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State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses, Current Status and Next Steps
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs, Peach Bottom, Salem, Oconee, Saint Lucie, Grand Gulf, Sequoyah, Susquehanna, Surry, San Onofre, LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/28/2011
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Download: ML12024A376 (2)


State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses Current Status and Next Steps The preliminary results of the consequence assessment of the first two plants (Peach Bottom and Surry) will be available in mid September 2007 and communicated to the Commission TAs by end of September. At that time, we also need to communicate the schedule for the assessment of the rest of the plants in the initial scope of the project to the Commission; therefore we need to identify the rest of the pilot plants by mid September. The process we have embarked on for securing pilot plants has been long and arduous. We need to complete the process rather quickly. Below are the next steps and the proposed deadlines to support completing this effort.

Current Status

  • Peach Bottom and Surry volunteered - Assessments are ongoing for both plants.
  • Sequoyah agreed to participate - Conference call needs to be scheduled to discuss project details and schedule.
  • LaSalle declined to participate - Exelon claims that having volunteered Peach Bottom, Exelon was well represented.
  • Grand Gulf declined to participate - Entergy sees no benefit in participating, and they are going through a reorganization.
  • Calvert Cliffs - Cancelled the August 9, 2007 "initial contact" conference call.

They indicated that a letter dated August 7, 2007 from NEI to the Chief Nuclear Officers (CNO) advised licensees against participation in the project. Calvert Cliffs needs to be contacted to re-schedule the conference call or obtain a decision.

  • Susquehanna declined to participate - WHAT WAS THERE BASIS??
  • Oconee - "Initial contact" conference call held on August 14, 2007 to solicit their participation. Waiting for feedback (expected feedback on August 1 6 th).

Next Steps To complete the selection of plants for the initial scope of the SOARCA project, the following steps need to be completed by NRR and RES staff:

  • September 6, 2007 - Complete conference calls soliciting participation with the rest of the targeted plants (list was previously provided in the "Staff Interface with Licensee" document). NRR to arrange solicitation calls and the calls need to be completed by September 6, 2007, with the following plants:

San Onofree St Lucie Palisades ANO-1 Salem

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TMI-1 September 13, 2007 - Deadline for NRR to obtain feedback from all plants solicited on whether they will participate or not.

September 14, 2007 - RES and NRR staff meet to finalize the list of SOARCA pilot plants. Staff will address the potential situation where multiple sites from the same class grouping volunteer for the project. Staff will discuss the letters that should be written to all the plants informing them of their pilot status. RES will arrange the meeting.

Letters to plants that agreed to participate - Acknowledge their voluntary participation.

Letters to plants that declined but the staff has selected them anyway as a pilot - Inform them that the NRC is conducting the assessment on their plant using best available information.

Close out letters - Written to the pilot plants that were selected in 2006 but that are no longer included in the initial scope of plants.

Letters should be issued by NRR.

RES has started drafting these letters and will have them at the meeting.

  • September 14, 2007 - Meet with OPA to discuss Communications Plan (e.g., key messages, Q&As, any need for press release) for rolling out the complete list of pilot plants.
  • September 17, 2007 - Inform the OEDO and other internal stakeholders (SOARCA Steering Committee, Regional Offices, etc.) of the final list of initial scope of plants, the plan to continue with voluntary and non-voluntary participants, and the notifications to be made to the plants.

Suggest informing the Commission TAs via CA Note.

  • September 18, 2007 - Provide the draft letters notifying pilot plants selected for the initial scope of SOARCA to John Lubinski and John Monninger to start the NRR and RES management review/concurrence. Suggest NRR Office Director Signature.
  • September 19, 2007 - NRR and RES inform via teleconference the selected plants within the initial scope of project (includes those that volunteered as well as those that did not)
  • September 27, 2007 - NRR issues letters to pilot plants.