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Survey Unit Release Record EP-ROLB-102
Person / Time
Site: Plum Brook
Issue date: 10/22/2007
US National Aeronautics & Space Admin (NASA)
Download: ML080390439 (62)


Description Survey Unit Release Record Design # Survey Unit #(s) document constitute "Special Methods7' and the survey design used in the acquisition of survey measurements.

5) Instrument efficiency determinations are developed in accordance with the BSULVS-002, WEP 05-006, these determinations are appropriate for the types of radiation involved and the media being surveyed.

CS-0911 EP-ROLB- 102 ROLB- 1 02 1) Embedded Pipe (EP) Survey Unit ROLB-102 meets the definition of embedded pipe for Plum Brook Reactor Facility (PBRF). 2) EP ROLB- 102 is a Class 1, Group 4.2 survey unit as per the PBRF Final Status Survey Plan (FSSP) and Technical Basis Document (TBD)-06-004.

3) Surveys in EP ROLB-102 were performed using a scintillation detector optimized to measure gamma energies representative of Cs-137. Sample #EP 4-3 from Survey Request (SR)-13 was referenced for this decision.
4) Survey Instructions for this survey unit are incorporated into and performed in accordance with (JAW) the Babcock Services Incorporated (BSI)/LVS-002, Work Execution Package (WEP)05-006. Survey instructions described in this Revision # Original Page 1 of 3 Page 2 of 3 r FSS Design
  1. EP ROLB-102 Survey Unit: ROLB- 1 02 1.0 HistoryDescription 1.1 The subject pipe system is the floor drain system for the -15 ft elevation of the Reactor Office and Laboratory Building (ROLB). The purpose of this system is to convey water from the various floor drain openings to the ROLB sump located on the sump room on the -15 foot elevation of the ROLB. 1.2 EP ROLB-102 consists of approximately 343 feet of piping. The piping system includes 1.5", 3" and 4" ID piping. Survey Design Information 2.1 EP ROLB-102 was surveyed IAW Procedure
  1. BSI/LVS-002.

2.2 100% of the piping was accessible for survey. The accessible pipe was surveyed by static measurement at one foot increments, for a total of 343 survey measurements.

2.3 The total surface area for the piping system is approximately 288,580 cm2 (28.9 m2) for the entire length of (343') of piping. Survey Unit Measurement LocationsData 3.1 Pipe interior radiological survey forms are provided in Attachment 2 of this release record. Survey Unit Investigations/Results 4.1 None Data Assessment Results 5.1 Data assessment results are provided in the EPBuried Pipe (BP) Survey Report provided in Attachment

1. 5.2 All measurement results are less than the Derived Concentration Guideline Level (DCGL) for radionuclide specific EP that corresponds to the 1 rnrem/yr dose goal established in Table 3-3 of the FSSP.

5.3 When implementing the Unity Rule, provided in Section 3.6.3 of the FSSP, and applying the Nuclide Fraction (NF), provided in TBD-06-004, the survey unit that is constituted by EP ROLB-102 passes FSS.

5.4 Background was not subtracted from the survey measurements and the Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) was not employed for this survey unit. 5.5 Cs-137 is designated as the primary nuclide of concern for piping Group 4.2 per Technical Basis Document (TBD)-06-004, which would optimally lead to a survey design based on the direct measurement of Cs-137.

However, many of the survey measurements (all but the first five appearing in the spreadsheet) and the associated portion of dose assessment for ROLB 102 were calculated and appropriately scaled for - Revision # Original Statistical Parameter Minimum Documentation of evaluations pertaining to compliance with the unrestricted use limit of 25 mremlyr and dose contributions fkom Embedded Pipe and radionuclides contributing 10% in aggregate of the total dose for both structural scenarios and soils. 6.1 A review of the survey results has shown that the dose contribution for EP ROLB-102 to be less than 1 mredyr. The dose contribution is estimated to be 0.020 mremlyr based on the average of the actual gross counts.

Attachments Attachment 1 - BSI EPBP Survey Report Attachment 2 - Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Attachment 3 - DQA Worksheet Attachment 4 -Disc containing RR for EP ROLB-102 & Spreadsheet Page 3 of 3 FSS Design # EP ROLB- 102 Survey Unit: ROLB- 102 Piping Group 4.2 based on the direct measurement of (20-60. TBD-06-004 and the supporting sample analysis from Survey Request 13 were not approved or published at the time the ROLB 102 survey measurements were acquired. 5.6 Statistical Summary Table .- Revision # Original SECTION 7 ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE(S)

-, ..\ , - ,- BSI EPIBP SURVEY REPORT Plpe ID Survey Date Survey Time Plpe Size DCGL mnnnwclz)

Fleld BKG fm) See Attachment ACTIVITY VALUES NOT BACKGROUND CORRECTED RP Engineer I Date EP ROLB-I 02 311 6/M06 - W25/2006 See Attachment 1.5",3"&4" 3.79E+06 Survey Location 2350-1 # Detectorsled

  1. Detector Efiiclency


ROLB -15 el. 203488 See Attachment See Attachment See Attachment EP ROLB-102 1.5", 3" 4" Pipe TBD 06-004 Group 4.2 ?t C, C E" ' 3 a z 1 2. 3 4 5 ?t C, C P) E ' 3 0 I s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 gcpm 27 24 28 26 21 gcpm 10 9 10 10 10 17 5 17 13 10 10 8 7 10 9 17 8 11 7 Unity 0.030 0.027 0.031 0.029 0.023 Unity 0.017 0.015 0.017 0.01 7 0.017 0.029 0.008 0.029 0.022 0.017 0.017 0.014 0.01 2 0.017 0.01 5 0.029 0.01 4 0.01 9 0.012 ncpm 27 24 28 26 21 ncpm 10 9 10 t 0 10 17 5 17 13 10 10 8 7 10 9 17 8 11 7 Cs-137 activity (totaidpm) 103,846 92,308 107,692 100,000 80,769 Co80 activity (totaldpm) 22,222 20,000 22,222 22,222 22,222 37,778 11,111 37,778 28,889 22,222 22,222 17,778 15,556 22,222 20,000 37,778 17,778 24,444 15,556 Cs-137 actiiity (dpm/U*no) 28,464 25,302 29,519 27,410 22,139 Co4O activity (dpm1100anZ) 3,046 2,741 3,046 3,046 3,046 5,177 1,523 5,177 3,959 3,046 3,046 2,436 2,132 3,046 2,741 5,177 2,436 3,350 2,132 Co-0 activii (dpWlOOcm2) 5,381 4,784 5,581 5,182 4,186 Cs-137 actiiity (dpm1100anZ) 16,109 14,498 16,109 16,109 96,109 27,385 8,054 27,385 20,942 16,109 16,109 12,887 11,276 16,109 14,498 27,385 12,887 17,720 1 1,276 Eu-162 activity (dpdlMcml) - - - - - Cud62 activity @Qxn/lOOcmZ) - - - - - - - - . - - - - Eu-154 activity (dpm1lOOcm2) - - - Eu-164 activity (dpmllOOcm2) - - - - - - - - - Nb44 ectivity (dpntlIWcm2) - - - - Nb44 activity (dpm/IOOcm2) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ag activity MpNMOa4 - - - Ag-lO8m activity (dpm1100ar9) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EP ROLB-102 IS, 3" 4" Pipe TBD 06-004 Group 4.2 . -

  • w r E s D 5 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4 1 42 43 44 - 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 gcpm 21 12 11 10 12 17 5 15 22 14 11 12 10 10 18 10 9 9 13 22 10 13 6 6 7 9 10 8 9 12 9 ncpm 21 12 11 10 12 17 5 15 22 14 11 12 10 10 18 10 9 Q 13 22 10 13 6 6 7 9 10 8 9 12 9 Ag-lO8m activity (dpm1100an2) - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Co-60 activity (total dpm) 46,667 26,667 24,444 22,222 26,667 37,778 11,111 33,333 48,889 31,111 24,444 26,667 22,222 22,222 40,000 22,222 20,000 20,000 28,889 48,889 --- 33,333 43,333 20,000 20,000 23,333 30,000 33,333 26,667 30,000 40,000 30,000 Unity 0.035 0.020 0.019 0.017 0.020 0.029 0.008 0.025 0.037 0.024 0.01 9 0.020 0.017 0.017 0.030 0.017 0.015 0.01 5 0.022 0.037 0.025 0.033 0.01 5 0.01 5 0.018 0.023 0.025 0.020 0.023 0.030 0.023 CdO activity (dpnJ100cm2) 6,396 3,655 3,350 3,046 3,655 5,177 1,523 4,568 6,700 4,264 3,350 3,655 3,046 3,046 5,482 3,046 2,741 2,741 3,959 6,700 4,568 5,939 2,741 2,741 3,198 4,112 4,568 3,655 4,112 5,482 4,112 Cs-137 activity (dpm11Wcm2) 33,829 19,331 17,720 16,109 19,331 27,385 8,054 24,163 35,440 22,552 17,720 19,331 16,109 16,109 28,996 16,109 14,498 14,498 20,942 35,440 24,163 31,412 14,498 1 4,498 16,914 21,747 24,163 19,331 21,747 28,996 21,747 Eu-162 actlvity (dpm1100cm2) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Eu-I64 activity (dpmMOOcm2) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nb-84 acthrity (dpm11OOcm2) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EP ROLB-102 1.5", 3" 4" Pipe TBO 06-004 Group 4.2 a2 C, C t! g! 3 f IE 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 , 86 5 9 9 5 10 8 9 12 13 12 5 15 9 6 9 8 13 13 8 13 7 9 8 4 17 9 5 8 9 16 5 ncpm 5 9 9 5 10 8 9 12 13 12 5 15 9 6 9 8 13 13 8 13 7 9 8 4 17 9 5 8 9 16 5 Co-80 activity (totaldpm) 16,667 30,000 30,000 16,667 33,333 26,667 30,000 40,000 43,333 40,000 16,667 50,000 30,000 20,000 30,000 26,667 43,333 43,333 26,667 43,333 23,333 30,000 26,667 13,333 56,667 30,000 16,867 26,667 30,000 53,333 16,667 Agl08m activlty (dpm1100cm2) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unity 0.013 0.023 0.023 0.01 3 0.025 0.020 0.023 0.030 0.033 0.030 0.013 0.038 0.023 0.015 0.023 0.020 0.033 0.033 0.020 0.033 0.018 0.023 0.020 0.010 0.043 0.023 0.01 3 0.020 0.023 0.041 0.013 CoSO activity (dpm1100cm2) 2,284 4,t12 4,112 2,284 4,568 3,655 4,112 5,482 5,939 5,482 2,284 6,853 4,112 2,741 4,112 3,655 5,939 5,939 3,655 5,939 3,198 4,112 3,655 1,827 7,766 4,112 2,284 3,655 4,112 7,309 2,284 Cs-197 activity (dpmlIOOcm2) 12,082 21,747 21,747 12,082 24,163 19,331 21,747 28,996 31,412 28,996 12,082 36,245 21,747 14,498 21,747 19,331 31,412 31,412 19,331 31,412 16,914 21,747 19,331 9,665 41,078 21,747 12,082 19,331 21,747 38,661 12,082 Eu-I62 activlty (dpnlIOOcm2) - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - Eu-I64 activlty (d~lB0crr9) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nb-84 activii (dpmMBOcm2) - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EP ROLB-102 1.5", 3" 4" Pipe TBD 06-004 Group 4.2

  • E f! 2 3 D z 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 1 04 105 106 107 108 109 110 11 1 112 113 114 115 116 117 wpm 6 6 8 7 13 18 11 9 10 7 8 12 14 10 11 11 8 9 6 8 8 5 7 11 8 8 14 6 7 8 6 ncpm 6 6 8 7 13 18 11 9 10 7 8 12 14 10 -- 11 11 8 9 6 8 8 5 7 11 8 8 14 6 7 8 6 Unity 0.01 5 0.015 0.020 0.018 0.033 0.046 0.028 0.023 0.025 0.01 8 0.020 0.030 0.035 0.025 0.028 0.028 0.020 0.023 0.01 5 0.020 0.020 0.013 0.01 8 0.028 0.020 0.020 0.035 0.01 5 0.018 0.020 0.01 5 Co-60 acttvity (totaldpn) 20,000 20,000 26,667 23,333 43,333 60,000 36,667 30,000 33,333 23,333 26,667 40,000 46,667 33,333 -- 36,667 36,667 26,667 30,000 20,000 26,667 26,667 16,667 23,333 36,667 26,667 26,667 46,667 20,000 23,333 26,667 20,000 Co-60 activity (dpm1100cn9) 2,741 2,741 3,655 3,198 5,939 8,223 5,025 4,112 4,568 3,198 3,655 5,482 6,396 4,568 5,025 5,025 3,655 4,112 2,741 3,655 3,655 2,284 3,198 5,025 3,655 3,655 6,396 2,741 3,198 3,655 2,741 Cs-137 activity (dpmll00arrl) 1 4,498 14,498 19,331 16,914 31,412 43,494 26,580 21,747 24,163 16,914 19,331 28,996 33,829 24,163 26,580 26,580 19,331 21,747 14,498 19,331 19,331 12,082 16,914 26,580 19,331 19,331 33,829 14,498 16,914 19,331 14,498 Eu-162 activity (dpnlldQard) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Eu-I54 activity (dpnl1Oband) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nb-94 actlvity (dpnlloonrd) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ag-108m activity (dpmM0Ocml) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EP ROLB-102 1.5", 3" 4" Pipe TBD 06-004 Group 4.2 St C, E t 0 3E 181 182 183 1 84 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 1 92 1 93 1 94 1 95 1 96 197 198 1 99 200 201 202 203 204 205 gCpm 2 4 7 4 4 5 5 6 5 3 5 6 5 3 2 5 2 0 8 4 4 4 5 6 3 ncpm 2 4 7 4 4 5 5 6 5 3 5 6 5 3 2 5 2 6 8 4 4 4 5 6 3 Co-60 activity (Id) 10,000 20,000 35,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 30,000 25,000 15,000 25,000 30,000 25,000 15,000 10,000 25,000 10,000 30,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 15,000 NbM activity (dpNlOOm2) - - - - - - - - Co80 aetivity (dpmllOOm2) 1,028 2,056 3,598 2,056 2,056 2,570 2,570 3,084 2,570 1,542 2,570 3,084 2,570 1,542 1,028 2,570 1,028 3,084 4,112 2,056 2,056 2,056 2,570 3,084 1,542 Ag-108111 activity (d~10~2) - - . - - - - - - - - - - Cs-137 activity (dpml10OQn2) 5,437 10,874 19,029 10,874 10,874 13,592 13,592 16,310 13,592 8,155 13,592 16,310 13,592 8,155 5,437 13,592 5,437 16,310 21,747 10,874 10,874 10,874 13,592 16,310 8,155 Unity 0.006 0.01 1 0.020 0.01 1 0.01 1 0.014 0.01 4 0.017 0.014 0.009 0.014 0.01 7 0.014 0.009 0.006 0.014 0.006, 0.01 7 0.023 0.01 1 0.01 1 0.01 1 0.014 0.017 0.009 Eu-152 activity (d~IOOcm2) - - - - - - - - - - Eu-I64 activity (dpNlOOcm2) - -

EP ROLB-102 1.5"' 3" 4" Pipe TBD 06-004 Group 4.2 $): E g 3 5 5 21 2 21 3 21 4 21 5 21 6 21 7 21 8 21 9 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 gcpm 9 4 0 6 2 6 3 4 3 3 5 3 3 2 5 8 8 6 5 6 7 5 4 5 4 11 6 5 6 7 4 ncPm 9 4 6 6 2 6 3 4 3 3 5 3 3 2 5 8 8 6 5 6 7 5 4 5 4 11 6 5 6 7 4 C040 activity (trndpm) 45,000 20,000 30,000 30,000 10,000 30,000 15,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 25,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 25,000 40,000 40,000 30,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 25,000 20,000 25,000 20,000 55,000 30,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 20,000 Co-80 acthrity (dpml1M) 4,625 2,056 3,084 3,084 1,028 3,084 1,542 2,056 1,542 1,542 2,570 1,542 1,542 1,028 2,570 4,112 4,112 3,084 2,570 3,084 3,598 2,570 2,056 2,570 2,056 5,653 3,084 2,570 3,084 3,598 2,056 Cs-137 sctivlty (dpml1W) 24,465 10,874 16,310 16,310 5,437 16,310 8,155 10,874 8,155 8,155 13,592 8,155 8,155 5,437 13,592 21,747 21,747 16,310 13,592 16,310 19,029 13,592 10,874 13,592 10,874 29,902 16,310 13,592 16,310 19,029 10,874 Eu462 activlty (d~lOOc~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Eu-164 actlvity (-I-) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nb-94 acthfity (dpml1loOnd) - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ag activity (d,,mdl(0a0) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unity 0.026 0.01 1 0.017.

0.017 0.006 0.01 7 0.009 0.01 1 0.009 0.009 0.014 0.009 0.009 0.006 0.014 0.023 0.023 0.017 0.014 0.01 7 0.020 0.014 0.01 1 0.014 0.01 1 0.031 0.017 0.014 0.017 0.020 0.01 1 EP ROLB-102 1.5", 3" 4" Pipe TBD 06-004 Group 4.2

  • u c g ' s 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 25 1 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 gcpm 3 9 5 14 8 6 6 8 7 5 6 7 6 6 7 8 5 6 7 5 ncpm 3 9 5 14 8 6 6 8 7 5 6 7 6 6 7 8 5 6 7 5 C0-60 activity (totaldpm) 15,000 45,000 25,000 70,000 40,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 35,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 30,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 25,000 CosO activity (,pmtlOlhm2) 1,542 4,625 2,570 7,195 4,112 3,084 3,084 4,112 3,598 2,570 3,084 3,598 3,084 3,084 3,598 4,112 2,570 3,084 3,598 2,570 Ce137 activity (dpWlOOcm2) 8,155 24,465 13,592 38,057 21,747 16,310 16,310 21,747 19,029 13,592 16,310 19,029 16,310 16,310 19,029 21,747 13,592 16,310 19,029 13,592 Eu-162 activity (dpn1'100#rd) - - - - - - - - - - - - EM-164 activity (dpnMOOm2) - - - - Nb44 acthfity (dpnMOOcm2) - - - - - - - - - - - Ag activity (dpn1100cmP) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unity I 0.009 0.026 0.014 0.040 0.023 0.01 7 0.01 7 - 0.023 0.020 0.014 0.01 7 0.020 0.01 7 0.017 0.020 0.023 0.014 0.01 7 0.020 0.01 4 EP ROLB-I02 M", 3" 4" Pipe TBD 06-004 Group 4.2 , St IC, e 3 H 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 gcpm 10 17 14 13 11 21 18 18 10 16 9 13 13 16 17 4 5 7 7 6 3 5 5 4 2 ncpm 10 17 14 13 11 21 18 18 10 16 9 13 13. 16 17 4 5 7 7 6 3 5 5 4 2 Co4Oactivity (totaid,)

19,231 32,692 26,923 25,000 21,154 40,385 34,615 34,615 19,231 30,769 17,308 25100 25,000 30,769 32,692 20,000 25,000 35,000 35,000 30,000 15,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 10,000 Co4OrtMy (dpm/Wcm2) 1,977 3,360 2,767 2,570 2,174 4,151 3,558 3,558 1,977 3,163 1,779 2,570 2,570 3,163 3,360 2,056 2,570 3,598 3,598 3,084 1,542 2,570 2,570 2,056 1,028 Cs-137 activity (dpm1100an?)

10,455 17,774 14,637 13,592 11,501 21,956 18,820 18,820 10,455 16,728 9,410 13,592 13,592 16,728 17,774 10,874 13,592 19,029 19,029 16,310 8,155 13,592 13,592 10,874 5,437 Eu-162 actMty (dpm1100cm2) - - - - - - - - - - - Eu-I54 adivity (dpnJIOOcm2) - - - - - - - - - - - Nb-84 actMy (dWIWcn9) - - - - - - - - - Ag-10hactMly (dpnJlOOcm2) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unny 0.01 1 0.01 9 0.015 0.014 0.01 2 0.023 0.020 0.020 0.01 1 0.018 0.01 0 0.044 0.014 0.018 0.01 9 0.01 1 0.01 4 0.020 0.020 0.017 0.009 0.014 0.014 0.01 1' 0.006 EP ROLB-102 1.5"' 3" 4" Pipe TBD 06-004 Group 4.2 , '

  • E E e! 3 0 I 305 306 307 308 309 310 31 1 312 31 3 31 4 325 316 317 318 31 9 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 - 330 331 332 333 334 335 gcpm 4 10 5 4 9 11 4 8 6 8 11 11 12 10 8 12 8 8 16 10 12 5 10 8 12 10 8 9 13 11 11 ncpm 4 10 5 4 9 11 4 8 6 8 11 11 12 10 8 12 8 8 16 10 12 5 10 8 12 - 10 8 9 13 11 11 CdiO adivity I d) 20,000 50,000 25,000 20,000 45,000 55,000 20,000 40,000 30,000 40,000 55,000 55,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 60,000 40,000 40,000 80,000 50,000 60,000 25,000 50,000 40,000 60,000 -- - - 50,000 40,000 45,000 65,000 55,000 55,000 Unity 0.011 0.029 0.014 0.01 1 0.026 0.031 0.01 1 0.023 0.01 7 0.023 0.031 0.031 0.034 0.029 0.023 0.034 0.023 0.023 0.048 0.029 0.034 0.014 0.029 0.023 0.034 0.028 0.023 0.026 0.037 - 0.031 0.031 Co-80 activity (dpm1100cm2) 2,056 5,139 2,570 2,056 4,625 5,653 2,056 4,112 3,084 4,112 5,653 5,653 6,167 5,139 4,112 6,167 4,112 4,112 8,223 5,139 6,167 2,570 5,139 4,112 6,167 -- - - 5,139 4,112 4,625 6,681 5,653 5,653 Eu-154 activity (dpmlf Oh2) - - Cs-137 activity (dpn1100cm2) 10,874 27,184 13,592 10,874 24,465 29,902 10,874 21,747 16,310 21,747 29,902 29,902 32,621 27,184 21,747 32,621 21,747 21,747 43,494 27,184 32,621 13,592 27,184 21,747 32,621 27,184 21,747 24,465 35,339 29,902 29,902 Nb-W actlvity (dpmll0Bem2) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Eu-I52 activity (dpn1160cm2) - - - - - - - - - Ag-108m activity (dpm1100cm2) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EP ROLB-102 I .5", 3" 4" Pipe TBD 06-004 Group 4.2

  • E !! 3 D Z 336 337 338 339 340 34 1 342 343 gcpm 10 10 11 8 4 8 3 11 - ncpm 10 10 11 8 4 8 3 11 Co40 activity (totaldpm) 50,000 50,000 55,000 40,000 20,000 40,000 15,000 55,000 - - CoSO activity (dpm1100d) 5,139 5,139 5,653 4,112 2,056 4,112 1,542 5,653 - ~ Cs-137 activity (dpnJIOOcm2) 27,184 27,184 29,902 21,747 10,874 21,747 8,155 29,902 - -- Eu-162 activity (dpm1100cm2) - - - - Eu-I64 activity (dpmMOOcm2) - - Ag-108m activity (dpmlIOOcm2) - - - - - - MEAN MEDIAN STD DEV MAX MIN Nb-84 activity (dpmllOOcm2) - - 0.029 0.029 0.031 0.023 0.01 1 0.023 0.009 0.031 0.020 0.01 9 0.008 0.046 0.003 Detector Info Attachment Survey Date 8/25/2006 312 1/2006 3/28/2006 Survey Time(s) 8:14 8:OO 10: 1 511 3:35 08:00/08:401 10:40 13:15 12:50 10:20 11:oo 12:40 Detector ID# I Sled ID# 44-1 59 #238369 1 no sled Bicron 1 MG1 LVS-1 I no sled 44-1 59 #238369 1 121 44-1 59 #238369 1 101 44-1 59 #238369 / 101 Bicron 1MG1 LVS-1 1101 44-1 59 #238369 / 101 44-159 #238369 / 101 Instrument (2350 ID#) Field Background (CPM) 41.5 20.0 10.3 12.6 9.9 12.9 20.0 20.0 10.3 Field MDCR (CPM) 25.2 18.4 14.0 15.2 13.8 15.3 18.4 18.4 14.0 Nominal MDC (dpd100 cmA2) 4947 2399 4900 4900 4049 4049 1557 4049 4049 Pipe Diameter (inches) 1.5 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 Pipe Area Incorporated by Detector Efficiency (in cm2) 365 730 730 730 973 973 973 973 973 Efficiency 0.00026 0.00045 0.0003 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 0.00052 0.0002 0.0002 SECTION 7 ATTACHMENT 2 39 PAGE(S)

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Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form ate: %/2 </o 6 Time: . . OW[+ Y I . . Pipe ID#: ']tor. - 02 Pipe ~iameter:

1-5 &- Access Point Area: /2&. [3 - 1 5 ' Building:

Rd~3 Elevation:

-/SL System: . D~fi1.d Type of Survey Investigation Characterization Final Survey '~Mhrr V Gross C06O ' . Cs W . !i- d+-./S4 23K364 Nb S&iZi) . . Detector ID# / Sled ID# I.. ' Detector Cal Date: Detector Cal Due Date:


23 >S3-.! Instrument ID #: / %0/07'< Instrument Cal Date: 3// T/O L Instrument Cal Due Date:

3/1~/07 From the Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form for the Selected Detector Background Value

' 41. < cpm MDCKtatic 25.,?. cpm Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter 0.0 0 0 0 (firom detector efficiency determination)

L)~G? dpm/ \vD MDCstatic cm2 , Is the MDCsbtic acceptable?

NO (if no, adjust sample count time and recalculate MDCRswic)

Technician Signature Pipe Interior Radiological Survey . . REFERENCE COPY 'z ,Package Page 1 of Astachment 3, Page 1

. - lpd,- BSYLVSPipeCrawler-002

'--""I Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form 3dz/"D& Time: BFc 6 Date: Pipe ID#: 'x@c;8 /d Z Pipe Diameter:

3 " Access Point Area:

bPo& /p;- p~ A F Building:

FbJ~l3 Elevation:

-/f System: --IS I DRA ,'d s Type of Survey Investigation Characterization Final Survey )( Other J Gross C06O J Cs Detector ID# / Sled ID# 21 C-~P / iVf &/ I 6dS4/ /O /--5~b C Detector Cal Date:

ZU -hi -r3 Detector Cal Due Date:

z,&- D-ZL--~ Q \ Instrument:

933P -/ Instrument ID #: ad34 P'P Instrument Cal Date: / 3 d~bu '& 5 Instnunent Cal Due Date: tqc NOU -06 From the Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Fonn for the Selected Detector

~ - Background Value

' cpm MDCRstatic cpm Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter 0 000& (fiom detector efficiency determination)

MDCstatic -t34 9 d~m/ I g~;> cm2 Is the MDCstatic acceptable?

No (if no, adjust sample count time and recalculate MDCQhkj Comments:

I> a d ruk. J r j Technician Signature Pipe Interior Radiological Survey 1 REFERENCE COPY I Package Page 1 of 2 Attachment 3, Page I Pipe Interior ~adiolo~ical Survey Form (Continuation Form) Date: Pipe ID#: Building:

Pipe Diameter:


W' . . . . w?b.<..---~SI/LVSPipeCrawler-oo2 Revision 4 JPRf3us bmf'9 - Access Point Area:

sr~ &P System: -if FL SnfiruJ 3 Package Page - of - ...,--. Attachment 3, Page 2 . .


--- -- Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Date: , 3 -2r.-, 6 Time: /B 15- /' Pipe ID#: $0~ 101. HS/ &/Pipe Diameter: Access Point Area: - &S-/+' ' Building:

xub& Elevation: - / 5 System: -&- bk&,il 2( o~er Type of Survey Investigation Characterization Final Survey Gross C06O 4 Cs Detector ID# / Sled ID# v-/* 253 3bqi /2 / Detector Cal Date: 6-flM- P1* Detector Cal Due Date: O-fl&e-b7 Instrument:

3g50- / .Instrument ID #: 2d3, V 8-T . Instrument Cal Date: / - Instrument Cal Due Date:

/T- N&CJ-c)& From the Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form for the Selected Detector Background Value

1. 3 cpm MDCRstatic

/4 c~m Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter 0. QO~ (fiom detector efficiency determination)

MDCstafic 1 l/qb~ dpd 1O-W cm2 Is the'MDCSutic acbeptable?

NO (if no, adjust sample count time Ad recalculate MDCKhtiC)

Comments : C!fl/rc3a~12rc-'

'?&~'le~ w Technician Signature Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Package Page 1 of 3 Attachment 3, Page 1 SIIL-VSPipeGrawler-002;kw I .... . -9 Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form (Continuation Form) Date: 3 42~9 '8 6 Pipe ID#: -)$Pipe Diameter:

3 Access Point Area: '15 JJS - /L/ Building:

jG! L3 Elevation: - System: . 4%- b&e,>i package Page of 3 Attachment 3, Page 2

" - -. A.- - ---BSWSPipZGraWleTOO2--

Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Date: 3 0 6 Time: /3 2s- /I Pipe ID#: RPL-5 /P? N,f-/G Pipe Diameter:

Access Point Area: . -1 5 )# S-/ la Building:

RdtA Elevation: - i '-C System: ht3ro+.+-~&a;, I ~ype of Survey Investigation Characterization Final~urve~X other V Gross ' C06O ./ Cs Detector ID# I Sled ID# c/J .. 1 ~?2 / J883Lf' / or/ b' . Detector Cal Date: &- /l?r4/L-d/, Detector Cal Due Date: pllWfl 0 7 Insbxnent

2 350 .- / Instrument ID #:' 2~34~ s . Instrument Cal Date: /? d/0dJ/t3 5 Instrument Cal Due Date: /7- Mod- 86 From the ~ail~'~i~e Survey Detector Control Form for the Selected Detector Background Value 3 ' cpm MDC%ktic / CP~ Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter 0,0003 (fiom detector efficiency determination) 4qt70- dpml '100 mcstatic cm2 Is the MDCshtic acceptable?

a No (if no, adjust sample count time and recalculate MDCkktic) comments:

-- /dm-+ Y &'TI 'oh-' Technician Signature Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Package Page 1 of 3 Attachment 3, Page 1

-.-- - - '-7' -_.& ---- - -- BSULVSPipeGkawler-002-Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form (Continuation Form) Date: 3-aB-0 G Pipe ID#: 3 dbfi t 02 &' i b Pipe Diameter:

3 " 3 Access Point Area: - + S $- / C Building:

paw3 Elevation: -is System: 10 z FLI 3wrLd3 Package Page & of REFERENCECOP - -Attachment 3, Page 2

-UC'T C: j-[z- KC-*-.= 9. gzl'bw SWM'~- i)lQlH<. .$ Ij:?.c5 ...- . . . _ _.._ ._ -. __ ..- + .... - --.. .-.?. --. ' CRAWL' SPAACE -.-- -. '* "I,:' OPAl %.j LlV G3 -ro A.C. UUI r 3rr.I? 3A*:

'.- . .- . . .- - '7' U,*.. \ ... * .....&,.v r.r.*";;l.;*.,.'d~. ".,..." -,+d.*Yi>,".:

... .*.. .*.A. r ;.b,<"ll.n:..rl

.-. P

,.*;*.L. ,,...., >b.* .. . , .*.*r.i..r...;".. . ... --i~~~~~ipe~rawle~~02 . Revision 4 'Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Date: 3-27,' o 4 Time: O&='O 0 //.-/I, /jS- /rt, &-I3 Pipe Dl#: xrt~6 I Pz- Pipe Diameter:

Access Point Area: ',+$-/>5 m-/? 1 ( Builhng : '720~3 Elevation: - System: 3~ 4%. Ih~t-hl Type of Survey Investigation Characterization Final Survey

)( 0th;: I Gross C06O Cs Detector ID# I Sled ID# d+-/r4 /2~83& 9 1 l zf Detector Cal Date: '4 P~,+L/ & Detector Cal Due Date: &- me, 07 Instrument:

233% .--I' Instrument ID #: *a+ ff Instrument Cal Date: / 7 - *( - LJ 5 Instrument Cal Due Date: /7.-de+ - 06 From the Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form for the Selected Detector Background Value /a 46 cpm MDCKtatic

/5: C;; a cpm Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter 0 0003 (fiom detector efficiency determination)

MDC,tatic 4 990 dpd LOP cm2 Is the MDCShti, acceptable?

@ No , (if no, adjust sample count time and recalculate.

MDCK.3 Comments:

Technician Signature - Pipe Interior Radiological Survey REFERENCE COPY 0 Package Page 1 of 3 Attachment 3, Page 1 1 - . ,. .. -. . . .. . -\ 14 r-v...:.:.


... ..... .. "?. . . . :-.. .. .--. w..-..* iiLlvr.**

..&. W;:..~~~~.-W"..I...I...Ly.y...+

<:,,... .*-..y..T-

  • ..;..; ..,,. *./ BSIWSPipeCrawler-002.
. ... Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Porm (Continuation Porm) Date: 29- C((, PipeD#: ~91 a 10.2 Pipe Diameter:

3 " Access Point Area: Building:

6~t) a Elevation:

-/ r System: es~h FL . o r d Package Page 2 of 2 REFERENCE COPY Attachment 3, Page 2

L J -*.c---..-.'.-



--"'+ Revision 4 dpe Interior Radiological Survey Form Date: 3 .24-a@ Time: &R" I Pipe ID#: goa 109 HS-1.I Pipe Diameter:

Access Point Area:

flJ ( Building:

Rod3 Elevation:

i.T System: 8 0& / PZ ft . 3b+1;3 Type of Survey Investigation Characterization Final Survey Other / Gross C06O - J cs Detector ID# / Sled ID# qeb-4 / $38 $6 1 '. IF/ Detector Cal Date: fl ' @ & Detector Cal Due Date: /D r, 87 Instrument:

23% -( Instrument ID #: ,2634 f'tY Instrument Cal Date: /7 /N@drP.5' Instnunent Cal Due Date: /7 -p-JodHO G From the Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form for the Selected Detector Background Value 12 L cpm MDCRstatic

/s'J CPm Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter 0.0003 (from detector efficiency determination)

MDCstatic 4 q OD dpm/ Ici) an 2 Is the MDCskk acceptable?

a NO (if no, adjust sample count time and recalculate MDC&,atic)


fi~~&n'M 5 &A- u I)/ Technician Signature Pipe Interior Radiological Survey REFERENCECOPY cIz!l Package Page 1 of 3 Attachment 3, Page 1 4 ...*-...-___a-- . P. . - --- BSIXVSPipeCrawler-002 a - Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Suryey Form (Continuation Form) Date: Pipe ID#: Building:

~ccess Point Area: 'k~ 1 System:-/~,??m&

/B z f~ . ~I*~UJ REFERENCECOPY 0 Package Page 2 of Attachent 3, Page 2


--z"-- Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Date: &JpO b Time: d r% Pipe ID#: xBa ) or h'S-dd Pipe Diameter:

3" Access Point Area: JfS4= PO tfi Elevation: . ' Building:

System: -Is& @ 4%. DkA ,'d . lo? Type of Survey Investigation Char cterization J" Final Survey [x Other J Gxiss C06O Cs Detector ID# '/ Sled ID# c/y- 1.9 /23b3&4 1 13 / Detector Cal Date: . 6 #@ - B t Detector Cal Due Date: 6,.MA+t.67 Instrument:

$320 - I Instrument ID #: 903cl69' Instrument Cal Date: f 7 - fib + 0,- Instrument Cal Due ~ite: ,7-flddi.d~ . .. From the Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form for the Selected Detector Background Value


  • 6 cpm fi7 3 cpm ?/IDC&tatiC Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter o 0-3 (fiom detector efficiency determination) mcstatic 4q a0 cm2 'Is the MDCstatic acceptable? (if no, adjust sample count time arid recalculate MDC&,&) Comments : Techcian Signature Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Package Page 1 of A REFERENCECOP Attachment 3, Page 1

... .. . , , . . . , . , . * . . . . . . . .. . , - . .-----..-

.. -BsI/JvsP~~<C~~~~&~()()~

,'.-,. . . ...-.. . ,-... - . ... -.. .- ' .? Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form (Continuation Form) '. . Date: 3029)~h Pipe ID#: BOM ~CP ?-s- Z-0 Pipe Diameter,:

3 Access Point Area: fjs., 2, Building:

%a& Elevation:

--IF System: -15 f~. 3~+,jl Package Page & off Attachment 3, Page 2

. *-a' CI^CII--..-I.-C. . --*--mC --I, - ...------.

"-"-"-- " --, -- --IC ___.. --- -- -. ,. --BSIlLVSPipeCrawler-002 Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Date: 3-99 I.& Time: /b yd . . Pipe ID#: 170Ld 10 2 tk rz/~ipe Diameter:

3 " C Access point Area: ' h%.' 2-1 Building:

Xdcb Elevation:

G~ I 5 System: jbc~ 1 sz, TL . Other J *A'-, 4 Type of Survey Investigation Characterization Final Survey Gross C06O ,/ Cs , Detector Cal Date: J fl& U b Detector Cal Due Date:

d .f~~/aa7 Instrument:

,933 / . Instrument ID #: ,303yrK InstrumentCalDate:

/7 r )34didj Instrument Cal Due Date:

,7 .. WOV

  • er C I From th&~ail~,pipe Survey Detector Control Form for the Selected Detector Background Value /2 Y 6 cpm MDcKtatic

/s cpm Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter 0 o 003 (from detector efficiency determination) mcstatic 440~ d~m/ L OW cm2 Is the MDCshtic acceptable?

0 NO (if no, adjust sample count time and recalculate MDCKtatic)



5qk-d e! 9 ~le7-e _C--LC-----. Technician Signature i Pipe Interior Radiological Survey L/ REFERENCE COPY a Package Page 1 of Attachment 3, Page 1 i,

, .*----------

-.--.-.---...---.-.a,-...- - - . - . .- , . - .. .. ..--. . . .. ," & - - Ibc,-~-~~l~.-~~

--- . . -~~--BSI/LVSPip'eCCraw1ererO02

..:.I-: '"r. . Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Suxvey Form (Continuation Form)

Date: 9@2--9 bht ;I Pipe ID#: %~43 16% 3 1' ipe Diameter: Access Point Area: Hp- 2( Building:

Rue Elevation:

.- 127 System: -/5&d~B /a r +c g-3-4 REFERENCE COPY 0 Package Page 2 of 3 .. ...' ... - , Attachment 3, Page 2

- - . . .. ..-,-.. L .d.i..rl.-

.. . - l\l.. . . . .me, ,..i.v,.-rrX.;c.

... lrr...- ... . ....+. ,.. ...-.., : ,. .----A--BSIILVSPipeCrawler-002 . . , Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Date: 3,*/& 10 c% Time: /3 15 pipe ID#: ,/?GL& 19 2- Pipe Diameter:

4 .*, Access Point Area: --is ja~s 32~;,~ , Bidding: RDLB Elevation: - 1s System: fl xdL-/3 fb. Type of Survey Investigation Characterization Final Survey )( Other J Gross C06O ,--' Cs Detector ID# 1 Sled ID# - 1 J? 3 / /o/ Detector Cal Date: ' &c - Q 6 Detector Cal Due Date:

6 - fl& -~7 Instrument:

2,3.Co - r Instrument ID #-: $034 fg e< Instrument Cal Date: - k Instrument Cal Due ate: ' 17 -- p 0 d - b (, From the Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Fonn for the Selected Detector Background Value cpm 3 cpm MDCKtatic Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter 0. o oo z (fiom detector efficiency determination)

MDCstatic . 4044 . dpnnj LO* CITS~ . Is the MDCSktiC acceptable?

a NO (if no, adjust sample count time and recalculate MDCKutic)

Comments: , .tnect/ Pipe Interior Radiological Survey I Package Page 1 of Ci/ Attachment 3, Page 1

.. L. d .,.,.... ., .< .. .., ., :.., .... . .". .'-....l..

  • ., . . . . ... \ "T..: -.. ... r.; .., ; . ... -. .-:- -.:',.-rrrv~.., .. ..... -.. .I .. . . -- ... r.<:,-- .- .. . -::. ... - i:. . -- BSIlLVSPipeCrawler-002 Revision 4 .:.;* Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form (Continuation Form) J;iL #06 . . Date: Pipe ID#: pipe Diameter:

4" + Access Point ,Area: "IS ROLO k&;J ( Building:

F OLE Elevation: - /3- System: -EL- D&&-& l!lL# @.FRVICiF@

INC. Package Page

& of Attachment 3, Page 2

\. c ' :-.: ..,.,...,,...,.,.

........ ., . . . ,, . . ... : . ,.-, -... ..-; .,--. ....,....,, ---.,,..-.8.. . ,......-,. - ..:............ . .. ... ... -:.'....r-...BSI/LVSPipeCrawler-002

-.. Revision 4 Pipe Ihterior Radiological Survey Form (Continuation Form) - . . Date: 3 ,/& -* 0 6 Pipe ID#: Pipe Diameter:.

q.1' -4'- Access Point Area: --/>-Po LS Da;j Building:

'FdL3 Elevation: - /5 System: Xo cts -f;c,-yk*C-;.~l Package Page of .Attachment-3, Page 2

. L -J ...,*..n*."".r..,~.*rrr

.-?,, , < - .ir-- rr*,.--i.-7*-M1;.
. . :. ,.*. .'..., "&.., .>-. .L&u.".. ., ....., -.-U.r;,^ry(MI.

?", ,.L..,u~,.-.,..r

<. . .. ." *(rCI--.u~T,,T...-,_.,.., ,... BSVLVSPipeCrawler-002 . . Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Date: '~cJ!~c 6'6 Time: / Rm r / bc.& ~jpy Pipe ID#: fa 2 Pipe Diameter: ,f/ I Access Point Area: "6 Jdfl~ Building:

20 L& Elevation:

//5- System: zdq, - /S fG. ad+;, Type of Survey Investigation Characterization Final Survey

?( Other Gross C06O 4' Cs Detector ID# / Sled ID# 4q- IJ-'7 /d3~3b9 1 r ?/ Detector Cal Date: @+flqnrB6 ( Detector Cal Due Date:

& -me- '7 Instrument:

3 3 j-B Instrument ID #: 2d3Wf Instrument Cal Date: 1.7- - 65 InstrurnentCalDueDate:


From the Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form for the Selected Detector Background Value id ~4 cpm MDCRstatic 3 cpm Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter 6 . V 00 Z (from detector efficiency determination)

MDCstatic 404 'i d~d 1 O* cm2 Is the MDCshtic acceptable?

@ NO (if no, adjust sample count time and recalculate SkE- M&p Technician Signature Pipe Interior Radiological Survey age Page 1 of2 tachment 3,-Page 1

- . . . ,, . . , , . . . ,... . . .,... . . .,.. . . ,. , . . . . . .. *,, . . .... .i.l.i..l. - ,. .... =_..., BSWSPipeCrawler-002 Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form (Continuation' Form) Date: 3 06 / / ;2)cQ? cd 85 20 tC5 I Pipe Diameter: " Access Point Area: - i.5- I uidP Pipe Elevation:

Building: -IT System: zs.-# -/s &c.. -

-.- -.---.--A,.-

.- . .*----...-..

p- - ..... . *z+:-,. --.., . -.. , .-.. "-. , .,, . . ...-,.-,,, ....,,-..

,,.w~ -.~,:-n*s.rP-~..-,.r

.... w.:6 ...... r;... ..i.l--.-~~.*ll . :. .. .. . .. : . ,... .i-rr. ~SmvSPi~~Cf~~l~~-002

.. . .' Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form Date: 2. 1-06 Time: /02.0 Pipe ID#: d L 0 2 Pipe Diameter:

f ( Access Point Area:

Ns -. i o Building: ,Q~ 0 (-,a Elevation: - / 1- System: )- FL DIQA~~ Type of Survey Investigation characterization Final Suivey 7- Other J" Gross Co60 I/'. cs Detector ID# / Sled ID# 1 1/5-/ Detector Cal Date: /? 03- Detector Cal Due Date: I'L-LC? '06 Instrument:

2.3m . - . f Instrument ID .#: /03Yd& Instrument Cal Date: / - i 7 .-0 4' , InstnunentCalDueDate:

/I-( 7-86 From the Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Fom for the Selected Detector Background Value

-8 cpm rnC&htiC /8= cj cpm Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter Q . o o o 5 2 (fiom detector efficiency determination)

MDCstatic 1657 ' dpml 1m cm2 Is the MDCsbtic acceptable?

@ No (if no, adjust sample count time and recalculate hlDC%ticj Comments: , f dJv:ffpttfi'l~~

J J d/~ t/ ic/ / Techcian Signature Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Package Page 1 of 3 REFERENCECOPY Attachment 3; Page 1

,..-,,- . -..-....-.-._.-.......,.--.-.-..

kr . . . . . . -- . "-.-...?~--'-%-~-'~ . .". .- ... --.~-~ . . -,--v.;w BSI/LVSPipeCrawler-O02 - .L.-.: ' ,: Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form (Continuation Form) . Date: ,3-2 /- 06 Pipe ID#: ( fi r Pipe Diameter:

Y l' Access Point Area: HS - 1 0 Building:

kfi Elevation:

System: -IT .FL. J~R,AJ-C kage Page & of . . .. ,-. Attachment 3, Page 2 Y @soe J- 3 ut?

L , . ..*.> ~. .,. ... .., a,,,-.. . .r.--. . .. .>.. . ,.. , . -. ~svr;vsp$~era+1~~-do2

.-<. . . . . Revision 4 Pipe Interior ~adiolo~ical Survey Form Date: 3 ,&/, &,/j . The: // 3 Pipe ID#: zd & /8 Pipe Diameter:

f Access Point Area:

,&@c.j3. g,+25 Building:

za c/g Elevation:

>/f System: -A4 3~' 'd Type of Survey Investigation Characterization Final survey Other ,J Gross C06O 4 Cs Detector ID# 1 Sled ID# /z3r~ri41 . ./Dl Detector Cal Date: k CMW-LJ jo Detector Cd Due Date: ,& ,pYtA'R- 0 7 Instrument: ,pJCO -1 Instrument ID #: 903r/ f'y Instrument Cal Date: 17-pod- 0 ,< InstrumentCalDueDate:

/7rF0u -d L From the Daily'Pipe Survey Detector Control Form for the Selected Detector Background Value 2 6 cpm lfi cpm- MDCRstatic Efficiency Factor for Pipe Diameter 6 . QOQ 1 (fiom detector efficiency determination)

MDCstatic 4 0.49 d~d no cm2 Is the MDCSktic acceptable?

@ , N: (if no, adjust sample count time and recalculate MDCl&ic) Comments:


s~vrc/ I Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Package Page 1 of 2 .Attachment 3, Page 1

. - --. .- . .-. . . . Y-- . .:. , . - ., , . . , . . ... . . . . - -. . - . ...-. ym, . I~.rur-r~~~w.~~-.w~~

~BS~VSPiPeCraWleferO02 ZSY Revision 4 Pipe Interior ~adiolo~ieal Survey Form (Continuation Form) ate: 3 : // Access Point Area: ' Dh,.+:#% Package Page 2 of A Attachment 3, Page 2 Mu. U". I...,

\ -' - ,. . ;,,;-,w,x,..-o>..-.- . -.: -.wn*-,u *;- ,l.l, .--.,.$",.----m~&k.


..... **. .~,~r..'..L...'.-;:f--..- - BSULVSPipeCrawler-002

.:. Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Form

3. L3 Time: /,&yo Pipe ID#: 3~ - Access Point Area: '/I d5- 7 Building:

To vB Elevation:

-/ 5- System: ';i7d~n f~ .. &,4-,Cd Type of Survey Investigation Characterization Final Survey 7( Other J Gross C06O Cs 'Detector ID# 1 Sled ID# 44- IS? /,?3~3'& 4 1 .. /Df Detector.

Cal Date: 4- r/l~L- oCb Detector Cal Due Date:

&v.fle -07 Instrument:

23S0, / Instrument ID #: >3$FY Instrument Cal Date: . / 7 /~24 - dJ Instrument Cal Due Date: 17 - ,dud From the Daily Pipe Survey Detector Control Form for the Selected Detector . . .Background Value

/A? cpm tic /J cpm Efficiency Factor for

~iie Diameter , e, . oo0 Z (from detector efficiency determination) 404 'I MD Cstatic dpml 1u-0 cm2 IS the MDCsbtic acceptable?

@ NO (if no, adjust sample count time &d recalculate MDCLC) - Comments:

2 t.ib~iakJ-sW RJ ~9 I ... . , - Technician signature Pipe Interior ,Radiological Survey V Package Page 1 of Attachment 3, Page 1

- BSYLVSPipeCrawler-002 Revision 4 Pipe Interior Radiological Survey Porm (Continuation Form)

Date: 3- $27~~ b Pipe ID#: 3 c.~ --HS - 9 Pipe Diameter:

q' Access Point Area: -jj- H5 - $ Building:

K&tG Elevation: - (5 System: Rou3 6221 Dk&.u Package Page of & Attachment 3, Page 2


DQA Check Sheet Design # EP ROLB-111 Revision # Original Survey Unit

  1. EP ROLB-111 Preliminary Data Review' Answers to the following questions should be fully documented in the Survey Unit Release Record Yes No N/A 1. Have surveys been petformed in accordance with survey instructions in the Survey Design? X 2. Is the instrumentation MDC for structure static measurements below the DCGLw for Class 1 and 2 survey units, or below 0.5 DCGLw for Class 3 survey units? X 3. Is the instrumentation MDC for ernbeddedlburied piping static measurements below the DCGLw ? X 4. Was the instrumentation MDC for structure scan measurements, soil scan measurements, and embeddedlburied piping scan measurements below the DCGLw, or, if not, was the need for additional X static measurements or soil samples addressed in the survey design? 5. Was the instrumentation MDC for volumetric measurements and smear analysis < 10% DCGLw ? X 6. Were the MDCs and assumptions used to develop them appropriate for the instruments and techniques used to perform the survey3 7. Were the survey methods used to collect data proper for the types of radiation involved and for the media being surveyed?

X 8. Were "Special Methodsm for data collection properly applied for the survey unit under review? X 9. Is the data set comprised of qualified measurement results collected in accordance with the survey design, which accurately reflects the radiological status of the facility?

X Graphical Data Review 1. Has a posting plot been created? X 2. Has a histogram (or other frequency plot) been created? X 3. Have other graphical data tools been created to assist in analyzing the data? X Data Analysis 1. Are all sample measurements below the DCGLw (Class 1 8 2), or 0.5 DCGLw (Class 3)? X 2. Is the mean of the sample data < DCGLw? X 3. If elevated areas have been identified by scans andlor sampling, is the average activity in each elevated area < DCGLEMC (Class I), < DCGLw (Class 2), or ~0.5 DCGLw (Class 3)? X 4. Is the result of the Elevated Measurements Test

< 1.0? X 5. Is the result of the statistical test (S+ for Sign Test or Wr for WRS Test) 2 the critical value? X Comments: