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12/26/1975 Legal Correspondence Withdrawal of Carmine F. Cardamone, Jr. as Intervenor in Proceedings
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 12/26/1975
From: Cardamone C
- No Known Affiliation
To: Clark H
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Download: ML18192A791 (5)


I 1ltl 5 N. Third Ave.~


Tilcson Ai'izona 857O5

. Doceber ?6; 1975 S

t~r. IIugh K. Clark P.O. Box 127A Konnodyvillo, I<arylan<t 2161<5 (I'alo In t ho !~a t, t.<.r o f Ari.zo.ia Pub I i c Service Company,,o

<ior<i<! Ilucloar Ge or:<ting St.ation,'niLs I, L;i1.

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Dear Nr. Clark:

Pzi.or to the lett:er I sent you dated December 8,1975 in forming you that I had consoli.dated wi th AC<".C I discussed my pl.ans with Tres

<",n glish.

I would like to rem'ind all parties concerned that I consolidat:ed AC<<C before they wi.L'hdrow as an. intervenor. Si'nce l'onsolid-ated wit:h ACF:C and they subsoquently'. withdr ew from .the'roceeding, the 'only way that this action can'e inter preted is that there is no l.ongor, n i.nt:ervenor.

I wil'l:iot seek to bo reinstated as an intervenor.



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Ca rmi n  !'. C;i rda .",on e J r .


cc: .".< . IIugh K. Clark l)r. Kenno th A. !'.cCol Lo.<

Dr. ')uen Li n J . S toboi

. Arthur C. Gehr, Bruce 4!nrton, <".sq. Mike <<'.~

Ir. Tros F..n<. sh li <<@+I 1 Andrew Bet twy, I.".r;q. ~

Arizona Clean nor gy Coali tion I

Atonic Sat'ety and I,i.censing 0J < ii <ii'(Q

< < e Board I'anol, Atomic Sa feLy and I,t censing AI'>p<.'al M p Qgg Q Jr.

Board I!anol Joplin *

'l and Servic<. Sec t.ion ~.'


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IIOCKEl hU!NER RROD.GIGI1. F - ~@ ~~~, >9~

'EIugh I'. Cla k poc~ttto MfNRg December 19,1 5 Chairman HRC Hearing 3oard PO Box 1?7A JAN 9 197.6 Kennedyville I(d 21645 Qgc~ 4 yg~egtey 4 ~

64 54cfl~. 8

Dear lir Cla k:

Q7 I wish to n orm you tha. .he Arizona Cle n Hne gy Coali.ion is withdrawing as the intervenor ".. the construction permit hearings for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating S.ation.

'de a e doing so for two basic reasons. The irst is simply a 1 ck of funds. ';ie do not feel .hat our chances ir. the hearings justi y our raising several .housand dollars for witnesses and other expenses.

The second reason is far mo e important, however. I would worth the e fort to raise the money

'I if we el. we had a chanc

'e a a fair hearing, but we can'". ight both the app" icants and the NHC staff a, the sang time.

Virtually eve y c" im bv .he applicant abou. the coo . and need fo" Palo Verde is contrary to present local and na.ional trends and cont arv to national projections, yet apparently all wore accepted by staf ~.ithout any question during he en ire hearing p. ocess.

The nationa" p ojections for the cos of building a nuclear power plant have escalated about'1/3 pcr year o the. last six years. (See A +ached) Staff has accepted the applican s'stim te I

of 7~~ per year.

Present in.crest =ates for long term bonds'are 10.5!~ and higher. Staff'as accep.ed 8 '. At the applicants'rojec.ed construe+ion cos.s .his amounts to an additional S1.7 billion in interest on a 25-ye..r bond.

Uranium has .rip'd in price in the last 2 years and is expec.ed to'ouble again wi .hin a decade. (nuclear .'xchange Corp.)

$festinghouse, the supplier under contract, would have to accept almost a 1/2 billion dollar loss by 1990 for A"HAPP to get fuel at the 822/1b tney project.

Though,it is more difficult to prove, the projected need for the'plant seems to be just as ar from cali.y as the projected

'ost; ."'or at least a decade bef'ore the Arab oil boycott, the real cost of electricity (in current dollars) dropped apidly in 'both the app'cants'ervice a eas and in the nation as a whole. At

'the same tine the economy was booming and most people were completely unzip e of the impending energy sho.tages.

Since the Arab oil boycott,'hese'rends have, ra.her emphatically, been r versed and a e expected to remain that way for the forse able future. Based on '.hese facts, one would expect the projec.ions o need listed in .he 'iM ".inal '"nvironmental Statement to be dif trent rom tnose of .?.e Draft ZS since the DZS used projoc+ions based on pre-'ooyco , data.

They are. They'e higher.

In fact, .he projected grow.h rate in electrica3. consumption for 1976 over 197'j is highe" -!.an any growth ate any of the applicants has.ever experienced in the'ntire h'story. This p ojection follows .he fi s . d ops 'n lectrical conoum~tion any of he app3.ic"nts has eve ezpe ienced 'n .hei enti e his.ory.

I asked oe o the members. of the legal staff to chec?: and find ou+ if the tee<>nical staff h d ever cues . oned .he applicants


on this. He check and said .ha. <<ie (i<<RU staf ) "haven'. done too much .~o=l on that column." "That column" is the basic justific"'tion .

. for even considering building a power plant in the place.

Tike other.intervenors around .he country, we reoues'ted funds from the hRC to he3.p us @resent -.he po'nt of view o peoplo who stand to ,lo e i= these plants are 'ouilt. Por all pract'c 1 purposes. we,,lilce all the othe.s, were e used.

ihe prospect that (i. .he ?<<RC rules favorably on the basic

.issue) the Board might (a ter .he he. r'ngs a e over) grant us (after the hearings are over) an-indetermina.e fraction o= our expenses,is simply not good enough. Public interest groups like ourselves, th t ope tp on voluntee time from volunteer people, can't survive on maybes.

A part time ooard cannot be ezpected .o bear the full load of protoctine the public. If the inte~onors can"~ and the staf

won'0 that only leaves the applican s who stand o malice seve al billion dollars net pro-it -rom tnese plant...

Until some very basic changes, are maLe, the public will not be protected.

Sincerely you s,


gp'c Tres -ng ish Ari"ona Clean Ene gy Coali.ion

DOChET. t(UVi3Eg BIOD. f llIlli FhO.R ASj+8+



(Sou. ce: USA "C ';iViD1!-lr~q5, Power Plan~ Caoital Costa, Oc.. l97r)

VOO 600 500

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