ath sciences building.
              -..     ::en windcw telow t. en-hcuse classrcen.


               .=.      C a. .'  . e. ..    .'R           M. :. e.n. ,. C ..-
                                                          .      .           a     n...<   eC ,. .t   -

At. eCs.<n.... w- n.e .-, A .sCaC.tye C.u. ug--e.

                ..c..*-'.*.A. _          .. ...r.
                                               . a .e.      '.-.-F.
5. : pen windcws ir. Fath Science hiilding; expcsure when wind cenes fren 3'..
                   ,.- . y ,,...>1.>         .a-              ,.u..,ac..

u ,

7. Tcte reacter stack height relative to ?ath Science building
                   ..   ....v.              ..e.
. ~ pen winicus expcsed when wi-d 6 usts fren .lest.
                             .     ._       e 4

n .a. c _ . c< 3. ~.. 4

                                                                                      . c.~ ~..,-
                                                                                                .,      *. be'Aou.
                                        .~ea ctcr stact. re stive to penthouse classroon (:,cregrcunc. 3

_... ..2. , ana

             .ath Sciences ventilatar inlet.                                                                                                                 -
12. Oper windcw abcut six feet telcu a-d 25 feet away fren reacter ctack.
     .       13. Fercen en Icef a .d visible vapcr from cooling tewer.                                                           .

lu. Reactar s.ack (11 o'cicek fren "lh" notation) relative te 'tentilater inlet. P

             '.5. lunch deh-is near stack /cccling teuer/ windscreen.

Ic. Access steps fren Fath Science roof to planetarium.

17. Reae cr stack with nc::le rencved as 'ewed fren Fath Science tuilding m.-.. .c .
            '.5-19. Reac:cr stack with Iccce neccle sinply recting on side enclesure as vieweci fren inside the windscr en.
           "ete: C:ntrast .rhetes 17-10 with the next three .rhetes, taken by the "EC sho - 1y a'te- UC put the acceleratien neccle en the stack in response ct "ctice cf "liclatien. As is clearly seen fron the 1975 i'EC phetes, the nc :le then en has since teen rencved again. Note that no warning signs
           ; anywhere in sight.

O b f __ W 3 .4 - - J 8 g$ off centerline 5 b \ f'.?' .r e -

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