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Application for Renewal of License R-81.Forwards Financial Data,Sar,Tech Specs,Emergency Plan & Eia.Operator Requalification Program Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000054
Issue date: 05/23/1980
From: George K
Shared Package
ML19323F693 List:
NUDOCS 8005290345
Download: ML19323F692 (10)


e I UNION CARBlDE CORPORATION lj g MEDICAL PRODUCTS DIVISION P.O. UO X 324. T U X L DO, NEW YO A K 10907 1 E LE PHONE. 914-3S1 2131 May 23, 1980 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attn: James R. Miller, Chief s Standardization r,Special Projects Branch Division of Licensing Subj: DOCKET 50 RENEWAL, OPERATING LICENSE R-81.


It is requested that the subject operating license for the Union Carbide Research Reactor (UCNR) be renewed for an additional 20 year period starting at midnight 30 June 1980.

In accordance with 10 CFR Part 170.22, we propose this amendment be con-sidered as Class IV and accordingly enclose our check for $6000. The basis for this determination is that this renewal does not require the evaluation of a new Safety Analysis Report (SAR), nor new Technical Specifications.

The only completely new items are the Emergency Plan, the Physical Security Plan, and the Envi ronmental Impact Assessment. Further details on other minor changes are given below.

This renewal application includes the following items, which are furnished as enclosures to this letter.

1. Financial Data These include company financial statements, annual operating costs, decommissioning costs, and assurance of continued funding.
2. Safety Analysis Report This report is a relatively minor revision of the original Final Hazards Summary Report. in the SAR or i ts Appendices have been included those changes and amendments that have been authorized by the Commission from time to time. Also included are the detailed bases that were supplied in 1977-78 for the (presently-approved) Technical Specifications.


Docket 50 Renewal, Operating License R-81 May 23, 1980

2. Safety Analysis Report (cont'd)

Superseded material (e.g. the MCA is replaced by the DBA) has been re-roved. Updated meteorolog: cal, population, and seismic data are included.

in a final Appendix (#7) is a discussion of assurances for safe operation in the 20 year renewal period.

3 Technical Specifications These are the presently-approved Specifications with only a few minor corrections and changes (which are indicated in the text). -

4. Emergency Plan This is a new plan for approval and is furnished in accordance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Sect. IV, Regulatory Guide 2.6, and American Nuclear Society Standard 15.16.
5. Physical Security Plan i This item, which has a due date of 5/18/80, has aircady been sent separately and is not included here.

6 Operator Licensing & Requalification Program This item is our presently-approved plan amended in accordance with A.N.S. Standard 15.4 (changes are indicated in the text). It is included as Appendix 8 to the SAR.

7 Environmental Impact Assessment This new i tem has been prepared in accordance with 10 CFR 51.7.

A total of 12 copies of this application, three of which are signed and notarized, is hereby furnished for your consideration.

Very truly yo r ,

/ k' . -

f (enneth D.'G orge 1

Senior Development Scientist KDG:js Enclosures STATE OF NEW YORK)33 COUNTY OF ORANGE)

On this 23rd day of May 1980, before me personally came Kcineth D. George to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same.

,, j, b.

  • W -c3

<v" ~ J'ULIA ?.f. JONES'"' " "" " ' F NOTARY PUi:LIC. Due cf New Yor's No. 40ta Reidin;: in Orange County Ccmmision Expires f&rch N,1931


May 1980 l

1 t

l l


I. Introduction The purpose of this requalification program is to take into account the requirements of 10CFR50.54 (i-1) while recognizing the problems associated with a requalification program for research reactors which have a limited training staff availa-ble. This requalification program meets these purposes while providing flexibility which enables facilities with minimum staff to complete the program biennially. This requalification program also meets the requirements of the American National Standard 15.4 - " Selection and Training of Personnel for Researcn Reactors".

II. General Conduct of Program Biennially a comprehensive examination will be administered to all licensed personnel at the f acility. The Reactor Supervisor is responsible for the overall conduct of the program including the final evaluation of operator performance.

A retraining program will be initiated for any deficiencies indicated by the comprehensive examination. This retraining will consist of a combination of preplanned lectures, self-study by the licensee, tutoring of licensees, and appropriate exami-nation on the material covered. The- final selection of the ccmbination of the retraining sessions will be dependent upon the performance of employees on the written examination. This program of retraining will be accelerated if operator deficien-cies are noted which are considered serious. l l

Biennially the Reactor Supervisor will review all study mate'ri-als being used at the facility as part of the retraining program 1 to assure that the materials are current. All study materials appropriate to the retraining program will be made available at all times to all operational personnel.

The status of each licensed operator will be reviewed biennially to insure that his/her reactivity manipulations and operating perfcrmance are satisfactory.

III. Program Detail Comprehensive Biennial Written Exam Contents of the Comprehensive Biennial Written Examination given l to all licensed personnel will include questions on subjects as specified in 10CFR55.21 for operators and 10CFR55.22 for senior operators.

The questions for this examination will be of a complexity at least equal to questions given at the facility during NRC administered license examinations. Because of the problems l

associated with proper reactor staffing during periods when the examinations will be administered to operating staff members, the examinations may be given in parts and within a 2 week period. ,

When the examinations are completed, they will be reviewed and graded. These graded examinations will be retained at the facility. For each licensee, a review form will be prepared which indicates the grade obtained by the licensee on each category of the examination. The areas of deficiency and the retraining which is to be followed in improving the competency of the licensee in that area will then be determined. The same acceptance criteria used in the original NRC certification shall be used in determining retraining requirements. These require-ments shall be based on the results of the examinations carried out in accordance with the following:

l l

a. An overall score equal to or greater than the 70% acceptance criteria requires no additional training.
b. An overall score of 1-15% below the 70% acceptance criteria requires additional training in those areas or topics where weakness or deficiencies are indicated.
c. An overall score more than 15% below the 70% acceptance j criteria requires that the individual be placed into an accelerated retraining program in those areas where weak-nesses or deficiencies are indicated. The accelerated training shall be completed within four months following the  !

J grading of the examination. Furthermore, within one month after the exaiaination has been graded, there shall be an evaluation by level two or designated representative to determine if the deficiencies uncovered are such as to i require that the individual be relieved of licensed duties pending completion of the accelerated training program. The evaluation shall take into account the individual's past 1 performance record, supervisor's evaluation and past test l scores as well as current deficiencies.

d. Regardless of the score, if the individual's test record indicates a defi.iency in a critical area that affects safety, a training progra shall be administered to promptly t t

correct the critical deficiency.


_ Retraining Program The retraining will be tailored on an individual basis to l

correct the weaknesses or deficiencies indicated by the exami-nation scores. As the case warrants, the retraining program will consist of all or part of the following: a) self-study of assigned reference material; b) preplanned lectures; c) tutoring sessions; d) on-the-job training; and e) re-examinations. I

M A retraining schedule will be developed. Re-examinations may be given as appropriate during the retraining period on the topics being covered to correct deficiencies. These examinations will be graded and included in the licensee's file.

Document Review l To be cognizant of all facility modifications, procedure changes, and facility license changes, all changes will be issued to the licensed individuals. Emergency and abnormal procedures shall be reviewed annually by the licensed indi-viduals. The comprehensive biennial written exam will include l questions derived from the material issued to the operators.

Their understanding will be reflected in the grade, and retrain-ing and re-examination will be conducted as needed.

Reactivity Manipulations On a annual basis, the operations experience of licensed oper-ators and senior operators will be reviewed with regard to the number of control manipulations they have performed or directed ,

over the previous 12 month period. These control manipulations will be any combination of reactivity manipula*, ions during reactor start-ups, shutdowns, or other manipulations which demonstrate skill and/or familiarity with reactivity control systems and procedures. Direct supervision of these operations shall be considered equivalent to actual performance for Senior Reactor Operators. The purpose of the annual review will be to assure that not less than ten such manipulations are completed in a distributed fashion over a period of two years.

Operator Performance Observation l The performance and campetency of licensed operators will be observed, documented, and evaluated biennially during one of l l his/her reactivity manipulations. These observations will

evaluate knowledge of and compliance with procedures and profi-ciency in manipulations. Any observation below average will be discussed with the operator and a plan established for improve-ments. This will be noted on the Performance Evaluation Form.

Any observation which is overall unsatisfactory will require that management promptly review all aspects of the operator's performance in order to determine his/her competence to continue to operate the facility safely and whether removal from licensed duties is warranted. Retraining will be provided as necessary.

This review shall be documented. The observations'will include a discussion of the licensee's actions and responsibilities during simulated emergency conditions. If the response of a licensee to an actual emergency condition is observed in detail sufficient to perform an evaluation of the licensee's per-formance, then such a summary record will be completed.

Additional evaluation under simulated conditions will not be required during that requalification period.

The evaluation of the operator's performance will be included in his/her files.

Retraining Study Materials A complete set of study and reference material will be provided for use by the operator licensees during their retraining pro-gram. It will be the responsibility of the facility retraining personnel to review regularly the contents of these reference materials to ensure that they are adequate and that they accu-rately reflect operations, conditions, and design character-istics of the facility. These materials shall include as a  ;

minimum the following items:

l l

l l


l l

a. A suitable general reference text on reactor physics,
b. Copies of the operating procedures for the facility.
c. Copies of the Technical Specifications for the facility.
d. Copies of emergency procedures for the facility.
e. A summary description of facility characteristics.
f. Building and control drawings for the facility.
g. Copies of 10CFR20, 50 and 55.
h. Reference material on Health Physics princ-iples and tech-niques.

IV. Special Conditions

1. One licensed senior operator at the facility will be desig-nated biennially to prepare, give, and grade the biannual written exam and the person so designated will be excused from the biennial written exam requirements of the program.
2. An operator whose license is due for renewal while he/she is in a requalification program will be provided with a letter of certification indicating that he/she is currently enrolled in the requalification program. This letter of certification will indicate the anticipated date when that requalification program will be completed for the individual.
3. All licensed facility personnel who do not participate in facility operation for four or more months will be given an oral examination on facility and procedure changes and perform a reactivity manipulation under the observation of the reactor supervisor before being reassigned regular operational duties at the facility provided he/she is up-to-date on the biennial comprehensive written exam. The j results of the oral and performance examination provide the basis for rec 9rtification of competence to the NRC as required by 10CFR55.31 (e).


4. Successful completion of the initial NRC licensing exami-nations will be considered to satisfy the licensee's bien-nial written examination requirements if the candidate took the initial licensing exam within one year of the following biennial examination.

V. Records The following records will be retained at the facility for a

, period of five years.

1. All examinations and re-examinations which were taken by the

. licensee during each of the requalification periods.

2. 'The examination review sheets filled out at 'the conclusion of the examination and after any indicated re-exams.
3. The operator observational record completed when observing the operating competence of that licensee.
4. Copies of the retraining schedule.
5. Summaries of control manipulations for licensees involved in the requalif,ication program. ,