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Condition Report CR-IP2-2008-02917
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/04/2008
From: Burney M
Entergy Nuclear Operations
NRC Region 1
John Richmond
Download: ML090400347 (164)


Originator: Burney.Michael W Originator Phone: 7073 Originator Group: Licensing Mgmt Operability Required: L' Reportability Required: Y Supervisor Name: Walpolt..Kobert W Discovered Date: 06/04/2008 19:06 Initiated Date: 06/0.1/2008 I9:23 Condition


During NRC modificaiion inspection, the SI30 App R D i e d Generator test could not be used to independently verify the Post Mod l e s t Plan Requirements (PMTP) The documentation within the test was not adequate to demonbtrate that the PMTP requirements.

The \per.ific sections for load, endurance and reliability tebting here not sufficient to conclude that the testing was completed due to the extenhive use of N/A and incomplete commenting.

'The method chosen for performing the test did not demonstrate adequate controls and may not be consistent wit the PMTP.

The engine operability is not an issue as much as the control methods used for the test changes with respect to the PMTP revisions required by Engineering Change Notices (ECNs) .

Immediate Action


Briefed management on extent of finding.

Suggested Action



Tap Name Tap Suffix Name Comoonent Code Process System Code ARDG TRENDING (For Reference Purposes Only):


OPERABILITY CR-IP2-2008-02917 1 3 e r f o 4By: Santini,Philip R Approved By: Hock,Charle:, E Operability


Functionality requirements for the App R diesel are specified in TRO 3.X.B. The surveillance requirements delineated in TRS -3.8.8.I through 3.8.B.9 are met by performance of their applicable surveillance test procedures. For the initial functionality declaration, these requirements were all verified to be met during acceptance testing. This condition report descrities apparent record keeping deficiencies in the the post modification testing program which %as performed under wot k order number 5 I297433 task 0 1 . Formal allowance was made in the development of this testing plan to permit changes in content and acceptance criteria.

TRS demonstration of the ability to line-up and provide power from the App R diesel to the App R loads, SBO loads and unit 3 SBO loads. The bases for this surveillance requirement explicitly permits a combination of tests and simulated actions. Portions of this SR were satisfied via simulation. Activities which were simulated during the acceptance testing program were doubled in time and still satisfied the required times.

One hour time testing was completed and documented in the PMTP sections 5.13.6 and 5.13.7. Loads were supplied to alternate safe shutdown loads in 45 minutes: to unit 2 SBO loads in 37 minutes and to unit 3 SBO loads in 22 minutes.

Comments contained in the work order page 5 8 and validated against the SOMS narrative log provide assurance that the 20 I hour reliability runs were completed and that the 2400Kw run and dead bus tests were in fact performed as required. In conclusion, the App R diesel is functional.

-4pproval Comments:

As stated all requirements to demonstrate functionality have been performed.

1 fin-zw I OPERABILITY 1 CR-IP2-2008-02917 -


I OperaRilityVersion: 2 Operability Code: EQUIPMENT F2:NC'TIONAL Immediate Report Code: K(3T REPORTABLE Performed B!: Dmey Jr.Donald J

~ p p m v e dBy: Hock.Charies E Operability


In addition to the first operability and CAI justifications for functionality of this condition report we ran a simulated walk thruogh of 2-AOP-SSD-I from the initiating event through loading a charging pump onto the App R diesel. Total rime to accomplish the task was 32 minutes which was well within the target or' 60 minutes. 'This walk through vias accomplished ir segments and included transit time and parallel actions. See attached documents for flow chart and procedures used. Based o n this walk through, the previous operability, and CAI, the App R dies1 is considered FUNCTIONAL.

Approval Comments:

The simulation provides additional justification for functionality mer.


Operability Description Flow Chart 3-AOP-SSD-1 2-SOP-27.6

Attachment Header Document Name:


Document Location Pperabtlity Dtkxrrption Attach Titre:


IFlow Chart

-,, . ,

. :

1 I

Attachment Header Document Name:

Document Location perability Description Attach Title:

THEN canthue " .

in this procedure.

Locally trip the turbine.

Dispatch an c?peratarto trip &&I ME3 F Ps.

Disparct: ar; operator to perforrfl Attachment 7 (Manuaiiy i~oerltngand R a c w y Out 6 9 KV Breakers) (Page 207) for affected R C P s .

3.6 @ta@]or 22 AISFP.

Control Woorn t nac cessibiiity Safe Shutdown Confrd

____- - _"

_x__I___ I _ _.__

___." _______-_____.-_.

_- -__-k C TIQ MIE

__ X P E C TE D RES I-__


-_-_-__ - I_ -

4 13 Close both PORV Siock vaives AivO P U C E in Puifout:


&bOV - 5 36 4 14 Remove Contra; Power Fuses to Trip any running charging pumps.

I _.___.

isolate Letdown, secure PORVs from 2 --Opeti 125 Volt DC Dstribution Panei spurious operation, and estabtish  % I Circait 5 on the back of Panei FD charging flow path, 3.--_0pen 125 Volt DC Distribution Panel g 4 5 5 (Panel~ FB rear facing west) 22 Cirwit 15 on the back of Panel FD.

g 4 5 6 (Panel FB rear facirtg west)

@LCV-459 (PaneJ SF rear facing north) 2 2 0 4 A (Pafie1SF rear facing noch)

& G ~ B i ~ a n eSF i rear facing north) 4, f 5 ~ n r i o u n c e reactor trip and CCR evacuation over PA.

4.16 Obtain two sets of security keys from lock box.

@ne set tor Conventionai Side RO.

@ne sei for CRS.


he expxistions for the use of persomef are as fallows-c The CRS, one RO and ? h e Nuclear !$PO will be preseril on the Nuclear Stde with one copy of this procedure a The second RO ar-,d the Ccrventiona NPO wiit be o:esent ifr the Auxriiary Feed Pgmp Buiiding. Each person vdf have one copy of tnis prccedure.

c The FSS and Unit 1 fvP0 wit be candtictlng Electr&aJ uperatians, etc with the iast copy ut this pracedure, o The Fire Brigade Leader (Unit 2 or Unit 3 S R 0 ) and 3 NPQs will be fighting a fire iF any fire has occurred. 1F a fire has NOT occurred, duties of these personnel wilt be directed by the SM/CRS/FSS.

4,17 Obtain the fobwing from the Appendix R equipment locker in the CCR foyer:

z o c e d w e package hogbook

@wo radios p i n e trashiight.



-- C3ne radio

-One fiashlight

-- Keys I



-Or?? radio

-One fiasblight



For emergency ci3ssificatiorl pwposes, controi of the plan? is considered to be 1 estabiished when cofitrol is establrsried arid reported to SM per Step 4.76 of B

from the Uqir 3 CCR,  !

d Classify event

. .

L; 26 @iTIATE A t t ~ i c h m ~ ~( tP-i4a c q Safe ShUtdOLYrl Pane! m Sctrvrce)

(Page 175).

4.27 AGMTE . . .

request to Unit 3 control Room to monitor f3.SkV system voltage via the Distr'rct Operator


and to notify Unit 2 if 13'8kV vo!iage CAN NOT be maintained bet;lveen 13.5icV 8, :4.3kV

,r\tt&mpi :o Sl8f-l at least one purnp by transferring LOCAL~REMOTES'fiiitCh icjr S . E ! G C ! ~PuniP to LOCAL and pre:ssir?g ';TAR7 blittcrn.

IF w ~ b to k start at ieast one pump or:

essentra! header, THEN perform the foliowng:

A.JF power is avaitabte to a SW pump that i5 NOT aligned to the essential header, THEN INITIATE the applicable section{s) of 2-SOP-24.1 (Service

_ I_

Water System Gperawn) to transfer e sse nti a I se rvice wa te r head e r s asnetessaryr.

B.JF power is NOT availabfe to a S'JV pumps, AND G8OV Switchgear Room is accessible THEN INiTlkSE Attachment 12 (Placing 23 cr 26 Service Water P m p tn Service Q r Safe Shutdown Power)

[Page 233).

C --tF power is NOT avalable to any SW pumps, A N D 4SOV Switchgear Room is NOT accessible, THEN piace & diesel generator cuntrd SWWRS in OFF.

3.32 aEDGs*

AAT instrument air is lost to a running charging pilmp,

. . . . . .. ,,, , ,. ....., ~

-dorm t h e folkwing:

A. - Uncouple air speed L contrc!ler fron scoop tube linkage iabovs pump).

i3. .__ Place scoop tube in position IF NO charging pum e operating, g H E N GO TO S t e m 2.--.iF any charging pgmp is operating, THEN GO TO Step 4.96.

~ . .. _... ...... .. .,... .

~ -. .. . . . , . . . i._ .. ........,.. ,_ " .,....L_..,. .. ~ .. - . . .

Unit Status I - 2500 (24 RCP Seal VL'ti Injection Lirte Isoiation).

- ..

2.-sF krc-aker SS6 (6,SKV %reeker for EktiCn Servrce Tiartsfctmer NO. 6) ts NOT open, THEN perform :he follcwing for breaker SS6.

8.- Remove 51/59 Fhase A relay cGver.

8.- Gently rotate relay disc clockwise until breaker opens.

C.--Repiace relay cover.

D._.Reset targets.

E.- IF breaker did NOT open, THEN lift trip coil picrnger mechanism.

3.-GO TO Step 8.5. -

. _- .*__ _- _ _

85 Place "LOCAL-REMOTE Cofitfd

$,,c,!tch Cevice 69" for Substation

2FD3 Ereaker I M in LOCAL (in co~trclpaneVbox rjirectly above CHARGING PUMP 23 Breaker Control Swiicnj, 8.6 !s Substation !2FC3 Ere.aker ? pL/I OPiX?
  • -

T8.7 &ax transfer switch EDC4 (inside cabinet) to EMERGENCY FEED i pes ition

t. , /.e-..=--- -



Page 5 of 1I (3 . ? 3 &Open disconfiect switch 1HR e n h?CC-2tiA (LCV-I I2Cf.

- " - - - _- - __ - _ __ - - I ................................ - ............ ..- .

8.14 /@anually close LCV-1 12C (VCT r" OUTLET STOP) (VCT alleyway).


_ _ r __ ----- I _ ~ -_ ............... .................... .................... __

8.15 N ~ t time e LCV-112C was closed (charGirg p ~ ~ r nplaced p i3n RLZIST SGCtiofi).

. . - - - .. ._....................................

8 . i 6 __KAT CCW to Charging Pumps CAN NOT be estabiished within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, THEN Initiate Attachment 10

~ ~ X ~s U F P ! Y to

(!?aCktD C O C J ~'t'%'aT2r Crrarqrrg Ftirrtps)

B.17 -IAAT ?AB ventilation is NOT avaitable, THEN establish afternate PAB ventifaim per 2-SOP-ESP-301, Local Equii;rnent Operation and Cornger:satcry Actions.

Attachment Header Document Name:

Rtltled Document location I

perability Descriptton Attach Tltle:


N43TE 111 This sectior; IS writfen for ernergrocy operaion. if o m uf the steps cart De met

!ne Supervisor ICcharge m x j t evaluate ccrttinued actrun

!f GC controi power is not available io, brwe'r operation. breakers may be operated rnanuaiiy tismg Sectron $ ~ ~ ~ 6 nBreaker u a 1 a x i 'rttinsfar stditch Operation The starting of the appendrx 8 dreset should not be delayed Requests for opening breakers F3-1 and 52GTii2F shoutd be made by other personnel if possibie.

SO ?hone NQmber: (212 ) 580-6789 00 Phone Number' (212j 58U-6754


- ' 4.3 1


!NITIA?E having t h s District Operator (50)Open breaker F3-I.


\ +/'

)I 4.3I . I REQUEST Notification from DO as s u m as breaker ~ 3 - 1 has been opened.

c _ _ 4.3.2 iNfTfhTE havrng the Unit 3 CCR Open breaker 52GT,W.

4 3 2,t Requesi Norifrcattorf from Unit 3 %CR as BS S O O ~ breaker

. ':A\ /T' 52GT!2F has been opened.

I22 ':,F tor the Diesel Generator air intake


_ II_

Maintaming t h e City Water flows specrfied ensures that adequate ~olirrnein the City Water Storage Tank is resewed for other pfant activities,

..- 4 3.11.2 ADJUST Coomg Waterfiow as ioHcws

, A I a) THROT1LE UW-840 to achieve approximately 87 gpm as indtcated by Fi-7930, Aftercooler Water Flow.

c,-T Sj THROTTLE UW-836 to achieve approximately 118 gpm as indicated by Fi-7979, Jacket Water Flow, 4,.3,12 E Convent:unatl Servm Water is avaifabfe the CRS gives

- permisstor, :a dse ~t as the cooling scarce, THEW ALiGN Canvafitmnaf Sewica \Jl(aierto The Appendix R DE as folfowrj OPEN SW-r-E37

_ I ..-4.3.:2.2 ADJUST Cbotrng Water flow as foitaws.

___ a) THAORLE UW-840 to achieve approximately ? 37 gpm as indicated by Ff-7380, Afiercoofer W&er Ff~w I - bf THRUTTFE UW-1336 fO a c h i e ~ approximattiiy Z EO

,' g ~ t nas rndicated ay Flf-7S7S,Jacket Water F:QW


r 4 3 $ 3 ENSURE r?":ei o t i c ~ p g3rt?&ti;s WQ OFEN-

,N 4'

-_- 4 3 '3 1 f3-f

,- -


i r--

I NOTE,/ ,,,'


_ I_

There ISno time delay when startrng Zhe&&ne ~nmanual mode.

II The default starting sequence is 3 start cycles, comprised of 10 seconds of cranking and 10 seconds of rest.

] e When the coolant reaches operating temperature $33 the warm-up at idie time is I c;ornpie?ed,the generator will r m I pup ?arated speed and vclltags.

i I

I o The Appendix 8 Diesel Generator's maximum contivuo~sload rs 2045 kW. Durlrtg an emergency, maximum generatorload is 2700 kW for 25 hour2.893519e-4 days <br />0.00694 hours <br />4.133598e-5 weeks <br />9.5125e-6 months <br />s/yr.

e W h e n staflting ecyip~errt,coordinatim w:h the CRS wifl b e necessaryto ensure adequate generaror capacipi is avaiiabie




._ - % -

- 1 -'





/' 4.3.16 TURFv the OIMANUAL'AUTQ switch 10 i n 8 MANUAL pOS$t!Gn.

1_1_ A.3.17 PRESS AND WOLD !he Manual Run~Stopbutton tor a rnmirnum of 3

\ ,/' S3COfldS u ' a'3 7 1 RELEASE the 44anual Rr.:c,'Siop D~tton.

i NO+E I- _--- 4.3.: 3 jf a Warning Conditian occurs (Warning Status indicator ifiuminates ye!iovvj, THEN PERFORM the foliowing:

4 3.i9.1 -

IF t h e Aiarrn Modti!e warnrng ham annunciated THEM mornantar!!y PUSH ihe PUSH TO SILENCE HORN button 4 3 1.3.2 REFER 10 tile io!iowiuirsg for rn Ccorrecting

~ S S I S ~ ~ G ',he condtrr0rr'

OPERABILITY I CR-IP2-2008-02917 OperabilityVersion: 3 Operability Code: 13QUIPMENT E~'UNC1IONAL Immediate Report (lode: 301'REPORTABLE; Pelformed By: Dewey Jr.Donald J 06/06/20()8 16: I 3

.ipproved By: Brooks.Kevin L. 06/06/20tiS 16: 15 Operability


l h e Unit 2 SBO and Unit 3 SBO functions of the Unit 2 App R Diesel were performed in a timed simulation. Attached are the procedures and flow charts associated with these walk thoughs. The Unit 2 SBO scenario was able to demonstrate a 28 minute interval from initiation of the event until 6.9 kv buses 5 and 6 were powered from the diesel. The unit 3 scenario is timed from notification from unit 3 that they require the unit 2 App R diesel until power is supplied to breaker GT/B'T which was 24 minutes. Based on these timed walk throughs it is reasonably assured that the operators will be able to meet their comniir.ted times for supplying Unit 2 APP R diesel power to SBO loads with the current approved procedures as written.

'The Unit 2 Xpp R Diesel remains functional.

Approval Comments:

agree and approve Attachments:

Operability Description XPPR U2 SBO U3 SBO

Attachment Header Document Name:

ntitled Document Location perability Ciescrtption Attach Titte:

p r

CR-IP2-2008-02917 CAI 0perability Input SBO / Appendix R DG Testing T*e jcaitionai rlernonstration of operability of !he SBO / Appendix R DG can be determined by 1 et e* of the engine generator parameters programmed into and controlled by the PowerCo.?rnand 3200 Digital Paralleling Control The PowerCommand 3200 is a mwoprocessor based generator set rnonrtormg, metering and control system The control provides an operator n!erface :o the gecset, cigKal voltage regulation, dtgital governing and generator set protective furc!tons and automatic paralleling functions Operation of the engine or generator outside the p:o~rarnrnedparameter values generates erther a warning signal that is displayed on the control parel screen or automatically mtiates a controlfed shutdown of the engine Attached IS a sertes of Pafameter List Reports tnat are storeo within the PowerCommand 3200 that are accessible by

!ne use+or Cdmmrns via a software interface The attacned reports include the following Engme Specific Data (Page 3)

Generator Specific Data (Page 4)

Load Profile by Percent Range with Ttme Operated in each load range (Page 5)

Duty Cycle Report with Time Spent in each Cycle (Page 6)

Fuel Consumption Data (Page 7)

Power and Energy Report (Page 8)

Engine Protection Adjustment (Pages 9 and I O )

AmpSentry Settings (Page I 1 )

These are the parameters that the PowerCommand 3200 uses to monitor and assess engine and generator performance during operation. During the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> continuous run at rated continuous load (PMTP Item 45), the twenty monitored starts / 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> run at rated continuous load (PMTP


!rem 49) and the 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> continuous run at approximately prime rating (2335kW 2435kW)

(PMTP ltem 49) these were the parameters being monitored by the PowerCommand 3200. If any of t h e parameter programmed thresholds are approached a warning is initiated on the PowerCommand 3200 display and if any threshold is reached, an automatically controlled shutdown of the engine occurs. Since no alarms or shutdowns occurred during operation, it is concluded that the engine / generator operated successfully within its design parameters. Any shutdown during the continuous or reliability runs would be recorded as a failed test with the associated CR initiated to document the failed test. No C R s associated with the continuous runs or the reliability runs were initiated.

ltein 7 above IS the report of the engine protection settings currently programmed into and monitored by the PowerCommand 3200. The pafameters are as follows:

LOP - Lube Oil Pressure HOT - High Oil Temperature LCL - Low Coolant level LCP - Low Coolant Pressure LCT - Low Coolant Temperature MCT - High Coolant Temperature HBF - High Blowby Flow HFT - Hlgn Fuel Temperature HAT - Hiah Aftercooler Temperature HI? - Hlcjn lniet Temperature T5e parameters are provided with warning threshold and shutdown threshold as previously a i s c ~ s s e uSome thresholds are based on rated engine RPM which for this engine is 1800 RPM k ~ a ~ eo cn !be Engine Specific Data Report (Item 1 above) iieii a I S tire generator protection settmgs programmed into the PowerCommand 3200 and con!raliea n y the AmpSentry module which is integral to the PowerCommand 3200

CR-IP2-200842917 CA1 Operability Input S 8 0 I Appendix R DG Testing The i load specified ir; Items 3 2nd 4 ISbased on the standby rating which IS2700kW

?regarea By Eric J Anderson Date &5;08 1

Parameter List Report


Capture FllislPCC 3200 fENTERG Y QSK 78 rev3 12~(tfar200dcapj\Mon~~orL4 bouAEngine PwmwAer Norno

__I Ehgine Modei Number v 8hW QSK78-G6 Infh


Engine Rating 2790 kWm @) lROO RPM Engine Serial Number 663oO55 5 Engine CPL Number 8241 Eng~neHour offstx 0.00000 hours Engtge R ~ ~ l Time n g (ERT) 71 25201 hours Page 1 of I

June 05,2008 Parameter List Report Three Phase Nominal Frequency 60.OoO w w w Standby GeasetModelNUXldYX 2700aQLA c&nstx serial Number BO5 KS4 1470 Genset Specification Number 0 Alternator Model Number 0 Aternator Serial Number 0 Genset Build Date 01 /3 I /2005 , W D Y Y Y 7 i Power Factor Rating ( 3 - p W ) 0.80 Controlier On Time (COT) 413.1531 hours Total kWh Delivered 127462 kWb Application kVA h n g 337s kVA Page 1 of I

June OS, 2008 Parameter List Report P.rAm*cCtr NlIW 6OHz Standby kU'Load Profile V8lW

<DataTable>, 2 2 , 2 L'sits


kW Load Range, Time spent In kW Range 0-5% W,2.667 6-10% Load, O.OO0 11-15% Load,O.M)o 16-20% h a d , 0.OOO 21-25% h d , O . O I i 26-30% Load, 0.067 3 1-35% Load,0.383 3 6 4 0 % Load, 0.OOO 41 -45% Load, O.OO0 46-50% Load,0.017 5 1-55% Load, 0.067 5 6 4 0 % Load. 0.050 6 1 -65 % Load, O.OO0 66-70%Load, 0.1 17 71 -7S04 Laad, 41.583 76-8096 Load, 10.567 8 1 -85?/0 Load, O.Oo0 8 6 4 0 % Load, 0.OOO 91 -95% Load, O.OO0

')6-100% Load, O.Oo0

> 100% Load, O.Oo0 Page I of 1

June 05,.!008 Duty Cycle Report I_ c

-apturt. FiledPCC 3200 [ENTERGY QSK78 rev3 i 2 M a r 2 0 0 8 . ~ a p ~ ~ o n i t o r ~ ~ t oHz r yDuty

\ 6 0 Cycle Histragram Laad hnge T i c S p a t ie h n g t L I I 91-1oo%Laad 57.42 1 1-2PA LDad 4.62 7 I-80% lDad 2.87 5 1-60% IDA I .I?

2 1-30% LBid 1.18 0- 1 oo/s Laad 0.02 3 140% Load 0.67 4 1-50% laad 0.62 6 1-70% Laad 0.08 8 1-90% Loid 0.12

Parameter List Report


Capture Fi3miPCC 320U [EiVTERGY QSK78 rev3 12Mar2008.cup~MonirortH~~orylFuel Prtrescfcr N a w Value t'aits IL Cumulbve Fuel Cortsumpaion 902s 47 kd Fuel Consurr@ion Since Rest 4025 47 gal Fuel Consumption Rest%Time COT OoooO hours Fuei Consumption Reset Time ERT 000000 hours Controller On T i (COT) 413. I53 1 hours Engirx R u m n g Time (ERT) 7 1 25201 hours Page 1 of 1

l u x 05. ZOOS Parameter List Report Capture Fites\PCC 3200 IENTERGY QSK78 rev3 I2MarZ008.capJtlWonilor~~iorylPower and Energy Pwnmrtcr K i w v8k 1nits


Total kWb Delivered 127462 kWh kWh Since Reset 127452 kWh k W 3 Reset Time (COT) 0 .oooo hours kwh Reset Time (ERT) 0.OOODO hours Controller On T i (COT) 413.1531 hours Engine Running Time (ERTI 7 1 2520 1 h0UX-S Page 1 of 1

Parameter List Report tlegF dcgF seconds seconds dcgF aegF degF

Parameter List Report PowerCommand 3200 AmpSentry Settings 7 Device/ Time Delay Functron Settings Settings Notes I

8'50 Snut Gown + 3 OHz 10 seconds Over Frequency i dlil Shcit Down 3 OH2- 10 seconds Under Frequency I 59 7 IDS/> 10 seconds Over Voltage Under Voltage 27 85% 10 seconds AmpSentry Default i, Os,ertoad ['tiL?!) 105'0 ( 0 ' 2 7 O O k w ) 60 seconds AmpSentry Default Reverse Power (kW) 32 10% 3 seconds AmpSentry Default 1 Synchrontre Fail Warning 60 seconds

Fieverse kVAR '20% 10 seconds AmpSentry Default Page 1 of 1

Attachment Header Document Name:

Document Location

~ e s c r r p t r o n Attach Title:

2 seo

SRO Evenr:

Time line to energize a 48OV Bu\ from (iT-2SCh and Xpp R die,\el.

CCR Action5 Operator simulated walkthrough ECA-0.0 times as indicated I O Min Total time is 28 niinutes t

CCR Close GT-25 or GT-26 1 Min LAt least one 18OV bus energized

Attachment Header Document Name:

Document Location perability De!;cnption Attach Title:


3 sa0

Unit 3 SBO Event:

Time line to energize Unit 3 Bus from hpp R diesel via GT/BT Operator bimulated walkthrough times as indicated need for App R power Total time is 24 minutes.

Unit 3 i$ assumed to be racking in GT/BT in parallel to Unit 2 steps and the bleaker will be ready to Aswmed time for clme when L'Z hpp R power is contacting an NPO to avai 1 a h le.

perform task.

5 hfin


f NPO Start U2

,QP R Diesel And UU to GTBT I8 Min I Unit 3 CCR Close GTBT 48OV bus

1 Entegy 1 OPERABIIJTY 1 CR-IP2-2008-02917 I--- OperabilityVersion: 4 Operability Code: EQUIPMENT RINCTIONAL.

immediate Report Code: NOT REPORTABIE Performed By: Dewey Jr.&mald J (16/06!2(#18 i 6:3 1 Approved By: Brvoks,Ke~in L 06/06/2008 I6:*34 Operabitity


To answer the question that the Unit 2 Xpp K diesel can perform its design function of running ontinuously for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> duriiq; an ASSD fire event, Engineering input was solicited. CA-2 was assigned and the original operahiliry input was revised io add justification for this 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> requirement. At issue is that the Unit 2 App R diesel was not run for a continuo is 72 h o x s during the acceptance testing. However over the cotuse of this testing it was run at least 20 times for one hour periocls and once at 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. All of these runs were pe.rforrned satisfactorily without any warning or Shutdown alarms beirtg received. In addition all of the runs were supervised by licensed individuals. engineering, and vender representatives. Based on this and the attached Engineering justification it is reasonably assured the Unit 2 h p p R diesel will run for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> continuously if needed. It is still considered FUNCTIONAL.

.4pprovsl Comments:

agree and apprvve Attachments:

Operability Description 72 Hour Justification

1 Attachment Header Document Name:



Document Location I- , ,'

fO-Descrlptml Attach m e :

CR-lP2-2008-02917CA2 Operability lnput SBO I Appendix R OG Testing T h e addiiional demonstration of ogerabiiity of the SBO i Appendix R DG can be

Jetermined by review of the engme I generator parameters programmed into and controlled by 1t:e Pov~erCommand3200 Digital Paralleling Control. The PowerConjmand 3200 is a rwcroproCessor based generator set monitoring, metering and control system. The control piov:dec, an operator mterface to !he genset. digital voltage regulation, drgitai governing and generalor ser protective functions and automatic paralleling functions. Operation of the engine or generator outside the programmed parameter vaiues generates either a warning signal that is displayed ofi the control panel screen or automatically initiates a controlled shutdown of the eirg~ne.Attached is a series of Parameter List Reports that list the parameter data that is stored In the ?ov;erComrnand 3200 This data IS accessible by me user or Cummins via a software i<ltWfilCe The attached reports inciude the following:
1. Engine Specific Data {Page 3) 2 Generator Specific Data (Page 4)
3. Load Profile by Percent Range with Time Operated in each load range (Page 5)
4. Duty Cycle Report with Time Spent in each Cycle (Page 6) 5 Fiid Consumption Data (Page 7)
6. Power and Energy Report (Page 8) 7 . Engine Protection Adjustment (Pages 9 and IO) 8 Ampsentry Settings (Page 11)

Tnese are the parameters that the PowerCommand 3200 uses to monitor and assess engine and generator performance during operation. During the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> continuous run at rated continuous load (PMTP Item 45). the twenty monitored starts with 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> run at rated continuous load (PILlTP Item 49) and the 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> continuous run at approximately prime rating (2335kW -

2435kW) (PMTP Item 49) these were the parameters being monitored by the PowerCommand 3200. If any of the programmed parameter thresholds are approached a warning is initiated on the PowerCommand 3200 display and if any threshold is reached, a controlled shutdown of the engine occurs automatically. Since no alarms or shutdowns occurred during operation, it IS concltided that the engine / generator operated successfully within its design parameters. All runs were controlled and monitored by iP2 licensed operators and witnessed by members from the Design Engineering and Systems Engineering Departments and Cummms Metropower personnel. All Entergy staff is trained to observe negative trends and take required actions including entering Condition Reports in the Corrective Action Database. Any shutdown during the coritinclous or reliability r w s would be recorded as a failed test with the associated CR initiated to docurnent the failed test. No CRs associated with the continuous runs or the reliability runs were 1 niti a ted .

The SBO I Appendix R Diesel Generator is required to operate for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> during an Appendix R fire event. A 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> run was not part of the overall acceptance testing required by the Post Modification Test Plan (PMTP) for EC5000033794. The 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> continuous run. t h e 20 one hour runs and the 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> prime fating run, cumulatively represents 46 hours5.324074e-4 days <br />0.0128 hours <br />7.60582e-5 weeks <br />1.7503e-5 months <br /> of operation of I h e SBO ;Appendix R Diesel Generator. As stated above, throughout the duration of these runs t h e engine and generator performed without incident, with no parameter threshold warnings received and no shutdowns recorded. This is based on successful operation of the engine and ger:era!or within the warning and shutdown threshold data as documented in the attached reports Based on the successhi operation of the SBO 1 Appendix R &esse\ Generator for the duratian of these tests within the manitored engine and generator parameters, and particularly during t h e 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> continuous rbn at rated continuous load, it is reasonable to conclude that the unit woGid 9e capable of operating continuously at rated continuous load for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

item 7 above is the report of the engine protection settings currently programmed into a i d rno::itored by !he PowerCornrnand 3200 The parameters are as foilows:

LOP - - i-sbe Oil Pressure k O T - Hi@ Oil Temperature 6/6/2008

CR-IP2-200842917' CA2 Operability Input SBO I Appendix R DG Testing LCL ?OW Cooian! level LCF - io1,v C;oo!ant Pressure LCT Low Cootant Temperature HCT - Wlgh Coolant Temperature k E F - t l ~ y bBIOWOYFIOW H F I - t-itgr, Fuei Temperature HA r - High Aftercooler Temperature hi7 - I-Iigh Inlet Temperature The Daramerers are provided with "warnrng threshold" and "shutdown threshold" as previously discusseo Some thresholds are based on rated engine RPM which for this engine is 1800 RPM based on the Engine Specific Data Report (item 1 above)

Item 8 IS tne generztor protection settings programmed into the PowerCommand 3200 and coritfolled by the Ampsentry module which IStntegrat to the PowerCommand 3200.

lhe '% load specified !n Items 3 and 4 IS based on the standby rating whrch LS2700kW.


, //

June 05,2008 Parameter List Report


Captve FifestPCC 3200 [ENTERCY QSK78 rev3 I21WarZ008.~apj\Mon~~rtAbou?lEngine Parameter N r m Enginc MCrCeel Numbm VaJw QSK78 -G6 lRi&


Engine Rating 2790 kWm@ IGcxf RPM Engine S e d Number 66300555 E..nglneCPL Nwnher 8241 Eng~neHour offset 0.oOoM) h0UI.S E n g m Running T i m (ERT) 71 25201 hours

June 0 5 , 2 0 0 8 Parameter List Repart Capture FifeslPCC 3200 [ENTERGY QSK 78 rev3 i 2 ~ u r 2 ~ ~ 8 . ~ ~ bod\Gensct p ~ ~ . ~ o n ~ ~ ~ r ~

Paraloctct Name Vat- 1.eih c

Connection Tvp~ WYe Number of Phases Three Phasc Nomnal Frequency 60 .OOo lfz m ngT w Standby Censet Model Number 2700 DQLA Genset Send Number BO5 KS4 1470 Specification Number 0 Alternator Model Number 0 Alternator serial Number 0 Genset Build Date 0 I /3 1 12005 MMDDWW Power Factor Rating (3-phase) 0.80 Controller On Time (COT) 413 . I 53 1 hours Total kwh k1ivaet.i 127462 kWh Apptimtion LVA Wing 3375 kVA Page i of I h

Parameter List Report Prnmetcr Yams 60Hz StanjtY kW Load Profile Value

<Datafable>, 22.2 Units


LW Load Range, Time spcnr in kW Range 0-5'10 b a d , 2.667 6-10% I A d , O.OO0 i1-11i4b Load,0.000 16-20% Load, 0.000 2'1-25% b i d , 0.017 26-30% Load, 0.067 31 -35% had, 0.383 36-40?4Load, 0.000 41 -45% h a d , 0.OOO 46-50% Load, 0.017 5 1 -55% h a d , 0.067 5 6 4 % Load, 0.050 61 -65% Load, O.Oo0 66-70% Load, 0.1 17 71 -75% h a d , 41.583 76-80% had,10 S67 81 -85% Load,O.Oo0 8640% Load, O.OO0 91 -95% Load,0.m Y6-1OO% bd.0.000

' 100% Load, 0.000 Pagc i of 1

June 05.2 008 Duty Cycle Report 4.62 z.x7 1.72 1.18 0.02 0.67 0.62 0.08 0.12 i'agc I of t

June 05.2008 Parameter List Report

_I Capture Files\PCC 3200(ENTERGY QSK78 rev3 121Wor20061.cap~~nit~rlHIs~urylFur~

Panmeter l a m t Value iaiis

_I Cumulative Fuel Consumption 9025 47 gaf Fuel Cowimption Strrcr Resitt 9025.17 Fuel Consumption Reset Time COT oOo(20 h0US Fuel Consumption Reset Time ERT 000000 hours Colltroller on Time (con 413 1531 hours x mng Time (ERT)

E ~ g i Ru 71 25201 bus

June 0 5 . 2 0 0 8 Parameter List Repart



Capture .Fi~es\PCC3200 [BNTERGY QSK 78 rev3 12Mar2008.capJ\Monitor~~i~~~r~1Powct and Energy Psnmcter Name \ rler I'flitn


Total kWh Delivetcd I21462 kWh kVv% Srncc R m t 12.7462 kWh k w h Reset Time (COT) o m h0Ul-S kU% Reset Time (ERT) oooocd) hours Controller On T t m (COT) 4 13.153 I hours EW ~ u r ~ m nrim p ~ERQ 71 25201 horn

Parameter List Report dcgF dcgF seconds scconds

Parameter List Report PowerCommand 3200 Ampsentry Settings

_ I Device i Function Settings Time Delay Settings 1 Notes 810 S h u t gown + 3 OHz 10 seconds Over Frequency 87U shut ~ O W P- 3 on2 I O seconds Under Frequency 51: :lo@; 10 seccnds Over Voltage Under Voltage 27 8596 10 seconds AnipSentry Defadt Cherloac! r k W ) 105% (of 2700kW) 60 seconds Ampsentry Default Reverse Power (kW) 32 10% 3 seconds Ampsentry Default Synchronize Fa2 Warrmg 60 seconds I



L Reverse kVAR 20% 10 seconds Ampsentry Default Page 1 of ?

I Entcvgy ASSIGNMENTS CR-IP2-2008-02917

E?m?fgy KEPORTABILITY 1 CR-IP2-2008-02917 I

i Reportabilitj Version: I Report Number:

~ e p r code:

t NOT ~ P o m w , ~

Boilerplate Code:

Performed By : K o k e K h x l e s B 06/05/2(X18 07.42 Reportability


Recorded condition does not meet repirting criteria of SMM-Li-108. Functionality requirements for the App R diesel are specified in TRO 3.d.B. The surveillance requirements delineated in TRS 3.8.B. I through 3.8.B.Y are met by performance of their apl~licablesurveillance test procedures. For the initial functionality declaration, these requirements were all verified to he met during acceptance resting. This condition report describes apparent record keeping deficiencies in the the post modific.jtion testing program which was performed under work order number 5 1297433 task 01. Formal allowance was made in the development of this testing plan tu permit changes in content and acceptance criteria.

TRS 3.8.B.8 requires demonstration of the ability to line-up and provide power from the App R diesel to the App R loads, SBO loitds and unit 3 SBO loads. The bases for this surveillance requirement explicitly permits a combination of tests and simulated actions. Portions of this SR were satisfied via simulation. Activities which were simulated during the acceprance testing program were doubled in time and still satisfied the required times.

One hour time testing was completed and documented in the PMTP sections 5.13.6 and 5.13.7. Loads were supplied to alternate \afe shutdown loads in 45 minutes; to unit 2 SBO loads in 37 minutes and to unit 3 SBO loads in 22 minutes.

Comments contained in the work order page 58 and validated against the SOMS narrative log provide assurance that the 2 0 I hour reliability runs were completed and that the 2300Kw run and dead bus tests were in fact performed as required. In conclusion, the App R diesel is functional.

Enrefgy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2008-02917 Name Assigned By: D w g n Eng Elrc hlgnit RdFttele,Jowph J hssigned To: Design Eng Elec Staft Antlerson,Eric Subassigned To :

Originated Bq : A n d e r m d 5 x 6/5/7,00R 12 06 19 Performed By: Xndeiwn,F:ric 6/S/2OoX 14.2 I I6 hbperformed BJ :

Approved By:

Closed By: Raffaele,Joseph J 6/5/2008 16:?3:06

-- -~

Current Due Date: 06/06/ZX)8 Initial Due Date: 06/06/2008 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Probide ddditronal operability input to address NRC concerns regarding SBO / tWP R DG Test Runs.


See dttached additional operahility input. EJA 6/5/08.

Subresponse :

Closure Comments:

I concui with the response (conclusion) provided. This CA can be closed Attachments:

Resp Description CR-IP2-2008-29 I7 Oper Input

Attachment Header Document Name:


ntitled Document Location JRespDescr ption Attach Title: 291 7 Oper Input

- .-'

CR-IP2-2008-02917C A I Operability input S50 I Appendix R DG Testing

?K. c;aai:ional dernow+rztion of operaaiirt) of :he SBO Appendix R DG can be determined by tev#ev*of We eqgine generafor parameters programmed into and controlled by the FowerCorrmand 3200 Rigrtal Paraileiing Control The PowerCommand 3200 s a microprocessor sased generator set monltortng, metering and control system The control provides an ooerator rterface :o the genset. drgital voltage feguiation. digital governing and generator set protective fucc!ions and automatic oaraiteling functions. Operation of the engine or generator outside the programn:ed parameter values generates either it warning srgnal that is displayed on the control pane; screen or automa!rcatly initiates a controlled shutdown of the engine Attached IS a series of Parameter Llst Reports that are stored wrthm the PowerCornmand 3200 that are accessible by

he L . s ~ or
Cumrnins via a software &terface The attached reports include the following.

Engine Specific Oara (Page 3) 2 Generator Specific Data (Page 4) 3 i o a d Profile by Percent Range with Time Operated in each load range (Page 5) 3 Duty Cycle Report with Time Spent in each Cycle (Page 6) 5 Fuel Consumption Data (Page 7) 6 Power and Energy Report (Page 8) 7 Engine Protection Adjustment (Pages 9 and IO) 8 Ampsentry Settings (Page 11)

These are the parameters that the PowerCornmand 3200 uses to monitor and assess engine and generator performance during operation. During the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> continuous run at rated continuous ioad (PMTP Item 45),the twenty monitored starts I 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> run at rated continuous load (PMTP I:em 49) and the 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> continuous run at approximately prime rating (2335kW - 2435kW) jPl\nTP Item 49) these were the parameters being monitored by the PowerCommand 3200. If any of the parameter programmed thresholds are approached a warning is initiated on the PowerCornmand 3200 display and if any threshold is reached, an automatically controlled shutdown of the engine occurs. Since no alarms or shutdowns occurred during operation, it is concluded that the engine / generator operated successfully within its design parameters. Any shutdown during the continuous or reliability runs would be recorded as a failed test with the associated CR initiated to document the failed test. No CRs associated with the continuous runs or t h e reliability runs were initiated.

liem 7 above is the report of t h e engine protection settings currently programmed into and monitored by the PowerCommand 3200. The parameters are as follows.

LOP - Lube 011Pressure HCT - High Oil Temperature LCL - Low Coolant level LCP - Low Coolant Pressure LCT - Low Coalant Temperature HCT _- High Coolant Temperature HBF - HQh Blowby Flow I-IFT -- High Fuel Temperature HAT - H!gh Aftercooler Temperature rilT H:cJh Inlet Temperature T Y praneters are provided with warning !hreshold and shutdown threshold as prevlously cIscL.ssec SoFe tnresholds are based on rated engine RPM which for this engine is 1800 RPM

  • ,riser? or: !ne Epgtqe Specifc Data Report (Item 1 above)

!-e*..3 : 5 the yeserator protection settings programmed into the PowerCommand 3200 and cor:roi!ea s y we AmpSentry module which IS integral to the PowerCornmand 3200

CR-IP2-2008-02917 C A l Operability Input S80 I Appendix R DG Testing 7-e ' o m specifled in ltens 3 aod 4 is based on !he standby ra!ing whrch is 2700kW Prepared Eric J Anderso 3ate 650a

June OS, 2003 Parameter List Report


Capfure FlieslPCC 3200 fENTERG Y QSK78 rev3 IZMnrZ008.cap~i~onilorl.i bouAEngine Panmetcr hrmc Engine Moclel Number Vatrtc QSK78 4 6



Engtne a n g 2790 kWm @ 1800 RPM Engine Send Number 66300555 Engine CPI. Number 8241 Engine Hour Offie 000000 hotours Engme R u m n g Time (ERT) 71 252111 h0UTS Page 1 of 1

June os. 3008 Parameter List Report Number o f Phases Three Phase Kominel Frequency 60.Ooo Hz RatingTypc. Standby Censet Midel Number 2700 T3QI.A cimset serial Number BO5K541.1.70 Genset Specification N u m b 0 Altmtor Model N u m k 0 Alternator Serial Number 0 Genm Build Date 01/31/2005 W D Y Y Y Y Power Factor Rating (3-phase) 0.80 Controller On Time (COT) 413.1531 hours Total kwh Delivered 127462 kWh Application kVA Wng 3375 kVA Page 1 of 1

June 05,2008 Parameter List Report

_ _ __._ -

Capture FUeslPCC 3200 [ENTERGY QSK78 rev3 IZMor20.08.cap~~Moni!or\HisiotyId~Hz Sfandby k W Hlsfo,*ran Pammdtr 3smt 6QHz standbykW Load Profile Vniae

<DataTabie>. 2 2 , 2 L'sib


kW Load Range, Time spent in kW Range 0-5% Load, 2.667 6-10°/o h i d , O.Oo0 11-15%Load,0.000 16-20% h a d , O.Uo0 21-25% L@d,0.017 26-30% Load,0.067 3 1 -35% Load, 0.383 36-40% Load,O.Oo0 41 -45% Load, O.OO0 46-50% h a d , 0.017 5 1-55% Load,0.067 5640% Load, 0.050 6 1 -65 % L d , O.OO0 66-10% Load, 0.117 I1 -7'5% Load,41 583 76-80% h d . 10 567 81-85% Load,O.ooO 86-9OYo Load,O.OO0 9 1 -95 % Load, 0.OOO

%-1OO% Load, O.OO0

2. 100% Load,O.OO0 Page 1 of I

June 05,2008 Duty Cycle Report


?apturt?Fifes\PCC 3200 (ENTERC Y QSK78 rev3 I 2 M u r 2 5 0 8 . c a p ~ ~ o n i i o r ~ H ~ t oNz r yDuty

\ 6 ~ Cycle Histog*am Lord h n g e T i c Spent i8 Range

_ I 9 1 - 1 ~ %k&d 57.42 1 1-2004 toad 4.62 7 t -80% Load 2.87 5t-6@%Load 1.72

?, I-30%b a d 1.18 O - l ~ ! O LoaJ 0.02 3 1-400/0 toad 0.67 4 1-50"/0 Load 0.62 6 1-70% Load 0.08 8 1-90% Load 0.12 Page i of 1

. I Jm OS, 2008 Parameter List Report


Capture Fii.\PCC 3200 [ENTERCV QSK 78 rev3 I 2 ~ a r 2 0 0 8 . c a p ~ ~ n ~ o r \ H i s r o r ~ , \ F u e l Panmeter Name VIfW ['nits IC Cumulative Fuel Cortsumption 9025 47 gal Fuel Consumption Since Reset 9025 -47 ea1 Fuel Gonsurnption Reset Time COT 0.oooo hours Fuel Consumption Reset Time ERT 0.00000 hours Canmf ler Chr Time (COT) 43.153 1 h0Ul-S En@ne Rumling Time (ERT) 71 25201 hours Page 1 of 1

Parameter List Report kUh Since Reset 127462 kWh kWh R& T i m (COT) 0.MMO hours k W Reset Time (ERT) U.M#xM hOUrS CoFmlter On Time (COT) 413.1531 hours Engine Running Time (ERn 71 25201 bus Page 1 of 1

Parameter List Report tiegF tkgF uxonds ccconds dcgF cicgF tlcgF

Parameter List Report PowerCommand 3200 Ampsentry Settings

-3evice I r i m e Delay F: u nct io n Settings Settings Notes a:c Snut Down + 3 OW2 10 seconds Over Frequency 81 U SnUt Down' - 3 OH2 10 seconds Under Frequency 50 "I 7 0°% 10 seconds Over Voltage Under Voltage 10 seconds Ampsentry Default 60 seconds Ampsentry Default Reverse Power (kW1 32 7 0% 3 seconds Ampsentry Default Synchronize Fail itdarning 60 seconds Reverse KVGR 20% 10 seconds Ampsentry Default Page 1 of 1

I I;=ntWg)/ CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-I P2-2008-02917


CA Nuniber: 2 Group J Name 1 Assigned By: Operations Watch Staff Dewey Jr.Dcsnald J Assigned To: Design Eng Elec Statf Anderson.Eric Subassigned To :

I Originated By: Ktlller,C;eorgeW Performed By: Xndrrhan.Eric Subperformecl By:

Approve0 By:

Closeti By: Dewey Jr,Donald J

._ ~

Current Due Date: 06/07/2008 Initial Due Date: 06/07/2(Hf8 CA Type: OPERABILJTY INPUT Plant Constraint: #NOruE CA


Please provide operability input reguarding Appendix R diesels ability to perform 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> loaded run.


See attached Operability Input. EJA 6/6/08.

Subresponse :

Closure Comments:

Concur with engineering response. Close CA.


Resp Description CR-IP2-2008-2917 CA2 Oper Input

Attachment Header Document Name:


Document Location Resp DescriDtion Attach Tltle:

I^__.I_ ---

k-4-2917 CA2 Ope1 Input

CR-IP2-200842917 CA2 Operability tnput SBO I Appendix R DG Testing The aadirional demonstratton of operability of the SBO /Appendix R DG can be aetermined by revew of the engtne I generator parameters programmed into and controlled by trle PowerCommand 3200 Digital ParallelfngControl The PowerCommand3200 is a ii'lcroprocessoi based generator set monitoring, metering and control system. The control pow% an operator Interface to the genset, digital voltage regulation, drgttat governrng and cjenei ator set protective functions and automatic paralleting functions Operation of the engine or geceralor outsde the programmed parameter values generates either a warning signal that IS displayed or7 the convol panel screen or automatically Initiates a controlled shutdown of the em;ine Attached is i! series of Parameter List Reports that list the parameter aafa that is stored in the PowerCornmand 3200 This data is accessibie by the user or Cummins via a software Interface Tee attached reports include the following

? Engrne Specific Data (Page 3) 2 Generator Specific Data (Page 4 )

3 Load Profile by Percent Range with Time Operated in each load range (Page 5) 4 Duty Cycle Report with Time Spent in each Cycle (Page 6) 5 Fuel Consumption Data (Page 7) 6 Power and Energy Report (Page 8) 7 Engine Protection AdJUShent (Pages 9 and IO) 8 Ampsentry Settings (Page 11)

These are the parameters that the PowerCommand 3200 uses to monitor and assess engine and generator performance during operation. During the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> continuous run at rated continuous load (PMTP Item 45), the twenty monitored starts with I hour run at rated continuous load (PMTP Item 49) and the 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> continuous run at approximately prime rating (2335kW -

2435kW) (PMTP Item 49) these were the parameters being monitored by the PowerCommand 3200. If any of the programmed parameter thresholds are approached a warning is initiated on the PowerCommand 3200 display and if any threshold is reached, a controlled shutdown of the engine occurs automatically. Since no alarms or shutdowns occurred during operation. it is concluded that the engine / generator operated successfully within its design parameters. All runs were controlled and monitored by 1P2 licensed operators and witnessed by members from the Design Engineering and Systems Engineering Departments and Cummins Metropower personnel. Ali Entergy staff is trained to observe negative trends and take required actions including entering Condition Reports in the Cortective Action Database. Any shutdown during the continuous or reliability runs would be 'recorded as a failed test with the associated CR initiated to document the failed test. No CR's associated with the continuous runs or the reliability runs were initiated.

The Si30 / Appendix R Diesel Generator is required to operate for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> during an Appendix R fire event. A 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> run was not part of the overall acceptance testing required by the Post Modification Test Plan (PMTP) for EC5000033794. The 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> continuous run, the 20 one hour r u n s and the 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> prime rating run, cumulatively represents 46 hours5.324074e-4 days <br />0.0128 hours <br />7.60582e-5 weeks <br />1.7503e-5 months <br /> of operation of the SBO i Appendix R Diesel Generator. As stated above. throughout the duration of these runs the engine and generator performed without incident, with no parameter threshold warnings received and no shutdowns recorded. This is based on successful operation of the engine and generator within the warning and shutdown threshold data as documented in the attached reports Based an tho successful operation of the 360 i Appendix R Diesel Generator for the dtiration of these tests within the monitored engine and generator parameters, and particularly during t h e 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> coniinuous run at rated continuous load, it is reasonable to conclude that the unrt would be capable of operating continuously at rated continuous load for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

Item 7 above is the report of the engine protection settings currently programmed into 2nd monitored b y the PowerCammand 3200. The parameters are as follows:

(-09 Lube Oil Pressure


HOT - Htgn Oil Temperature 61612008

CR-IP2-2008-02917 CA2 Operability Input SBO I Appendix R DG Testing LCL - LOW Coolant level LCP - Low Coolant Pressure LZT - LOW Coolant Temperature HCT -- High Coolant Temperature HBF - HIGDBto\niby FIOW HFT - !-iigh Fuei Temperatwe HA J High Aftercooler Temperature HIT - H,gh fnlet Temperature The parameters are provided with .warning threshold and shutdown threshold as previously ciscmsed Some rhresholds are based on rated engine RPM whrch for this engine IS 1800 RPM based on the Engine Specific Data Report (Item 1 above)

Item 8 IS the generator protection settings programmed into the PowerCommand 3200 and controlled by the Ampsentry module which ISintegral to the PowerCommand3200.

Tne (Yo ioad specified in Items 3 and 4 is based on the standby rating which is 2700kW.

Prepafed By Eric J Anderson Date Page -? of 4 6/6/2008

June 05, ;!008 1 .- Parameter List Report c


Capture #'ikslPCC 3200 (EIVTERGY QSK78 rev3 2 2 M a r Z 0 0 8 . c a ~ ~ M o n i ~ ~ ~ o u r l E n g i n c Parnmctcr Name Engine Model Number Value QSK7846 bib


Engine R Z U ~ R ~ 2790 kWm@ l8Ou RPM Engine Serial Number 66300555 E n p e CPL Number 8241 Engine Hour offset 0.m hours Engine Running Time (ERT) 71 25201 hours Page 1 of I

June 05,2008 Parameter List Report I



Capfure FiteslPCC 3200 {ENTERCY QSK78 rev3 IZMar2008.capl\Monifurt4boul\Gensd Pnntsrfar ?ism+ Value t.nits 1_1 Connection Type WYe Pu'urnbcr o f Phases Thnx P h w Nominal Frequency 60 .Ooo H2 Rating Type Standby Genset Mode1 Number 2700 DQLA G e w t Senal Number BO5 K541470 c;enset Specification %umber 0 Alternator Modeel Number 0 Aternator serial Number 0 Genset Build Date 01 ;3 1 12005 MMDDYYYY Power Factor-Rating (3-phase) 0.80 Controller On Time (COT) 413.1531 hours Total k w h Delivered 127462 kWh Applicarion kVA Rating 337s kVA Page I of I

Parameter List Report

~ _ _

t y 1 6 0 HkzW His fogran Capture FileslPCC 3200 [ENTERGY QSR 78 rev3 1 2 i M a r 2 0 0 8 . ~ a ~ ~ L ~ ~ n i i n r \ ~ ~ s l oStandby Prniineier fiatac Vdoc Uaits


60k.Srandtyy k'k Load Profile <DataTable>, 22.2 kW Load Range, Time spnr in kW Range 0-546LQad,2 667 6-10% Load, 0 OOO 11-15% Load, 0 OOO 16-2O?h Load, 0 000 21 -25% Load, 0 017 26-30% Load, 0.067 3 1 -359/b bX& 0.383 36-40O4 Load, 0.000 41 -45% Load, 0.OOO 46-500/0 Load, 0.017 51 -53% Load, 0.067 5640% Load, 0,050 61 -65% Load, 0.OOO 66 -70% Load, 0. I 17 71 -75% Load, 41.583 76-80% h a d , 10 567 81 -85% Load, 0 OOO 8 6 4 0 % toad,0.000 91 -95% Load, 0 . m 96-100% b a d . O.OO0 1 100% Load, 0.OOO Page I at' I

lone 05.2008 Duty Cycle Report i ffc Duty Cycle Mi *togram

?apture FileslPCC 3200 [ENTERGY QSK78 rev3 f2Mar200$.capltMonir~~isior3..\150 rdRaaigc Time Spent in b n @

91*100% Load 57.42 1 1-20?&Load 4.62 7 I -SO% Load 2.87 5 140% L3ad 1-72 2 1-30% Load 1.18 0-1 0% Load 0.02 31490b a d 0.67 3 1-50% Load 0.62 6 1-7OOiO L~ad 0.08 8 1-M% Load 0.12

June 05.2008 Parameter List Report I

1_1 Capture FilestPCC 3200 [ENTERGY QSK78 rev3 1 2 ~ # r 2 0 0 6 c ~ ~ ~ ~ n i t o r l l r lFuei


Pammttcr Hame Cumulative Fuel Consumption

\**let 9025 47 UOib sal


Fuel Consumption Since Reset 9325.47 gal Fuel Consumption Reset Time COT OoooO hours Fuel Consumption Reset Time ERT 0,00001) hours Controller Ch Time (COT) 413.15 3 I hours Engine Running Time 7 I 2520 I buts

lune 05,2008 Parameter List Repurt Page 1 of 1

Parameter List Report tIcgF dcgF dcgF Psgc i u1-2

Parameter List Report PowerCommand 3200 Ampsentry Settings

-Device I Time Delay F u nct io n Settings Settings Notes 8iO Shut Down f 3 0I-k 10 s e c o n d s Over Frequency 81 U Shut Down - 3 OHz 10 s e c o n d s Under Frequency 59 1 ? 09; 10 seconds Over Voitage Under Voltage 10 seconds Ampsentry Default 60 seconds Ampsentry Oefautt Reverse Power (kW) 32 0% 3 seconds AmpSentrj Default Syochromze Fad Warning 6Q s e c o n d s j ~ s / e r skVAR e 20% 10 s e c o n d s Ampsentry Default Page 1 of 1


__ --

Originator: Burne! .Michael W Originator Phone: 7073 -

Originator Group: 1.rcrnsing Mgmt Operability Required: Y Reportability Required: Y Supervisor Name: li'alpolc,Robert W Discovered Date: 06/04/7,WX I9:06 Initiated Date: 06/04/20()8 19.24, Condition


During NRC modification inspection, the SBO App R Diesel Generator test could not be used to independently verify the Post bfod Test Plan Requirements (PMTP). The documentation within the test was not adequate to demonstrate that the PMTP requirements.

The specific sections for load, endurance and reliability testing here not sufficient to conclude that the testing was completed due to the extemive use of N/A and incomplete commenting.

'The method chosen for performing the test did not demonstrate adequate controls and may not be consistent wit the PMTP.

The engine operability is not an issue as much as the control methods used for the test changes with respect to the PMTP revisions required by Engineering Change Notices (ECNs) .

Immediate Action


Briefed management on extent of finding.

Suggested Action



Tag Name Tap S u a x Name Component Code Process Svstem Code ARDG TRENDING (For Reference Purposes Only):


Enfcygy 1 OPERABILITY I CR-IP2-2008-02917 OperabilityVersion: I Operability Code: EQUIPMENT FIINCTIONAL Immediate Report Code: NOT REPOR'I'ABI-E P e r f 0 4 By: Santini,Philip R 06/05!3~K)X O K M X Approved By: H o ~ k C h a r l e sE 06/05/2CK)80 I 2 6 Opera bilitp


Functionality requirements for the App R diesel are specified in TKO 1.H.B.'The surveillance requirements delineated in TKS -3.X.B.I through 3.8.B.9 are met by performance of their applicable surveill~ncetest procedures. For the initial functionality declaration, these requirements were all verified to be met during acceptance testing. This condition report describes apparent record keeping deficiencies in the the post modification testing program which WHS performed under work order number 5 1297433 task 01. Formal allc~wancewas made in the development of this testing plan to permit changes in content and acceptance criteria.

TRS requires demonstration of the ability to line-up and provide power from the 4 p p R diesel to the App R loads, SBO loads and unit 3 SBO loads. The bases for this surveillance requirement explicitly permits a combination of tests and simulated actions. Portions of this SR were satisfied via simulation. Activities which were simulated during the acceptance testing program were doubled in time and still satisfied the required times.

One hour time testing was completed and documented in the PMTP sections 5.13.6 and 5.13.7. Loads were supplied to alternate safe shutdown loads in 45 minutes: to unit 2 SBO loads in 37 minutes and to tinit 3 SBO loads i n 22 minutes.

Comments contained in the work order page 58 and validated against the SOMS naiulive log provide assurance that the 20 I hour reliability runs were completed and that the 2400Kw run and dead bus tests were in fact performed as required. In c.cinclusion,the App R diesel is functional.

.4pproval Comments:

As stated all requirements to demonstrate functionality have been performed.

Attachment Header Document Name:

7' -

Document Location perability Description Attach Tltle:

-1 _L_

Enm?gy I OPERABILITY I CR-IP2-2008-02917 OperabilityVersion: 2 Operability Code: EQUIPMENT 1rL:NC'TIONXL

[ m e d i a t e Report Code: NO?' REPOK?'ABL.E Performed By: Dewey Jr.Donald J 0 6 / 0 5 i 2 ( ~I .ti:53


~ p p n w e dBy: Hock.Charles E C%,/05/2(X)ti 20:49 Operability


In addition to the fiFSt operability and C A I justifications for fbnctionality of this condition report we ran a simulated walk thruogh of 2-AOP-SSD-1 from the initiating event through loading a charging pump onto the App R diesel. Total time to accomplish the task was 32 minutes which was well within the target of 60 minutes. 'This walk through was accomplished in segments and included transit time and parallel actions. See attached documents for flow chart and procedures used. Based on this walk through, the previous operability. and CAI the App R dies1 is considered FUNCTIONAL.

Approval Comments:

The simulation provides additional justitlcation for functionality mer.


Operability Description Flow Chart 2-AOP-SSD-1 2-SOP-27.6

t t 1 i

PAB Actions I 1 To $7 L

Atr 8 Stzp 3.4 I


Attachment Header Document Name:

Document Location b6lity Description Attach Title:


Controd Room inaccessibility Safe Si3utdown Control 4.13 Ciose PORV bbck valves AND PLACE in Puffout:

BOV-535 J&&OV-536 4 14 Remove Controi Power Fuses ?o I ...-. Trip any running charging pumps.

isolate Letdown, S ~ C U ~PORVs E from 2 ,.-Open 725 Volt DC Gistrrbution Panei spLirtws operatiofi. and Establish 21 CixtJlt 5 on the back of Panel FQ charging flow path.

3.-- Open 125 Volt DC Distribution Panel g 4 5 5 (Panel

~ FB rear facing west) 22 CircLiit 15 on the bzck of Panel FD.

g 4 5 6 (Panel FB rear facing west) 5 9 SF rear

@ ~ ~ ~ - 4(Panel facing north) a 2 3 4 A [Panel SF rear facing north)

& G ~ B (Panel, - SF rear facing niirthj


4 . f 5 &nnoilnce reactor trip m d GCR evacuation over PA.

C ontrot Room lit acces s ibit ity Safe Shutdown Controi Page I? cf 329



_ I_

The expecrations for the use of personr-ef ace as fdiows-The CRS, m e R 6 and the %~rcfeijr NPO wrll be present OR the P?Lictear Side with copy of this procedure s The second RO and the Ccnventionr;i NPC?~viitbe eresent ifr the Auxriiary Feed Pump Euiidrng. Each person wil have orre copy of tn,s procedure.

c Tne FSS and Unit I NPO will be candtjctlng EIwrfica! operatjaes, etc with the last copy ut this procedure, e The Fire 8rigade Leader (Untt 2 DF Unit 3 SRO) and 3 NPQs wifl be fighting a fire iF any fire has occwred. IF a fire has NUT ocwri-ed, d ~ t t i sof these ~ E S O Rwill~ ~

I be directed by the SM/CRS/FSS.

C 6.nt r o t R 00 m inc.,c c e 5 s ib if it y Safe Shutdown CGntrol

tidnsit3 rrrig LOCAUREMOTE swtch i r ~ ze!ecttsd r p ~ ~ ntoi pLOCAL and pressing START button.

IF jr.obte to star? aT !east one pump QT:

5ssent !a! header ,

THEN p~dcrrrnthe following:

A.-IF power is avarlabfeto a SW pclmp that is NOT aligned to the essential header, THEN INITIATE the applicable s e c t i o n 0 of 2-SOP-24.1 (Serace

\dater System Gperauon) to transfer e sse n t la I se nice wa t E r he ade r s asnecessary 8.JF po~veris NUT available io anv s5Rf pumps, AND L8OV Swirsbgear Kcorn is access!ble, THEN iNi7iATE Attachment f 2 (Placing 23 sr 2 C Service Water P,mp tn Service Or Safe Shtdawn Power)

{Page 233).

C --Epower 1s NOT available to any SW pumps, AND 4SOV Switchgear Room is NOT accessible, THEN piace giJ three diesel generator contfof switches iR OFF.

. ...... ...,.---- . ................... _..- ............ ___................... .- ---..__-............ -..... .--- - __


... ES PO NSE IO NiEX F EC4 E 0 tl,,_-.__._____._~_I...___..

ACT_____ I j ___I_xI__.____. .......&... --r---. ..........

. . . . . . . . . . . .

4.32 H A A T instrument air is lost tu a rifnning charging pump, m e d o r m t h e fo~lowing:

Unco~;pleair speed cont:c!ler from scoop tube linkage iabovs pump).

i[ sny charging pump is operating,

.... . . .

THEN GO YO SteF 4.9&

. . . . . . . . . ........ ...

3.-GQ TO Step 8.5. *- _ -

f E

Faye 3 o f 11 Page 5 of 11 Attachment Header Document Name:

b r -

Document Location LI Attach Title:


4.3 Engine start suppiyirrt: Unit 2 Amendix R loads


\ NOTE I -

Tne starting of the appendtx R dtesel should not be delayed Requests far openicg breakers F3-1 and 52GT2F s h o ~ i dbe made by other personnef if pcssibie.

SO Phone Number: (212) 580-6789 DO Phone Number: (212j 586-6754

--J-+ o T m R x x R~ G I I - J ~

d ~ (im5 Ekvat:or!'

e - 43.4 ENSURE the foi;owirry Ayrrendix R 0 : ~ Generator ~ 4 Fire! Oil Dab Tank

\ ~ Indications are Illurninated~

System Resfay iEe itashifig Y ~ U ~ W

- e Powe: A-dariabie Sreeri LED rltilrntnated L-. 4.---2.3.5

. FERFORM the followrng at the Appendix R DG Day Tank Controi Panel:


',. CHECK JXF abnormal condition exists as icdicated by a LED I' . in a flashing ON sfate and horn sounding.

l___^ a) iF at any !t:ne afi abnorrna; zcnait;or; 1s se;?s~sa:


- 1f PRESS the Aiarn? Silence buttun to silence :he alarm horn

-.--,.... 2) WHEN the abnormal cofidrtmr: IS corrected, THEN the a!armmf; LED Is tclrnea OFF sutomaticai!y 4;3(& EbSURE tha: Weaker SBUti IS OFN (SBOiAFP. Fi Swinchgear 7v 13 8KV Bus) 1 11 4.3.7 ENSURE that breaker SBQ/ASS is OPEN (SIJO!APF R C)iesel Generator Swjtchgearj

8 P ERAf lU N

--- ~----..- -___-

t ii MOTE i


i Fdainramng the City Water f l m s specified ensures that adequate tolclme in the Ci?y 1 I

Water Storage Tank ISreservea for other plant activities, I_r . .

4 3.1I .2 ADJUST Cooling Water flow as io!lcws:


/ a) THROTTLE LJW-840 tu achieve approximately 87 gpm as indicated by Ff-7930, Aftercocler Water Fiow.

<,*' bj THROTTLE L1W-836to achieve approximately 1 I8 gpm as indicated by Ft-7979,Jacket Water Flow,

.__-I- 4.3 '3.2 52GTf2f;

When the coolant reaches operating temperature QB tha warm-up at idid time Is i;ornple?ed,;he genwator wiil rarrip up io rated speed and voltage.

The Appeodix 8 Diesel Gsnarators rnaxirnurn ccllntinuous toad IS 2045 k W . Durirtg an emergency, maximum generator ioad is 2700 kw for 25 hottrs/yr.

i Q XI! orhe! faults a k w the engtne to W E during ?hecool-dowt?seqclence before I


srtgine shutdawn,

-I- --- 4.3.t 3 a Warning Coflcfitran occurs (Warning Status Indicator ititminates ye!low),THEN PERFORM rhe following.

_-_ _- 4 3 79 I E the Aiarm Modu!e warning h a m annunciated THEN rnomenizr!!y PUSH the PUSH TO SikENCE HORN button

OPERABILITY 1 CR-IP2-2008-02917 -

OperabilityVersion: 3 Operability Code: EQC'IPhlEN?' :UNCTIONAI.

Immediate Report Code: REPORTABLE!

Petfamed By: &\bey Jr.Danald J 06/06i2008 I 6 : I 3 Approved By: Brooks.Kevin LA OfjiOCilZOt1S 16: I5 Operability


The Unit 2 SBO and Unit 3 SBO funcrbns of the Unj! 2 App R Diesel were performed in 3 timed simulation. Attached are the procedures and tlow charts associated with these walk Ihoughs. 'The Unit 2 SBO scenario was able to demonstrate a 28 minute int,:rval from initiation of the event until 6.9 kv buses 5 and 6 were powered from the diesel. The unit 3 scenario is timed from notification from unit 3 that they require the unit 2 App I< diesel until power is supplied to breaker GT/B'T which was 24 minutes. Based on these timed walk thtoughs it is reasonably assured that the operators will be able 10 meet their committed times for supplying Unit 2 APP R diesel power tu SBO loads with the current approved procedures as written.

'The Unit 2 App R Diesel remains functional.

Approval Comments:

agree arid approve Attachments:

Operability Debcription APPR G2 SBO u3 SBO

Attachment Header Document Name:

ntitled Document Location perabdrty Descnption Attach Titte:


CR-1P2-2008-02917CA1 Operability input SBO I Appendix R DG Testing

-he Liccdional demonstration of operability of !he SBO / Appendix R DG can be determined by i

~ e v e wof the er,gine generator parameters programmed into and controlled by :he PowerCo-mand 3200 Digital Paralleling Control The PowerCommand 3200 is a microprocessor based generator set monitoring, merering and control system The control provides an operator

,rtterfacetc the genset, aigi:al voltage regulation, digital governing and generator set protective functions and automatic paralleling functions Operation of the engine or generator outside the p-ogrammed parameter values generates either a warntng signal that is displayed on the control parel screen or automarica!ly Initiates a controlled shutdown of the engine Attached is a series of Parameter List Reports tnat are stored within the PowerComrnand 3200 that are accessible by t n e u s e

  • or Cdmmins via a software interface The attacned reports include the following Englne Specific Data (Page 3)

Generator Specific Data (Page 4)

Load Profile b y Percent Range with Time Operated in each load range (Page 5)

Duty Cycle Report with Time Spent in each Cycle (Page 6)

Fuel Consumption Data (Page 7)

Power and Energy Report (Page 8)

Engine Protection Adjustment (Pages 9 and 10)

Ampsentry Settings (Page 11 )

These are the parameters that the PowerCommand 3200 uses to monitor and assess engine and generator performance during operation. During the 24 hoilr continuous run at rated continuous load (PMTP Item 45), the twenty monitored starts / 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> run at rated continuous load (PMTP

!!em 49) and the 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> continuous run at approximately prime rating (2335kW - 2435kW)

(PMTP Item 49) these were the parameters being monitored by the PowerCommand 3200. If any of the parameter programmed thresholds are approached a warning is initiated on the PowerCommand 3200 display and if any threshold is reached, an automatically controlled shutdown of the engine occurs. Since no alarms or shutdowns occurred during operation, it is concluded that the engine 1 generator operated successfully within its design parameters. Any shutdown during the continuous or reliability runs would be recorded as a failed test with the associated CR initiated to document the failed test. No C R s associated with the continuous runs or the reliability runs were initiated.

Item 7 zboLw is [he report of the engine protection settings currently programmed into and monitored by the PowerCommand 3200. The parameters are as follows:

LOP - Lube 011Pressure HOT - High Oil Temperature LCL - Low Coolant level LCP - Low Coolant Pressure LCT - Low Coolant Temperature HCT - High Coolant Temperature HBF - biigh Blowby Flow HFT - High Fuel Temperature HAT - High Aftercooler Temperature HIT - Hign h!et Temperature V i e pa:aneters are provided with "warning threshold" and "shutdown threshold" as previoilsly GisCLSSed S o r e thresholds are based on rated engine RPM which for this engine is 1800 RPM k,/as;eciP;, tr,e Eggine Specific Data Report (Item I above) i:elil d I S t k yenerator protection settings programmed into the PowerCommand 3200 and cgn!rollea by the AmpSentry module which is integral to the PowerComrnand 3200

CR-IP2-2008-02917CA1 Qperability Input SBO I Appendix R DG Testing The : load specified in Items 3 and 4 I S based on the standby rating whtch IS 2700kW W+wea By Eric J Anderson Date 65108

June 05.2008 Parameter List Report


Capture Files\BCC 3200 [ENTERGY QSK 78 rev3 12~~at200bcapj\MonitorL4 bouAEngine Paralatter Name


m ne M d Number Valtlt QSK78 -C6



Engine Rating E90 kWm @ lROO RPM Engine Serial Number 66300555 Engine CPL Number 8241 Engine Hour offset 0 .m hours Engirre Runrung Time (ERT) 71.25201 hours Page 1 of I

June 05,2000 Parameter List Report Pinmeter Name Vihrc t'nitx Colmection rype wye Number of P W S Three Phase Nominal Frequency HZ mns Type Standby cesset Model Number 2700 DQLA Gensct Serial Number BO5 KS4 1470 Genx?tSpecification Number 0 Alternator Model Number 0 Alternator Serial Number 0

&met guild Date 01/3 I /2005 MMDDYYYY Power Factor Rating (3-phase) 0 80 Controller On Time (COT) 413 1531 hours Total kWh Delivered 127462 kWh Application kVA Rahng 3375 kVA Page I of 1

June 0 5 , 2 0 0 8 Parameter List Report Capture FileslPCC 3200 [ENTERGY QSK 78 rev3 iZMar2008.~ap~Monitor\~i~~oty\60Hz Standby k W Hkslogr xn Parameter Name 6u& Standby kUtoad Profile V8IW cDaraTable>, 2 2 , 2 Lsitr


kW Load Range. Time spent in kW Rmgc 0-5% h d , 2.667 6-IOo& Load, O.OO0 11 -15% L m d , O.OO0 16-20% Lmd, 0.000 21-25% Load,0.017 26-30% Load, 0.067 3 I-35% Load,0.383 3640% Load, 0 . 0 0 41 -45% Load, O.Oo0 46-50% LO&, 0,017 5 1-55?0 toad, 0.067 5660% Load, 0.050 61 -65% Load,0.OOO 66-70% Load,0.1 17 71 -75% L a d , 41.583 76-80% Load. 10.567 8 1-85% Load, O.OO0 86-90? h a d , 0.OOO 9 1 -95 % Load, o.Oo0 Oh-100% Load, 0.000

> 100% Load, 0 . 0 0 Page 1 of 1

June 05,2008 Duty Cycle Report Hz Duty Cycle Histogram

'aprure FilaiPCC 3200 [ENTERC Y QSK78 rev.? 12Mar2008.~ap~~onitorWisrory\60 Latd Range T i c Spent ie Kzagt 91-1oo%Load v.42 11-20"A Load 4.62 7 1-8004 Load 2.87 5 140% Load I .72 2 1-30% Load 1.18 0- 10% Load 0.02 3 140% Load 0.67 4 140% Load 0.62 6 1-70% h a d 0.08 8 1-90% Load 0.12

June 05.2008 Parameter List Report

- ~ ~~~

Capture FlIm\PCC 3200 [ENTERCY QSK78 rev3 12Mar2008.~u~~Mon~tor\HtstaryIFuel Pxrrmebcr X a w VliUC l'aits c

Cumulative Fuel Consumption 9025 41 gat Fuel Consumption Since Reset 025.47 gal Fuel Consumption Res% Time COT OoooO hours Fuel Consumption Reset T i m ERT 000000 bus Controller On T i (COT) 413 1531 hOUrS Engine Running Time (ERT) 71 25201 hOLKS Page 1 of 1

Junc 05, ZOOS Parameter List Report Capiure FiIesIPCC 3200 fENTERGY QSK78 rev3 I2Mar2008.~apl\~~~niiorWjs~oryiPuwer and Energy Parrtntttr Naulc Vduc lait3 Total kWh Delivered 127462 kWh kWh Since R a 127462 kWh kWh Raet Time (COT) OoooO hours kWh R W Time (ERT) 0.ooOW hours Contmffer On Tune (COT) 41 3.153 I hours Engine Rumng Time (ERQ 71 25201 h0UI-S Page I of 1



I .:

PowerCommand 3200 Ampsentry Settings

'-Device I Time Delay 1 Function Settings Settings Notes 810 S n u t Down i.3 OHz 10 seconds Over Frequency i a1 d Shgt DOWO- 3 OH2 10 seconds Under Frequency

! 59 7 10% 10 seconds Over Voltage Under Voltage 27 10 seconds AmpSentry Default 1

I g:,erioad ;kL?!) 795% (of 2 7 0 0 ~ W i 60 seconds AmpSentry Default Reverse Power (kW) i 32 10% 3 seconds AmpSentry Default

Syxhronize Fail Warning 60 seconds j Reverse kVAR 20% 10 seconds AmpSentry Default I_-

Page 1 of 1

Attachment Header Document Name:

___I ntitled Document Location perability Descnptm Attach Title:

2 s00

CCR Ac110r1.z Operator imulated w dI kthrough ECA-0 0 times 3s indicared 10 Min

  • CCR SOP-27.6 Att 4 10 Minutes


f CCR Close GT-25 or GT-26 I iMin 48OV bus

Attachment Header Document Name:

L ntitled Documwt Location I I _

perability Oescnption Attach Title:

_L P 3 SBO

Unit 3 SBO Event:

Time line to energize Unit 7 HL'S from App R diesel via CiTlBT Operator > i m u I s e d LS 3 1k thro u gh times as indicated need for App R power Total time is 24 minutes.

Unit 3 is assumed to be racking in GTIBT in parallel to Unit 2 \tcps f and the breaker Ni1i be ready to Assumed time tbr close when UZ App R power is contacting an NPO to a m i 1tihle.

perform task.

5 hfin Start U2

. P P R Diesel And UU to GT/BT 18 Min i

r Unit 3 CCR Close GTfB'I 1 Min

  • Enfcvgy OPERABILITY CR-IP2-2008-02917 OperabilityVersion: 4 Operability Code: EQUIPMENT F.'C!NCTIONAI, Immediate Report Code: NOT REPORTABLE Performed By: Dewey Jr,Donald J 06/06/2(#)8 1 6:3 1 Approved By: Bruoks,Ket'in L 06/06/2008 I6:%



'To answer the question that the Unit I! App K diesel can perform its design function of running c.ontinuously for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> during an ASSD fire event, Engineering input was wlicited. CA-2 was assigned and the original operahility input wits revised to add justification for this 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> requirement. At issue is that the Unit 2 4 p p R diesel was not run for a continuous 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> during the acceptance testing. However over the c o m e of this testing it was run at least 20 times for one hour periods and once at 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. All of these runs were pe.rformed satisfactorily without any warning or Shutdown alarms being 1-eceived. In addition all of the runs were supervised by licensed individuals. engineering, and vender representatives. Based o n this and the attached Engineering justification it is reasonably assured the Unit 2 App R diesel will run for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> continuously if needed. It is still considered FUNCTIONAL.

iipproval Comments:

agree and approve Attachments:

Operability Description 7 2 Hour Justification

Attachment Header Document Name:

rltltled Document Location


f 5 G D e : ; c rrptton Attach Title:

CR-IP2-2008-02917 CA2 Operability input SBO / Appendix R DG Testing The additional uemonstration of oDerability of the SBO 1 Appendix R RG can be determined by*revlew of the engine I generator parameters programmed into and controlled by t h e PovmCommand 3200 Digital Paralleling Control The PowerConimand 3200 is a 1 1 Iicrop'ocessor based generator set monitoriny, metering and control system She control p o v des an cperator Interface to the genset, digital voltage regulatron, dtgrtai yoverntng and gcnera:or se: protective fuqctions and automatic paraileling functions Operation of the engine or generator outside the programmed parameter values generates either a warning signal that IS displayed OF :he control panel screen or automatically initiates a controlled shutdown of the eirgine Attachec! IS a series of Parameter List Reports that list the parameter data that is stored in the ?ov;erCornrnand 3200 This data IS accessible by the user or Cumrnins via a software d~tt'rteceThe attached reports include the toliowing


Engine Specific Data (Page 3) 2 Generator Specific Data (Page 4 )

3 Load Profile by Percent Range with Time Operated in each load range (Page 5) 4 Duty Cycie Report with Time Spent in each Cycle (Page 6) 5 Fiial Consumption Data (Page 7) 6 Power and Energy Report (Page 8) 7 Engine Protection Adjustment (Pages 9 and ? O )

8 Ampsentry Settings (Page 11)

These are the parameters that the PowerCommand 3200 uses to monitor and assess engine and generator performance during operation. During the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> continuous run at rated continuous load (PMTP Item 45), the twenty monitored starts with 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> run at rated continuous load (PMTP Item 49) and the 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> continuous run at approximately prime rating (2335kW -

2435kW)(PMTP Item 49) these were the parameters being monitored by the PowerCommand 3200 If any of the programmed parameter thresholds are approached a warning is initiated on the PowerCommand 3200 display and if any threshold is reached, a controlled shutdown of the engine occurs al;tomatically. Since no alarrris or shutdowns occurred during operation, it is ccx-tcludedthat the engine / generator operated successfully within its design parameters. At1 runs were controlled and monitored by iP2 licensed operators and witnessed by members from the Design Engineering and Systems Engineering Departments and Cummins Metropower person:;el All Entergy staff IS trained to observe negative trends and take required actions including entering Condition Reports in the Corrective Action Database. Any shutdown during the continuous or rehability rljns would be recorded as a failed test with the associated CR initiated to document the failed test. No CR's associated with the continuous runs or the reliability runs were i n it i a t ed ,

The SBO / Appendix R Diesel Generator Is required to operate for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> during an APpendix R fire event. A 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> run was not part of the overall acceptance testing required by the Post Modification Test Plan (PLITP) for EC5000033794. The 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> continuous run, the 20 one hour runs and the 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> prime rating run, cumulatively represents 46 hours5.324074e-4 days <br />0.0128 hours <br />7.60582e-5 weeks <br />1.7503e-5 months <br /> of operation of lrte SBG (I Appendix R Diesel Generator. As stated above, throughout the duration of these runs t h e engine and generator performed without incident, with no parameter threshold warnings ietxived and no snutdowns recorded. This is based on successful operation of the engine and ger:era!or within the warning and shutdown threshold data as documented in the attached reports Based on the successfu! operation of the SBO / Appendix R Diesel Generator for the duratlon of these tests within the monitored engine and generator parameters, and particularly dufiqg the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> continuous run at rated continuous load, it is reasonable to conclude that the l i n i : ;would be capable of operating continuously at rated continuous load for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

item 7 above IS the report of the engine protection settings currently programmed into

ii\d mo!%rored by !he PowerCommand 3200. The parameters are as follows:

.UP i_Loe Oil Pressiire HOT - Y i p Oil 7emperaturc 6/6/2008

CR-lP2-2008-02911 CA2 Operability Input SBO I Appendix R DG Testing LCL Low Cooiari: level


L C F io:v Coolant Pressure LCT - LOW Coolant Temperature hCT -- High Coolant Temperature h 5 F - H I Y Blowby

~ F~CW HFT - h g n Fuel Temperature E A F - High Aftercooler Temperature t i l T - High Inlet Temperature The parameters are probided wrth warning threshold and shutdown threshold as previously discussea Some thresholds are based on rated engine RPM which for this engine is 1800 RPM based on the Engine Specific Data Report (Item 1 above)

Item 8 is t h e generator protection settings programmed into the PowerCommand 3200 and corwolled by the Ampsentry module which is integral to the PowerCommand 3200.

1h e 4, load soecrfred In items 3 and 4 ISbased on the standby rating which is 2700kW.

Prepdrea By Eric J Ariders Joseph Raff Dale 6/6:08 W


June 05.2008


Parameter List Report

Capture Files\PCC 3200 fEiVTERCY QSK78 rev3 I 2 ~ ~ t Z O O d . ~ a p ~ M o n ~ ~ r \ A b o u ? l E n g i n e Parameter Name Vafw Cki&

Englnc Model Numbcr QSK7846 Engine Wing 2790 kWm @ 18fM WM Engine S e d Number 6630055s E..ngme CPL N w n h 8241 Engrnc Hour Offset 0.00000 hOurS En- Ruming T i m (ERT) 71 25201 hours

Parameter List Report i

Capiwe Fifes\PfX 3200 IENTERGY QSK78 rev3 I ~ M a r ~ ~ 0 8 . c u p ~ ~ . ~ u n ~ f ~ t t r l b o u l \ G e n s e l Parameter Nnmt VJbC L sits Consnxtion T_w. WYe Number of Phases Three Phase Nomnal Frequency 60 .ooo fiz WR2 Standby Genset Model Number 2700 DQLA Gawr Send Number BO5 K54 I470

(;enset: SpecificatLonNumber 0 Alternator Model Number 0 Alternator Serial Number 0 Genset Build Da% 0 I /3 1 !2W5 W D Y Y W Power Factor Rating (3-phiw) 0.80 Controller On Tim (COT) 413.1531 hours Total kwh Delivered 127462 kWb Apptimtion CVA Rating 3375 LVA Pagc i o f I

Jum 05.10118 Parameter List Report I d O H z k W H&togran Capture Files\PCC 3300 [ENTERGY QSK78 rev3 I Z ~ a r 2 0 0 8 . c a p J ~ o n i r o r t ~ ~ f o ~Standby Pimmcter hame VSfUt Unih 60% Standby kW Load Profile <Datafable>, 22,2 kW Load Range, Time sprnr in kW R a n g O-S'fo b a d , 2.667 6-10% h d . O.Oo0 11-15% Load,0.OOO 16-20% had, 0 . W 21 -25% h d , 0.017 26-30% Load, 0.067 31 -35% Load, 0.383 36-40% Load, 0.000 41 -45% Load, Q.W 46-50% Lwd, 0.017 5 I-SS% Load, 0.067 5 6 4 0 % Load, 0.050 61 -45% Load, O.OO0 66-70% Load, 0.1 17 71 -75% Load, 41.583

?6-800/0 Load, 10 Sh7 81 -85% Load, O.Oo0 R6-%% Load, O.OO0 91 -95% h a d , 0.OOO 96-100% b d . 0.0oO

.' 100% toad. 0 000

June 05,2008 Duty Cycle Report I

(-'iupture?Fiies\PCC 3200 [ENTERGY QSK78 rev3 Cf..Du@ Cycle Hisrogro rn

' i,oadwIw 91-1WA Load T h u Spent in Rnngc 57.4;


11-20% Load 4 "62 7 i-80% b a d 2 K7 S 140% h a d 1. i 2 2 1-30% h a d 1.18 0- 10% Load 0.02 3 140% Load 0.67 4 1-50?~0Load 0.62 6 1-70041h a d 0.08 8 1-90% toad 0.12

Jum 05,2008 Parameter List Report Capture FifeslPCC 3200 fENTERGY QSK78 rev3 I2.~~r200$.caplljWbnitor\H~tory\

Fuel Parameter kame Value I ails Cumulative Fuel C o n s u w o n 9025 47 gal Fuel Consumption Si,xe R e w 9025.17 @I Fuel Consumption Reset T i m COT o m hours Fuel Cornsumption Reset Time ERT 0 OOOOO burs C o ~ t r o lOn l ~ Time (COT) 413 1531 hours Engiinc Runrung Time (ERT) 71 25201 horn Page i of 1

Parameter List Report Parameter List Report dcgF dcgF seconds scc on ds f';igc I of 2

Parameter List Report PowetCommand 3200 Ampsentry Settings

- Time Delay Device i Function Settings Settings Notes 810 S k t i l 9 o w n + 3 OH2 10 seconds Over Frequency 8lU Shut 2 0 ~ 0 - 3 OHZ 10 seconds Under Frequency 5: :10% l o Seconds Over Voltage Undei Voltage 10 seconds AniPSentry Defabtt 60 seconds Ampsentry Default Reverse Power ( k W )

3 seconds Ampsentry Default 60 seconds I

1 Reverse 2VAR 20% 10 seconds Ampsentry Default Page 1 of 1

I REPORTABILITY CR-IP2-2008-02917 Reportability Version: 1 Report Number:

Report Code: NOT W-POKT'~ZBL..k Boilerplate Code:

Perforled BJ : Kokes,Ch;lrle\ B Reporta bility


Recorded cl.mdition does not meet reporting criteria of SMM-Li-108. Functionality requirements for the App R diesel are hprcified in TRO 3.d.B. The surveillance requirements delineated in TRS through 3.X.B.9 are met b j performance of their applicable surveillance test procedures. For the initial functionality dcclaracion, these requirements were all verified to he met during acceptance testing. This condition report describes apixirent record keeping deficiencies in the the post modification testing program which was performed under work order number 5 1297433 task 01, Formal affowance was made in the development of this testing plan ti, permit changes in content and acceptance criteria.

TRS 3.X.B.8 requires demonstration of the ability to line-up and pro\ide power from the App R diesel to the App R loads, SBO loads and unit 3 SBO loads. The bases for this surveillance requirement explicitly permits a combination o f tests and simulated actions. Portions of this SR were satisfied via simulation. Activities which were simulated during the acceprance testing program were doubled in time and s t i l l satisfkd the required rimes.

One hour time testing was completed and documented in the PMTP sections 5.13.6 and 5.13.7. Lmds were supplied to alternate safe shutdown loads in 45 minutes; to unit 2 SBO loads in 37 minutes and to unit 3 SBO loads in 22 minutes.

Comments contained in the work order page 58 and validated against the SOMS narrative log provide assurance that the 2 0 I hour reliakility runs were completed and that the 230OKw run and dead bus tests were in fact performed as required. In conclusion, the App R diesel is functional.

Entcw 1 ASSIGNMENTS I CR-IP2-2008-02917 r

Version: I Significance Code: 13 Classification Code: I.T-XCE CcZKB Owner Group: Operatic%\ \?.dtch Mgmt Performed By:



Per 6/9/08 CKG. bring ha& to 6/10/08 CRCi as k s u e ma, be CA? .A [JAR)



CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2008-02917 I CA ;rtlumtw: I Subperformed By:

Approved By:

6/5/2!X)X 16:23:06 Closed By: Raffaele,Joseph J Current Due Date: 06/06/2(X)8 Initial Due Date: 06/06/7008 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Procide additional operability input to address NRC concerns regarding SBO / APP R DG Test Runs.


See dttdched additional operahility input EJA 6/5/08 Subresponse :

Closure Comments:

s can be clowd I concui with the reiponse (conclusion) provded T b ~ CA Attachments:

Resp Dewription CR-IP2-2008-29 17 Oper Input

Attachment Header Document Name:

ntitled Document Location b m Attach Title;

-2008-29l7 Oper Input

CR-IP2-2008-02917 CAI 0pe rability Input SBO / Appendix R DG Testing T+wrxmr:ional demoxtration of operaoifity of :he SBO !Appendix R DG can be determwd by levcevt01 i ~ ecgine e generator parameters prugrammed into and controlied by the FowerCorrniand 3200 Digrtal Paralieiing Control The PowerCommand 3200 rs a microprocessor Sased generator set monitoring, metering and control system The control provides an oDerator r;ter!ace :a the genset. digital voltage regulation. digital governing and generator set protective furctions and automatic oaralteling functions Operation of tho engine or generator outside the programrred parameter values generates either a warning signal that is displayed on the control pane: screen or alttoma!icaliy in!tiates a controlled shutdown of the engine Attached rs a series of Parameter LIS! Reports inat are stored with,n the PowerCommand 3200 that are accessible by*or Cummim via a software oterface The attached reports include the following Engine Specific Data (Page 3)

Generator Specific Data (Page 4)

Load Profile by Percent Range with Time Operated in each load range (Page 5)

Duty Cycle Report with Time Spent in each Cycle (Page 6)

F9el Consumption Data (Page 7)

Power and Energy Report (Page 8)

Engine Protection Adjustment (Pages 9 and IO)

AmpSentry Settings (Page 11)

Tnese are the parameters that the PowerCommand 3200 uses to monitor and assess engine and generator performance during operation During the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> continuous run at rated continuous load (PMTP Item 45), the twenty monitored starts I 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> run at rated continuous load (PMTP Item 49) and the 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> continuous run at approximately prime rating (2335kW - 2435kW) 1PMTP Item 49) these were the parameters being monitored by the PowerCommand 3200 If any of the parameter programmed thresholds are approached a warning ts initiated on the PowerComrnand 3200 display and if any threshold is reached, an automatically controlled shutdown of the eqgine occurs Since no alarms or shutdowns occurred during operation, it is concluded that the engine / generator operated successfully within its desLgn parameters Any shutdown during the continuous or reliability runs would be recorded as a failed test with the associated CR initiated to document the failed test No CR's associated with the continuous runs or the reliabrirty runs were initiated Irem 7 aaove is :he report of the engine protection settings clirrently programmed into and monirored by the PowerCommand 3200. The parameters are as follows:

LOP - Lube Oil Pressure HGT -- High Oil Temperature LCL .- Low Coolant level LCP - Low Coolant Pressure LCT - Low Coolant Temperature HCT -- High Coolant Temperature HBF - High Blowby Flow I-1FT -- High Fljel Temperature HGT .- H!gli Aftercooler Temperature HIT HiCjh Inlet Temperature


h e parameters are provic'ed with "warfling !hreshold" and "shutdown threshold" as previously CiisCL;SSed Some thresholds are based on rated engine RPM which for this engine is 1800 RPM

iased on :ne Engipe Specific Data Report (Item ! above).
  • e.%) 8 ,5ihe yefierator protection settings programmed into the PowerCommand 3200 and cor'roiiea 9 y !'le Ampsentry module which is integral to the PowerCommand 3200

. _

Page of _Lf

CR-lP2-2008-02917 CAl Operability Input SBO I Appendix R DG Testing

%e :c !mc s;?ecified IC Items 3 avd 4 ISbased on ?he skandbv ra!ing whrch IS 2700kW

June 05,2008 Parameter List Report I

Capture FiYeslPCC 3200 [EXTERCY QSK 78 rm3 12Mar2008.cup~r~~ni~orl.i boultEngine Pinractcr hame Valut Iaits c

Engine Model Nurnber QSK78 4 6 Engine Rahng 2790 kWm@ 1800 RPM Engrne Send Number 66300555 Engine CPL Number 8241 Engine How offset 0 00000 hours Engiw Rulgung Time (ERT) 71 25201 hoUlS Page 1 of 1

June 05.2008 Parameter List Report Capture Files\PCC 3200 [ENTERGY QSK78 tev3 12Mar2008.eap~~onirortAbuu~Gens~t Barataetcttr SAme Valw Units Connection Type Wye Number o f Phases Three Phase Kominal Frequency 60 .Ooo wz Raring T w Standby censet Modcl Number 2700 DQLA Genset Wd Number BO5 K54 1470 Genset SpecificationX u m h 0 Alternator Model Number 0 Alternator send l.&.lmk 0 Genset Build Date 01/31/2005 . W D Y Y Y Y Power Factor Rating (3-phase) 0.80 Controller On Time (COT) 413 1531 hours Total kwh Delivered 127462 kWh Application kVh Rating 3375 kVA Page 1 of 1

June OS, 2008 Parameter List Report I

Capture FilcsslPCC 3200 [ENTERGY QSK'78 rev3 12Mar2008.~apl\;Noniior\H~iory160Hz Standby k W Histogran Pimm&r Name 1Rib, V8tW


6oHz Standby kW Load Profile .rDataTable>, 2 2 , 2 kW Load Range, Time spent in k W Range 0-5% h d , 2.667 6-1O% Lmd, O.OO0 11-15%toad,0.000 16-20% h a d , O.OO0 21-25% L~ad.0.017 26-30% Load, 0.067 3 1 -35% Load, 0.383 36.40% Load, 0.OOO 4 1 4 5 % Load, 0.000 46-50% h a d , 0.017 5 I-55% Load, 0.067 5 6 4 0 % Load, 0,050 61 -65% LO&, O.OO0 66-70% Load.0.117 7 1-75% Load, 41.583

' 7 6 4 0 % Load. 10.567 8 i -85% Load, 0.OW 8 6 4 0 % Load, 0.OOO 9 1 -95 % Load, 0.ooO

%-loo% Load, 0 000 100% Load, O.Oo0 Page I of I

Duty Cycle Report harure FiksIPCC 3200 (ENTERG Y QSK 78 rev3 I2Mar2008.cap~'Moni~ortHisiory\60 Hz Duty Cycle Histogram uiad b e g c T m e Spent in Range 91-10OY0Load 57.42 1 1-20%Load 4.62 7 1-80% Load 2.87 S 1-60% Laad L .72 2 I-30% Load 1.18 o-toa/o Load 0.02 3 1-40% Load 0.67 4 1-50"/0 Load 0.62 6 1-70% b a d 0.08 8 1-W% Load 0.12 Page 1 of 1

I June 05. ZOOS Parameter List Report Fuel Consumption Since Resrt 9025.47 Fuel Consumption Reset Time COT 0 .ooo Fuel Consumption Reset Time ERT 0.00000 Conmller on rime (COT) 413.1531 Engine Running Time (ERT} 7 I ,25201 Page 1 of 1

Jux 05,2008 Parameter List Report Capture Files\PCC 3200 [ENTERGY QSK?8 rev3 121Wur2008.cup~~onitorl~~~oryIPowcr and E n e r e I

PammcCer Name VIIBC I:a&  !

Total k W b Delivered 127462 kWh kVLh Since R w 127462 kWh k W 1 Reset Time (COT) OoooO hours kWh Reset Time (ERT) 000000 houm Co$mlte~ On Time (COT) 413 ~ 5 3 1 hours Engine Running Time (ERT) 71 25201 burs Page 1 of 1

Para ni et e r List Report degF degF monds scconds dcgF c!cgF tkgF

Parameter List Report PowerCommand 3200 Ampsentry Settirlgs Device I Time Delay Function Settings Settings Notes

3? i? Snut Dowr! .e 3 OHz 10 seconds Over Frequency 31 u S17ut D o w - 3 OH2 10 seconds Under Frequency 59 "I 10% 10 seconds Over Voltage Under Voltage 27 10 seconds Ampsentry Default C)ver!oad ,k'<'i) 105Cb(of 2 7 0 0 ~ W ) 60 seconds Ampsentry Default Reverse Power (kW) 32 10% 3 seconds Am?Sentrj Default S ) pchronize Fail lr'!amtng 60 seconds Reierse KVAR 20% 10 seconds Ampsentry Default Page 1 of 1

I I EntcVgy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2008-02917 CA Number: 2 Assigned By: Operilions Watch Staff Group

  • IJ Dewey Jr,Donald Name -

Asyigned To: Design Eng Elec Staff- .-Inderso11 X r ic Subassigned To :

Originated By: Kcller,Getrrge W Performed By: Xnder\ctn,Eric Subperformed By:


Closed By: Dewe) Jr.Donaid J 6/6/2008 16 20 os Current Due Date: 06/07/2008 Initial Due Date: 06/07/2(X)8 CA Type: OPERL\BIL.ITY INPUT Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Please provide operability input reguarding Appendix R diesels ability to perform 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> loaded run


See dttached Operability Input EJA 6/6/08.

Subresponse :

Closure Comments:

Concur with engineering response. Close CA.


Resp Description CR-IP2-2008-29 17 CA2 Oper Input

Attachment Header

-Document Name:

pntitled Document Location Resp Descripvon Attach Title:

jCR-IP2-2008-2917 CA2 0pi.r Input

CR-IP2-2008-02917 C A 2 Operability fnput SBO I Appendix R DG Testing The additional demonstration of operability of the SBO / Appendix R DG can be determined by review of the engine 1 generator parameters programmed into and controlled by the PoviverCommand 3200 Digital Paralleling Control. The PowerCommand 3200 is a

i:icroprocessoi based generator set monitoring, metering and control system. The control prov!des an operator interface to the genset. digital voltage regulation, digttal governing and generator set protective functions and automatic paralleling functions. Operation of the engine or generator outside the programmed parameter values generates either a warning signal that is displayed on the control panel screen or automatically initiates a controlted shutdown of the erigine. Attached is a series of Parameter List Reports that list the parameter data that is stored in the PowerCommand 3200 This data is accessible by the tiser or Cummins via a software icten'ace. The attached reports include the fdlowing:

1 En(;rne Specific Data (Page 3) 2 Generator Speciflc Data (Page 4 )

3 Load Profile by Percent Range with Time Operated in each load range (Page 5) 4 Duty Cycle Report with Time Spent in each Cycle (Page 6 )

5 Fuel Consumption Data (Page 7) 6 Power and Energy Report (Page 8) 7 Engine Protection Adjustment (Pages 9 and I O )

8 AmpSentry Settings (Page 11)

These are the parameters that the PowerCornmand 3200 uses to monitor and assess engine anc generator performance during operation. During the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> continuous run at rated continuous load (PMTP Item 45), the twenty monitored starts with 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> run at rated continuous load (PMTP Item 49) and the 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> continuous run at appfoximately prime rating (2335kW -

2435kW) (PMTP Item 49) these were the parameters being monitored by the PowerComrnand 3200. If any of the programmed parameter thresholds are approached a warning is initiated on the PowerCommand 3200 display and if any threshold is reached, a controlled shutdown of the engine occurs automatically. Since no alarms or shutdowns occurred during operation, it is concluded that the engine / generator operaied successfully within its design parameters. All runs were controlled and monitored by IP2 licensed operators and witnessed by members from the Design Engineering and Systems Engineering Departments and Cummins Metropower personnel. Ali Entergy staff is trained to ObS!We negative trends and take required actions including entering Condition Reports in the Corrective Action Database. Any shutdown during the continuous or reliability runs would be'recorded as a failed test with the associated CR initiated to document the failed test. No CR's associated with the continuous runs or the reliability runs were initiated.

The SI30 / Appendix R Diesel Generator is required to operate for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> during an Appendix R fire event. A 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> run was not part of the overall acceptance testing required by the Post Modification Test Plan (PMTP) for EC5000033794. The 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> continuous run, the 20 one holir runs and the 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> prime rating run, cumulatively represents 46 hours5.324074e-4 days <br />0.0128 hours <br />7.60582e-5 weeks <br />1.7503e-5 months <br /> of operation of the SBO Appendix R Diesel Generator. As stated above, throughout the duration of these runs the engine and generator performed without incident, with no parameter threshold warnings received arid no shutdowns recorded. This is based on successful operation of the engine and generator within the warning and shutdown threshold data as documented in the attached reports. Based on the successful operation of the SBO i Appendix R Diesel Generator for the duration of these tests within the monitored engine and generator parameters, and particularly Cui-ing the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> continuous run at rated continuous load, it is reasonable to conclude that the unit would be Capable of operating continuously at rated continuous load for 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

Item 7 above IS the report of the engine protection settings currently programmed into and monitored by the PowerCommand 3200. The parameters are as follows:

LOP . Lube Oil Pressure ti07 - High Oil Temperature 6/6/2008

CR-IP2-2008-02917 CA2 Operability Input SBO I Appendix R DG Testing LSL -- LOW Cooiant !eve1 LCP - Low Coolant Pressure LCT - Low Cmiant Temperature HCT -- High Coolant Temperattire HBF - Htgh i 3 l ~ ~ FIOW by HFT - !+IC$ Fuel Temperature HAT - t-itgh Aftercooler Temperature HIT - High tnlet Temperature The Darameters are prowded with "warning threshold" and "shutdown threshold" as previously disciissed Some thresholds are based on rated engine RPM which for this engine is 1800 RPM based on the Engtne Specific Data Report (item 1 above)

Item 8 IS the generator protection settings programmed into the PowerCommand 3200 and controlled by t h e Ampsentry module which is integral to the PowerCommand 3200.

Ti7e Yo load specified in lrems 3 and 4 ISbased on the standby rating which IS 2700kW.

Piepared By Eric J Anderson Joseph Raff Date 6/6/08 P a g e?r o f 4 6/6/2008

lune 05,2008 Parameter List Report Capture FilesWCC 3200 [ENTERGY QSK78 rev3 boutlEngine Parameter Name \aloe tinits Engine Model Number QSK 78 4 4 Engine Rmng 2790 kWm @ l8Ou RPM Engine Serial Number 663005 5 5 Engrne CPL Number 8241 Engine Hour Offset 0 .m hours Engiae Rumng Time (ERT) 71 25201 hours

Parameter List Report i.


_c Caplure Fifes\PCC 3200 {ENTERGY QSK78 rev3 12Mur2008.cap~~Monifurl4buuttGensaf Pnramrtcr Name Valur t-aits I__

Connection Trpe WYe Kurnbcr o f Phases Three Phase Nominal Ffeqocncy 60 .om Hz R a n g Tvpe Standby Genset Model ?%lmbQ. 2700 DQLA Gewet Send Number BO5 K54 1470 c;enset Specification Number 0 Alternator Model Number 0 Mtefnator serial Number 0 Genset BuiId Date 01!3112005 MMDDYYYY Power Factor Rating ( 3 - p k ) 0.80 Controller On Time (COT) 413 .I531 hQurj Total k w h Delivered 127462 kWh Application k V A Rating 3375 kVA Page i of 1

June 05,2008 Parameter List Report Capture Files\PCC 3200 [EiVTERGY QSK78 rev3 I2Mar2008,copJl~~nitorlNist~ry\60Hz Siandby k W Histogran Parameter hnme Vstuc Gaits 6 0 k Standby kW Load Profile <DataTable>, 2 2 , 2 kW Load Range, Time spew in kW Range 0-5% Load, 2 667 6-ION Load, 0 oocl tl-15%Load,O.000 16-20?6 Load, 0 000 21 -25% Load, 0 017 26-30% Load, 0.067 3 I -3S% Load,0.383 36-40% Load, 0.000 41 -45% Load, 0 OOO 46-50% h a d . 0 017 5 1-S5% Load, 0.067 S6-60% Load, 0.050 61 -65% Load, O.Oo0 66-70% h a d , 0.1 17 71 -75% Load, 41.583 7 6 4 0 % Load, 10 567 81 -85% Load, 0 OOO 86-90% h a d , 0 000 91 4 5 % Load, 3.OOO 96-1000,0 Load. 0 OOO

> 100% h a d , 0 0o0

June 05,2008 Duty Cycle Report I _

i! -apture FifeslPCC 3200 IEXTERGY QSK78 rev3 12Mar2008.cap/t~~niror\Hisrorq.160 Ht Duty Cycle Mistc,?ram

. I ~ ~ O g e Time Spent in Rmgc

_ I_

9 1- 1000/* 57.42 1 1-20?4 Load 4.62 7 I -SO% Load 2 87 5 14,0% L>ad 1.72 2 1-30% Load 1.18 0- 10% b a d 0.02 3 i-4030 Load 0.67 4 1-5Oo/n Load 0.62 6 1-7OOiO Load 0.08 8 I -90% Load 0.12 Iagc 1 of I

June 05.2008 Parameter List Report Capture FiiedPCC 3200 fENTERG Y QSK78 rev3 12~ar200$.ca~~onitor~lilistur~!FueI Parameter Namt VaIur Unrb Cumulative Fuel Consumptlon 9025 47 gal Fuel Consumption Since Reset 902s . 4 i gal Fuel Consumption Reset Time COT 0 0 hours Fuel Consumption Reset Time ERT OaK##) hours Controiier On Time (COT) 413.1531 h0WS Engine Running Time (EKT) 71 25201 hours

June 05,2008 Parameter List Report Page 1 of 1

Parameter List Report JC&F dcgF heconds seconds tic#

dcgF dcgF

Parameter List Report Pass 2 of 3

PowerCommand 3200 Ampsentry Settings Device I Time Delay Function Settings Settings Notes e10 Shtit Down + 3 OHz 10 seconds Over Frequency 8:U Shut DOWF - 3 OH2 10 seconds Under Frequency 59 7?O?4- 70 seconds Over Voltage Under Voitage 27 8 536 10 seconds AmpSentry Defauit Overioatl i k W j :05% (of 2700kW) 60 seconds Ampsentry Default Reverse Power jhW) 32  ? 0% 3 seconds Ampsentry Default Syxhronize Fail ':t'arning 60 seconds i Reverse ~ V A R 20010 10 seconds Ampsentry Default Page 1 of I